HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-07, Page 4FOUR
WALTON, Kr. Robert 'Patkerson's new steel
<'a dance he Welton on Frfday; Jennebarn.
Workman's Hall Wale by, Mr. and 'Mrs. Mcllaoberu and Wine
Redmond's five piece orchestra, Sax- stop and 'Gerald, of 'near Ethel, spent
eutp'itone player from London. Lunch Sunday with Walton friends,
Tezved Ladies free. Mrs. Robert Me1'a'ggertdied at her
Miss Mary McDonald, of .Detroit, 'home on the 15th concession of GM
'rime returned home, • at 9 °ado& Seaday eveninta, attn. an
Mr., Morrison and Mr,a
s. ,Morrison, illness of ten) ycarss the result of
'Portent), spent the week-endwivh eensplieations 'setting its after 'an 111e.
tri tuts itround Isere. - ness with measles. 1)csetteed was 51
Miss Alice Hoy„ of Toronto, spent years of age, and •her maiden name
':+tae week -end at home, was Rile. Mann, daughter of the late
Mrs. J. Clark spent Sunday in God- Jame Maine and 'Mrs. Meet', of Grey
. rich, townstiil„ She was brought up on
Mrs. Swan and family and Miss the'15th 'concession and 26 years ago
Marys of London. spent Sunday she was married to Mr, Robert Me -
with friends here, Taggart, son of John McTaggart. She
Mr, and Mr . Sohier and Kenneth leaves four sons and one :daughter
event the holiday with r-riends in James, Fergus, Isabel, William an
m'eoe, Allan at home; also four brothers and
Miss C, Harness, of Granton, Is
v siting with her friend, Miss Mary
• Mr, and Mrs. W. Sholdioe spent
Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. H.
?Hoover, Mount Foreat.
Mr. Ritchie Drager, ora Preston, is
xisiting his Mother, Mrs, C. Drager.
• We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
• 1J'ucleic is in the Seaford' Hospital.
isl het• ;meetly illt•r matt • Frirntls w t a
The Lathes' Aid gf Cavan Church
-will hold their monMxly meeting at
She home of Mrs. William McGee -in
en Wednesday.
lvfrs, J. Balfour and Effie are spend -
leg the week -end with her daughter,
1lers ale Fawcett, of London.
The Ladies' Aid of Bethel are hold.
ng the June meeting at the home of
Mfrs, A. Munn,
'Wedding bells are ringing on the
two sisters; Alex, Mann, on the home-
stead, Mrs. Alex. McTaggart (Mary);
Mrs. Mle'1'avislt (Maggie) in the West,
George, -William and James in the
West. One sister, 'Bessie, Prede-
eeasel her,
Mr. and. Mrs. J. Ryan and family,
of London. called on old friends in.
the vintage on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Cttdhnore spent Sun-
day with Mre and Mts. I', B: Gardiner.
Mr, J, Fingland, Londesboro, visit-
ed with his son, Mr. C. Fingland, on
Sunday afternoon.
There was a large crowd at .the
Young People's meeting in Duff's
Church an Sunday evening to hear the
splendid address given by Miss Mc-
Gowan of Blyth, on her travels to .the
Holy Land.
The Guild of St. George's Church
met at Mrs. John Bolger's on Wed-
:lth eoncessitn. Mfrs. 3, H.ticlttey, Seaforth, called
S'fr. Charles Smith, of Stratford. en friends in the village on Sunday.
eietited at Mr. 'John Balfour'e„on Mr. George Dickson, is still eon-
;i\"et !eel y *fined to the house, but hie many
Mee, John Mills entertained 'the friends hope to see an improvement in
thole of the United Church, Blyth, health before long.
:.st Friday evening Rev. Mr.• Maines attended Confer-
. Miss Agnes 'Nesbitt, of Listowel, once this week.
—spent a few days with her grand- Mrs. W. Woods and Mrs. J. Short-
• esother, Mee. Kenney, last week, reed visited in Seaforth on Saturday:
Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Humphries, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson
•tiVindsor, were here for the week -end, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W.eAnder-
attending the funeral of the former's son an Sunday.
-iece, Teen Humphries. Miss Rcta Campbell spent a few
Mabel Machan, who has been under darn with her cousin, Mrs. W. Hum-
• be docttlr's,•sare, is on the mend. phries.
Young Life Passes:—Deepest syn- Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor and Miss
•eathv is extended to Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyons, Winghaut, visited with Mr.
Humphries in the death of -their land Mrs. J. \i,r'att on Sunday.
1'aaby daughter. Jean Margaret, who One of our nearby farmers sports a
Sassed away on Friday. June 1st. black eye these days. Jim was "too
aged one year and thirty days, from many" for you, Tom.
'aroncltial pneumonia. There are left Mr. and Mrs. Badley spent Sunday
cherish the memory of this bright in Goderich.
-seeing life, the parents and one sister •Mr. and Mrs. C. Sellers visited
st,d tine brother, Mary and. Stewart. friends in. Morris on Sunday.
The funeral took place on Monday Our teachers in the public school
afternoon, June 411t, to 'Brussels cern- are re-engaged for nett year. This
,-tery, Rev. Isle, Lewin of the Anglf- speaks well an their behalf as the
-an 'Church, conducting the service. principal has served three years and
the pallbearers were her four uncles, the junior teacher will begin her
E.eslia, Samuel, Earl and Leonard ninth year.
2tatton and there were six little flower
girls, .Marie Coutts, Isabel Coutts, DUBLIN.
'Mary Buchanan, Anna Ennis, Lena Mr, James Delaney spent the week -
Drager, Jean Badley. end at his sister's home, -Mrs. John
Mr, Yining and son Ivan, of Port Gallagher, in Strathroy.
Bicron, spent the week -end with Mr. IA number of McKillop men are
.anti Mrs. Joseph Campbell, helping to put up the new garage.
Mrs. Margaret Scott, of Iiderton, 'Father Healy, of London, will give
•apent over'Sttnday at the home of her the Forty Hours' Devotion in Dublin,
'brother, Mr. W. J. Shortreed, commencing Friday.
Mr. Rapien, McKillop, has the con- We are sorry to hear that Miss
Bract for building 'the foundation for Ruth O'Reilly is on the sick list.
Miss Anint Delaney spout the week-
end with Wee Catherine Coughlin, of
Mr. Nocturne Dillon ttas completed
the contract on the town nine.
"First Communion” will take piaee
next Sunday wvith a large class of first
Mr, Herb, Weston, of Galt, visited
Mr. and Mrs, Gar, Sc,tith during the
week -end.
Miss Rite O'Rourke and •Miss Mar-
garet l\illhttns spent last week -end in
Mrs. Caribert, of Seaforth, visited
her daughter during the week -end.
Tile sheds of St. Mary's Church are
finished and are up-to-date, all closed
int and made five feet wider so you can
tura around inside with a horse, Mr.
John Diegel had the contract and he
has made a good job,
,\Ve are pleased to report that little
Tom, Flanagan is improving,
Mr, and Mrs, D. McConnell were in
Loudon this week.'
Miss.Rice spent the week -end at her
hoots in Fullerton,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Gordon were
guests of her sister, Mrs. Alex. Dart-
fug, on Sunday. .
• Mr, James Jordan, of Detroit, spent
the week -end with Mr, James Jordgn.
Mr. John Kipping and family have
moved into' Mr. W. J. Cleary's resid-
ence on Mill Street.
Mr, John McGreth_shipped a car -
lead of horses on Tuesday.
Mr, P. F, Beun is sporting a Ford
Miss Flora Hills, of Toronto, Is
spending holidays with her parents
Dr, Louis Prendergast, Miss Ella
Prendergast, Mrs. N. O'Hanley and
Mr. Jas. O1Hanley of Chicago, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. James Shea during
the past week,
Mr. Jas. Klinkhammer has returned
t� Detroit.
Miss- Vera Michell, of Toronto,
gent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Krauskopf over the week -end.
Mr. Thomas Butters hada iniracul-
tr, escape from instant death last
week when his clothing became en-
tangled in some Wafting at Mr, Tyer's
creamery. Mr. Butters' clothing was
torn to shreds and he escaped with
some bad braises and a nasty cut on
his head. He has resumed work
again, as this is the rush season far
cream, and Mr. Tyers is running full
time and could not replace Mr- But-
Mr. Jos. Dill is spending holidays in
Miss Margaret McConnell is visit-
ing in Detroit.
'We are sorry to hear Mr. G. K.
Holland is not recovering from his se-
vere illness. 'We hope to see him a-
round soon again.
Mr. Patrick O"Rourke has installed
a beautiful encased radio set, which
was sold by a Toronto firm.
Mrs. Henry Richmond
a while with her sister,
Cameron, Goderich.
The McLean Mission Band meeting
will be held Saturday of this week,
June 9, at 3 o'clock in the basement or
St. Andrew's United Church. Mem-
bers answer roll call by the sixth and
seventh verses of the fifteenth chap-
ter of. St. John.
rs. A. D.
Lowe Brothers Neptuni 'err are i:c7i.e.al
for either exterior or interior use.
They hare the distinction of being rhe oar
varnishes that have suozwel J wit-het/cm, the
heat from a Hot Iron on their surface. They wiM
not turn white, crack under the hammer test or
show heel marks. Ice and snow or rain have no
effect on them.
They produce a remarkably beautiful finish
they wear longer and cost less than most good
Varnish -Stain
Is a high grade varnish stain. It
varnishes and stains in one easy operation.
The stain colors are non -fad-
ing. Neptunite Varnish Stain
has splendid wearing qualities
and gives a fine mirror-like
gloss. Easy: to use. Dries
quick—has a surface like
glass that is free from sticki-
ness and dusts off easily.
Flat Wall Paint
For interior decoration; it is a liquid
paint, ready for use. Meliotone combines
the delicacy of a water paint with all the
durable elements of a lead and
oil paint.
It is very economical and
easy to apply. It can be wash-
ed with soap and water: is
color fast and covers 900
square feet to the gallon.
House Paint
Lowe Brothers '`High Standard" Liquid
Paint covers fully half as much more than
a so-called cheap paint. More than this,
"High Standard" is so easy to apply and
lasts so long that it is conceded by hun-
dreds of users to bee the most economical
paint per square foot
It comes in a splendid
range of beautiful colors
and produces a high gloss
finish that wears off
t•ventt, leaving the sure
face in splendid condition
for repainting. Try it
when next you paint.
Auto -Gloss
There is no mod to drive a shabby car
when any amateur can refinish his car in
a few hours with Lowe Brothers Auto -
Auto -Gloss produces a finish of remark-
able beauty and depth. It flows out evenly
and leaves no brush marks
ter overlappings. It is
permanent and impervious
to the weather.
We will be very glad to
supply you with literature
telling yon how to re-
store the finish to your
ear. You will be sur-
prised to learn how easy
it is.
Geo. A. Sills and Sons =
'Mr. James H, Rielemutid, who was
in attendance at the Conference of
the United Chttrelf 'fn IWalkerville,
hes returned
Misses Jean anti Effie Laidlaw, who
have been ill tate past week, are able to
be oiro.und,
Miss Ruth Yeo left on Friday for
London where she will spend a few
weeks; with relatives,
The -choir of Qdeen Street United
Ctttirch, Blyth, passed a happy evee-
Ing at Ilis 1101155 of Mr, and Mrs, Jahn
Kills, Hallett; on Friday.
Mr, and Mrs, N. Garry and the lat-
ter's -mouser, Mft's. Stewart, of Brus-
sels, were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, John Yco, Sunday after-
Mrs, Murray Cole, of Toronto, is
visiting her parents, Dr, and Mrs.
Miln e.
Mrs. Hardin)', of Galt, and Mr, and
Mrs, Wright and son, of Kincardine,
visited Mrs, T. Woodcock and Miss
Josephine Woodcock,
Mrs, R. H. Barnby and Miss Rwth
Barnby attended the funeral of Reiv,
Dr. Barnby"s uncle, the late John
Barnby, in Ashfield, aged 147 years.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M, McKay and
Misses s Olrve D
oG l and Alice
visited Mr, McKay's brother
and sister, Mr. Thomas McKay and
Miss Alma McKay, at Shelburne, this
Burned Mortgage.—A unique con-
-eon was held on Monday night, June
4th, under the auspices of the Wo-
men's Institute and Sewing Circle and
the Memorial Hall committee, Rev.
W. B, Hawkins was chairman and
outlined the history of the hall and
the great boon it has been to' the
community, Following an interesting
program of musical numbers, Mr,
Peter Gardiner gave a resume of ,the
financial affairs of the hall since it
was built in 1920, ending with paying
off the last of the $5,000 mortgage onMarch 1st of this year. Mr. Gardiner
then burned the mrotgage in en rim-
pressive Chinese incense bowl donat-
ed by Mrs, Wilford. Congratulatory
addresses were made by Inspector
Tont of Goderich and Mr,'C. A. Rob-
ertson, M. L. A. of North. Huron, The
evening's pleasure was enhanced by
the music of the boys' orchestra,
whose members were: Edwin Bender,
Jack and Barrie i,fcElroy, Howard
Leslie and Gordon Lyon.,
Y. P. S. took the service in Queen
Street United Church Sunday night.
Addresses were given by Miss R. M.
\Worsen and Mr. W. C, Bisbee. Mrs.
Murray Cole, of Toronto, sang a
pleasing solo.
Rev, William Phelan, who was or-
dained in London on Saturday, cele-
brated his first mass at St, Michael's
Church, Blyth, assist& by Rev. Fr,
Goetz of Seaforth, Rev. Fr. Popett of
St. Augustine, Rev. Fr. Lina of Lon-
don and the pastor, Rev. Fr. Gaffney,
Rev. Fr. Goetz, of Seaforth, .preached
a very impressive sermon to a very
large congregation. At the close of
the service, _Mr. Leo Kelly read an
address and Mr, Earl Healy presented
him with a purse containing over $200.
Rev. Fr. Phelan replied in a very
feeling manner. A reception was held
at his parental home of Mrs, Mary
Phelan and Mr. and Mrs. James
Fhela.n, Those in attendance from a
distance were Dr. and Mrs. Ryan, of
Saginaw. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phel-
an and Louis Phelan of Saginaw;
Mrs, D. J. McCassy and daughter of
ie Mss Margaret and
K a eeC'-' 'c' a'd Mfr C:ear . of Sea -
esti. -. eel Mr . Wielleaee Cleary,
~sn 3t na \f Joan
MsseH L ' M :he assessment roll and the fol -
zee Mr . O'Reilly 3 ea 5:na appeals were disposed of:
zd ,
lend Mrs. _ au „ M_ n Hodson regarding assessment,
-, Mr. and Mrs. T. "=_n,:: _ :-_>-. -dismissed; William iHaydon,
Lot Els 14, Con. 6, assessed
--_1e:tick Hayden, granted. The
: aljeemrsed till June 13th at 1
Oedees amounting to $508. -
ea 1,n the Treasurer, By-
_-rizing the building
szleattleeese zn U.S.S. No.
sea nes read and
eetl a n.d debentures
, ,e next meeting
P .,ca Feeney was
Need Inspector.
te meet again
et 1 o'clock.
e.z . C'eek.
'Rev. and Mrs, Costner are spending
a couple of weeks in Walkervtille, Mr.
'Conner is attending Conference,
Kiss Elizabeth MacGregor, of Lone.
don, spent the •week -end with Mrs,
'Thomas Daynnin,
• Mr. Arthur Patterson, of Torques),
visited with his cousin, Harry Nor-
ris, over the week -end. •
Mr, and Mr's, David Leitch, of Bay-
field, and Mr. and Mrs, William
Leitch and children, of Goderie'li, vis-
ited at Mr, John McNaugh•tott''s on.
Sunday last
Once again the Kippen beef ring
has ,started; Messrs. Dayman Bros.
put in the first beef, having purchase
ed it from Me. John Harris.
Mr, John Warner and leis sister,
Miss Ethel of London, and also their
sister front Detroit, visited at Thomas
Dayman's on Sunday last,
Mr, Harry Norris and cousin, Mr.
Patterson, motored to London on
Sunday evening last.
Engagement,.—Mr. and Mrs, Thom-
as F,' Dexter, Toronto, announce the
engagement of their younger daughs
ter, Marjorie Victoria, to Dr. James
Thomas Jarrott of Ailsa Craig, son of
Mr. and Mrs. .h Jarrott, pf K•ip'pen,
the marriage to take place :quiet'ly"tlte
latter part of June,
,Mrs. Roy Consitt and son Jack, Mrs.
Warren S•ohilbe and Mr. McLean and
Mr. Forsythe took the Greyhound trip
this week,
Mr, Michael Williams of Hibbert
took in the Greyhound excursion to
Detroit ,this week,
Mr. Thomas Melody, Separate
School inspeetor for Windsor district,
accompa:uied by Mrs, Melady and
their two children, spent Monday
night at the home of their uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Melady,
Mrs. William Nigh, Tuckersmith,
and cher daughter, Mrs, John Walsh
of McKitlop, were visitors in Mitchell.
'on Monday last.
Mr, Angus Kennedy, who under-
went a successful operation for ap-
pendicitis in the Seaforth hospital
about two weeks ago, returned on
Monday to the home of his parents,.
Reeve R. Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy
of Tuckersmith and is progressing
very favorably.
Mr, and Mrs. August Ducharme of
Hibbert, spent Tuesday evening et .the
home of her parents, Reeve R. Kenne-
dy, Tuckersmft'h,
Mt'. and Mrs, Patrick Williams of
FIibbert, cleave on Friday for Chicago
to spend a few days at the home of his
brother, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wil-
liams of that city.
Mr, Dennis Barry, of Tuckersmith,
spent last Thursday afternoon at the
home of his cousin, Mr, Louis O'-
Reilly, Hibbert.
Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, of Mc-
Killop, spent Sunday evening at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
\Villiant Nigh, Tuckersmith.
Mr. Dan. Shanahan, of Seaforth,
gave Mr, William Strong, of Tucker -
smith, the contract of digging a ditch
on his farm on the 2nd concession of
Reeve R. Kennedy, of Tuckersmith,
gave Messrs. Dan. Dupee and Dan.
Quinton, of Egmondvife, the contract
of digging a ditch an the Town Line
•between the 2nd and 3rd concessions
of Tuckerstnith and Hibbert, and they
have completed the job.
The Council met on May 28th. All
members present. Minutes o'f last
meeting read and adopted. The
tasettncii went into Court of Revision
Mr aeoe
h1:.Ina Mrs, Y
Iw-. a- 11 a. 3 ne
Mee, B:eke and 3 • 3 -ems
Mies Mazy 3 a'ee, Clint
iass Marg :ret Forsythe. —
iLas 34.a:ga:e: 1:11,753-111e.
- the. r_1 nee • 3t -
Ferseetat was a d a :me la -se 1.
• _mete. who owned 5e Pay:a _
mrd ...ee Mills at one three. a u - - _
:he Old won r eg «_..
,Zareela when a young girl e
.ei by two -i:ters Mies Agnes :-
and Mrs. Henderson, and an
aScn:ed brother. Mr. Albert Rob:'--
• living at home and a beether.
M James Forsythe, Ottawa. The which was held on Tn _5ay
afternoon at 2 p.m. from her late e
sidenee, was conducted by Rev. Ge
Weir, assisted by Rev. T. \V. Gozet
will. Interment was made in lamon
cemetery. Many floral tributes lege •
testimony of the esteem of friends and
neighbors. The pallbearers were
Robert Shoetreed. Peter Gardiner.
Robert Powell, James Dodds, Pete
McArthur and James Sims.
D. D. G. M. Bamford. of Listowel,
and orchestra, paid a visit t:• Blyth
\Ia chic Lodge,
Miss Bertha Brogden. of Loudon, is
visiting her sister. Mrs. Dave Flaody
and Mrs. \Wilt. Lyon.
•Friends of Miss Belle Coak, of
Westfield, sister of Mrs. Isaac Snell.
are sorry to hear her condition is still
very low. Miss Cook has been for
eight weeks.
ale. James Boyce's ditching mach-
ine i., working at Mr. Cooper':, Lon-
iten Road, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Durham and family
and brother, Bert, of Harrisburg,
spent the week end at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, B. D. Field,
Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Hubbard, Mr. J,
M. Merlymotit of Detroit, spent the
week end at the homes of Mr. and
Mrs. James McClymont and Mr. and
Mfrs, Robert Dayman.
Mr. George La Trielle, who has
been visiting 'at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Dayman, has returned to
his home in Detroit.
Mfr. William Ivison is recovering
after his illness.
Mr. 'and Mrs, herb. Glazier and
ftmilyeif Stratford spent the week enol
at the home of Mfi'. and Mrs, T. W.
Mr, and Mrs, T, Churchill of Cliin-
ton, visited at the home rtf Mr, and
Mrs. Clifford Watson,
Mr. Gilbert ,J5rrott left on Saturday
to take a position for the summer on
•t boat running between Deeernit oust
Port 1'furon,
arise 3, MrLenn is spending a few
day's with her Siston' in Niagere 11nllc.
Meek Trial en -
eta ale.eater. pee-
s eereer Inessimee and
B - i :he Com-
- - en Fri -day
:ante wilt be
..ards. Tip-top
seel -.0y a geed time.
S: Brawn for the
vteeet a
3Isabel Re:..'. ;pent elle week-
ene w: -h be: friend, 3liss Marjorie
Daskell. at he: hone in yea a -h.
Miss Bertha Hoggart visited her
friends. :he Mf sen Amy and Ena
Peneens Senlay afteritaan.
Messrs. Les. Reid, Bill Knox and
\Ward Knax spent Sunday afternoon
at the home of Harold Tetra:neon.
Misses I -cane' Reid and Marjorie
Bricker, i ited _Reid
Saturday af-
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armstrong
end family. of near Ethel, visited Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. McEwing and family
Stndav afternoon.
Mr. William Leiper is sporting a
spew Chevrolet car.
Mfr. Roberti Watson visited his
friend, Mr. William Rinn, of near Kin -
burn, Sunday.
Mfr, Rnbet't \Vebster, Mrs. Frank
Coleman, Mr. and Mrs, George Cole-
man, of Stanley, also Miss Kate Shep-
pard, of Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs,
A. W. Beacon' aid family Tuesday of
last week.
err John Sheppard and William, of
Clinton visited ate. Wes.. Bencont's
en Sun Clay afternoon.
ate. and M'fi Alex, eleFe ing and
I'felen 11r, and Mfr, David Reid and
T.alcl end Leslie, Me. and Mee, Angus
Reid and Mir. and Mrs. George Watt
tended the funeral of thea relative,
the late ale afeKinley, of Stanley, on
'Thursday Ammer. of hast week,
Mee, George t nlemen of Stanley,
1etursed hosue Sunday atter spending
a few ,lays at the Route of A. W..Bea-
nen with her ludf skier, Miss Trate
\4'ebstee, who Inc enter: time has heels
very poorly, •
Mrs, fisher, of Toronto, is visiting
fr. and Mrs, Tart Allen,
'The Ladies' Aid of horn,,' Church
will bald eheir regular meeting ne
tine is
Personal Gifts
for the
Dinner Ring
La Tausca Pearls
Real Cameo
' Non -Tarnishable
China and
Cut Glass
Gent's' Wrist
$8.50 ap
Pocket Wateh
15 Jewel
$7.50 up
Pocket Knife
$1.00 up
Tie Pins and
Cuff Links
all prices
t tnan
Pen and Pencil Set
for Ladies & Gents
Wrist Watch
$8.50 sup
Signet or
Stone Rings
. $2.50 up
For The
Wrist. Watch
$3.00 up
Pocket Watch
Pen and. Pencil
$1.50 up
Vanity Caseg.
98e up
Waldemar Chain
95c ap
Do not miss this opportunity. Practically all makes and
models offered for your selection, 'including Dodge,
Chevrolet, Pontiac, Chrysler, Essex, Whippett, Maxwell,
Hudson, Fords, Sedans and Coupes. `� Only three days to
get one ofthese bargains.
June 7th, 8th, and 9th
Your present car taken in exchange.
Central Antomart =_ Clinton, Out,
In care of Inkley's Garage.
to all
Millions of dollars damage to Ontario's crops are
caused by weeds, The Weed Control Act seeks
to control this menace.- Municipal councils and
officers have important responsibilities in carrying
out this act. Weeds on highways must be de-
stroyed by the "Road Authority," Weeds else-
where must be destroyed by the owner or occu-
pier of the land. An Inspector shall be appointed.
— by each municipal council to see that these terms
are complied with.
tlostcivic bodies are energetically discharging this obliga'
tion and when action is not being taken, residents should
communicate with the members of their municipal council.
Every precaution is needed to wipe out the weed menace.
Clean seed plus weed destruction at the proper time to
prevent spread of weed seeds will bring your district greater
profits from clean successful crops.
110N. JOHN S. MARTIN, Mlttiater
W. B. ROADHOUSE, Deputy Minister
1'hured ty at Mrs. s ,Peter l ayloi e. Ar-
rangements will be made for the gar-
den party.
eftlict'a Worm ere are a
eke sant medicine dor worm -in fested
children, and theywill .take it'with-
.out ,ihjeetiou. When directions are
followed It will not injure the most:
delicate child, as there is notating of
an injurious nature in its composi-
tion. They will speedily rid a child of
worms and •restore the _health of the
g be-
little sufferers whose vitality hag
come impaired by the attacks of these
internal pests, '