HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-06-07, Page 3Warning'Voiced By Bankers Q,n "Boom" in Stocks. Price Recessions Foreseen but No Panic -New Standards of Value Set Up Certain observers believe business conditions and the tremendous in- crease In money and credit justify present etpck market prices, Othera say the advance is going too far. Prof. Gustav Cassel, international econo- mist, now in the United'States, warned against overapeculation and, too high prices in an interview in The Christian Science Mulattor, and added that it le the duty of the press to cheek specie spells. All this shows that the blood latien by keeping the public intermed. is thin and watery, and at the very To this end the Monitor published first symptom of this condition the the following views of leaders on this patient should take Dr. Williams' subject. Pink Pills, the most reliable blood, Chicago,—•Reasons for caution are builder and nerve tonic known, The seen in the etock market boom by sole mission of this medicine is to Chicago banking authorities. Reces- enrich the blood and when that is ���'' Bion of eecuritie5 prices is' anticipated. done all the distressing symptoms .Yt When the tide runs out, however, new disappear. Among those who have standards of investment will be re- reason to praise this medicine is Mrs. • ',sealed as established, it is expected. M. 11 Patterson, Shanklin, N.B., who Davod R, roman' of the National says:—"About four years ago I be- dank of the Republic, one of Chicago's ,Dame very much run down, I could leading bankers, said: "Conservative not eat, sleep nor rest, and I grew so bankers are of course inclined. to think nervous that the smallest things that speculation has gone too far, but would annoy me. Eventually 1 grew the whole country is in it, and it will so weak that 1 did not have strength take something more than an Increase to move about without help. I was of bank rates to stop it. just a miserable wreck, and became "My observation in the past has very much discouraged as I had tried been that when the public takes the many medicines which failed to help bit in its teeth, so to speak, you Win- me, In this wretched state a friend not stop the runaway until something urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink disastrous happens. Pills. I did so and before long found Stock Market Panics they were helping me. Gladly I con The kangaroos with rumble seats, "In the past all stock market booms- tinned taking the pills until I fully were followed by stock market pantos regained my health and strength and JUST THREE THINGS 5 have since continued in the best of If 1 1 tothe grind stone SAME SYMPTOMS IN MANY, CASES .A.n Anaemic Condition Easily Recognized — Calls for a Blood Builder. In most cases of anaemia the symp toms are almost the same.. The out- ferer grows pale mad ie easily tired after the least exertion, The ,appe tike is fickle and the patient loses in weight, Sometimes there are head aches, and often inability to sleep well. As the blood becomes thinner the symptoms become more pro- nounced and often there are fainting g.. Provide Courses in Religious Education Unted Church Board Would Supply Alternative for 'Mass Evangelism" The board of religious education oi' the United church announces eve new graded courses of study, thereby pro- viding' assistance tor any ministers who refuse to turn aside from religious eduoatten as a method of evangelism. At a recently Presbytery meeting pomp Toronto ministers, unwilling to commend the bringing of Gipsy Smith to this city, declared that the day of macs meetings for evangelistic pur- Air poses 1s Dast., Express. Inaugurated Several of these courses are now Before the propeller stops whirling tbe Canadian Paciee Express truck ready, it is stated at board offices, is on its way to the city with parcels for -delivery. A new air route gives and the others are in process of pre- bi-weekly express service in each direction between Toronto, Ottawa, Mont- paration. It is claimed that these real and. the steamship off Rimouski. Two days is gained ever regular ex studies, while having a definitely press schedules, western consignments being transferred. to the Vancouver evangelistic aim, will fit into every Express at Toronto normal activity of the church. The study courses will also oorre .late, it is stated, with the. plans made Side Light on China for he next two years by the board of evangelism and social service. OWL FFS O.W.L. (6H WiTH LAUGHTER) IN ANIMAL LAND A balky mule has four-wheel brakes, A billygoat has bumpers. The firefly is a bright spotlight, tsin, are four former presidents of- Tablets in the Home. Rabbits are puddle jumpers. China, 169 high military and political A simple and sato remedy for the Camels have balloon -tired Poet, officials, and one ex -Emperor. !common ills of babyhood and child- hood And Derry spares of what they eat; The "Boy Emperor," now no longer hood should be kept in every home But still think that nothing beats a youth but a married man, well along inhere there is either a baby dr e in his twenties, has resided in the a Japanese concession of Tientsin ever young child, Often it is necessary to i thei d near! four years give Ike little one`s something to since "Boy Emperor" Watches € ;�3� Movies as Others Strug- GM CO FWE CE gle for Power TO YOUNG MOTHERS Peking.—Among those who have caused all China to•shiver in the past, and who are now • preserving them. selves in the cool Confines of Tian- whenAlways the prices of stocks went just as tar below a proper level as they had been above it during the boom, This was due chiefly to the money panic which always followed a great specu- lating movement. "The days of money panics, how- ever, ow ever, are over, thanks to the Federal Reserve System, and while we all ex- pect to see heavy recessions in the prices of some of the high-priced stocks, I do not think that the panicky conditions need necessarily follow. "We are now a great creditor na- tion, the richest in the world, with the best banking system in the world, and it is quite possible that. we must now consider a smaller return on invest- ments than 'we have hitherto looked for. Tills is also an element militat- ing against panicky conditions in the. stock market. In a word my thought is that we must.expect recessions some time, but no panic:" Harry A. Wheeler, president of the Union Trust Company, first president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, and one of Chicago's "The overwhelming public partici- outstanding business men, said: pation in the security market consti- tutes both an element of danger and of safety. Of danger because a liqui- dation of this interest may some day be made, and when made will involve loss of paper profits that will have its tendency to curtail the consuming power of our products for at least a time. "Of safety, because the losses in- cident to liquidation are borne by the hundreds of thousands of widely, scattered individuals and would be less disastrous than the liquidation of a professional market where the . losses would be concentrated with resulting failures and the market find no outlet except through other profes- sional sources inclined to purchase only because stocks would be known to be cheap. "Standard stocks in many in- stances seem to be priced above their true value, but the market price of securities as a whole does not reflect the same condition. "It would require more than ordin- ary courage to assert that the market leaders, standard ethers, are In .real- ity overpriced. It is probable that • recessions will come and perhaps in the course of time some drastic liqui- dation of the public interest in the market will result. "We are all under the necessity of recognizing that a new standard of• values is being set up at this time, backed by remarkable trade develop- ment in the flak] of domestic and for- eign commerce alike, and the ultimate adjustment . of values following a liquidation will undoubtedly justify in large measure. even the high prices of to -day. "Public wealth le very great, and the surpluses arising from earnings of exQess capital owned by individuals and corporate interests involve a new standard of return which will ulti- mately be found to be responsible for much of tbe advance in tbe securities market." A furniture van drove up to a new • eiiburb, The driver pulled t1 to ask the way to No. 115, So-and.So Street. Nobody could answer the question un- til the driver eamo to a bricklayer's laborer at work, when he repeated query, adding that he had a' van -load of furniture to deliver at 115. - The laborer scratched Ms heed, then his eye brightened. "Leek here, mate," he Bald, "seems to me you're a bit early like, What about coming round again in three days' thee? We haven't started Ilio fourrclattnnl yet." Pat (Soho has accidentally dropped a brick on the head of his mate): "I dlon't. know what yet, shouting abaht. 11 can'! ave 'int as much as that. Why, it waiin't on ver 'end 'arf a et:coitd l'' health. Later my daughter became anaemic and six boxes of the pills re- stored her to health, strength and color. Naturally, I consider Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a blessing to weak, run-down people." pillsthroe h an. You can get these y g dealer in medicine, or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine ie., Brockville, Ont. Wife (to returning husband at sea- side resort):"Oh, darling, I'm so glad you've come. Wrs heard that some idiot had fallen over the cliff, and I felt sure it was you!" Little Marjorie returned from her first day at school looking rather gloomy and disillusioned. "How did you like school; dear?" asked her mother, brightly,' "Not very much," returned Marjorie. "'Cause when I went in the teacher said, 'You may sit here for the present,' and I sat there all day, and there wasn't any present" The British custom of serv- ing 4 -o'clock tea in business offices is fast "taking on" in Canada. Many Cana- dian, as well as British - born, executives now order Red Rose Tea for their office staffs, because it is the same quality as the finest English teas. Sold by all grocers, in bright, clean aluminum. 16EW The Orange Pekoe is something extra --a special tea In clean, bright Aluminum Stooping,a Fishless District I Classified Advertisements According to all available reports moving,. arm swoaeon. and information no species of trout' has been found in the waters of soouth-1 ern Saskatchewan. Beginning in 19241 the Dominion Dept. of Marine and Fisheries planted brown and Loch Leven trout fry in several streams in the Cypress Hills district and closed' these streams to fishing. Up to the present the fish have done very well. They have survived three winters';' some reproduced last autumn in their third year; and specimens have began caught nearly a pound in weight and over a foot in length. While it is too soon to form an opinion regarding the final outcome of this introduction, the evidence to date is causing much local interest and enthusiasm, as the pros- peet of angling in a district that hes hitherto been devoid of seely sport is viewed with pleasure. Mlnard'e Lit,iment,for resect bites. Politics and the Law �_y'1LL Tm 1IQV15lt .PION01B1t DlS ,1. T.A.NQT1 moverw cC Ysttrada,-Largest. speedy padded vane, New Aquipnrsnt, latest methods,. Twp experienced men every trip, .All loads !neared, ' Beyond compare for. skill and care. Before you move, write ds er wire aril reverse .the eharses, Head orfles iiam!lton, OntariO, Canada, Hiiil the Mover, ep sa a, y break uo a cold, allay fever, correct your nose s close ago, whop he was den Cn out at his 1 sour stomach and banish the irrita- bility talgof Harry yWFor'1Sinclair manyaofuus rough, golden -tiled Forbidden City. Peng bility that accompanies the cutting of And you hold it down there long Yu -lashing, the "Christian General,"begin to do some hard thinking about enough, k i In time you'll say there's no such thing As brooks that babble and -birds that ' sing; These three things will Your world compose Just you, the stone and your darned old nose. Blow Much -Water Should Baby Get? t. Famous Authority's Rule Sy Ruth Some men thinly it's smart to write such a poor hand that nobody -can read it, but it isn't. Waiter: "Will you have some des- ert, sir?" Diner; "Is it essential?" Waiter "No, sir, it's rico pudding." ordered his expulsion at that time, lest his presence in the capital: might be a constant invitation for a mon- archist uprising. So Henry Pu Yi and a number -of his loyal Manchus dwell in an alien concession, amusing them- selves through the long days as best they may by holding miniature court- and ourt and watching motion picture exhibi- tions.. The successors in authority to the "Boy Emperor," now his neighbors in exile, are former Presidents Li Yuan - hung, Hsu SRrih-chang, Tato Kun and former chief executive Teen Chi-jni. Young Neil was about to enter his house carrying a dead mouse by the tail when his neighbor caught sight of him. "What are you going to do with that mouse, son?" asked the neighbor, "I'm going to take this in to mother and she will give me a dime to take it out," answered the boy. "One of my girls recites so well I really believe we Should give her a course in electrocution." Most anyone 'can attempt to say something smart—but all do not suc- ceed. "You're a lucky dog, Binge," said the fellow in the next chair, "They tell me you're making three times as much money as you did last year." "Yeah," Binge replied wearily, "but my women folks found it out." Great inventions are often the simplest: The architect took the door off a clothes closet and called it a breakfast nook. Ann: "Do you have a dictating ma- chine in your office?" Betty: "Yes, darn -'him!" , A man must have both patience and lying ability to be a good fisherman. Good wishes are cheap; let's give them freely. Baby specialists agree nowadays; that during the first six months, babies must have three ounces of fluid per pound of body weight daily. An sight pound baby, for instance, needs twen- ty-four ounces of fluid. Later on the rule is two ounces or fluid per pour'! of body weigbt, The amount of fluid absorbed by a breast fed baby is best determined by weighing him before and atter feeding for the whole day; and it is easily calculated for the bot- tle fed one. Then make up any de- ficiency with water. Giving baby sufficient water often relieves his feverish, crying, upset and. restless spells. If it doesn't, give him a few drops, of Fletcher's Castoria, For these and other ills of babies and children such as colic, cholera, diarrhea, gas on stomach and bowels, constipation, sour stomach, lose of sleep, underweight, eta, leading plihyelciane say there's nothing so ef- fective, It is purely 'vegetable—the recipe is en the wrapper—apd millions of mothers have depended en it in over thirty years of ever increasing use. It regulates baby's bowels, makes, him sleep and eat right, enables him to get full nourisbment from his food, so he increases in weight as ha he should, With each package you get a book, on Motherhood, worth its weight In gold. Just a word of caution, Look foe' the signature of Chas. Id, Fletcher On the package So you'll be sire to get the genuine, The forty cent bottles contain thirty -live doses. i. Caged Birds and Poetic Scrolls Tsao Kun, although scarcely feel- ing free yet to leave the safety of the foreign districts, is less a prisoner than during the two years of Tuan Cht-jut's rule when he literally was kept captive on a small island within the high pink walls of the Peking pal- aces. During those lonely and anxious months he passed the time playing with his caged birds and writing poetic scrolls, and it is said that he con- tinues these pastimes. now in Tientsin. 14 Yuan -hung is not so much a re- cluse as are most of the other former officials. He welcomes foreign visi- tors and still takes a keen interest in Chinese politics. Only recently he published a thoughtful plan for re- storing peace to the nation, based on the idea of reassembling members of the long impotent, but more or less legal, parliament of by -gone days. Many other prominent men have sought safety under foreign flags in their own country. Nearly all of these men in their days of authority declared themselves opposed to the unequal treaties and foreign conces- sions of China,, but when they were forced out by fortunes of war, all de- posited their money in foreign banks and took refuge in Tientsin. eWhati Fifty cents a dozen for fresh eggs! I thought the price had gone down." "Yes, it has, but I bought these be- fore it went down—three weeks ago," "Iso you act toward your wife as you did before you married her?" "Exactly, I remember just how I used to act when I first fell in love with her. I used to lean over the fence in front of her house and gaze at her shadow on the. curtain, afraid to go in. And I act just the same way now." Herman Trolls, of W;embtey, Peace River, Alberta, who, in 1926 won the world's championship for wheat and oats at the International Grain and Hay Show, and last year at the same show retained. the championship for oats and, was awarded a first prize for wheat, has been granted an honor- arium of .$5,009 by tbe Province of Alberta, This Money was recently voted by the Alberta Legislature in reoognition of kis services to the Pro- vince, Nir, Trelle wee bolo at Kend- rick, Idaho, and Dame to Canada with. his parents when quite young, ii ie first venture in farming was on a homestead at Wembley, Alberta, which he has since made one of the finest farms In Alberta. A curate, who was also a keen na- turalist, 'went to see a sick woman In his melee. She had been expecting him for some days, and said with a sight: "Had I been a rare toadstool, you would have come to see me bong, long ago." teeth, irllei.�� Experienced mothers always eep Baby's Own Tablets in the home as a safeguard against the troubles that seize their little ones so suddenly and the young mother can feel reasonably safe with a box of these Tablets at hand and ready for emergencies. Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative that act without the jury system. The verdict was so patently absurd, and it was so sir - lar to the verdiot which had been given some time before in the Doheny case, that we had to ask ourselves whether a system that was devised to ascertain simple questions of fact was not certain to break down when it was given the task of digesting great masses of technical evidence, weigh - gripping and they are absolutely Ing the propriety of acts done by high guaranteed free from opiates or other officials, and making nice distinctions harmful drugs. They are sold - by between discretion and dishonesty. medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' hledicine Co., Brockville, Ont, British Election `woman's Affair, declares Member MissSusan Lawrence Speaks at National Conference on New Responsi- bilities Plymouth—Miss Susan Lawrence, Member of Parliament, presiding at the National Conference of Labor Women here referred to the next gen- eral election in Great Britain as a "woman's affair." "We will have with us," she continued "young wives and mothers who are fighting the bat- tle of life side by side with their husbands, and who will now go with them to the polls, exercising the full rights of citizenship. We will have with us young women in industry, "Until now women in industry have been very much under -represented be- cause their average age was low; their needs regarding protective legis- lation have been argued and settled over tbeir .heads; they will now be able to speak tor themselves. We have therefore a great accession of streugth. This next fight will be no propaganda fight, it will be a battle for power." She urged an open road from .the nursery schools to the university— not a grudging education cut short by poverty, but equal opportunities for all, and money enough to place the child of the poor on an equal equality with that of the rich. In Parliament, she said, the question of unemploy- ment was like Banguo's ghost, because the present period of reaction meant national insecurity and poverty for the mass of the workers, Mre. E. 5, Long, a magistrate, in welcoming tbe delegates to the con- ference, referred to the coming en- franchisement of 6,000,000 more wo- men and declared that women would be predominant at the next election and that the remedy for social evils would reset in their hands, Air Beacon Visible 60 Miles Can Hardly Be Seen from Street Cleveland, 0,—Six great beacon lights in the tower of Cleveland's Union Terminal building, said to be visible in Canada and for 60 miles around the city, afford new security to lake ships and to airplanes to which t!beyl are visible for oven *eater distances. The beams protrude from the tower, 68 stories above the street, like spokes in a wheel, . With all of their power and bril- liance, however, they are hardly visi- ble to people down town, to whom they appear as only lighted windows. Their great height causes this, offi- cials Baid. Wu Pel -fu's Independence When the weather becomes warmer some officials move to Dairen, Beppu, or other resorts of Japan, while those who can afford it not infrequently go on long tours 1n Europe. Of all the prominent men of China who have met defeat in war or polls tics, one alone—Wu Pei-fu—stands conspicuous by his proud recusal to accept refuge under foreign protec- tion. This scholar of the Chinese classics for many years was the great- est war lord in the country. But even in his most acute hour of adversity he never fled to a foreign zone of safety. He drifted about the country for a long time, finally retiring to the remote Province of Szechuan, where he now lives by sufferance of the Szechuan leaders. He bas taken up the study of Buddhism and has lost all interest in warfare, LEONARD EAR OIL An ear oil of great benefit in mewl or. Catarrhal Doafhese and (lead Noises. Simply Insert 111 NostrltS and Itub In gently back of. Mars. Soothing and Penetrating. On the market since 1507, and many thousands haVe welt - ton of the relief obtained. nee treat- ment is recommended by Dr, Sohn liorgoson, tho eminent Pat Spaolallat. Price 1,1,25 at drug stores, Solar about Deafnoea' on request. A. 0. LEONARD, INC. 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City The only form of hostilities from which the people aver benefit is a price war, The best jobs of face-lifting are those which are done by sudden pros- perity, ! inard's Liniment for Toothache, A. Tire For. Your Every Need Firestone Dealers offer you a complete line of tires, each supreme in its class, headed by the famous Firestone Gum -Dip- ped Balloon. All are made by Firestone in the world's most economical tire plants—an as- surance of the most for your money. Firestone distributes tires only through regular service -giv- ing dealers direct from Factory branches and authorized distri- butors — never through mail order houses or so-called special jobbers. See the Firestone Dealer nearest you. He is prepared to serve yrou better and save you money, no matter what price tire you want to buy. FIRESTONE TIRE A RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MiLES PER DOLLAR 1 re sto ft see GUM -DIPPED TIRES BABY OHIO$a TATE HATCH POURVARIATIAS, YY Write for free catalogue, A. H. Switzer, Granton, Ontario. Firestone Builds the Only Gum -Dipped Theo Judge:, "Ono- of your witnesses says he saw you in church at the time the crime was committed, another saw you in the inn, and the third in the fields, I cannot take their evidence," Accused: "I can call another who saw me in the wood, your honor!" Typist—"This 'To be done today' note on your desk calendar is two months old." Boss—"That's all right; I haven't done it yet," THOR.O;BRE.04.mivoovatoikyvasto "eats Our breeder are bred for bib egg production, White, Beano and Buff Leghorn., Barred and White Racks R. Red.. Ao• mins, Buff Orpington., Whits Wyandotte.: p. 100% live. delivery guaranteed. Write today for FREE CHICK 5005. SCHWE6LEa'S HATCHERY,-- eottaaartoe, 6UFFNA,N.r�„ DOORS $2.75 UP BARGAIN PRICKS Write to -day for Serieg Sar. grin Circular, and Free Catalog, HALLIDAY CO„ Hamilton _ Have Qiood Hair And Clean Scalp Cuticura Soap and Ointment Work Wonders Trs' Our N e w Sharia Ctit•,k, A Reliable Antiseptic. Make sure no infection of outs and wounds takes piece, by applying Minarr"n Lrn'metit. itt ion Off'EfliN �•�. ? tri �,l:�a,�' IND ADVICE FROM MOTHER OF SEVEN Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ont.—"I began taking Vegetable Compound for nerves and other troubles and I must say I felt different after the Best dose. I have been told this hast six months that 1 look t w enty-five, although I am now rorty -seven and have bad seven children. t have takentheVegetable Compound regu- larly - larlyforsome time and sleep well, rise early and feel young."—MRS. McIClcst 16 Laurier `,Ave., Toronto, Ontario. PHILLIPS= ov. MAep,....v. 0 Por due to INDIGESTION HEAR -MUSH HEADACHa COSES•NAUSEA_ Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion, It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eating. The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained standard with ,physicians in the 60 yeard since its invention, One spoonful of Phillips' Milit of Magnesia neutztllzos instantly many times its volume in acid, It is bares - less and tasteless and its as opt quick. You will never rely on crude Methods, never continue to suffer, when you learn how quleltly,. 'hew pleasantly this premier method act% Please let tt show you row. Be sure to get the genuine Phillipe' Milk of Magnesia prescrlbed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting oxcesi acids. Each bottle contain" full ,r'eotlons--any drugstore.