The Seaforth News, 1928-06-07, Page 1My ',heart leape up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
'So was it when my life began;
,Sc,' is it now 1 am a man
So be it when I shall grow old,
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 50, No, 23.
l�egtilarly -
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
Confectionery and Restaurant)
To arrive about Saturday.
North Side United Church, -Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B. A,
a m. S.S.
Sunday, Junc 10th. -40
and Bible Classes. 11 a.m„ Public
Worship, Subject, "Three Years in
the United Church."
• 7 p,rn.-Public Worship. Subject,
"Lessons from Conference,"
COOKED HAl1�,-In bologna form
Per lb.
Special. Price Very Special.
'These are being retailed in the
large 10 & 15 cent stores at 15c
We offer these at2 for 25 C
10e or
CROCKS, iya sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
8,10 and 12 gallons
Pans, Frying Pans, Pails,
Kettles, Potato Pots, Dish
Pane and. Preserving Kettles
Regular price $1.00 kr 79c
Preserving Kettles, Cof-
fee Percolators, Tea Kettles
and Double Boilers at 20 per
tent discount.
Electric Light Bulbs, guarante-
ed 1000 hours, 25e or 5 $1.00
Electric Light Bulbs,
inside 30e
3 lbs, 25c
MATCHES are higher in the market.
We still. have them at1or 3 for 25c
Scratch Feed. 6 lbs. 25c
] ib tins .,,,25c
TOILET PAPER -2 for 25c, 3 for25c
and 6 for 25c.
pronounced by some of our cus-
tomers as "the best we ever used."
Per 1b,
JAPAN TEA. -To drinkers of Japan
Tea we offer a 75e tea
10 lbs. for 85.06
Phone Phor Phood
The annual picnic of the Huron Old
.Boys' Association of Toronto was
held in Exhibition Park . on Saturday
last, and, notwithstanding the threat-
ening condition of the weather, was a
huge success.
The prizes were both valuable; and
useful, the games were • all exciting
and interesting, and the 'refreshments
were of the highest order. that could
not but satisfy the most fastidious,
The Lipton Tea Race; which was
the leading feature of the day, was
well advertised, and no doubt helped
to .swell the crowd,' One hundred
packages of tea were placed in line
three feet apart, and all ladies were
required to run ten yards pick up the
package of tea, and get back to the
starting line, and there was some
The broom football race was lively l STARK-TIMMERMAN,
while it lasted, each of the contestants St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
being presented with a broom, and Wetland, was the scene of one of the
the winning side with a bottle of vine- season's smartest weddings at 3 o' -
gar each in addition, clock Saturday afternoon, ;lune 2, the
rhe tug of war between north occasion being the marriage of Vi -
,Huron and south Huron, captained by vienne Foncilla, only daughter of Mr.
George Ferguson and Arthur Forbes and Mrs. Harry E. Timmerman, Wel-
respectively, Was won by Ninth land, to Mr. Harold Edwin Stark,
Huron. manager of the Dominion Bank, Wel-
'The men's baseball match between land. and only son of Mrs. and the
North Huron and South Huron, cap- late A. E, Stark, of town. Rev. Mr.
Mined by B, II, McCreath and A, E. Eric performed the ceremaay.
l'orbes respectiyely, was won 'by The bride, very beautifully gowned
South Huron. in white du'ehees satin trimmed with
The boys'and girls' races . were all French lace and wearing her mother's
hotly contested, there being four wedding veil, trimmed with orange
prizes awarded in each rece. blossoms was given away by her
Notes. father. 1'Ier bouquet was of !;':.lies and
Robertson Bros„ wholesale coulee- maiden -hair fern,
tionors, donated five hundred "all day The bridesmaid, Mrs, C. B, Dillon,
suckers," so that everybody would was charmingly dressed in ,Nile green
have a sweet time, so to speak. georgette with rose trimming and
Rev. J. S. Cook, formerly Method- lace. Mr. Russell Timmerman, brobll-
ll and roto.
Bl pastor a Bayfield, picnic for er to the bride, supported the groom.
Bluevale, attended the the The dainty flower girl was little Ann
first time, with Mrs. Cook, and bothBeattie,
enjoyed the programme. Mrs. Timmerman, the bride's moth -
Major Joseph Beck, the veteran of er, was dressed in Nile green chiffon.the association, was on hand, and Mrs. Stark, the groom's mother, wore
stayed- until the last dog was shot. black georgette. over Resat coloredMr. and Mrs, J. A. oidablYlarge of the
deathof a near relative in'Hamilton, sweet peas and baby's breath.'Phe wedding march was' played by
and they were both very much missed. Mrs. Cullington, of Stratford, and
Art Forbes, heavyweight from Sea- daring the signing of bhe register, Mr,
when heThe
me sunprise, rise vv violin'solo.
forth, got so rp GuUIington played a
went up against George Ferguson, church was tastefully debgrated with
from Walton, in bhe tug - of war. green foliage and lilacs. The groom's
George was raised on the rano, and gift to the bride was a pearl necklace;
therefore has the staying powers. to the bridesmaid, a pearl pin; to the
'Mrs, Frankum,. formerly of Wing-' flower girl, a gold necklace; to the
ham, but now of Woodbridge, came
down from that burgh with her son groomsman, cuff -links; to the ushers,
and daughter to enjoy the picnic for
the first time.
Mr, D. Crawford, Hullett Old Boy,
attended for the first time Dave
spoke of the dine when he tttended
the school on the 13th concession,
taught by the late Mr, McClinton.
Robert Holmes, ex -M. P., and re-
tired Customs Officer, was on the job,
and recalled. many reminiscences of
the old County.
Andy Currie, Brussels Old Boy,
sneaked away from the North Huron
tug of war, and allied himself with
South Huron. President had a hearty
laugh when Andy got beaten..
Mr. and Mrs. back Kenedy were
absent on account of an important
ceremony in the Kennedy household.
Mrs. Thompson, Convener of the
Refreshment Committee, is entitled to
the best medal the association can
produce for her splendid management
of the supper,
A noticeable feature was the very
large attendance of young ladies,
many of whom were there for the
first time.
What re.Sa
The A g.
This Huron Old Boys'
ere long, will be bhe biggest organiza-
tion in this city. -President King.
The best prize list and the biggest
we Lave ever
had. --:Secret-
ary Floody.
They can't beat this organization
anywhere. -'Bert McCreath.
The boys and girls both play good
ball. -Umpire Ernest M. Lee.
We are always the champions at
baseball. -Miss Lily Paterson, Cap-
tain North Huron Team.
nitre always lead, let the others
follow. -,Robert Holmes.
We don't have to apologize to any-
body. -D. D. Wilson.
When you want a lesson in broom
football, just come to us. -Mrs. 11. B.
WED., JUNE 13th
Under auspices of the Hamilton Driv-
ing and Athletic Association
51200 IN PURSES $400
2.10 Class Purse Purse $400
,16 Class
2.22 Class Purse $400
All mile heats
Every heat a Race System
Silver Trophy to Horse Breaking
Track Record.
Parking for Cars -Drive Right In,
Finest track in Western Ontario
Big entry list in each class
First Rase, 2 o'clock
G R McCartney R. H. Sproat
Vice Pres.
1 ce Pres.
R. M. Jones, A. D, Sutherland
Tress, Secretary
G. W. V. A. Rooms
eight piece orchestra
Sale! Sale! Sale!
Having decided to make a re -adjustment and change
in our business, we are placing our entire stock on
This is not a clean up of old stock but a SALE of all
Ladies', Children's and Men's lines and include all
our new Spring Shoes,
Our entire stock of Spring Shoes now an sale.
F. W,:W1:6G
After the the ceremony seven-
ty-five guests returned to the bride's Early Wednesday morning, June 6th,
parental home for .the buffet lunch. there passed to her reward one of the
They were received by Me. and Mrs, older and most highly esteemed resi-
dents of this district in the person of
Mary Ann. Wright, beloved wife of
Mr. Ben. Riley Sr., after an extended
illness. Mrs. Riley was born on the
8th concession. of McKillop, „daughter
of the lalte John and Mrs. Wright The
family later moved to the 1lth con-
cession, where she lived until her mar-
riage to Mr, Ben. Riley, of Hullett,
who survives with three daughters and
two sons: Mrs. John Mann and Mrs.
Robert Grimoldby, Hullett; Mrs.
James Atwood, Blenheim; John Riley,
Brussels; Charles. Riley, Hullett; also
five sisters and one brother: • Mrs.
Hughes, Gaylord, Mich.; Mrs. E. Bra;
miff, _Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Jacob
Whiting, Carnduff, Sask.; Mrs. Wil-
liam Trott, Seaforth; Mrs. Harry
Bowen, Blyth, and John W, Wright,
in London, England. The funeral
will take ,p'la'ce from her late residence'
in Constance, on Friday, June 8th,
2 o'clock and 2.30 to the place of in-
dbank cemetery.
The bereaved.ones have the sympathy
of the community in the loss of a
loving wife, mother and sister.
Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Britton visited
\Valton 'friends over the week -end,
Miss Edith Britton is ill with the
Mr, and Mrs, Carmen Ferguson,
Mrs. Tribbeck and Mr, George Wi'Ik-
inson, of Warwicic, Lambton County,
spent the week -end the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Britton,
Mr. and Mrs, Peter Gardiner, of
Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr, and
_lira. B. 13, Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj, Snell were visit-
ing relatives at Auburn over the week-
Mrs, Alvin Dale visited her parents
iu Seaforth this week,
Mrs. James Atwood,•of Blenheim, is
here owing to the serious illness and
death of her mother, Mrs. ;Benj. Riley,
No Score. - K'inburn played at
Brussels Monday night, when Brus-
sels and Kinburn fought a no -score
battle, Kinburn tried ed outa new for-
ward line and the young chaps work-
ed great. Torrance Dundas had his
eye cut by the ball in the first few
minutes of the game, but was able to
carne on again in the second half;
Kinburn playing with only ten men
in ,bhe meantime. Kinburn line-up:
Goal, Jim Armstrong; hill backs, Leo
Stephenson, Hiram Shannon, half
books, Harvey Taylor, Nelse Goven-
lock, Torrance Dundas; centre for-
Fcr .
Dennis;, wing,g
lard, Andy Crozier; 1. wing, Moody
Holland, Bill,, Trewartha,
St. Coltunban plays at Kinburn on
Mr. Orville Dale has treated his
wife and family to a new Chevrolet
Imperial sedan.
Death of Mrs. Ben, Riley Sr. -
'Timmerman, Mrs, Stark, the bride
and groom, bridesmaid, r flower -girl
and groomsman. The house was dec-
orated with tulips and lilacs.
The happy young couple left on a
trip to East Aurora, N.Y. - On their
return they will reside at 394 North
Main Street, Weiland. Their many
friends in town and in Welland ex-
tend best -wishes to theist.
,The bride was made bhe recipient of
numerous gifts and cheques at miscel-
laneous, kitchen, cup and :saucer and
handkerchief showers.
An instructor front the Ontario
Government Institute Branch will lec-
ture in Seaforth an June 15th and
16th eaoh afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m.
Her subjects will be:
Nutrition (School lunches and fam-
ily menus); House Furnishings (liv-
ing rooms and kitchen plans); Good
Dressing (dress parade and country
girl's wardrobe). All women and girls
over 15 years of age are welcome.
One week later, Friday, June 22, a
judging competition, based on the
work taken up in -these classes, will be
age open to girls 26 years of and
under. The three girls under 26 years
of age standing highest in the com-
petition will be selected as the team
to represent Huron County in the
Inter -County :Competition at the Can-
adian National Exhibition, Toronto,
provided they have not represented
the county previously, The girls
composing the team for Toronto will
have their expenses paid. This is the
first time a Short Course of this kited
has been conducted in Seaforth by the
Department of Agriculture and a
large turnout is hoped for.
Rev. l,tr, 'D. McDonald. of Egmond-
ville, was at Cargill fast week owing
to the serious illness and' death of
his father, Mr. William ',MoDonald.
The following death notice was pub-
.� 's
in Freda
In the death of William McDonald,
which occurred Wednesday evening at
his late residence at Riversdare,
Bruce County loses one of its out-
. Deceased
' neer mer
standing g no P
was born at Embro, Oxford County,
in 1841, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
John McDonald. He came to Bruce
County in 1873, locating at Riversdale
where in that year he established a
general store. A few years later he
removed to Teeswater, where he
conducted a similar business for e
short ,period. Returning to Rivers -
dale some months later, he opened a
store in a new location with a stock
of general -merchandise, a business he
successfuly conducted tip to the time
of his death. The late Mr. McDon-
ald was the oldest Postmaster in the
County of Bruce, serving 35 years as
Postmaster at Riversdale. He serv-
ed as Auditor of Greenock Township
for many years, and took an active
interest in the affairs of the munici-
pality. He was a lifelong Liberal in
politics and a Presbyterian in religion,
being an eider of Riversdale Presby-
terian Church for over 40 years. On
Oct. 11, 1877, he was married to Cath-
arine Campbell of Culross, a daugh-
ter of the late Mr. .and Mrs. Dougal
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald
celebrated their golden jubilee in Oc-
tober last year. A widow and family
of one son and three daughters'sur-
vive, namely, Rey. W. D, McDonald
of Egmondvi'ile; Mrs. R. F. Sander-
son, of Oakville, Mrs. A. C Stewart
of Acton and Mrs D. J. Askin of
is a was
• ,tett s e
The marc 'quietly g
May 29,1928,at the
Tuesday, M
'zed on Tue i y
l Y,
of Dr, Allan, assistant�
tor to Dr, Rice of the Metropoiitan
Methodist Church, Detroit, Mich.,
when Miss Sadie 'Robinson, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Robin-
son, of Seaforth, Ontario, became the
bride of :Guy +M, Richards, of De-
troit, Mich. The bride, who was at-
tended by her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. H.
Robinson, was prettily gowned in
peach georgette and black satin hat
and wore a corsage bouquet of lily -of -
the -valley :and sweet peas.
The groom was attended by Met 3,
I3. ,Robinson, brother of the bride,
Mrs. Lucy Richards, mother of the
groom, and Mrs. J. K Davis, sister of
the bride. were present at the
rfage. After the ceremony the happy
couple motored to .London, Ontario,
where a wedding dinner was served
at the home of the bride's brother,
Mr, W. W. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs.
Richards left nsst day for points east
and on their return will reside in De-
This month's meeting will be held
at Bayfield on. Tuesday, June 19th -
a picnic in Jowett's Grove being the
closing event of this season, All
menvbers and husbands are cordially
invited and each asked to bring an
individual lunch box, containing food,
cream, sugar and cup; tea will be
made there.
Members and cars are requested to
be at the Pu'bl'ic School at 3:45 p.m.
that all may get away punctually at
Don't miss ib
picnic o
the Association.
On Sunday, June 24th, Eginond-
ville congregation will celebrate the
50th anniversary of the present church
building. The special preacher for the
day will be Rev, Peter Bryce, D, D.,
Secretary of the Committee of Direc-
tion for the United. Church, one of the
1nostwinsome and magnetic men in
the whole church. On .the Wednes-
day following, June 27th, a week-
Mr. and Mrs, John Stephenson and
Me. Percy, of Ethel, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. Charles Crawford.
Miss Rose Crawford left on Mon-
day last to take a position at Niagara
Miss Bertha Nott, of Clinton, spent
the week -end at her home in the vil-
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wells and lit-
tle Miss Jean, of Toronto, spent Mon-
day the guest of their aunt, Mrs.
James Campbell.
Miss Gertrude Roberton and Miss
M. Lavan and Mr. Weaver, of To-
ronto, motored up for the week -end
to the home of the former's mother,
Mrs. M. Ross.
Miss Myrtle Grainger, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her sister,
Mrs. George Cowan, of the thirteenth
Mrs. Tembtyn and Mrs. Risley are
visiting friends in Toronto.
Miss Margaret•M+cCooi is in Wood-
stock this week.
Mr. Wellington McCool, of Guelph,
is spending his holidays with his
mother here.
110•. Frank Fingland, of Toronto,
spent Sunday with his parents here,
Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Wilt
Govier has to have an operation, but
hope it may be successful.
The Council met last Thursday in
the Community Hall, with full at-
Mr, Harold Adams lost one of his
team last week.
1 a
Mr. 1�rill. Crittenden also
couple of horses.
Mr. Dave Ewen, our blacksmith, is
having his shop extended 20 feet.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church
met at the home of Mrs, Robert Scott
on Tuesday.
Mr. Archie Reid, of Blyth, called
on friends here on Monday last.
Mrs, Robert Knox, of Blyth, spent
Mrs. James
't her sus e J
with ,
Mr. Newton° Edmens on returned to
his home at Fort Wilbam on Satur-
day last. Mr. Edmenston is Sheriff
for this division, and •while here visit-
ed at the home of his nephew, Mr, D.
D. Roberton:
Rev. James Abery returned from
Welkerville on Saturday evening.
Mr. Joseph Webster has purchased
a ear from our local agent, Mr, Alex.
Miss Hattie Gray gave a shower on
Monday night in honor of her friend,
Miss Mae Lyon, who will be married
on 'Wednesday to Me, Emmerson
Phone 84.
Or let me the 1
The child is father of the man;
Anel I could wish my days to be
Bound t'ach'to each by natural piety.
Get Your ,lV ew
Auto-StropR s zor Free
af, Sav 1i; ages"
1H You have read the advertisements of the Million
Dollar Auto -Strop Razor t-•- the greatest im-
provement . since Safety Razors we
ed. A limited number of these razors with an
improved razor strop will be given FREE,
with the purchase of 10 Auto Strop Valetite-
processed blades at the 'regular price of $1:00 -
These razors will be in stock about June loth
and we advise leaving your order NOW, to
avoid disappointment.
Fred. S. Savauge
Jeweler and Optometrist
Opposite Post Office :: Seaforth
Pontiac Motor
Car Dealer.
Phone 194.
Res. 10
son Hesk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Meek, 8th concession, Hallett The
bride, who was given away by her
father, was very pretty in a dress of
white georgette, trimmed with late
and wore a veil topped with orange
blossoms and carried a beautiful bou-
quet of sweetheart roses • and sweet
Peas. The nuptial knot was made by
Rev. B, Snell, Londesboro,'beneath an
arch of lilacs. Miss Olive Hesk, the
bride's twin sister, was bridesmaid,
dressed in powder -blue crepe ; de
chener- The groom was supported by
Mr. Watson Webster, of Varna. The
wedding march was played by the
Lyon. After
MissIda o
bride's sister, Y
the ceremony a wedding dinner
served, about forty guests being pres-
ent, including the following from a
distance: Mr. and Mrs. Eldred
Holmes and family, Dresden; Miss
Alta. and Mr.
!;aide Lyon. Calgary,
and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake and fam-
ily, of Exeter. The dining room was
picturesquely decorated in pink and
white. The bride and groom are on
a motor trip to Hamilton and other
points. Mr. and bfrs. Hesk will re-
side on the groom's farm in Mullett,
when they return. The large circle of
friends of the young couple join in
'wishing them a happy and prosper-
ous future.
Shower. --Misses Hattie Gray and
Mary Wood held a kitchen shower at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. William
Gray, Mullett, on Monday evening,
June 4, in honor of the bride-to-be,
Miss Alberta Lyon, whose marriage
tt, Mr. Emmerson Hesk took place on
Wednesday. Sixty-five or more
friends were present. Miss Lyon was
the recipient of a great many costly
aid useful articles.
atre tofctionwhich tis nothyedtt fully de- Hesk, "Congratulations,"
cidotr But this much is finely ar-
r- Miss Alice Fingland has taken a po-
ran ed, 'that Rev. Dr, S. W. Hughes, sition in Mr. Jane's McCool's store:
n -Two of
the its
trice s
cher and
.. preachers din
outstan P Ye
gg the g 1 we
one 8'f eo c
most popular young p P
one of the most brilliant lecturers of united in marriage at .11:30 a,m: on
Great Britain, will be the principal lNcdnestlay, June 6, at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Lyon, Londes-
boro, when their daughter Alberta
Mae, became the bride of Mr. Et -rimer -
speaker, Dr. Hughes is coming to
Canada to attend the Pan Baptist
Conference which is being held in To-
ronto this month,
has not enjoyed the best of health .
Mr. and Mrs. F•inkbeiiner•, Crediteee,
raid Mr. Fritz, of Stratford, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Georg::
Messrs. William and Alex. Masora'
of Hullett, Mrs. James Martin, a7
Clinton, attended the funeral of their -
brother-in-alw, Mr, Hugh Moses Of
Jamestown, 2nd concession of Morris,.
on Wednesday afternoon. The see -
vices were conducted by the Rev_ R.
G. Fowler, of Brussels Presbyterian
Church, and interment was made let
Brussels cemetery. The late Mr..'
Moses, who was in his 84th A year, lead:.'
been ill the est two weeks with. pnem-
monis and complications and passed.:
peacefully away on Monday. He brad
been a resident of Morris`for the past:
sixty years, His wife, who prede-
ceased him ten years ago, was Miss
Margaret Mason, daughter of the /sea -
John and Mrs. Mason, of Matte..
One son is left, John Moses,•at h'orsae_
A number from Hariock vicinity also.,
attended the funeral.
Surprise Presentation. --- About 60
neighbors and friends dropped in
without warning on Mr. and Mrs,
William Hesk, Monday evening. The
purpose of their visit was to present
the host and hostess with two beau-
tiful easy chairs, a rocker and an arm-
chair, before they move into Blyth
next week, t
• k Theirremoval from our
neighborhood will be a foss as they
have been always the best of neigh-
bors daring all the years they have
made their hone here on the 8th.
Mr. William Carter read the follow-
ing address, while Mr. James Medd
and Mr. George Carter made the pre-
Mr, and Mrs. Hesk: To the aver-
age man bouquets are only handed
out hut once, "after his departure."
To the ladies possibly twice, first by
her admirer, secondly at her funeral.
Bouquets are not necessarily flowers,
but may be expressions of good feel-
ing, kind words or acts. Having
heard of your proposed departureture
heaven but
vicinity, not to
from 'our vie n
next door to Blyth, a few of your
many friends have met here tonight
to visit you and present our bouquet
to you in the form o'f these easy
chairs. Ansi we hope you may be
long spared to use them and that they
may be a source of comfort and en-
joyment and may bring back mem-
ories of the many days spent on the
Sth concession, is the wish of your
many friends. Signed, James Medd,
Geo, Carter, nn behalf of the con
Mr, and Mrs,. Hesk in `replying,
thanked their friends for these tokens•
of their friendship, A very enjoyable
evening was had by all.
Mr, and Mrs, Patterson, of Lions
Head, visited Mr. and Mrs. William
Carter this week. Mr, Patterson is a,
banker at Lions Head,
Mr. and' Mrs. William Hesk move
next week into Blyth and will occupy
a house on South Queen Street, Mr,
Heck's :Mende are sorry to know he
Mrs, Fergus Bullard and childa-eree
Betty and Jack, are visiting relatives
in Belgrave.
The dance held in the Winthrop
hall last Friday night was well a2 ---
tended. All reported a good _time,.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. John,
Bullard is on the sick list. We hope
to see him around again soon.
Miss Iva Chesney, of Toronto,
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs-,
Nelson Govenlock,
Mrs. Sol. Shannon and Kathie •e
visited Mr. and Mrs, William Hudson.,
of Stratford, last week.
A number from here attended the
funeral of the infant daughter of My.
and Mrs. William Humbries,, of Wal-
ton, last Monday. We extend one'
sympathy to those who are left to
Mr, C. lecontardt has purchased
the Aaron Hulley homestead.
Mr, Michael Murray and Mist~.
Maria Murray are spending . that'
holidays in Windsor and Detroit
Mr, John Deitz has moved the stone
crusher from W. Manley's pit to C.
Lconhardt's pit on Lot 11, Con. 12.
and is rushing the work to ftt?.5
,firs. John Murray h'as been on the
sick list and her daughter, Mrs. Fraaalr:.
Evans, of Dublin, is in charge, ears--
ing her.
Mr. Fred Eckert lost a fine .heifer
on his grass farm on the Huron Road';
near Dublin.
Mr. C. Eckert is spending his hole, -
days with friends in our burg this
Miss Mary Ellen Dempseysey
Chatham, on ac -
called home from G
count of the illness M her grand-
mother, who is still in a critical colt-
The following is the report of S. S:
No. 4, McKillop, for the months v
April and May. Those marked with.
an asterisk were absent for one or:
more examinations.
Sr. IV,--Olelen Beattie 75 p.c.
Jr. IV, -- Barbara Eberhart"�,;,
:Freda Webster 78, *David Shannon -
(absent for all examinations due to
Sr, INI.--Ruth Gordon 84, *Alec'
Kerr, Linnes Krogman and *Lloyd::
Yantzer 65 (equal), *Lula Webster
52, Archie Smith (absent for all tests).,
Sr, II --Scott herr b5,
First Class -Beth Shannon 90, Rosie,
Gordon. 75, George McClure 72.
Number an roll is 15, average at-
tendance 12.
• 'Gladys R. Way, Teaclten..