HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-05-24, Page 5T1iTJRSDAY, MAY 24, 194.
with household expenditure is the problem of the household'
Allow us to prove a saving to you.
Chipso, large ping, each. , , 19c
Libby's. Pork and Beans, 3 bins,. , .29e
Hill Top Tea, Orange Pekoe, ib., , . , 70e -
Tapioca, 2. lbs, for; , , , ,18c
Apple, Raspberry or Strawberry Jam,
41b. tins , , 48e
Canned. Peas, per'tiu.. , . • ,11c
SproatRoss J.
. Rhone 8'
lrhmine 77
Stewart M St��
eR E1\M
We pay the highest prices for good cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your cream to other Creameries; 've want
it here.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
lin' return for you co-operation we will give you of our
best in service and 'prices.
We are agent for •the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come
. in.and see the new Models:'
Seat Y,' forth . Creamer ,Co. Seaforth, ` Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
'h L Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W, J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished. .
Night or day phone 67.
D. Hi McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated. I.
Electricity used.
Ladies and .Gentlemen
eep that smooth clear
complexion• by having a
I3onciiia Massage
Oust around the Cornerin
the Dominion Bank Build-
Phone 125.
Pianos Tuned
gleaned and
Chas, A. .Iiweyo..:
. .,.... y
Residence -lamps St.
Gents' Strap
The sportman's watch, Every
ear owner should know the be-
nefit of. the Strap Watch.
Rotund and Fancy
$8.50 up
Watches, Diamonds, Tewellery
Victrolas, Victor Records
J. A. Wostcoti
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c
Don't pass ears 4 4
unless there is room
in your own traffic
line ahead
Safety Committee
The ZION. GEO, 5. HENRY, Chairmatt,
Lieut. Ritehie, who has been with
the local Salvation Army for the past
eleven months, left Modnay for For-
est, where he will have charge of the
corps in that piece,
Mrs,,, S, E. Upthegrove and Miss
Bricker el Elmira were here attending
the funeral of the late W. S, Gott-
schalk on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs, R. B, Holn;es of
. a
Royal Osla, Mich„ and Mr , James
Sleeth of Detroit spent Sunday in
town with friegds.`
Mr. adMrs, Raym
ona Gki ns
(nee Rutth Sproat) and daughter
Jeanette, of Detroit, and Mr; Clar-
ence Ronnehberg of the staff of the
Katcher Ltunber Co., of Detroit, mo-
tored over here Friday. Mr..Ron-
nenberg spent the week end with his
Parents in Monkton, while Mr: and
Mrs. Glinski visited at Mr, and Mrs.
'John Sproat's and Mr, and Mrs. G. C,
Dale, returning ,Sunday.
Mr, Reg, Reid spent 'Sunday with
his mother, Mrs, J, F. Reid. Mrs.
Reg. Reid has been in Detroit visiting
her brother Russell, and other friend's,
Mrs. Thomas Habkirk has been
quite i11 for several days.
Miss Ena Holmes arrived in Seattle
on May 17th and left for Alaska on
Saturday the 19th, with her aunt, Mrs,
Mr. Leslie 'Kerr, of • Toronto 'Uni-
versity staff, is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James 'Kerr.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Serverner, of Detroit,
and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Huffman of
Seaforth spent the week end at the
home of Mr. Jahn Huffman--'Gode-
rich Star.
Mrs, William. Scott returned Satur-
day night after spending the winter
with her daughter, Mrs, McIntosh, in
Mrs, J. F. -McMann left for her
home•in Chicago last Wednesday.
RNord was recdived in town this
week from Mr. and Mrs, 3, Dennison,
who left May 8 by motor for Sask-
atchewan, saying they had arrived
'there safely on May 12. The roads
were good.
Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Keys were
Sunday visitors at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. John McAsh, Varna,
IVtr. and Mrs. Alex, Gordon and Mr,
and Mrs, Jeffery, of Stratford,. and
Mr, and Mrs. A, Anderso, of I{ippon
were week -end guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Stewart, North Main
Street. ,
'Mr. J. H. Reid made a business trip
to` Woodsto:ck•ion Tuesday.
Mrs. ' George Fee and Mrs. Henry
Lippardt, of Hensel!, -were in town
Wednesday attending the funeral of
Mr. Wilbert Gottschalk.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharp and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fee, Hensall,
motored to Markdale, -near Owen
Sound on Wednesday, to visit Mr. and
Mrs, Robert English.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Hanna, accom-
panied by Mrs. John Keys, motored
to Listowel Saturday, where they
visited Mrs. Hanna's sister, Mrs. Wil-
liam Rathwell.
Mr, and Mrs, W. G. Richards And
baby.Macdine,,of.Str.atford, were week-
end guests with the latter's father,
Mr. J. A. Stewart.
Mr. Geo. Smithers, of 'Toronto, ar-
rived Tuesday fora visit with his
daughter, Mrs. John Sclater.
•Mrs. William Westcort, Sr,, return-
ed Sa'ttirday from London.
Mr, A. W, Siliery : returned last
week after several weeks' visit in To -
Mr, attd•Mrs, harry Stewart, of
New hamburg, were :week -end visit-
ors, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Mr. Ross McGonigle, Kitchener, is
spending this week with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Robert McGonigle.
Mr and Mrs. George Hills were
Strathroy visitors last week,
Miss Lthel.Jacl<s u, spent
Sunday with Mrs. W, C. Govenlock•
Mr. Leslie McKay, of Kitchener,
spent Sunday with his parents here.
Mr, and Mrs. William Hudson, of
Stratford, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. Hudson's father, Mr, James Hud-
Mr. Angus Kennedy, son of Reeve
and Mrs. R.. Kennedy, of Tuckersmith,
underwent an operation for appendi-
citis on Monday and is progressing
neap'iss Grandry Bend,McMillan, spent Sttemdcay witofh
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Mc-
Millan, Tuckersmith,
Mrs. J. C. Greig left on Monday to
attend the Domin'ion Counsel of the
W.,M, S. in Vancouver, as delegate
from the Huron Presbyterial of,the
W. M. S.
Miss Kathleen Rankin, of Detroit, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. J. J.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Forsythe and
daughter Maxine, and Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson Scott and daughter, of
Detroit, spent the week -end with their
parents in Tuckersmith and Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen and two chil-
dren, of Milwaukee, Wis„ left Friday
after spending the week with Mr. and
Mrs. W, R. Plant and will visit in
Acton Far a time before returning to
their home.
'Mr. Jim.' Jackson and Miss Betty
Evans motored to Toronto on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs, . T, E. Heron, of
Beach, Palm Be, Florida, are ;vistking
friends in n.
Miss Betty Evans, of Brantford,
spent the k -end at Miss Jackson's.orot
Miss. Dorothy Rogers, daughter of
Inspector G. F. and Mrs. Rogers, of is s
Toronto, pending, a couple of
weeks at Queen's,
Miss B- Jackson and Mr. S. T.
motored Jackson i red to Kitchener on
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hays, of
Stratford, spent the week -end at' the
home of .the former's`parents in town,
Mr. and rs. K Davis and daughter
of ;Cilsonburg spent the:week-end with
Miss Edith .Davidson. They were ac-
companied by Miss Ruth: Thompson,
who visited' at her home.
Mrs. L. G. VanEgmond spent Sun-
day in Stratford.
Rev. Dr, Larkin assisted at the fun-
eral of the late Mrs, (Rev.) A. D. Mc-
Donald at
c-Donn;a'ldat Clinton on Tuesday.
Among those from Seafonth who at-
tended were: Mr. and Mrs, Oscar
Neil, . Mr. and Mrs. Archie Scott, of
Thornton Hall; Mr. and Mrs. John
Powell, McKillop; Mr, John A. Wil-
son, Miss Mabel Thompson and Mrs,
W. P. Thompson, Mrs: J. G. Mullen,
Miss Young, Mr. Alex. Broad'foot and
Miss Mae ;Broadfoot, Miss Edith Dav-
idson,, Mr. James 'Watspn . and Miss
Marion Watson and the Misses Brine;
and Messrs, Greig, McLean and Mul-
len were pallbearers.
Mrs. Coulter and • Mrs. McLean,
Egmondville, visited the latter's dau-
ghter, Mrs. Biilett, in Woodstock, this
Miss A. M. Campbell has returned -
after spending the winter in Cali-
ionto, forma.
Members of the Orange Lodge were
entertained Friday evening at the
home of Mr. -d. Mole,
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50o
Mrs. F. Drake of Stratford visited
her sister, Mrs, William Jeffery rec.'
Mr. F. Crone, Sarnia, is visiting
with his daughter, Mrs. J. R, Jones.
Mr. and Mrs, 'Alfred, London,
spent Sunday with, Mr, and Mrs.
James Miller.
Mr, and Mrs, R. McCulloch, Cro-
marty, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. R. McDonald,
Mr, and_Mrs. O. W, Reed and M.
and Mrs. R. A. -Sadler spent the week
end in Hamilton and Niagara,
Mr. and Mrs, W. O'Brien of Owen
Sound, Mr. and Mrs, W. O'Brien, of
Flint, Mich, and Mr, Harold O'Brien
of London, spent the leek end at the
home of their parents, ° Mr, and Mrs,
.F. ()Trion. s
Mr. George Miller returned home
Friday after severalweeks stay In
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
Grace Church Lutheran Parsonage,
at Mitchell, on Saturday, when Carrie
Rose Suhr, youngest daughter of the
late Christian and Hannah Suhr, was
manried to Stirling Barbour, eldest
sots of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Barbour,
of Hibbert. Rev. H. 5, Storm officiat-
ed. Mr, and Mrs, Barbour will reside
in Hibbert.
Mr, and Mrs, William Byrne and
family returned home from Detroit
on Saturday last,
Miss Monica O'Sullivan is viisiting
at her uncle's home, Mr, and Mrs.
Peter Kraus'kopf.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klein spent Sun-
day at the home of the latter's sister,
Mrs. Joseph hickey.
Mr. and Mrs, William Krauskopf of
Detroit spent Sunday with friends in
The many friends pf-Mr. Dave Mc-
Connell are pleased to see him around
again after his serious illness.
Mr. James Feeney Jr„ and Mrs. Jo-
seph Donnelly spent Saturday in
Mrs.N. Maloney and Mrs, William
Jordan and daughter Mary spent Sun-
day at' the home of Mr. :and Mrs,
John McGrath.
Miss Mary Jordan of Toronto is vis-
iting at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, William Jordan.
Exeter. • '
A rear tire of a' truck blew out on
Main' street, Exeter, the other day.
So great was ''the concussion that
buildings in the, vicinity were shaken.
A hardware merchant 100 yards dis-
tant heard the hardware rattle on his
shelves and window panes were
cracked by the ,concussion. A small
piece of the tire shattered a window
in Dr. Fletcher's office..
Mrs. Sansuell Holman, who has
been living ;with her daughter at Kil-
larney, Man., died recently, The de-
ceased is a sister of Mrs. William
Ford, of Centralia; Mrs. Rd. Tapp
and Mrs, E. Coultis, of Exeter; Mrs,
Arthur Francis, of S'tep'hen and Dr.
T. W. Harrison, of Detroit. Her
husband predeceased her : several
years ago. Nine children, two in the
United States and seven in the West,
survive. Feeders, choice , ., 8.75
Corns cannot exist when Hello -do fair tc.o
. 8.00
s Corn Remover is applied to Stockers, choice 8.00
way's do, fair to good 6.50
them, 'because it goes to the root and Calves, choice , , .. . '13.00 14.50
kilts the growth. do medium .. .. 9.00 13.50
BORN.• do grassers . .. 6.00 7.00
Milch and springer cows,
EDUE)R.--In -Seaforth, on Friday, choice 110.00 125.00
May 16th. 1928, to •Mr. and Mrs. Hogs, selects ,w,o.c .1125
Albert , Edler, a son (John David do fed and watered . , .10.85
Lambs, choice 14,50. 15.00
Al do cutis 11.00 13.00
tui I I III1111ulu IIIrIl llt1
Too Bugy at Noon ?
Remember we have extra business
hours both morning and afternoon'
Most of us know from experience what happens
to our weekly savings if they're not larompdy and
safely put away.
And how habit,
occasional neglect of this kind
becomes abl,
There's no need to tun the tisk of holding over
your savings ... if you have an account at the
Province of Ontario Savings Office.
For all our branches are open at 9,30 each morning,
and do not close until 5 p.m. On Saturdays some
branches close at k p.m. but most of them are
open both Saturday afternoon and evening, The
Governmentf Ontario nitro purposely planned these
extra hours as a personal convenience for you and
also guarantees the safety of all deposits.
TORONTO BR,4NC$ES t Cor, Bay and Adelaide Ste.,Cos.
Danforth and Fenwick Avenues, Cor. University -and Dundas St.
OTHER BRANCHES AT.: Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton.
Newmarket, Ottawa, Pembroke, Owen Sound; Seaforth, St.
Catharine,, St. Mary's, Walkerton, Woodstock.
Seaforth Branch, J. M. McMillan, Manager
Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. 9.30
a,m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 930 p.m, `w
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111 ..... 111111111111111111 W 1llmuIIItlltlll
Toronto Live Stock' Quotations.
Monday, 21st.
Receipts -Cattle 3,260, calves 830,
hogs 1,410, sheep and• lambs 240,
Heavy beef steers $ 9,75 to 12.00
do fair 9.00 9.75
Butcher steers, choice ,10,00 10.25
do fair to good 9.00 9.75
do common ,. 6.00 8.50
Butcher heifers, choice 9.75 10.25
do fair to good 8.50 9.25
do common .. . , 8.00 8.50
Butcher cows, good to
choice ,. ., .. .,.,,. 625 9.00
do common to medium 6.75' 7.00
do canners and cutters 3.50 530
Butcher 'bulls, good to
choice 825
do common ,to medium 6.50
do bologna .. ,, 6.00
Baby beef ., , .. , '11.00
do medium 9.00
t b
(We invite you to drive a
with Four Speeds Forward
UNTILyou have actually driven
one of these new Graham. Paige
sixes, with four speeds forward -you
cannot possibly appreciate the advan-
dvantages of this new, standard gear shift,
impit e £a4R..'A+11,d'
o s a Sproat Agent Huron ' Cotmty
_ _.. tla.■..attttr�.t..w.
For month ending April 30.
!Brucefield-Total 241, select bacon
40, thick ' smooth 181, heavies 10,
shop hogs 9.
Walton -Total 761, select bacon
184, thick smooth 518, heavies 19,
shop hogs 16, lights and feeders 9.
Huron County Total 9,697 select
bacon 2,658, thick smooth 5,9.55, heav-
ies 252, extra 'heavies 24, shop hogs'
394, lights and feeders 160.
J. R. LA 1 I M AN
Your old organ , remodelled into a
useful piece of furniture at
reasonable cost.
Work shop at rear of BARLOW'S
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonda
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
A Good Portion
of beef served to youfor the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
blood. gravy oozing through, gives
one aloundation. It just snakes one's
mouth water to think of it • How
was that last piece 'of meat we sent
you? Wasn't it flue.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
The Special Milverton l
We have it -Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings
C. G. T
Chop of Au Kinds.
'Your Auto ee s
Repairs and charging on all makes.
A good line of New and Used Parts.
Has its good points and bad, they say, but we think we are
offering the kind of work that more nearly approaches
If your car needs fixing up, and the best do sooner or later,
let us demonstrate to you the many advantages of our
reliable work.
Realers (ctarage