The Seaforth News, 1928-05-24, Page 3Cyprus Islanders ' LATEST Do Not Celebrate MUSIC RQLLS Fiftieth Year of British Rule is Observed Only by British Officials on Island, While Assembly Draws Up Mani- festo for Union With Greece, Athens—The fiftieth anniversary of the British occupation of the island of Cyprus was celebrated last month Without the participation of, the Greeks in general. The British High Oommissioner had invited the Greek people of the island and• their official bodies to partake in the festivals, but the levitation was turned down ab-. solutely. The National Greek Assembly of the island addressed a manifesto to. the Greek population, advising them to abstain from taking' part In the festivals, considering that day as a day of national mourning, because England, added the. manifesto, by celebrating the anniversary wants to perpetuate her hold over a Posses- sion which is not really hers and to ignore claims of the mother country, toward which the tslauders are drawn by national tradition and the history of 80 centuries. The English Gov- ernor of ,the island summoned the Metropolitan and a deputy from the capital and announced to them that the manifesto of the Assembly was of a nature to excite the people, The Metrolopitan replied that he would submit the matter to the Assembly, but that he was sure that it could not modify its decision, because the res solution represented the authenic view Of he popular masses. • People Advised tb Abstain for Your Player Piano Hear These "Hits" Ramona My Ohio Home Sunahine Among My Souvenirs Together Desert Song Charmaine Tin Pan Parade HEAR THESE AT ANY GOOD MUSIC DEALERS OR WRITE Q. R. S. MUSIC CO. CANADA LIMITED 3,10 SPADINA AVE,, TORONTO2, ONTARIO (Distriutors, Rogers Batteryless Radio Sets.) Peer's Ten Points h question of a interruptions, When the For Young Men clock was discussed Speaker Lemieux Clock Will Warn House Speakers New Invention to Keep Re- cord of Length of Speeches Ottawa.—An electric clock with four dials and which will indicate the time taken up by each speech will be dnatalled in the House of Commons, The clock was invented by a Port Arthur man for use in hockey matches and is claimed to have worked in a very satisfactory manner. It will be 'controlled by the clerk or assistant clerk. I' With the newrule limiting speeches to 4'0 minutes in the 'louse sugges- tions have been made by several mem- bers that there be some system of ad- vising the member speaking how ranch time he had left.: At present Mr. Speaker leaps record of the time and cuts off the speech when. 40 minutes are up after making allowances for said he would appreciate some method Lord Herbert Scott Gives which would relieve him of the task of keeping the time. Qualities Essential to Success Lord -Herbert Scott, the neW presi- dent of the London Chamber of Com merce, is a striking instance ofia peer and a public school and university man who has made a success in busi- ness, He is a director 01 seven companies, tncluding Rolls-Royce, Ltd., the bury Contracting and Dredging Co., Ltd., and the Sun Life Assurance Society. To a reporter he gave the following points which he considers every young man ambitious to make his mark in business should study: Charm of manner and tact. Concentration. Self-confidence (but not I,00 much egotism). Education, (Ahighly educated man. does not always make the best busi- ness man, and I do not regard a uni- versity education as essential. A university man often finds that he is Starting in business too late and a university life is inclined .tos give a man an aloof, and casual, manner, laws;—"I suffered for a long time The Assembly convoke& unani- mously decided to perish in its pre- vious decision. On 1Vlarch 25, the day set. -aside. for these, celebrations, ,prayers were said in the 600 churches on the island for the realization of the coveted union with the mother country. In all these skirmishes, Greece keeps scrupulously in the back -ground, refuses to mix in dispute, directly or Indirectly. Cyprus in the possession of the British, and the Dodecanese in the hands of the Italians, form . the Greek irredentn, and Greek patriots ardently hope that in due course they will achieve the final liberation of her sons from foreign rule. The occupation of Cyprus, effected In 4878, was ire conformity with a couventon signed with the Sublime Porte. • The British in 1818 were wel- comed by the islanders as liberators on the belief that Britain, liberal and ' generous as she has often beet, would one day grant the island her total liberation by allowing It to unite with the mother country, Fiiity , years have not been sufficient to achieve this end, British Contention A REAL NERVE TONIC The Source of All Nervousness - is Weak, Watery Blood. Many people, both men and women, find themselves run down through overwork, or anxieties, Such suffer- ers find themselves tired, low-apirited and depressed. Their nerves seem to be worn out and they suffer from headaches and other nerve pains. All this comes from starved nerves, Doctoring the nerves with. poison- ous sedatives is a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich red blood, Therefore to relieve nervousness and run-down health Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be taken. These pills enrich the blood, which tones the nerves, im- proves the appetite, gives new strength and spirits and n akes hith- erto despondent people bright and cheerful. Miss Irene Denne, R.R. No. 1, WalthamWalthamOnt., tells What Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills did for her as fol. which is not useful in bualness). Imagination. (Bat not the artistic temperament. Experience. (A knowledge of hu- man nature and the art of knowing bow to deal with men). 'Industry, Health. (A careful observance of the laws of health, particularly diet). Judgment. _(And a capacity for tak- ing quick decisions). Observation. Lord Herbert Scott, who is 56, Is a brother of the Duke of Buccleuch. The contention on the British side Is that the Island has not yet reached Ere stage when it is capable of ex - bating a sane independent entity. The present Constitution gives the British High Commissioner the 'towers of a Colonial Government. The Execu- tive Council consists of the Chief secretary, the King's Advocate, the Treasurer and three local resident members, The Legislature bus 18 members, six being office beldbeldamin- cluding the Chief Secretary, the King's Advocate, and the Treasurer, and 1 elected for five years, three by 'Muhammadans, and nine by non Muhammadan voters. The Greeks object that despite their numeric ma- jority, they have almost no power in the legislative body. One of the chief grievances of the Islanders is that they are governed by men, responsible only to London, and giving no account to the taxpayer, who isregarded as being oppressed by heavy taxes. The population of the island is 310, 000, of whom about 20 per cent. are Moslems. War -Stricken Areas of France Rebuilt London—Nearly all the houses des- troyed or damaged in France during the war have now been rebuilt, ac- cording to information contained in the current issue of Industrial and Labor Information, the weekly publi- cation of the International Labor Of- fice of the League of Nations. Quoting from an official report, it is stated that since the Armistice, all building operations in France have been concentrated in the liberated areas. The number of building work- ers employed in this region rose from 150,000 in 1906 to 296,000 in 1921. When the Armistice was signed it wasestimated that there were 280,147 houses entirely destroyed and 422,- 738 damaged, and the fact that it was necessary to Concentrate work on these has resulted in a serious hous- ing shortage in other parts of France. The numer of houses required to be built immediately is estimated at about 400,000. With blue, white, and yellow violets, what color 1s violet? Australian Woman Secures Unusual Degree with my nerves and a generally run- down condition. I grew so weak that I had to lie in bed a part of every day. I could not do any work and was taking medicine all the time, try- ing one medicine after another, I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I have reason to be thankful that I acted on this advice, as this was the first medicine that gave me any relief, and in a comparatively short time restored me to the hiess- ing of good health. When I think of the marvellous good these pills did me, I can most highly recommend them to all weak, nervous people." If you are at all run-down, or weak, you should begin at once to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and you will soon be well and strong. These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cent a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Fast Trains of 30 Years Ago British Boys Study Agriculture The above stone a splendid group 01 British Public and Secondary school students who have just arrived et the Macdonald• AgriculturalCollege. Recruited by the. Department of Colonization and Development of the Cana- dian Pacific Itailway, these young men will pursue a two years' course at the College, During the summer months they will work on farms where planes have been selected for them. On completion of their studios they will engage in various branches of Canadian agricultural `operations, by which time they will be accustomed to Canadian methods. ' brought to Canada las The scheme under which these students were now entered upon its fourth year of operation and the College authorities are thoroughly satiefled with the soundness' of the plan, At the extreme left of the picture is Dr, H. Barton, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Macdonald College, and at the extreme rightis Mr, L. H, Hamilton., instructor in Agri- culture, who is especially charged with the supervision of the students under thispar. tteuler scheme Woman Eve, you have given love 'with all' your , might,THE HOME DOCTOR Once its warm Sires have thawed your virgin ice; _�.�...._ '....-- BABY'S OWN TABLETS Have bowed in anguish with unbound Baby's Own Tablets meet all the delight,' need that exists in every home where Because your anguish is a sacrifice there are young children. They are a To man, who gives you gladness with laxative, but do not gripe. They are a word, 'soothing, but do not contain one par - Anti, spite of all pretences, is your title of opiate or other ingredient lord. I that can in any way do the slightest And then you hate him that his love harm to the most delicate child. Baby's Own Tablets reduce fever, relieve colic, banish constipation and indigestion, check diarrhoea, sweeten the stomach and allay the irritation pent or haled that accompanies the cutting of From the frill triumph of his dov teeth. They quiet the nerves and ing will; II promote healthgiving sleep and re - Too blind to see that ln..your verge -i pose, In fact they are as good as a doctor in the home, and once a mother has used them for her little ones she will use nothing else. Thousands of mothers bear testimony as to this. Among them is Mrs. Hurst, Pine Falls, Man., who says:—"I Was told to try Baby's Own Tablets by a friend who had used them for all her little ones and said she could not do without them. After, using them for my baby boy I quite' agree with her and certainly think they are the finest medicine in the world for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The honor of securing the first de- gree of Bachelor of Divinity among Australian women has fallen to Miss Eleanor Weymss, Who already has had - a ada. brilliant academic careers She com- pleted,ber course for B.A. In 1921 and that for M,A. in 1924, and, concur- rently with her studies for the' B.D. degree, has been qualifying as B.Sc. The Melbourne College of Divinity Is the only institution in Australia em- powered to grant degrees in divinity, but it has examiners and students in all the states of the Commonwealth. It is purely an examining body, and lectures In the course of the B.D. de- gree are given only at Parkin College which h th e Rev. alis of in South Aup�tr , Principal Kiek is head. South Austra- lia has the only other woman B.D. in the Commonwealth, but she is a native of England, Mrs. Mak, the wife of Principal Kick. 'rim Anglican Church, of which Mise Weyers is a member, dose not admit Med the stand 1 mishaps willbecome Many of Canada's, leading social and sporting clubs use Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea exclusively. The added strength and inimitable flavor of Red Rose Orange Pekoe make it last longer. go farther and taste better. Packed in clamp -proof alumi- num. 13EW has failed! Hate him, unreasoning, and do him 111 - Spend ell your thoughts to have him ance grim Still shows the worship that you keep him. N,S,W. Ramer. All Work and No Play. "That unsuccessful does nothing dramatist he but work," "T es, so far it's been all work and no play with him." About Buttonholes When making buttonholes in very soft or thin material, spread a little cold starch or library paste on the wrong side of the goods and let it dry before cutting the buttonholes. This will make the material firmer to work on, and it will not show and will not injure the goods. Another method to use with soft, thin material or any cloth that frays easily, is to work the buttonholes be- forecutt1ng it out. First mark with pencil or white thread .where it Is to be cut afterward, then work the but- torsholes around this in the usual way, right up to the line to be cut. With a safety -razor blade or a pair of small, sharp scissors cut between the two rows. This .must be done carefully.' An excellent way to do with silk or other material that frays but is not transparent, is to lay a piece of "mend- ing tissue" or even adhesive plaster behind the goods where the button- holes are to be cut, and press it with a hot iron to make it the buttonholses provides firmness, may then be cut through both goods and added piece. Adaptability says The longest non-stop railway run in the world, from London to Edinburgh, a distance of 392 miles, which is about to be inaugurated, has set persons with long memories to making cons parisohs. These old-timers draw at- tention to'the fact that in the matter of speed present-day railroading has nothing to teach the past. Thirty years ago it was possible to. travel from London to Edinburgh or even to Aberdeen more quickly than. nowadays. In the nineties of the last century, where there was a keen com- petition between the railways for the northern traffic, the 548 miles between Euston station in London .and Aber- deen were covered in 512 minutes, or at an average of 63.3 miles an hour. Moreover, this time was made with three stops. On another route the journey from King's Cross station in London to Aberdeen was done in only twenty-five minutes more time than the famous Flying Scotsman now takes to reach Edinburgh. In the early years of the present century a famous Great Western engine frequently de- veloped a speed of 102 miles an hour, or as fast as the average airplane flies to -day. hen Fo1 r } n dy Sors 'OSE Y" es good ted' r The Orange Pekoe is extra good 12 in clean, bright Aluminum. Gives Son High Rank Second Son of Chinese Dict- ator Made Army Division Head at 25 Peking—Marshal Chang Tso-lin, the dictator, bus sent another sou to the wars, Chang Hseeh.ehang, second of hie male offspring, twenty-five years old, M not starting at the bottom to work his way up, but has been commissions ed -a major general and given nom - wand of a division in the Shantung army, This young mein received most 'of his education and military training in Japan, where he studied in the army cadet college. General Chang Hsueh-liang, the "young general," eldest son and heir apparent to whatever dignities and power Chang Tso-lin may accumulate before his adventurous career closes, is nominal commander of the 3d and 4th Manchurian armies southwest of Peking, although it is noted that one of the dictator's veteran generals al- ways accompanies him to the front as "co -commander." Chang Teo -lin, unlettered Fortner bandit though he be, has insisted on the careful education of his eight sons, and in less degree 01 his five daughters. The "heir apparent," brought up in Mukden, had the best foreign education that provincial cen- ter afforded at the time. The third eon is now a military cadet in Japan and the fourth a student in the medi- elal college of the South Manchuria Railway (Japanese) at Dairen. Two other sons are in Mukden and the two. youngest, atilt small boys, are with their father in the Presidential palace in Peking. C1aselfied AdvertisemerntP movING ANn BTORAOE. ILA, THP MOVER—PLONF,BIR DiS- TANCEmovers of Canada, Larges!.. speedy. padded vane. New It:nced Met, latest methods. Two experienced men every trip.: All loads insured. Beyond compare for skill and care. Before you move, write us or wire and reverse the charges. Read office- Hamilton, Ontario.. Canada. Hill the Mover. He—"What's the harm in just one little kiss?" She—"Nothing except that it's too small and too few." Dont Make a'%y Out of Baby' Babies Have'Nerves Dy RUTH Bn1TTAna W. L. A. in the Leeds Mercury (0002.): There is much we must leant Prose the American's 52 'we could cultivate in ourselves some of their adaptability It would be a boon 'under conditions of sweeping ifidus- trial ehange. I know in this country educated men who have done virtual- ly no work since the War because they could not get back to their old posts and seemed to have no heart to try anything new. There is some- thing intolerably rotten when men of their stamp sink so easily into do• nothing fatalism. We need a new spirit of vitality among salary earners. mourn This attitude of sitting down ttr a lost job and hoping It will return is not common to all who have misfor- tune, but it is commoM,enougbi to be a real problem. We must have More adaptability. We must Make, It an outetanding Brittsh quality. Without women to the 1nillistry. A notable instance of that is Miss Maud Boyd fi, regarded by many as ilia niiet distlII- They call it indigestion. it means gult111ed Woman preacher in the world, the stomach 'nerves have been visit Australia that and who is aspected to v 'this year. Miss Waymss is a poet' of overstimulated. There is eXcess acid. merit; a capable journalist, and. has The way to correct it is with an alkali, cofnpot,rid a number of songs. Which neutralise% many times Its vol - ewe in acid. The ; ..rii5 wall evaded to keep out- The right way 10 Phillips' Milk of • side products out is keeping inside Magnesia—just a tastiese dose in brod�co in.water It is pleasant, efficient and About two houre after eating many people suffer from sour stomachs. harmltss. It has rema nee r0 it our Industria aid with physicians in the 50 year's disasera. since its invention, It is the quick method. Results! "Does the man Ethel is going to proved method, You w never use than that; he owns a lot o a k come al meth instantly. It is Lilo ap- Mar" cenre Of 8.M1 atC'elc" "l3ettei• ill a lilt n nether when you now. Be sure 10 get the genuine Phillips' I Been a dog, when wet, knows ell - Milk of Magnesia prescribed by Ward- ough to shako himself and become Mane for 50 ,years in correcting excess dry. Mlnard's .Liniment for Toothache. BABY CHXOSs �In BATOR F01011 VARIETIES. Write for free catalogue. A. II. Switzer, Cranton, Ontario. n ABX OIiIOTCs, WHITE LEGIHORN'S LP of high quality moderately priced.. Produced to maks good under actual farm conditions. All pens headed by, pedigreed males from hens with records or 225 to 200 eggs and over 300 egg blood'. lines. May chicks, leo; June eiiteSe, 12}e. Catalogue Free. 100 per cent. live de- -. livery guaranteed Britannia Poultry Farm, 13. 0, Brampton, ant., acnweoCEtiS' THORfO,BRE„ D ti tttiv :keto,kAvst'CH11t; __ Hired Assassins London Daily Mail (Ind. Cons.); (The bank -notes found on the South- ern Irish gunmen, seized by the Lon- don ondon police on March 17, have been traced to Soviet banking institutions.) It is thus definitely established' that the Soviet is still paying Means of every kind to attack law-abiding peo- ple and to wreck the established In- stitutions of this country. The only kind of travel that doesn't broaden one is that on a trolley in the rush hour. If the women's party had its way, it would rule the country by a Elite majority. Windows Re-idyl/Re Glazed 41t.8x10 Other +iso+ Varga' i prices. Send for frog gain. anog ofd Builders' special Storing Bargain circular ( IIA�A.Y CO., HAMILTON Our breeder. are a.nfd bs redtarf,roBdr rbolls pBodegomWri White Rocks, Keels. Air cone, Baa Orpington*, Whig etc Wyaudoveea• aneppi 100fig five delivery guaranteed. WriteFo today for ss CHICK -CHICK e00K- gonveoLsWt'S'gummy, aarau"ta, auRato.s.rh,. Cuticura. Soap Is Pure and Sweet Ideal for Children somnio soap, of traer,q T+1 r,rc o. Add se Cn- nndinnnonor. ^cone+r r. n r. a ..rte, et vtreal." tackle, Each bottle cons...._ ' full di.' rections-any drugstore. Minard's Ll(dment for Insect bites. Much of the nervouanese in older children can be traced to the over- stimulation during infancy, caused by regarding baby as a sort of animated toy for the amusement of parents, re- latives and friends. Baby may be played with, but not for more than a quarter of an hour to an hour daily. Beyond that, being bandied, tickled, caused to laugh or even scream, will sometimes result in vomiting, and in- variably causes irritability, crying or sleeplessness. Fretfulness, crying and sleepleseness from this cause can easily be avoided by treating baby with more consldera- a ' c n t see what but when you just tion, is making baby restless or upset, bet- ter give him a few drops of pure, harmless Castoria. It's amazing see hops .qu1Ckcly It calms baby's tie vee Matt soothes him to eloepi Yet it contains no drugs or opiates, It is purely vegetable—the recipe is ortc wrapper, Leading physicians it wrapper, it for colic, cholera, diary sit constipation, gal osl stomach and bowels, feverishness, lord Of sleep and all ether "upets" of babyhood. Over 25 million bottles used a year shows its overwhelming popularity, With each bottle of IMAMS get a book On Mo berehop , u. weight in gold. Look► tor Fletcher's atgnatuyre On. th0, so you'll get genuine O sto't'1-q, , are many imitationB. Od.,eoy radion ole Gu„ -Dipped The allowing oro card untwisted Into 15 strands. may lib.. of event strand Is insulated wills rubber. Why Gum -Dipping Increases Tire Life A tire in use is being con- stantly bent backwards and forwards by road action. ,Such movement generates friction and heat that has a deteriorat- ing effect unless the tire is built to withstand it. In the carcass of a Cum - Dipped tire there is less friction to generate heat because Gum - Dipping puts a coating of new live rubber around each separ- ate cord that keeps it from rub - fling against the cords that liet next to it. it stays cooler and therefore lasts longer. i'e rr local Fireaione Dealer will Madly added you on your lira problems. Joe lilm'foday. WIR1OSTONE TIRE es RUBBER CO, OP CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Castle MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Sore Feet. Bathe feet in Minerd's and warns water, rubbing solution into aching Barts. Soothing and relieving. reStOtte GUM -DIPPED TIRES ntaa Odly Gum -Moped Tires 1 9 Lovely Skim t9 S Glot l' TeEteare Soft, glowing color and velvet smooth- ness are the skin's reflections of "blood health " within. TRU-BLOOD, the pleasant - to -take Mood tonic, by acting directly en the blood and driving out impurities, corrects underlyingthe and gesnatucauses ralcoaffections color and beauty to gives tom \Mien takTRU-BLOOD use Blick ley'splexion. OINTMingENT as an external treat- ment. This tragic Ointment does wonders in correcting skin blemishes, in softening and beautifying the skin. Read what these nscrs say. , One writes: "Tr*, Blood Bayes: I recommend marvels torruy neighbors and they find it betatr than any preparation they beve ever rued." Still annum. Nates: "I coned praio it enough. As long as 1 live I Kill neved he without TM -Blood." You will sing its praises, too Go to any rood druggist for these pro( "Bnakiey's" prcditete—end acquire "The Ulla That Cl,s o,' - Tones the Blood Clears the Sri/z ATTENTION, WOMEN OF ENKE AGE! Mrs. Goodkey Tells Her Experi- ence with Pinkham's Compound) . Bytimoor, Alberta. --"The Change of Life was the trouble with inc and 1 wasrun-down, thin ro M. d coup andweakan not sleep, had a poor appotlte and couldnot do much.; work.' am taking Lydia E. Pinic- ham' s Vegetable Compound now and I feel like a wall woman. x saw it advertised 111 the papers and tried it ham's Sanative dr aasnhd; yhdaitaei; rri enikn- • mended it to a lot of woman 'riends. hints. WM. C,00nitnv, I3yenaoor, Al-, bora. lar;ilE tic, 20 -2 3 :.