HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-05-10, Page 4FOUR SEAFORTI NEWS
Snowdon Bios., Publishers,
W.9, QN,
ltev. i .-'F, Chandler and family.
spent Sunday in title vicinity.
'Aare .are sorry to note that Mr. Fut-
ton, of the village, is ill at present. He
is nearing the century tnaric and up
till this spring has enjoyed unusually
' 14,92z1 health for a man of his age,
-the Yottng People's, Society 'took
advantage of ;Rev. Dr. Darby being in
(Brussels ,on Sunday evening and a
goodie number went 'aver to hear an
inspiring address onhis work m
British Columbia.
tR few dram here attended the Odd
Fellows ' 'service in the Anglican
Chordal, Brussels, andlistened to a
wonderful sertnotl by Mr. Lewin.
Mrs, William Jackson, of ,Blyth;
visited friends in Bnttssets reoeutly
and also called on G, W. 'Jackson, of
the village,
Mr. E, Constable, of St. Marys, call -
Sed on friends in the village last week.
Mr, wed Mrs, F. A. Hambley, of
Staffa, and Miss Florence Cooper, of
Seaforth, spent Sunday afternoon at J.
N. Campbell's.
The Ladies' Aid of Bethel Church
suet Thursday last at the home of
Mrs, Edgerton Roe,
.Miss Ida Driscoll is spending the le
week=end with Mrs. William Morritt,
near Blyth.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Holmes visit-
ed at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Mudie Sunday last,
Mr. Bert Tyler, of Detroit, who was•
engaged the past two weeks with Mr.
Thomas Archibald, has taken a besi-
etess trip to Toronto.
Mr. John Driscoll has rented part
William ' 4 A2c 11 s farm for the
t \ r. Cu a
carving three years. We wish Mr,
Driscoll the best of luck,
A few of the .farmers aromid here
intend finishing seeding this week.
Some of those who have tractors have
already finished,
The Tomlinson fancily visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Par-
sons at Harlock last Sunday after -
Mr. Carol Holmes intends taking a
business trip to London this week.
Mrs. Ed, Fawcett, who has been
spending the past month with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Balfour at
Leadbury, has returned to London,
where she will make her home in fu-',
- titre,
The Misses Driscott and Miss'
Louise Mills motored to. Winghani to
visit Mr. and Mrs, Bert Currie, on
Wednesday evening,
Mr. Frank Gill, of Monkton, visited
nt the home of Mr. and Mrs, Will.
Clark on Sunday.
Misses Ethel and Luella, Mose of
Milverton are visiting with Mr, and
Mrs. all al
Mr. T. Mose underwent an opera-
tion for goitre in Toronto.
Mr. D. Johnston, Mr. Hoy and Earl
spent Saturday at Port Albert,
Mrs. Campbell tf London spent a
few days with Mrs. Jos, Bennett last
The Sabbath School will have
eharge of the Mother's Day services
next Sabbath morning commencing at
10.30 o'clock in the Queen Street
'Church. A ale choir will provide
Rae music, while an interesting pro-
gram will be rendered by members of
the Sunday School At the evening
service the choir will give special sea
nations and the pastor an address
suitable to the occasion.
Revs. George Weir and R H.
Barnby attended the funeral services
.f the late Rev. James 'Hamilton in
North Street Church, 'Goderich, on
AnnualMeeting,-The Women's In-
stitute held their annual _meeting_on
Thursday, May 3nd, in Memorial hall.
The secretary's report showed the
splendid total of $766 for receipts dur-
ing the past year and a membership
rsf 70. The officers for the coming
year will be: President, Mrs, Robert
Wightnan; vice presidents, Mrs. Fred
,Oster, Mrs. \V•illia'm -Mills; secretary,
Mrs, J. Colclough; district director,
ltIrs. B. Herrington; directors, limit.
Richmond,. errin ton Mrs.
R. C. McMrs B. H gowan, Mrs. William 'Craig;
representatives to district annual,
Mrs, A. Barr, Mrs, H. Young, Mrs. A.
Bell, Mrs. Herrington, Mrs. Wight -
mat; press secretary, Mrs. A. Cum-
ing; auditors, Mrs. R. Watt, Mrs, Hr
McElroy, pianist, Miss L. Herring-
ton; music committee, Mrs. Hollyman,
Miss Patt, Mrs, H. McElroy, Miss
Pearl Gidley, Miss L Herrington;
historical research committee, Mrs.
Carr, Mrs. R. C. McGowan, Mrs.
- Poplestone; emergency committee,
Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs, Bender, Mrs.
Cuming, Mrs. Barr; the programme
committee will be comprised of the
executive- •11 was announced that the
district annual meeting will be held
in Blyth on June 12th. Mrs, George
Edwards of Kotnaka will be the
speaker. The ladies deserve much
credit for the work carried out daring
the year. .
A •number of the friends of the late
Rev. 'Selborne Anderson. who seas•
pastor of the Methodist Church here
• over twenty years ago attended his
ft.neral services at Monkton on Mon-
day of this week. After service in the
Munch the body was conveyed to
London and tenderly laid to rest.
At the meeting of the Official
Board of Queen Street Church Held
on Monday evening, Mrd Sidney Leslie
'was appointed lay delegate to Pres-
bvtery for the ensuing year with Mr.
Thnmas Kernick as alternate,
.The Fredericton, N.B., Daily Glean-
er of Friday, April 27, says; "A func-
tion that will 'long be remembered in
St. 'Paul's Church 'was the comeli-
men'ary banquet tendered the Ladies'
Aid of the church last night by the
Men's- Community Club in apprecia-
tinn.of the Anlenrlie work accomplish.
.ed by the :ladies in the welfare of the
church, The gymnasium wan milt
derogated with 'trop curtains and red,
white and blue bunting, while the
tables' were bright .with yellow and
red •crepe paper, red and yellow
ea'4les rend vases and baskets of red
tulips and daffodils alai dainty baskets
of randy far' place cards, The head
table, at which the president and
• other nffieers of the society were
seated, ,had decorations sotnewhat out
of the ordinary,_a .,mall glass Arm
ease containing all the ,lid to a lady's
scanty being .plated in a conspicuous\
place while trailing smilax graced the
front of the table and lovely flowers
Dittoed at different points on the table,
The menu cotss
ted of g
le fruit,
tulceaWith all, its extra_, apple pic
and ice cream, and the manner 10
wltlth it was served made the ladies
realize that they had strong oompeti-
tors 10 . the Men's Club and might
learn something � from them for fu-
ture occasions. The service left troths
ing to be desired, the men being on
their jobs like waiters at Sherry's or
some other fealties eating place,
Luke S, Mordant was the head waiter
and he certainly saw to it that his
subordinates were on the job each
and every moment, Jr D. Palmer and
G, W. (Brown presided ever the tea
end coffee cups and poured in a cap-
able manner, A. S. MtFarlatie was
chairman end.the committee was eons,.
posed as follows; John Neill, Harry,
A. Smith, G, '1V,'Brown, L, .5, Mor:
risen, Hr A, Watson, George Denni-
son, G. A. Armstrong Jr„ G. Arne
strong, C, W. Sypher, Bedford Green,
W. A. VaaWart, P. S, Watson, Rev,
Cr, Telford. A rather distressing ac-
cident oceurred as Dugald Tozer. was
carrying a tray of "old China" be-
tween two tables, He "slipped" and
fell end broke all the dishes, Some of
the ladies were full of sympathy until
they found out it had been pre-
arrauged. A short programme was
carried ottt consisting of music by the
High School orchestra, community
singing, solo by W. A. 'Wheaton, duet
by W. Ar Wheaton and John Peter-
son, a selection by the Taxis Boys'
quartette and a short address by G.
W. Brown, the .president. Not the
least important part of the programme
a membership
t apresentation of
was h
card in the Golf Club and a bag of
golf sticks ande
g balls to T Mt
The presentation was made in ab-
sentia as the articles did not arrive at
the hall."
Miss Christie Forrest of Jamestown
spent the week end with her friend,
Mrs, .Clarence Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and
family visited Mr, and Mrs, James
Williamson on Sunday..
'Mr. and Mrs. William McClure of
McKillop spent Sunday with the lat-
ter's sister, Mrs. John McNichol,
'Charles and Mrs. Nicholson and
John and 'Mrs. Grasby were guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Jermyn on Sun-
Mrs..Russell Bradshaw has returned
liotne after spending a fortnight with
relatives here.
Mr. Orval McNichol of McKillop is
spending a week with his uncle, Mr,
John McNichol,
Mr. Joseph Arm'serong has been on
the sick list this past week.
'The sympathy of the community is,
attended to the family of the late
John McDowell, who passed away on
Sunday at his home in East Wawa -
nosh in his 85th year, Mrs. Mc-
Dowell, formerly Ann McClinton, pre-
deceased him. Four sons and six
daughters, Dr. Albert S. of Michigan;
William, John and Alva, of E. Wawa-
nosh; Mrs. B. Hr Taylor, Goderich;
Mrs, W. Walden, E. Walvanosh; Mrs,
Jos. Killough, of Dungannon; Mrs, K.
Cameron, Lucknow; Mrs, A. Vincent,
Belgrave; and Ella, in the West An-
other daughter Mabel (Mrs. George
Snell) passed away some years ago.
Interment was made in Westfield ce-
metery Tuesday.
The Alert Club are putting on a big
old time and modern dance in the
Community Hall, tLondesboro on
Friday evening, May 111, Allen's or-
shestra will supply the music, Moder-
ate price. Everybody come and en-
joy a wonderful time.
Miss Marjorie McEwing, of Clinton,
entertained a. few of her Clinton and
Harlock friends at her home here on
Wednesday evening. All present re-
ported having a wonderful time.
'The Junior Institute, formerly
Girls' Club, held their,' May meeting at
the home of Miss Helen McEwing on
Thursday evening, The Vice ;Presid-
ent, Miss i\iary Cartwright, opened
the meeting be singing "Auld Lang
Syne," after which the Secretary, Miss
Marjorie Colson, called the roll, show-
ing attendance g of fourteen mem-
bers. Six visitors were also present.
A card of thanks from Miss Estella,
Murphy was then read by the 'Secre-
tary for floral gifts received in mem-
ory of her mother, the late 'Mrs. Wil-
liam Murphy, All business parts were
then discussed. Miss Lilly Garret
favored them with a song, "My Don-
ny tBoy." with Miss Jean Holtzhasier
at the piano. Tlie meeting was then
closed by singing, "God Save the
King." After the close of the meeting
Miss Elizabeth Mills honored the
company by a few piano selections
which were much enjoyed. Lunch was
served by ibirs. McEwing and Helen.
Before the girls returned home a vote
'1 thanks was driven to Mrs. McEwing
and Helen for their hospitality,
Miss Kathleen Beacom visited her
fiend Miss F_stella.Murphy, on Wed
iesday afternoon of last week.
Miss Beth Sliobbrook visited her
friend, Miss Edythe Beacom Friday
Miss Jennie 'Robinson, of Harlock
recently went to •Goderich, where she
has secured employment at the home
if Mr. McManus, of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. David Reid and fam-
dlv visited at the home of Mr. and
\•frs, Jos. Campbell, of near Walton,
Sunday afternoon,
We are sorry to hear that Mr, Dan,
Stevens lost a very valuable horse on
eaturday morning.
Mr, and Mrs. A, W. McEwing and
\lr, and Mrs, Isaac Rapson visited
'Brussels friends Sunday afternoon
The Ladies' Aid connected with
'turns Church and the Women's Mis-
-1onary Society ,are to hold their
May meeting at .the home. of Mess
lames Harry and 'Bert, Allen on
Thursday afternoon.
The many friends of Mr, Sandy
Smith, formerly a resident here and
"ow of Brussels, are sorry to hear of
ea serious condition. Thev all hope
'he will have a sneedy recovers,.
Mothers Day is to be held this 'Sun -
Jae at 'Burns Church. •
Mr. J. Shennart, of Clinton, visited
,t the hnnm of Mr, A, •W, Beacom on
Sunday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Bell visited Mr,
'yes. Beacom and family Sunday af-
of Seaforth, who was recently honor-
ed by promotion.
'The regular meeting of the W. M.
S. of Egmondville United Church was
held on Wednesday, May 9. Miss
Thorns presided. Meeting opened by
singing the doxology followed by the
Lord's Prayer in untson. Hymn 235
was /lien sung. Minutes of the last
meeting were read. It was decided by
the meeting to change the day of
meeting ftron
the 2nd Ved
theo the 2nd Friday r n for the
summer months. hs Following
sponsive readings, interspersed by
hymns were taken by all Prayer by
Mrs. Brown, The devotional leaflet,
"Christian Stewardship," was given
by Miss Timms, Mrs..Reinke and Mrs,
James Stewart. After this Mrs, Mc-
Donald, Mrs. Allen and Mrs, McMil-
lan gave splendid reports of the Pres-
byterial held in Winghani. The fol-
lowing ladies frons our Auxiliary at-
tended sae Wingham meeting: Mrs.
McDonald, Mrs, McMillan, Mrs,
Allen, Mrs, Shitlinglaw, Mrs, R. E,
McKenzie and Mrs. Chesney.
On Sunday last St. Andrews' Unit-
ed Church held their Young People's
anniversary services, Rev. Finlay
Matheson of Streffond delivered two
impressive and inspirational sermons
to large audiences. Special music was.
rendered by the choir which added to
the services.'
On Monday evening Ye Olde Tyme
Village Quartette of Toronto, under
the director, Mr, A, C. 'Chapman, and
Mr, Walker as reader, gave a most
excellent program of old time songs
and readings. From the opening sel-
ection, "Come to the Fair," to the
quartette 'arrangement of the sextette
from Lttciai de Lammermoor, there
was not dull moment throughout the
two and a half hours of solos, duetts,
quartettes and readings, Dt was -worth
being present if only to hear the old
Scotch duett, "Hunting 'Tower." The
audience would fain have heard more
of them had' time permitted. The
members of the company appeared in
o1 de t me and Scotch' costume.
Next Sunday is Mother's Sunday.
Special service will be held in St.
Andrew's in observance of this dase in
honour of our "Mothers".
The Gauld Mission Band meets on
Saturday afternoon. A full attend-
ance is requested,
;Me. Arthur Andrews is sporting a
new Essex car,
Seeding is almost completed in this
The W.M. Society of St. Andrew's
United Church, Kippen, met dt the
home of Mrs. J. Cochrane anti was
most interesting. Reports were. given
by the different members who at-
tended- the Presbyterial at Wingham.
Mr. Andrew Slater is having a sale
of his household effects on Satunday,
May 12tH,
Master Lawrence Brightmore of
London is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Jr
we a aretear that lad to
g n at Miss Jen-
nie Chesney is improving nicely after
her operation in Seaforth hospital for
tonsils ,and adenoids,
Miss Carrie Leader of London has
returned hone after visiting for - a
week with Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Day-
Mr. Thomas Kay has treated him-
self to a new Chrysler sedan and Mr.
Robert Elgie has purchased a Whip-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomes Elder of Sea -
forth visited old neighbors in this
vicinity on Sunday last.
Miss Edmonds of Seaforth spent
the week end with her friend, Mar-
garet McDonald.
Master Allen Keyes spent the week
end with his cousin, James McNaugh-
Mrs, John McKenzie of Hensall
visited with her son •Peter, during the
past week.
For Rheumatic Pains, -The pains
and aches of Sciatica and Rheumatism
should be treated with lir, Thomas'
Eclectric Oil, The soothing and heal-
ing properties of this fa^,ous remedy
have been 'demonstrated for fifty
years, Use it also for inflammatory
oains, cuts, scratches, bruises and
sprains, either in human beings or the
lower animals,
Mr. J. Edward Campbell died on
Aoril 26th in his 47t1i year after a
short illness of 'nneumnnia. He had
farmed in Usborne until three years
aro, Besides his wife .formerly Miss
May White ant two sons and twn
daughters he leaves one brother and
+three sisters: Arsher of rebores; arse
Tohn Stewart, Exeter, Mrs, 1). M.
Hackney. Prq':na, and Mrs, Dr, Lan-
nin, Hamilton,
Mr Archie Ryckman, of Moose
Taw Sask.. who with Mrs, Rycleman
an•d 5 chi'riren have 'been visiting Mrs..
aeck•ran'a regents afr and Mrs,
•ateseess \7nnn,' of r"hise"•nrst has
-sated the resmence of Mr, James
Met'al's in E"eter.
The P-nvinelal riinh•irnv llpnart-
nlent w" -"r' -seen teals fiver the
is calling for tenders for the eon-
strttetion of enlverts between Exeter
and ElglnIield and also between Ex
ole' anti Clintielon.
Mr. l'redot'c Green, of Exeter
north, away April
28. lie was
born in England and carne to klurob
as a young boy. He was married to.
IQathertne Smith some forty-two years
ago, His wife, two sons, Joseph anti
Harry, and four daughters, Mrs. 3,
Moi)onald, Mrs. II, Ford, Mrs, E,
Hughes and Ivirs, R. Kew, survive;
also one brother, James Green, of
(Rev. G. M. Chidice, pastor of
Thames Road United Church, has ac
cepteClitire'd.li, a . call to Watford United
The death occurred; at Decatur, Il-
linois, on May 2, of Charles Dale. His
widow was formerly Miss Amelia
Oke. Interment took place at Exeter
on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs, George Earl of Us,-
s-borne wish, to `announce the engage -
neat of (heir eldest daughter, Gladys
Laurene, to Mr, Harold Mervin Hern,
son of Mr, Eph, Hern and the late
Mrs. Hero, of Usbotne, the wedding
to take place the middle of May.
On April 28, Marjorie, second dans
ghter of Mr. Rad Mrs. Gollings, was
united' in marriage to J. Edgar Ken-
nedy, Sons of Mr, and Mrs, William
Kennedy of London, 'the ceremony
being penformed by Rev. G, M Chid*
ley at the' Thames Road elapse.
'Magistrate and Mrs. S. J. An-
drews received a visit fronm, their son
in -haw, F. F. Gillies of Kitchener, who
came up by airplane Wednesday
morning last. Ile expects' to do coins
inerrant flying this summer and is do-
ing the required number of hours of
loneflYtv to secure the necessary
ihome at
Albert E. Nott died a
Sault Ste. Marie last week after a •few
days' illness with the Au. He was in
his 65th year. He is survived by his
wife, formerly `Miss Ella Kearns of
Clinton, three daughters andone son:
Mrs. Allen Jenks, 'Cotter de Alene,
Idaho; Mrs. Sutherland, Vancouver,
B.C., and' Mrs. 'Harry Donaghue,
Sault Ste. Marie and one son,, Kearns
Knott, also of tate Soo. Besides his
mother, one brother Fred Nott of the
London Road, and four sisters, Mrs.
H. Peacock and Mrs. W. A. Grant of
Clinton, Mrs. H. C. McConnell of
Kindersly, ;Sask., and Mrs. R. Bailey
of ;Galahad, Alta, also survive.
At the Manse, Brussels ou \Wednes-
day, Alpiil 25th, a quiet wedding was
solemnized by Rev, F. G. Fowler,
when E. Marie Long, youngest dau-
ghter of the late Jacob and Mrs. Long
of Cranbrook, was united in matri-
mony to Samuel H. Burgess, eldest
son of James and Mrs. Burgess, of
Brussels. The bride looked very be-
coming in a conal silk crepe dress
withtrimming' of rose bisque, with
shoes and hose to -.match. She also
wore a white gold bar pin, the raft pf
the groom. After the ceremony a
dainty dinner was served at the home
of the bride's sister, Mrs. Roy Ben-
nett, after which the h-id.e 'l-nne' a'
dress of rosewood silk crepe for
travelling. Her coat was of , French
beige charmelaine with gloves and
hat to match. The happy couple left
amid showers of confetti for their
honeymoon by motor to Toronto, .Ha-
milton . and •Hagersville..Upo.n their
retain they will reside neer Bruss s.
Toronto Live Stock Quotations.
Toronto, May 7th.
Receipts -Cattle 3,670; calves 910,
hogs 1,320, sheep and lambs 96.
Heavy beef steers $ 9.75 to 12.00
do fair 9.00
Butcher steers, choice 10.00
do fair to good 9.00
do common ..:...8.00
Butcher •heifers, choice„ 9.75
do fair to good 8.50
do common 8.00
Butcher cows, goodto
choice .. , 8.00
do common to medium 6.00
do canners and cutters 3.50
Butcher bulls, good to
Feeders, choice . , 8.75
do fair to good 8.00
Stockers, choice '. 8.00
do, fair to good 6.50
Calves choice 13,00
do medium 9.00
do grassers .. ,. 6.04
Milch and springer cows,
choice , , , ... ...'.110.00
Hogs, selects, w.o c , 40.40
do thick smooths, w.oc,9.85
9.75 1
.�, Bill. _
Geo.'A.SiIIs and Sons
Seafo rth
Experienced doctors on all
eases. Leather or Rubber Soles
and Heels. We repair the body
of your shoes and HEAL the
Try us now before your shoes
are dead.
We give Health, Serviee and
Workmanship on all sboe
Fred Barlow Prop
2 doors south of Beattie's Var-
iety Store
Detroit and Return
Goderich to
,sn - F ' i
Round Trip Will Leave Goderich One Way
Wednesday, June 6111 at 9.30 a. m.
Arriving at Port Huron 1 30 p. m. , Detroit 5 30 p. m.
Returning leaves Detroit 1 p. m•, Friday, June 8th
The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season,
Children between 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your. Michigan friends
and see big end busy Detroit, A delightful trip over the great
international highway of •lakes and rivers.
Don't miss it. -Lets go.
Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Saturday, lune `3th, at 8.30 a
Moonlight Out Of Goderich`
Tuesday, Jane 5th at $.30 pi* m.
Come and enjoy the fun
Finzel's Orchestra for dancing in steamer's big bail, room.
Three hours on' beautiful Lake Huron for 50c Children 250.
London Pale from rlintnn to Exeter, N.,
flax Land Wanted
We wish to announce to the farming community of
Hensall and Exeter districts, that ,we are prepared to rent a
large acreage of Flax Land.
- Fall or spring ploughed land preferred.
Fanners will prepare the seed bed as directed, or if im-
possible to do the work, we may arrange to have it done.
We will do the sowing and guarantee that only pure
seed, free from weed seeds, will be sown.
All i comm n
u cations addressed to the undersigned will
receive our very prompt attention.
Owen.Geiger and Son
•=PHONE 59
in good Condition.
Our free catalogue is available as well as our
landscape service. Enquiries appreciated.
Nurserymen and Florists
�e timite
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x.Aelpweth rt'Y''
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V arnis
Lowe Brothers Neptuni te Varnishes
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varnishes that have eucce s
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not turn white, crack under the
show heel marlcs. Ice and snow
effect on them.
They "produce a remarkably
they wear longer and cost less
are ideal
being the only
y w ithstood the-
They witestor
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Varnish -Stain o . s
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a high grade varnish stain. It 'interior
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The stain colors are non -fad-
ing. Neptunite Varnish Stain
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quick -has a surface like
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ness and dusts off easily.
l one
Wall . Paint
For decoration • . it is
paint, ready for "use. Mellotone combines
the delicacy of a water paint with
durable elements of a lead and
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'¢ 1 .and
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Tt very
. Itcanbe ash-
easYto apply. Y pis
e d with soap water;
fast and.coverss 900
Square feet to the gallon,
a liquid
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Lowe Brothers
Paint covers final,
a so-called cheap
"High Standard"
lasts so long that
dreds of users
")Nigh Standard" Liquid
half as much more than
paint. More than this, .
is so easy to apply and
it is conceded by hurl-
to be the most economical
paint per square . foot
sold. -
+ •. ' . It comes in 'a splendid
�, range of 'beautiful colors�,'
-ii� and produces a high gloss
n'thatwears off
finish otellingyou
evenly, leaving the sur-
�r face in splendid condition
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when next you paint,
Auto -floss
There is no need to drive
When any, amateur can refinish
a few hours with Lowe
Auto -Gloss produces a finish
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to the'weather: a
We will be very glad to
supply you with literature �
how to re-
Y ,
stole tho finish to pour
car. You will be. Sur-
to learn how easy
it is:
a shabby car
his car in
Brothers Auto-
of remark-
flows .out evenly
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Geo.'A.SiIIs and Sons
Seafo rth
Experienced doctors on all
eases. Leather or Rubber Soles
and Heels. We repair the body
of your shoes and HEAL the
Try us now before your shoes
are dead.
We give Health, Serviee and
Workmanship on all sboe
Fred Barlow Prop
2 doors south of Beattie's Var-
iety Store
Detroit and Return
Goderich to
,sn - F ' i
Round Trip Will Leave Goderich One Way
Wednesday, June 6111 at 9.30 a. m.
Arriving at Port Huron 1 30 p. m. , Detroit 5 30 p. m.
Returning leaves Detroit 1 p. m•, Friday, June 8th
The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season,
Children between 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your. Michigan friends
and see big end busy Detroit, A delightful trip over the great
international highway of •lakes and rivers.
Don't miss it. -Lets go.
Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Saturday, lune `3th, at 8.30 a
Moonlight Out Of Goderich`
Tuesday, Jane 5th at $.30 pi* m.
Come and enjoy the fun
Finzel's Orchestra for dancing in steamer's big bail, room.
Three hours on' beautiful Lake Huron for 50c Children 250.
London Pale from rlintnn to Exeter, N.,
flax Land Wanted
We wish to announce to the farming community of
Hensall and Exeter districts, that ,we are prepared to rent a
large acreage of Flax Land.
- Fall or spring ploughed land preferred.
Fanners will prepare the seed bed as directed, or if im-
possible to do the work, we may arrange to have it done.
We will do the sowing and guarantee that only pure
seed, free from weed seeds, will be sown.
All i comm n
u cations addressed to the undersigned will
receive our very prompt attention.
Owen.Geiger and Son
•=PHONE 59
in good Condition.
Our free catalogue is available as well as our
landscape service. Enquiries appreciated.
Nurserymen and Florists