HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-04-26, Page 7Air Expedition Sails to Papua For Sugar Cane 4 L AFTS p° s ls�lir; CYAN. L. [ndigestion Disappears When the Object Is To Find Species 0�av6ial mom) Superior to That Grown Of the high, cost of living I hear men Blood is I•unriched Now Ion United °°mplain The most urgent need of all who StAtes Soil 1 oanavt refrain from replying: suffer from any form of indigestion is "It is sttll somewhat cheaper^ on earth atonic to enrich the blood. Pan and• to remain, distress after eating is the way the Financed By GovernmentFor just think of the high cost °f stomach shows that it is tee weak to dying.,. ying " perform the work of digesting the Experts' Say Island Is Original size him food it takes, New atrength is given Home of the Product If a map will talk, you can si to worth .stomachs by Dr. Williams' ub quickly, Pink Pills because they purify and en, A airplane expedition to the Johnnie Rapp gazed delightetdly at rich the blood. This accounts for the 1, A group of Norwegians photCa pho ,, wilds of Papua, New Guinea,' got un- his stunning date,. as she gracefully s cad relief in stomach` disorders after having spent a few years In Canada, der way recently when the freighter descended the stairway. His heart that follows the use of this medicine. 2. Young girl dressed In the costume a55 Atholl sailed with a Fairchild mono- beat violently as -he realized that all typical of her native country. � ' The value of this medicine incases of indig eetion Is shown by the case of By introducing into Canada such with 500,000 roughly 60,000' are of Nome - Mrs. George W. Johnsen, ' Lequille, ter sthat of the Nelson gian origin. The annual average in- Aort talent as N.S., who says:—"I have no health- brothers in ski-jumping, and others in Aux of immigranta from. Norwegian tion In recommending Dr. Williams' figure skating, Norwegians have won ports is 5,000, the majority travelling Pink Pills. I was greatly distressed much favor and esteem in the eyes of by Canadian Pacific ships to Quebec with indigestion. Always after eating Canadians. and Montreal in the summer, and St. I suffered Penn pains in the stomach Nels Nelsen, C.P.R. brakeman, John, N.B., in the winter, These ves- and other distressing symptoms. I Created a world's record in 1926 at secs are splendidly equipped for this tried different remedies, but without Revelstoke, B.C., In making a success- Purpose and carry as many as 900 getting relief. I was advised by a ful leap down the mountain side of Immigrant passengers at a time, con - friend to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, 240 feet, a distance that has not yet adorably okceeding the capacity of which I readily did, and I am feeling been surpassed. His brother, Ivind other lines. Oslo and very grateful ever since to the person Nelsen, created the record for the The settlers Iraqi from Who gave me the advice, The very Quebec jump this winter in making Christiania by the weekly service first box helped me and before I had 114 feet, a highly creditable perform-emaintained by the Elleman Wilson taken a half dozen boxes I was re- once on that particular jump, Steamship Line to Bull, across Dag - stored to my former good health and At Banff and Quebec and other win- land by the London and North East - all traces of this distressing trouble tetr sport centres in Canada, Nor ern l;ailway, and embark at Liverpool. disappeared. It Is now about a year wegians, as amateurs and profession- Special C,P,R, trains run from Quebec singe I took the pills, and I have not ale, have contributed much to native through to Winnipeg for distribution been troubled with indigestion since. flgure skating talent. They have un- of the immigrants throughout western I have taken every occasion to recom- :doubtedly shared in the training of Canada, mend Pr. Williams' Pink Pills to those the outstanding Canadian skaters, The Canadian Pacific maintains in need of a medicine and shall con- many of whom have won great distine- agencies for the service of prospec- tinue to do so." tion In international and world com- tive Norwegian immigrants at Aale• A little booklet, "What to Eat and petitions, surd, Bergen, Oslo, Stavanger and How to Eat," will be sent free to any- Out of Canada's population of 9,- Trondhjem. one asking tor it. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mall at 50o a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1 16 Rules of Health? NEW STRENGTH FOR WEAK STDCHS Norwegians Aid Canada's Development Plane lashed to her after deck The expedition is l?eing conducted by the United States Department of Agri- culture to collect and study different varieties of sugar cane - This is the second expedition by air- craft to tilts virtually unknown inter- , for c f New Guinea, The Arae was that —,4114,...„ conducted by Dr. Matthew W. Stirl- " ,Ing, to study a race of pygmies in the Nassau Mountain region, According to scientists New Guihea is the original home of the sugar cane, and It is the only spot in the world wherethe: cane can be made to grow from seed. Aboard the Atbn•il, which is one of the British -owned American and Atte- tralfan line freighters., was Richard Kenneth Peck, civilian flyer employ- ed by the expedition. He will accom- pany the plane to Sydney, Australia, which is about 2,000 miles from New Guinea. If a ship large enough to transport the plane cannot be Deo- bured at Sydney, Peck says he will make the last stage of the journey in the airplane. Pock, who was one of the pilots of the Stirling expedition, is thirty-two years old. 'H received his training in commercial flying and has 2,000hours in the air to his credit. His home is in Elgin, Iu. The plane is a Fairchild monoplane, with a single Pratt & Whitney Wasp engine, and is capable of making 140 miles an hour. It has an enclosed cabin, which will seat four besides the pilot. Dr. E, W. Erandess and the three other scientists making the trip sailed from San Francisco recently, The two parties will meet in Sydney and, If a boatcannot be procured, the plane will fly 200 miles northward to Cape York, the northermost point of Australia, and the point nearest New Guinea. The plane will then fly across to Port Rabaul, the main set- tlement ettlement of New Guinea. • The expedition will make ite way no the Fly River,, whicas was first dis- covered by white mon when the British destroyer Fly entered it 111 1895. Boats will be used until the river be- comes too shallow to navigate, and a base will be establishd. From the base the airplane, equipped with pon- toons, will Ay into the heart of Papua to locate the wild sugarcane. The plane can cover in two hours the dis- tance the natives take two months to travel In canoes. The expedition Is expected to be gone about six months. The trip from New York to Sydney will be made in forty -Ave days. Early ex- peditions to New Guinea have taken from eighteen months to two years in forcing their way into the country. Yukon Revives this beauty was his. Charmingly,.. she stood before him and whispered, "How do 1 look, dearest?" "Sweetheart," he murmured, as„he took her in his arms, "you look mighty good to me.” "Don't let your impresalona.mislead you," she breathed, snuggling closer. Jtm—"Knowledge Is better than wealth," Tom --"Yea, I know, but I'd rather have the -Interior article." "A forty -dollar saddle on a twenty - dollar hose" looked silly; and that may explain why a college boy doesn't wear a hat. If a fellow. stave more than ten min- utes 111 a phone booth while others are waiting he deserves the wrong numbers he gets. Silver Lead Deposit Found at Dawson Stirs Old Romance Romauco has returned to the Yukon territory, says 'The San Francisco Chronicle." Once again the earth has ° disclosed a treasure afore which is making the prospector of to -day the potential millionaire of to -morrow. The mineral is a silver -lead deposit extending over a vast area and un- usual value, the depth extent of which remains to be determined. The de- posit area is some 200 miles east of Dawson, and the fact that the treasure is of base metal and not gold bas re- sulted in most of the world being in ignorance of .the new strike. Information concerning the silver- leacl mining operations was supplied by C. R. Settlemior, for many years editor of "The Dawson News," who came to San Francisco on his way home from Florida and Southern Cali- fornia. While there was no such excite- ment as was caused by discovery of gold, capital is being invested and in- dividual fortunes are being made by prospectors. Take Andy Johnson, for instance. Last winter he hoisted, einglehanded, and shipped without any help whatsoever on the property, sixty tons of high-grade galena ere, which yielded him a net profit of $12,- 000. 12;000. Yukon "Persons who think of the 1 and Alaska as p 1 laces -of snow and co only are duo for a surprise if they visit us, In the smuttier jt L7. Warmer • thin is tie climate ilk ii1f11y pla048 in the nited Stator proper, Gild there {1.q a Chain bout 'the midnight Sun, Totted nowhere else. At midnight on each Stine 21 there is in Dawson and 113 P1iib'tn1.s 1l} 4nr1?liki ,--'--ration, n .9, .ir heed. r Their Strange Habits. Spring, summer, autumn and winter more or less come and go every year, Not only in Springfield, Massachusetts but all over the country, we hear —Springfield, Maas., Union. Spring, summer, autumn and winter come each year to practically all of the States, But out here in Newark, Ohio, we •now and then feel that they have mixed their dates. Newark, Ohio, Advocate. Spring, skimmer, autumn and winter come by and visit us every year as a rule, And we say without fear of successful oomtradiction the latter part of Juno is quite cool. 1—Ventilate every room you occupy. 2—Wear light, loose and porous clothes. 3—Seek out -of -doer occupations and recreations. 4—Sleep outof-doors 1f you can, 5—Avoid overeating and overweight. 6—Avoid excees of high protein foods, such as mead, fresh foods, eggs; also excess of salt and highly -sea soned footle, 7—Eat some hard, some bulky, some raw foods daily. 9—Eat slowly and taste your food. "Is Edna dumb?" 9—Use sufficient water internally dls sirs dh en S to tribe to slap tad and 10—Secure thorol gh intestinal elimin- doctor when he told her she had anon>dafiy, acute dyspepsia" • il—Stand, sit and walk erect. An angry denial Is often• a conies- 12—Do not allow poisons and iafee- sien of guilt. tions to enter the body. 13—Beep the teeth, gums and tongue clean. 14—Work, play, rest, and Bleep in moderation. 15—Breathe deeply; take deep tlreath- ing exercises :venal times a day. 16—Beep serene and whole -hearted, Customer—"Well, it looke like rain." Milkman—"Mebbe so, but,Lt'e milk." No, Maude, if you doubt a woman's judgment, just look at some of the husbands they piclr. Once on a time a minister told a story like this: "On one occasion I preached to a congrepation where there were fifty-seven women and tour men present. This was a prayer meeting. On another cccasion I preached to 326 men and three women -this was in the state penitentiary." Dorsi Make a`ioy Out of Bator 'Babies HaveNerves' Dy 12UTH 131.ZITTAIN Much of the nervousness in older children can be traced to the over- stimulation during' infancy, caused by regarding baby as a sort of animated. toy for the amusement of parents, re- latives and friends: Baby may be played with, but not for more than a quarter of an hour to an hour daily. Beyond that, being handled, tickled, caused to laugh or even scream, will sometimes result in vomiting, and in- variably causes irritability, crying or sleep]essneSs. Fretfulness, crying and sleepless - se from this cause can easily be Lord Dewar, speaking at the ban- quet of the Knights of the Round 'Pabls Club, in London, said: Every day is a leap year day when you are crossing a one-wa1Y street. Respect- ability is the state of never being caught doing anything which 1s pleas- ure. A man's reputation is that which is not found out about him. The man to -day who wakes tip and finds Nim- -_elf rich is the prize' fighter, Many a man who wouldn't take "no" for an answer is writing cheques for alimony. rho L ee s. Priced Itli>teir ins Cascada Write for free Jae-- scriptivo folder tit, , or catalog showing completo lino of larger sizes. 30• 7j�f® �i g� 6+ E�B4 Wolxder'Concrete Mixe r 000LD, SRAPI,BY do Il,Din CO.114. Brantford Ont Needs Vols Coraeezve "It is working marvels with me," wrote' a grateful man who, suffering from pain- ful and disfiguring eczema, got complete relief, 'and regained d clear and healthy, ne skint by using TRU-BLLOOD. avoided by treating baby with more: • As its name implies, TRU-BLOOD is d consideration, but when you just can't true blood tonic. It removes the underly - see what Is making baby restless or ing cause of eczema, pimples, blackheads, upset, better give bini a few drops of itching rashes, boils, carbuncles and every t o ble due to im ure or cr skin r u amaz- aw A r u. Iia 'm se C asto 1 hal le pure, Lo see hos quickly it calms baby's impove niched blood. ing nerves and soothes him to sleep, Yet So many have benefitted from taking it tains no drugs er opiates I1 is TRU-BLOOD, you should try it Get a erine is en the <. IOt oday, and ul elf d Lead1n p1Iy --,•-• -toil r het to "t oU, a wort s t malts-, 0 should, when osslbie 4 WrapPod.. Leading,Ph siclane P1C Q it l r 3,,., yeursetf; its worth. charaetol', tin A , it for colic, cholera, diarrhea, constlipa I , 1 Now, say the vetermailaus, he has be abandoned. tion, gas on stomach and boweis, l Buckley s OIN7MEN'T is highly re completely recovered, and to colo Ntey,rtltlilosS, M. Laurent, though Less of sleep and all other, commended far speeding up the healing brato his return to health, Non a Past iegardecl as advanced, argued strongly [everislmess, Over 26 million" and eoitcning of the skin, TRU-BLOOD ne nt 'ofbabybood, rn �� agninst and a o doves out the poisons—the ointment heals magically, Try the combination treatment. Had Words With Him, Too. let Stude—"How do you and thb professor of philology get on to- gether?" 2nd Ditto—"Ali right, I guess; but I've had a good many words with him too. 100,00' Sive Rangers Win Scottish Cup Celtics Beaten, 4 to 0, in Soc- cer Final Before Record Crowd in Glasgow First Half is Scoreless But Victors Open Relentless Drive in Second Haif and Overwhelm Rivals Glasgow, Scotland.—The Glasgow Rangers won the Scottish football As- sooiation Cup, defeating the Celtics of Glasgow, 4 to 0, on Saturday, April 14. April 14th. The match was played at Hampden Park in fine cold weather and was at- tended by a record crowd for a Scot- tish Cup tie of 100,000 persons. Many fans were unable to gain admittance to the grounds, the gates of which were closed well before the start. All the Rangers' goals were scored in the last half, when they took ad- vantage of the strong wind. In the previous half Celtic's efforts were all unavailing despite the aid of the wind, though on several occasions they missed scoring by the narrowest of margins. In the second half, however, the Rangers removed all indecision with a violent offensive which resulted in the first goal by Meiklejohn. A fine i a ounted' for the shot by Flem ng ec second and Archibald scored the third after a brilliant solo effort. Archibald scored the fourth after Cunningham cleared the way. After this ,the Rangers dropped back and presented an impregnable defence to the trantic efforts of the Celtics. Mud Baths Save Horse, Victim of Rheumatism WHY TORTURE THE LITTLE ONES pniprQve boor Car's Appearance' they keep It clean ' Inside and Prevent yvear On rtennl#ig- boards, Aak Your Automobile healer to show you the New aledele pr write for list Sully Birass Foundry Lit 2888 Dundas St. West Toronto, Canada. • Our Mother (Mother's Day, May 13th) Who waits upon us night and day, And meets us with a smile; Who soothea the hurts we :get at play, And sings to us the while, Our Mother, Who sews the buttons on our clothes, And smoothes out every wrong; Wile makes us Soon forget our wOOS By singing some sweet song, Our Mother, And when w blue, And the Who wipes sway our bitter tears, And kisses away our frown, Our Mother. And when That it s To whom d But to he C.1,9issified Advertisements O X 0—I3AYE YQUI3 OWN - 131181 Jif N175S—earn pig bonuses, Write Standard Company, Ilex 601, Toronto, ra0WXIPrt AMD STOseA'fin J'ILL TIM 51.OYEIt--PIONEnall DJ-- TANOE trovers 01 Canada.0 Largest syeedy paddod vans, Naw ]meed, 11t,.. latest Inethode. Two experienced mea every trip, A11 loada insured. Beyond compat•e for skill and care., i3efore You move, write us or wire and' reverfi0 the charges, Bead of110a Oamllton, Ontarto, Canada. THiill• the Mover. TYPEWRZTEHS-03iwAY. QU CAN - BU'X A NEIW VNDER- 1g,T WOOD for se e. month• - Write fore e're cross and things look )3ooklet on ' Little Underwood" .tor th.e home—fifty-flue dollars. Underwood, 136 'Victoria Street, Torolito. world seems upside down; Mothers, do you think it fair to tor- ture your little ones by forcing them to take Ill -tasting oils when they need a laxative medicine Don't you find that the child's dread of these medi- cines often do more harm than good? Baby's Own Tablets are the mod- ern substitute for these nauseous doses. They are the very- medicine the child requires and are so pleasant to take that they are ae easy to admin- ister as a glass of water. They are the perfect remedy for all the minor ailments of little ones, being absolnte- 1y guaranteed free from injurious drugs. Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all that castor oil and other bad -tasting remedies can do, In fact they accom- plish more as they do not leave the child exhausted from its struggle against taking medicine. They re- lieve teething pains, banish indiges- tion and constipation, break up colds and simple fevers and promote health- ful, refreshing sleep. They are sold. by medicine dealers or by mail at 25o a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont, Dax, France.—A course of mwd bathe saved Grillemont, one of F'rance's great racehorses, from the slaughter house. Eight months ago Grillemont was' so stricken with rheumatism that ,his owner, as a humlanitarian measure, considered destroying himn, As a last resort he decided to- try on his horse adv catf for hu - at doctors were o n wh g mans, and Grillemont for Weeks on endl patiently suffered himself to be plas- tered with hot mud and steaming we have en many cares same we cannot rest, 11V01Y Parapetd, Catalogue free. o we go for comfort. Sea 1rat1hary, Zeeland, Mioh., B. No. 20, r whom we. all love best, ADIos' WANTED—TO' no PLAIN Our Mother. H08 QUALXTY OLAfse A omens Prole healthy heavy. layers of large eggs. R.C.. Onglish- White Leghorn% Anconal, Ricins, Reds and Assorted chicks at reasonable prices- Also pullets. No money down. Pay full amount ten days. before chicks are shipped or C.O.D. Special discounts. SOS --per cent, live de And when her span of life to spent And her cares all laid aside, We know she has earned a great re- ward And always will with Him abide. Use Mlnard's Liniment for Corns. Franco-German Collaboration Factor in Peace M. Laurent Tells of Gigantic Enterprises Which French People Have Begun Paris.—The Franco-German econom- is collaboration ha salready produced astonishing results. In consequence of the German payments in kind and cash France has been encouraged to begin gigantic enterprises which other wise would have remalued untouched. Therefore, though it Is true that France was compelled largely to finance the reconstruction of the northern regions, nevertheless other work was undertaken only because of German aid. So declares the Labor leader, Marcel Laurent. r ue to i na tiona.l scho mea a o d Bg this contribution, not because the con- tribution covers the costs but because it stimulates and forces the authori- ties to prepare plans. Thus it 1s pointed out that vast port improve- ments have now begun at Dunkirk, Boulogne, LeHavre, St. Nazaire, and Larochelle and plans are drawn up for improvements at Marseilles. Hy- dro -electric worlrs have been erected on many waterways, notably on the canal from Strassburg to Basle and on the River Truyere. M. Laurent further enumerates the electrical works established by water- falls in the Alps and the electrifica- tion of railways in the south. Paris itself benefits by far-reaching housing schemes. The colonies, especiall in North Africa, also share in this extra ordinary awakening of oMcial enter- prl5o. i l s- h v e been ose b e a I twou Id no t a p been sesta M, Laurent, had there not a forced: Franco-German economic' col- laboration. It is of a compulsory Explains Why Whales Sink Some Su Be and light sewing, at home, whole or spare time; good pay; Werk sent any distance, charges paid, Send stamp for pa tiMoarroal, National Manufacturing C Romantic Young Thing—"When I come out on the front after dinner and gaze at the moonlit sea, I feel' too full for words." Practical Youth—"You wouldn't feel like that if you' stayed at our boarding house." .b0RWget trait Olit,i f I:D1'9A . „,;=T�•I,ctve+nN❑ AY•,:�cMIC�S' Our bkedm ere bred for bleb eg reduction. White• Brown end Buff Leyhome, Barred amt ✓' White Reda R -I. Reda, Are rvive Thrust Only t0 '' : ycones,.Buff OroinQions, Whits Drowned Later whales when ha ooned float Some rP and others gives an fact in a struck or harpooned with the hand harpoon or with the simple gun har- poon rarely die at once, but survive, and after descending to a great depthl, return to the surface, when they are again attacked with harpoons, being finally dispatched -lith whale lances; a few, however, of those that survive and descend fail to return to the sur face and are drowned. A -whale nvust come to the surface to breathe, and if it has not strene h enough left to do so its lungs fill with water and itis no lornger able to float as it would do if its lungs were filled with air. The chilly season's almost through, But winter finds it hard to die, So when you bid the snow adieu Say au revolt-, but not goodby. 4 y ode . o,cendue, ]a0}$ yguaranteed, were teddy f r FREE. CRIES ROOK- 11GIWEGLER•iHATCHERY,. e0rnuue.i.uurotio.e.rg,• sink- Robert W. Gray �, explanation of this pe•?ttllar j 11.61 letter to "Nature. Whales i D Spread Minard's Liniment mixed with sweet oil, on brown paper, and cover injured parts. Soothes and heals rapidly. There is airplane c have to co gasoline. WOMAN CW L a limit to everything. No • an fly so' high that it doesn't Mrs. Horn Tells Hour Lydia E. me back to the ground for Pinllliam's Vegetable Conipeutnd Restored Her IieaIth Corr gated iron ASK FOR WHEELER & BAIN "Council Standard" A thick, even, heavy spread of galvanizing over every inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Agencies still open In some localities. Write us, stating size of barn you want to cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER & BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 108 George St, Toronto 2 Edge -Holding Sows Fast Eosy.Cutfing S WS Guaranteed because m ode from our own steel /MMONDE G0NAOA 0Aw CA. I.TD, MONTR03L • VANeouveR,OT.JOHN,N.O,, • TORONTO �;f i " R1&s�1t" ' a." fl'iis Y "„*LI Bamilton,Ont.—"I have token T --dia E. Pinkha''s Ve etahle Compound,. and would not be without it now. I had a f emale trouble so badly I could. hardly walk and I was, ail run- down and could hardly get around to do my house- work, 1 would be in bed three or, fourdaysata t ue. I was told by a friend to try your Vegetable Compomsd. I did, and by the time I took two bottles I was • beginning to get around again. I took ten bottles in all, and now I am all right again and doing my own work. I have six grown-ups to -work for, so' I have plentyto do. I also used Lydia: E. Pinkham s Sanative Wash, and I think itis good. But I owe my health to the Vegetable Compound, and I think if more of it was used women would he better ofi. I would not be more "— est much i if it e �+lithout t Mrs. NELLISI JAMESON, 805: East Can- non Street, Hamilton, Ontario Do you feel broken down, nervous, and weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is excel -- lent to take at such a tinge. It always, helps, and if taken regularly and per- sistently, will relieve this condition. 0) PHILLIPS vP`yy 0011500A4 For Tro`tbles due to Acid INO 10 a5 T ON H or+Ac T Aci 05 HQA DAA 0.N' HEO. AU'ESA cASEe•NA om AcaD Many people, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call it It is usually excess acid. Oorrect it with co over n mile and a half cour� bo b lition of reparations Ian allrali. The best way, the guldk, r. r. , 111 s t is Ph l autetandine was Ii;,v;.�jp0ilitanco that because it is raparatfans which have �1larmless and•effieien way, p • iea.tnre of which is a baseball game bottles It year shows its over - begun on the strokeof the clock. "Thera is hardly a miner's cabin that does riot house a radio. Recce. weight in gold. Look 4r volas. I1, tion is particularly good and we have Fletcher's signature "oh the package no trouble iri getting KPO, axoept so you'll get genuine Castoria. There once in a while when the northern aro many -imitations. lights con up, Then there is static l 1 76UE No, 17—'28 • What le natio." whelming Popularity.. With each bottle of Castolta, you get a book on Motherhood; north its T Tories•ie $loon; ill ,`C.Iea1sthe Sign the"goveriin ent stud at Gelos, in the department of Basses-Prenees, bougdit hint at auction for 600,000 francs ($241000), If husbands went every place their wives told them to go there would be fewer divorces but -lore widows. transformed France, and by a curious Mille of Magnesia, It has remained paradox have hastened the Franco- tor 50 years, the standard with phial tderman political as we11 as economic clans. One spoonful in water nen• rapprochement, which is a condition traiiuee many.times ite volume in , at mace. The I{and OA I stomach ` ankle, of European peace, sto C (symptoms disappear` in Else Minutes. Minard's Liniment for Backache. Iutes. You mil sever use crude me when .you know this bettor me s r. r frills- trame:ao And you will Bove acid when you prove out thin eau,? Top lief, Please do that -tor your Cit sake—now, )3e Burt to get the genuine k'hillipe' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by p11ys1- clans for 50 years 1n correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains i't11i, di- rections --any. dYaggtore.