HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-04-26, Page 6Founders of Giant Ship
Was Supreme Test For Radio
'Anniversary of Titantic Disaster Recalls . How Dots and
Dashes Frantically Called for'Help As Tragedy Was
Enacted in Mideeean As Told in New
York Times
Harold T'ltonras Cottam, radio op-
erator of the Carpathia, came down
from the bridge where ho had report-
ed his daily ltist O communicationsto
the officer on watch. kIe Was tired.
He had had a heavy d'ac'e work and
now he was jut about to turn in.
There was one little matter of routine
,plunging ahead at about eighteen
knots an hour,. Every ounce of steam
that Mrboilerscould hold was crowd
ed into them to keep the pace. Her
ostial speed was thirteen knots.
An IILFated Ship
With the Carpathia almost in view
band lits berth, That and rescue just aver' the horizon,
between lam
he had afters -woe he tciutaob with Phillips sent his last message; "Come
the Parisian., saftee lie verified it he quiekl Our engine room is flooded
could go to bets, It was just 10.20
up to the boilers," That was at 11;41
o'clock' at night. He put on has eat o'clock. Cottam ilas'hed back that the
phones. The Cape Cod transmitter Carpathia was sending up rockets and
kfor the Titanic to be on the lookout
was 'busy sending messages to _an
for thein. But the Titanic was silent:
coming liner. ' Cottam dlckea a query
to the ship being called- „Do you Cottam plugged his, key. Message
hear Cape Cod?" he asked. I after message went speeding through
came the arae apace.But there wan no Stuttering
Backe out of the ether 'et
cato dots and dashes, Come at once,buaz in his earphones to tell him that
We've struck an berg. It's a CQD,'the Titanic was still afloat and was
old man!" What Cottam said is not waiting.
on record. It was Phillips of the 'Ci -I Chance, foto, luck! Some perverseiatric
iatric sending the stuttering code that destiny cloaked in a name, followed
the ill-fated. Titanic: As she left port
pi'osAgetragedies dangerous
p Be i i es
No. 12
Use Good Seed.
Too much emphasis oannet be laid
upon the lmpertance of good seed.
With flower's partioularly, one is oftott
ttioilned to save the geed of conte ea•
pecially choice specimen Without real
'zing that few flowers reproduce them-
selVes exactly from, the sped 'unless
certain very elaborateprecautions are
taken. A' row of several ditfereut'col-
o •ed Sweet Peas for instance will be-
. t Tiny Arplane Crew
some hopelessly mixed in a iltiglo sea Will Seypelt and Geo. Keir, who
son. The aced from a brilliant red toured Europe in the "Yest-pocket"
variety may produce nothing but
in. airplane "Yankee Doodle," which
different weak colored flowers when e but 600 pounds.
saved in the ordinary way. On the e
farms of the large seed houses and in
E�; w.a w•; ,o; .-• r s ores tonal horticulturists' ex- window boxes is far above normal.
eEfi�: ?fix. <`•'S,- r.. .>EL?ks.s:�.s'e�,�.tr�3'.;�.... ,a.,:s'•�_rrS?A.',i3..tS,,.sr. ��,
the Pt s
Pertinental plot each. type is kept Along the front of the box put ie
WORLD -CHAMPION MILK AND SUTTER PRODUCER widelyseparated and in many cases trailing nasturtiums, Gerntan:Ivy, and
A Los Angeles cow, "Anna Fayne Plebe,"- gave 23,2'08 pounds of milk in the individual dowers are 'protected similar trailing planta, while farther
305 days from which 7'94 pounds of fat were extracted. Her 7 -day record ie with netting Otherwise bees and back Petunias, Geraniums, Alyssum,
727 pounds for milk and 35,65 pounds for butter.
tlttom oen flower to another without and other typos especially suitable
hi o ins
smaller insects will carry the pollen Lobelia, Ageratum, Begonias, Ferns
"What call shall I send?' Phillips it. Bride found life preservers•. He regard for• type or color. Ont s a should go n
ked, strapped one over t o m tetur is well ad -
"'The regulation international tall and. shoulders, Than he adjusted his kages only from reliable
I count alone thea a
s t d his Were head
wised to depend upon seed do sealed Great Britain
e mer
Urged to
Boys Overseas
d one of the greatest she narrowly averted a t for help, Just that.' Then he Was o�tn. For fifteen minutes more Phil- pec
ever eaacted an the sea. lips pressed els key, pacing with dots;one•glso
collision. Early to the afternoon of gone, chants, There are other teas
Phil -
years agod 4April 15th north, 'Titanic sank the fateful Sunday, the Leyland liner "Phillips began to send 0 Q D, Ho attd dashes against death. Suddenly for advising such a course. Most
at latitude 11:4 longitude 50, 1flowers when they alert going to seed
14 west off the Newfoundland Banks; Californian notified her of the Pres. flashed away at It and we jolted as the water flower in through the cabin floweriorate very rapidly and succeed -
once '10,0ence of icebergs. Cyril Evans, wire- lie did so, All of us made light of the ' door The set was useless Only 1 To
with a loss of L617 lives.At time, I less operator of the Californian, testi- dlsaster,
o'clock an the night, New York time, fled ata the Senate hearing, follow -leg "Then the captain came back.
she was cutting through emotion -ass the disaster, that he called the Tdr "'What are you sending?' he asked.
sea at a speed of twenty-one liners e -I tanio, warning her of icebergs, "Say, "'C Q D' Phillips replied,
hour, Without warning, with scarce old man,we are stuck here surround-
ec ajar to indicate what had happen ed by ice," his message read . The
ea, she sh'u't' a submerged iceberg answer he got back from the Titanic
and ripped out her bottom. At 211 was, as nearlk itis he could remember
o'clock in the morning she had joined it, "Keep out; I am talking to Cape
the ever-growing armada that rests Race. You are ramm[ug my message."
forever at the anthem of the ocean It was through pure chance that
In those four hours one of the great.Cottam on the Carpathia got the Ti.est ping dramas of the sea was written, e tonic's call for help; and it was pure
gripping story of bravery, r hours ly by luck that the Titanic was able
and cowardice. In those Tear hourscall, according to Harold Bride,
the ether was vibrant with the buzz-
ing dots and dashes that spelled an junior operator on the ship The Ti-
eple in radio. It was spelled in syl tanic's wireless broke down early do
lables of tragedy, more awful through the afternoon, This must have been
contrast with the calm; cold sea on shortly after the Californ'ian's warn -
which tete 1,517 struggled for their
lives under a starry sky, •
Liner on Maiden Voyage
ing came dn. "If it hadn't been for a
lucky thing," Bride said, "we never
could have sent any call for help. The
lucky thing was that the wireless
Picture the night, cola, clear, star. •broke down early enough for us to fix
lit. An undulating ocean and the it before the acciden`. We noticed
majestic Titanic, the last word in the something wrong on Sunday and Jack
engineering sicience of the sea, proud- Phillips and I worked seven hours to
•+ at a s sed of find it. We found a 'secretary' burn-
• ly spurning site naves p ed out, at last, and repaired it just
close to twenty-five miles an 'hour. It; boats were being swung override,
was her maiden voyage. Moreover,1 a few hours before the iceberg was Neither Phillips nor Bride was
it was her last night out. The port- istruck." fully dressed. Pbiilips held the key,
holes and cabin' windows blazed with) Chance again brought the Califon flashing out message after message,
light. A last -night party was in full inion 'back in the story. That night while Bride ran back and forth be -
swing. The passengers were dancing • as the Titanic was sinking, close to tween the radio room and the bridge
to the music of the ship's orchestra.,his position,the captain of the Cali -
carrying news of the rescue ships to
To -morrow they would be going about � fornian was signaling in Morse by a Captain Smith. In between trips he
their daily routine of business in New pocket flash'li'ght to a ship in distress. found time to put on more clothes . i ��
York; but tonight was made for •, At the Senate hearings, he emphatic- and throw a coat over his o'biers 1517
pleasure The Titanic, as if conscious ally denied that this ship was the Ti -
of her dignity and importance, which tanto Surviving member s of the Ti -
was enhanced by beautiful women and ; tar�ic a crew just es emphatically
augmented by men whose names were swore that a ship stood to four miles
written at the very apex of current off all during the tragedy. Whether
affairs, glided through the night. Her . this was the Californian, no one may
sharp prow cut the cobalt water leav- ever know. All that is known is that
ing two plumes of white foam trailing while the Californian's captain was
p j signaling by flashlight from his
along her sides. holdge, his wireless man was asleep
Suddenly there was a slight Shock. in his cabin. No one thought to
Ite wasa almost imperceptible. Some awaken him until 8.30 o'clock in the
few passengers strolled out on deck
and inquired the cause. "We have morning, more than an hour after the
struck an iceberg," they were inform- icurtain of waves had ended the tra-
Jack Phfl-
Lady Aberdeen
"co Receive Honor ,
then did Phillips and Bride 'look out ing blooms are few and ems keep
for 'themselves,' On deck' they parted a garden at its best all fading bloom More Liberal Attitude is Ad-
h ld be removed before there la a
company. Bride was rescued. Phil• tri a of seed pods.
lips's. name stands on a cenotaph in
A- Short Gut.
"The humor of the situation appeal- Battery Park leading a list of wireless
ed to me. I out in Vith a little re- men who have sent their last call let practically every half-hardy vege-
mark that made us all laugh, includ- tors and who have gone to rest with table and Most of the more tender of British emigration in the near fu-
ing the captain. the restless sea, flowers call be started inside and w111 ture is indicated by two Independent
"'Send S 0 S; I said. 'It's the new be ready for the table or the vase ' authorities.
call and it may be your last chalice from a fortnight to a month earlier One is. Sir Robert Horne, who al-
to send it' than if ine waits until the season is , though as Chancellor of, the Blx-
"Phlilipa with a laugh changed tits far enough advanced to plant outti'de oheq in 1022 he was himself re -
_ nsibie for imposing conditions up
signal to S 0 .S"—it, was his, last
Shortly after he succeeded in pick-
ing up the Frankfurt and gave his
position. "We .have struck an ice-
berg and need assistance," he told
Ube Frankfurt's operator, who ran to
the bridge and told his captain of the
Titanic's, plight. When ho came back
Phillips was sena, "We are sinking
by the head." r"` -.an then there was
a distinct list forward. The Carpa-
tba answered and a few minutes later
called 'back that she had turned about
and was speeding to the rescue as fast
as her engines could turn and, that her
vocated--Increased Emi-
gration Looked For
London. --An increase in the outflow
ed; "but there is no danger. The gedy and five hours after
Phil -
ship is unsinkable." There was no lips had sent his first urgent plea for
danger! Her entire bottom had been help stabbing through the air.
ripped out. Even as the inquiry was What Happened in the Cabin?
beirg made she was filling with water. mat happened to the Titanlc's
Even then Captain Smith was on his radio cabin during the four hours'
be -
way to the radio room to tell Philips tween the time the shock was felt
and the time the Titanic lifted her
stern in the air and plunged beneath
the waves is Harold Bride's story. It
and Bride to make ready to send a
call for help, As the ship's orchestra
started to play again, the plea fax
help was speeding through space 1
On the Carpathia, Cottam hurried forms as graphic a narrative as radio
to the Captain's quarters. Captain! has ever written—as raido may ever
Twstron wee off duty at the time. As, be called on to write.
soon as he heard the message he ord-1 "I was standing by Phillips, telling
ered the Carpathia turned about and him to go to bed," he said, "when the
rushed full speed ahead to the Ti -I captain put his head in the door."
tanic's aid• Then. he hurried to the' "'We've struck an iceberg; the eap-
bridge to take chage Cottam return- thin said, 'and I'm having an inspee-
ed to his "shack" to notify Phillips I tion made to tell what it has done for
that rescue was on the way. The Ti -ins• 'You better get ready to send out
tanic was working the Frankfurt, buds. a ca11 for assistance. Butthedont
was having trouble getting her sig -i it until I tell you; Thencaptain
le. Cottam tried to raise the same g b k
uer -
PlaatiEg in flats or berry boxes in spo
any southern window about this time !on the British Government's £3,000,
without any special forcing is all that',000 annual grant for assisting emigre
is necessary. If the earlier vegetables tion, now urges the adoption of a
such as spinach, lettutce, radish, beets more liberal attitude 'to help boys to
carrots, parsnips, and similar crops start life overseas.
are out of the way, one can plant cu -I The other authority is the official
cumbers, melons,.squash, and for very "industrial transmerence board,"
small gardens even beans and peas which has ,been Investigating the con -
behind glass, and they will be ready ditione of unemployment in the 'tri-
to go out ae fine healthy plants when tish coal mining districts and is un-
Edinlllxrgh t'.CI rifer Freedom
of the City on a Woman
Long Associated with
Public Service
Edinburgh, capital clty of Scotland,
will soon confer the freedom of the
city upon the :Marchioness of Aber,
deem and Tamar. Than a compile
meat will not oulY be paid to ono of
Scotland's Moet distingulehed amities,
but a woman wiio for theta years has
devoted most of her time to pu'blio
work among women and children wild
be honored,
Ladby aberdeen.Is a descendant of
Scottish Kings,` arid for thirty Years
she has been the President of the In-
tornational Council of Women, an
organization whose repreeontativea
every country
In practically v Y
are foundL
in the world. As a delegate to the
International Council's' meeting she
spoke before the opening conference,
In Washington, t -f'
An Early Marriage
Ishbel Marjorlbauks' was still in her
teens when she married Sohn Camp -
boll Gordon, seventh Earl of Aberdeen,
later. elevated to a Marquisate, She
had spent the greater •part of bar life
at G•uisachan, the family home, in a
remote part of Scotland at the head
of a lively mountain stream twenty-
odd raise from a railway 00 telegraph
station And here one day came
John Campbell Gordon on a tired
pony, having lost his way in a strange
country. It wee, so rune the story,
Miss Jabbers first gli.mpae of her fit
tore husband. She was just 11 years
Last November Lord and Lady
't'Lberdeen celebrated their golden weds
ding to London, , King. George and
Queen Mary presented a golden vase
to the conale and, the g�ueea mode,dpeolal gift Tan a`utlque ring Cot
Lady Aberdeen. The tablecloth used
at the large luncheon given in celeb'ra:
tion 06 the anniversary had belonged
to Lord Aberdeen's great-grandfather,
the fourtih' ]Marl of Aberdeen. At the
end of the luncheon the cloth was
signed by all the guests present,
among whoni were seven Of the eight
bridesmaids who had, walked behind
the neighbors are only sowing the deratood to have formed the op
seed about the end of the month. It that the most hopeful remedy is to be the young couple at the wedding cera -
is particularly desirable to give the found in further training for the many fifty years `bo•toro.
melons and cucumbers, among the young and additional facilities for de- Lady aubordeou has long been one
edible types, and Petunias, Snapdra- veloping family settlement in the Do- of Cho outstanding flgnrea in society.
gone, Niaotinee; Asters and similar minions. Not only 'by reason of her marriage
flowers which have a short season in i Sir Robert pointed out that cora- to a peer, but also be reason of her
our Ontario climate an early start in parativeiy little use is new made of activtti•es, in national organization
this waY. Ithe British Government's sanctioned the prospective burgess 0f Ddinbu',gh'•
grant because for every pound paid has been more or less in the public
Window Boxes by the Treasury, another pound has to eye; A busy wife and the mother of
The window boxes and hanging bas- be found by someone else. several children, Lady Aberdeen has
hats can be got ready for planting out -1 lie urged, therefore, that the time ne-eertfi•elese found' time for the public
side this week, There are very con- has come to make the treasury grant work in which she is atilt interested.
aentrated beats, producing about six -for this purpose lip to 100 per cent. to Lifb In Ireland
,•wm. nY em{a'ratiOII
In 1836 Lord Aberdeen• was appoint-
ed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. In
carrying out the duties of this diffi-
cult ofnce he was• aided by the active
payticipatton of Lady Aberdeen in
educational and industrial experi-
ments. She was particularly inter-
ested in the Irish lace -matters and
organized many schools where lame-
making was taught and laces sold. At
ler own expense sbe supplied work
to lace•makers and expert needle -
women, The beautiful things- they
made she gave• as presents to her
friends. She was one of the early
workers in Ireland's, fight against
tuberculosis and has written and lee
tured in the cause of •public health.
The Aberdeens were in Chicago
working 4or Irish. charities when they
heard of Lord Aberdeen's appoint• `•.1
rent as Governor General of Canada.
This was, in 180$. For' the next five
shoulders It leas growing cold iu -times the growth for the same area as carry out the prog
in the normal garden Because of this vital to the welfare of Britain and es•
the radio cabin and at any minute the AN ALLURING NEW FROCK concentration of growth, rich soil, Ire• sential to the development of the Do
powr might give out. The message The Junior 14liss will thorowghly en- quettt watering and heavy fertilizing minions.
came from the Carpathia that she joy wearing this attractive frock, are absolutely necessary, In south• —�
was making eighteen knots. Bride which is suitable for Many occasions• ern Ontario the boxes can be put out
ran to the bridge with the news• On The skirt has applied trimming sec- at once with little fear of frost, in the
the way back he noticed that the lifs tions, and is gathered to the bodice central section of the Province the
boats were being manned and load having tucks at front of the epaulet 24th of May is usually considered
ed. slhoulders. The lower edge of the' about the right time and farther
Gall to Abandon Shipl short sleeves and neck are simply' north no very great risk should be
Back ill the ttdreless "shade," Phtl• bound with self or contrasting ma-! taken before the lst of June. If a
lips told him that the set was grow• teri'ai' - and a belt is softly crushed light frost does threaten, covering the
around the waist. For party wear,1 box with newspaper or light cotton
ing weaker and that at any moment ribbon and rosebuds add a dei '
it might die. Meanwhile he kept nhe will 'protect it s lonently. V indow
sending massages to the Carpathia, tramming to the skirt and .ride of thelboxes should be ae long as the window.
urging her to hurry. Cotton sent back bodice. No. 1517 is in •sizes 8, 10, 12 sill, about eight inches wide at the
cherry answers to signals ao weal' hs and 14 years. Size 10 requires 8% top, six at the bottom and at least
could hardly detect them. Then yards 36 -inch material, or 2 yard. 54- nine inches deep. These are inside
Phillips Pidly dp the Olem. "Rue inch. Price 00c the pattern. measurements. Tile corners must be
are sinking by the head," me told her. I Our new Fashion Book contains strongly reinforced with iron straps
The •message had just elicic ld into many styles showing how to dress an dtlie box well supported, as when
space when . Captain Smith called: !for well dboys and ressed childs. lren Y ts the Oloth e full it wsigh about 160 lbs. Have
"Men, you have •done your full duty.'fharaeter and individuality for the
You can do no more. Abandon your � junior folks era hard to buy, but easy
cabin I release you. Now it's to make with aux patterns. A small
every than for himself. Yau look out: amount of money spent on good tna-
for yourselves." Then he ltnnled terials, out on simple lines, will give
back to the bridge to ge down with children the privilege of wearing ador-
Simple Matter.
holes and layer of broken, crockery First College Boy—"Gee Bill, but ears Lady Aberdeen was hoatesa at.
or clndws in the bottom to provide I'd like to get out of debt!" • y
drainage. If well rotted manure is Second Ditto-"Aw, that's a cinchl Rideau Hall in Ottawa, the official re -
available, put in a layer of this nextt,� Jes borrow the money that you owe cadence of Canada's' Governor-General.
and then fill up with fine garden soil. fr
Select stocky plants and before put-
ting them in the box remove all bloom
itis ship, as a commander should, ac- able things• Price of the'book 10c the and buds. To get them growing
Dor ng o e h dE 1 f
dl t th tri itions of the sea copy quickly, dissolve a scant an u .o ball)—"No you can't °ore—but I'll
He did, and nobly. nitrate of soda fn a Pair sized water -
But Phillips'and Bride did not look HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Ing can, and sprinkle this over the toll you w�tat. You stay in and play
out for themselves. The senior man Write your name and address plain. box, iY the latter is around four feet at being a sports editor waiting for
clung to his key and sent call atter y long. IE shorter, less fertilizer should th sult of the match"
be used. After this, saturate the soil
with another can or two of water.
as "Ton minutes later he was back, Three or four more applications of
ship, but was unable to do so. 11 far. aassistance; the tie fertilizer at ten day intervals are ad=
He picked up the Titanic. "We are Send the ca Service, 73 West Ad wised and watering should take place
staking fast," it was a tnssage to i captain ordered, barely putting his {'.he help that was coming. Help was Adelaide St., Toronto, every day, a the should from
coming, and It was up to him to direct Patterns sent by return mail.
the Olympic. The Carpathia was head in the door.
The Little Fellow Goes On the Warpath.
from the Governor." A visitor to Rideau Hall in those days
recalls its chatelaine as a woman of
Kenneth (to small brother who acute intelligence, interest in many
welfare project�,si 'She sat at a buaf-
wants to join !n game of juvenile foot- nesselike desdd` covered with, papers, a
typewriter close at hand.
Her Pioneer Work
o re As President of the International
Council of Women, a federation of Na-
A cow is kept on exhibition in a Conal Councils of Women of all coup'
New Took 00 so that children of tha trice, Lady Aberdeen has done-pioneee
Na -
metropolis may know wihat this ecce= work. Started more than thirty years
tore bolts like. Will the time ever. ago with scanty funds • and volunteer
come when a horse will similarly be woricersti the council has now mature
displayed for general edification? ed into an organization drawing its
' ' - -- --- members from thirty-six countries. `
1 givingnumber and size of such
call. Probably he did not know patterns as you want. Enclose Rec in
whether 0r not hie set was dead. But stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
there was the key. If it was alive,' it carefully) for each number and
it could reach through epaco to speed address your order to Wilson Pattern
TELLING 'ttiC-'loom
WRet.) He SAYS Tile
ON The • CORNER 13
as • CouNTt2yMAN
• op MtN&-: s-- •'
Filab ouT1
-rule TRLTHI
Ito .Yov
ins N0 GOT TIMc-
Foot-Y; • M G
(Jii's CQU5I. •Ee•
"Die ire's n1c , COUNTY
IM itte1.AND BY
1140, NAMc- ::
Bach National Council of Women
comprises within itself affiliated wo-
men's societies and local branches.
And each National Council works with
the International Council through
standing committees' on such matters
as `child welfare, peace and arbitra-
tion, education, laws relating to wo-
men, emigration, public health, traffic
in women and children and temper-
The quinquennial,Council Meeting
at Christiania in 1920, the first one
sitter the World War, brought together
women from both blligerent and neu-
tral stations, The .task of guiding the
conference fell to Lady Aberdeen. It
was a difficult job. But shemade the
occasion, according to a woman who
was there, an unforgetabie experience.
Lady Aberdeen is 'co-author with
her husband of "We. Twa," a spirited
account of their eventful life.
Some motorists might well fake a
lesson drum the Detroit Pollee Depart.
Ment horses, wOtieh understand that a
red light means "wh're and that a
Fecal light stands? Sol "g0".,