HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-04-26, Page 5I3l3RSDAY, ,Hilal 1, 26, 1428.
Raisin Week Prices good till May 3rd
Seedless Raisins, 3 lb. bag
Seeded Raisins, 2 packages
Puffed. Seeded Raisins, 1 lb.
Natural Sultanas, light color, 1 lb 190
„ 270
Dates, Hallow', 3 lbs.
Figs, 3 lbs......................
Prunes, 3 lbs.
O'Cedar.mops, ceiling and wall brushes, dry dust • mops,
Liquid Veneer,, O'cedar Oil, Lemon Oil, floor wax and all
kinds of scrub brushes.
Phony �
Sproat Ross J. p
1�'hune 77rt
w ®1VI tura
We pay the highest prices for good cream,
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given.
Do not send your create to other Creameries; we want
it here. -
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for you co-operation we .will give you of our
best in service and prices.
We agent for the. Mellotte Crean, Separators. Come
in -and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont.
-C. A. BARBER, Prop,
W. J. Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. W'ALIKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
D. H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used.
Fall Papers
We do all kinds of Painting and
Paperhanging at reasonable rates and
guarantee satisfactory work. Resi-
dents of town may see samples of
wallpapers in their own homes if you
will make arrangements by phone or
Painter and Decorator
Phone 225
John Street. Seaforth, Ont.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Keep that smooth clear
complexion by having a
Bonciila Massage
just around the Corner in
the Dominion Bank Build -
Phone 125.
One of the commonest complaints
of infants is worms, and the most ef-
fective application for them is Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator,
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Chas. A. Howe
Residence—James St.
Will you,
t ,b
"It was a delightful sur-
prise" — writes a Toronto
subscriber — "to find that I
could tall: to my Mother as
far a
way as Sarnia for only
55 ets, by the Evening Rate.
I'm sure few people realize
how very little it costs to
telephone` even to points as
far distant as Sarnia, by.
the Evening Rate, and you
would do the public a ser-
vice by emphasizing .this
This is only one of many
instances showing that
manypeople do not know
how low the Evening Rate
on Long Distance is. Call
up our Manager and ask
him the Evening Rate to
some point you, are particu-
larly interested in. You, too,
will probably be sur'prlsed,
For Frost Bites and Chilblains,—
Chilblains come from undue cxposttre
to slush and cold and frost -bite from
the icy winds of winter. In the treat-
n•tent of either an excellent prepara-
tion is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, as
it counteracts the inflammation and
itlieves the pain. The action of the
oil is prompt and its application is
extremely simple,
Want and For Sale ads, 3 times 50c
The stores will ` commence the
weekly half -holiday on Wednesday
afternoon of next week, May 2nd, ,tad
will continue for five, months,'
Mrs, E. C. Cha.nberlain and daugh
to Tlelcn leave for Toronto on Tues-
day next, where Mr, Chamberlain has
a good position
Dr. Garnet Chapman, of Bridge-
burg, and Miss H. Musgrove, of. Nia-
gara Falls,
iagara-Falls, Ont., visited over Sunday
at the hone of Mr. and. Mrs, W. E,
The country roads in this district
are rapidly drying and are getting in
first-class shape again,
Mr. W. H. Bullard and Mr. Theo-
dore Bullard,, of Detroit, were week-
end visitors at their home in town,
Mr, and Mrs, Howard Snell and
daughter Beatrice, of Brucefield, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Ferguson,
Miss Dorothy Broadfoot, Bruce -
field, spent several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert MclKay.
Miss Rena McKenzie, Stratford,
was a week -end visitor with her
mother here,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Finlayson, Wel-
lesley, were week -end guests with Mr,
and Mrs. H, Weiland. '
Mr. Lawrence Webster, of Toronto,
is spending a week's holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mr's. John Webster.
Remember the play in Seaforth
Separate School hall on Friday eve, ED WITH LOVE AND
April 27, by the Young People of SACRIFICE'Logan. This play is a riot of laugh-
ter and has met with enthusiastic•ap- The collectors will be at your
hroval' by all who have seen it.
Be-Btween the acts there will be a pro -
granof orchestra music, songs, read-
ings and fancy dancing by local What you give trod will bless,
Mrs. J. F. McMann, of Chicago, is
at present visiting her brother, Mr. C. The officers responsible for this
Eckart, and calling on her many effort in Seal'ovth tu'e:—
Miss Reta Powell, Toronto, and (apt. W. Dunaway
Miss Ella Popple, town, visited the Lieut. A. 1$iteltte
Tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Box 103, SeaforthPapple, Mill Road, over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Webster are
visitors this week and next with ".the
fortner's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
Mr. Alvin Siliery is spending the
week in Toronto.
Miss Jean Stewart, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs..)). H. Stewart, underwent an stalled in the office of V. G., formerly.
operation for appendicitis in the hos- maiden name was Ann Coo
pital on Wednesday morning of this held by Miss Beatrice Seip, who is per, she
week: now in Loddon. Miss Hells Campbell, being a daughter of the late George
er.. and Mrs. 'Alex. Munn, of N.G., and her degree team, did splen- Cooper, and she was born in York -
did work. A social hour was spent 'hire, England, the family coming to
Hensel!, spent Sunday with their son, following hhc business of the meeting. Canada when she was a little child.
Dr.. James Munn. They settled in .Hallett township,
GodMr. William Leitch and family, of where she grew to womanhood and
Leitch ch, lyir. David Lpitch and Mrs. fifty-six years ago was united in mar -
Leitch, Bayfield, were guests at the EGMONDVILLE. riage to the late George Crich, of
home of Mrs. Wylie and Mr. David The weekly meeting of the Chris- Tuckersmith, where they continued to
Leitch, and EgMrs. ville, over' Sunday. tian Endeavor Society wa's held on reside for some years, later coming
Mr. Mrs. Preston Dearing, of Tuesday night. Keith Webster was into Clinton: Twenty-six years ago
Exeter, were KSeane,
visitors with Mr, in charge. Rev. Mr• McDonald led in Mr. Crich died. Three years later she
and .MAle sane, George Street. prayer and the. topic, "The Ministry married Mr. W. L. Peffers, of Mill -
Mrs. Alex. Muir has returned to of Christ," was very well presented by bank, who survives her. For a time
her home in Oshawa after a week's
visit with her mother, Mrs. Edgar, Mildred Wallace. Anna Hanna con- they resided at Millbank and later at
tributed two well executed piano solos Auburn, coming to Clinton seven
Mr. Alex. Muir motored from Osh- and Jean and Earle 'Webster sang a years aM^ Mrs, Peffers is survived 'by
awa for the week end. pleasing duet.' During intermission, a son and daughter, Joseph G. Crich
Mrs. Bert Muir has not been so well all took part in a flower contest. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Townsend, both of
lately. Wilkinson, first vice president, re- Tuckersmith. There are also eight
The friends of Mr. Jack Wilson, -signed his office and Mr. Kenneth grand -children and twelve great -
formerly of Seaforth, and now of Osh- Jackson was elected in his place. He grandchildren. Three brothers and
awa, regret to hear he has not been in will have charge of the meeting of two sisters also survive in North
good health lately. May 7th. The anniversary services Carolina, where the family moved
Mr. Jacob McGee of Goderich vis- on Sunday and Monday, April 29th many years ago. Mrs. Peffers was
ited his daughter. Mrs. George Aber- and 30th will be conducted by Rev. connected with Ontario Street United
hart, McKillop, Thursday last. Duncan MacTavish of Exeter, who Church, formerly Methodist church
Mr. Malcolm Armstrong retarded comes h'shly recommended. On in Clinton, as she was with Turner's
Thursday last to spend his holidays Monday night he will give a lecture Church while living in Tuckersmith,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. entitled, "The Luggage of Life." A and she took an active part in the
Armstrong, having completedthis program. of literary and tnusical num- work of the women's organizations
term at Queen's University. bers will also be presented. We will of the church. She was also a mem-
Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Cudmore and appreciate your interest. her of the local branch of the Wo -
son Edwin and Mr. and. Mrs. Gillies men's Institute and an active worker
of Kitchener were Sunday visitors in it. Before being stricken with her TREATING FOR SMUT.
with Mrs. Cudmore's mother, Mrs,fatal illness she was very active and
Howard, and sister, Mrs. Arnold • While weed control and consequent- enjoyed good health and, being of a
Westcott. Mrs; Westcott returned to ty' the sowing of good clean seed is sociable nature, she enjoyed mingling
Kitchener for a week's visit. uppermost in the minds of all careful with her friends. The funeral took
Miss Florence Gallop, recently of farmers, yet is well to remember that place from Ontario Street United
Russeidale. has purchased the house smut causes considerable loss annual -
on East William street owned by Mr. !y • services being conducted by the Rev.
Sydney Deem, Who has been in Sar- To treat oats for either loose or A E. Doan assisted by Mr. C. S.
nia since last fall. Mrs. Deem expects covered smut is a simple matter, All Hawke. The pallbearers were six
to leave a week from next Tuesday. that is required is an ordinary quart grandsons: Messrs.- Frank Walters,
Rev. J. M. and Mrs. Keys returned sprayer, a pint of formalin and a pint Nelson, Herman and Harold Crich
Friday to their home in Oakdale, of water. This amount will do from and Elmer and Raymond Townsend.
Mich,, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs, 40 to 50 bushels. It is known as the lfany very beautiful floral tributes
W. L. Keys. dry formaldehyde treatment. One were sent, amongst them being hand -
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hudson and man sprays while another turns the some pieces from the W.M.S. of the
Mr. Melvin Hudson, Marlette, Mich., oats with a shovel. Care must be church and the members of the Wo-
and Mrs. George Hudson, of Hensall, exercised regarding the cleanliness men's Institute. Interment was made
were , Sunday guests with Mr. and of the floor when the spraying takes in Turner's cemetery. Amongst
Mrs. John Consitt. place. Also be sure that plenty of friends and relatives who came from a
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna visited ventilation prevails, otherwise some distance to attend the funeral were:
their daughter, Mrs. Weber, at Cro- unpleasantness may be experienced. Mr. Thomas Peffers,, Listowel; Mr.
marty. and the latter's brother, Mr,After completely treating all the oats and Mrs, H. Peffers, Peffers; Mr, and
Ben Keys. in Stanley, last week. ^^• ed -ti ha Ts n' blankets well Mrs. James Peffers. Peffers; and Mr.
Mrs. John McAsh of Varna visited treated and leave for four or five and Mrs. Thomas Sanderson, Milver-
her parents. Mr, and Mrs. W. 'L, hours. Take them out and sow. ton.--News-Record.
Keys, on Wednesday of this week. The sprinkling method is O.K. for
Mrs. C. R, Somerville and Miss oats but not as convenient as the
Janet Wilson of London are visitors above. Barley or hulless oats, how -
this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ever, should be treated for covered
Wilson. smut by the sprinkling method. The
Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Box motored to dry method as described for oats will
Toronto. on Monday and are spending likely injure the germination power of
the week with Mr. Box's sister, Mrs. barley. One pint of formalist to 40
Minett. gallons of water should be sprinkled
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swan, who on the barley at the rate of 2-3 of a
have been residing on John Street, Callon or more per bushel. Care musi
have moved to the house recently be taken to see that the barley is care -
vacated by Mr. Thomas Andrews, fully "turned and alt covered with the
south of the railway. solution. Cover with freaked bags or
Mrs. M, Smith. of Utah, is visiting
Miss Scott, of Harnurhey; and will blankets. After two or threehours
to dry and sow as soon as the
remain till next Fall. barley will run from the drill.
A mixture of oats and barley Islay
be treated without much injury to the
barley by the dry treatment outlined
for oats.
Now s The Time To Buy Shoos!
The Greatest Shoe Bargains ever offered in this town,
a or any other town
Can you afford to let this opportunity pass?
The JH. Smith & Son Stock.
Opposite Canadian Bank of Commerce
Love, Seit-Sacrifice
and Devotion
of the Salvation
On Monday night at the initiation of
a new member, Mrs. Ernest Walsh,
at the regular meeting of Idelweiss
Lodge, Mrs. M, McKellar was in-
Jirs. P. M. Chesney has returned
from visiting in Rochester.
Miss Mildred Taylor and Mr. Clar-
ence Taylor spent Sunday with Miss
Mary Papple.
Mr. Leonard Sararas was a Sunday
visitor at Mr, David Papple's:
Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy McGeoch and Mr. Glen
Taman were visitors of Mr, and Mrs.
Alex. Wright one evening recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyes and son
Robert were visiting friends in Lon-
don for the week end,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicholson visited
with Mr. and Mrs. L. Moffatt of Lon-
don, Friday.
Miss Isabel Cameron was the guest
of Miss Mabel Cameron one day re-
Messrs. J. and D. Fisher of Harris-
ton- were visiting their brother, Mr. L.
Fta' r Saturdayas
Fisher, last.
Mr. William Charters had the rots -
fortune to fall and break his leg, Fri-
day last. The sympathy of the eons -
unity is extended to Mr. Charters.
A number of people its this com-
munity are working on the land.
Masters Jack and Bruce McLean,
sons of Mr, and Mrs. David McLean,
are at present in quarantine with
scarlet fever.
Mrs. Robert Doig received a tele.
gram from Cabri, Sask., stating that
her sister, Mrs. Neil Grant, was seri-
ously ill.
After an illness extending over a-
bout four months Mrs. W. L. Peffers.
passed away on April 16th, in
her seventy-eighth year. Mrs. Peffers'
Mrs, Sandford and Miss Mary
Sandford spent the week -end at
Palmerston with her sister, Mrs.
Miss Sparks spent the week -end at
her home at Stratford.
Mr. Robert Willis, of Toronto Uni-
versity, returned home Friday last to
:need the holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Willis, having
completed this term of the S. P. S.
Miss Grata Ross left Tuesday to
attend the W. M. S, conference in
Guelph this week.
Mrs, Boyd, of Toronto, returned
Tuesday' after a week's, visit with her
aunt, Mrs, Richard Smith,
Miss Jessie Bethune leaves Saturday
to spend, a month withher cousin.
Miss McLeod and friends, its To-
Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Morton, of
Port Nelson, motored .here on Tues-
day as Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot has been
in very poor health.' Mrs. R. C,
Anderson accompanied them.
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Aid will be held in Cavan Church on
Wednesday afternoon, May 2nd.
Misses Margaret \Eaton and Alice
Hay have returned to Toronto after
spending the holidays with their par-
Messrs. W. C. Bennett and Mr.
Nelson Govenlocic motored to Lon-
don last week.
Mr. Tn,,•'+h Little spent Sunday with
friends in Belgravc.
Mrs, George 'Seton and baby Ken-
neth are spending a 'few days with
11'. and Mrs. Harold Smalidon of
We are verry sorry to hear that
:Mrs, John Cuthill had to have her
fiaeer amputated because of blood-
10" Minnie Wheatley of Sunshine
scent the week end with her parents,
lir. and Mrs. Thomas Wheatley.
Mr. and Mrs. Nimno, Miss M. Mc-
Cowan of Toronto, Miss B. Mc-
Cowan and John McCowan of Rox-
boro, were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James McCtymont, of the
village and Mr. -and Mrs. R. J. Day -
man, of Tuckersmith.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ivison, of the
village were called to the funeral of 1
Mrs. Ivison's grandmother, Mrs.
Reynolds, of Toronto, who is in her
106th year.
Mr. J, C. Bell is visiting relatives in
Mr. -Clifford Watson, of Detroit,
spent the week -end in the village.
Mr. A, Glazier and son William, of
Clinton, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. W. Butt on Sunday.
The Rev. Ian McEwen, of Toronto,
who has just returned from Edin-
burgh, delivered a most impressive
sermon Sunday morning at St. An-
drew's Church, Kippen.
The Y, P. will meet on Friday
evening at 8 .o'clock,
The Young People's anniversary
will be held on Sunday, May 6, when
Rev. Finlay Matheson, B.A.. of Strat-
ford, will be the special speaker at
the services 1'1 a.m. and 7:30 n.m
The next evening. Monday, May 7,
"Ye Olde Tyme Village" quartette of
Toronto, assisted by Miss Margaret
Smock, reader, will give a concert its
the church. All are soloists in To- ,
romp churches and are well worth
Send its the ,tames of your visitors.
Ische-Rapien.•— A pretty wedding
was solemnized on the 19th lest at the
home of Mrs, Hy. Rapien, when her
second daughter Pearl, was united in
marriage to Harvey Isehe, of Ellice
township, its the presence of about 100
guests. The ceremony was perforat-
ed by Rev, Mr: Gross, A sumptuous
repast was served and in the evening
a masquerade was formed by the
bride's friends and an old fashioned
charivari was indulged in by using
torches, guns and bells, which illum-
inated the lawn and which the bride
and groom enjoyed to their heart's
content, after which the party were
treated to the nice things that were
left and on leaving they all sang
"tie's a Jolly Good Fellow," and alll
wished tite young couple a smooth
journey through life, They will re-
side on the groom's fine farm in Ellice
'Last Thursday's wind storms left
quite a few roofs to be patched and
damaged some windmills through our
Mr. Fred Eckart and his daughters
,Agnes and Aileen, and Mr. and Mrs.
Fergus Horan made a business trip
to Stratford last Saturday,
Mr, C, Eckart was a visitor in the
burg last week.
Mrs. Con. Eckart, and Mrs. J. F.
McMann, of Chicago, called on
friends here this week.
Tenders are ,being called for re-
modelling the basement of James St.
United Church, and installing a heat-
ing system.
Mrs. William Oke, of Centralia,
passed away in Exeter hospital fol-
lowing a tonsil operation. Her maid-
en name was Minnie Botterill and she
was in her 53rd year.
On Wednesday, April llth, the
marriage was solemnized at the
manse , Exeter, when Miss Marie
Lilies Cottle, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Cottle, Usborne, be-
came the bride of Herbert Either
Harrison, son of Mr, and Mrs. James
Harrison, Hibbert, in which townshin;
the happy couple will make their
Mr. F. W. Gladtnan is recovering
front a recent operation.
Seven dogs have met death .by,
poisoning in the past two weeks.
Robert McDonald, of Usborne,
underwent an operation at London'
for the removal of an eye which had
become infected.
David Mack died at his home in
Exeter on April '17th, in his 73rd
year, after eight years' illness, He
was born 2% miles west of .Hensel!,
Besides his widow, one son and three'
daughters survive; Mrs, P. H. Mc-'
Ewen of Tillsonburg; Mrs. T. C.
Selby, of Toronto; Wilfred of Credi-
ton and Mrs. A. A. Davis. of Mon
treat. One sister and four brothers,
also survive: Mrs, Wm. O. Laing,,
Portland, Oregon; Arthur, Viscount,
Sask.; James and Joseph, Carberry,
Man.; and Nichol, Denver, Col.
The marriage took place its St.
Catherines on April 14th of Charlotte I
Whitney (Lottie) daughter of Mr,
Thomas Judd, of Clinton, to Mr. Dav-
id Shaw, of St. Catherines, Mr, at
Mrs. Shaw will reside at St, Ca
Nelson Bingham, a native of. Su
merhill, passed away at his home
Spokane, Wash, recently, in his 7
year. His wife was formerly M
I ulton, of Clinton.
Mr, James K, Main died at his rei
deuce in Clinton, on April 18th, t
funeral taking place Saturday.
W, H. Stewart, of Goderich tow'
ship, has purchased the Mountcast
property and will remodel the resk
Robert Oliver returned home fru
Port Hope on Saturday, where he hal
been called owing to the serious cots
dition of Isis son, Milton who Was l
a motor accidentonGood Friday
Milton's many friends are glad ti
know he is progressing favorably.
The use of. Miller's Worm Powder,
insures healthy children so far as thj
ailments attributable , to worms aft
concerned, A high mortality amouq
children is traceable to worms, Thee
sap the strength' of infants so than
they are unable to maintain the batt/
for life and succumb to weakness
This preparation gives promise of
health and keeps it,
I Monumenits
at the
Seaforth Monument Works
W. L. CHAPMAN, Prop,.
MONUMENTS in the best qual-
ity of Granite or Marble—The
finest of Workmanship, and
at as low a price as can be haat
in Ontario. No need to go
away from town to get a pleas-
ing monument,
Your old organ remodelled into a
useful piece of furniture at
reasonable cost.
Phone 303J
Work shop at rear of BARLOW'S
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bonds
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
A Good Portion
of beef served to you for the evening
meal, roasted about medium, with the
blood gravy oozing through. gives
one a foundation. It just makes one's
mouth water to think of it How
was that last piece of meat we sent
you? Wasn't it lino.
Your Butcher.
Phone 58 Seaforth.
The Special Milverton
We have it --Give it a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings Chop of All Kinds
Your Auto Needs
Repairs and charging on all makes.
A good line of New and Used Parts.
Has its good points and bad, they say, but we think we are
offering the kind of work that more nearly approaches
1f your car needs fixing trp, and the best do sooner or later,
let us demonstrate to you the many advantages of our
reliable work,
Peeler . r e