HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-04-19, Page 3r 1
British Export'
Anes to Arabia
Mr. Amery Answers Ques-
tions Raised in the House
of Commons
Londbn.—Soule 4,000,000 mach1ne-
gan eartrudgels and 400;000 rifles have
'leen slapped to Hejaz during the hast
five m'onthh 1
This feet transpired in the Home c'£.
Commons when is 0, M. S. AraMier;
'replying to questions, said that -al-
tho'ugh he had not been consulted be-
fore the recent lave of these exports
Which were £or the Hejaz Govern-
ment, he understood that the Fereegiu
Office and the service departments
concerned were aware of them.
Alsked further what guarantee there
Wee . that they would not be wed
against the British troops, Mr. Amery
said that the latest information tendl-
ed to show the King of Hejaz was
dieaseociating 'himself ' from the . `age
•gresev'e action of the Nejdian tribes-
men and was not s'upplying them
with anemunition.
These exports, nevertheless, were
regarded with considerable misgiving'
in Opposition circles here, havingre`
gard to such disclotsur'ee as those just
Made at Geneva, where the Womenin
League for Peace and' Freedom, for
blain 'the continuance of
example, es
the civil war in China upon• similar
exporte front, Oslo,
In the ease of Hejaz, the are per-
mitted under an annex,to last year's
Ang1'o-}Iejas treaty which the Bi'itieh
Gove•rnfnent, in return' for Hejaz
usndertainkg such beneficial action as
the protection of piIgritne, rind the
suppression • of •slavery, consented to
the removal ofthe previously existing
. embargo against the export of war
materials to Arabes.
Big Business
Ford Auxiliary Activities Set
High Records of
Detroit, Mich,—Rantificaaions of
the varied induat7ries within control
of the Ford Motor Co., are emphasized
in reports of impressive production
peaks attained by auxiliary activities
of the company during the past year.
From the four mining properties of
the company in Kentucky and West
Virginia, 2,935,942 tans of coal were
renioved,',aboat half of which was sold
to the public. The remainder was
shipped to the Fordson plant, near
Detroit, where valuable by-products
and resulting coke for power purposes
were obtained- Surplus coke was re-
tailed to employes and others.
The by-products resulting from
pulverization of daal in the coking
process and its feeding into a battery
of coke ovens totaled) 8,090,421 gal-
lons of coal tar which was' burned as
fuel; 28,462,836 pound's of ammonium
sulphate, , sold as a fertilizer; 7,946,-
175 gallons of motor benzol purchased
by motoriaits, and 10,914,757,000 euike
feet of gas, samte of which was utilized
at the Fordson plant and the remain-
der sold to the local gas company.
Wood waste from body factories in
the hardwood distniot of northern
Michigan was converted by distilla-
tion into 26,234,160 pounds of char-
coal briquets, 2,168,908. Pounds of cal-
alcium acetate, 2,718,568 pounds of
hardwood pitch as well as several
acids, oils, and alcohols of commercial
Iron inAning properties in Upper
Michigan ytekled 110,000 tons of ore;
approximately one-fifth of the annual
demand oe the blast furnaces At
Wordson 888,501 gross tons of pigsiron
were produced. Open hearth ingots.
totaling 173,342 gross tons were pro-
duced by the steel mill duaiing 1927,
the first year of its operation. While
this mill is not yet working to capa-
city more than 1,000 tensed ingots. are
being produced daily.
Production of paper from salvaging
of wastewood, rags and ecrap paper
totaled 8,951,254 peanuts, consisting of
oil and waterproof binder board used
in fabrication of certain parts and
for shipping.
Output of Portland cement aggre-
gated 687,149 barrel's. 'Sales of this
product which utilizes waste .ala'g
from blast furnaces are now widely
, A reputation of over thirty
Years is at stake everytimo a
package of Red'Bose Orange
Pekoe Tea la Sold. SO highly
LI this reputation prized that
the makers have authorized
your grocer to replace any
package free of charge that
does not satisfy you in every
particular. tl-E
A Wish
Mine be a cot beside the hill;
A bee -hive's hum alien sootdve my
A willowy brook, that turn's a mill,
With many a fall shall linger near.
The swell:ow, oft, beneath Mr thatc
Shull twitter from her clay -hunt
Ont. shall the pilgrim lift able Patch,
Awl (here My meal, a welcome
Around .my ivied pencil Axel spring
Each ftvtga+anit flower that drinks
the dew;
And Tetey at her wheel, shall sing
in tient gown and apron blue.
The village churdhl, (=tong the trees,
Where arise ear feeaTiage vows
were given,
With 'merry peals elisiU swell UIlo
And point with taper spire to
Saonuei Regalia.
The first poppings e8 the 'great
automobile war leave been heard net.
ter 'prepare fee the great gaesattack.
L1et of "Wanted Inventions"
and run .: Iurormation Seat Free
ori Request.
T$E RAm Ay OO,. Peet. W,
973 neat Bi., Ottawa, Ont.
GY.£65": �
L.. ji}'., IYkt;YtNiJ` A Id 1f:7.
Our breeders are bred for big,
en production, White, Broom
and Butt. Leghorn, Barred and
Whitt Rocha, AA. Rede. Air
conga, Buff Ornin tone, White
Wyandotte,. t 2e sod up, 100%
live delivery guenntted. Write
today for FREE CHICK a00K.
[CUWEGLEa'S tMTCiiEng 1'111 110enatarroe:5UFEAto.K.
The Le yeah
Priced_ :Mixer
kg 'Canada „•
Write fo?'free 'de-
scriptive folder is
or catalog showing
complete line of
larger sizes. s0
•a nt.brd
Wof icier""Concrete Mixer
8rontford - Out
Their teeth are of a tough-
, nese which makesthemhold
their keen cutting edge un-
, der everyusage.
Not sick, and not
well, either
If people so troubled only knew
Warner's' Safe Kidney
and Liver Remedy
That's the dangerous part of kidney
disease—no pain to warn you. Just that
dull feeling, of not being Just right. "Oh,
it will pass in a few days;' has been
the belief of thousands who found out
the bitter truth too late to save.them-
.selves. Too late!' What a pity
Is it too late for you? Perhaps not
yet. But the time to save your health le
while you still have it. Cleanse out
those brain -dulling poisons from your
blood—Vcaite .kidneys and liver up to
their proper duties. That's what you
have them for—to ,ikeep you healthy.
For more than 611 years Warner's Safe
Kidney and Liver Remedy has been used
by grateful families who have written
in to say that it put them back on their
feet again. Why not? This safe, herbal
remedy, so pleasant to taste, was orig-
inally a d'octor's prescription. It is as
goodto-day as it ever was. We can do
no more than to advise you. It is up to
you to visit your druggist for a bottle
of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Rem-
edy now. Costs little—and health is
worth much. Warner's Safe Remedies
Company, Toronto, Ontario..
Warner's Safe Kidney and
Liver Remedy
A. pessimist is a mean who judges
the unemployment situation by the
number of persons who are preparing
to run for office this year.
During its lifetime, the oyster pro-
duces about 60,000,000 eggs. It's a
good thing for quiet ecocide resorts
that oysters don't cackle.
New Vegetable
*Iettker ainparagus .does not awe to
be ecrauped, lout the scales op. the
atm situated be removed. Waal, in
cold water said drain therauglhlY. Tia
in a bundle, stand up le a ;tall M'ett'le
maid fill to within. 'one leecnt of the
tips wine bolting waiter, Cover and
000k gentle for 16 mutes, leaving
tire tips to cook in *team. An one
teaspoonful of Biala, 000k atnotlber 6 or
IO 'minute*; depending on the thiels-
nese of t.he.aspat'uguu. Lift out, drain,
untie and remove to;,hot ,plate. Save
the water dos• soup or sauce,
To vary 'tine flavor of plain boiled
Peelle cook with a dash of season-
ings, each See ease -way seed's, fresh
o;r dry dial, ground ging*', cetera' seed
or. cumV'y.
Celery is the non -waste vegetitbie
and is, not ann extittvvaganee even when
high priced. Every bit of it can be
used; the inner white stalks r+awy the
urges' outer etolit,s as a cooped, vege-
table, the leaver can be cooked es
greens or, like the root, tfclrown into
soups, stews' or sauces do alai roan-
odic flavor. Even the waster in, whic'b
celery is cooked' is exeallteut fair stack
Or sauces.
Water -Ores& Dreading: — 1 cup
French dressings' 6 sprigs ' minced
water-ereee', 1 tableespeon chapped
lves 2 ttabieslpoowa pearl entente
The cowslip' ie a contjmon enough
swamp and wetter . plant, families to
lovers of the outdoors'. Those who
enjoy netting food off the land wi'11
appreciate itat smeolal qualities.
The young leeves make an excel-
lent salad served with any variants
of French dressing. Unlike other
vial weenie the cowslip is not suits
able for cooking, but the hoovers are
excelient for flavoring soups and
stews'. Cowslip buds, when salted
and pleated in vinegar, can be served
like capers• or naaratiuuttiunt, bude.
If dandelions disfigure your garden,
cut 'em and eat 'em. This is prob-
ably the most common of the edible
weeds, flourishing as It does) on
elegantly manicured lawns as well
as in fa'l'low pasetines: It is only in
recent years that we have admitted
the value of the dandelion . . , for its
pleasing fiatror, nott to mention its low
cast. It has now attained be dignity
of special cud'tivation boa. commercial
use, and may be bought in meet citiy
markets', easing, summer and fall.
Natural sweetness of peas le de-
veloped during' cooking by adding a
few of the empty mods.
Rarely, however Is one eierved to-
matoes in =1Gbe manner mast com-
mended by epltcuret, whicih 1s scald,
Peel, chill, eLtee, sprinkle with salt
and pepper.
—Frown "The Book of Green Vege-
tables," by Mollie Gold and Eleanor
Among the jurors summoned was a
woman who wished to be excused.
"Well, madam, why don't you want
to serve on this jury?" asked the
judge. "I'm opposed to capital pun-
ishment" "But this is merely a case
in which a wife is suing her husband
for an accounting. It seems she gave.
him a thousand dollars to pay down
on a handsome fur coat and he is al-
leged to have lost the money at
poker." The woman juror spoke up
promptly: "I'll serve. Maybe I'in
wrong about capital punis'innent "
My little niece is a funny little girl.
The other day when she put on her
shoes she complained of them hurting
her feet. Her mother examined her
shoes, and said: "Why, Daphne, you
have got them on the wrong feet!"
Daphne began to cry. "Well, mem
ma, they are the only feet I've got,"
she said.
Save Wear on
Running Boards.
Sully Step Plates•
also keep yourcar
clean and improve
its appearance.
Ask your Automobile -Dealer to show
you the new models' or write for list.
Bully Brass Foundry Ltd2388 Dundas St. a
• Toronto, Canada.
OD le
ass °7 `ori Than
1341 g muck Heaith
A safe, powerful alterative is needed
regularly by every person who has any
manifestation of blood disorder. For
only by purifying and toning the blood
can good health be restored.
Buckley's TRU-BLOQD. Ina proven
borreltive for weak, deficient or impure
lood. First successfully used as a doc-
tor's prescription, TRU-BLOOD 1s high-
ly recommended for the prompt elimin-
ation of all skin affections etch as
ginelesg, blackheads, blotches ulcers,
task abscesses, eczema, boils, salt rheum
and all troubles arising from impover-
ished or below -par blood.
A characteristic tribute to tete benefit
of TRU-BLOOD is the following: "i.
used two bottles of TRt7-BLOOD last
Spring. It built mo up, and gave me new
life, and as long as I live I shall octet
bo without it."
TRU-BLOOD Is more thatt d puriflef.
of the bloods Use TRU-BLOOD and
skin troubles will disappear. The coir-
plexlbn will become clear, smooth, color-
ful. Buckley's OINTMENT is a mngle
aid to TRU - BL000 in permanently
banishing disfiguring blemishes. Good
druggists everywhere carry both.
A sPRING, TONIC IttriNt ain.SeeksAN 1 AID TO D;iLTn Cad l shi
Y C Laildertimethat usedverythe
+oun a on o
The English Sparrow.
"I understand the mayor of Chicago
says every species of bird is welcome
in his town as harbiugers of spring
but one."
"And which one is thatt?"
"The English sparrow, of coulee."
The Customs House officer sat in
the parlor of his snug home; awaiting
news of the important event that was
taking place in the' -next room. Sud-
denly a nurse burst into the room
bearing in her arms a small bundle.
"It's a boy," she said, ."and every-
thing has gone splendidly." "Oh, has
it?" replied the' officer, absent-mind-
edly. Then in stern tones he address-
ed the bundle: "Have you any wines,
spirits, perfumes, tobacco, silk, opera -
glasses, watches—?"
Witticisms are the last things one
expects to find in dictionaries. But
there is a decided levity about a mod-
ern standard w'ork's definition of a
sea serpent as "an enormous marine
animal of serpent -like form, frequent -
1y seen and described by credulous
eailorg, imaginative landsmen, and
common liars,"
$pin Curbs Beggars;
Madrid Expels 400
Madrid.—General Martinez An-
ido, Minister of the Interior and
one of the strong men of General
Primo de Rivera's semi -military
government, is determined to cure
the professional mendicancy which
shocks visitors to the principle
pities of Spain.
More than 400 of those "never -
works" have been seized by the
Madrid police and sent back to
the places of their birth, so that
the street, of the capital will be
comparatively pleat for at least
the time they need ,to find 'their
way batik.
W. C. Bridgeman Denies It
11as Superiority in View,
a Regrets X7,6 is
B i{�y oti ted'
Suspicions y 1 itl glriwd9 f
London. --W, C.. Bridgman, First
'Loi'il'of the Adanivalty,was the chile
guest at the annual dinner of the
In:datution of Naval Architects lest
night, when he expressed regret that
"unfortunate sarspucions" shouse have
arisen over the recent Brib5C11 pets- ,
posed that buttlemhips of the future --
Classified Advertisement" '
NE -- tin
^��?? SS ea b1 b oases W i
1.� rn o r
The' Orange Pekoe, at a little
extra. cost, is extra good
16 In clean, bright Aluminum
be not re than 0 000 1"
nl,o t as 3 , tone,
their gun cali'br'e net mare than 13,5
inches and the life of the snips ptw-
longer. He aid that the same pro-
/Poeta made at Geneva last year z'e-
ceived a "'good deal of sympathy"
from Americ'ane and Japanese,
• Denying that it was Great Bo tain's
ebect to secure any advantage in
superiority of cal:, ai ships which had
been settled int th Washington Con-
ference, he declared': "Our intention
is merely to arrive at a mearane of
lhnitai:'on ,and economy equally fair
to all the a coulatrtos•"
Explaining why tete British delega-
tionn to the d reereameut conference at
Geneva raised the question before
1931 when the whole Subject of the
Washington agreement comes up for
review and reco-ieideration, bt.
Ba id'geman concluded: "The - . reason
why we fell; it shon'.d be raised. before
then is that if you are to lay down•
"titips in 1931 you require to oonsidtr
their designs two yearn beforehand.
We have been perfectly frank in s'tat-
ung that we are net attempting to
gain any advantage over any other
,sundry, and I still hope and firmly
believe that we will come to an agree-
ment with the other great naval
"I do not think we lost very much
by our failure to agree at Geneva last
year. We never quarreled: We left
off with mutual respect for one an-
other. We found .a great deal of com-
mon ground, and we shall leak for-
ward with the belief that in. the future
we will come to an agreement which
will be of advantage to all the coun-
tuies concerned."
Baby's Own Tablets Declared to
be Worth Their Weight
tin Gold
A mother has only to use Baby's
Own Tablets once to be convinced
that nothing else can equal them in
banishing the ills of her little ones.
Once used, always used, as long as
there are small children in the home
-that is the tribute thousands of.
mothers pay the Tablets.
Among the many, many mothers
who are anxious to tell • of their ex-
perience with Baby's Own Tablets is
Mrs: Griffith, of East Hamilton, Ont.,
who writes:—"Shortly after coming
to Canada I began giving the Tablets
to my baby boy who was then six
weeks old. The result was so pleas-
ing that since that time I have always
kept the Tablets in the house. I have
two children now and both of them
are the picture of health. Baby's Own
Tablets are the only medicine they
have ever had and I really believe the
Tablets to be worth their weight in
Baby's Own Tablets are free from
all injurious drugs and can be given
to the youngest babe with absolute
safety. They are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Smuts and Status
Saint... John. .Telegraph -Journal
(Ind.): (Wizen Hartzog recently as-
sented the ,,right of the Dominion to
remain neutral if Britain were involv-
ed in war, General Smuts asked:
"Iiow can the some King be at war
and at peace at the same time in the,
same Empire?")• The King cannot
be at war and at peace at the same
time in the same Ej'ire. The British
famine le the NAi-f s leading force
for peace. It has no aggressive de -
algae. It is the chief pilfer of the
League of Nations, lit will never ens '
gage in unjust war. gut its defence,
should the neoeseity arise, is and must
always be, a matter of common re-
sponsibility. General Smuts' question
dissipates the fog in which some peo-
ple seek to envelop an issue about
wallah there libeled be no manned of
doubt. A thing to be avoided In the
discussion of Imperial relations is too
much talk about rights end too little
about duties and obldgatione.
Shwry, - g
ows Surplus brandard Company, 13ex 8o oron e.
1, T t
Of $20,000,000 NEW min wzc
.JUP:. farming. opportunities offered here
National Debt Also Reduced unsurpassed nnywhorpe, Another tact,
Bub ey'e free f bargain cataloggtil read
Last Year by the Sum Alfred y.
Burley Co. Limited, St. John,
of £69,000,000
London.—Granit Britain has reduced reow mss
its national debt by £69,000,000, be- 1 elleADIOeus, DAHLIA AND OTI'IIIIR
Ilrvyel, Glade fifty, Dahilae 0 or.
sides balancing its budget. Thies its roses 8, delivered, f2.00, Catalog fres.
evidenced by a Government announces M. & 0. Dodds, sorc'ento. B.C.
merit that the official year ending on paIIyTa t
Satrday closed with £4,000,000 sum -I
.' UK L'i9[e130inN
lest .Alpril in estimating for greatly
plus. 'Phe timis t a• the. h ncellor4'UA I Y
ap 0r f%' R 1 Wyandotte, Red � Baby Chioka;
of the Exchequer, Winston Ohurchill, 15,00 per.100 and .up. Hatching egg.
e] ,00V 00 and up• Pedigreed Cocter,
6.0o each, and -up. 80 Page Illus-
improved revenues heir thus found trated Catalogue Free L. et. Guild i
justifioadtion, though hie doubtful sone. Dox T, itockwona. Ont.
temporary expedient in exacting 18 ABr CH101LS—WE ,Int. rouse
months' tax on rest estate and 13 vatieoies of Paby Cheeks. vprite Sar
fee catalogue. Pr1ae 10o andup. roust
months' excise on beer in one yew' Switzer, Granton, Ont.
cannot bo repeated. I remnant ARE STORAGE.
As a whole this forestalled• revenue
went into the sinkingfund. However, Hine THE MOVER—PIONEER DIs-
`RANCE movers. of Canada. Largest
confidence prevails in financial alleles speedy padded vans. New Equipment,
that the corner is now turned slam& latest methods. Two experieneadd men
every trip. All loads insured.- Beyond
the heavy dost of introducing the gold compare fer skill and care. Before you
1 the Mover.
standard has been met, and the n- eiral strike and coal stoppage have re. a a I
move, writs us of wire ane reverse the
eha.rees. Read oraca Hamilton• Ontario.
ceded into the pest. Several facts have
now for the first time been brought te
light and support this view. One is
a report the Ministry of Labor now
publishes whiebshows that of Great
Britain, million unemployed, no more
than 70,000 have ceased actively to
look for work, While the remainder
form a fluctuating body in which all
the individuals are employed a :part
of the time.
Another is that the total value of
the securities handled on the London
Stock Exchange continues to rise,
healing been higher last month than
any tithe since 1921. The third ie that'
depressed as are conditions in semis
of the main industries, signs of re-
vival are Increasing.In South Wakes,
for example, where' distress has been
the greatest, work has been restarted'
at the Ebb vale Company's coal pits,"
which were idle for eight months, also
in the Rock^Collieries at Glyn Neath,
which has bean closed since Ghlrist-
mae. Three steel blest furore's at
Swansea, cold for nearly 12 months,
also announce their reopening.
Minard's Liniment for Backache.
The St. Lawrence Waterway
Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph (Intl.):
if the St. Lawrence waterway is a good
thing for Canada, than Canada, hav-
ing regard always to her financial
capacity, should be willing to proceed
With it. If it is not a good thing for
Canada, then no tariff oomoestsions of
sny kind w'hatsoev'er fames the United
Stapes ought to induce ue to go on
with it. And the sooner Mr. King
is made to understand We the better
it will be for everyone.
Pat and Mike were looking into a
jew'ell'ers window. "Mike" said Pat,
"how'd ye 1'oike to have your pick
here?" "Faith," answered Mike, "Oi'd
rather have me shovel."
Five-year-old Joan was at dinner at
a neighbor's ono day when she was
purprisod to see the whole family, be-
fore eating, saying Trace, At last
she asked, "What are you doing?"
"We are thanking the Lard for giving
us this bread," sand her hostess.
"Don't you give thanks at home?"
"Oh, no," answered Joan, " we pay
for our bread."'t:
Use Minard's Liniment for Corns.
'-'The Angler—"Didn't have much
sport that •day, Landed a three -
u peunder, certainly --rut what's a
three -pounder?" Bored Listener--
istener—"Usually about eight (emcee, isn't it?"
ISSUE No. 18—'28
Corrugated Iron
"Council Standard"
A thick, even, heavy spread of
galvanizing over every inch, of sur-
face. Deep corrugations. Agencies
still open in some localities.
Write us, stating size of
barn you want to cover.
Dept. W, 108 George St., Toronto 2
Man was sentenced to labor
roe life, that's undisputed;
The rich are those who have had
Their sentences commuted -
Going Fishing?
Minard's is a reliable first aid
for sprains, cuts and bruises.
Also good for insect bites.
Put a bottle in your kit.
These Two Found Relief by
Taking Lydia E..Pir. khan's
Vegetable Compound
Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. — "I have
been teaching for three years, and
at the end of the
year I always feel
tired and have no
appetite. I was
awful side each
month. too ,having
pains in my back
until sometimes I
was'oblged to stop
working. A friend
LydiaE. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound to me
and I heard many women telling how
good it was so I thought it would help
me. And it did. Now I take six
bottles evel7 year and recommend it
to others.' DONALDA FANTEUX,
Ayer's Cliff, Quebec.
"Unable to Work"
Canning, Nova Scotia,—. "I had ir-
regular periods and great suffering
at those times, the pains causing
vomiting and farting. I was teach-
ing school and often for some hours
I would be unable to attend to my
work. Through an advertisement In
the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, and it
has been of great benefit to me, the
troubles being completely relieved."
—LAURA J. EATON, Canning, King's
County, Nova Scotia. o
. ts'4' MACNeS
For Troubles
due to Acid
Excess acid is the common cause of
indigest on. it results in pain and
Sourness about two hours after eating,
Thp quick corrective 1s an alkali which
neutralizes acid, The best corrective
is. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has
remained standard with physicians
in the 60 years since its invention.
One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia neutralizes instantly many
times its volume in acid. It is barna'
less and tasteless and its action is
quick. You will never rely on .crude
methods, never 'continue to suffer,
when you learn how quickly, ; how
pleasantly this premier method acts.
Please let it show you—now.
I3e sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed be physl
clans for 50 years' in; correcting excess
acids. Each bottle c'ontaine full direa
tions—any .drugstore.