HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-03-29, Page 8THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1O IIENSALL, Mr, Ernest Bates left title week for Stratford, where' he has ,securei. a tamedposition as salesmaa for an auto - Mobile firm. Mr. Bates will be great- ly• atissed in liensall, anti as heed of aur very efficient Are department, will he hard to replace. He teak the lead in all kinds of sporte, Mr. Bates has been chief af the fire department, and has built up a splendid ergaineetion, The first army that Britain sent M France was celled, ha her enemies "The Conteniptiblee, and our loca 'fire brigade is termed 'now by its big enemy in town, as the Disaruntled Ones. Mrs. 11 McLean is visiting with re- latives in St. Thomas. • •'/.+1.r. John Pasetuore ,was in Wind- • sor, the. letter part the week, •'and brought home a number of mew Chrysler cars, Mrs Young, of Rochestea.is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs, J. Letper. 'Sacrament of the ,Lord's Supperfl be observed in the United Church •ore • Easter Sunday morning, 'During ahe preeeding week, Rev, Mr. Sinclair will conduct special services each evening during the week. The Yotmg .People's League of the United Church held an interesting meeting 00 Monday evening, with Miss Irene Douglas in charge. Short prayers were given by Grace Brock, 'Gladys Passmore, Ahem Scrnton told Mavis Spencer. Mr. and Mrs, IL Phile rendered a pleasing duet The topic was taken from the 'missionary book entitled "Drums on the Darkness," •on the second chapter, "The Elephant Hunters' People." The introduction was taken by Miss Irene Douglas, homes by Avis ,Lindenifielci, fashions by 'Margaret Douglas, birth and bur- ial rites by Miss Jessie Buchanan, which were all interesting. A piano solo Ms given by Miss Florence Mc- Donald, and the collection taken 'by Miss Margaret •Hopkirk. The meet- ing closed with the benedictioa, • The A, Vele. A. of the Anglican Church held their regular meeting on • Monday evening with a large number present and opened with a short song service. Rev. Mr, Jones gave an in- teresting topic on the Book of CO1I1- mon Prayer, followed by the business part of the meeting, Ma John Young and son Jack. M. London, are visiting relatives M town. Mr, and Mrs, Spencer visited in London on 'Saturday, • Mr. Robert Higgins has rented the building lately occupied by William Sangster, in the Murdoch block, li.faM Street, and will carry on his produce hneinees there, which will be more convenient for his patrons. •The differeat onion firms are busy this week getting out the onion sets and are giving employment to quite. a number of men. Onion sets have kept well .this winter and are coming out in splendid condition. Mr. Dan Beggs, of Toronto, is here again M charge of the Steele Brigge ware- house. Mr. Roy Webber Wit:: in • London Monday on business. Mr. T. C. Joynt is in Taranto (his week on business. Mrs. M. McKaig and Miss Newell visited for a few days with friends in London. Miss Eleanor Fisher visited for a few days with relatives in Bruc• efield. Mr. Norman Cook, who has been in London taking treatment for his health, has returned home. Miss Dorothy Heffernan visited over the week -end with friends London. The play entitled "Cranberry Cor- ners" was presented by the choir of Bayfield United Church in the Town Hall on Friday evening, under aus- Pices of Mallard Mission Circle. The . play was well given aud greatly en- joyed by the large audience. Neilsen High School orchestra furnished ex- tellent musk. 'Between acts. Mr. Sam. Rennie sang a pleasing solo; violin selection by Miss Greta Laramie and a dialogue by Miss Katherine • Drysdale and Master Ray Patersole were well rendered. Cast of characters Were: Tom Dexter, a young gentk- man farmer (Dan McKenzie); Sidney Everett, a hardened man of the evorld (Harold Scotchmer); Ben Tatham, a wanderer (A. E Erwin); An Dexter, Tom's 'father (James Stirl- ing); Hezekiali Hopkins, a neighbor (Murray Grainger); Nathan Speck, Dexter's hired man (Brown Stewart); Carlotta Bannister, a child of fate (Gladys Gale); Mrs. A. Bannister, 'Carlon:Ws aunt, a haughty woinan of the world (Helen Gerrie); Ai nelia Dexter, Andrew's sister, (Mrs. B. Stewart); Mrs. Muslin, soinething of a talker, (Marie Grainger); Bella Ann, Dexter's hired girl, very romantic, (I)orothy Scotchnier); Florine, Mrs. Banister's maid, (Ethel Stirling). Mrs, Russel Langmaid. and little daughter, of Streetsville, are visiting with her mother, Mrs, Keys. Mrs, A. IvIcMurtrie visited for a few days with relative's in Kippen. IVIr. and Mrs. Eric Kennedy and lit- tle son, of Windsor, who have been visiting for some time with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger, have returned home. 'Rev. George Jewett, of Goderieh, took the services in the United Chttrch on Sunday last, old preached excellent sermons to large .congre- gationS both morning and evening, There was a fine service of praise by the large choir, while the ladies' clear - tette, consisting of Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs, G. Ness„Afrs, Ed. Lindeneld and Mrs. H. Phile rendered a pleasing , quartette at the evening service, Rem' Mr. Sinclair conducted the ser- vices in Sarnia •on Sunday last, it be- ing the re -opening of a new church there, of which Mr. Sinclair had been pastor a few Years ago, Mr. Earl MeEwan, who has been visiting relativea here for a couple or Weeks, bat on Tharsday for Leth- bridge, to resume his duties iit bank there. Mr. Arnold Bell, of Toronto, visited I over the week -end with hie mother here. '• ' Etiz 15 ths 'rhe Cottocil have had the cement pevement all cleaned up and it now preeente a very nice almearmiee. Mr, Mine Megivan has rented Dr • Motet( farm on the 3rd con. of Nay and is moving out immediately to take charge. • Mr. William Fairhaira has rettee the farm of Mr, William Sit -agents, of 'Ribbed., and inteticle ntovieg to th; farm the firet of April, The made itt hie end are in a fearitil Condition ano are almost im- passable for Automobile traffic, The play which was to have been held in the town hall on llinesday ev- ening by elle St. TaTilee Players of St, Marys, is postponed till Apra 12 on account of the bed condition" of the roads, •Mrs. Ross who has been visiting her heather,' Mr. Robert Banthfori, for a few weeks, has returned home. Mrs. L. Sullins and sister-in-law. who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nucleon for the past few weeks, returlied to Detroit on Wed- nesday. Mr, Chas. Cann of Exeter vieited over the week end with his daughter, Mrs. John Passmore, On Saturday afternoon last the fun- eral of the late Thomas Roll, late of Edmonton, Alta., was held from the home of his brother-in-law 'and sister, Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Taylor, of tlte villege. Deceased man was the youn- gest son of the late Wan. Bell Sr. of INensall and was well and favorably known here, as a young Irian having lived for a •long term of years in the west after. leaving here. He had been in failing health for some time before his death which occurred itt the hos- pital at Banff, where he was receiving treatment. He was in his 54th year and -was an unusually,. large end strong main The funeral servibe was cone ducted by Rev, Mr. MaIleoy, pastor of +Gaulle! Presbyterian Church and was largely attemded, The pallbearers acre ell relatives of doomed end the remaitis were interred in Hensall Un ion cemetery, The many friends of ears, Lee lied, den be sorry to teem that she ie confined ,to her room threatened with ai, attack of appendicitis. 2 Mrs, 33. Bell visited with relatives la Seeforth an SeindaY, An Easter dance will be held in the town" hall on Monday, April 9th, mu- sic by,the Avalon orchestra of Lucan. The many friends a Mr. E. Jack, son will be sorry to learu that he hal been confined to the house thratigh The Welfare Youth Club of Carmel Presbyterian Church held a social eve ening in the basement of the °latch on Tuesday evening with a large crowd present. A good program was given consisting of the opening song; 0 Canada; a contest, a scene in a gar- den; instrumeatal by Irene Iloggarth; recitation by Beryl Pfaff; mouth ore gait selection by Johnny Farquhar; a crazy quilt contest; instrumental by Irene Deters; solo by Mrs, Jam* ,Bonthron; henana contest; singing contest and a music contest; a reading by 'Witham Craig, violin selection by Eldred Smith, and an instrumental by Bessie McKay. Every number an the program was well given and greatly enjoyed by the eminence, A deineY lunch was served. Want and For Sale ads, 3 timet 50c Seaforth Spring Show TUESDAY,• APRIL 3rd, • 1928 undo the auspices of the Seaforth Agricultural Society GRAND PARADE of all animals entered for competition, headed by THE SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS BAND 2 o'clock Judging Commences • HORSES. Township Special. Best Theee Horses from One Township, two or more entries to MI this elass let 2nd Prizes donated by Di- rectors .. . .. .... $12.00 $9.00 . ..... Clydesdale Stallion, any age Cup 5 3 • 2 1st prize donated by Bank of Commerie. Stall -ion foaled in 1925 ... ,5 3 2 1st prize donated by Nur- tin Expositor; 2nd prize donated by Isaac Hud- son; 3rd prize donated by S. T. Holmes & Son. Stallion, foaled in 1926 5 3 2 Ist prize donated by Sea - forth News; 2nd prize do- nated by R. E. Bright; 3rd prize doaated by W. G. Willis. Sweepstake Badge Belgian Stallion. Stallion, any age .... ........ 6 2 Percheron Stallion: Stailion ally age 6 2 Roadster Stallion. Standard ,Bred Trotting Stal- lion, in harness 5 4 1st prize donated by J. A. Westcott; 2nd 'Prize don- ated by E.H. Close. Standard'Bred Pacing Stal- lion in harness 5 4 ist prize donated by Olym- pia Restaurant; 2nd prize donated by Scott's Wall- paper Store. Agricultural. Brood Mare in Foal 10 5 3 1st and 2nd prizes donated by Stewart Bros; 3rd prize donated by Fred W. Wigg, Mare, Filly or Gelding, any age . 5 3.50 2 let prize donated by Thomp- " son's Bookstore; and prize Ionated by G. A. Sills & Sone; 3rd prize donated by Thomas Dickson. Filly or Gelding foaled in 1925 5 2 1 1st prize donated by Prov- ince of Ontario Bank; 2nd prize donated by Chas. Dungey; 3rd prize donated by Thomas Bickel!. Filly or Gelding foaled in 1926 5 .2 1 155 prize donated by Chas. Aberhart; 2nd prize don- ated by Graves' Wallpaper Store; 3rd prize donated by Harry Chong. Filly or Gelding foaled h.1927 5 2 1 1st prize donated by G. D. Ferguson & Co,: 2nd prize donated by W. R. Smith; 3rd prize donated by Gal- lop & McAlpine. Team in Harness` 15 10 5 Ise prize donated by Fred S 'Savauge, Sweepstake Badge Heavy ,Draft. Brood Mare in Fo,a1 . - . ,10 $ 4 lst prize donated by W. G. .; Carriage tHorse in Harness, • over 15-3 10 7 3 Livingston Special. Best Heavy Draft or Agri- cultural Marc, Filly or Gel- ding, any age 6 Prize donated by Thos. E • ;Livingston, EXHIBITORS PLASE BEAR IN MIND Parade at 4,30 sharp. • judging conernences 2 o'clock. Classes will be called in the order as they appear on this bill. . Postinasier's Special; ' For Boy, 15 years and under, dis- playing best abilify and lidtseman- ship in exhibiting a horse on the halter. Prize donated by C. P. 'Sills, Postmaster ... .$5.00 .. No entrance fee 'requi.......red but boys must make their entry before 2 o'clock Boys' Judging Competition. Open to boys, 17 years of age and under 10 5 3 2 1 1st prize donated by Thomas Me - Milian, M. P. 2nd prize donated, by J: wesley Beat- tie 3 3rd prize donated by W. A. Crick 4th prize donated by Jas. Edw. Keat- ing. • - 5th prize donated lir Thos. Phillips. The The catnpetition will be under e 3 direction a gr. G. R. Paterson, Coun- ty Agricultural Representative, Score Cards will be given each • boy. '50 points will be given for placing by score card and 50 points for reasons to be given orally. Class to be judg- ed will be heavy horses. No entrance fee will be required but boys must have their entry in before 2 o'clock. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. Entrarice" fee $1.00, each addi- tional- entry, 50 cents. 2. Brood mares must show visibly in foal. 3. Ages a taeses must date from Jan. 1st. 4. Judges' decision to be final. 5. The judges will be particular to regard merit iri all stock for compe- tition and withhold any premium if they consider the animal undeserving and a first or second prize will not be given to a third class animal or in a sweepstake if they consider the com- petition not sufficient. 6. Every exhibitor must produce his entry ticket in every class; otherwise the animal will not be judged. 7. All animals entered for competi- tion must appear M the parade at 1:30 Om. DONATIONS RECEIVED FROM Directors Seaforth Agricuhural So- ciety, cash, $'24.00; Thomas McMillan, M.P., cash, $10.00; W. G. Medd, M. L. A., cash, $10.00; Bank of Commerce, cup, $16,00; C. P. Sills, cash, $5.00; W. V. Sinith, cash, $2.00; J. Wesley Beattie, 'cash, $5.00; S. T. Holmes & Son, cash, $2.00; W. A. Crich, cash, $3.00;Dawson Reid, cash, $2.00; T. 5. Medd, M.L.A2010 prize donated by Cardno Bros.; Stdphens, cash, $2.00; Thomas 'Bick- el, cash, $1.00; Huron Expositor, 3rd prize donated by Econ- cash, $5,00; Isaac Hudson, cash, $3.00; only Shoe Store' Gallop & McAlpine, cash, $1.00; Mare, Filly or Gelding, any Harry Choag, cash, $1,00; Seaforth age .. . ... • 5 4 2 News, ma, $5.00; Chas. Dungey, elet prize donated by R. 5 cash, $2.00; Thomas Phillips, cash, Gibb. 2nd prize donated by., James Kerr. 3rd prize don- $1.00; Jas. Edw. Keating, cash, $2.00; W. G. Willis, cash, $2.00; Prov. On- ated by Dawson Reid. Filly or (Gelding, foaled 1925 tario Bank, cash, $5.00; W. J. Walk- Ist prize donatedby N. Cluff 5 2 1 er, g-oods, $2.50; Roy S. Pinkney, & ,Sons. 2nd prize donated bread tickets, $2.00; James Kerr, by T. J. Stephens, whiffletrees, $4.00; W. E. Southgate, 1926 6 2.0 1 Snagproof overalls, $7.50; Fred IS. Filly or Gelding, foaled tst prize donated by Mar- .tm avauge, gold watch, $15.00; Stewart shall ' •Bros, goods, $15.00; Thopson % Stewart. 2nd prize . 1. Walker Bookstore, wallpaPer, $5.00; Cardno donated. by W & Son. Bros., goods, $5.00; Olympia Restaur- Filly or Gelding, foaled 1927 5 2 1 ant, goods, $5.00; R. 3, Gibb. goods, $5.00; C. Aberhart. aoods, $5.00; Thos. 1st prize donated by James 5. Cleary. 2nd prize donat- Dickeon, goods, $2,00; W M. Stewart. ed by Roy S, Pinkney. goods. $5.00: j. F. Daly, goods, $5,00. 3r4 prize donated hy J, F15 10 5 117ereaedl pWa perWSigt ogr,e,g"Wda8I'lptre0r,; S$c4o,t0t0's' Team in 'Harness Geo, D. Feratison & Co, goods, $5.00; N. Miff & Sons, goods, $5.00; Jas. J. Cleary, goods. $5.00; J. A, 'West- cott, goods. $5.00; Graveti Wallpaaee Store, house e mint, $2.00; 1 E 'Bright, goods, $3 Economy •Shot. Store, work shoe, $4.00; E. H Clem, pipe, $4,00; G. A. Sills & Soo5. a y. weepetakeBa dge General Pttrpoee. Team in Harnese .• ... ,10 7,50 2nd prize donated W: V. . 'Southgate. Roadsters. Roadster Nom in elIareess 15-3 or tinder .10 3 • Prize Lits may be abtaine.r1 from the Secretary, SPRING SHOW CIRCUIT. Iviareh 30111. Seeforth April 301; Clinton Anr. 5; 'Rensall Apr. 10, E. LIVINGSTON, Pres, A. D. SUTHERLAND, Sec.-Treas. • B&ORO, James Caropbe1, Thep; passed away in LondeSnoro on Saturday, March 24, one of the racket residenta aif the villege nearing, his tilieetyathird birthday, whiela „had he lived until /Vizor, woald liave takee Place. He \vas born in the mirth of Scotland in She Parish of Rae, In 1899 he was united in marriage to MisS Catherine Reid, who now survives him. • Two sons, Messrs, William and IZratik 'Campbell, also eurvive. Mr. Camp- bell was bighly esteemed by all who knew him and mach sympathy is ex- teaded the sorrowing onesleft be- hind. Tho funeral was held on Mon- day, March 26, at 2 p.m, ReV, James Abery conducting the services. The Pallbearers were William Moore, Jas, Elsley, obeet Scott, Emelt Adams, John Harvey and Charles Watson. Mrs. Tairiblyn, and Miss E. Lyon spent Wednesday with 131yth frioads. Mrs. Archie Webster spell t Wed- nesday in •Winghain, .Messrs. George McCall and John Harvey were in Seaforth on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Jahn Radford attend- ed the -faneral of the latter's auot, at Paris, an Saturday, the late Miss Mrs. D. D. Roberton returned home on Thursday last after spending a ,few days with Ripley friends. 'We are pleased to know Master Bruce Riley is nave able to be about again afterehis recent illness, Mr, elm. ,Roberton spent Friday and (Saturday a last week in Exeter. Rev. 13. Snell was a London visitor on Saturday last Mrs. Albert Trewin went to To- ronto on Saturday last. e Ray. James Abery returned on Sat- urday last after spending a ten-day visit with Toronto friends Mr. Tom, Oliver, of .Clinton, spent the week -end with friends here. Miss Dorothy Robinson, of Blyth, was the guest of eMiss Altneda Crit- tenden, over the (week -end. Mr. Fred Johnston spent the week- end at his home here. Mrs. Sainpson and. •Mra Ball, of Palmerston, are visiting M the village this week. , Miss Jean Lawson, of Clinton, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. W. G. Ross. Miss Mamie Ross, of Clinton, spent the week -end at her.home here. Miss Violet Fairserviee was home over Sunday. ea No ;neater how deep-rooted the corn mey be, it must yield to 11014.43,, way's Corn. Remover if used as directed. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE .OF HORSES. • A number of tight and heavy horses will be sold by public afiction at the Queen's Hotel yards, Seaforth, on Saturday, April 7th, sale to commence at 12:30 p.m. Terms, cash; or credit not to exceed six_months on approved joint notes, with interest at six per cent. per annttin. The horses are own- ed by_ differeett'parties and each owner Will he reomred to appear in the Ting when his horse' is being sold. The buyer .likes' to know the owner before he buys' the horse" Parties wishing to enter a horse in this sale, cont- municate with the undersigned. T. Brown, anct, j M. Govenidek, elerk. • AUCTION SALE. •Of Household Fur,niture and 'Effects at lot 24, con. 3, McKillop, 11.4 miles north of Seafonth, on Thursday, April 5, at 1 pan.: 1 dining suite, buffet table, 6 'chairs, 4 bedsteads, 2 dressers, 2 commodes, 3 reed rockers, ' 1 small rocker, I Singer seiving machine, 2 niattres.ses, Marshall mattress, 1 child's steel crib with mattress, 1 Dav- enport, 8 chaire, 2 small tables, 1 kit- chen table, I long seat, 1 base burner efove, 1 cook stove, &new white win- dow shades and screens, small Vietdr chopper machiae, wheelbarrow, hoes, spades, shovels, rakes, rugs and cur- tains, tubs, boiler and washboard, 'hose wringer, new ecythe, 1 kitchen sink, cistern pump, 20 rcls. chicken wire No. 9, set- of single harness new, hand drill, lawn mower, five 5 -gallon coal oil cans, wash -beach, medicine cabinet, same ,tools,' black fur robe, many dishes, fruit jars, cooking utensils and numerous other articles. All in good condition. 2 leatherette rackera as good as new. Nothing reserved. Terms -All mins of $10 arid under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit on approved joint notes. *Also at the' same time and place „the choice dwelling coietaining 8 rooms and in first-class order. Timm' is 5 acres of land. Situated within 2 miles of ,Seaforth and is suitable for market. gardening os' Chicken raising. Same will be sold on .easy terms, Mrs. Jos Dayman, prop.; T. Brown, auct. Seaforth Gave $10L36. ' Miss A. D. Pope, Field Secretary Upper Canada' Tract Society is in town soliciting lends for this cause. For 95 years this Society has beeg do- ing good work amongst the sailors on the Great 'Lakes. The missionary, James Judson, neats the boats at the \Yellen(' canal, distributing testaments and tracts, alsd doing personal evan- gelism, endeavoring to win the sailors to ,Dtte Saviour, Libra:ries are put on the boats for, sailors, books .are 100 sent to ;saint light -house keepers, soldiers' hospi s end sick children's hospitals. The colponteur visits lum- ber camps, pretsching the Gospel and distribating literature, Lasteyear Sea - forth gave $101.36 to this cause, MISS Pope 'wishes fo 'extend her hearty thanks for the 'spleadid response arid trusts all will do what they can this year, •, Rod and Gun. Outdopr taste is well tatered to in the April issue of Rod and Gut and '''itnadian Silver Fax News which is hist published. 'The latest issue• tif this sporting magazine contains an in. 'cresting collection of aeries of hunt - ng, fishing arid camping as well ae gamy tietful arid informative articic 'oncerning the vatioes phams of ota Il e, Helpful articles on the sne. ^nil subjects are included in rdshin •,,,tes, edited by G. P. Sladen, Gun Ind Ammunition, edited by C 5 midis, and Kennel, edited by C. G 'Topton 'and L. E. L. Taylor, ttektion Farmers! -You vill use superior jUdgment by using Fertilizers and Lime sold 'by the undersigned arid represeplutives as we handle only quality goods at a rock bottom price and give yOLt ser- vice you cannot get elsewhere, WM., M. SPROPIT. Clay Drain Tile Mfr, Phone 136-2 SEAFQRTH AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture at Queen' Hotel; Seaforth, on Saturday, April 14th, at 2 ram. the following:, Hose - hold Furniture -4 dining rodso • set, quarter -cut oak sideboard, square ex- tension table and 8 ,Ghairs, oak seeree Lary, lounge, coal: oil stove "Florence" 3 burners and oven, coal heatingatove and pipes, wash stand, iron single bed and springs and mattress, fancy chairs and tables, oil cloth, books, pic- tures, dishes and other household articles, Thos. •Brawn, atictioneer; James Watson, proprietor. •• WHITE ENGLISH • BARRON.. LEGHORN CHICKS. Ten 1-1Hens mated to R.O.P, -cock- etelS, dam's .record 225 to 250; chicks, $17 per 100, Pen 2.---Nens mated to ,cockerels, dam's record 200. Chicks $15 per 100 incubators, brooders and poultry •supplies,. E. L. MITTELL, Clinton, Ont. ' 19 SUNNY. CREST .BARRED PLY- ' MOUTH ROCKS iOur Barred. Rocke• lay. eggs. They: lay when eggs mean money and they all lay. .Orders are coming in very fast, so donit be disappoiMed. 'Book yours' today. JAMES M. SCOTT, Sunny. Crest Farm; Seaforth. Phone 32 r 25e. • .14. STOVE FOR SALE. 9,18 City Treasure cast range. •Good repair. Apeify at The News Office, 14 • FOR SALE. Yellow blossom sweet clover seed. ROIBERT CLARKE, r.r. 2, eSeaforth. Mane 245 r 6. tf - . TENDERS • Tenders ,for the operating of the Township ,of McKillop 'stone crusher -for the season '11928 will Ile imeetved up to, Tuesday, April 3rd at eleven o'- clock a.m. Tenders to state -price by the day:and also by the yard. Lowest or any -tender not necessarily accepted. Wil' be opened at Queen's Hotel, Sea - forth. . JOHN ivIeNIAY, 13 Clerk FOR SALE. Quantity of Sweet Clover Seed, yel- low blossom. Apply R. H. MODE - LAND, Phone 143 r 4 14 ' TRACTOR FOR SALE. One used 10-20 Titan tractor, cheap, LOUIS EBERIFIART, Saafortli. . 15 TIMOTHY SEED For sale. Apply to JOHN SHOLOD- ,I,OE, Phone 136r12, Seaforth. 13 • HOUSE FOR SALE Frame dwelling on James street, Seaforth, for sale at' a bargain to wind up Estate.•Inimediate possession. -Ape' ply• to IW. G. \WILLIS, Executor, 'Seaforth. 19 FARM TO RENT • Pasture farm 'to rent in Tucker - smith. Apply to JAMES R. SPROAT R.R. 3, Seaforth, Phone I60r34. tf FARM FOR SALE Or will -rent for grass. 225 acres, be- ing lot 3 and E half lot 4, con. 13, Ilullett, half mile from school, 4 miles from Walton. Soil, good clay loam. On the premises is a bank barn 60x60 with straw shed 40x60 attached. Frame house. About 10 acres hard- wood bush adn 4 acres orchard. Drill- ed well Will sell all orpart thereof. Priced to sell. Herbert and Lotne Toll, R.R. 1, Blvth. Ont. 118 FOR SALE. Solid wafnet combination writing desk and radio cabinet. 5. R. LAMI- MAN, Jarvis St., Seaforth. -7^ BRED -TO -LAY WHITE LEGHORNS A chance to get setting eggs at Se each and a limited number of chickens at 15c each; April 23rd and then every 3 weeks. Order early. Phone 22 ore 251. • C. a HOLLAND, Seaforth, Ont. • 13. FOR SALE. Baby Chicks, SJC. White Leghorns, Thos. Barron strain. Flock is headed by pedigreed cockerels from "Hamel - bel Farm," and "Oak Ridge" Farm She largestapoilltry farm in Ontario., Priee-April, 13c; May, 13c; June lle: Alio eggs for setting, Cattle wanted to take in on.grass. LORNE IS; WEBSTER, Phone 2 on 235, R. Re I, Seaforth. 13 FRAME' B.U1LDING FOR SALE Sufficient first class material for aaraire. hen house or hog pen. A, -D. SUTHERLAND, , • FOR SALE. e Balm Chicks and hatchieg eggs fof sale, from large strata of Barron S.C. White 'Len -hares. Priem moderate. eee T. WEBSTER, Phone 143r14, Sea - Forth, 12 ' AUCTION $ALE.. Of Farm, Farm, Stock end ImPlee atones -There will ht,,. sold 'by publte 3401011 On Lot 29, Con, 3, Hilbert, on Wednesday, Apeil 4th, at I o'clock, the following; Implements MOCormick 1)eering disc harrow, nearly new; 1 Verity 2 -furrow gang plow; 1 grain bagger for a Clinton fanning mill. INorses Matehed team geldiags, rising 3 years; 1 general purpose horse rising 7 years old, Cattle -1 cow oerith calf at foot; 2 hailers with pelves at foot; 1 heifer MIS about May 1st; 2 cows due tigle of sale; -1 heifer gone 3 months; 2 fat steers 1,000 lb each; 2 fat heifers 900 lb. each; 15 grass steers rising 2 years old; '2 steers- rising 1 year old; 5 heifers, rising 2 years old. Pigs -1 sow with 12 pigs 3 weeks old; 5 chunks 150 lb; 4 pigs just waved; 8 chunks 50 eba. 8 chunks 100 lb. • Ternis.--All sterns under $10.00, cash; over that amount, 7 months' credit will 'he given on approved joint metes, 4 p.cstraight allowed off for cash on credit amounts. At the same time and plaee there will atso be offered for sale Use large farm of the estate ofathe late Peter +Jordan,148 acres, sithated on 311 concession, of Hibbett, lot 22, and south half of 23; 234 miles front 'Dube lin, Urge barn 92' x 40'; good frame house and driving shed; land alleseed- ed to grass but 25 acres; 10 acres of good hardwood bush. Terms on farm, 5 pm, to be paid in gash, balance in 30 days, It is subject to a reserve hid. Dan, •Mattliews, auctioneer; Gerald Doyle, proprietor. AUCTION SALE. Following will be offered for sale at the residence of Mr. John Cluff, Market et,, Seaforth, sore Saturday, March 31, at 2 p.m.: Ford touting car in good condition; heavy 1 -horse wagon; see of sleighs; two sets of single haleness, wagon pole, cutter pole, Lever harrow, •buggy and other small articles. Terms ---Cash. John guff, Prole. Thos. Brown, auct. FARM FOR SALE, 127 acres, lot 16, pat 17, con. 1, Hallett, eon Provincial IHighway, 1% miles east of Clinton. Brick house, bank barn and other out -buildings. This farm is mos* seeded to grass and is in a good state of cultivation, Terms easy. For partieolars apply on the premises to JOHN R. NOBLE.ear: 4, Clinton. 13. • THE IVIcKILLIp Mutual Fire Insurance Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY 0N LY, INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood. Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer, Directors -Wm. Rion, No. 2 Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God - crick; Alex. Broadfoot, No, 3, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, No-. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Me. Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; MurraS. Gibson, Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch, r,r. 1, •Clin- ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, ,r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; 5, V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarnaouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effdbt insuisance or trans- act other business will 'be promptly attended to by application to any of tfie 'above named dffieers addressed to their respective postoffices. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Medical. DR, H. HUGH ROSS, PhYsiniall and Surgeon. Late of Louden 1101- pital, London, England. Spada attention to (became of the eye, es% nose and throat, Office and roil+ -` ence behind Dominion )3ank. Office Phone No, 5; Residence Phone 104 • DR; F. 5, BvRaows,.SeifortIs," Office and residenee, ‘Goderich great,. east of the Methodist IChurch. Cor. oiler for the 'County:of Huron, Wit.' phone No. 40. DR. C. MACNAYt-C. MaFksky, honor graduate of 'Trinity Univeri- ity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; meMber of the CO - lege of Physicians and Surgeons ' Ontario. DR. F. J. +/L FOR,S'rER---rEye, Eae Nose and Throat. Graduate ,Medi- cine, University of Toronto 1897, Late-, Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, Lou- don, England. At Commercial beast Seaforth, 3rd Monday in emit month. from 13 a.m. to 3 p.m. DR, W. C. SFROAT.-Graduate oi • Faculty of Medicine, Univereity oi Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in Aherhsare Drug Store, Main St, Sesiftnalk.„.. Phone 90. Dental, PR. 3. A. IMUNN Suciessor to Dr, R. R. Ross, grade - ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, Ill. Licentiate Royal, College ot Dental Surgeons, Toimeth. Office r ver sow hardware, Main street, Seaforth. Phone MI, DR. E, J. BEM -IDLY, graduate • Royal College of Dental Surgeon*. Toninto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, " Main street,Seafortb Phones, office 185W, residence 18$.1 Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County`of Hume Arrangements can be made for Sals Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed •• • WATSON AND REID'S- , • REAL ESTATE , AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, 0/4T. All kinds of Insurance rislm Want- ed at lowest rates in First-Claso Companies. SEOORTH MARKETS. ' - • • Wedneedaye Much .28.th. Wheat, per bus. ..... . ..... „SIM Barley, per bus. -85 Oats, per bus. •-45c=7,00 •Buckwheat,per bus. •75C -410e Shorts, per cwt. 11;913-2.00 Bran, per cwt, $1.90-2.08r Buttere per lb... Eggs, per 'doz. .... . . .20c-26eVito Potatoes, per bag V150 Hogs, per cwt. 01.7$ Chickens, live, 5-6 lbs., per lb 17c -22c Chickens, dressed, 4,5, 6 lbs. per, lb 20c -28c Old hens, live, 5 lbs... per lb. 20c -22c Old hens, dressed, ....per lb. 22c -25e Have your - next • Suit or Overcoat • made by E. W. BATEMAN Practical Tailor MAIN ST., SEAPORTH . Prices from $25.D0 up.. YOUR OWN MATERIALS MADE UP AT REASONABLE RATES Try us fot Prompt Service. Style and Satisfaction • POP SALE, Rtthber tirerl huga.v in good eon(11- 'lee; itIsi liarcortiork saring tenth eieftivator, both wide and narrew ,ertli. Terms to' suit btlyer, Plinne '34 r 11, •SerOorth. 14, 'Thursday,' Friday • and Saturday " BEBE D1NIELS • SWIM GIRL SWIM! with • ' , GERTRUDE EDERLE The first girl to satlin the English Channel, appearing as the swimming instructor. • Here's another college coznedy and you haven't iorgotten "The Campus Flirt" SPECIAL for the SPRING FAIR Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Official Pictures of the DEMPSEY co: TUNNEY $1,500,060 World's Championship eavy weight bout at SOldiers' Field, •Chirago shown with Paramount's Railroad Comedy Thriller - TELL IT TO SWEENEY featuring • MUSTER, CONKLIN, GEORGE BANCROFT, DORIS BILL