HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-03-29, Page 3Neglect of 'Car Ti • Gets Blaine For IIIA pf Motoxxng y i f i'y Indifferefice to Care of Ve- hicle Declared Responsible for More Than 50 P.Cdof Analysis Made of Work Much of Tire, - Battery and -"Can't Start" Trouble Laid to Owners' Forgetfulness If analysis"of the emergency road service records of one of the largest motor clubs in the country reveals the • general altitude of, reptorists toward their cars, great progressive 'atrides are -to be made in the elimination of the petty nialailie0 that‘ delay and' ' sttall the individual ear Owner. This is .the'•subatance of a statement issued recently by 'National Had- 9uarters'•of.,the' Aiirerlean Automobile Association" which ',point out that in different car cave is responsible for .,more than 50 per dent, of the calls for emergency assistance... "In making this •analysis," the state- ment declares, "the A.A,A, has only ones end in view -namely, to point out to car owners the advantages of hay- ing closer attention to certain funda- mentals of car care. Certainly' it, is not with the idea of curtailing its 'emergency road service, for the re- cords of motor club's show the effec- tiveness of` the constant effort that is -being made to broaden this ford of club helpfulness." t. Men and women from ths, United Kingdam,aare always'° pleasantly Oi4 eked, when' visiting anada„oto find iia. Red Rose Orange Pekoe a tea. which t r the best eas in the ' Old Country can o .surpass.. They prefelt Red oe.Orange ello1, beta is it is , blend f pia finest tii't' ns grown -491st n put up ap d packed kinder Ithe t;t erision liflert tr in d in he Londoneett Warltetsta-ri. i Works Both Ways= Barber.— "Your head should be shametoed,'si 'r Hardware Deal'-- "Yes, and your house needs a coat of paint, but I don't nag you about it.” •„ He—"The Most;stupid men marry` the most 'handsome .w'oipen," ''Hid' Wife4--"What a flatterer 'you are, my deal.' Greater Attention Needed. "'• The concrete Way"in witiolt the analysis shows that the motorist may benefit 'himself by greater .attention to his car starts with the discussion of tire troubles, which cause the great- est' number of SOS calls, "Of 25,000 such calls for help re- ceivsd by .one,, large 4.A,A. • club, the experience of which limy be taken at typiSal, 25:2 per cent. are due "to tire troubles," says the statement, "A study of these calls by service expertq indicates that, beyond punctures which are .almost inevitable at times, more than 00 per cent. of the trpuble is due to continued running' with; tires Mit 'either are overinflated or under inflated,.,mostly the latter, of course. 'Phis clearly indicates that, however .trite, it Is certain that many motor- ists think of their tires only . when • they are flat. If this is true of the members of one Motor club, how • many millions it must involve :when applied to motordom at large!" • Next to tire trouble as a. source of roadside stalling come battery and -ig- nition ills, the statement points out. This malady accounts - ,for. 24.2 per, cent. of the -emergency'. service re- quests, and the magnitude' of the situation suggested the closest kind of study on the part of the A:A.A. ex- perts. - f: • "It ,was found," the statement; says, "'that in a large majority of cases,neg-" lent on the part of the car owner was responsible. In very few' instances' cduld the trouble be laid -,to' defective equipment. It simply was a ease of the car owner forgetting to put water in the battery at regular ;Intervale, ef, his -failure to notice' the corrosion of terminal posts,, or. of his indifference ot; keeping' the generator outpiit pro=- protionate to the needs of his particu- lar form of driving." Unable to'St(rt Car.'' • Third in importance as a source of emergency service ,scalls domes • the. "dan't start" daze the records of the' club show. Dirt. in; the -carburetor or. feed line, water' somewhere In ,the fuel systetm, disconnected choke rode, -a frozen" radiators ands 'water jackets— all troubles .aboti:t which the motorist should have sufficient knowledge -to take the necessary .preventtive steps had he the inclination—are respons- ible . for ,such emergency"needs, the statement :points out. In spite. of the fact that . the car manufacturer and accessory maker have produced vastly' superior mea- suring devices than ever before, 7. per', cent. of the calls of the club in gees-' tion were of the "out 01 gas" variety. Motorists who made requests for' "gasoline" ..service in almost every case admitted shamefacedly that they simply did not pay, any attention to the meter even when, in many in-. `stances,.itwas immediately under their eyes eh the instrument' board. c he6b instances Indicate that the motorist .gerier'ally, may reap an enor- mous advantage from paying just a little -attention'tb certain 'fundament- als in the operation of this car; the statement `points .ort.' -Tit& and bat- tery care alone would eliminate ap' Proximately 50 per cent. of the "etalied„by. the. roadside” ;eases, the statement 'concludes. ,When a partysplitS it .goes several hays, none ;of which leads to Ottawa. ; Land Transportation in Yukon The conditions • governing land transportation, in the Yukon, .Canada, are in many''respeets different to those existing in other parts of the Dominion. ` The population Is chief, ly ,engaged in mining ands at widely - divergent points. Roads and trails -ire indispensable to mining an'd frequent- ly extend. through uninhabited ,,terri- tory -to serve same 'remotet1,,;mining centre, Caterpillar tractors are 'grad- ually .supplanting horses foi freighting and have entirely thine so in the Hauling of ore from •Werneako and , Keno to Mayo, Dog teams are. still, need by: thee milieus and by pros- • poctors,hunters, and ti•appeie -in Heat tions of the tei'ritery'"emote from the larger centres,, The . The Inspired Com P os Ito l Visitor in a Printing' Office—What' is your rule for punctuating?" The Aprentice:. (lately promoted to the ease)'—"I set as long as I can hold niy breath and then put in a comma; when I yawn I put in a' semi- colon; and When I want a chew of tobacco I make a paragraph;" The .make-up man on. a certain paper sneaked oiit the book doer and l caught a fast train ,put ^ 05 town the . other day when he let this get by him: •'qr,-and Mrs. So -and -So announce, the firth of a daughter Friday morning. '1'lie Rexall•Store has it."• - ), Why do so many, many babies of to- day escape all the little fretful spells and: infantile ailments that used to worry mothers, through the day, and keep them uplialf the night?? If you don't know the answer, you haven't discovered pure, .(,•harmless Castoria. It is sweet to the taste, and sweet in the Little stomach.' And its gentle influence, seems felt all through the tiny system. Not even a1 distaste. ful dose of castor oil does) so much good.,. : • Fletcher's Castorla fir+ pu€ely, vege- table,` so you may give it freely, a first sign of colic; or constipation; o diarrhea. Or those many times when you just don't know what ie the ma ter. For real sickness, call the doctor always. " At otherq times,'a few drop of Fletcher's Castoria. ' The doctor often tells you=to do jus ; that , and always Y says- - y Fl etl;her's Other preparations may be just as pure; just as free .,fr",q�mm 'dangerous r`ugg d , but why_ ex-perdmt; it?,t Besides the ' book on care and feeding o babies that comes with ;Fletcher' • Catstoria is worth its weight in. gold!raefeastoffirr' Ida—"Is it true that stati'atids prove Women live. longer than men?"' Ada="Well, you know paint i5 a great preservative.' If you are always on, time for your work, you will be apt to be in time for promotion. • • - e t r' t- 6 s • hildren Cry for 'y the why, Bill, are you a mar- ried mann' No,, sir. Those scratches you see' en my,face were caused by a railroad accident," • ,, ,: Persistence. "How are you coming along with your courting of. the banker's daugh- ter? Pretty tough going, _eh?i' •. "Not so bad! I'm getting some en- couragement"- ,„ "She's n-couragement"- "She's beginning to smile en you, is SAN, SYMPTOMS IN MANY CASES ,An ailnaetil,ic ; Cdnditian Easily 1 RecoFiiized ;— Calls for a Blood Builder. • In emit cases of apaenlla the eymp-' tome are almost the same. The 80- fei.er ,grows' pale and' is .easily tired afthh, the least eicel'tion,:: The appe- tite is,fickle al dlphe patient loses in wpig1,t, Son>eti;iies Merit are head- ache , and .often mabi)ity, to sloop well. As the blood 'becpmee 'thinner the symptoms become': more pre- nouneed'and'often there -are "fainting •spells.' .All this-sliowse'th'at the blood is thin; and watery, and "at the very AMC sym{ltoi0i of this oohditicin tile. patieflt',should take lir. Williams' Pink P1110, the most reliable, Blood -builder and ncrvp. tonic,ltnown, The sale nits. shin of this inieiticiner Is to enrich the blood, and when drat is clone all the distressing symptoms disappear: Among those who have reason to praise this Medicine is Mrs. M. E. Patterson, Shanklin, N,B:, who says: 'About' four years, ago I became very much run down, I could' not eat, sleep:nor rest, and,./ grew so nervous that tlie eniallest.•things, would annoy me, 17ventually I grew so weak that Idid not have strength to move about without help. I was just a miserable wreck, and became very much dis- couraged as I had- tried, many medi- cines which failed to help me. In this wretched state a friend•urged me to try Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills, I did so' and before long:found,they were help- ing me. Gladly I continued taking the pills until I fully regained my health and strength and I have 'since 'con• tinhetl in the best qf health. Later my daughter became anaemic and six boxes of the pills restored her to health, 'strength and• cedar.!: Naturally L, consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a blessing to weak, run-down' people." You can ,getr these pi110 throughany dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr.` Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.' "Not yet, but last night she said she had told me• no for. th•e last time." •Bandits recently stole' a player piano.' The churches had better watch out for their pipe organs. NO man ever, questions his own' judgment. She="tVliich do you think are . the ;most interesting years of a woman's life?" He—'The first two or threes, years that she is 21." Her Highest Achievement. She was a• most dynamic person; Far goading things and people on I- really never 'saw. a worse un; She :worked, at this 'from dawn to dawn.,. Just ere she left this earthly scene She urged the lire with gasoline. Perhaps the movies got the'ldea for slow-motion pictures by. watching Sandy reach for'the`cheque;book.:. On fishing trips take Minard's. 0,E"ot"F; PNILliPS. • -0mo Nis. 0 ' porTreObles due to 4,cld :Nome ION+ Ace:,sl UR.N:H HHEAD.OHeP GASEB.NAUSEA Ce the Acid Sick stomachs sour stomachs and indigestion usual ;• mean efcess acid. The stomaelt nei`ires are over-stimu- lated. Too• nine acid makes the tatomach: and inept es sour. lc i till'" id 1�$`st n 1 The best �" Alkali sac a ty form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be- Gauge one harmless, tasteless dose neutralizes 'Many times its Yolu3iie in ;acid`s. Sce its invention, 50' years ago, `it as' remained the standard with physicians everywhere. Take a spoonful In Ovate% and your unhappy ,condition . will probably :end in five mi'nntes. Then you will always kndw what tb do, Crude •and harmful methods will never appeal to you. Go Move this for your own sake. It may slave a great many disagreeable hours. Be sure to get= the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 Years in correcting ex- cess acids. Each bottle contains full directions—any, drugstore. High School Boards and Boards 'of ;Education' Are authorized by law, to establish • ,INDUSTRIAL, TECINICAL AND ART- SCHOOLS ,.With the approval of the 'Minister of. Education. SS • DAY AND;9EVENINQ'CLA ES' may bo, conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education. 1 THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL, INSTRUCTION is given in various trades. The schools and classes are'under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS,'' MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRIGULTURE AND HORTICULTURE aro provided for In the Courses of Study in PublIci Separate, Continuation and,High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments., Coples,of the Regulations issued by the Mlnleter of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parilatpent•Buildings, Toronto. Easy and Ornamental to Grow Own Fruit '"Grow your own fruits" may sound. fantastic to, the, average home owner with only a house and lotbut it can be dope to some extent on even the smallest place, according .'to F..5`. Rockwell, expert 'horticulturist writ, ing in ,the current issue of "Your Heine Magazine." ' , "The home growing of fruits," ho declares, "is well worth while in and even on the -small place there is us- ually room . for'' at' least some. Peaches. grapes, - plums and dwarf' fruit trees would be worth planting as ornamentals alone ` even 1f they bdre no -fruit.: Serving a dual p ur pose' as they do, they art doubly worth While. Dwarf! apple and pear .trees and cherry trees occupy little space; are not difficult' to grow, and in the spring' equal the . most beautiful of flowering shrubs. Ahd there is : no coMparison between being able • to have on your table fruits picked from your own trees, and those which have been bouglfi." According gee, Mr. Rockwell, "Most fruits with-the-,,exceptiolr of 'straw- berries, need ' not have a' certain amount of apace set aside and devot- ed exclusively to them., They may," he points out,' "be worked into the general planting scheme. Grapes, Por instance, may be used over arbors or to bover trellises; blackberries and raspberaies may be grown against a fence or a wall; fruit trees may be planted about, the boundry, line or in a corner' where they will fit into the generalplanting plan, without occupy- ing ccupy ing, ]awn space. The same is true of currants and gooseberries, which make quite attractive flowering shrubs= ' For dwarf apple trees you will have td allow about sixteen feet, that is, about eight feet on either side,- For plums, cherries, quinces and dwarf pears (which are grown on quince stock), allow ten to fifteen feet. Grapes may be planted six to eiga,t feet apart. Raspberries about three feet apart in a row, with five to six 'feet between rows, if there is More than one. Blackberries will re- quire a foot or so more each way. Currents and gooseberries may be kept pruned to almost any desired size,. so they may be ,allowed only 'four to six feet." Europe's Condition Compared %Valth 1914 London Financial journal Sees Continental Production 30 to 50% Above Pre - War •The European Continent is describ- ed by The London Stock Exchange Gazette in a review of world. finance as i"economiedlly in a better position than it was in 1914. The devastated districts have been rebuilt and vast improveni¢nts • have been' effected in ports, ,railways, Ritual's and other waterways, in the construction of towns, in the planning and outfitting of mines and; factories, and, before all, intthe provision of electrical power, It is,probably safe to estin'tate that the productive capa0ity' of the continental nations'is from 80per•cent. to 50 per cent. greaterthan it igas in 1914, and on the .Continent, el in England, high wages and high consumption en the part of the workers are forcing the pace toward better -time; toward' rap- idly expanding trade: and commerce, "The richest continental nabicns, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and others, have stabilried their currency., The willito work is obvious; to every- body who travels over the Continent. The Scandinavian nations have had a good year, and although there has been .some ,inRation in Germany, fun- damental conditions are sound and promising, and that country will prob- ably meetits public and private obli- gations, the pessimists notwithstand= ing." Bluetit (Appeal to a Shy One) (Front The Loudon Observer) genie now, feathered mouse, All in jacket blue: See, a swinging, house Freehold, and for you, Ne'er-was winter hut Quite so warm and free As this hollow nut In my rowan tree. Sweet life's in this nest, ' Death's in winter night; All in primrose vestt, - Comes now, winged sprite. —Mamish Maclaren: Do You Get Up Tired, Cross? Look out. = It niay be kidneys. Try Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy "Yes," says the kindly doctor, 'you need a'stiinulent diuretic.' And for more than 60 years the best known remedy in this class has been Warner's Safe 81a- ney, and Liver. Remedy, originally a physician's proscription, made of Na- tures herbs. Safe,. of course.: But better titan ,that,. 1t helps to • preserve your most pre010ue asset, your health. 0011±1y it stimulatea'.. kidneys and liver to do their work of cleaninggout body poisons. - With your bldod-streani cleansed, .end all organs functioning,as they should, 8041 aWake from a 50nnd night's eleep refreshed,: invigorated, strong. Life takes on a sew joy. Your eye oleate. Your akin. gains a !,coldly eSIoO. 'You wank with assurance. 'You display an air of author - int and success. Every dlugglfrt knotva pleasant tasting Warner's safe 'ICidnoy and Livor "Reia-± edy. ..t4 costs 'little,but it is worth itib. told aftounto to anyone who needs the Help 1t - gives.. Buy Your bottles' today. et book to health. Warner's Safe Bain. oaioe Co.; 'reroute, Ontario, Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy FIGHTING FOR BABY'S HEALTH Is the Constant Care of Every Yoniig Mother. The young mother has a constant care in looking after' the welfare of her little ones. Childhood ailments come on so sudden -sometimes with- out a minute's warning—tile mother' may have a very sick baby on her hands before help can be obtained:: That is unless -she has a remedy in the house which she, can safely give the baby for any of the many minor ailments '''of :babyhood and childhood. Such a remedy is found in Baby'a Own Tablets. Thousands of mothers throughout the ,country always keep a box -of the Tablets on hand and they proclaim them to be without an equal for sweetening baby's .stomach; regu- lating the bowels, and thus driving out .constipation end indigestion, colds and simple fevers, and making the dreaded tedthing period easy. .Baby's O.wn Tablets ale an abeo- lutely sate remedy, They aro guar- anteed to be free from opiates or any other narcotic drug which are so harmful to cthe Patera welfare of the baby. Mothers, if you value; the life of your little ones give him Baby's Own Tablets when he is ill, or, better still, give him an occasional dose of the Tablets to ward off 'illness. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or will be sent to any address, post paid, at 25 cents a box by addressing The Dr.. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockVille, Ont. ` A Maiden's Prayer Last night I saw my idol Oh, my Lord,,I must confess, She said absolutely nothing And suggested even less. But on every side were gallants' Who would make her glad and gay So, I pray you, Lord, remold me For I too would get that way. The . Orange Pekoe' is ,.. *. rd sortiethiilyg extra- a special tea; in clean; bright Aluminum Must Be Good (Drib= McNamee in mho Sooknian) Boxing has more than once found conditions so lined' up in battle array against • it, that it "ie, a wonder: the gloves are still manufactured:?' There must be something funciattlentally good in the sport' elseit,could never have survived the abuse heaped upon it. Use Minard's Lin'iment for :Corns. Only the criticized ever amounts to mueli, -, 7. 0-5. Gov. co,. 5t. Catharines, Ont. ticura Soap thanld OIlltthe Seaent Stoop Clean And Healthy Promote Hair Growth Waft nle far into Moronic, I would be a clinging vine Just waiting for a trellis • To hold this form -of mine; • I crave the -make-up girlish, 011, Lord from whence things come, The prerequisite 11 simple; I simply ,must be dumb, —Harcourt Strange. DISTRESSING HEADACHE Bathe the forehead with, Min 'ard's. Also inhale. Bring, soothing, relief. ISSUE No. 12-28 •sella's6030;4114ONt°.0iBREo'. ECA v' ''`a,4"� j'x4�kt. 4e dwa3r.9vv,�1CM.liGK9 Cdr breeders are bred forblgb egg Product on. White, Brown and Buff Leghoms, Barred and White Rocks, R.I. Reds, An. once, Buff Orpingtonl, White Wyandottca l2oand up. 100%f• five delivery guaranteed. Write • ' t4dd' for FREE CHICK 'BOOK. • SCHWEOLER'5 HATCHERY. =,eyittliM 110.BUFFALOM.V. Cre;p-Pr.fits depend' upon Yield ;and quality. Bumper crops must bewell fed. Use Ii W FERTILIZER—greater profits. with less. labor alit!' cheaper costa- • DOUBLE' WORTH -� , One Ton Z1 1v 4-24-4 equals , Two Tons 2-12-2 D. W,.GUNN, LTD. 200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont. Acts Like a PBaa.0 , IIn Relieving Colds That's why ac, many people buy "Buckley's" to . end . Coughs, Bron- chitis and all 'Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. It's instant, pleasant guaranteed. You'll note its unique • powers in the very first dose—and there are 40 dose in a 75 -cent bottle 1 Ask your druggist for Bnekley e . W. 13. Buckley, Limited, 142�Miutual St., Toronto 2 M I?.STC10E Acts like a flash — a single sip proves It set Classified Advertisement's' youloa.Err t*il_tU1TY Ti00410, 1.EG1iO;•N, l ll'yatrdotte, Red Bab). Cbiillis, 511,40 per IAN and up„ ,-latching,eg`gs, 58.00 per 100 and up pedigreed Cocker-• els, 50..00 each, and up. 16 Page 113110- trated CatalogSe Free, ' 5,, H. Guild & 'Sons. liOx T, Roelnvood, Opt. fjypELBX .CP11Ct{5---+'LYI?7 HATCH b'Oph LF varieties of :Baby'Chlaiks. W,•ite for free,5atalogue, Price 100 and up, A.,11. Switzer, Granton, Ont. •MP.:VNO. AND STORAGE. HILL Tian iitovnR—PIONEER 1018- TANCE movers ofanada, Lar• pet speedy padded vans. brew ]Oqulpm nt, latest methods, Two - experienced men every trip, All loads insured. Beyond compare .for skill and oars. Before ,you move, write us or wire' and reverse the' charger. Head offl011 Hamilton. Ontpado. Canada. ?dill tile ]glover. WANTEP:: PARTNER; i EITHER' SILENT OR „,ACTIVE 'with 'real estat-e"ogerator and builder, in a: city Where the future 15 absolutely assured and prOspects for a fOrtuae 1n the neat two or three years could not look better; an investment. of from. $300 to $600 required. Write Best Offlce;lBez 243, Windsor, Ont. . '. Srn ABED' 1 NIONTHS After Taking Lydia E. Piialthatit's Vegetable Compound Could Do All Her Work and*Gainer in Weight • Melfort,, 'Saskatchewan. -''i1 had inwardtioubles,head aches and severe pains in 1ny back and sides. I,was so sick generally that I could -not sit up and T was in bed most of -the time for ei.ght months. An atint came to visit' and help me asI•was unable to ,attend to my batty, and could not Flo'. my work. She % told, 's - ms:.e e Einlcha Y me to tilt Lydia E xn g table Compound, and after taking two Bottles I.conld,get up and dress; my- se1f::I also took Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine. When I first took the medicine I only weighed seventy- • eight pounds. Now,I weigh twice as..• much. If:I get out 'of sorts or t+eary. and can't.sleep I always take another bottle of the Vegetable Com Bund. I find it wonderfully<good fir fe- male troubles, :, and' have, recom- mended it to my neighbors. I will be only too glad to answer any letters I receive asking about it."—Mrs, WILLIAM RITGI0ln, Box 486; SvIelfort, Saskatchewan. e APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far :As Possible In the Order in: Which They Are Received ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Farm .Help The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their- Wives and `Farnllies=Married. Couples Without'jChlldren— ' Also Single. Men. Fiii.rui.oro requiring help will be well advised to make early application to Geo. A. Elliot elrodtor of Colonization Parliament Bid0s., Toronto, Ont. - APPLICATIONS Offering :':Annual- • Worg Are. - • anva?labIY .QILen the P refe,re n ce • Fite Your Application at Once • All Men' ._Placed Subject :to Trial Period. ' HON. JOHN 8. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture iipaielter e „ ATLANTIC CITY 9G ^t)I4.H/ ifelle11Uhl00114 d,'4 g BD Q�. lig t I1 SPECIAL RATES AND -MATURES o0atNO ILENt THE BOARDWALKS MOST ALLIIRING SEA501N: VISIT THE h1081' CENTRALLY LOCATED HOTEL. ON THE BOA lib WALK PIRENR OOP +- CA, MCI TY 7.00-•-••' GARAGE I2O'C P,$' • CONCERT ORCHESTIIA^ OCEAN PORCH AND SUN n cI� OWNeae NIP 6N, •ANERICAW,.ANO e,UROPEAN PLANS Bt GfxA0/164 AGING Olt:MOTOR, MAN A , i iiIBllll ttat