HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-03-29, Page 1Rabbi ` Ben Ezra, Now, who shalt arbitrate ? Ten men love what I hate, (Shun what I follow, slight what I receive; Rabbi Ben ,Ezra, (Ten, who .in ears and eyes Match me: we'all surmise, They this thing, and I that: witonr.shail' my soul believe P --;Browning,. WHOLE 'SERIES, vox,. 50, No. 13. imenneerar DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours HOMEOUR ADE SPECIALTIES •' 711 Prices Reasonable Olympia and Restaurant C Confectionery _• CHURCH CARD. North -Side United Church. -Pastor,. 1'. Lane, 13.A.. Rev. W. Sunday, April 1st. -111 ,a.m., PublicSu , Subject, 'God's` 4iictur, Worship. S. S. and Bible Classes. 2:30 p subject, p.m,Public Warship, "'Man's Hour. ' P e c. es Q 3 JAPANESE HAND - PAINTED10 is Vases, kc CHIm and Su � Packets, S is Ash Trays, Cream and Sugars Salt and Trinket Trays, ;Pin Trays, :Pepper Shakers,'• Candle Sticks, Bon Bon Dishes, Etc. • Too much to store .until Christmas. Out the go until APRIL 15,t t C �C C PIECES SOC Buy YOUR EASTER NOVELTIES. (Birthday Favors and Christmas pre- sents ai.ow and save HALF PR • McLaren's Gelatine,., ret ulcer 25c for 190.- (makes 4•"imperial pints.o£. ell9 )- TEAS.-Get the habit as somanyare doing, of using our BULK TEAS. We can give you .tar better values- bin bulkteathan in Standard Pack- age Teas for the simple reason that so much is spent in advertising pack- age teas (in some cases as much as 40 per cent) LAKE HERRINGS. -+In brine are perhaps best to buy now when wea- ther is getting warmer..Per"doz, 35c. INTERNATIONAL,STOCK FOOD. -We are sole agent for Seaforth and now is the time : when stock needs toning'. up and hens need -Poultry Panacea --or Louse Killer:.; F. D -HUTCHISON Phone Phor Phood 166 Cheapest of, all Oils. -(Considering the qualities of Dt,,Thomas"`Eclectric Oil it is the •cheapest of all prepara- tions 'offered to the •public, It is to be found in every drug store in Canada from coast to coast and all country merchants keep it for sale..: So; being easily procurable and extremely mod- erate in price, no one should be with- out a bottle of it. COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E. L. B O X.: 43 HURON OLD BOYS' AS- SOCIATION OF TORONTO. The Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto held a very successful euchre and bridge in S3ygeia Hall, Elm street, on Friday • evening last, The weather was all that could „be .desiret4.and the ideal hall was crowd- ed to capacity, some 60 tables being required to accommodate the etiohre and 'bridge players. Very valuable prizes •ivere awarded to the successful•contestants, and the games were carried out with. military precision, under the able supervision of Mrs. H. B, Stowe, • After the games, delicious refresh Meats. were served, that could not but satisfy the most fastidious,- and how could it;be otherwise, when this, part of the entertaittnient was under the di- rection of, Mrs. D. Thompson, After the; refreshments; a nuin•Fer of old- time dances were indulged in, aaritli Mr:. Bert*MoCreath. as floor manager. The following. 1tvt t were i o same of those t g in attendance Mr. and Mrs. ,I2 C. (lin i e add Mrs, 1,A' McLaren, -Mr.' and Mrs. B, Id, McCreath,'- Mr. alida Mrs, E. Moody, Mr. and lairs, 1,, M, Pringle, Mr; • and Mrs, H. B. Stowe, Mr, and Mrs. ID. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. 1H. I. Morrish ^:and -the -Misses (Morrish, Mr, and Mrs. G. G. Young, Mr. and Mrs N. B.•Cobbledick and. the Misses Cdblarediek, Mr. and Mrs:`"S L: Sebtf; Mr, and iifrs, :Isaac H, Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W, Morris; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cantelon, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. 'Cracknell, • Mr. and Mrs. F. J, Hill,' .Mr. and Mrs. W. Cruil`cshank, Mr, and ;Mrs, ,J, ,Lamooniby, Mr. and .Mrs. H. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Modeland, Mr, and Mrs. W. Tunney, Mr, and Mrs G. Cockerlfate, Mr. and Mrs. AV. Powell, Mr. G. A. Newton and Miss Newton, Dr. and •Mrs. H. 3. IF•iodgins and Mrs. DeLacey (Sea- forth), Dr. and Mrs. O. M. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. P. S. Clarkson, Mr. R, (Holmes,. Mr. John Robertson, Mr. R. S. Sheppard, Mr. IR. A. Dundas, Mr. P.• Bell Mr.J. Netterfield Mr. S- JJ . A, Dundas, Mr. Len Wallace, Mr. F. B. Holmes, Ma. H. Reed,'Mr, R T. Irwin (Thornhill). Mrs. B: 'Sisley and Miss •Sisley, : Mrs. A. -Campbell and Miss Campbell, Mrs. "Sneyd _ (IGoderieh), Mrs. W. Meelc (Sutton West), Mrs. C.:Hutchi- son, Mrs. Pearl Hissey, Mrs. G. Irwin, 'Mrs. 'Blalckader, Mrs. F. Dunlop, Mrs. Milne, Mrs, Hatcii, Miss 'Lily Paterson, Miss •Nannie Paterson, Miss M. F. Whyte, •Miss : E. Newell (Richmond 'Hill), Miss M. Phillips, Miss Mary McGregor, Miss (Hazel Little, Miss V. McCutcheon, Miss Mabel Bell, and ` many others. whose names ;could notbe obtained. Notes. ' Mr. R. T. Irwin, teacher of Thorn= hill; and Seafo_rth. Old :Boy, was early on the job; and promised to attend, all future functions. F. B. !Holmes, of the Postal Cus- toms Staff, and Goderich Old Boy, wasvalso an earl arrival. Y That big hearted Son of Huron," Hon. Presidentt J. o A Lareh donat- ed coffee, as per usual, -and• it.was unanimously, carried that it- was ..:the very best. • Bert McCreath says itis about'time we were ,running a Huron Old Boy for Mayor of the. City. Len, Wallace; secretary of the Woodbridge Fair, was an interested Sale!SaieFS--aii!. Having decided to make a re-itdjustment and change in our business we are .placi'ng, our ,.entire stock on sale. ' This is not a clean up of old stack but a SALE of all Ladies, Children and Men's lines and include all our New Spring Shoes, Warne: of which arrived: Only Tues- day of this week. Our entire stock of Spring Shoos now on sale, W66a' BOOTS and SHOES SEAFORTH 11030311111191600.111 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, TRURSD4; MARCH 29, 1928. visitor, .Miss Lily' Paterson, convener. of the Visitation 'Committee, and one of the live • wires of the Association, brough a contingent of 25 ex-Winghantites,. What They Are Saying. "The Huron 'OId Boys' functions take the leading place in Toronto s yen -P es' en in - e ts, r t t K c d g, "'Huron blood will tell,' and there's just enough of us" --Secretary Floody. "I ant a free nigger now, and will have lots of time to attend the Old 1BoIf unctions"- obt. Holmes.mes. "If this was only a liberal organiza- tion, we could carry the city," -Bert McCreath. "Looks like a crowd at Woodbridge •Fair." -.Len, .Wallace, "Men and women of Huron, I am proud of you." -J, A. McLaren, "They can't beat, this Huron crowd anywhere." -Dr, II, J. Hodgins. "I'm, sorry I missed at." ---Walter Bulchanan, • "Wait till you see me at;the picnic n the first Sat i da in Lte. G. A. o s I tr I Y June."-G. "This show is getting bigger and bigger • every year."--iW, F. Cantelon. "This is a record breaker in the euchre parties -Treasurer Robertson, HENDERSON-STEWART, -A' quiet but pretty' wedding was sol- emnized !Wednesday morning, March 28th at 9 aaclock, by Rev, W. P. Lane, pastor of Nandi- Side United Churoh, when Anne Mae, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander (Stewart, 'Side Street, Seaforth, became the bride of Mr. Chester R. (Henderson, of Me Killop, They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. George A, IStewart, of Sea - forth. After the ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast was served at •the bride's hotne, which was prettily dec- orated with sweet peas and roses. The bride. was gowned in a rose beige < georgette dress with. sand French` hat.and carried a bouquet of Giardia •roses. and lily -of -the -valley. Tina matron_ of honor wore beige geoette with Wile ,green.:. hat and carried a 'bouquet of .American beauty roses, . The hal iy oung ,couple left by 1113 Y motor o r Dayton, Ohio, the 'bride travelling in a cinnamon bro t n point', coat with fur collars and 'cuffs, and hat and shoes to match. 'The.' bride is a very popular young lady, in Seaforth and four showers were" given in ••her honor by Miss Beatrice Seip, .Miss Martha ••Reid„ / Mrs. J. E. ,Keating and, Mrs. ;George A. Stewart. • '' ' -"LIONS-MEAT. - • . The regular semi-monthly meeting of the, •Lions Club was held last week at. the Commercial Hotel with, Lion John Beattie in charge. Since the date was so close to St. Patrick's ,Day, 'The proceedings throughout partook largely of 'things pertaining' to •the Emerald Lsle. The hotel' management had the tables and dining room tastily decorated with colors and emblems. ` After luncheon a short address was given by Chairman "Lion .Beattie on "Song," accompanied by •many song- fest reminiscences of •Seaforth's other days. The main speech of the even- ing •Larkin and Ing was delivered by the subject, St ,Petric'k ' was well rendered and received. • A •full attend- ance, which speaks well for the -in- terest taken by the members, greeted the chairman at the meeting, , "THE DUST OF THE EARTH." This community' has been favored on many occasions with entertainment. .in varied forms by the choir of Eg-, mondville United Church. The latest' achievenlent of this,- talented group, under the direction of the organist and'. choir, leader, Mrs. Ben. Johnson, was -the presentation in the opera hall on Wednesday evening of this week of the,.play,-The Dust of the Earth.' A large audience was .present, A pretty operetta, "The Gypsies' Operetta," comprisedthe` first part of the pro,' grana. The main feature of the even- ing, was the four -act dramas "The Dust of the Earth," in which the chatacEer was truly pbrtrayed with the.following cast: David, Moore, of', Maple Farm (Ivy Henderson), Susan Moore, his wife, (Jean Smith), Eliza- beth, their ,daughter, (Bernice Joynt , Jerry,, their son, (Pearson Charters , Rev. Dr. Templeton , Earle Webster, Miss Arabella, the village newspaper, (Grace Casentieri), John Ryder, the young master of The Maples, (Ben Johnson), Wandering Tom a mys- tery, (Will+Govenlock), Ole{ Mose, his companion, ((Harold ,Jackson), Nell, "The Dust of the Earth" ((Vera (Hudson), Act 1, exterior of Maple' •Farm, September. Act 2,i interior nterior of Maple Farm Cottage=ChrturasDaY Day. 'Asti 3, Wandering Tom's cabin Christmas night Act 4, same as Act 2, next morning. Musical selections were under the direction of Miss 'Billie Chesney. OLD GRANARY AT THE STA- TION BEING DISMANTLED, he skeleton of 'beanis•bnly;remains Crow of the granary built sixty years ago by the late James Beattie. This large,storehouse was one of eight that. stood along the south side=track op- posite the Seaforth station. The building has been torn down, by Mr. Cleve, Simpson, of Egmond. ille, to erect a barn on his. premises. SEAFORTH HOME ANAs SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, ; The next genera= meeting of the• above association will be held in _the auditorium of the Collegiate Institute on Wednesday, April 4th at 8 o'clock in the evening, The chief item on the interesting programme will be an ad- dress by Dr. Field on "How' the Home and School Association, Can Help the School'inSeaforthand altthe l Vicinity," Our March meeting,' held in the afternoon when most fathers Mrs. James Beattie, who 119W lives. are too o busy to attend, was splendid - on Church Street, recalls her s n1Y supportedby the mothers, nearly having said thatwagon-loads o grain 70, being proem, Our next meeting' had come from as far north as Walk- erton to these storehouses andlthat the North Road was : often ea line of wagons as far as one could see, bring - (The building 'is very heavily tim- bered, the floor beams being scarcely two feet apart. Two' of the floors were almost entirely oeeupied by bins, 12 feet in height, runnnS the e full length of the builing. The elevator, driven by the bld fashioned: horse- power machine, filled' lip the bias, The horse worked in a small lean-to built on the west eid of- the granat'y. The' marks of a similar one can be:seen•in the same position pn another (granary now used as a warehouse b 'Silts _•,i- ' h br�hcr i � r. Fine a Gk Hardware. til law to Mr. Peter Daley, was /.seen as regularly as the sun rose,' to come across the tracks with the black horse -that was use. d 'for this purpose. Mr. Pinch was in. later years flagman ata the railway: crossing. - . Each .building hada large ;:number placed on the front, Mr. Beattie's be= ing No • 6.. Mr, Beattie operated the businags' for 48 years. The grain storcd'in the granaries of the smaller places in those clays had more; control over the market prices than- It could hope to have under present-day cod ditions. The most of the Shipping from Mr, Beattie's granary was done to 'Buffalo; N.Y. Two of the other granaries at the station . Were owned by Mr. •Slimons and Mr. Scott, • BARBARA KIRKMAN. The regular meeting of the Barbara ,Kirkman Y.W.A. was held. Tuesday. night in the s chool r om of the Pres- byterian Church O cted with singing hymn 645, President Mrs Gibson Presiding. Glad Tidings' Prayer was taken by Mrs. W. M. Stewart, Miss-. ionary Gleanings by Miss• Edith Me- Kay, Bible lesson by Mist Belle.. Smith, minutes and roll tali;) by the secretary, Miss Davidson, the .treas- urer's report 'by Miss. Grett, Ross.. lSolc._by, ,4111121, Ednionds• (lite Gar- den." deft." Hymn 385 was sung!" Current event's taken by Mrs. Wigga the topic study book, "The Royal Road,' by Miss Steeles• I•Iymh '472 was sung. Meeting closed by Mrs. Gibson lead- ing an eading-in prayer. .At the business part of the meeting, Miss Gretta Ross was appointed delegate to attend the was provincial meeting of theW.M.S. to be held in Guelph on April 24, 25, land 26. SALVATION ARMY 44TH • ANNIVERSARY Conducted by BRIGADIER AND MRS, BURTON, of London. MARCH 31 and APRIL l:` • Setvices as foilowsi 11 a.m., Holiness Meeting. 3,30 p.m., Lecture by -Brigadier Burton. !Local talent will•provide a program, 7 p.m., Salvation Meeting, EVERYBODY WELCOME. JUNIOR MUSICALE. - The Treble Clef Junior Music Club held an exceptionally interesting meeting cm Moaday eeninglast when the members of the club entertained their mothers and a few friends at the home of their teacher, Miss A. Gov- enlock. The meeting, which took the form of a musical, was presided over by the president; Master James Scott, and after the singing of the National (Anthem, Dorothy Davis was appoint- ed secretaty for the evening, itt the place of Eleanor Henderson, who was absent through illness. The program. consisted of interesting piano solos by Mary Johnstone, Merle Keating, George Welsh, Dorothy Davis; Marg- aret Finnigan, Irene Eberhaft, Grace Finnigan, Margaret Smith, Jessie Smith and Mary Reid. A group of selections from a new children's suite, Priscilla's Week, was played and sung by. Dorothy Dayis, Ethel Shinen, Mar- garet and Grace Finnigan, Irene Eber- hart and Ethel Shinen, who looked most housewifely in their little white starched aprons. The study period on the life of Beethoven was ably con- ducted by Rebecca Shinen, assisted by Dorothy Davis, Ethel Shinen, Mar- garet and Grace Finnigan, Margaret Smith, Irene Eberhart and Miss 'Gov- enlock. An interesting feature of the musicale was the group of family duets by Mrs. Eberhart and Irene,' Mrs. Scott and Jimmie, Margaret and Jessie' Smith, Margaret. and Grace Finnigan and Merle Keating and Miss ,Govcnlock, who toak, Mrs. Keating's place for the evening. The jelly- bean contest was won by Mary Johnstone and Irene Eberhart, though all the members made' an excel!ent sh owin g home as ell o and took their jelly beans consolation prizes The young par- ents received many congratulations on their rhythmic accuracy, tonal purity land artistic interpretation and should Lel encouraged to do even better work in the future, being itt the evening, it is hoped that the fathers, with the mothers, will do equally well. A most hearty invita- tion is extended to everyone interest- ed in education`and the welfare of the cbiidren.Colrfel on April 4th, at 8.p.m. The following is the programme of the 'H'ome and School Section of the Ontario Education's Easter confer ence in Toronto This section t n meets an-Knox College assembly ro(im. The •president is Dr. . A. E: Marty, inspector of schools=' Toronto, the executive sec- rpIgry, Mrs. W. H. 'Becker, 71 Gros- venor street, Toronto, and the treas- urer, Mrs. Alex. MacGregar,'33 Lyt- ton blvd.,. Toronto. OnWednesday,"April11:, registra- tiontion begins in the afternoon, followed by meting of Executive Committee, Dr• Marty presiding; and conference of Council Presidents, with .Mes..S,•.H. J. Reid, Brantford, as chairman. M. 6 o'clock. there -is ` a dinner for wo inen trustee's and Home and School delegates, and an address,- "A Canad- ian Woman at the League of Nations," Mrs. R. B, Thomson, Toronto. '. At 9:15 o'clock Thursday morning, April 12, Dr. Marty presides at the, offic.al opening itt Knox chapel; devotional exercises, Rev.:Principali ,Ental; greetings -Dr. J. B. Mac- Dougall, department of education, chief attendance officer of Ontario; Mr, CY. Pe: -_G. Kell president, Ontario Edcational Association Hamilton• nor. -5. E. Corcoran, chairman board of education, Toronto; Mrs. Newton Magwood, president Home and School' council, Toronto, Business Associate chairman,. Mrs. J. S. Cop- land, Brockville; adoption of revised con tituti n'' reports of recording s b eP a ng sea retar . executive secretary, -- chairman Y, Y, of finance 'conunittee, and treasurer iReccption and reports of new associ- ations. Appointment of: convention, committees on resolution ;, nomina- tions, Adjournment. Alt 12:15 pan. a joint luncheon with. kindergarten section in Central Y. M. C A., College street, Mrs. A. E. Cole, Port Arthur, presiding, and address. -ora The Schools•oL•New Zealand" by Miss Lillian Payne, Toronto. At 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, the President's address; associate chairman, Mrs. B. T. Garside, St, •Thomas. Reports of: associations. Community singing conducted by Miss M. E. Todd, supervisor of music in Toronto; song by Master Edward Murch, boy soprano. Report . of as- sociations. Reception and tea. On Friday morning, April- 13, re- ports ofcouncils; reports of standing committees. At 112:30 p.m., luncheon, At 2 p.m., reports of convention com- mittees, resolutions; nominations. Election of officers. Meeting of new executive. C.G.LT. The weekly meeting of the Marion Keith CG,I.T. was held in the base- ment of .North Side United' Church' on .Wednesday, March 21st. The meeting opened with the C,G.LT. .hymn followed by a number of songs, The Scripture -lesson was taken by Misses Elva, Wheatley and Grace Scott, after which Miss Gladys Ho -t- imid led in prayer. The roll was call- ed and the minutes were read and ad- opted. After a short, business discus- sion the group played a rrame. The /meeting closed with the C:G.I,T. ben- ediction, Y. P. LEAGUE. 'rhe meeting was in charge of. the Social Committee and` Mrs. Chapman presided. Afte? grayer by Mr. Lane, the Scripture lesson was read by' Roy Butt. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted, •Mrs. Barber and Miss Mary gave a piano duet. In place •of the topic, Mrs. Close read .two stories, and Miss Dorothy Robinson and Miss M, Ashton sang a duet. The meeting closed -'with the .benediction. DEATH OF SISTER Mention was made in The News last week of the death of a sister of Mr. William Ferguson of. Egmond- ville, to whom the following refers: "The death took place in Detroit on Sunday evening of Mrs. James Reids; formerly of Goderich,_ and the remains were brought to Goderfch for inter - molt, the funeral taking place on Wednesday afternoon from the resid ence of Mr. and Mrs. 3. S. Platt, It is some twenty-five years since Mr. 'Reid died and for the past fifteen years Mrs. Reid had been living in Detroit. She died quite suddenly at the •home• of her son, Mr. David C. Reid,' 15444 'Indiana Avenue. She is survived by her son and by a daugh- ter, Mrs. W. C. Baker, of Detroit; and by three sisters and four brothers, Mrs. Oliver- Rhynas, of Burlington; Mrs: Sharpe of Toronto; Miss Nora (Ferguson of Bayfield; •Capt. John 'Ferguson of Bayfield; William Fergu- son .of Charles Ferguson of Seaforth son Bay- field. of it and Alex.. Y Detro g field With the exception of the last two, the family wereall at Goderich for the ftmeral. Rev, C. F. Clarke, pas- tor of North street United Church, conducted the funeral servieis'and the pall -bearers were Messrs. F. H. Mar- tin, Joseph Barton, C. A. (Reid 'and' "William Ferguson ('Seaforth)," God- erich Star. DIED IN THE WEST. There passed away on Saturday, March 24, at his son's home at Girvin, Saskatchewan, James Beattie, who will he remembered in this locality as theearly part of his life was spent here, his parents being the late Sam- uel and Mts. I3eattie, Ttckersntith Township. For a number of years he engaged in a livery business in Clin- ton, where he.+"arae many friends. He was of a particularly cheerful and. kind disposition, • 1.3ia last illness was of stick a pant- fuly hopeless nature, that his death came as a kind relief from very great suffering, The funeral services, AS 011 Phone 84. 1 A YEAR • J' :rll I Many of our people because they have been ations Theyare still treasure and will always however, have been conditions change. tp, carry us along the things and new ideas in watches. It -is the fully engraved and •finished ted with any watch . - FRED Jeweler Opposite b Pontiac Motor Car Dealer, quite just We highway. and -new you $10.00 S. Post r,-rti, 1 Wadsworth can treasure. watch now is actagonal.case, or prices Seaforth < f � ;i r which they cheis ti. from previous gener- and have been a These watches in their day, But instead of a horse the day of new above a new idea' beauti- green gold and fit- ranging' from Phone 194. Res, 10 !..4.$1,v, L . , )43 have handed serviceable remain the use a so 12 -size in desire to and watches down a ideal car This we illustrate white at $75.00 SAVAUGE Optometrist Office y - :he occasion afthe death of his only laughter Bessie, who predeceased aini'by four weeks, were conducted by Dr. Larkin of the Presbyterian nes d a March 28, 8, Wednesday, Church, on y , acorn e residence of Mr. W. J. Walker. The mnsical numbers were gind , Beat- given by. Messrs. 'E an :ie and Stewart. There were many beautiful floral offerings from friends and .relatives, also from the town :ouiicil,of Girvin,•.Sask.; A.F. & A.Mi Lodge 33 of Davidson, Sask, L:O.L, 2248 of Girvinr the Ladies' Aid of the Girvin chureh_ _ .v The pallbearers were Messrs. Har- vey and 'William Charters, A. E. Er- win, James and. William Sproat and l. John Mrs. Beata was for- Beattie, who survives, nterly Margaret Ross, of Tuckersmith, iAmong,those here to attend the fun- eral Were: Mrs.' Robert Beattie of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Erwin of Bayfield, John Beattie of Chesley, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beattie and Ros- elle. of:Girvin, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Beattie of Bridgeburg. _w 1 .1� •Van , dd 6. April Tuesday ' J SPRING SHOW NIGHT SEAFORTH G.W.V:A.' ''CLUlI -ROOMS • "MIDNIGHT REVELERS" "Friends galore but wish for more FRTH'S PREMIER SEAFORTH'S ",ORCHESTRA Hear. the Orchestra everyone likes. to hear. COMMENCES 8:30 pm. The BesiEester Yet yours ifyou spend it at the {` will be p Northside United SundaySchool Conceit a m. on Good Friday at8 p. in the NORTH SIDE UNITED CHURCH, SEAFORTH This wall be the real Old Time•Conoert School Concert such. as you , Ys enjoyed and eagerly looked for, and will consist of drills, have aloeo jY dialogues, readings, tableaus, statuary, choruses, duets etc. ete• This will be an evening full of real entertainment and of a sort that will leave pleasant memories of your Easter Time. I• ADMISSION 25c CHILDREN 15e ' Concert at 8 p. in. sharp —r • an Church . first Presb teri � y SUNDAY EVENING, APRIL Ist Service'of Sacred Song • BY MALE CHOIR -27 VOICES SCOTT,OF WINDSOR ss (STI; DBY MR. JAMESSO A FROG XAAIME Mate Chorus - "Lead Kindly Light" Solo - Mr. fames Scott Male Quartette - "The Old Rugged Cross" Messrs. J Stewart, J. Beattie, M. R Rennie, D. L, Rea Solo --''The Day is Ended" Mr. Dalian .L. Rena Male Chorus -"Thy God Reigneth" ' Solo - "The Penitent" Mr. James Stewart Male Quartette -"Be Not Deceived" Messrs. J. Stewart,, .. Beattie, M. R. Rennie, D. L. Real Duet -. "David and Goliath" Messrs. 1.. LGilirs and D. L. Reid Male Chorus - "Lord. I'm 'Coming Home" Solo -- Mr, James' 7, Scott M ale Chorus - "Glorious Things of. Thee ,Are Spoken" f€ +i This, is your invitation to come. M, R. l:Lennio, Rev. F. Lt. Larkin, D.11, , NIrs. M. R. Ronnie, Choir leader Pastor Organist