HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-03-22, Page 8TRI SEAFORTH NEWS. TifIURortAle,.M4RCH 22, 1024,
Miss Helen Elder and friend, of
London, visited over tee week•epd
with M. and Mrs. John Elder.
The ladies of Carmel Presbyterian
eht,rch held a successful pancake so,,.
.clap last Friday ei'etting.
Lhe'W.M.S. Iie1d: a birthday in the
United church otTrida ,
Mrs, C. Mc-
DoneII presiding, Reading, Miss
Gladys Luker; vocal duet, Mr. ,and
Mrs, H., Philo; instrumental, Miss
Irene Douglass; vocal duet, Miss
Kathryu'e Drysdale and leo, Patter-
son; violin„selection, Scott Welsh, ae-
conipanied by Miss Avis Lindenfield,
Rev. Mr. Sinelair gave an interesting
address on St. Patrick. A mixed
quartette was given, composed of
Mrs. Sloelair, Mrs, Hedden, Mr. W.
O. Goodwin and Mr. jePassmore, fol-
lowed 'by solos by 1'lr, Sam, 'Rennie
and readings by Miss Mattie Ellis,
Coliectior at the door west -wetly $50.
The accompanists for• the evening
were Misses Jessie Buchanan, Elean-
or Fisher and Irene Douglass,
Mrs, A McDonald is visiting for a
fele weeks with, relatives its Toronto,
'Sacrament of the Lord's supper will
be observed in the United church on
Easter Sunday morning. Prepara-
tory service will be on Good Friday
evening, April 6.
Mrs. Earl Drummond, who has
been in Seaforth hospital for past few
weeks, returned house 'Thursday, and
is much improved.
Rev. Mr, Mellroy is giving a series
of sermons on the Prodigal Son,
Mr. Andrew Christie, Hibbert, a di-
rector of the Huron Wind Co., at-
tended a meeting held in Hensall on
Friday and visited his uncle, Mr. Wil-
liam L. McLaren.
Mr, and Mrs. E Jackson visited
relatives in 'Mitchell on Thursday.
Miss Ruby McLaren visited her
sister, Mrs, Wesley Venner, Chisel-
huret, on Friday of last week.
iBefore a large crowd in the Cole
legiate Institute, Stratford, on Fri-
day .evening, Miss Margaret Mc-
Laren, of Hensall, carried off the
oratory honors of Ontario district No.
4, competing against students from
five other centres, Georg Lochead, of
Kitchener, was 2nd, and Frank Marsh
el Forest, 3rd. All candidates spoke
on The Future of Canada.
The Young People's League of the
United Church held their meeting- on
Monday, with a fair attendance pres-
ent. Mr. Sinclair gave an interesting
topic on Pluck, which was enjoyed,
The Welfare Youth Club of Car-
mel Presbyterian Church held their
meeting on Monday with Miss Rena
Hudson presiding, Mr. George Walk-
er led in prayer. Scripture lessosn was
read by Irene Hoggarth,'followed by
a trio by Irene Haggarth, Irene Dat-
ers and Mabel, Workman, An interest-
ing topic was given by Mr. Walker on
I-irether. Miss Ruby McLaren reitd-
ered a pleasing solo, and Eldred
Smith Tavored the audience with s
violin selection, The topic for the
uex4 sleeting will be Our Friends,
The club is holding a social in the
basement of the church on Tuesday.
The many friends of Mrs. T. W.
Falmer will be pleased to learn that
she is greatly improved, after her re-
cent illness,
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Skinner visit-
ed for a few days in ,S'trathroy.
The play, Cranberry Corner , will
be presented by the choir of Bayfield
United Church on Friday evening,
March 23rd, under the auspices of the
Mollard Mission Circle. The or-
chestra will be in attendance.
Council Meeting, --A special met-
ing of the village council was held on
Saturday evening to receive and dis-
cuss the auditors' report for the year
127. Mr. Ray McArthur presented
the report. After considerable dis 2 s-
slon the report was adopted, 00
copies ordered printed, and the audi-
tors paid. The school board showed
a surplus of over $1,400, the Public
utilities commission a surplus of
about $9000, the Public Library
board 621, olid the general current
account o4 the town showed a surplus
of about $51.00. As the township of
Hay is holding a special meeting on
Wednesday of this week, to discuss
fire protection for the township of
Hay, Councillor Cameron and Fire
Chief Bates were appointed a com-
mittee to attend the meeting, and see
what arrangements can be made for
r meat to take
fire department the Hen
salt p
over a portion of Hay Township for
fire protection purposes. Council
then adjourned to meet again the
first Monday in April.
Mr. Robert Green, who recently
sold his house to Mr, Henry Horton,
of Tuckersmith, is this weekmoving
into the apartment's, over Hemphill's
drug store.
Mr. T. C. Joynt held his annual
spring opening sale on Friday and
Saturday last. On bobs days big
crowds were at the atom.
Death of Roland Cudmore. - We
have this week to chronicle the death
of another of Hensall's residents in
the person of Mr. Roland Cudmore,
who passed peacefully away on Fri-
day a,ft'eruoon last, after, a severe ill-
ness of some three months. He had
been in declining health for sotne
years, but was able to go around till
this year. Mr, Cuchnore was born in
Devonshire, Eng., 69 years ago, and
came to this country in the year,1886,
and first lived in Exeter for a short
time, after which he moved to Heu-
sail in 1887. Mr. Cudmore' was mar-
ried- in London. England in 1885. to
Margaret Ann Warren, who survives
him. Besides his wife he leaves
mourn- his. loss three sons and fiveo
daughters, Reuben C. and Edwin Gar-
net tef Toronto and Albert Edward in
Kitchener, the daughters being Miss.
Flora Mabel. +Beatrice, Ida (now Mrs.
P. W. Phillips), and Winnifred, all
•of Toronto, and all of wham were
able to attend the funeral on Monday
last, also Mr. Philips and Mrs.
ben Cudmore, and 'a number of their
friends from Toronto. The funeral
was held in St. Paul's Anglican
'churelt on Monday afternoon, and
was largely, attended. The' service
was conducted by the sector, Rev.
Mr. Jones, who made feeling refer
once to the life of the deceased, and
the very active life he had, as a
httifdcr and contractor, many of our
fine public buildings and private dwel-
iltt_et bring the workmansliin of his
was a
eased a
a d,Tpolitics
ve and to religion g
ger of St. Paul's Anglican cisurch, anti
always took an interest the efttreh
The pallbearers were Messrs. Thos,
Welsh. George C. Petty, [:, Rennie
a,unu .t, Tayaot Levi Rands.
Rev. Mr Jewett, of Godertet, will
preach in the 'potted Church next
uttnay, as Rev. Mr. Sineditr is tak-
ing the services in the, United church
at ,Sarna. Mr. Jewett is a former pas -
ter atHens 1.
Word was received its town on Sat-
aturday last of the death in Edmonton
of Thomas 13e11, son of the late Mr,
and Mrs, William Bell, of Hensall.
"Pile body' was shipped from Edmon-
ton on Tuesday and will arrive here
the latter part of the week, and will
'be taken to the home' of his brother,
James A. Bell, London road, from
which place the funeral will be held,
Mrs. Alfred Taylor is a Sister to the
Mrs, V\filliam Veinier left on Tues-
day evening for Lotidoit, where Ltre she
will remain for a few ,weeks to take
treatment for her health, fn a hospital
Mr. David 'Sh.irray has purchaseda
new Chevroletsedan from. MoDonalds
Mrs. H. Philo visited in Clinton on
`Jolut Pease was at London a few
days last week.
Capt. Oliver Goldthorpe returned
Monday after spending the winter in
E. F. Merner was at Toronto last
Mrs, S. Anderson, Mrs, 5, Merner,
Mr, D. Baird and Master Jack And-
erson of Grand Bend were week end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stur-
We are pleased to state that ee CLEARING AUCTION SALE
1. •Stinson is gradually recovering of learns Yarm Stock and
Iigh aY,3m'leseast Cltttqt,on
Wednesday,.I March 28th, at 1 oela k
tion1at 1i, con, ! rova1
sharp; onst'tg
of the,Following;
Horses -Heavy draft team 7 yrs.
Cattle. --Cow 9y ears old, due at
time of sale; aged Low freshened onee
eek Aresh•r cow,_flis ne oseearmers!
week; Po11ed_Altgtts eow 5 years utd,
supposed to be itt calf; Holstein cow
Yrisin 3 Yrs, old,supposed to be itYOU will use superio
r judgment
calf; heifer 2 yr, old, freshened one by using Fertilizers
and Lime
week; heifer, 2 years old, supposed to sold
old; due to freshen Aprli 30th;grade bj' the tundersigned.anti
be in calf; Durham' grade cbw 4 yrs.
Hereford bull 1 year old; Polled An-
gus steer rising 2 yrs, old; 3 Polled
Angus steers, rising 1 year old; 2
Polled Angus heifers, rising '1 year
•old; 3 young calves,'
Poultry. --About 50 +Rock hens, 1
yr. old, 2 roosters, 1 gobbler.
Implements --- Massey -Harris bind
er` 7 -foot cut; MasseyyHarris slower,
6 -foot cut; Massey -.Harris hay loader;
Massey.tHarris 10 -ft. steel rake; Deer -
nig disc drill 11=hoe; Deering steel
roller, lumber -wagon, farm truck wa-
gon; steel tire top buggy; Portland
gutter, set of sleighs, Tudhope Ander-
son single plough, fanning mill, set of
scales 2000 lbs. capacity; hay rack,
stock rack, gravel box, collapsible wa-
gon box, set of harrows, scarf harrow,
stone boat, scuffler, 2 new wheel bar-
rows, 2 sap kettles, 32 ft extension
ladder, cedar ladder 12 -ft„ 110 feet
hay fork rope, trip;; lock,, and chain,
set of sling ropes, trip rope, set of
team harness, set of plough harness;
set of single harness, bag truck, Ford
touring car iit good running order,
about 30 tons of good mixed hay,
Massey -Harris separator (new), Dai-
sy churn Beatty make, kitchen cup-
board, kitchen table, steel range, 4
dining room .chairs, wardrobe, about
100 sap buckets, sap pan,' work bench,
set of block pulleys 1500 lbs; quantity
of lumber and scantling, cross cut
saw, axe, 2 horse blankets, quantity of
wood, root pulper, 2 -row "root drill,
• ouantity of'potatoes ODooley and
Green Mountain) about 600 lbs. of
salt, 40 rod of 7 strand wire (new), 44)
ft. of 1" galvanized pipe, fire extin-
welsher, hanging lamps, table lamps,
witipple trees, forks, chains and nu-
merous other articles.
The above , implements are all in
splendid shaiie, most of then' nearly
new. Everything advertised to be
sold as proprietor is giving up farm-
ing. •
Terms, -All sums of $10 and un-
der, cash; over that amount 12 months
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes or a discount of
6 per cent. :allowed for cash on credit
At the same time and place the
table, 6 kitchen chairs, couch, side -
farm which consists of 100 acres,
more or less, of sandy loam, will nbe: board, bedroom suite complete, 2
offered for sale. This'farnt is in good toilet sets, bureau' and stand, parlor
state of cultivation; 20 acres plough-
ed, 6• acres of sugar bush, 3. acres of
cedar suitable for fence posts; bal-
ance seeded dowts. On the premises
is erected a barn 44' x 60' on stone
foundation, implement shed andhog
pen 20' x 35', lien house 12' x 20' and
double garage 18' x24'; good stone
house 24' x 36';, one -and .a half story
with frame kitchen. NOV furnace in
house and wager • in both barn and
house, 3 acres of bearing orchard
with an abundance of small fruit. This
property is very desirably located, be-.
ing 3 miles frons Clinton on Provinc-
ial Highway. "'Buildings and farm is
good repair. Terms on farmmade
known on day of sale. Thomas 'W.
Glazier, ,proprietor; Geo. H. Elliott,.
trans a aevete e. ee eueeeienes
Nurse Alice Stt
t oa of NewX 1ore
r caring for him Mrs, Furter ,(Evac
of Nprth Bay and Mrs Prentice
(Mabel) of Toronto, are here to se:
Mrs. Newton Brady
bait returned
from Toronto.
lceme,uber .Tues,, Apr, 10, fs. the
date of a fancy dress masquerade
ball to be given by the Bayfield Agri-,
cultural Society,
Miss Floy Edwards returned last
wtelc from a visit. to .Kitchener, She
was accompanied by Miss Miriam
Fisher of Waterloo,
Having, disposed of my meat busi-
ness, all aceounts'owing must be paid
before April 1st at Stewarts butcher
shop, D. H, STEW,AiRT, • 13.
'Pasture farm to rent .in Tucker-
smith, Apply to JAMES R. SB14OAT
R.R. 3, Seaforth, Phone 160r3.4• tf
Or will rent for grass. 225 acres, be-
ing lot 3 and E half lot 4, con. 13,
E•Iullett, half mile from school, 4 miles
from Walton. .Soil, good clay leant,
On the premises is a bank barn 60x60
with straw stied 40x60 attached.
Frame house, About 10 acres hard-
wood bush adn 4 acres orchard. Drill-
ed well, Will sell all or part thereof.
Priced to sell. Herbert and Lorne
Toll, RR. 1, 'Bluth. Ont. il'8
Want and For • Sale ads, 3 times 50c
eafiorth Spring Show
TUESDAY,R 3rd, 1928
under the auspicesGoofANthe Seaforth PARADE Agricultural Society
of all animals entered for competition, headed by
2 o'clock Judging Commences 2 o'clock ,
Township Special.
Best 'three Horses from One
Township, two or more entries
to fill this class 1st 2ttd
Prizes donated by Di-
rectors ,. ...... $12.00 $9.00
• Clydesdale
Stallion, any age Cup 5 3 2
.1st prize donated by
Bank of Commerce.
Stallion foaled in 1925 ...5 3 2
1st prize donated by Hur-
on Expositor; 2nd prize
donated by, saac Hud-
son; 3rd prize donated by
S. T. Kuehl -es & Son.
Stallion, foaled in 1926 5 3 2
1st prize' donated by Sea -
forth News,'hud prize do-
nated bl- R.' E. 'Bright;
3rd prize donated by W.
G. Willis,
Sweepstake Badge
Belgian Stallion.
Stallion, any age 6 2
Percheron Stallion.
Stallion, any age 6 2
Roadster Stallion.
Standard Bred Trotting Stal-
lion, in harness 5 4 3
1st prize donated by J. A.
Westcott; 2nd prize don-
ated by E. H. Close.
Standard Bred Pacing Stal-
lion in harness 5 4
1st prize donated by Olym-
pia Restaurant; 2nd prize
donated by Scott's Wall-
paper Store.
Brood Mare in Foal 10 5
1st and 2nd prizes donated
by Stewart Bros; 3rd prize
donated by Fred W. Wigg.
Aare, Filly or Gelding. any
age ., ., ,. 5 3.50 2
Ist prize •donated by Thomp-
son's Bookstore; 2nd prize
donated by G. A. Sills &
Sons; 3rd prize donated by
Thomas Dickson,
Filly or •Gelding foaled in 1925 5 2 1
1st prize donated by Prov-
ince of Ontario Bank; 2nd
prize donated by Chas.
Dungey; 3rd prize donated
by Thomas Bickel!,
Filly or Gelding foaled in 1926 5 2 1
1st prize donated by Chas,
Aberhart; 2nd prize don-
ated by Graves' Wallpaper
Store; 3rd prize donated by
Harry Chong.
Fifty or Gelding foaled in 1927 5 2 .I
1st prize donated by G. D.
Ferguson & Co.; 2nd prize
donated by W. R. Smith;
3rd prize donated by Gal-
lop & McAlpine.
Team in Harness 15 10 5
1st prize donated by Fred S
Sweepstake Badge
Heavy Draft.
Brood Mare in Foal 10 5 4
1st prize donated by W. G,
Medd, M.L.A.; 2nd prize
donated by Cardno Bros.;
3rd prize donated by Econ-
omy Shoe Store.
Mare, Fitly or Gelding, any
age 5 4 2
1st prize donated by R. J
Gibb, 2nd prize donated by
James Kerr. 3rd prize don-
ated by Dawson Reid.
Filly or Gelding, foaled 1925 5 4 3
1st prize donated by N. Cluff
Se Sons. 2nd prize donated
by T. J. Stephens,
Filly or Gelding, foaled 1926 5 2.50 1
'1st prize donated by Mar-
shall 'Stewart. 2nd prize
donated 'by W. j, Walker
& Son.
Filly or 'Gelding, foaled 1927 5 2 1
1st prize donated 'by James
3. Cleary, 2nd prize dnnat-
ed by' Roy S. Pinkney.
Tani in 'Harness 15 10 5
3rd prize donated by J. F.
Sweepetake Badge
General Purpose,
!'east in Harness . 10 7.50
2nd prize donated by W. V.
Roadster 140rse in +Harness
15-3 or under .,... ,.•„10 7 3
Carriage 'Horse in 'Harness,
over 15-3 10 7 3
Livingston Special,
Best Heavy 'Draft or .Agri-
cultural Mare, Filly or Gel-
ding, any age 6
Prize donated by Thos. E
Parade at 1.30 ,sharp. Judging
commences 2 o'clock. Classes will be
called in the order as they appear on
this bill.
Postmaster's Special.
For Bay, 15 years and under, dis-
playing best ability and 'horseman-
ship in exhibiting a horse on the
halter. Prize donated by C. P. +Sills,
Postmaster .. ,..,.$5,00
No entrance fee required but boys
must stake their entry before 2 o'clock
Boys' Judging Competition.
Open to boys, 17' years of age and
under 10-5 3 2 1
1st prize donated by Thomas Mc-
Millan, M. P.
2nd prize donated by J. ''Wesley Beat-
3rd prize donated by W, A, •Crich
4th prize donated by Jas. Edw. Keat-
5th prize donated by Thos, Phillips.
The competition will be under the
3 direction o'f Mr. G. R. Paterson, Coun-
ty Agricultural Representative. Score
Cards will be given' each boy. 50
points will be given for placing by
score card and 50 points for reasons
to be given orally. Class'to be judg
3 ed will be heavy horses. No entrance
fee will be required but boys must
have their entry in before 2 o'clock,
1. Entrance fee $1.00, each addi-
tional entry. 50 cents.
2. Brood mares must show visibly
in foal.
3. Ages of horses most date from
Jan, 1st, ,
4. Judges' decision to be final,
5. The judges will be particular to
regard merit in all stock for compe-
tition and withhold any premium if
they consider the animal nndeserving
and a first or second prize will not be
given to a third class animal or in a
sweepstake if they consider the com-
petition not sufficient.
6. Every exhibitor must produce his
entry ticket in every class; otherwise
the animal will not be judged.
7. All animals entered for competi-
tion must appear in the parade at 1:30
Directors Seaforth Agricultural So-
ciety, cash, $21.00; Thomas 'McMilIan,
M.P., cash; $10.00; W. G. Medd, M. L.
A., cash, $10:00; Bank of Commerce,
cup, $1600; C. P. 'Sills, cash, $5.00;
W. R. Smith, cash $2,00; J. Wesley
Beattie, cash, $5.00• S. T. 'Holmes &
Son, cash, $2,00;' W. A. Crich, cash,
$3.00;Dawson Reid, cash, $2.00; T. J.
Stephens, cash, $2.00; Thomas 'Bick-
ell, cash, $1.00; Huron Expositor,
cash, $5,00; Isaac 'Hudson, cash, $3.00;
Gallop & McAlpine, cash, 'PM;
Harry Chong, cash, $1.00; Seaforth,
News, cash, $5,00; 'Chas. Dungey,
cash, $2.00; Thomas Phillips, cash,
$1.00; jas, Edw. Keating, cash, $2,00;
W. G. Willis, cash, $2.00: Prov. On-
tario Bank, cash, $5,00; W. 5, 'Walk-
er, goods, $2.50; Roy S. Pinkney,
bread tickets, $2,00; James Kerr,
whiffletrees, $4.00; W. E. Southgate,'
Snagproof overalls, $7.50; Fred S.
Savatige, gold watch, $15,00; Stewart
Bros„ goods, $15.00; Thompson's
Bookstore, wallpaper, $5,00; Cardno
Bros„ goods, 65.00; 'Olytttpia Restaur-
ant, goods, $5.00; R. J. Gibb, goods,
65.00; C. Aberhart, goods, $5.00; Thos,
Dickson, goods, $2.00; W. M. Stewart,
goods, $5.00; 5, F. Daly, goods, $5.00;
Fred W. Wigg, goods, $5.00; Scott's
Wallpaper Store, wallpaper, - 4,001
(leo. D. Ferguson & Co., goods, $5,00;
N. Cluff & Sons, goods, $5.00; jos, 5,
Cleary, goods, $5.00; J. A. West-
cott, goods, $5.00; Graves' Wallpaper
Store, house paint, $2,00; le. E,
Bright, goods, $3.00; Economy Shoe
Store, work shoes, "$4,00; E. 511.
IInee, pipe, $400: Cie A. Sills & Sons,
1 from
the. Secretary.
:Prize I.isfs may be n
Mitchell, Merck 3011; Seaforth April 3reil Clinton Anr• 5: Hensall Apr. 10.
THOS, t, LIVINGSTON Pres, • A, D. SUTHERLAND, Sec. -Treat,
representatives, as we handle
only quality goods at a rock.
bottom price and give you ser-
vice you cannot get elsewhere,
WM.. -M. SiRR�3.1T.
Clay Drain Tile Mfr,
Phone 136-2
Of Farm Stock and Implements, at
Lot 81, Coq, 10, Goshen Line, Stan-
ley township, 4 miles southwest • of
Varna, on Tuesday, March 27th, at
1 •o'clock sharp, consisting'' of the
following: Horses - Choice draft
mare $ yrs. old; draft mare 11 yrs.
old; -an, aged driver, good in double
Cattle--Durhan grade cow 4 yrs.
old, due July lobi; Durham grade
cow 3 yrs. due Nov. 15th; Durham
grade cow 5 yrs old milking; 'Durham
grade cow, 10 yrs, old, due ,Oct. 12th;
5 choice steel's, 2 yrs, old; 2 choice
heifers 2 yrs. old; 3 yearling he`ifers;'.
2 choice yearling sfeers; 1 fall calf
and 1 young calf.
(Pigs. -1 sow due 'April '12th.
Poultry -"About 75 Anconaand
White Leghorn .hens,
Implements -Massey Harris binder
6 ft. cut; Massey Harris hay 'loader
(nearly new); Massey, Harris seed
drill, 14 hoe; Massey Harris bean
scuffler end harvester; Massey Harris
spring tooth cultivator; Deering mow-
er, 6 ft, cut, 'Deering hay rake, Deer-
ing disc harrow, set of diamond har-
rows, pea harvester, land roller, !Bain'
wagon, nearly new; set of farm
trucks; hay rack; gravel box; stock
rack; walking plough; set of sleighs;,
cutter; top buggy; gang plough; set
of scales '1,200 lb capacity; cutting
box with carriers; Fairbanks gasoline
engine, 6 horsepower; Fairbanks
grinder 8" plate; fanning mill,2 sets
of heavy harness; 2 set of single har-
ness; about 100 bus, of seed oats,.
O.A.C. 72; quantity' of •barley; quan-
tity of hay, forks, chains, •whipple
trees and other articles.
Household 'Effects Extension
Of Fartn Stock and =Implements at
tot 92, Huron :road, 254 miles west of
Holntesville on Provincial Highway,
on Thursday, March 29th, at 12:30
o'clock sharp,tconsisting of the fol-
Horses --Teem of general purpose
geldings rising 3 yrs. hroken; agri-
cultural gelding rising 3 years, brok-
en; bay horse, 10 yrs. old, good in any
harness; an Arabian mare in foal,
good single or double; team of bay
mares in .foal.
'Cattle -2 young black cows due to
freshen in April; Ayreshire cow, 5
yrs. old, due ,.to freshen its April;
choice Guernsey cow with calf at
foot; roan cow due to freshen in
March; Hereford cow due to freshen
in April; Hereford cow due
in May; black cow with calf at
foot; 5 part Jersey heifers due to
freshen in March and April; 5 Ayre -
shire heifers 'springing; 10 :Durham.
and Hereford grade heifers springing;
13 2 -year-old heifers from 700 to 900
lbs.; 5 yearling heifers and '3 young
farrow cows; 6 young calves.- '
Pigs. -Young sow, due March 30th;
young sow dtte April 20th. •Poultry,
-40 White 'Leghorn hens, 20 Rock
Pullets; 2 turkey hens.
Implements.;- ,MOCormick binder,
7 -foot cut, nearly new; Massey-0ar-
ris mower, 6 ft. cut, nearly new; hay
rake, nearly new; Massey -Harris 14 -
hoe fertilizer dii11, nearly new; 2 -horse
bean scuffler, " harvester attachment
(new); Massey -Harris 15 -hoe : grain
drill; McCormick Deering 14 -plate, TREASI7RER'S SaLXES:E OF LANDS
disc harrow, 'nearly'- new. Deering FOR TA
steel roller; 'Farmer's Friend riding
plough; Cockshutt walking ploitrgh;
Deering mower 6 ft. cut; Deering cul- 'Town of. Seaforth.
tivator; 2 IBaif1 wagops, narrow -tired
wagon, hay rack, 2 gravel' boxes, set NOTICE is hereby given that the
of 4 -section harrows; 2 fanning,lnills adjourned sale of lands for arrears of
set of sleighs )with flat rack; Portland taxes will he held in the Council
cutter, set of power horse clippers; Chamber, Town Hall. Seaforth. on
Massey -Harris; cream separator; ; 2 Friday, March 30, 1928, at 3 o',ciocle
sets of teamarness; 6 good horse p m
collars, a qua tity of white. and-yel-
lowblossom sweet ciovet 'seed; '1926 NOTICE is- hereby given 'that the
Fordcoupe in good condition;' 160 Municipality o'f,the Town of 'Seafortli
feet of new hay fork tope. forks, intends fo purchase for the amount
chains, whippte-trees, neck yokes and due for arrears of taxes on 11link
other articles''too numerous to men- A, Gouinlock Sy,, if the pride <t'5--
tion. fered at the adjourned sale is, le's
F - than :the amount due for'arrears o$•"
Everything advertised positive
ly be sold as the proprietor has rented taxes, charges and costs,apr'if no
his farm, s price is offered.
Terms. -All sums of $10 and under, JOHN A, WIIJS+ON. Treasurer.
cash• over that amount8 months' ere- Seaforth, March 13, ;1928,
dit will be given op furnishing bank- IW ith the ' •'above exception two
able paper, or a discount of 4 per' ,bouses, barns and lots will be sold to
cent. straight allowed for cash on eree the highest bidders. 12
411 amounts. +' T rnpst Townshend, ,
Proprietor; Geo. H. Elliott, Auction- FOR SALE,
ger 12 .Rubber tired buggy in good condi
tint,: also MCCormirk snring tooth
cult v
i ator both wide and nerrrow
Solid walnut combination writing teeth Terms to suit ' buyer, Phone
,teak and radio cabinet. 7, R. LAMI- 234 r 11. 'Seaforth. 14.
MAN, Jarvis St, Seaforth: tf
suite, 'parlor table, square piano,
walnut rocking chair, Aladdin lamp,
hanging lamp, clock, pictures, sealers,
and numerous other articles.
Terms -Grain and all sums of $10
and under, cash; over that amount
months' credit will. be given on furs
ishing approved joint notes, or a dis-
count of 4 per cent. straight allowed
for cash on credit amounts. etvery-
thing to be sold as farm is :disposed
of. Geo. E. Johnson, proprietor; Geo,
H. Elliott auctioneer.
A chance to get setting eggs at Se
each and a limited number of chickens
at 15c each; April 23rd and then every
3 weeks. Order early. Phone 22 on
2S1. C. H.:H'O'LILIAIND, Seaforth,
Ont. 13.
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Implee
sutts,• sere will be sold bYTb li
anc tout cal Lpt
29, Con 3,'H'bberto on
Wednesday,April 4th, at 1 o'clock,
the following;
Implements ge. MdCormiek 'Deering
disc harrow, nearly new; 1. Verity
2- arrowangplow;' 1 grainbagger
for a Clinton fanning
Horses - Matched tear geldings,
rising 3 ;years; 1 general purpose
horse rising 7 years old.
Cattle -1 eow with calf at foot; 2
heifers with calves ae foot; 1 heifer
due about May 1st; 2 cows due _tune
of sale 1 heifer gone 3 months; 2 fat
,steers 1,000 lb each; 2 fat ,heifers 900
lb, each; 15 grass steers rising 2 years
old; 2 st'eel's risitlg 1 year old; 5
heifers,. rising 2 years old,
Pigs -1 sow with 12 pigs 3 weeks
old; 5 chunks 150 tp;. 4 pigs just
weaned; 8, chunks 50 MI; 8 chunks
100 tb.
Terms, --All suets under $10.00
cash; over that amount, 7 months'
credit will be given on approved
joint notes, 4 pogo straight allowed off.
for cash on credit amounts.
At'the swine time and place ,there
will also be offered for sale the large
farm Of the es'tate of the late Peter
Jordan, 148 acres, situated on 3rd
concession, of (Hibbert, lot 22, and'
south half of 23; 214. tniles from Dub-
lin. 'Large barn 92' x 40'; good frame
house and driving shell; land all seed-
ed to grass but 25 acres; 10 acres of
good hardwood. bush, `Terms on
farts, 5 p.c. to be paid in cash, balance
in 30 days. It is atrlieeet ti, a reserve
bid. 'Dan, Matthews, auctioneer;
'Gerald Doyle, proprietor,
'Following will be offered for s'a'le
at the residence 61 Mr, John Cluff,
Market et„ Seaforth, on Saturday,
March 31, at 2 pan,: Ford touring car
in; good condition;' heavy 1 -horse
wagon; set of sleiglts, two sets of
single harness, wagon, pole, cutter
pole, Lever harrow, buggy and other
small articles. 'Terms=Cash. Jelin
Cluff, 'prop, Thos. Brown, aunt.
918 City Treasure cast range. Good
repair. Apply, at The Nsws Office. 14
Quantity of Manchuria, six -rowed
barley seed. . Guaranteed 'clean. R. H.'
MODELANID, phone 143-4, Seaforth
2,000 Roils' of Wall Paper at half
price, J. T. WASH, Varna.
Yellow 'blossom sweet
clover seed. ROIBERT CLARKE, r,r,
2, Seaforth. Phone 245 r 6. tf
3 two-year-old steers and 3 two
year-old heifers, all good,. choice ani
mals. Also three drakes and a duck,
and four Rock 'roosters; also clean
seed barley. SAM. STOREY, JR.,
lot 31, con,'5, McKillop. Phone 244r41.
127 acres, lot .16, part 17, con, 1,
Hullett, on Provincial (Highway, 11'4
miles east of (Clinton. Brick house,
bank barn and other out -buildings.
This farm" is -mostly .seeded to grass
and is in .a good state :of .cultivation.,
Tenms xasy. .For particulars apply
aan the .!premises to JOHN . .R.
NOB'LE, r.r. 4, (Clinton. 13.
We specialize in Bred -to -lay Barred
Rocks. Our 500 breeders, one, two
and three years old, are mated with
Cockerels front pedigreed bens, with
records from 200 to 312 eggs. Chicks
420 per hundred for March and $18
for April, express paid. Special prices
for larger quantities. Hatches every
Tuesday after March 13th. Order
early to get best dates. JAMES M.
SCOTT, Sunny Crest Farm, Sea -
forth, Phone 32-251. 14
Baby Chicks, SJC. White Leghorns,'
Thos. 'Barron strain- •Flock is headed:
by pedigreed cockerels from "Harnel-
bei Farm," and "Oak Ridge" Farm,
the largest poultry farm in Ontario.
Price= -April, '13c; May, 13e;'June'11c.
Also eggs for setting. -
Cattle wanted to take in on grass.
IJORNE 38. WEBSTER, Phone 2 on
235, R. R. 1, Seaforth. 13
Sufficient first class material .for
garage, hen house or hog, pen. A. D.
Baby Chicksand hatching eggs for
sale, from large strain of Barron S.C.
White Leghorns. Pricesr moderate.
T. J. WE13'STER; Phone 1-43r14, Sea -
forth. 12
Farm on the Provincial Highway,
2 miles west of Seaforth, on the Tuck-
ersmith side. Good 'comfortable
frame house. Land in good state of
cultivation. Easy terms. Apply to 1'.
J. ADAgS, Seaforth, R.R. 2. 12
Medical, •
R.lUC>' z H s
RAb , 1'hyalciaa
and Surgeon, Late of London I
pital, London, England. Speci*.
attention to diseases of the eYe, taro
nose end throat,roat Office ve kd ref
dence behind Dominion Ban.O•
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 1
DR. F.... BURROW'S Sea r'
Office andd rich str et.
residence, Go e e4t,.:
east of the Methodist 'Church. Cor-
oner for the County of Huron, Telt
phone No. 40.
DR. C. MAOKAY.-C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univers
ity and gold medallist' of Trinity •
Medical College; member of the 'Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons t•i
'DIR. F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Eat
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto 1897. Lati;..
Assistant New York Ophthalmic and..
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and
Golden Square .throat hospitals, ',Ra-
don, England. At Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd 'Monday in earth month.
from 111 a.m. to 3 y,.m. 'a
DR., W. 'C. +S.IaRO'AT.--Graduate o:
Fwiculty.. of !Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, •London. -Member
of 'College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario, Office :in Alterhist'a
Drug • -Store, Main 'St., Seaforth.
Phone 90.
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, orad&x
ate of Northwestern University, LhF
cage, Iii. Licentiate Royal College eA•
Dental. Surgeons, Toronto: •• Office
r ver Sills' hardware, Main. street, •
Seaforth. Phone 15'1.,
DR. F, J. BECHELV, grad,catt
Royal College of Dental Sura,
Toronto, Office over W. R. Smith's
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth
Phones, office 188W, 'residence 1855
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance 'risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Claw
M tial Fir
e Insurance Cog
Officers James Connolly, Goder•
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. " McGregor„
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer,
Directors --Wm. Riun, No. 2 Sea -
forth, : John Bennewies, Brodhagen,
James Evans, ,Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Bnoadfoot, No. 3, Sea'
Forth; J G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Haarlock; George Me.
Cartney, No. 3, -Seaforth; ,Murray
Agents -Alex -Leitch, r.r. :1, stilet•
ton; E Hinchley, "Seaforth • J.''A.
Murray, r.r. 4 No. '3,"''Seaforth, J:'Y
Yeo, ' Hoimesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will 'be promptly
-attended to by application to any, of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Have your neap
Suit or Overcoat
ode by
Practical Tailor
Prices from25.00 u
$ p
Try us for Prompt Service
.Style and Satisfaction •
in ,
If you liked him., in "The Land '• Beyond The Law" you
have another treat coming in "The Overland Stage"- this
week. , e.
Thursday, , Friday and Saturday
Saturday Matinee
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
The unforgettable 'star of "The Goose Woinan" lion
A S eotaoalar Coal Mining Disaster, A Great College Football Game -
and the drama of o OM tu.c,igrntit mother mho w;eet,d her sou ,to leo e
Once to n great 55,00 there is a nereen performance 00 true In Its Nebula so firmly
Minton, no alnoer. it• moving that *0 we It la a gnarl elevntlog experlenee. Such an ex.
p rteitre imam everyone who Wfliitore'Ite Inagnl rent performance tonne DreM9ir
given nn Me Brenda the coat mlut:r'a wets fu "Whit- Flan nem.
1ieu't Mlaa Fleeing It