HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-03-08, Page 5CHAIN RED &WHITE STORES h. 1.00 0.50 0.50 9,75 8.50 0.25 9.00 9.25 8.50 7 7.50 6.50 5.50 12.50 [1.00 8.50 7.00 7.75 7.60 7,00 ''5.50 13,00 9.00 7.00 15,00 4.75 7.0,0 0.00 0,00 000 0.00 Idly and adly leen and lare - ve •less: tarry fflec eon- 'I+#IUXi•SX?Av, 00A22CII 8, 1928. THEAFORTH NEWS. One Week Only Our Specials, P'olr .25c. Macaroni,oni, 1�odi-cut 3 lbs, for..., P. K. Hops, 3 pkgs, . , . , , .. , , , , 250 ' • �uerv.us Bulging Powder, 1 pint tin 29e Butter, 5 lb. tins.,,.,,:..$1.1O Peanut ' .. ' (.Ybottle,, •.'19e Snider's Catsup, . , . , (Only 3 to 1 oustomer) Cream Whip, (a sure wliip) bottle, .22e Sugar, Redpath, 10 lbs. for 68c Ross Jp . Sproat Wo M. Stewart Phone Phone 77 Seven deliveries all over town each day. Ter s We pay the highest prices for good Bream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send • your cream to other Creameries; we want it here. To operate a Creamery _we need your co-operation. In return for you co-operation-' we will give you of our best in service- and prices. We are agent for the Mello.tte, Cream Separators: Colne in and see the new ,Mocieis. Seaforth .Creamery CO. Seaforth , Ont. C. A. BARBER,' Prop, W. J Walker &I Son UNDERTAKING —and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67.• Pianos Tuned Cleaned . and Repaired Chas .A. Howey Residence -James St. D H. McInnes (shiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Comnmerciai Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday • ..Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. 1928 Wall Papers I am now showing the finest: line. of Canadian and Imported Wall Pa- pers on the market, and the prices are right., If you are going to have. any rooms re -decorated this season it will pay .you to see my samples. I am also prepared to accept contracts for paperhanging, painting, etc. Good service and• quality. Work- manship guaranteed. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. ,,JOHN HOOPER Painter and Decorator John Street. !Seaforth, Ont. ReducedPrices Ladies' and Gentlemen's haircuts now Ail the latest bobs now 35c 35 cents at the Dennison & Pullman r Shop p Phone 125. ANNUM Want and For Sale ads, 1 tittc 25c HARLOCK. !Rev. Mr. Abery visited at the home of Mrs. H. W. and Bert Allen Tues- day last: Mr, and Mrs. • Lydiatt entertained Walton people Friday evening. Miss Isabel Reid visited her cousin, Mrs. George Watt, a few days last week, returning Saturday evening. The. Ladies'. Aid of Burns' Church held their (March• meeting at the hone of Mrs. Jennie Kox Thursday afternoon it'iel a large attendance. The afternoon was spent in quilting". a lovely quilt which was put in by the hostess, after which thebusiness part of the meeting was held. A dainty hurtle was served by the hostess. Among the visitors' were: Mrs. Cliff.: Holland and ,baby, Mrs. henry Arm- strong, •r ve• Mrs Tem stron of nearel a. g,g ,.. Appleby and children' of Roxboro. Little Miss Rosamond Appleby re- turned home Thursday, evening.after spending the eek with her nd- mother,Mes. Knox and family The social evening 'in connection with the 'Burns Church which wee held at Mr. and,Mrs. Roht. Ferris' on Friday evening, was a success in ev- ery way. There' was a large crowd and a good program put on by the committee in charge. At the end of the programme two! very interesting contests were given by Miss Bickell, followed by 'a series 'of games,—which kept the young people busy all even- ing. At midnight lunch was served t by the lunch commit Before leav- ingee. for home a circle was formed and everybody sang Auld Lang Syne and God Save the King. A number of the young people from this community attendedthe social evening which was put on by the ju- nior Farmers and Girls' Club in the Oddfellows' hall, Blyth, Tuesday evening last. Mr. John Lamont sold his fine farm one day last week to Mr. 1'Vm. Brown. We wish Mr. Brown every success. Miss Janet McVittie expects to re- turn to Toronto some day this week. Messrs. Wm. Knox, Bert "Beacom and Guy Leiper visited at Mr. and. Mrs. L Rapson's Saturday evening.: A few from around here attended the dance at Mr. George Moon's on Friday evening. They all 'say they had a wonderful time. We are all very soi'e, to hear -of the sad death of Mrs. Harold Wheat- ley which: took place at Stratford on Friday everting. Sincere sympathy is' extended. Au Oil that is Prized Everywhere, —Dr, Thomas' Eclectrie Oil was put upon the -market without any flourish over fifty years ago. It was 'petite to meet the wants of a small ' section, but as soon as its merits • became known it had a whole continent for a field, and it is now knowtt and prized throughout this continent, There is nothing equal to it. TOWN TOGS' Mr. 1:. C. Ch'aniberlaln left for To- ronto Tuesday morning, where he has secured a good position with the 1;'ussili Hardware Co. Ltd.; of that eity. 145r, Carl .Dalton, wlto has been at Schumacher,Ont„ the past few months, is spending a couple of weeks here and is holding, an auction sale of hqusehold effects at St, Col- unmbee next Wednesday before re- turning to. Northern Ontario. Mrs. Thos, Beattie visited her 'son Elmer ib St, Marys during the week. Mr. John Ballantyne, who was here to attend the funeral of his father, re- turned to St. Thomas Monday after- noon. Mrs. {;Rev,) A. Norman, of 'Remit- ton, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs, John Stewart and re- turned 'on Wednesday. Miss Ruby.Vanstone, of Stratford, visited tier sister, Mrs, L, G. Van- Egmond, this week, Mr. James Ilenderson, driver of the Imperial Oil truck, was taken ill In Brussels on Friday, as a -slight cold had developed into pneumonia, He was given immediate attention at the Brussels hotel.- Flis friends are glad tc know his condition is better. Mrs. Henderson is at present in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs, Millson and Mrs, Thomas McElroy •returned. Wednes- day to their home on North Main street after spending the past few. months in Leamington. Mr, 'Matthew Bates, of Goderich, visited Mr„and Mrs. W. L. Keys, this week. Mr, ` William Greig, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs”' J. C, Greig. Mrs: Hongersing, of St, Thomas, visited Mr; and Mrs. W. D. Manson over the week -end,,. •MIss -Jackson has returned from a two weeks' visit .in Toronto. IVlrs. Sidney Dolmage is convalesc- ing at the home of Mrs. Jessie Brown. after her operation. Mrs. James Sproat is laid up with'a severe attack of bronchitis, but is on the mend. Mrs. Alex. Stobie‘ is spending a couple of weeks fn with • her sister-- law, :Mrs.. Manners, in Clinton. Mr, C, Eckert has beenunder the weather the past few days with.a severe cold. Miss Ethel Hoggarth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hoggarth, ' "is' seriously ill with inflammatory rheum- atism and has been laid up for the past two weeks, but hope• is held for her recovery. , " • Miss Belle Ballantyne intends tak- ing a month'svisit in St. Thomas with her brother, Mr. John Ballan- tyne, and leaves on Monday next. Mrs. Thomas Grieve, of Waldeck,. Sask., is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, A. D. Somerville. The friends of Mrs. Wm. Clark will be pleased to know she is -recovering from her recent illness, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.. R. S. Evans. SUCCESSFUL 'EUCHRE. A euchre was held jointly by the L.OJB.A: and the L.0'L, in their hall Tuesday evening. The hall was filled to capacity and 25 tables for prog- ressive euchre were filled. The prize winners were: Lone hands, ladies, Miss Evelyn Cardno; men, Mr. Thos. Scott; games, Mrs. Thos. Scott, Mr. Ernest Dinnin; consolations, ' Miss Montgomery, Mr. Fred Welsh. ,The following numbers were greatly en- joyed, a reading by Miss McC'loy, a violin selection by Mr. Thomas Rands, the sailor's hornpipe .by. Mr, George tardno. LIONS EUCHRE AND DANCE. By popular request the Lions Club have changed the St. Patrick's Dance on Friday, March 16, to a Euchre and Dance, in order to please as well as offer a full evening's entecfainment' to everybody. There will be plenty of cards,. A good lunch and lots, of dancing, to say nothing sof an even- ing of real social good -fellowship. Everybodywelcome—we' are expect- ing you. WINTHROP. • The play, "The Dust of the Earth," will be presented by Egmondville United Church Choir in Seaforth on Wed„ March. 28th. Adults 50c Class Entertained. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Campbell entertained the Bible Class of Caven Church on Fri- day evening of last week. A social hour or two were very pleasantly spent in contests, music, etc., after which .a dainty lunch ' was served. The thanks of the class were -.ex- pressed in a few well chosen words to the host and hostess for their hos- pitality in Providing the.evening''s en- joyment, n- joyrnent, A social evening of progressive eu- chre ,int old and new -tune dancing will be held in the Winthrop hall this Friday evening. Look for ad in paper for particulars. Mr. W. C. Bennett is in Toronto this week attending the Delco Light convention. A gloom was cast over the village when the news came of the death of Mrs. Harold Wheatley. We extend our sympathy to those who are left to mourn. We are sorry to hear that Miss Margaret Ann Campbell is seriously 111 with pneuntonil.. We wish her a speedy recovery, Word carne oft the death of Miss Margaret •Govenlock, one of Win- throp's respected residents, who re- sided esided here a number of years, and a great mentber of Cavatt Church and Sunday school. BORN. BEUERMAN.-In Seaforth hespital, on Monday, Feb. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry iBeuertnan, of McKillop,. a daughter. MARRIAGES. ' APdaleEllY - FAIiRSErR'VICE. — On. Wednesday, Feb.b22 1928. Mary Fairservice daegieter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fairservice, Mullett, to Samuel Appleby, sae of Mrs, Annie Appleby. of Hullett, at the Manse, Londesboro. Social Evening PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE OLD-TIME DANCES NEW -TIME DANCES; , P HALL l�ALL FRIDAY. MARCH CH 9th � R Good Prizes: Good Music. Ladies bring Lunch, Gents 50c. seellweleme • Commercial -Hotel, Wed,, March 14tth J. B. KNIGHT Will;�.w display a complete line of ladies' and gent's HAIR GOODS including Patent Structure. .`k'dvice on all Scalp Ailments and the use of Inecto Rapid. Phone Hole/ for ApL•untme et The W. T. Pemba. Stores Limited 129 YONGE ST., TORONTO ONTARIO Special Optical Offer, High grade heavy weight gold-fill- ed, spectacles and eye glasses with best flat spherical lenses for only $4.00. All other style of frame's and lenses at lowest prices. Eyes examined by our well known and painstaking specialist, Mr. Hughson, with 27 years' experi- ence, 18 years coining to Seaforth. You are assured of the best optical work to be obtained and at very mod- erate. cost. Tuesday, (Wednesday, March 13, 14. 1Beattie's Fair, Seaforth 10 EGMONDVILLE. The regular meeting of the Young People's Society of Egmondville Unit- ed Church was held non Wednesday night of last week. The meeting was in charge of Mr. Keith Webster, the fourth Vice -President. After prayer by Mr. Earl Webster, and the sing ing of two hymns, time Se'ripture was read by Miss Margaret Forrest, Miss Ethel Jackson ,then favored the ,audi- ence with a vocal solo. The most in- teresting part of the program fol - towed in the form of a debate, the subject of which was: "Resolved that Canada offers greater opportunities to young people than 'does the United States," The speakers for the affirma- tive were Miss Vera Crozier and Mr, Kenneth Jackson and for .the negative side, Miss Alice Thompson and Mr. Janes Wilkinson. The judges were Miss Bertha Beattie, Rev. Mr. Mc- Donald and Mr. Earl 'Webster. The subject of the debate was ably dis- cussed by the speakers on both sides, some interesting facts being noted. After a discussion among the judges, the decision was given in favor of and due credit affirmative theside, was given the negative side. During intermission .a 'musical contest took place. Jim. Chesney's group was i successful fn guessing all the titles of the numbers played, and they were requested to sing their favorite one. After the minutes were read by the secretary, Miss ,Laura McMillan, it was decided to have an open air skat- ing party 011 Wednesday night, Mar. 7. An offering was taken for the reg- ular funds, after which a hymn was -ung, followed by the Mizpah bene- diction, The regulae meeting of the Young .Peoples Society was held on Monday night under the leadership of Mr. James Wilkinson, 1st Vice-president. After' the usual -devotional exercises, Miss Sadie Howatt rendered a pleas- ing solo. Miss Evalena Nott then gave a reading entitled "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. The topic was taken 'by Mr, J. Wilkinson, the subject of which was "The-•At- tetrtiveness of Jesus." Miss Iona Wal- lace then gave a reading based on the topic. Rev. Mr. McDonald took part in the discussion. During intermis- sion an excitinggame and a contest were indulged in. The meeting WAS then called to order and the minutes were read by Miss Erma Broadfoot, after which .necessary areangetnents were made for the skating party to he held on Wednesday night. The meeting was brought to a close by singing a hymn and by repeating the Mizpah benediction, ELIMVILLE. Miss Gladys Webber has rctnrned to IvIr:!R. Johns` after visiting at her home near Dashwood. Mrs. John Sletnott, of Centralia, re- newed acgttaintattces in the village re- cently,_ Mrs. i !George S�ellatt, who has been rs. �g under the rnntar's care, is itnnr•oving. Shirley, little 'daughter, of Mr. and Mrs" Nelson Coultis, hasbeen quite iii with bronchial trouble, but is be- ginning to improve at time of writing, BRUC101 IEI D, 1 rico Armstrong, W. •Il, Wilson, Earl 13R0IVIAIi'i'if, Popple, ,Bobby Dalryinlale, Mourne Mi•. and Mis Samplairrs of'i The play, "The Dust of the 1;artlr" Watsan,'Mac Wilson• are visiting Mrs. Simmons: e presented by Ege Eartille L. Bo ce, Teacher, village oiled Church Choir in Seaforth on inllage1, M•rs. A. Itabcrksott, Wed•, March 28th, Adults 50e, ST, COLUMBAN, Miss Mary Alienspent the ".Che ptnPiis •of the C.°ntintta,tion •cud 'hr Exeter. and Lower Gasses "of S'S. Jiro. 3, are' : Mr, Tom Gillespie/ of Seafor putting on: several plays and jelly. visiting his Cousin, Mr. Sant Sco. numbers in the St.' Colon -than parish Miss Vera. I•Ieywood, school t; hall, an March 16th, 1928. ,The ad- er S. 8, No, 6, spent the week' mission fee is 25c for all. A gold with Mies Lila' McCulloch. piece is offered as the lucky door Miss Jessie Hodgert of E prize, spent the week end with her School Report,—The following is Mrs, J. Scott, the report of S, S. No. 3, St, Col- Mr. Frank Barr, aged 72 ye =ban, for the month of February. native'of Hibbert.township, die The names are in order of merit. The his home' in Vancouver on Seta application of each student was eon- March 3rd, He learned the b sidered as well as the tests;' Those sniithing trade with the late F marked A are listed as, very good;_ Hamilton at Cromarty, but for those marked B,' good; those marketyears he travelled in Western'0 G, fair( those marked D, ninsatis- io for a Montreal drygoods firm factat'y.. - Some years ago went to VancouY. Form II (Lower School),—Clar- reside. ence Malone 'B, Joseph Williams B, The wedding took place at J Frank Williams B„ Camilla Coyne D, street United Chtircli parsonage, Agnes McGrath (absent for part), eter, at noon on Wednesday, the Form I,—,Frank 'Moylan A, Mary of February, of Ruth Vivian, da O'Connor 13, Charlie Miles B, Dennis ter of Mr. and Mrs, S. Jory, Ste Feeney C, John Shea C, James At- township, to Keith Simpson kinson C, John Miles C, Thomas Laren, son of Mr, and Mrs. W McQuaid D, Leo O'Sullivan D, Nor- McLaren. Ceremony was' per5or titan Miles D, by Rev. Duncan MacTavish, Fol 5r, IV (Entrance Class),aBridget ing the ceremony the wedding p Delaney A, John Holland 13, Mary went to'the home of the bride's Delaney B, Alice Flannery C, John ents, where dinner was served. McQuaid C, John Flannery D. and Mrs, McLaren will ,reside Jr. IV.—Catherine Flannery A, Ed- Varna. ward Melody C, Mary Hart C, Kale , Holland C, Alphonse Cronin C, Tames ab O'Sullivan and Norman Mc y L ` . a 1 M A Quaid (absent for part). ! J A t�,l! Sr. III,—Edward Hart, Agnes De- .. R. lan'ey, Loretto Holland, Florence O'- FURNITURE REPAIRS Sullivan, Hannah Cronin, MaryMiles, va n h Your old organ retnodelled mode led t l t Mary \fc caul. g 1 a y Q useful piece of furniture at Jr IT.—Mary Murphy, Mary 0'. willhe u Taylor.Caldwell.—A quiet wedding was splemuized on Saturday, March 3, at the United Chtireh Manse • at Brueefield, when Ruth Matheson, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caldwell was united in marriage to John Harvey Taylor, eldest son of Mrs.• John Taylor -and the late Mr. John • Taylor. Rev. W. A. Bremner officiated. The bride was charming in a dress of midnight blue flat crepe with blue and gold hat, and hose to match. The bride was attended by Mrs. Lyle Hill, of •Brucefield, while Mr. Will Caldwell acted as grooms- man. Mr. and Mrs, Taylor left amid showers of confetti for Stratford aitd points cast. Mr. and Mrs. J. W• . Stackhouse have returned from a very pleasant visit with friends in Guelph. Mise Dora Dalrymple spent a few days with her uncle, Mr, H, -Dal- rymple, in the village, Miss Bertha Hoggart, of Landes- boro, has returned home after spend- ing a few days at the home of Mr, J, Addison. The many friends of Mr. Lorne Pepper will be glad to know that he is improving after his recent operation for appendicitis. Mr. J, Addison is still confined to his home through sickness. His many friends hope to see him out again soon,. The time has passed for, horticul- tural orders to be received by the Secretary, but simfce there are many Who were members last year have not sent in their orders, orders will be received till the 15th of March. Please help • the society by sending in your order, and remember. that for every dollar, a dollar and a quarter's worth of stock may be purchased. 'Remember and come to Brucefield on Friday, March 16th at Mit.m. and see our darkies, hear them sing, and listen to their jokes, all old to them but new to all of us, 'Come and enjoy those sweet old negro melodies which. willcarry you back to the time when negroes were slaves and then you will find a few stray tears running down your cheeks when you think of how those poor, innocent people suffered. But our negroes are jolly fellows. They will, in a fete seconds have you laughing again as you listen to their • snappy jokes, Then their orchestra' will strike up one: of those sweet old tunes. But :that. is not all yet. They will send you away with a contented mind; happy in the thought that you have enjoyed aperfect evening a perfect J Y in way. It Pays to Advertise.—!1t transpired last week that one of Brucefield's maidens, reading the list of eligible bachelors 'selected by the Matrimonial Society, chose one to accompany her through life. Our esteemed minister had the pleasure of piloting the craft through the straits of ceremony into the sea of matrimony. At pres- ent the happy couple are cruising in the !Bay . of Honeymoon. May no cyclones arise to mar the brightness of life's blue skies. • Y. P. S.—The devotional meeting of the young people was held on Mon- day evening, March 5th, at eight o'- clock. Mr. Jesse Freeman presided. Mr. George Knight took the topic, "Shall we have Prohibition 2" Dis- cussions were entered into by Mr. A. Jeffrey and !Rev.- W. A. Bremner. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. !Friends of Mrs. Souter, who has been confined to her bed for the last two months, will be pleased to linear that she •is somewhat better. Miss Hazel Haugh is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. F. W. Hess, in'Hensall. A number of this vicinity attended the funeral of the late Robert Mor- rison, of tHensail, last +Saturday. lvlr. H. !Horton, who has sold his faun, will hold an aeration sale next Thursday, March 15th. The concert put 00 'by the United Farmers last ,Friday night was a suc- cess; uscess; the hall was full. Readings were given by Mr. (W. McLachlan, Miss Eva Stackhouse, Mr. Wm, Hill, Mrs. R and Mr. M. Gibson. Watson'Vt Those takin part intIr e three dia- logues, 'Wentted a Servant," "Oil on the Brain," and "Away down East," were •Mrs. W. Dow, Mr, S. Thompson, Mrs C, Clifton, Miss M. Munroe, Mrs. r',ikenhead and Anna, Mrs McLachlan Mr. !W. Hill, Mr. Fred Rathwell, Mrs. Knight, Mr. El- gin Thompson, Mr. Will. Caldwell, lfa'. McLachlan, Miss. Anna Pearl Douglas and Miss. Hazel Haugh, Duets were rendered by Mr. Mc- Lachlan and Miss Jean Murdoch, ac- companied by Miss L, Stackhouse. Solos were given by Mrs. A. John- ston and Mr. W. Logan, of Verna.. Mr. Logan's Scotch songs were also appreciated. He was accompanied by his niece, ' Miss Irene Douglas, of Hensel, Miss L. Stackhouse. accom- panied the 'bated. Those who com- posed the band were Mr. 1. Horton and son Stewart, Mr, McLachlan, Miss -Eva (Stackhouse, Mr. S. David- son, Mr. W. Stackhotise, Mr. • J. Ailc cnhcad, Miss Kathleen Snider and Miss Viola Wheeler School Report.—'The following is the report of S. G. No, 3, Tuckersnnth, for the month of February, The names are arranged in order of merit. Sr, IV. — -'Carrie Oke, Elizabeth etre John Broadfoot, 'Bob Mc'Car t y, J Broadfoot, Clarence Taylor. jr IV; Janet (Watson (only wrote two pnpers), 'Billy Calwill, Evelyn Wilson, !Gordon (Wright, •Robert Papple, Bence 'Arnmstrotmg. Sr, I!I+I. - 'Jean Watson, Willie Pap•plc. Tr: T1I.-._Arthur Wright,. Howard Walter, 11.-W. 1). Wilson, Earl ?apple, .Bobby T)alrymrle, Beatrice Arm- strong, Delbert Taylor. I. -•+Gertrude Walter, Alice 'Wright, Anile Papple. Pr.—Mac Wilson, Mame Watson, Isabel Acrostrone', Donald lvfac-. Donald, Grace Dalrymple, Milton Tavlot', The following, had perfect attend- ence: Bob McCartney, Elizabeth ,Broadfoot, Carrie O1ce. Evelyti Wil- mot, Gordon Wrio•ht, Rebert Fannie, jean Watson, Willie 'Pappie, Beat- Sullivan, Fergus Melady, Edward O'- reasonable cost. Sullivan.- Phone 303 3 2nd Class, --!Irene McQuaid, Lit- . Work shop at rear of BARLO Tian Miles, Albert Hart, Tom Mel- SHOE REPAIR SHOP. ady, Margaret Murphy, Ella O'Sul- livan, Jack Cronin. Part II.• 4Benny Holland, Joseph O'Reilly, Edward Roach, Isabel Roach, jack Roach, Ralph Murphy. A D. SU l HERLAN Uncle R•astus' Gang, the minstrel which forms part of the programme • GENERAL INSURANCE of the S. S. No. 3 concert in St, Col- AGENCY uinban parish hall. March 16, pro Real Estate, Conveyancing, raises to be one of the leading num- Phone Investments- hers. The programme, which . con- Phone` 152 eists of 3 ntays songs. marches, etc„ Seaforth, Ontario. is one which will be enjoyed byboth young and old. (A reply, to Mr. Hill). Old bachelor of sixty-eight, I'm over-joyed with glee, To send my application, Tho' I'm only sixty-three t My mother died when I was young, I never had a winning way. So that is why they passed me up, Until this -very day. C.1 I never had much love for jazz, And all that sort of thing, But( believe me, Boyl I'd love to wear your diamond ring. I'd love to wash your dishes, And I'd sure' mend your socks; Rut hope You don't get bossy, Or your ears I'm sure to box, Ever since I saw your plea, It's been working on my mind, Not exactly what you said, dear; But the way you had it rhymed. So let's get married right away And be no longer parted, Lest perhaps you change your mind, And leave me broken-hearted. .• —Miss Annabelle Lee. A Real Asthma Relief. Dr, J. D.` Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has never been advertised by extravagant state- ments. Its claims are conservative indeed, when judged by the benefits which it performs.. Expect real relief and permanent benefits when you boy this remedy and you will not have cause. for disappointment. 'It gives permanent relief in many cases where other so called remedies have utterly failed. Cuts That Captive.; In cutting, dressing an displaying of meats Cher is an art, but all the art n the world won't make goof meat out of bad. We offe all our meats to advantag and we guarantee the qual ity of every pound. D. H. STEWAL Your Butcher. Phone 58 Seafort • BBN=I1UR The Suecial Milverton Flour We have it—Give it a Trial, Grain Screenings Also Chop of All Kinds C. G. TIIOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Needs Auto Your �►u - GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Repairs and charging on all makes. A good line of New and Used Parts, EVERY AUTOMOBILE Has its good' points and had, they say, but we think we are offering the kind of work• that more dearly approaches PERFECTION IN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS If your ear needs fixing up, and the best do sooner or later, let us demonstrate to you the many advantages of out reliable work. Realer's Garage PHONE 167W Immoemeammosemermi