The Seaforth News, 1928-03-08, Page 3Afghan gliaer
Invites Italian
Export Mission
Move Recons °Disaster o£ EX-
• pedition 2 Years Ago,
When Engineef was
Executed for
Love Affair
onerous Terms Offered
Rome,—The 'Visit of I{ing Amann-
Tali to Italy may result in an Inten-
•lve emigration to his kingdo'in, At -
I banistan, not. ot ,laborers .or agrioui-
turista, but of eleotireal englneera,
doctors and professors.'
This will be the second time that
Buell an expedition has been Planned,
The first experiment was tried r,ttio
years ago, when at the suggestion
tile same icing a group of fifty Ital
ens, engineeris, 'architects, doctors and
nurses was sent to Kabul, the capital
of Afghanistan.
It ended rather disastrously, though
the offer seemed very attractive, as
Bing Amanullah undertook to pay all.
Me expenses et the journey for the ,.,1.. po 9
embers of the commercial mission
was - to civilize and develop the mum,
try. Many young men and women
were attracted by the opportunity to
make their names.
The mission came to disaster
through an adventure of one of its
members, an engineer, with an Af-
ghan woman. 'Ile was arrested for
attacking the .family party, which set
an ambush .for him, and was put to
° death before diplomatio, negotiations
could arrange for .his extradition to
A forty -eight-hour' ultimatum was
sent by Italy to Afghan and $30,000
was Paid as p indemnity to the Itali-
an government. Feeling ran high in
I{abul against foreigners, and the
mission was forced to leave hastily,
with the exception of four members
who wore under' the direct protections
of the g
The new offer made by the King
during his visit is generous. Besides
traveling expenses, he has offered
salaries of "$300 .a month, lodgings.
and insurance.
In spite of past experiences
ion is being besieged bY
cants attracted by the salaries. The
recruiting officer, a member ofthe
first mission, is quite frank about the
hard work which they will be called
upon -tic do.
At present in Kabul, besides the
Italians who remained, there are sixty
Germans and ten Frenchmen, Til pro-
fessions and trades. Italians are
bound to make good it they abide by
the laws and customs of the country,'
and the whims of its vulers.
The King is very much interested
in a native cloth factory atKabu1. It
turns out only one kind of material
of an inferior, quality, which foreign-
ers seldom buy. In order to encour-
age home 'industry; I;;ing Ananullah
insists on all: his friends patronizing
the factory. His method in regard to
foreigners is original. Whenever he
receives any one in audience hohas
close to his chair a pair of scissors,
which he holds carelessly: in his hand
while he talks.
The knowing ones sit afar, while"
the newcomers sit near. Often- the
Bing leans forward and cuts off the
lapel of the visitor's coat. This, of
course, encessitates purchase of a
new suit, and often the only choice
is a suit of native material.'
Afghanistan needs architects, en-
gineers, and doctors as, though every
Afghan gentleman can read and speak
' Persian, owing to the hack of school
tor higher education, the sons of
noblemen and wealthy men never go.
beyond the rule of three, reading,
writing and ,arithmetic.
Canary -Breeding 1
raise, ware traded for expgrtg2leo, sa r tic pEO t German Crisis
they are 'net a total loss after all l l#U A q
By abser'vatiolr and patience yon •
Id say let will slows! but surely grasp,, tllase, : AN
many fultdamerrttts "that ex118riglroe, il! �It
T, ILM ctin ,Averted
To the beginner 1 Won g
fatey arlstporats matte! start with alone ono being forth ata twat,polilt ,.tom
greater ille chance ofastroeess bylso do t�tand CltiSarlfis ilrood pr`acticaiiy any 13.y'Enriching 'T'heir 1!loot1 Wit1t. Principal Parties in Reidlatag
blP;for plainer birds are hardier and time of 'The Year wail 'Pr'oper enyirou' Dr, Williams'. Pink Pills.
Mare 11'Q1Me than their pedigreed ye- meat'•and •11amiling,., bat the regular,
datives, Get all the information yen breeding season un
isms Tom arebruary' IillennraUsnl is a disorder of the
oan on the subject, but retneniber that tip initis July,. The easiest ..anis the blood, It attacks people vrlleu trio
experience will be your hest teacher, I most profitable tray for,tlre beginner blood is thin and impure, illus setting
You will undoubtedly make manyito raise Uircis'+is ;:to urate One prate ;uil, iutiauat)latipfi ,of,`the;etnusele¢ and
mistaltes an8 suffer many'beart-break•• t r may start
with t11loC';fpi�lalee a'Cret as/largo a j0 pts, Wet or cold Weather
lug dlsappoiutments, but all the time sage'pu 411reage the size the limns of rheumatisnt;`llrit is" IM
you will be learning,':' Perhaps the. f t e'er lelno4tbbx fa'':i$out tiro the Cause The cause is in the Mood.,.
flrot year you will raise only three or right size. Always put your Male in Tlot ape or ruU ug
tour' birds, but don't become discour-
aged. Remember the birds yon didn't
Red Rose Orange' Pekoe has
earned the patronage and
good will of o e tea drink-
ra than any'� other 'hi h-
u a l i t tein eCanada.
q y
Judges of good : tea gladly
give more , for Red,Rose
Orange Pekoe because they
know that the value they re-
ceive is worth many times
the few extra cents they �.as'•,
Far Cheater Tiler' To •Mia
The looyoslytic9d serviceable
fairer you can buy., •fiRisos every-
thing better and quicker than by
head, - Mises concrete, 'mortar,
seedY Rend
-arsin,,leftBizer, eed etc.
Pays fol itself;in no time,:
Write for descriptive folder }'Po.f«
Brantford Ont.
Corrugated Iron
Wheeler & Bain
"Council Standard"
A thick, even; heavy spread of.
galvanize over every inch of sur-
face. Deep corrugations.
Write us, stating size of
barn you want to cover,.
Dept. W, 108 George St„ Toronto 2
Bo' r to President's De-
ln,a'nd to Pass Budget
and Emergency
Dawes Annuities Assured
c an ora ng
Berlin, --President von Hindenburg,
.2 bi wiitlr Ifni• by exercising once more his immense
tVlek or so he- monts' nay ease the pain, -hill40 not personal authority in a political crisis,
fore th elilig,caiitr iv,rt,e
fore lite fee les `i'o'u• tvin, .find that teensy the cause and the pains are susooeded recently in Uringing• order
by -so doing there will' be less ligating soon back agate. To got eta of this
an<1, you 'wli obtain hattielce1'and bet-, most painful trouble you Hurst treat it
ter results; jtlil°oublt thio IlIoodaud for title pur•
After your birds 'slave
been together POW riothin.g elsi3 '411itt equal Dr. Wit
long enorigh`,to bobom'e acquainted, theme' Mink Pills, which from first
star placing an ccasional: piece of dose to last actually make new, riolt
start t ng v
cotton in the cage. If they pick it , blood, thus driving the rheumatic
up and oarl'y it around, Yeti will then poisons from the system. Mr, IIeetrY
knowthat it istime to give them 10, Amita, .Lower 'Last Rebuke, N.S.,
material to construct a nest. I wohld , tells what these pills did for him,
suggest that yon construct the first He saYst-'-'ilrad an attack of acute
nests for the birds;
so bad that I could n
Use me ofdium. lit cardboard and wall:, a hundred yards without so
W g
make your neat about four inches much suffering that 1 would feon�aant.
square aud two itielres deep. Fill it' I could not ' do tha least work a y
about level.full of cotton, making • a movement caused great pant. I was,
under' the care of a doctor but did not'
imprtve !Ruch. Then reading of a
similar ease in a newspaper I decided.
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 'By
the time I had used three boxes, there
was no doubt they were helping me.
I took altogether about a dozen boxes
when I was entitrely relieved of the
must be securely tied and all edges trouble, able to walk four miles to my
cover- work, chop wood all day,- and then.
of the cloth must be carefully walk home again. To .anyone suffer-
ed with short stitches, for if one lit- ing from rheumatism 1 eau strongly
tie weakness is exposed, the birds will recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
be quick to take advantage of it and. You can get these pills through any
pick the nest to pieces, medicine dealer.or by mail at 60 cents
The depression in the center Is to a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
keep the eggs together. If left to 'eine Co., Brockville, Ont.
her own initiative, the bird is likely to 'construct a nest o. such propor-
tions that it will be physically im-
possible for her to cover all\the eggs,
and t11 will sooner or Ia e
conte chilled and thus fail to hatch -
British Uniforms Costly
Some idea of what it eostsc_to be a
member of a crack British regiment
may be gathered from the Price list
of the Army Clothing Depot at Pim-
lico, just isued by the Army Council.
Starting with the head, .bearskin
cape worn by the band of, the Royal
Engineers and the Footguards costs
$85 each, while the white metal hel-
mets of the Household Cavalry are.
$45. It is estimated that 1,500 yards
of metal ribbon is annually consumed
by the crack regiments and this may
'be obtained from the Clothing Dept.
at 83 cents a yard, which is just' 60
cents above the usual market price.
The sills for battalion colors is listed
at $15 a yard. '.;tic'
The State ' clothing of the House-
hold Cavalry and ,Sergeaut Drum-
mers of the Footguards includes coats
Insure Your Crop
Fertilizer insures a crop above t e
average—and D W Fertilizer gives
One Ton
o W 4-24-4
=Two Tons
c 2-12-2.
'100 Vine Ave., Toronto,. Ont
depression in the center. Now take
a square piece of cloth 01 the correct
size and lay it on top of the cotton;
after fitting it to the nest sew it to
all four sides.
When the sides are fastened, matte
one stitch through the center of the
nest and tip at the boom. All ends
Many strange phases of wild life
confront us in handling our canaries.
Freakish and unexplainable twists of.
their eccentric temperament are of-
ten displayed in ways that are both
Puzzling and humorous. For example,
one would naturally assume that
Sun's New Rival
out of chaos. As a result of his sec-
ond letter within a week to the minis-
ters demauding passage of the budget
and eertaiiY other pressing legislation
before the Reichstag is dissolved, all
the prtuolpal parties agreed this at -
totems' to accept the Cabinet's ewer
This assures that the 1924 budget,
providing for the payment of the
Dawes ,plan, annuities for the first
so-called standard years by Germany
will bo ,adopted before the election
campaign begins. Tinder the arrange-
ments accepted by all the major
parties the Reichstag will be kept at
work until April 1 and the Parliamara
tars elections will he hold some time
in May.
Radical's Only Opponents,
This plan was adopted by all the
parties except those representing the
"lunatic fringe—the Communists and
Fascists. The program was adopted
under the pressure of President van
Hindenburg's letter because no party
dared to say "No", opt loud to the
President. It speaks volumes tor
Marshal von Hindenburg's impartiali-
ty, that in the present case he is act-
ing directly counter to the clamor of
the Conservatives -the very men who
elected him to his exalted office.
The opposition; parties, while agree
ing to co-operate in winding up the
Parliamentary business and to refrain
from making partisan motions, re-
served the righ
't to 'criticize and rota
against the budget, for the creation
of which they had no responsibility.
Paris, Voltaire's City of g ,
boasts today the most powerful flash-
light lamp in the world. Its light,
generated by electric current, is equal
to 1,400 million candles. When we
that 14,
OO million o ordinary
candles, put end to end, would extend
eight to ten times round • the earth, and
almost far enough to reach the moon,
three nests would be enough in a pen we realize how far man has travelled
containing a male and three females, as light -maker since thexlays of the
but the experienced .breeder always first tallow candle.
puts in an extra nest. If there are
only three nests in the cage, two hens
will invariablychoose the same one
and if left to themselves they will
both lay in that nest and fight each
other for the privilege or honor, of
sitting there.
In all my experience I have never
seen any exceptions to this rule. If
the nest is not large enough for both
birds, one will park herself on the
edge and will maintain her position
in thea ame earnest manner as the
one hovering the eggs.
When the hen In possession leaves
for food the watchful, waiting mother -
to -be immediately jumps into the nest
and very proudly takes up the duties.
When the first hen returns she will That is to say, itequalsthe heat. at
park herself on the edge' of the nest the'surface of the sun.
—and so it continues. Having the -'O- —
fourth nest in the cage eliminates
that condition. When the birds have
settled down to housekeeping the
fourth neat can safely bo removed.
When your birds start to build their
nests it is well to pulverize some old
plaster and sprinkle it over the bot-
tom of the cage every day. Crushed
egg -shells also are good. These
measures will prevent soft-shelled
eggs. _A little bolted egg should be
given your birds every other day at'
this time. Keep seed, gravel, cuttle-
bone. and fresh water before them at
all times. Now is the time that your
birds must be left to themselves,
Don't go around them any more than
is absolutely necepsary. Don't allow
strangers around them, and above all,
keep the cats and dogs away»
Birds' are very eccentric and very
observing. Make a sudden or un-
usual movement before their cage and
they will be suspicious of you the rest
of the day.
A nervous person ;will never have
much success raising' canaries, An
old lady called on ms one day and
wanted to know my secret of raising
birds. ' She informed' me that she had
been trying for three consecutive
years and had not one bird of her own
raising to show for her time and
I visited her home and entered the
room where her birds were kept. She
opened the door with a quiehmove-
ment and almost rushed into the room.
Instantly her.. birds ceased singing
and began to fly wildly' around their
No ine-theel ite this enlightened age
would give her btyby something she
did not know was perfectly harmless,.
especially when a few drops of plain
Castoria will right a baby's stomach
and end' almost any little iii. Fretful-
ness and fever, too; it seems no time
until everything is serene.
That's the beauty , of Castorta; its
gentle influence seems just what is
needed. It does all that castor oil
might accomplish, without shock to
the system. Without the evil taste.
which cost $282. and $260 each, re -
It's deliciousi being purely • vege
spocively. The red cloaks wore in table, you oan give it as often as'
wet weather by the Household Cav sages as if'a cat had jumped into their
airy, are. listed 'at $55' each, as are al- there's a signor colic; constipation; midst and was threatening their
eo the State cloaks of Sergeant Drum- al Bleep + or need to aidsound, natur-
very lives. They seemed to regard
finers in the Footguards. The' whole, al sleep• her more as an enemy than friend,
Just one warning: it is genuine and wont into a flutter when ahe.even
Wardrobe of a Sergeant Drummer on Fletcher's Castor% that physicians apProaolled thole sages. I gave her
to 360. o
State occasions foots , uP recommend• Other prepare ns may
The white !gather pantaloons whicha kindly warning and later traclod.her
he just as free from all doubtful Tlomnion where; lila two tacos—l7ng•
(io uu lspiuuously set cit the 'breast- drugs, but no child of t1118 writer's is some old, motherly females for some sail and French -live -an a footing of
Motet of the 'Household Cavalry etre sing to test tlieml • Ilesidea the of her demoralized stock. That year equality: Tn consequence the French
element of the population has every
right to demand from the Government
the same advantages for French im-
migrants as are granted to British,
Even if niedialval man had been
able to manufacture 1,400 million
candles, and put then in 1,400 million
candlesticks, the whole population of
the world could not have set them
alight; today a single man moves ,a
switch, there is a maelstrom in the
ether, and the light of 1,400 million
candles bursts into flame.
So powerful is the lamp- in Paris
that from the top of the Eiffel Tower
it would be visible for hundreds of
miles; and if the Eiffel *Tower were
twice as high a man with field -glasses
at Vienna would be able to see it quite
clearly. The heat in the centre of the
electric flame which radiates the light
reaches 6,500 degrees Centigrade.
Red Rose Orange Pekoe is
the best tea you can buy
In dean, bright AAIumirtutn
hTHr , Classified Advertisements
Parsons and FOr7gT8Y -,.�,
Black sheep come more often from
the parsonage than from other homes,
it has long popularly been believed;
but refutation of this baseless charge,
notes The Christian Observer (Pres-
byterian), hes been made many times,
particularly by reports found in
'Who's Who in America. A. careful
investigation reveals that a large per-
centage of ministers whose names.
have been recorded in that book of
notteworthy names toile -wed in the
footsteps of their fathers. Now comes
the Clergyman's Oommitttee ot the:
American • Tiingenics Society with its
results of a canvass of 100 leading
ministers in America. As the report
Is summarized In The Christian Ob-
"Two-fifths of these stated that they
themselves were the., sons of minis-
ters. Three others were sons of a
local or lay preacher, and one had a
Quaker, preacher for a mother. Ten
of those interviewed had grandfath-
ers who were ministers and seven
had great-grandfathers and three
great -great-grandfathers in the minis-
try. One •man. reported an unbroken.
line of Presbyterian ancestors run -
Mothers, do you think it fair to tor-
ture your little ones by forcing them
to take 111 -tasting oars when they need
a laxative medicine? Don't you find
that the child's dread of these medi-
cines often do more harm than good?
Baby's Own Tablets are the modern
substitute for these nauseous doses.
They are the very medicine the child
requires and ale so pleasant to take
that they are as easy to administer
as a glass of water They are the per-
fect remedy for all the minor ailments
of little ones, being absolutely guar-
anteed free from injurious drugs.
Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all
that castor oil and other bad -tasting
remedies can do. In fact they ac-
complish more as they do not leave
the child exhausted from its struggle
against taking medicine. They re-
Iieve teething, pains, banish indiges-
tion and constipation, break up colds
and simple Lovers and promote health-
ful, refreshing sleep. They are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at
25c a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Communists Fight Each
-/ QUALITX` 'It001t, LIIQF 0IBl,l,
J,. Wyandotte, kted Baby 0h1oke;
518,00 per 100: and up. Batching. 8565,
$8.00 per 100 and UP. Pedigreed Cocker-
els, $$0.00 each, and I1P.. 36 Page Illus.
tratod Catalogue Free. - Ia. R. Guild 4
Sons, Box T, Rockwood; Ont.
ABY Ck1ICI s -Wal HATCH F0t11
S�'arletles of Baby (pricks. lvrlte for
u rice rte and up. ?a.
Switzr, Granton, fit.
Switzer, Gru,nton, 0
"I presume you would be glad to
Have me call again? "You do." "I
do what?" "Presume."
Clean and Healthy
Children Like lt
So TYou
•the t
A. t
' o i n•oS n
"Hu Ido a he
Cold, o a . T
boy F'
dean does two t�i�gs— -
relievea the cough instantly and
dcllghte the taste. Disereat from
all other remedies for Coughs,
Colds, Bronoilitie. Prevost+"flu",
Pneumonia and all Throat uad
Luug troubles. Sold everywhere
under moneyrefundedzwsrantee,
Hing back to the seventeenth century, - 142'11 tIC nlekat, Toronto unto 2
and 'another a similar line of Mora-
vian ministers beginning In 1740. ie/e art
sons of church of ti I TC _
Thirty-eight were , , n flash --
floors nun•
Acts I l.o ft
i hteen ofthe
d onlye
cera ang8.IO v • •
flangle sip prover tt
dyed were sons , of men who were
neither ministers nor church officers.
"Th fact that two-fifths of the hum
tired ministers are sone of ministers
indicates that the preacher's son who
adopts his father's profession does so
with full knowledge of what it means
to devote his life to the work of the
ministry. The committee reaches
the conviction that the future church'
leaders in America must comp from'
church families, and that church lead-
ers produce
ead-ers.produce church leaders. The list
of one hundred ministers interviewed •
includes the moats successful minis-
ters in the American pulpit to -day."
Those who are familiar with the
teachings of the Bible, comments this i 1 .� ., --- •
Louisville weekly, are not surprised ,
at 111e tale told by this careful invest!.I
gation. "God's promise Is 'to you anti
to your children,' aud thus God ; H DUNG
honors those who honor Him. The re- � t'�i
cruits for the ministry of the future iFF ER t G
RI "
* be expected to come from the L
may p
families at those who aro most faith -1 p
ful and sincere in their service to ; These Two FOur:d Relief by
Good an dtheir fellow men, either as
Taking Lydia F. Pini llarsLrs
ministers, officers, or workers in
Christian churches." 1 Vegetable Compound
On fishingtrips take Mlnard's. Ayer's Cliff, Quebec
—'er Lave
been teaching for three years, and
p at the end of the
Prussian Churches Expensive
In au article in the Berlin 'Ver.;
warts discussing the budget of the '
Prussian State, a member of the Diet ,
draws attention to the heavy cost of
supporting the various religious de..
nominations, because of tine Diet's de-
lay in taking' the steps necessary to
separate Church and State. This
year's budget provides for an ex-
penditure of 71,600,000 narks (worth
23.8 cents each) for Church purposes,
without any allowance 10r the addi-
tional salar es to be paid to the clergy
under the new law increasing the pay
of State officials and employees. The
complaining Deputy notes that the
State is planning to spend only 62„-
000,000 marks in welfare work of all
kinds,. including the health service.
He also refers to a budget deficit esti-
mated at about 74,000,000 marks.
Mrs. Sones—"John, I have been
talking for over two hours, and now
I want your opinion on the subject."
Mr. Tones—"Well—er—on what sub-
ject, my dear?"
According to reports is the Volke-
wille of Subl, Thuringia, an organ of
the left wing Opposition in the Ger-
man Communist Party, the official
Communists are using violent meth-
ods to "convert” their. former com-
rades. In one instance a demonstra-
tion by the Opposition was attacked
and one of its organizers beaten in-
sensible with a hammer. In Ham-
burg three detachments of the rest-.
Mr Communist, Front Fighters raided
a meeting of the Opposition and
stormed the platform, clearing a way
by vigorous use of rubber clubs, brass
knuckles and knives. In Dortmund,
on the other hand, Herr Thaelmann,
a well-known Communist chief, had to
See from a meeting in order to escape
a beating at the hande ot the Op-
"Canada For Me."
Here we have an English lad who
came across storybook thrills in the
Canadian West. He is Richard
Barnes, of Kent, later cowboy of the
2XY ranch in Alberta.
He went broke, was hired on the
ranch, was shot for criticizing a
shady poker play, was subsequently
deported from the U.S.A. because he
lacked entry papers, was burnt out
in a Windsor, Ont., hotel, walked on
foot to Montreal dressed in cowboy
outfit, and from »there embarked with
nine cents in his pocket for England
on the Cunarder Ascania. "A great
lifer he declared, and promised to
acquire an English wife''. and to settle
in Canada this summer.
The Two Races
Ottawa Droit (Lib,): Canada is a
British Dominion, It is true, but .a
'listed at $72 a pair, while the tunics
of the Sergeant Drummers, of the
Footguerds are down at $45.
French Hunt Truth of War
Paris. --"Who started the war?" is.
going to be settled, at last, to the sat'
1faeti0n of, France,; anyway,. Three
dozen of France's most, eminent stu-
dents, historians and strategists have
been appointed by the government
to dig up all necessary doeumente and
to give the world 'the. -reel,inside
Truth aheut how it all happened.
g ,
book on care and feeding of babies she raised quite a number • of birds.
that Gomes 'with Fletcher's Castoria' But as her temperament does not fit
is worth its weight in geld. her for the vocation, she will always
®e„�leoxrwre be bandicaPpod In that particular line''
Children Cry for
of endeavor.
Canaries lay their eggs in the early.
morning' and with rare exceptions
start sitting just as soon as the first
egg appears. They lay from ,Vireo' to
seven eggs for a at.tting; four eggs
are about theaverage and this num
ber is more desirable than a larger
Use Minard's Liniment for Corns.
but bteedeta ata bted'Cor lgh
cgg'production, Whac, Brown
cud Buff L), R.o, nitedo, n,
whet Red), R. is aedo Aro
cowls, Buff •8ingtons,''hhita
Wyandottet.121,0,108» Ilse%
live delivery goraufecd, Wr to
ta311' for Pa6I 6651K 1polt.
,5cnvtge4ER'3 3MTCIIERY226 HertfaMI Ts0,lUfrAte•turd.
as Jt. a
Minard's Liniment ..n, »fres
growth of hair. Keeps it
glossy and !:ills dar.rtrr.f.'.
Form Classes
Five Pupils
Lochgair, Scotland. This little
Highland village claims that the
school here is attended by fewer
pupils than any other in Scotland, if
not in Great Britain, There are only
five names on the register,.but as the
children are of different ages the
teacher has to teach them separately
and mance four classes.
are bringing our shippers excep-
tionally high prices. and 5% BONUS
EXTRA. Wo pay all postage and
express charges -. SHIP NOW,
Send For Our Free 1928 Special
Spring Price List.
Levin Fur CCa
172 King St. East Dept. B
ISSUE No, 0-•-'28
year I always feel
tired and have no
appetite. I was
awful sick each
pains in my back
until sometimes I
was oblged to stop
working. A friend
reea1111nen ded
Lydian. Pink -
ham s Vegetable
Corlpoand to .me
and I heard many vomen telling how
good it was so I thought it would help
me. And it did. Now I take six
bottles every year and recommend it
to others." — DOVALAA PANTEt7,
Ayer's Cliff, Quebec,
"Unable to Work"
Canning, Nova Scotia.—"I had ir-
regular periods and great suffering
at those times, the pains causing
vomiting and fainting. Iwas teach-
ing school and often for some hours
i I would be''unable` to attend to my
work. Through an advertisement in
the papers I knew of Lydia' E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, and it
has been of great benefit to me, the
troubles being completely relieved."
—LAURA J. EATON, Canning, King's
County, Nova Scotia. a
For Troubles
due to
What many people call indigestion
very often means excess acid in the
stomach. Tho stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated, and food sours.
Tho CorreCtitve is all alkali, which
neetr'arlizos acids instantly. And the
tical alkali known to medical science
Is Phillips' Milk 01 Basel fit. It las
remained 'standard with physicians ic•ians i 1
Itho 50 years sinceits invention,
1 0u apoonftiI o, this &oilmen., L:: to.
Icye alkali in water will neutralize in-
stantly many timers art much acid, ante
1110 170nptams disappear at once. •holt
will never use crude methods whetsonce you learn the efficiency of this.
Go get a small bottle to try.
1'o euro to get the genuine Phillips'
of Magnesia 7uescrihed' by physi-
�•i. I .t for 60 years in correcting excess.
';hide, Vlach bottle contolrls full direc-
t'one—any drugstore.