HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-02-23, Page 5td s - :r, sic r- he he he at 1 er. ay t to ry he a Lig he he on is - ay eir iso on a} aI- ely he tin 25 ky �s- Ai he ter ch, ad trd of of Y bs, on le, ys ed wl en to by ho 'y. ag n n- o - :k e, e. 'g ss ate. -•; is w r. le Is if ), e I i THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ?3, 192 CHAIN RED&WHITE STORES 'Our Specials for one Week Aylmer, 3. for Soups, Tomato and Vegetable, � , Prunes, Fresh, good flavor 3 lbs, for Orange Marmalade, 40 oz. Jar for Mushrooms, French, Tin 250 23c 380 32c —WATCH FOR COUPON— on N— on February L7tall daily bapers will have a coupon o n worth 10c on a purchase of Keiller's Dundee Orange Marmalade a 350 Jar for 25e ..LENTEN SUGGESTIONS NS Fresh B. 0, Salmon, Pickled Herring, Fillets of Haddie, . Codfish, Canned Salmon, Sardines, Lobsters, Shrimp, Tuna fish, Crab Meat,1 Middle, Herring in Sauce, etc. Ross Jin Sproat Phone 8 Phare 77 W. M. Stewart Seven deliveries all over town each day.' `Quality always higher than Pricer eR E7M We pay:the highest prices for good cream. Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given. Do not send your cream to other Creameries, :,we ,want it here. To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation. In return for your eo-operation we will give you of our best in service and ,prices, We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Separators. Come in and see the new Models. P' . Seaforth Creamer Co, Seaforth' Creamery ,Ont, C. A. BARBER, Prop. W J. Walker le Son UNDERTAKING rand- EMBALMING_.. ' Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. mummismpowainium Pianos Tuned Cleaned and Repaired Chas A. tlo e wy Residence—James St. D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday„ Wednesday and Friday ,Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully. treated. Electricity ri it used. RICHARDSON'S FASHION FROCKS. We beg to announce we have been - appointed local representative for Ri- chardson's, Limited, 'Toronto, Ont., manufacturers of Ladies' Stylish Dresses. Our line comprises Flan- nels., • San Toy, Charmeen, Botany Serge, Flat Crepes and Crepe back Satins, made to measure, and fit guar- anteed at prices as low as ready modes. We are now showing Advance Styles 'Spring 1928. Write and repre- senta4"ave will call -with samples and styles.' = THEJOHN HOOPER AGENCY Seaforth, Ont. Reduced Prices Ladies' and Gentlemeit;s haircuts. now All the latest bobs now 35c 35 cents at the Dennison Pullman St Barber Shop P ;Phone .125. Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 25c BRUCEFIELD. Rev, W. A. Brenner spent-partof last -week in Toronto attending the meeting of the 'Board of Management of New College, United Church of 'Canada. • Keep Friday evening, March 16th clear of all other 'engagements in or- der -to be able to attend the minstrel show, to be put on- 'by the boys of Brucefielti United Church on that date. Further announcement will be made later. The- regular tneeting of the Young People's Society was held bn.Monday evening in the schoolroom of the church, Miss Leila Stackhouse, the• missionary convener,. presided. Geo. Knights ver iablY took 'the topic in the new missionary study book, "Drums in the Darkness," Miss Jean Murdock favored us with a solo'and the meeting was closed with the Miz pat benediction, Keep March 2nd clear for the con- cert in Walker's hall. Mr. Clarence Armstrong visited in Kitchener. Tuesday. Miss Janet Aikenhead 'and Mrs, Thomas (Baird returned; Thursday night from a visit to Toronto and London. The Itat'erdenotnina'tional' Day of Prayer will be held Friday, 2.30 p.m., in the basement of United Church. We hope all . the women of the com- munity will be'presentr. if possible. Mr. -and Mrs. D. d Mi an Tough ' ss Helen visitbd Mr, C, H. Haugh on Friday last week. Mr, Elwood Stackhouse was in Tor- onto last week attending the hog judging competition held in connec- tion with the O.A.C. Mr. D. Fotheringham has purchased a new •driver. The -horse trade is extra brisk around Brumfield, as, good horses are scarce. , Mr. • Jesse Freeman' was the. guest of Mr. Ed. Boyce on - Sunday, • Mr. Fred Boyce is visiting relatives in Gi'derich, MARRIAGES. COLCLOUGH.ARMSTRONG. — In London, on Feb, '1st, by Rev. 'Dean Tucker, Charlotte Armstrong, to iGeorge,Colclough, of Clinton. GIBB'PNGS-McBIR'IEN. =- In Toledo, Ohio, on 'Feb. 4th, Marion Isabel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IHarvey McBrien, Clinton, to W. F, IGibbings,,only son 'of Mr, F• W, Gibbings, of. Detroit. BORN. ECICA'RT, —'hi Seaforth Memorial Hospital, on. Feb, 17th, 1928, to ,4ir, ,and Mrs. Joseph' C, Eckert,' a son. DIED,• EGKJNRT. Tn Seaforth Nierno.'ial hospital .pn Feb..17th, 192& the n - fart son of'lir, and Mrs. Joseph C. Eckart, TOWN TOPICS ' Mrs, George Sparks returned to town ort Tuesday after spending the winter with her sister in London Mr. and Mrs: Herman Dayman spent a week with the latter,s per - erns, Mr, and Mrs. John Millar, of Exeter. Mrs, IL C, Box spent the week -end with her .parents, Mr, and Mrs. C, Beekett, of Stratliroy. , The many friends of Mrs, J. B. Tyerman are very sorry tolearn that she is now in the 'Saginaw,Michigan, General 'Hospital, having undergone a serious operation there on Thursday. a Y last. Mr,Tyerman arrived home Mon- day and reports her condition fav- orable. • Mr. ,Bert McIntyre, of Brussels, brought a new model Ford through h from Windsor on Monday, but could not proceed north of Seaforth be- cause of the snow drifts. A team came over from Brussels on Tuesday and hauled the car home'on -a sleigh. Mrs. Gordon Hays, of Detroit, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eekart. Miss Helen Lane entertained about fifty of her school friends at the par- sonage on Friday evening. The tune. was spent in a series of group games and contests, which kept all fully pc- cupiecl. Afterwards a dainty lunch was served and a pleasant evening came to a close, The Midnight Revellers again prov- ed rowed their popularity on Friday evening last, when there was a large attend- ance at the very successful dance held in the G. W. V. A. Hall udder their auspices. Miss. Gwen Snowdon, of Toronto University, spent the week -end at her hone here. Inspector Husband made his of- ficial visit this weekto the Col- Ieaiate Institute. Messrs. R, 'Winter, R. J. Sproat, Dr. Bechely and W. E. Southgate at- tended the big bonspiel in Torohto this week. Miss Muriel Wankel returns Mon- day to Elbow, Sask„ after spending the past three months with her,par-. ents, Mr, and Mrs, A. Wankel. Mr. Thomas Stephens received the congratulations of his many friends on Wednesday last, 'Feb. 15, it being the occasion of Itis eighty-seventh birthday. Mr. Stephens is a regular attendant at St. Thomas' Church and seldom misses a Sunday morning ser- vice, regardless of weather. Mrs, Andrew Kirk visited the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. L. Creighton,. of Detroit, the past week, and while there attended the commencement exercises of the 1928 ,class of Detroit College of Law. Her on Oliver is a member of this class. 'The com- mencement exercises were held on Wednesday evening the 15th inst. in the 'Consistory Cathedral of the new Masonic Temple in Detroit, 'Oliver's many •friends will be -lad to hear of his'sticcess. On Sunday, one of the coldest, stormiest days of the. winter, Mr. Thomas Ferguson found a big brown caterpillar crawling on the snow near his residence on James street.. This has been, 'a Most unusual' 'winter, tWednesday, Feb. 22nd, was Ash Wednesday. Mr, W. C. ,Barber, as M,'B.P. for South Huron, spoke at a Father and Son banquet in Ontario street United Church, Clinton, on Friday night, The LO!B.A. held a social evening Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams. The gentlemen were invited. Mr. Sidney Dolmagc irlione from Detroit for a visit . with his family, East William street. Mrs. Thomas Jarman was tut- fortuante on Monday in falling on the steps at her home on North Main street and fracturing several ribs, but is now recovering. Mr. Kenneth Murdie, of Lucknow, i•i visiting his aunt, Mrs. Margaret White. Miss Helen Swan, of Hensall, visit- ed a number' of friends in town over the week -end. Miss Ria Hills, Oshawa, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Hills. Mr. Leslie McKay, Kitchener, was a week -end .• guest at his home here, 'Mr. James Wilkinson spent Sat- urday in Toronto. Mrs, ('Rev.) W. D. McDonald at present is not enjoying -her usual good health. Mrs. John Cummings returned Sunday to her home on James street. from the hospital. Mrs. 'William Broadfoot recently entertained a large number of her friends to a pleasant party at her home on Centre street. Mr. G. R Keys, of Colborne, Nor- thumberland County, was a visitor for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys Friends regret to learn that Mr, W.: P. Varson has shown no improvement b nin very hiscondition is scot and c g serious. The friends of Mrs. Robert Haw- thorne are sorry to know she is in the. hospital owing to an attack of Pneumonia. Miss Tennie McBride is spending the week in Clinton. Mrs. F. H. Larkin entertained about thirty -(five ladies to a Circle tea on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Dr, Larkin attended the Pres- bytery meeting in Clinton on Tuesday. Mrs. Lorne Dale underwent an op- eration for appendicitis in Seaforth hospital Tuesday evening and was do- ing favorably on Wednesday. Miss Erie Stewart, Kitchener, and Mr. attd Mrs. E. U'mbach, Toronto, were week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. D. H. 'Stewart. COUNTRY IN AN AWFUL STATE. iFollowitig is a letter received this week by a local merchant: "Dear Meester H "I got, your letter about what I owe you, - Now be pashunt. I ain't forgot you, pleas wait. When sunt fodls pay, me I, pay you If this was Judgment day and you was n0 more tampered to mete your Master than 1 411510 •mete yur account, ytt sure wild hof to g''0 to: tel, • 'Trusting ytt will de this, "Yours trtleIy, - THE SiAFORTH NEWS, Farms for Sale 200 Acres. — Huilett Township, 2 story briek house, slate roof, ail modern conveniences, Delco light throegltoutt house and barn. Barn 68 x 110, all concrete'floor, water throughout. Driving shed 34x6Q. Artesian well and spring creek. 'Well fenced and drained. 13 acres maple bush, Best land in the county and clean, Immediate pos- session. 117 Acres. - McKillop To wn he . Brick house, 2 story. Barn 54x68, cement stabling, Delco light throughout house and barn. Abun- dant supply of good water d waterin harm Well fenced and drained, Good land and in best of condition, Possession March 15th, These farms are among.' the best in Western Ontario and will be sold at bargain prices for quick sale, A, D. SUTHERLAND Real Estate, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 152 DANCE in WINTHPuP HALL P -1 Friday, Feb. 24th Music by STARLIGI:[T CAVALIERS 95c and taxa Lunch served. a DUBLIN. Watch for St. Patrick's concert ad- vertisement, "An .Old Tinie Singing School," to be played in the Parish Hall, Dublin,: March 17th, 1928. Mr. Michael Shea. .At 10.30 Mon- day morning Requiem Mass was sung by Rev. Father F.:Bricklin in St. Pat- rick's Church for the repose ,of the soul of Mr. Michael Shea, who died in his seventieth year in Detroit last Thursday. Interment was made in St. Cohenrban cemetery, beside his par- ents who died many years ago. Rev. Father Dantzer officiated at the grave.. The pallbearers were Messrs. Joseph Nagle, Joseph O'Connell, Jack Redmond, Frank McConnell, Patrick Woods and L.: J,' Looby. The beauti- ful flowers adorned the casket, a spray from Mrs. Lillian Williams and fanc- ily of Detroit; Mr, N. G. Schafer and ID -r. and Mrs. M. of Mitchell, a sheaf and spray of .roses, Mr. and Mrs. P. Matthetvs, Mr, and .Mrs. A. J. 'Rotar- ius, and blr. and- Mrs. William Brock of Detroit, a crown, of variegated roses. Hundreds of spiritual bouquets showed the esteem relatives and friends had for their dear departed. Mr. (Shea: leaves four children by his 'first wife, Miss 'Stapleton: Mrs. John, Flanagan, Dublin; Mrs, Basil Byrne, 'Detroit; Mr. Joseph Shea, Shelby. Montana; James Shea, Windsor; three sisters, Mrs, P. Matthews, Mrs, James Ryan, Detroit, and Mrs. 'Patricia Stapl- eton, Dublin; and two brothers, Mr. 'Charles Shea, Sask, and Patrick Shea .of Oklahoma. Nineteen . years ago Mr. Shea was re -married, to Miss :Louisa Cruise of Mitchell, and six- teen years ago he and Mrs. Shea quit fanning in Hibbert and moved to Mit- chell, where they were highly res- pected citizens. -In December they left for (Windsor to visit their son, James, and five weeks ago Mr. Shea suffered a second stroke while visiting in Detroit at. the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. (Basil Byrne, and passed to his reward on Thursday night last. iOn.•Saturday evening the remains were brought by C.N.R. to Stratford and by motor to Dublin. Pleasant Social Evening.—On Fri- day evening last a social gathering was .held at the home of Mr, Jacob Bruxer for his daughter, Hannah,who lately 'became the bride of Mr.�L2iiis 'Gormley. The early hours of the ev- ening were spent in progressive eu- chre, after which a sumptuous lunch was served "by the ladies. 'After lunch, the guests, having all assemb- led in the dining room, a welt chosen address was read by Miss 'Rita O'- Rourke and Miss Margaret' O'Rourke presented Mrs. Gormley with a half dozen silver knives, forks, teaspoons and a large berry spoon. • Although taken by surprise,. Mrs. Gormley re- plied. in a very suitable manner, after Gormley r. M whi hrendered an old c time song, which was much enjoyed by all. Dancing was indulged in until the small hours of the !morning. The following is the address: "We pro- foundly regret that you, Mrs. Gorm- ley, are about to leave us. Our friend- ship for you, is genuine, acquired by so many years association in our con- munity. You have ,proved your host' pitality, helpfuin tis and kindness bn many occasions; and long since have gained our good will and high esteem, The people 'of this neighborhood very attach regret your departure as you have, endeared yourself to them ley your hospitable and genial traits. Yod were generous and: kind, always ready to give a helping hand and en- couragement. We wish you every joy and happiness In, your new home in Tuckersmith, and• we, are sustained in our logs ^ by the fact that you are not roittg far away and that we will often have the pleasure of meeting you.' As a token of our regard, we present you, Mrs. Gormley, with this set of silver- ware as a reminder of the 'many hap- py years spent among us." Bruxer-Delaney. — A very pretty wedding was solemnized, in St, Pat- rick's 'Church, at eight -thirty o'clock Monday morning, the 20th , when Mary, eldest slaughter 'of Mr. and Mrs, James Delaney, was united in marriage to Lotus Blamer, youngest' cert of Mr Jacob m"itser of McKih lop, Rev, Father O'Drowski sang die nuptial mass and performed the cere- • mony,, The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, entered tate church to the strains of the wedding music played 'by Miss Mary Beale, She wore a pale coral crepe de chine gown, with hat to match. Her flow- ers were pale pink and white carna- tions, The bridesmaid, Mlss Ilelen Delaney; wore a pretty dress of *rile green crepe de chine and sand hat, and her flowers were pink and white carnations. Mr, Harry Bruxer, of Spokane, Washington, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Mr, Maur- ice Dalton was usher. Mr. Joseph Hickey lost a valuable cow last week, Miss Vera Feeney, of Toronto, Q , spent' the week -end with her mother, Mrs, Frank Feeney, of the village. Miss Mary O'Rourke, of Chatham, was called home owing to the illness o rote whohad her e brother, r, Dana, l ad ko undergo an operation for appendicitis, Miss Evelyn Delaney, of Windsor, attended the wedding of her sister, Miss Mary Delaney. Miss J. Ryan, of Stratford, paid a visit with relatives on. Tuesday, The many friends of Mrs. (Dr.) Traynor will regret to hear that she is 111. Mr, and Mrs. Basil Byrne, of De- troit, attended the funeral of the tat- ter's father, Mr, Michael Shea, who was buried in St. Columban last Monday, Miss Flanagan, of London, a train- ed nurse, is attending Mrs. (Dr.) Traynor. McKILLOP. The Merrymakers had a very pleas. ant evening at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Webster, Their see- otd partywas on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith, of the 4th concession, were host and hostess on this occasion. These events have proved so enjoyable that they will be continued. This Friday the Merry- makers journey to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Milton 'Stewart, of the 2nd concession. Mr. and Mrs, John Mcllroy cele- brated the tenth anniversary of their wedding on Monday, February 20th, In the evening about forty friends and neighbors gathered at their hone and a most enjoyable time was spent in playing progressive euchre until mid- night. After a very dainty and boun- tiful lunch was served by the hostess, dancing continued until the early morning hours, excellent music on the violin being provided by Messrs. Joseph Hogg and 'George Dickson and on the organ,by Mrs. James Hogg and Mrs, Joseph 'Hogg. The euchre win- ners were, gentlemen, Mr. John !Little, Jr., a combination pen and pencil; ladies, Mrs, 'George Dickson, a pair of candlesticks, with glass hold- ers; consolation'` (chocolate bars), men's, Mr. Gordon Little; ladies, Mrs, James Hogg. Mr, and furs. Mcllroy were the recipients of many beauti- ful and costly presents, showing-, the esteem in which they are held in the community. The guests all left for their homes wishing the host and hostess many more happy anni- versaries. Presentation and Address. — On T t tr da y evening, Feb 1 Its e 16 ,1928, about. eighty of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Horan assembled at his home to spend an evening with them before their departure for their new home in Stratford. The evening was spent in games, cards and danc- ing, intermingled with social talk. The hostess served an excellent lunch. Mr. Wilfred Maloney presented i -!r. Horan with a well ,filled purse, while the following address was read by Frank McQuaid, Reeve of McKillop: "To Mr. and Mrs, Edward Horan and Family. It is with feelings of sincere regret that we have learned of your near departure from our com- munity. We, your friends and neigh- bors, have assembled in your hospit- able home tonight to spend a few social hours with ydu and to express to your our appreciation of you and Mrs. Horan and family as citizens of this community. We feel in your re- moval from this district that we are about to, lose excellent neighbors, ones who have endeared themselves to all, both young and old, by your many sterling qualities of head and heart. To yott,the offsprings - of the earl o s P g Y ands turdY pioneers of this district you have nobly continued the work begun by them. You have led an active life in your native township, filling the position of Trustee and Sec- retary -Treasurer of your School and later as member of the Municipal Council of McKillop for seven years. Those positions you have filled with honor to yourself and profit to the Township. While we all regret your leaving us for your new home 6n Stratford, you will have the satisfac- tion that you will carry with you to your new home, the best wishes of the whole community. As you both -enter into the sunset of life, may yottr thoughts turn back occasionally to thet neighborsyour friends and of childhood. The fervent wish of all present is that an All Wise Providence will watch over you and spare you many; years of health and happiness. 4'e beg you to accept this purse in remembrance of many happy days j spent together, (Signed) From, your Friends and Neighbors." CONSTANCE, Mr. Howard Armstrong -attended the Dryden sale of Shorthorns held,. in Toronto last week and added an- other female to his herd. Mrs, George Dale is in Seaforth at present at the !tome of her sou, Mr. Lorne Dale. Mrs. Lorne Dale has to undergo an operation. The many friends of the late Robert Coates, Seaforth, extend their most heartfelt sympathy to Mrs, Coates and family. Mil, Coates spent his boyhood days here. Mr, and Mrs. Adrian Hall, of Sas- katchewan, called on Mr, and Mrs. Howard Armstrong one day last week. Mrs. Robert Clarke is spending a few days at the home of her song Mr, Clarence Clarke of Listowel, • Mrs, 'William. Britton 'returned on Monday of this week 'after visiting relatives and 'friends in and around Forest. • ' l'hc Ladies' Aid are'holdut+t'a' bean Year Social its the basement 61 the cltttr`eit s' Wednesdav, •Feb, 29th.. A. programme and hutch, STANLEY. James -T, Keys,—.Mention was made in last week's News of the death of Mr. James Keys at 2'o'clock on Wed- nesday afternoon, Feb. 15th, in his 68th year, The end came suddenly after three years as an invalid, paral- ysis (laving recently developed; an un- usual occurrence in his illness, Stan- ley township has lost one of. its most energetic and respected residents, Mr, 1Kjsys served nine consecutive years KS councillor of Stanley, retiring from the office ten years ago. He had been a lifelong resident of the Babylon Hite, being born on'the 'flth concession, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ICs' e wholivedwhere Y w t re Mr.o Nels a Keys now resides, He was married to Miss Elizabeth Peck, also of .Stan- ley; Mr. and Mrs. Keys had cele- ed brat their fortieth � wedding. k we in � ann'- g t ver ar on' s the 21 t of la Ys st.Septem- ber, .For about eleven years after his marriage he had 'the farm on the 8th ooncessiott just south of the home- stead, and then moved to the farm I across the road. Always a faithful member of Goshen Union Church, he 1 had taught the Sunday 'School and. Bible Class for forty years and re- mains deeply impressed as such in the memory of all his class members, He was recording steward up to the time of Union, when he was made a mem- ber of the Session, -Besides his'be- reaved wife, two daughters and a son survive: Mrs, Sturdy (Rota), 7th con- cession, Goderich township; Mrs. Wil- iam JClarke (Della) Goshen line, Stanley; and Mr. Clifford Keys on the Itomesteal. His st/'viving brother, .BabyMr. Nelson Keys, lives on the —aa line. The funeral on Saturday took place from his late residence to Ba field cemetery, Rev . -J. . V. Pen- rose, of Varna, conducted the ser- vices, The pallbearers were six neph- ews, Elmer Keys, Jack Mair, Bert Peck, Sherlock -Keys, Percy. Cole. A SAFE AND .SECURE INVE Robert Cole. Those from a distance MENT, who attended the funeral were Mr. olid Mrs. 'Betts, Goderich; Mr. and A D. L, A' Mrs, JackMair, a and born; Mr. A RLAN -Rufus Keys, Colborne and Mr, Ernest `o Keys, Stephen, , GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Real Estate Conveyancing 'Bo PA' k4 FURNITURE REPAIRS VOW organ remodelled ft useful piece of furniture at reasonable cost, Phone 303J Work shop at rear of BARLOI' SHOE REPAIR SHOP, NOW . ,00.1.1111101 Y ur old A Good Investmen MU.NIOIEAL BANKER( CORPORATION and MONTII,EAL DEBENTU] CORPORATION 6 per cent $500 — BONDS — $1 Interest c ouponsa able hal i yearly without charge at eithe the Dominion Bank or Canadi Bank of Commerce, 'We offer a limite dnumber of th above bonds for immediate a ceptance, War Loan and Victor Loan Bonds taf+;en in exchange :a market prices. HILLSGREEN.. Mr. Wm, Jarrot is confined to his home with a severe cold, Misses Muriel and Martha Carlile, vho spent the past week visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Jatnes Green, and cousins, in aril around Ex- eter, returned to their home on Satur-1 day. Mrs, Frank Coleman is on the sick est at present. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Forsyth of Tuckersmith spent the week end at he home of Mr. Thomas Consitt. , Mrs. J. Hudson and son and Baugh- i ter, Mr. Thomas Hudson and Mrs.: Jas. Logan, who spent the past month visiting friends, have returned to -Kip-; pen to the home of Mr, Albert Hart vey's, STAFFA. Mr, A. A. Calquhoun, M.P.P., spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. Cameron Vivian, of Toronto, . spent the week -end under the parental roof. M. Lyle y a Worden was taken to London hospital last week. Latest reports are that he is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. M. Aitcheson, of Roxboro, spent Thursday with her niece, Mrs. Lyle Worden. The \\', M. S. met in the church Thursday afternoon. Plans-- were made to hold a cooking sale in the near future. Mrs. 0. Kerslake received the sad word last week of the death of a neph- ew, Mr. Melvin Baird. Mr. Baird was o seriously injured on Thursday last, while working on a train near Blair - more, Alberta, 25 miles from the Bri- tish Columbia boundary, that he died Friday. Mr, Baird's mother, who lives in Mitchell, is a sister to Mrs. Kerslake. The remains were expected to arrive Wednesday morning at Mit- chell for interment in Mitchell ceme- tery. and Investments Phone 152 Seaforth, Ontario. Cutts That Captivat In:cutting, dressing and displaying of meats there is-an:art, but all the art in the world won't make good meat out of bad. We offe all our meats to advantage and we guarantee the qual- ity of every pound. D.h STEWAR Your Butcher. Phone 58 Seaforth BEN=I1IJR The Special Milverton t6Y Kao-. Flour We have it ---Give it a Trial, Grain Screenings Also Chop of All Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Youe-auto deeds GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Repairs and charging on all makes. A good line of New and Used Parts, EVERY AUTOMOBILE Hasits good points and bad, they say, but we think', we are offering the kind of work that more nearly approaches FERFECTION IN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS If your car needs fixing up, and the hest do scorer or later let us demonstrate to you the many advantages of our rPtiabie work. Reder's Garaeci PHONE 16,7W.