HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-02-09, Page 8Trn iEAFQRTR MAWS. RSDAY, FE WARY 9, 1928.
Robor( Y. McLaren vvry
Dr. Munn, of Seafortli, visited ,with antly enterteieeil her Sunday school
Mr, and Mr. Alex. MUM), 011:SlihdaX,I,C4ass 011 Saturday eveiliug last, The
Mrs. Jus, Barnett, who has been • evening was Spent ia pines and musie
and teat after Which a liaiaty
lunet was served. Dermg the even-
ing The young ladies, Presented Mrs.
MeLnrell with a P.Yrex plate and a
sandwich tray. •
The inembers of St. PaulTe,Anglican
Church are putting oh a play in the
towo hall on Friday evenlik ,g Feb. 17,
entitled 'Mummy and the Mumps."
School Report for January—Sr. IV,
—Bob Houstoo, Mabel Workman,
Howard Hemphill, Irene Deters, 1,11 -
earner Bell, JOrtkee Brock, .Beryl 'Drum-
mond, Ed, Little, May Kennings,
Jr. IV.--Blorence .11,1eDono.lci, Mar-
ion McKay, Alice 'Higgins, Gladys
Passmore Irene Iloggarth, Hazel
Hudson, 'Will 'Drummond, Mavis
Spencer, Vera Seuudereock,
Sr, 11.1,-4Hareld Sherritt,leleenoe
Bell, Harald foster, •Norman Md.;
Kay, Ray 'PattersOn, 'John McKay,
Helen 'Glenn,Will Nichol, Lorne
Elder, Aldon (Appleton, Roy 'Brock,
Emma IWuriti, Viola Hildebrandt,
'Harold Appleton, Isobel] 'Saunder-
Mr, Ed. Taylor and Miss Rosie
'Pepper, who have been visithigfor the
past two weeks with relatives n Len-
ox, Mich., and London, returned home
Monday evening.
'Mrs. Sidney- McArthur and babe
arrived home on Teesday evening
from !Clinton.
The suit of Owen Geiger, in which
lie is endeavoring to unseat Reeve
Robert Higgins of Hensall, was up
before Judge (Lewis, at Goderich, on
Tuesday. The evidence was taken and
the case will be argued before the
Judge on Saturday morning of this
week. Dudley Holmes, jr., Gode-
rich, •is acting on behalf of Mr. Hig-
gins, and Hays and Hays, of 'Goderich,
is acting on 'behalf of M. 'Geiger,
The case is creating considerable in-
terest in this district,
Mr, William Consitt was in 'Clinton
and Goderich on 'Tuesday.
visiting relatives In Hensel!, retutned
to 'formito en WednesdaY.
The hockey inateli held on our .rink
oil Thursday evening last between
Zurich and Hells:ill,' resulted in a
tory for liensall, the score being 44.
A large crowd witnessed the genie:
Mr. 'George ettdson has recetved
the contract for veretalcing of the
0,11001, his tender being the lowest,
and will no doubt give good satisfae-
A four -act playentitled "Wanted 11
Wife," was given n theTown 'Hall on
Friday evening last, the hall being
, filled to capacity, A short programme
was given before the play,' consisting
a an inetruihentel duet by 'Miss
Eleanor Fisher and Miss Irene Doug-
lass, reading by 'Master Ray Patter-
son„ selo by Mrs. Lee liedcleu, trio by
Mrs. M, Drysdale, Mise J. Buchanan
end Mrs. Hess, and an instrninentel
by Miss :Gladys Luker. The high
school orchestra gave a number of
tine selectious. The play was well pre-
sented,. everyone taking their part
'6Pleaditily, and was one of the best
' Plays that has been given for some
Lime. Those taking part -were Elva
Shaddodk, Mildsed, Seeutoe, Mildred
MoDonele MarbrciiDenglaese • Meey
MoKaigi Ruth Chapman, Avis Linden -
field, Miss J. Johnson and Nora Fol-
liek; Sam Rennie, 'Walter Spender,
Harry Cook and Manley Jinks. The
proceeds amounted to $129.55.
Mr. Alex. Sparks, who has been
visiting for some time 'with his sons
in Detroit, has returned bonze.
The W. M. 5, of the Hefted Church
held their regtilar meeting in the
basement of the church on 'Thursday
afternoon, with the President presid-
ing. The meeting was opened by the
singing of a hymn, ,followed by the
Lord's (Prayer. The minutes were
read, followed by the roll call, with an
.attendance of 22, collection 811,70.
The visiting cotntnittee reported hav-
ing ca•lled on '16 shut-in and ,sick mem-
bers. The annual diY of prayer will
be held on 'February 24th, and will be
held this year in Carmel Pres•byterian
'Church. Mrs. Agnes McDonald gave
an Interesting reading on "Sharing
the 'Unsearchable Riches." A ques-
tionnaire was sent out from the Head
'Office and vvas.taken up at the meet-
- ing, out of the blue hook, and a num-
ber of questions answered, first was
on organization, taken by ivIrs. Sin-
clair, and following is the interesting
report of the number of societies there
are. The Society has 2,83S auxiliaries,
273 young wofnan's auxiliaries, 553
mission circles, .1;691 mission bands,
and Bie baby bands. There are ill
Conference branches and 102 Presby-
terials. The total membership of the
Society is .185;137. The next question
was on supply work, which was very
I ably taken by Mrs. C. :Cook and anuch
enjoyed. The topic entitled 'Christian
Missions and Racial Attitudes was
given by the President. Sentence
prayers for the Missionaries in dif-
ferent places were given by Mrs. Wil -
1 son, Mrs. Merner, Mrs. R. Blatchford,
Mrs, McDonell. The meeting was
closed with the Benediction. The
Ladies' Aid held their meeting at the
close of the 'Mission meeting.
The Mission 03and of the United ,
Church held their meeting on 'Sunday i
afternoon witha good attendance pre-
sent. The meeting was opened by the
singing of a hymn, after which Ray
Pattersoe led in prayer; the minutes
of the last meeting were read, after
which Aldon Appleton called the roll.
The scripture lesson was read by
Emma 'Wurm, after which 'Mary
Hemphill took up the offering, while
the band sang "Hear the pennies drop-
ping." Readings were given by Grace
Wurrn and Isobel] •Sundercock. A
chorus was then given by three girls,
entitled, "Jesus wants 'me for a sun-
beam." An instrumental by Bella
v• 'Smile, reading by Florence iVIdDon-
aid and an instrumental by Olive
Brack were all well given. Mrs. Skin-
ner gave a very interesting address,
after which the meeting was closed
by all repeating the Lord's prayer.
The many friends of 'Mrs. 'Win.
. Henry will be pleased to learn that
; she is much improved after her re-
, cent illness.
Master Ray Patterson underwent an
operation at his home on Monday
morning for the removal of his tonsils,
and is getting along nicely.
The services in the United Church
on 'Sunday last were largely attended,
both morning and evening. The sub-
ject for the evening service was "Who
Owes You, or 'Sold for Shackles." Be -
Ji sides the anthem by the choir, a very
, pleasing quartette was given entitled,
I "Now The Day is Over," by Mrs. Lee
Hedden, Mrs. H. Phile, Mr. W. 0,
Goodwin and Mr. Ed Lindenfield,
Next Sunday in the, United Church
will be Women's Day, with a women's
choir. At the evening service, Rev.
Mr. Sinclair will ,apeak on "A Young
Women's Wooing, or A Bride's Des-
The Young 'People's League .meet-
ing in the United Church was with-
• drawn this week owing to re -decorat-
ing the basement of the church.
Miss Lula McDonald, who has been
visiting for the past two weeks with
relatives in London, has returned
Miss Gladys Gardner visited over
the week -end at her home in White
Mr. S. McArthur v•isited in Clinton
on Monday.'
The following books have been add-
ed recently' to the library: Juvenile
Arts, Girls' OWL Annual. Native
Trees of Canada. Useful Arts—Fur
Ranching, Ktiechler. Your Money's
Worth, Chase and Seblink, Travel—
The Ivory Coast in the Earlies, Aloy-
sius Horn; The 'Vanished Pomp of
Yesterday, Frederick Hamilton; Ara -
belle's Letters, Sociology—The Land
of Living Men, R. U. Trine. Religion
—The Impatience of a Parson, IL R.
L. Shepherd, Literature, A People's
Best, D. J. Stevenson. Juvenile Fic-
tion, Lizzie Ann, Thompson, Emily's
Quest, Montgomery, 1927 and 1928
Chums. Fiction—Toward Sodorn,
Mabel Dunham; Lights Up, Grace
Richmond; The Aristocratic Miss
Brewster, J. Lincoln; The Ninth
Circle, H. Steele; Hugh Loyal, T. R.
Elliott, Giants of the Earth, 0. E.
Ralvaag; Through the Wheat, L.
Boyd; The Golden Dog, W. Kirby,
Mrs. W. J. Elliott who spent the
past month at London returned to her
home on the Blue Water Highway on
Mr. F. Seed of Detroit spent the
week end at his home in the village.
Miss Mary Stewart visited over the
eveek-end at her home in Seaforth.
The Young Peciple's meeting of
Carmel Presbyterian Church was held
Good Only on Pehrnary *Oh arid llth
lb Magic. Baking Powtler— .. ..
„:1 gem Forest City Baking PoNvtler , 290
1 113. Club House Baking Powder. .
5 lb. Bdwardsburg Syrup... ... . . 33c
10 lbs. Edwardsburg Syrup 03o
10 Bars P. and G. Soap, 376
3 Bars Lux &RV.. • • • • .230
Bull Dag Overalls , . $1.59
Ben Bur Flour ..... t .. $4,09
• 90 lbs. Rolled 'Oats $4.19
Our Prices are good Buys
W•. J. Finnigan
West helf of seml-delaclica double
brick honse situated an Market street,
1 Seaforth. . Electrie lights, town we -
ter, Nieuwe,' derebinetien atorm, doors
, and windows, new garage and hen
house ,On property, Will be sold rea-
satiable', owner leaving town. If not
sold, will be rented. Apply to E. Ce
, CHAMBERLAIN, Seeforth, Ont,
friends held their annual oyster supper Feb, '1st, from 'her tete residence io
at the manse on Friday evening, Feb.
3rd. Over thirty partook of the sup-
per. The evening was much enjoyed
by all, Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bremner
are certainly great entertainers.
The communion will be observed
next Sunday Feb. 12th, at the morning
service. Praparatory service will be
held on Friday at 2.30.
The meeting of the 'W.M.S. is to be
held on Friday at 1.30 p.m,
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 3, Tuckedmith, for the month of
January. The names are arranged in
order of merit. Sr. IV. --Bob Mc-
Cartney, Elizabeth Broadfoot, Carrie
Oke, John Broadfoot, 'Clarence Tay-
lor. Jr. IV.—Evelyn Wilson and Billy
Calwill (equal); Robert Papple Gor-
don Wright, Bruce Armstrong. Sr.
III.—Jean Watson, Willie Papple.
Jr. III. — Howard Walter, Arthur
Wright. Jr. IL—W. D. Wilson, Bob-
by Dalrymple, Beatrice Armstrong
and Earl Papple (equal); Delbert
Taylor. I.—Annie Papple, Alice
Wright, Gertrude Walter (absent),
Primer—Mayme Watson, Mac Wil-
son, Isabel Arnietrong, Donald Mac-
Donald, Grace Dalrymple, Milton
The following had perfect attend-
ance: John Broadfoot, Bob McCart-
ney, Elizabeth Broadfoot, Evelyn
Wilson, Robert Papple, Bruce Arm-
strong, Jean Watson, Willie People,
Beatrice Armstrong, 'W. D, Wilson,
Earl Papple, Bobby Dalrymple, Annie
Mayme Watson and Mac
Wilsou. L. Boyce, 'reacher.
Y.P.S.—The regular meeting of the
Young People was held in the base-
ment of the church on Monday even-
ing, Feb. 6th. The devotional con-
venor, Jesse Freeman, presided. Pray-
ers were givenby Elgin Thompson
and Eleanor Snider. The topic, "What
Place Pleasure has in Life,' was very
ably taken by Elgin Thompson, The
social convenor, Janet Aikenhead, had
charge of the ten-minute social.
A valentine 'iocial will be held next
Tuesday evening, Feb. 14th, at 8 o'-
clock in the basement. We are hoping
to see all the youne people out.
Miss Lyla Chapman is home again
after spending several weeks at Sea -
Annual Congregational Meeting. --
The annual meeting of the Brucefield
congregation of the United Church of
Canada, Rev. W. A. Bremner, pastor,
was held on a recent date, The re-
ports given, which were for nine
months only, showed that all the de-
partments had done good work in
their several fields of activity. increase
was hated in the attendance at the
Sunday School and also in the arnount
given by the scholars to Missions, the
amount being, for the nine months,
$218,00, besides $1050 for the running
expenses of the school. The Y.P.S.
ma 'Monday evening, end was opened raised $62.00 for their current ex -
by the singing a hymn, after which
• Mr. McIlroy led tn prayer. The
Seriptere lesson, I. Cor., chapter 13,
was read by Miss Rena Rudson, after
vvhieli hymn 766 was sung. The topic
entitled "The Home Relation," was
very ably given by Mr, McIlroy, The
minutes of the last meeting were then
reed and adopted by the secretary,
Miss Helen Johnston, after which the
toll was called. • Miss Blanche lvfus-
tard then favored the -Leanne with an
instrumental. It was decided to hold
a pis social on Feb, 22n1, in the base-
ment of the churCh. The meeting was
then closed by singing hymn • 590,
after which Mr, •lIcilroy elesed the
meeting with prayer, The topic for
the next meeting will be Mother.
Clean Bill of Health.—Local I3oard
of Health met last Monday. There
were no cases of disease to report in
the township of Stanley. The fol-
lowing sanitary inspectors were ap-
pointed: John Johnston, Wilson Arm-
strong, William Osmond 6Bayfield).
Stanley council met on Monday last
when the auditors presented their re-
port. The accounts were found to be
ie splendid shape and there will be a
balance to the credit of the township
when the Government subsidy is re-
ceived, of about $3,500. Next council
meeting will be first Monday in March
at L30 pm.
Box Social.—The Y.P.S. of Varna
United Church will hold a Valentine
box social in the town hall on Tues-
day, Feb. 14th. Splendid programme
of dialogues, monologues, music and
a mock trial will be given. Ladies
please bring boxes,
We are sorry to learn that Mrs, C.
Pilgrim was taken to Clinton hospital
last Saturday and hope she will soon
be able to return home.
The annual meeting of the Varna
Associate Library was held in the
Fraine Church. The librarian's report
showed a circulation for the year of
1800 and that there are now on the
shelves 750 books, 100 having been
added during the year. The member-
ship fee is $1.00 for 2 books and $L25
for three books. The board would like
to see every family in the community
a member as there is suitable reading
for everybody.. The library is open
every Wednesday and Saturday after-
noon and evening. The election of of-
ficers for the yeat resulted as follows:
:Chairman, John Rockwell; sec.-treas.,
Fred. lvfoClyment; Roy Connell, Alf
Ings, Mrs. Geo. Johnsten, Mrs, Sher.
Keyes, Mrs. Morton Elliotf, Mrs.
Chas, Stelck, Mrs. John Beatty. Lib-
rarian, Mrs. L. Beatty.
Mrs. Pilgrim, who fractured her leg
about six weeks ago, has not been im-
proving as the bone had failed to knit
properly, and last Saturday she was
removed to Clinton hospital to under-
Jitirt her treatment.
penses and $43.00 for Missions. Good
reports were given by the W.MS., the
•Kelly Auxiliary, • the Marion Oliver
Circle and the Mission Band, showieg
total contributions of $656.00. The re-
ports of the church treasurer revealed
the fact that the congregation had gi-
ven $1,130,00 for the Maintenance and
0;N-tettsioti Fund, which was $80,00
over the atriount of their allocation.
There is ale° a balence on band hi the
general treasury of $209,00, Sixteen
members were added and four re-
moved, leaving the present member-
ship at 333,
The many friends of Miss Ella. M.
S.rott were glad to see her out again
after het recent illness.
The teachers end* officers and their
the place of interment in Itaird's cern-'
etery. Rev. W. A. Bremner conduct-
ed the services. The pall -bearers
were 'Messrs. 'Charles Blackwell, Rob,
ert Spears, It/furl-ay, and Earl, Will
liam and James Collins.
Mrs. Fred Turner spent a few days
last week with her sister-in-law, Mrs,
George Campbell of the Bronson line.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carnie spent
Tuesday afternoon of last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston of Blake.
Mrs, Milton Steep and son Ken-
neth of Goderich township spent last
Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Tough.
Miss Jessie Tough is spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. j. A, Manson
of the Goshen line.
It is easy to understand' why Mr.
Menno Steckle Jr. wears the sinhe
that won't come off these days. A wee
baby girl came to his house' last Sat-
erday morning.
Mr. Valentine Gerber of the Bron-
son line attended the funeral of his
uncle at Wellesley last week.
The following is the report for S.S.
No, 14, Stanley, for the month of
January. The names are in order of
merit, Sr, IV. --Willie McKenzie,
Stuart Horton, Dorothy Farquhar,
Audrey Murdock. Jr. IV.—Orville
Workman, Harvey Cameron, Jr, III.
—Margaret McKenzie, Laura Belle
Wright, Mary Aldrich, Mabel Talbot,
Sr. II.—Margaret Jones, Andrew Mc-
Kenzie, Elmer Hayter, Alex. Mc -
Beath, Wilmur Jones, Wesley Jones.
ist.—Aucirey Cochrane, Harold Jones,
Harvey Hayter, Aubrey Farquhar,
Primer.—George Clifton,. •
R, M. Amery, Teather,
Mrs. Wrri. Collins.—The death oc-
eurred last Monday of Mrs. William
Collins; concession 3, Stanley, as the
result of an illness that exterided over
a period of two years. Mrs. Collins,
formerly Margaret McSherry,, was
born 62 years ago in Hay township,
daughter of the late 'Mr, and Mrs.
Wilson MeSherry. In 1891 her mar-
riage to Mr. Collins, of Stanley, took
place and she 'made her ,home on the
farm where her death oceurred. 'Sur-
viving are two sisters, Mrs. Peter
,Murray and Mrs.. Charley Blackwell,
both of Hay, and a brother, William,
in Saskatchewan, hhr husband and
two daughters, Mrs. Robert Speare
and Miss Belie Collins, and four sons,
Earl, Tames, William and Stanley,' all
residing in Stanley township, The
funeral took place on 'Wednesday,
Practice is in progress for the play,
"Wanted, • A Wife," which is being
put on by St: Andrew's 'United Church
in the near future.
Miss Elva Anderson, of London,
visited her home over the week -end.
Mrs. Robert Dinsdale has returned
after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs,
Hodgins, of Strattord.
Miss jeae Iyiscm has returned home
after a pleasant visit with her sister,
Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Goderich
township her nephew, Master Ivison
Torrance returning with her.
Mrs, John H. Cochrane, of Hay was
called M London owing to the seri-
ous illness of her nephew, 'Master
Lawrence Brightmore. At date of
writing he is improving.
Master Alex. Mcalurtrie is making a
good recovery after having his tonsils
and adenoids removed at Mts. Pat-
terson's hospital, Hensel!.
The community party which has
been held in the different homes, was
held last week in Hensel' hall when
between three and four hundred gath-
ered and a most pleasant time was
spent by all.
Mrs. John jarrott was visited by her
aunt, Mrs. Reid, of liensall, last week.
You will use superior judgment
hy using` Fertilizers and. Lime
sold by the undersigned and
representatives as we handle
only quality goods at a rook
bottom price and give you ser.
vice you cannot get elsewhere.
Clay Drain Tile Mfr.
Phone 136:-2
Moffatt kitehen . renge, No. itt
Orsi class eondition, Burns eoid
wood -Price $30. W. H. STEVENS,
James street, Seafortli 6
Ikeep Out The cold
Have Metal Weather Strip
, applied by NORMAN
Mr. B, B. Stephenson was in Bright
last week on business.
The W.M.S. will hold their monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert
Lawson on Thursday of this week.
Mrs, Leo Stevenson is spending
this week with friends at Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Britton spent
Sunday with relatives in Walton.
Mrs. George VVheitley goes to To-
ronto on Friday to :bend a. few days
with her daughter.
'Mrs. Wm. Carter is visiting her
daughter in'Toronto for a week • or
Mr. Howard Mar:shall spent the
week -end with his friend, Girvin An-
derson. a
•Mrs. Ed. Britton to spending a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Love, of Wallon.
The farmers arouna are busy catch-
ing jack rabbits, Is they are very
Quite a crowd attended the At
Home given in the ;Forresters' Hall
last Friday night., Ai couple of hours
were spent at progressive euchre, Mr,
Frank Storey and Mrs. Tom. Riley
carrying off the prizes. The rest of
the night was spent in dancing with
Winthrop orchestra in attendance.
The next :it home will be held on teb.
17th, with the same 'Orchestra.
Mr, Frank Riley sent Sunday with
friends in Clinton.
Mr. Benj. Riley and Mr. Joseph
Riley spent Sunday et the home of
Mr. John Mann,
A successful euchre party was held
at the home of IVIr. Benj. Riley Thurs-
day night of last week. The prizes
went to Mr. Joseph Riley and Mrs.
Adam Nicholson, while Mr. Edward
(Bailey and Mrs. Robt. 'Grimoldby
carried off the consolation prizes.
Don't forget the bOx sociat which
is to be held on Friday evening of
this week in 414 basement of the
church. The boxes ndll be sold 'by
ticket, 505 a box, Everybody come
and have a good time, A programme
is being prepared.
Mr. Walker Carlile; who is working
near Seaforth, spent Sunday at his
home heti.
The dance, which was given by the
young men of Hillsgreen itt 'I -lensed
town hall last Wednesday evening,
was a- great success.
Externally or Interrially, it is Good,
--When applied externally by hy..k
rubbing, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
opens the pores and 'penetrates the
tissue, touching the seat of the
trouble and immediately affording re-
lief. Administered letternaely, it will
still the irritation in the throat which
induces coughing and will relieve af-
fections of the bronchial tubes and
• respiratory organs. Try it 'aml be
convinced. ,
'Lot 16, Coaeession 6, Township of
McKillop, 100 acres, ernufortable
frame house, barns ,and outbuildings,
well watered, 8 eeres good engar bush,
Good land. POSSeSSI011 given on
iadareli lst, Will be sold for reason-
able price Apply TAMES RIVERS,
• 1V1e4ieal,.
11. 'HIGH. ROSS, Phyeiclen"
and Surgeon, Late of London kilo-
pitel, London, England, Spew'
attention to diseesee of the eye, ear
nose and throat, Office and iesid:
enee behind, 1)ogiinion Bank, Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106
DR. F. J. BUR,ROWSolSeafortilt.,
Office and residence, Goderich etreett-
eaet of the Methodist 'Church. 'Coe-
oner for the County of Ilinan. Tete -
phone No. 4Q.
Of House and Six Acres of Land in
Ilarpurhey.—Robert M. Scott, Jr.,
Administrator to estate of Janet
Scott, deceased, has instructed Thos.
Brown, auctioneer, :to offer for sale
by public auction on Saturday, the
11th day of February, 1928, at 2 p.m.,
at the house recently occupied by the
late R. B. Scott, Sr.,in Harpurhey,
the said house and six acres of land
used therewith.
There will also be offered for sale
at the same timie and place a kitOhen
range and bedroom set, consisting of
three pieces.
Terms of sale on chattels, cash, and
on the real estate, ten (10) per cent.
cash on the day of sale and the'bat-
ance in 30 days without interest.
Further terms and conditions of
sale will be made known on the date
of sale and may ge had in the mean-
time from the undersigned, R. B.
Scott, Jr., Administrator,
R. S. HAYS, His Solicitor,
Seaforth, Ont.
Oile hundred acre farm of good clay
loain adjoining the town of Seaforth.
There are on the premises brick
house, large batik barn, cement silo,
windmill, and implement house; also
litter carrier in barn, No encumb-
rance. Will be sold on terms to suit
purchaser, J. 1.„ KERR, phone 228:45
The west 14 of lot 5, con. 1, 'Tuck-
ersmith, one mile east of Seeforth, on
the Highway. It is all seeded to
mixed hay 'and 8 acres of alfalfa. Tile
drained and well fenced. 3 good vvells.
Bearing apple orchard. 40 roomed
frame house, newly roofed. Barn
36:0, newly shingled, stabling for 12
head of cattle 'and four horses. •
Alto SO acres of pasture, south 3O
of lot 19, con. 2,Hibbert, two miles
from 'Dublin, with a never -failing
spring creek. Immediate possession
given to both, Wilt be sold cheap.
Apply to P, DILL, Dublie P.0, .10
•On hand at the warehouse at the
station, Also- a small Massepliarris
cutting machine, power or hand pow-
er. Phone 444W, Seaforth. ANDREW
Want and For $ale ads, -3 times SOc
Mutual -Fire Insurance -Go,
DR. C. M444j.
honor graduate of Trinity Univeto-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col-
lege., of Physicians and Surgeons el
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—ye, Kir,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Ueda -
eine! University of Toronto 1897.'LlAs
Assistant New York Ophthalmia ana
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lau,
don,' England. At Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd 'Monday in ealh mouth.
from 111 scan. to 3 p.m.
DR. W. C.ISPRIOAT.—Gradttate ot
Faculty of Medicine, University el
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur,
geons of Ontario, Office in AherhaeKI
Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth.
Phone 90.
Officers ---James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans Beechwood,
Vice President; D. 'Ft. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec: -Treasurer.
Directors--Vm, Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John 13ennewies, Brodbagen;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God:
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Rebert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Minchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, HohneovIlle; E., G. Jarniouth,
13ornhohn. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insusance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above aamed officers addressed
to their respect* postoffices.
Of Farm Stock andimplements
The undersigned has been authoriz-
ed to sell by public auction on Lot
28, Con, 4, McKillop, 2/2 miles 'north
of Seaforth, mile west, at 1 ot-
'clock, Friday, February 10th, 1928,
the following: •
Horses -1 team of horses, 8 and
yrs. old; 1 work horse, 9 yrs. old;
1 driver, 10 yrs. old:
'Cattle -1 Durlharia cow, 6 yrs. old,
.clue on April 27; 4 Durham cow, 8
yrs. old, due on ;June 6; 1 -Hereford
•cow, 3 yrs. oldesupposed to be in
calf; 1 Holstein. cow, 4 yrs. old, due
on May 8th ; 1 Durham cow,yrs.
old, due time of sale; 1 Ayralfire cow,
4 yrs. old, supposed to be in calf; 1
reg. Durham cqae; 7 yrs. old, due on
Feb. 27th; 1 Ditrhain cow 8 yrs. old,
freshened Jahutiry 30; 1 Durham cow,
6 yrs. old dos April 10th; 3 Polled
Angus calves, good quality; 8 yearl-
ing calves....
tHogs-1,s9w with 11 pigs; 8 pigs
just Weatiedi7 chunks about 130 lb;
1 Yorkehire sow due latter -part of
April; I Yorkshire hog 18 II -tenths
Implenients — 1 Massey - Harris
bindei4e7 ft. cut with truck; 1 Deer-
ing mower, 5 ft. mit; 1 hay rake; 1
McCormick seed drill 11 hoe, nearly
new; 1 corn cultivator; 1 Massey -
Harris sprieg-tooth cultivator; I
Fleury walking plow No. 21; 1 set 4-'
section diamond • harrows; 1 pea
Ipncher; 1 rubber -tire tod buggy; 1
Cutter; 1 set scales 2,000 lb capacity;
1 Fordson tractor and Oliver plow;
1 •Coleman crusher; 1 Cyclone grind,
er 12 inch, oit trucks; 2 three-quarters
wagons; 174 yd. gravel box; 1 hay
rack 14 ft.; 1 stock rack; 1 set bob-
sleighs; 1 stone boat; 1 hay fork and
car; 1 DeLaial cream separator No.
12; 2 sets doubje harness; 1 set single
harness; 6 sling topes and lock;
horse collars, neekyokes, whiffletrees,
forks, etc.
Fowl --15 Barred Rock pullets; 30
Minorca hens 1 yr. old;' 4 geese and
gander; a quantity ef hay. .
• Household Effects. — 2 bedrobin
suites, mattresses and spring; 1 side-
board, 1 extension table; 1 rocking
chair; 1 morrischair; 1 arm chair; 5
dining room chairs; 4 kitchen chairs;
1 small table; 1 count 1 square
piano in good condition; 1 Congol-
elm rug 7'x9'; 1 large parlor rug; 1
Raymond sewine-machine; 1 stretch-
er; 1 4 -Piece toilet set; 1 washing
machine; 1 Leader churn; 1 New Per-
fectioa coal oil steve 3 burner, nearly
new; 1 Happy Thought range; I Gur-
ney Oxford range; 1 coal heater.
tAlt above mentioned will be sold as
proprietor is leaving farm.
Terms—All sums of ten dollars and
under, cash; over that nitiount 10
months' credit,will be given on furn-
ishing approved joint tiotes. All
household effetto, hay and fowl will
be cash. A discount of 4 per centper
allegro off .for cash nn ereclit arnotats.
lames Hon, Proprietor; Geo. H.
Elliott, Auctioneer.
Parties willing to rent rooming ac-
commodation to motorists season 1028
in Salad] or at intermediate points
on or treat. Highway can earn froin
$300 to $2500 itt them owe home, serv-
ing of meals optionat. For particulars
write now to Tourist Service, 24 Wy-
att St., T.,ondon, Ont,
DR. j, A. 1MUNN
'Successor to Dr. R. R. Resi,' grade -
ate of Northwestern University, Cid.
°ego, 111. Licentiate Royal 'College
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office-
r ver Sills' hardware, Main street, '
Seaforth. Phone 1,51.
DR. F. J. )3KOHEILY, gredtiatis•
Royal College cif Dental Surgeons,
Tpronto. Office over W. R. Smithb
Grocery, Main ptreet, Suitor*
Phones, 'office ISM, residence UR.
Auctioneer for the County of Hum.
Arrangements can be 'made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Successors to James 'Watson)
MAIN ST.,' SEAFORT1H, owr. •
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates M First-Chnoi
• Wednesday, iFeb..,Sth.
60e -63c
Hogs, per cwt..... „ ........ :.$825•
Wheat, per bus.
Barley, per bus.
Oats, per- bus.
Buckwheat, per bus.
Shorts, per cwt. 11.90
Bran, per cwt
Butter,per lb.
Eggs, per dos.
Tofatoes, per bag
Have your next
Suit or Overcoat
made by
Practical Tailor
Main St.
Prices from $25.00 up.
Your 'own inaterialsinade up
at reasonable rates
Try us for Prompt Service
Style and Satisfaction
racked by the Police
a story of present' day Arizona in which this marvellous
dog again demonstrates his ability to dominate itt, drama -
fie and action roles.
with Matinees
• with