HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-02-09, Page 4, A
Snow(toil Bros, Feblishere, Tlje folloWieg is he report a Dula-
e_meneean_a_„„e______neeneen lin Continttatiqn 'School for Deegan
ti -
wALT0N. 75 er and Jammu, 'Studepts obtaieing
.. ‘i t and over are ranked elan
• Holmes-Shielle-A, very pretty we a el erom 6644, II„ 60-65, III; 50-59,
sling took plaeo Wedeesday, Feb. 1,, Credit. ' Below $0 means failure.
at the Preeheteritin :dense , Atwood, Namea etre ie. order of mein, The
viten Miss May E. J. Shiell, dangle: namea of the snadents Obtainingethe
aer of Mr• mid M'e• Robert %le", three highest .pereentages are listed
a Elm, 'etneeship, WAS Ltalted in men-
„ after each foram
Vies to Mr. inseeil Iloltues,son e4 'Form NI. - English Leteratere:
ear. a1d1V1rs, David laiairnes,,13th 'cote Class I-ajohe MeGrath, Evelyn Mel -
ea Maillne. Rev. W. J. West et” ad:6 Margaret Jordan, Rose (non-
ificiated. Mrs, Robert Sinai, sister -in- nor, Joseph Oleourlee, Marion Dill,
law of the brideacted as btddesmaid, Rose Krauskopf. .. '
aned her brother, Mr. Robert smell, as class IL -Eileen' gekert, Helen
geerneamae. The bride was beautiful- terauskopt, Ma rY X0C0tTnielc, Ver-
bgowned in a crepe satin drees trim- onica .Dile Bernice MeGrath.
anted with gold lace. The happy Class HL-lelorence !Smith, Angie
,e-touple will make their home on the Ryan.,_ 13elow 50--Keueeth Dill, Wil -
12. a01.1COSSion, M.01(11101). Ham, Dantzer, „Frank MeGrath, 13rid-
•Presentationa,-On Monday evening ent an"Loughliu.
of last week upWards of 75 or 80 English Composition: Class I. -
Robert Shiell, ep'h •O'leourke.
Johneeel•Gratli, Margaret Jordan. jos-
friends end neighbors gathered at the
home of Me end Mrs.
30th conceesioe, Rima, in honor of .1I. -Dorothy O'Rourke.
their daughter, Miss Mary Shiell, bride IIIL-Annie Ryan, Evelyii Melade,
:-elect, and presented her with a hand- Florence Smith, Credin-Mery Mc -
'some china clinner set and other use- Cormick, Rose iKrauskopf, Frank Me -
Ad artieles. The following address Grath, Marion . Dill, Bernice Mc -
',was read by Miss Greta Baker and the Grath, William lbantzer, Helen Kraus-
nresentetion made by Mr. Lorne Lu- kopf, Kenneth Dill. .
ens ;Ind •Mr. Stanley Wherry.. 'Dear British History: Class I. -John Me-
aeriend-A number of your friends and Grath, II. --Eileen Eckert, Ile: -
neighbors have gathered here tonight 'Florence Smith.
• to ,show in a small way the esteem in 'Credit -Margaret Jordan, Marion
which you are held in this neighbor- Dill, Bridget 0"Lougelin, Joseph V-
bood. It is with regret that we learn Rourke, Frank McGrath, Annie
• of your deearture from amongst _es, Ryan, Kenneth Dill.
but what is our loss will be same ofh- !Below 50-Williatn Dantzer.
-era' gain. Pleese accept this set of 'Ancient ,History: Class L -Marg -
dishes and this table linen as a slight aret O'Rourke, !Eileee Eckert, Marg -
token of our respect for you, and wish- aret Jordan.
ina you many, many years of married IL -john MeGrath, Helen Kraus -
lire. -Signed on 'behalf of your friendkopf, Rose Krauskopf, Florence
and neighbors, Mrs, Lorne Lucas, Smith, Credit -Veronica Dill, Dor-
Mrs. Graham Bell, Miss Annie Wher- othy O'Rourke, Bridget O'Loughlin.
ry."---Listowel Banner. Below S0 -Frank McGrath.
Reception.. -A very pleasant even- Algebra: Class 1----3aseph O'Rourke,
ing- was spent at the home of Mr. and John McGrath, Kenneth Dill, Flor-
Mrs. Harry jaelason on Feb, 3rd in ence Smith. IL -Marion Dill.
bonor of "Mr. juseph Holmes mad his Credit - William Dantzer, Frank
bride. About seventy-five of the ',McGrath.
neighbors and friends were present. Geometry: Class L -Margaret 0'.
The bride sand groom received many Rourke, •Florence Smith, Eileen Eck -
useful and costly presents and gifts. ert, Dorothy O'Rourke, Annie Ryan,
Cards and dancing were indulged in •Bridget OlLaughlin, Rose O'Connor.
till twelve o'clock wheu a dainty lunch IL -Veronica Dill. III. -Margaret
was served, provided by the ladies pre- Jordan. Below 50 -Frank McGrath.
sent. Dancing cominenced again with French Grammar: Class I. -Rose
Messrs J. Leming, L. Stewart, M. Krauskopf, Rose O'Connor.
Jeckson and H. Harris with the viol- II. -Joseph O'Rourke, Marion Dill,
SOS and Mrs, J. Leeming, Miss A. Ste- Mary McCormick, Credit -Bernice
evaet, Miss B. Davidson and Mrs. T. McGrath, Veronica Dill.
'Storey at the piano and things went French Authors: Class I -Rose 0'.
lively fill four o'clock in the morning, Connor, Rose Krauskoef,
when al! dispersed to their homes, 11. -Marion Dill, Mary MeCorree
Mr, and Mrs. Holmes appreciated the ick, Joseph O'Rourke, Credit -Ver -
kindness of their friends and neigh- mica Dill.
hors and expressed many thanks for tLatin Grammar: -Class I. - Rose
the beautiful present's and .gifts receiv- Krauskopf, Rose O'Connor, Marg-
-ed and the pleasant evening spent to- aret O'Rourke, Joseph O'Rourke.
gether. II. - Dorothy O'Rourke, Marion
Mr. C. Sellers has not been able to Dill. Credit --Bernice McGrath, Mary
attend to his duties this week. He McCormick. -
has a very bad cold. Latin Authors: Class 1. -Rose Ce -
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDonald enter- -Conner, Margaret O'Rourke.
rained a number of their friends on II. -.Rose Krauskopf, Joseph 0'.
ruesday evening. Rourke, Credit. -Dorothy O'iRourke,
Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Mose and chit- Marion Dill, Bernice McGrath.
• dren visited with Me. and Mrs, A. Below 50 -Mary McCormick.
Sholdice over the week end. •Physiest Class I, - Dorothy 0'.
Mr. G.Raelley has gone to leader- Rourke, Margaret O'Rourke, Evelyn
;eh to have his tonsils removed as Melady, Florence Smith,
they have caused considerable trouble. IL -Veronica Die Milani. Dant -
!ass A. Ferguson is improving nice- zer, Eileen Eckert, NC -Bridget 0'.
ty after a recent operation for goitre • Loughlin.
and aneemlicitiCredit-Annie Ryan, Mary Me -
Mee M. Bechanan is not improving • Cormick. John McGrath, Frank Me-
as quiekly as her many friends would Grath, Kenneth Dill,
eke to hear of. Chemistry: Class I. -Margaret 0`-
!,. great number are cemplaining, of Rourke, Eileen Eckert. IL-Marg-
'-'ne' aret Jordan, Rose O'Connor. III. -
Grath, Helen Murray, Veroeica Mole-
eeitten Helm Ve.raueltopt, 11,, Freeme
Stapleton, Kathryn Byrne, Gleeence
Looby, Keneeth Dile Win. Dantzer,
Evelyn iteeledy, John McIver, Zack
Ryan, Hie, Albert Gormley. 'Credit,
Wee Sinith. Below fifty, Teresa Me-
Centiek, jamas Doyle..
lereech 1, --John nieGeetit, 'Loretto
Delaney, Helen Krettakoef, Pat Mc-
Connell, 'Nora McGrath, Veroeica
Motyneaux, 11., Win, Dantzer, Freeeis
Stapleton, Annie Ryan, Kathryn
Byrne, Evelyn efeledy, Kenneth
III., Zack Ryan, Catherine Donnelly,
John McIver. Helen Mural, Clarence
Looby. Credile, Joseph O'Reilly, Teres-
a McCormick,below fifty, Wm, Smith,
Albert Gormley, Teen, ,Ryan,• jas.
Doyle, 'Wilfrid Kratiskopf,
Zoology I. -Donald Benninger, IL,
Kathryn Byrne, Clarence Lodby,
Francis Stapleton, lel„ Marvis Drake,
Nora McGrath, Albert Gormley, Fat
McConnell, Catherine Donnelly, Zaele
Ryan,' Credit, Jas, Doyle, John Me -
Iver, Joseph Maly, Loretto Delan-
ee, Wm. Smith, Teresa MoCormick,
Helen Murree. '
'Physiography L. -Nora IvIeGrath,
Win, Ryan, Veronica -Molyneaux, Pat
•McConnell, IL, Loretto Delaney, Ka-
thryn Byrne, .Annie Ryan, William
Smith, Donald Benninger, Zack Ryan.
Olarmice Looby. Credit,' Francis
Stapleton, JOS. O'Reilly, Catherine
Donnelly, John McIver, Helen Mur-
ray, Teresa McConmick, Marvis Drake
Albert Gormley, Bernice McGrath.
Below Fifty, Mary Coyne, Sarah
Art, Glass I., Mande Drake, ICath-
ryn Byrne, 'Catherine iDonnelly, Pat
it.1dConnell, Helen Murray, Class II„
Zack Ryan, John McIver,'Loretto De-
laney, Win. Ryan, Veronica Moly.
neatly:, Nora McGrath, Donald Ben-
ninger, 'Class Clarence Looby,
Francis Stapletou, Jos. O'Reilly,
Highest Standing, 1, Patrick Mc-
Connell. 2. Donald Benninger, 3. Lor-
etto Delaney.
'Form L -English Literature, 1.,
Arigela. Mulligan, Mary O'Reilly,
Francis Ryan, Teresa Connelly, Mar-
garet Drake, Marie Krauskopf, Har-
old Pethick, II., Carrie Krauskopf,
Harry Feeney, Mary Brennan, Elmer
Feeney, Francis Krauskopf, Mary
Coyne, III., Huburt Feeney, Sarah
Coyne, Lotus Morris, Frank Doyle.
English Composition. I., Mary O'-
Reilly, Angela Mulligan, iCarrie. Kraus-
kopf, Margaret Drake, Harold Peth-
ick, Francis Ryan, Marie Ksauskopf,
Mary Brennan. IL, Teresa Connelly,
Harry Feeney, Mary Coyne.
Credit, Louis Mortis, Francis Kraus-
kopf, Huburt Feeney, Frank Doyle,
Elmer Feeney, Sarah Coyne.
English Grammar. --Te_ Mary 0'.
Reilly, Francis Ryan, Marie Kraus-
kopf, Angela Mulligan, II., Louis
Morris, Mary Brennan, Carrie Kraus-
kopf, Harry !Feeney. III., Teresa Con-
nelly, Harold Pethick, Credit, Sarah
Coyne, Mary Coyne, Elmer Feeney,
Frank Doyle, Francis Krauskopf, .Hu-
burt Feeeny.
Algebra. -I., Francis Ryan, Mary
Coyne. II., Teresa Connelly. Credit,
Angela Mulligan, Sarah Coyne, Marts
Krauskopf, Carrie Krauskopf, Har-
old Pethick, Frank Doyle, Francis
Krattekope Below 50, Harry Feeney,
Mary Brennan, Louis Morris, Huburt
Canadian History. -I., Mary O'-
Reilly, Francis Ryan, Margaret Drake'.
IL, Angela Mulligan, Harry Feeney,
Sarah Coyne, Francis Krauskopf, Ter-
e.sa Connelly. III., _Elmer Feeney,
Harold Pethick, Carrie Krauskopf.
Credit, Huburt Feeney, Louis Morris,
Frank Doyle, Marvis Drake. Below
50, Marie Krauskopf, Mary Brennan,
Mary Coyne.
Geography. -II., Harold Pethick,
Carrie Krauskopf, Harry Feeney, An-
gela Mullisn, Hubert Feeney, Mara
garet Drake, Mary O'Reilly. III.,
Fraucis Ryan, Marie .Krauskopfe Ter-
esa Connelly, Louis Morris. :Credie
Francis Krauskopf, Mary Brennan,
Elmer Feeney, Frank ;Doyle.
Sotany-I., Francis Rama, Margar-
et Drake, Angela :Mulligan. Mary O'-
Reilly, Marie Krauskopf, Francis
Krauskopf. II., Harold Pethick, M.
Brennan, Louis Morris, Teresa 'Con-
nelly, Elmer Feeney, Harry Feeney.
III., Frank Doyle. Credit, Carrie
Kratiskope Huburt Feeney.
Latin -L, Francis Ryan, Marvis
Drake, Angela Mtilligan, Margaret
Drake, Mary O'Reilly, Carrie Kraus-
kopi, Marie Krauskopf, Catherine
Donnelly, Harry Feeney, II., leeilliam
Ryan. 'IL, Mary Coyne, Mary .13reit-
nan, Elmer Feeney, ,'Harold Tethick,
Credit, Teresa Connelly, Francis
Krauskopf, Sarah Coyne, Louis Mor-
ris. Below 50, Huburt Feeney, Frank
French. -.I., Mary O'Reilly, Fran-
cis Ryan, Angela •Mulligan, Margaret
Drake, Marie Krauskopf, Carrie
Krausitope Harold Pethick, Mary
Brennan. II., Louis Morris. III., Har-
ry Feeney, Mary .Coyne, Credit, Sarah
Coyne, Teresa Connelly. Below 50,
Frank Doyle, Elmer Fethey, Franeis
Krauskopf, .Huburt Feeney.
Class Standing- 1. Franeis Ryan.
2 Angela Mullimn. 3. Mary O'Reilly.
- .
Altar Society card party, St. Pat-
rick's Hall, Feb. 10th. Good prizes,
lunch. Admission 25c.
Valentine dance, St. Patrick's Hale
February 141h. Good music, Admis-
sion as usual.
Mr. Joseph Shea, of 'Montana, is
visiting with hie sister, Mrs, John
Mr, and Mrs. Peter MatThews en-
ertained a number of friends on Feb.
5th. en progressive euchre.
Mr. John McGrath shipped a car -
head or horses to Quebec on Saturday.
John is a hustler and we wonder
,vhere he picks them up.
Miss Marie Benninger, of Mildmay,
eaited with 'ner parente over the
It is with sincere regret we an-
nounce the death of the little infant
son of Dr. and Mrs, ,Traynor in Kit-
claener on Sunday. Remains were
erought here on Monday and burial
vas in Si. Patrick's cemetery,
Many of our boy s are still hunting
he ,jacks and bring home some very
arge ones,
',Vise Mary' McGrath is taking a
iusiness course at Central Beal:teas
-College, Stratford.
Wedding bells are again rieging in
etit. village. Cupid ried Leap Year are
loing good work together.
• At the Old 'Titne dance on Friday
evening lest prieee Were' ewerded for'
ert Ilirons and elle Craig were re-
eoatumea to, Mies Mary Beale end lele. eloted ushere, A hearty expression
Mr. I., NIeCael, of the Standard
Bank, spent the weeloend in Kith..
• Me Dan. Otleoerke is improving
after his recent nperatiou for append-
Leltis the Seeforth hospital,
Mise Helot Ryan, of Meleillop,
visited over the week -end with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. And Mrs. Peter
'Mr, Nigh, of near 'Seaforth, has re -
Mimed to Lenhome After nursing Mrs:
Jeseph Hickey alld babe for the past
two week.
Miss Elizabeth Ryan, nf Seaforthe is
visiting with, her mother, Mrs. 'Patrick
'Ryan, of Hibbert.
••Ceicken pox le quite common. Some Dorothy O'Rourke.
ef :he sthool children have had to stay 1 Credit -Florence Smith, John MC -
a: herne f•ar a week or two. Grath, William Dantzer, Joseph 0'-
3,1r. and 'Mrs. jos. Bolger evened
.wit'n )Jr, md Mrs. Earl Waleson- on
Some . is the ladies will have nice
itew ereanes :hie spring. A Jew has
even eteneying them with wonderful
goods and ease the men with new
mits clothes. ; 1.--Doeald Benninger, Patrick Mc -
Mrs. Aden Forbes and three chil- Connell. Catherine Donn-elly. Helen
lren,epent a few days at the home of Murray, Zack Ryan, Kathryn Byrne,
:he tormeree mother, Mrs. James , _Lehi: McIver. Loretto Delaney, Mar-
:3mile recently. "Aden" doesn't think' vie Drake. Nora McGrath, 'Veronica
much of living alone.efolemmux. William Ryan.
Miss Olive Williamson spent el ..,Class 11. -Clarence Looby. Wilfred
eouple of days visiting at the home of Krauskopf, Francis Stapleten, Jos.
her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilly,
Adel Forbes. • - 'Class HI: ---Jas. Doyle, Wm. Smith.
.Mrs. J. Balfour, Miss Effie and Mr.1 Albert- Gorinlev. Credit. -Teresa Mc-
George Love spent a day visiting at t Cormick.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Craw- Eng. Composition: I. -- Veronica
toed recently..
Miss Olive Williamson visited her
friend, Miss Nora Hoegy Tuesday last
Miss Alethea Carter spent a few
days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coutts
lest week.
'Mr. W. S. Forbes had a bee draw-
ing wood from I". Sanderson's, Blyth,
- Saturday last.
:Mr. a-nd Mrs. Jos, Sellers of 3e4 of
Morris, visited Me, and Mrs. C. Sel-
.1ers and other friends on Sunday.
Mrs, J. Mann is A.:siting her aaugh-
Rourke, Marion Dill, Frank Mc-
Grath. Below 50 -Helen Krauskopf,
Rose Krauskopf, Kenneth Dill, Ber-
nice McGrath.
'Standing: 1. Eileen -Eckert. 2. John
McGrath. 3. Margaret O'Rourke.
'Form IL -English Literature: Class
efolyneaux, Pa:rick McConnell, Lor-
etto Delaney, Nora McGrath, Zack
Ryan, Kathryn Byrne, _Donald Ben-
ninger, Helen Murray, Clarence
Looby. Catherine Donnelly.
II. -John McIver, Jos. O'Reilly,
Francis Stapleton. Wilfrid Kratiskopf.
III.- Teresa McCormick, Albert
Gormley, elarvis Drake. Wm. Smith,
James Doyle. Credit -Wm. Ryan.
Algebra: L -Veronica Molyneaux,
Loretto Delaney. II.--Helee Kraus-
kopf, Clarence Looby.
ter. Mrs. R. Marks. TIL -James Doyle, Margaret Jor-
Mr. 0. Seoldice is relieving at the eine Kathryn Byrne, Veronica Dill,
etation Miring Mr. leadley's absence. Zack Ryan, Pat McConnell.
•Credit.-Marvis Drake, Evelyn Mel-
ady, Helen Murray, Teresa McCortn-
ek, Albert Gormley, Francis Staple -
ten. Donald Benninger. .
Below 50. -Joseph O'Reilly, Nora
McGrath. jobn McIver, William
Ryan, Wilfrid Krauskopf, Wan. Smith,
Catherine Donnelly.
Geometry: I. - Albert Gormley,
Denald Benninger, Zack Ryan, Pat,
McConnell. II. - Clarence. Looby.
Leretto Delaney, James Doyle.
III. ---Wm. Smith, elands Drake,
Nora McGrath, John McIver. Helen
Credit -Kathryn Byrne, Teresa Me-
Cermick. Francis Stapleton, Veronica
Mniameaux. Below 50. -Jos. Oate-
s., 'Wilfrid Krauskopi, Wm. Ryan,
Catherine Donnelly.
Arithmetic: I. - Pat McConnell.
Denald Benninger, Bernice McGrath,
Kathryn Byrne, Zack Ryan, Relen
Murray, Clarence Looby,
IL-Fraecis Stapleton. Jas. Doyle.
ITL -Nora elcGratie 'Margaret Jar -
Rose Krauskopf, Annie Ryan,
Teresa MeCormick.
Credit -Helen -Kratiskopf, Veroniee
efolyneaux. Veronica Dill, Loretto
Delaney, Wilfrid ,Krauskopf, Wm.
Ryan. Below 50 -jos. O'Reilly, M-
bert Gormley. Marvis Draken John
McIver, Wm. entitle Catherine Don-
Latin: L -Loretto Delaney, Nora
McGretli, Pat McConnell, Joint Me -
Miss Marie tong has rezurned to
her home v. Cranbrook after an ex-
tended visit with her sister, Mrs, Roy
Miss Grace Somerville visited her
friend. Miss Flora Harris, aster the
week -end,
We are sorry to hear that number of
children are home from echool- euffer-
htg chickenpox. -
A very pleasant evening was spent
at James McDonald's on Tuesday
evening of this week. Cards and
fleeting were the main feateree ad :he
evening's entertainment.
efiee Gneve, teacher of S. S. No. 4
spent the week -end with friends itt
Itternps are right - in style in this
Mies Belle Fairservice spent the
week -end at her home on the 96.
Makes Breathing Easy. The con-
atriction of the air passages and the
• struggle to breathe, too familiar
evidence of asthmatic trouble, carinot
• daunt Dr Kellogg's Asthma Remedy.
This is tile famotts remedy which is
' known far and wide for its complete
• eftectiveties's even under very severe
• couditions. It is no untried, experi-
mental preparatiott, but one with
Many years of strong service behind
• ft. Buy it from your nearest dealer,
Miss V. Morrison was in Stratford
attending the At Home at the Normal
Mr, Fergus Kelly spent the Week-
end in Stratford, *here he attended
the Normal Schopl Atallome, -
Mr. and . Mrs. Nelson Nicholson
aed.family spent Sunday at the home
of Mr: and 'Mrs. WilleCunningham.
Mr, and Mrs. Cole, from the West,
are visiting here.
'Mrs. Wan, Phelan. and little Miss
Mary seem Jest week visiting: Mr. and
Mrs. Will Lane and other friends.
Mr. Dick. McCabe, of Clintbe, spent
a few days last week at: the home of
Mr. Leslie Fear.
• Mrs. Robt. Johnston mad son. Mur-
ray, of Kincardineehaveleeee visiting
relatives in Blyth and vicinity,
Blyth Community Hall is to be op-
erated henceforth in accordance with
the terms of the act, under which the
Ontario Government seen years ago
made a grant of $2,000. Hon. • Jame
S, Martin,. minister of agricultureeha
been advised by James D. 'Moody,
clerk of the village council, that -a new
board of management, on which* are
mpresented •the: Women's Institute,
Sewing Circle, Agricultural - Society
and Horticultural Society, as Well as
the Council. This it the kind of board
called for by the Community Halls
Act, but no such board has hitherto
functioned. The board consists of
Reeve Dr. Milne and Councillor Mills,
Mrs. John Colclough, Miss Steinhoff,
David Laidlaw, E. Bender and J, D.
Moody. The Coungil has also called
off the vote of electors, which was to
have been taken this week on the gees -
tion of continuing control in the hands
of the Council itself, This arrangement
is understood to satisfy the depart-
ment, and prestunably the request of
last week for return Of the Govern-
ment grant will be dropped. There s
now only e300 indebtedness on the
building and it is understood that the
Wornen's Ijestitute is in a position to
pay this off, now that the difficulties
over the use of the hall have beet
smoothed out.
The People's church, Church of
Scotland, Charlottetown, P.E.I. has
extended a call to Rev. T. W. 6tood-
will of Toronto, who is now in charge
of the Pres`byterian Church at Blyth,
The call invites Rev. Mr. Goodeeill to
fill the -pulpit, which is being vacated
by Rev. D. H. I. Lamont, who has
accepted a call te the Reformed Pre -
bytenaft Church, Bloor street, Toron-
to, and which was formerly occupied
by Rev, J. W. S. 'Lowry.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. •Grasby and Mr.
and Mrs. John Grasby, Chas. and Mrs.
Nicholson and Clarence and Mrs.
Johnston were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Nesbit, oe Auburn- on Friday
Miss Ida Stalker and Mrs. Robert
Wells, of Londesboro, spent Sunday
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dicer Stalker.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Nicholson
and Gordon were guests of Mr. James
Marshall on Sunday.
Mrs. Clarence Johnston and Iona
spent Wednesday and Thursday with
her parents, John and Mrs,-Graaby,
Mr. Kenneth Taylor, who has been
up in Northern Quebec, has returned
home. -
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDonald, of
Provost,. Alberta, is visiting at his
brothers', Colin and Robert.
Miss Vine Wyatt has returned to
Blyth after a week's visit with her
cousin, Mrs. L. Roe, Welton,
Annual Meeting. -The annual con-
gregational meeting of the Queen
St. Church was held on Tuesday even-
ing, Tany. 31st. The pastor occupied
the chair. All departments of the
work of the Church reported a 'pros-
perous year. The treasurer of the
Maintenance and Extension Fund. re-
ported the forwarding irrefull the
amount allocated to the Church, viz.,
51,112.50 for the nine months ,of the
past year. The allocation for the en-
siling le months is $1,350. After the
tables were cleared Mr. Bisbee led in
a season of community singieig, The
Choir rendered several numbers and
all went home after enjoying one of
the best eneetinge in recent years.
On Sunday last the sacramental ex-
ercises of Queen st. Church were well
attended. The Sunday School also en-
joyed a very large attendence.
Mrs. Wm, Z. Cade, of St. Marys, is
visiting her parents at the Parsonage,
Dinsley st.
Annual Meeting. -The animal meet -
Mg of St. Andrew's United Church,
Blyth, was held on Monday :evening,
February bth. There was a large at-
tendance and Very deep interest in all
the proceedings. Rev. George Weir,
B.A., acting pastor, occupied the chair
with Mr. Willem:McMillan as secre-
tary. After devotiotial exercises the
business of the evening was proceed-
ed with, Excellent reports were giv-
en from the various societies, indicat-
ing the splendid work done during the
year and the eilouraging condition of
the congregation at the present time.
Total amount raised, $5,440.00; of this
amount $1,295.00 was given for Mis-
sions. The 1A -roman's Societies' $767.
There is a balance on hand Of'$200.00
M the current revenue. The follow-
ing were added to. the Board di Man-
agers, W. R. Erskine, W. C. Laid-
law, John 'McArthur, George Mee
Gowan and Charles Barrett. IvIesSes,
R. Bs McGowan and C. D, Barrett
were re-eiected auditors, Mr, Peter
Gardiner Was appointed Secretary.,
Treaaurer for Missions arid Mr, L. j.
Williams was re-elected Treasurer. .A
hearty vote of thanks was extetided to
Mr. Rohe 'Watt for his faithful work
as Mission Treasurer, Messrs. Hub-
of appreeiation cif the sp ea wors
beleg dose by Mr. and Mrs, Weir was
given by the -congregation, after vahich
tielightliti luneh was served by the
ladies and a most enjoyable eoeial
heur was spent. ,.
Mr. ewe Mrs, Leslie Biernes of the
7th line of Morrie, eetertanted a few
of their 'frieittle last Thursday evening.
'elle time'. was pleasantly spent in so-
cial chat, easels and dancing. Every
one there reported a good time.
Miss Getty, of Detroit, visited with
Iter piucle, MeoGeorge Dalrymple, last
Mr, John Kinsinau is home from the
West, and is visiting with his brother,
Mr. Earl Kiesmen.
Mies Mabel Perdy had the mis-
fortune to fall and fracture her knee.
Her many friends hope site will soon
be around again. -
Mrs, Thorp Rivers and children, of
Brock, Sask., vieitecl at the home of
Mrs. Robert Lavery last Monday.
A number of the women attended a
quilting be at the home of Mrs. Rich-
ard Sillery last Thursday.
Mr. William Davis purchased a fine
new horse fruit Mr. James Boyce, of
Brucefield. '
Mr. Thos. Cleary_of Dakota is visit-
ing at the home of his nephew, Mr.
and 'Mrs, Wen..01eafy, St. Columban,
Mr, and Mrs. Peter McCann and
grend 'son, Master Peter Murray of
Hibbert, were guests on Sunday last
at the home of her nephew, Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick Nigh, Seaforth.
Miss Monica Roach of Dublin spent
the week end at the borne of her cou-
sins, Mr and Mrs. eoseph Cronin, Ilib-
Mr, John Nigh of Teckerstnith
steent Sunday evening at the home of
his sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh,
Afes Luke Nigh and son, Master
Edward, of Tuckeremith, and daugh-
ter, Mrs, Peter Hicknell of McKillop,
spent Monday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Nigh, Tucker -
'Ladies' Aid No. 3, of Egrnondville
United :Church, held its nionthly meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. Andrew
Houston, on Thursday, Feb. 2nd.
Mrs. John McLachlan visited at the
urday. ....,. vehicles -the Huron 'Road, and to some Road No. 22 Opposite Con.
commenced to keep open for motor
home of Mrs. A. Johnston on Sat -
shooting jaek rabbits last week. , .
were °"` extent the County has been making 3, East and West Wawa-,
an effort to keep open sotne of the nosh • • - ..... .. ., ,... 1,150.76
. ..-a .
Several of the farmers
home of Mr, and Mrs, Thomaa Hod- It is believed that Road Na.o. 12 Sheet asphalt
Mr. Edward Andrews visited at the coe00, rga45,
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hodgert 01-1... knight, advantageottele, be kept 'open iSeaforth .. .. .......,, . 12,943.76
the fake Shore road le this county pave:tent, Main street,
fail is Road No. 9 Annual grant to
gert on Sunday afternoon..
-tertained a few friends on Friday i(eri liii"tedr b:dfle.,te,e 'tide enew
taineed a number of the young folks
Mr. and Mrs. David McLean enter- far removed from a railway. Snow ments - .. .. ........ , ,. 3,055.00
removal costs in Michigan average Road No. 1 Annual grant to
iv , an since i seraes communities Hensel!, 6th of 10 install- 6,766.00
day night, followed by a dance. $40.00 per mile -for conditions similar 'Winghame 61h of 10 in -
Mrs. Robert Charters is confined to vary greatly from year to year.
to those in this county, but such costs 'stallments
to an enjoyable skating party Mon-
-aveek theough illness. Mrs, Gnard fences will continue to oc-
bed this has been ill for some cupy an increasing share of atten-
Robert Watson
time at 'the home of her daughter, tion. It is possible that the day .is
. not far distant when many main
Mrs. George Coleman
Mr, William Martin, of the lie roads drained by open ditches will be
concession, had the misfortune to lose protected, throughout, vfith cable
a valuable heavy horse OA Friday last. guard fence. The cost would not be
It dropped dead on the road while Mr: great and the necessity for a road
'Martin was returning home from his fence on the farm adjacent would be
brother John's. eliminated: Moreover, this would
• Permit the cultivating or pasturing
ovfenttlainegrtohaed gsriodievst,h aonid wacs:disst. in pre -
A Household Medicine. -
They that
are acquainted with the sterling prop- During the coining year it will be
erties of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Otl found necessary to purchase same
would not be without it in the house. new tractors, and it may be found
in the treatment of many ailments
It is only a household medicine and it advisable to purchase one or more
is effective in dealing with many account will be a little larger than
trucks, so that our new machinery
THURSDAY, 11413RUARY 9, W28.
Some Farmers in Perth and Huron USE Niagara
Other Farmers are'Satislied with Poor crop
-Intelligent Use of Niagara Land Lime PAYS
Land without Lime is Unprofitable
particular Farmers Prefer Niagara Super Soluble Land Lime
Economical Farmers Use It, Why? It Costs Less per Acre
Progressive Farmers Always Demand Quality
Niagara Land Lime is 99 per cent Pure
A. Trial Order Solicited, Once Tried Always Used
The SuPerltor Fertilizer for
iUfaUa and
or flepresentativ es
S. IR ;WORTH PHONE. 136 r.-2
and 'systematic 'form, it is expedted
that more patrolmen of a full time
nature will be appointed. It is found
that the beet aervice to the traffic re-
sults from the employment of good
teen, and by giving them as much
work to supervise as they can effi-
ciently handle. During 1928 a larger
Proportion of our expenditure *ill
be made on maintenance, and it is ex-
pected that our construction work
will be considerably less than 1927,
and chiefly take the form of complet-
ing projects Already under way.
The use of trucks with spring blade
attachments for scraping roads is
also under consideration. 'There is
no doubt that horses will be largely
replaced by motors in this county,
for road work, before many, years.
Up to date, the snow has not been
the cause of much 'trouble on our
roads, but conditions indicate the ad-
visability of constructing more snow
fences. In fact, it would !appear ad-
visable to provide portable Snow
fences for all places that accumulate
snow, if it is not poasible to remedy
the condition otherwise.
The Department of Highways has
Illowlek - W'allace bound-
ury . .... 3,02259
Road No. 12, 'MdKillop nor-
therly from Seaforth 5,099.92
Road No, 25, Easterly from
Auburn , 2,318,847
Road No. 33 Northerly 'from
South Town line, Stephen
Tp. . 7385.60
Road NO. 22 Southerly front
Con. Road d0-31 951.95
Road No, 2, opposite lot 8,
Lake Road, Colborne 841.64
Road No. 14 McKillop and
'Logan, northerly f r o rn
Con. 12 1,287,71
Road No. 19 Grey, southerly
from Ethel 5,853.20
Road No. 1 Turnberry and
northerly Prom Wingham 1,290.92
Roael No. 7 Easterly front
take Shore Road, Hay
and Stephen 2,913.76
Road No. 27, Ashfield and
W. Wawanosh, culvert op.
con. 3 582.79
Road No. 21 Ternberry and
Morris, grading opp, lots
lots 20-21 885.41
Road No. 30 Howick, op-
posite con. 16 at Blind lake 1,930.28
Machinery Account.
New Machinery:
Gallion Power Gradera....$2,911.89
12 Snowplows „, ..... . 220.00
1 Caboose 249.76
4 Dominion ;Road Patrol
;Graders ... . 560.50
49 Slip Scrapers 511.48
5 Gravel Screens a 105.47
'1 Screening Plant 590.00
Repairs to Machinery 1.74450
Maintenance and Repair.
Brushing and...Weed cutting..$2,372.41
Ditching e 201.30
Grading .. 3,535.21
ordinary complaints it is an inexpen-
Sive medicine. So, keep it on hand, ,
7Brriadggge,:g ........ 18,534.47
Culverts . , . . . .... 11,93621
pa se ettheed icya.11 for it may come most unex-
streets will be brought to the atten-
The matter af a paving village
Resurfacing 443,967591..9761
I beg to submit herewith my report
?I'he following is the report of the
County Engineer and Road 'Superin-
tendent presented to Huron County
Council at the -January session:
,'To the ;Warden and Members,
Huron County Council,.
Gentlemen, -
On the work (tied expenditures on the
County Road System of -the County
ciflHeron for the year 1927.
The past year witnessed the carry-
ing out of many importa.nt works on
the road system which are listed in a
statement at the end of this report,
showing the cost of each. All of the
improvements undertaken -were car-
ried to a 'state of completion that
caused a minimum of interference to
the traffic. One, of 'the large costs of
any piece of road improvement is the
• cost to the travelling public of travel-
ling over an inferior road, or by a
longer detour, and it must be kept in
mind that the public loses every time
that a road is out of comtrtission. The
traffic of the day is the most impor-
tant traffic which we have to serve:
The ,Government census indicates a
steady increase in the traffic and
consequently an increasing dement'
from the roads. During the . pa'st
year, the condition of our roads, as a
whole was somewhat better than us-
ual, but more intensive maintenance
will be needed to bring them up to
the standard to which 'they may be
economically kept, •
Our experience indicates that some
improvements in methods will give
improved results. During' the past
it lias been the practice to use our
crushing plants for the production of
material for road construction, and
to depend ahudet entirely upon
screening to produce gravel 'for
maintenance, IScreenitig, however, is
a costly process, and somewhat waste-
ftd, :Moreover it requiree a great deal
of hand labor Whiell 18 •increasingly
hard to secure. It es planned to use
our erushieg plants this year for the
production of .fine maintenance gravel.
to a larger extent than in tbe past.
This material must be crushed so that
all will pass a 74" ring, and some al-
tevations 10 our crushing plants • Will
be needed.
In order that our maintenance
work may asaume a more regular
11011 of the council again, and such
expenditures cannot be financed pro-
perly from the annual road levy.
This County has been following what
is generally known as a "pay as you
go' policy. However, during the
years that this policy has been in .ef-
fent, many road itnprovemenrs -hafre
been carried out that will be of value
to many corning •generations, !Per.
mament culverts and bridges have
been built, hills have been cut, and
road grades.widened which represent
a considerable expenditure, It Ailey
thus be seen that this practice is to
a largn extent a "pay in advance"
policy. The true "pay as you go"
policy is the practice of paying dew-
ing the year for the cost of the road
service of that year. There is a pre-
judice against debt in the minds of
certain people, but the issue of de-
benteres for improvements having a
long life is as much a part of a 'pay
as you go" policy as is the sentient
for maintenance out of current funds.
In conclusion I wish to point out
that any good work being clone on
the County Road System is largely
due to the integrity and faithful per-
formance of the various .foremen and
patrolmen in charge of the Jobs.
This County has sent many good men
to other parts of the world, but there
are a. great many left here yet, I
wish, too, to exprese my appreciation
for the co-operation and help extend-
ed by the members of the County
Council both individually and col-
lectively. Respectfully submitted, T.
Roy Patterson, •county engineer.
Road Construction, 1027.
.s 3,251.29
Road No, 2, Lake Shore
'Reed, Stanley and 3 -Tay
tps., 7 -miles ...... . 18,272.78
Road No. 35, iBitnfield east:t-
elly ee mile and at Trick's
bridge , ......... ,2393.78
Road No, 21, Lucknow east-
. erly 194 miles 7,283,04
Road No. 30, 'Southerly front
,RolFaotic•Nluonc911,--Ittarl, Ttligee8as.t.e.r: 8.946,59
ly from St, Joseph and in
the Hay *Swamps 4,863.55
Road No. 25, MeKillop To.
along ..Lots 5-10 2,158.97
Road No, 25, Colborne Tp,
easterly front lot 6W, 3
miles .. ....... 8,967.59
Roed lin, 21, Ktvaterly 'from
Oiling and 'Tarring .. 9,982.50
Snow Roads ................2,825.59
Drains ...... . . . .. 1,034.35
Guard Fences ....... 201.60
Signs .. . ... 141,56
Bridge Construction.
Blyth IB rid ge 1 ... , . .53,205.05
Torrance's Bridge 390.85
Salary, County Engineer ....$3,500,00
Railway Fares 8.45
Hotel Rills .. .... .. .. . . . . 72.15
Automobile Expenses 298.87
Clerical Assistance 900.00
Stationery .. .. . . ........ 286.29 •
Telephone and Telegraph 97.77
lexpenses to Conference 34.20
- ---
- Summary,
Road Construction' ....
Bridge Construction
Maintenance and Repair
Machinery .. .. ..
Superintendei .. .,
Total.. . e ....
Less deductible receipts
• • • 6,805.60
, 5;197.5-34,r4-
...$ 1,462,69
Government subsidy should
be .................5008,74128
Sununary of Receipts.
Surplus front 1926 $ 30,000.00
2 88 542.35
. 108,741.28
-mill levy
Pedal levies '
Sundry iReceipts
Government Subsidy .
Total $231,398.23
'The worms that infest children
from their birth are of two kinds.
those that find lodgement in the
etomach and those that ere found in
the intestines. The -latter are the
indst destructive, as they cling to the
walls of the intestines and if not inter-
fered with work havoc there. Mil-
ler's Wortn ,Powders dislodge both
kinds and while expelling them frain
the system serve to repair the damage
they have caused, '
To have the child sound and healthy
is lite first care of A mother, They
cannot be healthy if bothered ,with
wortns. Use Mother Graves' Wartn