The Seaforth News, 1928-02-02, Page 4FOHR
SoW4QflBeeee Petellehees,
IVIeligan-Godlcire—The MArrine of
Delhi, Edo, daughter of Mrs. A,
Godkin end the tate Albert .Godkin.,
of McKillop township, to J0110 S.
legate of Ott:levet Mel< piece hiTe-
rent° on S'aturday, eatipary 7th, .at
Oanforte Uinted church, by the Rev.
.1, J. Coulter, The bride wore pale
pink georgette with silver shoes and
hat to match. Tier bouquet was of
sweet peas and lily-ofetheevalley 'with
maidephair fern. The young couple
will reside at 104 Heintiton avenee,
Toronto, The bride's many friends M
this cotuniunity wish her and her hus-
band. much happiness and prosperite,
•'Miss Viola Carter has returned
home after spending some time in
• iNaterdown:
WillmotteGodkine-A quiet wedding
- took place at Danforth United church,
Toronto, on Thursday, Jan, 26th,
, when lieeter Melissa, second daugh-
ter of Mrs. Godkin, and the late, Al-
bert Godkiii, was milted n marriage
to Frederick Arthur, son of Mrs. John
Willmotte Bracebridge. The ceree
menfy was performed hy Rev. 5, 5,
Coulter, of that city. Mr. and Mrs.
Willmott svill make. their home at 52
Playter Crescent, Toronto, and have
the kind wishes of this neighboehood
for a hap'py voyage along life's way,
The Young PeonleseEndeavor are
having a Valentine social on Friday,
Feb. 10,
Mr.. and Mrs, Charles Pollard en-
tertaitied a number of their friends
to a party, Wedneeday night, Feb. 1.
Miss Fern Cove has -returned home
after spending the past month with
friends in Harriston.
Mr, Frank Kelly, 8th line Morris, is
under the docter's care. Hie many
friends wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sellers and
Mildred visited with 'Charles and Mrs,
Sellers on Sunday,
Mrs, John S'hortreee Visited her
daughter, Mrs. Les. Johnston, Wawa -
• Miss Berea Stele spent the week-
end with Miss Ruth Manning.
Messrs. John and Henry Scott, Bert
Charlton and Gordon McEwan, of
Ilderton, visitedat the home of W.
J. and Mrs. Shorteed last week.
' Mr. John Rae, of .Edmonton, who
has been visiting his brother, James
'Rae,is in Stratfordethis week at his
sister's, Mee. Small.
A sleigh -toad of Young People of.
Duff's United Church went to Mon-
- crief last Friday night and report a
e- fine time. Moncrief intends corning
ee back to Walton ou Friday evening,
Feb. 10,
Mr. John Rae, of Edmonton, is vis-
iting his nother and .brother on the
17th concession of Grey.
Mr. and Mrs. Skalitsky, of Alberta
are visiting the latter's brother, Mr:
W. M. MeCulla.
'Some of the ladies of the village
have started house cleaning as the
mats are hanging out the window. No
• danger of flies yet.
The hay pressers are busy at Mrs.
W. Murray's as there is about 100
tons of hay to press.
Annual meeting of Duff's :United
Church was held in the church base-
ment on Jan. 17th, Quite a number
of the congregation were present. Re-
ports from all departments were very
• encouraging, each having reached al-
location for the year.
We are pleased to note that Mr. Da-
vid Watson, west of the village, who
has been very HI, is fast improving
and we expect ,to see him out again
before long.
OCoetinued from page ee
mot is looked upon se a MIMI& Mat.
WI', as Houses of Refuge, in most
eases are already well 61Iect and
have no special means of taking care
of such patients as might be return-
ed to cooties, Carletoa county in-
vites Huron county to send delegates
to a meetiog lo be held in 'February
De' wait on the Government asking
for the establishment of three or
more covaleseent homes in the Pro-
vince •for such patients, Victoria
county had a commenication on the
seine question.
A request from the Salvation Arnie,
for their rescue 'home in Loadon was
referred to the executive committee;
also a request for a grant for the
Sick Ceildren's Hospital in Toronto.
Hastings county finds that much
damage is done to rods by trucks,
especially In wet weather and is ask-
ing co-operation in seeking for more
drestic legislation as to loads allowed
or use of roads in the spring end fall.
--Referred to the special committee.
The report of the agricultural rep-
resentative is a voltuninious one and
the Warden is asked to pick out such
parts of the report as appear of most
value to be prinked in the minutes.
An appeal for assistance to the
Muskoka Hospital Was filed.
The United Counties of Leeds and
Grenville want urban municipalities
separated from the comity to be com-
pelled to pay a portion of the upkeep
of highways and asks the co-operetion
of Huron county • in memorializing
the Legislature.
A protest 'froin the Township of
McKillop against the keeping of
highways open in winter, as „.being
much too expensive and a detriment
to farmers -wishing to use the high-
way as.a snow road.—Referred to the
Good Roads Commission,
The Navy League of Canada asked
for a grant. Filed.
Essex County finds unfairness in
the 'cifflecting of • fines under the
Liquor Control Act by the Province
when the conviction is secured by
Provitzeial officers and asks co-opera-
tion in achange in :the system.--Re-
/erred to The special committee,
The Legislature is now making a
charge ,of 412 for a full service of
copies oT all bills And the proceedure
of the Legislature. This is a new
thing and the •council decided they
did not need the service 11 11 is to be
chaeg'ed-efon and filed the report.
Notice of the convention of Coun-
ty Engineers was flied.
rees. applications for the position
of county auditor were received,
from Peter Gardiner, Blyth, and -A.
The Cildren's Aid Society asks
for a renewal of the aid the county
has been giving.—Sent to the execu-
tive coinmietee.
A request from Geo. James, care-
taker of the coure house, for an in-
creakin salary was referred to the
e.eecistive. Mr. James said he had
• served for six years without any in-
crease in salary.
Cheirnean Holman of the Mothers'
Allowance Board pointed out that the
paymente under the Mothers' Allow-
ance Act appeared larger than -usual
held over from the previous year.
PaYment of $3,100 being
on account of
There was little or no increase in the
year's expenses.
Messrs. AIL Baeker and G. W. Ho: -
man wereeappoineed to the Board of
Criihieal Audit on motion of Messrs.
Cox and Hackett.
Messrs'. T. Ingles, 11.1Cox and II.
Hill were appointed as the Good
Rods ,Commission, on motion of
efessiA,Adams and Craigie, •
My -IL:Stewart was appointed to
the board of trustees of Seaforth
Collegiate Institute, Mr. R. Vanstone
o Wingliam High School Board, Mr.
Brydenetb the Clinton 'Collegiate
Board,- Mr. H. T. Rance to the Exe-
et- Board, and Mr. J. J. Robertson
to the Goderich Collegiate Institute.
A motion to grant $1,000 to each
regular hospital in the county was
mferred to- the executive committee.
A motion by Messrs. Kennedy and
Hackett was that the Good Roads
Commission proceed with the cutting
ef the 'hill on the' road to Saltford
and the widening of the road as soon
as possible, • this being a dangerous
and much travelled road.—Referred
to the Good Roads Commission. '
Mr. 5, W. Craigic was appointed. to
the ceisdetkli Hospital .13derd. '
'Theeifesticeerizsg; Dr. Milne, R. Ken-
nedy, R:Turner, J. W. McKibben and
Alex. Hackett were appointed a
striking ;committee .to select the
standing committees fors the year,
and . theereeeeeort as follows was
ad ofefe're.
Eteeekeee-F. J. McQuaid, J. W.
Langfot esele. A. Goetz, R. E. Turner,
J. Baleantytfe.
Special—E. A. Adams, T. J. Ander-
son, F..5 ‚McQuaid, J. A. Manson, F.
D. Stalk --
Finance—A. C. Beaker, J. W. Beat-
tie, L J: Wright, R. Higgins, E. F.
Education—j. W. Beattie, A. C.
13aeker, De Milne, F. W. Rowland, C.
13, Snell.
Road And Bridge—A. E. Johnston,
R. E. Turner, W. J. Henderson, Alex.
Hackett, J. W. McKibbote
CountyProperty—J. .A. Manson, J.
W. Craigie, Geo. Hubbard, John
Henneberg, H. A. Keyes.
House of Reffige-eDr. Milne, R.
Kennedy, je W. lefoKibbon, Geo.
'Warden's C,ainmittee—Alex. Hack-
ett W. I, Henderson, John Henne-
berg, R. A. Goetz, E. A, Adams.
Good Roads Commiesion.--T. 1n•
glis, H. Hill, H. C. Cox.
At the Wednesday morning session
Mr. Baeker spoke of the great satis-
faction the, inmates of the County
Home were :getting from the radio
installed in the county hothe, and elle
account fOrthis was referred to the
House of Refuge committee.
Under the head of enquiries Mr.
Henderson aeked what action had
been taken regarding the matter of
the moving of the offices of the pole
Ire magistrate and the agog of the
Children's Aid Society, alto with re-
ference to providing another office in
the Court House. The clerk repott-
ed ,the stees takeit, but could rot re-
port enestleing definite accomplished.
The clerk" raked the question of
Mr. Foster 'Brigham, who has been
..pending the past month with his
brother and sisters here, left last
week for his eoine in Kamsack, Sask.
Miss Effie Laidlaw entertained a
few of her friends to a birthday party
eu Saturday evening, the 28th.
Mrs. Thos. Laidlaw gave a very
pleasant time to some of her young
lady friends on Friday evening.
The Young People of Blyth United
Churches held annual skating party
on Monday evening, after which a
lunch was served in ,St. Andrew's
Miss V. Morrison spent the week-
end at the home of David Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H, Richmond
ese-aed daughter Jessie visited with Mr.
• " and Mrs.. Albert .Brigham, Hullett,
o Saturday. -
• Mr. •and Mrs. John Pickett, of
: Maple Creek, Sask., were visiting at
. the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
1. Howatt, Mr, and Mrs. Norman San-
• derson, Mr. and Mrs. James Brigham,
of Hullett,
The friends and neighbors will be
. pleased to know that Mr, and Mrs.
Dave -Watson, who have been on the
• sick list, are improving nicely.
Miss J. Cowan has returned froln
a pleasant visit with Londesboro
. friends.
Mrs. D. Nicol, of near Seaforth, is
spending a few weeks with her sis-
ters, Mrs. Collinson and Mrs. Den-
Mrs, R. E. Sillib, who has been vis-
iting her mother, Mrs, Collinson, has
returned to her home in Brantford.
Miss Ella Heffron is not improving
as fast as her many friends would
like to see her.
Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Nicholson spent
Sunday with Mr. anci•Mrs, Leslie
Mr. Chas. Cunningham spent the
past two weeks visiting friends at
Teeswater,, Wingham and Bluevale,
• Mrs, John Grasby visited her dau-
ghter, Mrs. Clarence Johnston on
Mr, Chas. Cunningham was the
guest of Mr, Chas. Nicholson on
lir, Frank Belt has not been very
well lately. ,We hope he will soon be
o.k, again.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Feer, Mary and
Mabel were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Nicholson on Friday evening.
Sharonhill,—Wfil Sharoithill coerce-
poadent kiadly forward her own
name, that we may use her splendid
e budget of news. •
. -
Want mid For Sale ads, 3 times 50e
changing„. the tune of year of the
holding of the Ponca Meetings and a
good deal of diseussicez took place,
hut no Ct-0414te SCtiOS 'wits teem
The clerk tie milted mil that the Jane -
wry seselon' followed the "I)ecenther
keess4)11 -too- closely end suggested
holdime the last seetzion la Noventhet
instead of,- Deeenther. Mettler, self'.
gestien was that the June. seeseop be
eteld a eienth earlier so as fo'egDze -the
Road Ceminissiori time to dedde on
road woeic, Other suggestions were
thak a enecieroneeday seesien be held
earlier in the season to decide on
road work for the year or that the
road commission of one year lay out
the prograns for the net year, har-
ing gained a better knowleege of the
roads than new *men. could.
Mr. Thos. Inglis brought up the
matter of having .a visit from the
Bruce county council in June.
Mr, J. M. Govenlock 'spoke 'brief-
ly thanking the commit for . his ap-
pointment as Inspector the Con,
ty Home.' and asked, to rneet the
House ef Refuge consmitfee for a few'
The following motion was referred
to the special committee: Moved by
Hugh Hill, seconded by.eierb C. Cox,
that, whereas the automobile traffic
is ever increeeing, causing greater
deterioration to all roads and neces-
sitating larger expenditures, ailed;
whereas all the revenue derived from
automobile permit e ahd gas tax are
collected by the Department of High-
ways, be it respired that this county
council memorialize the Government
and petititin -the :Highways Depart-
ment to raise the tax on gasoline
.front 3c to Sc per gallon on all gaso-
line for automobile purposes and that
the Government assume 50 per cent.
of the cost of maintenance and con-
"struetion of all roads in municipalities
complying . with good roads legis-
A motieli by Dr. Milne and A. Bae-
ker, which was referred to 'the spe-
cial committee, vitas' that this council
memotialize thee—Legislature to
amend etlie Division Court, Aet and
make it necessary 'for the judge eo be
preseneeor ifethe couet is adjourned
and the judge Of -present, there be no
fees put on the municipality.
The following motion was referred
to the (ipodsRoaes Conugession:
Moved" bete RoleeKeTurtter; seconded
by E. A. Adams, thee the County of
Huron 'take- dherge of the mainten-
ance ofCainbria road in the Town of
Goderich, it beitigeassornedeas a con -
'meting link between the Provincial
highway at the Pluton road and the
county road approaching Colborne
township ai per the Motion of Messrs.
Munnings and IvlacEwan in January,
1924, such maintenance te be defray-
ed out of funds at the credit of the
town of Goderich, which have been
levied by the county and paid by the
'town for good roads purposes.
Motions to grant $100 to each
spring fair, $100 to eacb fall fair, $100
to the Clinton spring fair, $25 to each
school holding a school fair, $150 to
• the North Huron Plowmen's Associ-
ation, $25 to the Hensall spring seed
show and $20 for flowers around the
court house, were referred to the ex-
• ecutive committee.
A motion by Messrs Kennedy and
Ballantyne that the Egmondville
street be paved at as early a date as
possible, was referred to the Good
Roads Commission. -
A motion to appoint Messrs. Gar-
diner and Erwin as county auditors
was laid .over .for .en,query by (he
clerk as to the need of'appointing au-
ditors, the .books for last year hav-
ing been already audited. The ques-
Con was:whether legal requirements
did not mn,cessitate the appointment of
auelitori.• '
• Wednesday Afternoon.
At the Wednesday afternoon ses-
sion of the conty.council reports of
the Ilowiele Agelzeiltural Society and
of the Solile•Hule Plowmen's As-
sociation were filed.
Leviee of the Goderich Collegiate
Instioettenne.Exeter High School for
county attendance for 1927 were sent
tu the education committee.
Reports of the 'Clinton and Wing -
ham hospitels werfileti.
Tenders eyere -referred to the exe-
cutive deetzinitteetees.
Mr, jeAree Wilkinson, representing
the GeWsenenteeeelelreseed the coun-
cil with reference to gturning in-
mates of. aertaineeeeenetAtio Hospitals
to Housee of Referee .ge said the
proposal4vas tte. Sfeed these otietts
out on•Velsation feet„ three months,
but thatelfter siee istheiths' probation
they would lhave're he admitted as at
first. The Government was not
going to dump patients promiscuous-
ly. on Houses of 'Refuge. The House
or :Refuge Via8 a credit to the county
and province.
The county engineer then presented
his report.
Mr. Paterson, the agricultural rep-
res.entative, was then asked to :ad-
dress the ,council and spoke of his
plans for this year, which include
trying to repeat the success of last
year's bacon 'hog fair, He suggested
that the county assist in the work of
,cleveloping the bacon hog and im-
proving the market value of other
animals. The spray service would be
Continued as there were good results
last year. A 'better seed campaign
would be assisted, as a campaign of
tbie kind should be carried on along
with the extermination of noxious
weeds, Mr. Patterson expressed his
appreciation of .the generous donation
to assist in judging contest expenses.
The county championship public
speaking contests he thought wotild
be introduced into the County of
Huron as they had proved a success
in dther counties. He recommended
the coenty to niake MI annual grant
for junior eseteesion work.
Mr. Haase, the district highwasere-
presentative, was present and was
asked to address the condi, He
thought the resignations of superin-
tendents were too frequent and
thought perhaps the rernutieration
was not large enough. A bylaw ap-
pointing a township superintendent
cold not be repealed without the
consent of the minister, the intention,
being te create permanence in the.
systeen; Coesiderable diseuseiori took
niece by councillors chiefly regardine
the method of employment and the
authority assumed by road superin-
tendetitt its many cases, Mr, Hease
THURSDAY, leSeelteleARef g, 1928,
74 VALUTIltilLIE, sERviele TO T1414 vuEtue
Snits and Overcoatsmade to sparkle with• new look and
feel, gives you that well dressed feeling. Price :zoo,
' Hats thoroughly cleaned inside and out, then cleverly re,..
blocked. Price $1,06
Dresses and Evening Gowns of the most delicate cloths
cleaned and anished by experts. Prices from $1.7$ up
Suits cleaned by the famous Valeteria method, Every
detail so correct. Price $2.00 '
Felt Hats need not be discarded when they begin to look
soiled. They are cleaned through and through and
— gleam with revived freshnes,s even in the linipg Price 90c
Sweaters which you may think are beyond cleaning are
made to look like new without shrinking, streaking or
less of shape. Price $1.00
During the past year we had_ a very large number of
skirts repleated, some of them on dresses of the most
delicate fabrics. Prices vary on this Work according to
the kind of pleats:
Jackson's clean your sweaters right no shrinking -. no)
loss of shape :- no stretching and the charge -is -only $190
• .
Your Ties are good anew when, French cleaned, then
reshaped by a new steam press.
Dressing Gowns, Caps) Spats, Gloves, Scarfs and
many other articles of wearing apparP can be
cleaned to look like new and the Ularge is not
too high. •
Just phone 227
We have the agency of the Jackson Dry Cleaners of London. •
Seaforth Garment Care
Sidney Dungey, Prop.
answered many cinestions put to him the year instead of leaving it off till
as to road construction. near the 1st of July, when a lot of
The clerk applied for an increase the dust season is past, ,also other
of salary for himself, for +the turn- villages if not Paved.
key of the jail, the manager and the Moved by Messrs. 'Hubbard and
matron of the House of Refuge and Hackett, that the road southof
the caretaker of the court house and Gorrie be graded and gravelled this
registry office. These were sent to year, as it in a very. bad state of
she executive, committee. repair at the present time.
A motion by Reeve F. J. McQuaid Moved by Messrs, Klopp and Mc -
and A, C. Baeker that this county Quaid that this county council grapt
council meznorialize the Ontario Leg- i500 to the children's shelter.—Sent
islature eo amend the Children's Aid to the executive•committee.
Act so that the children's shelter of Moved by Messrs. .Beattie and
each cOunty be administered by a Craigie that R. Turner be appointed
coninlittee appointed by each county on the Children's Shelter Board.—
council and payments be ordered by Carried.
them an.d that all payments be made Moved by 'Messrs. Adams and
by the county treasurer, so that the Langford, that the Base Line front
could)/ shelter will be administered Clinton to Auburn be plated on the
the same as are County Houses of county road system.—Sent to Good
Refuge, and thet -copies of this me- Roads Sysmmt
tion be sent to our local members,— Moved by Messes, Hackett and An -
Sent to special committee. dersam, that this county council ap-
'Moved by 'Messrs. Rowland and Prove of the construction of the
Keys 'that ehe county provide some county highway from the 9th con -
kind of sidewalk accommodation cession of Ashfield to the village of
from the village of Ethel to the Can- Dungannon during the coining sum-
edian National tRailway station on mer of ,1928. --Good Roads 'Com-.
coluify road' No. 19, At present the mission.
roade,ae is dangerous for pedestrian Moved by Messrs. 'Ballantyne and
traffic on account of the roadway be- Goetz, that the remainder of con-
ing used by vehicles the entire cession 8, Usborne, Iroise the point of
width ref the roadway.—Sent to the contact with the county eoad No. 23
Good -Roads Commission. at the 'Thames Road to Whalen, link -
'Moved by R. Higgins, seconded ung with the highway here 'be placed
by Mr. Kennedy, that the road east on the county system—Good' Roads
of :Hensel' from the London road to Commission. •
what is known as the Y, a -dietance Moved by Messrs. Turner.and 'Crai-
of about two miles, be taken over gie that a grant of 4000 be made to
and made a part of the Good .e.oads the -Children's AideSociety' of Huron
system.--Seet to Good Roads Coin- to be paid quarterly in advance.--
nusseen. Executive cornmittee,
Moved by Mr. McKibbon seconded 'Moved by Messrs. Higgins and
'by Mr. Henderson, that, as Wingham Snell that the matter of paving the
public school is the only school in London Road from Exeter north to
North Huron not receiving Provincial Kippen be taken up by the Good
grants as per Dr. Field's report, we- -Roads Commiseion with. the county
memorialize the Department to have engineer.—Good Roads 'Commission.
the statutes amended so as to include Moveby Messrs Bolter And Hill
towns the size of Wingham and that that the county council appoint a
copies of this resolution be sent to committee of five to bring in a re -
OUT local members.—Sent to educe- eort of what ehould he paid Mr. Lane
tion committee. - for service rendered this county coun-
The Warden and clerk were meth- cil and that the said committee con -
prized to sign and submit to the Min- sider Mr. Torrance's case also,—
ister of Highways and Public Works Carried.
a statement showing that during the Moved by Messrs. Hubbard 'and
year 10-27 there had beeu expended Baeker that the Warden select a cone -
the sum of $218,899.61 on good ramie
and .requestieg 'the statutory 1 grant
on that amount.
Motions to grant the Agricultural
Representetive $200 to be held in
trust by him for junior extension
work, to grant $100 to the Huron
County Trustees' Association and
$150 to the South Huron Plowmen's
Association -were sent lo the execu-
tive committee. -
A. motion by Messrs.' Wright and
McKilsbon that county road No. 52
north of Wingham be 'widened two
miles 'farther, and one by Meisrs,
Henderson and :Baeker that the 5th
concession of Morris be re -designated
k county road, were sent -to 'the Good
Roads Commission.
Thursday Morning.
At the Thursday morning session
the clerk announced that he had re-
ceived the annual levies for ,school
purposes from Wingham and Lis-
towel High Schools, and from !Brus-
sels and 'Fordevich continuation
schools. These 'were referred to the
educatibtl committee.
- Under the head . of enquiries Mr.
Beattie asked for an explanation Of
the -full salaries and perquisites ,re-
ceived by certain officers. The clerk
gave a very full explanation of the
method employed in paying extras
and bonuses.
'Further enquiries mere Made as to
the working of the 'Mothers' Allow-
ance mitt this was fully explained by
the clerk. •
Some explanations were esked
about the Plowmen's Association as
to the North 'Huron Plowmen's As-
societion 'being entitled -to $50 more
owing to the resolution oT last year
as to petits, The clerk prOmieed to
investigate the matter.
The following motions were dealt
wi th
Moved by 'Messrs, Hill and 'Stalker,
that this county council petition the
Department of 'Highways to recon-
sider bylaw No. 13 of 1927, drawing
their attention to the road 'from 'the
Highways four miles sotith .of Gode-
i•ich through 'Beerniller and the road
tlytheWingham gravel ,weet of
Moved by Konedy and Henneberg
that Eginondville be oiled 'earlier in
clitions to the county road system, we
Moved in antendment by Mr. Hen- recommend that this -be done.
dcrson, seconded by Mr. Klopp, that Re motions asking for additions, to
Mr. A. Porterfield and Mr. A. E. Er- the county road gystemewe recom-
win be county auditors. for .1928. mend that action be deferred until
The amendment carried. As the more consideration be received from
books have aleeady beet audited it is the Department on the Bylaw already
not likely that their services will be submitted.
requiredRe motion of 'Messrs. -Higgins and
By Messrs. Klopp and Manson that Snell re paving of the London Road,
the road leading from Sarepta north we recommend no action be taken as
through the townships of Hay and it is believed that 'the !Department of
Stanley to the Bayfield,react be Added Highways 'have already formed plans
to the county road system, as a' por- respecting the improvement of this
tion of. this, road' wee. foinierly a road.
county yead.—Sent to ' ee
Good Robs ads Re. municipal draassessments
Commission. - due its, Morristownship, wrecom-
The Friday morning seseion was mend -that these accoents be paid, le
the lea -session. feund correct.
Mr. Hackett asked what had been. Re petition of ratepayers of the
done as 'to the resolution as to the township of Howick for improvement
La:ke Sheore road matter brought up to McLaughlin's hill, we recommend'
at last session, SS' to. having it made a that consideration' cid this matter be
Provincial Highway. Mr, Beattie re- given and reported on in -June;
plied that nothing had been done so Re account. from. Joseph Greenway.
far as no report had 'been received ae for 14045 loss'On the B Line, Turn -
10 ownership as -provided in the resole berry Townshils, 'we recommend that
Mime -, action be deferred till. the matter be
Mr. Sane reported having taken his mvestigated.
January salary. We recommend that .the expenses
Moved by Messrs. Henderson and” of ex-Wardeir McKibbon to Toronto
Inglis' that the treasurer furnish bonds in 1927 be paid, on tha'occasion af
similar to Mr. :Lane's -bond, to the SR- his giving a paper Before the Ontario
Good Roads Association.
tisfaction 'of the 'Warden.
leYe recommend that, as the en -
in connection with the auditors'
Mr. Higgins, county auditor, sporkee_
mileage, and is in need of new tires
gineer's car has run a considerable
and .sorne repair's, that in be exchang-
ed on a new one.
EXecutive, Committee. Re motion of Messrs. Kennedy and
Henneberg that oiling 'in Egmond-
The executive commitfee recom- ville be done earlier, ff the. streetbe
ma'ended the following grants: $25 to eat paved, we recommend that ely
each eublic library in the county and
oiling done be done as ear,ly as is
half the amount to boundary lib-
hides; $100 to North Huron Plow-
men's Association on condition that Report of Property-Cosnmittee.
they furnish the council with a state-
ment of their receipts and expenses; 'The county property committee
$100 to the South Huron Plowmen's reported as follows.: We 'visited the
Association; $150 ,to the agricultural jail and found everything ' in very
representative for junior extension good condition with ten prisoners at
work, $750 to each of the hospitals on present. We recommend that one of
receipt of statementof receipts and the prisoners, Mr. George 'Godfrey,
expenses; $100 to' each Agricultural he transferred to the County Home at
Society holding -a spring fair; $20 for Clinton. 'We recommend that $10 be
flowers arood the Ceurt House; $25 granted for flowers around the jail,
to the Hensall seed show; $25 to each We examiner! the Court House and
school fair and half the amount to lia
recommend that new :filing cabinets
be placed in the sheriff's °Mee. We
recommend that a new typewriter be
secured for the Surrogate Clerk's of-
fice.'.We visited the registry office
and found everything in order. We
recommend that two chairs or stools
he purchased for this oefice. We
visited -the Children's Shelter and
found it in fair condition, with five
children therein at present. Wc
would recommend that the Shelter
be gradually redecorated as we find
papering and painting becoming nes
cessary. — The rep.ort was adopted
with the exception of the clause rec-
ommending a new typewriter for the
Surrogate :Cierk's dffice. "
Education Committee's Report.
The education committee reported
ae follows: We recommend that the
trestees be appointed to -the seeeral
High School anti Collegiate Ihstitute
poses, $525; auditors of criminal Boards in the r unty as per nietion"'
duly adopted, e recommend that Or
justice accounts, $5 a day and 10 Forwich Brussels Clinton .Listowel
the levies Of Goderich, Parkhill,
mittee to deal with the above motion. boundary fairs; $100 to the Cjinton
.The council lied adjourned when it spring phow; $100 to each agricule
was noticed that Mr. Erwin; a for- ' tural society ',holding A fall show and
mer district eagineere was .present and half the aliment tp boundary shoevs;
the council resumed their seats to. lis -j$100 to the Salvation ' Army; no
ten to a briefeaddress 'from hirn and, grant to the Hospital for Sick Chil-
though epet at present engaged in the dren; $50 to the :Huron Trustees' and
toAlite tchaeIle,pdhontris: day
Department, he Telt it a compliment Ratepayers' Association; $500 to the
Childrenes Aid -Society. and if a
afternoon session change of matron is made irninediate-
the clerk read -the opinion of the • iy, that aefurther grant be made in
county solicitor that it was regeireil June; that the following salaries and
ley 'the law that auditors be appointed. allowance for 11928 be paid: War -
The Warden reported that he had den e100; treasurer, $1,500; clerk,
appointed a committee bo, deal with $1,700; :Crown Attorney, $1;100; coun-
the matter of a grant to Mr. Lane ty engineer for designated roads
and to `Mr. Torrance, the committee, $3,300 and for county roads $200, and
consisting of Messrs. Baeker, Hen- upkeep of car; jailer (with fuel, light,
derson, Langford, McQuaid and Hill. etc.) $1,000; matron of Jail, $225; jail
The council approved of the appoint- physician, $120; turnkey (with no
tont, extras) $900; manager of House of
:Under the head of enquiries Mr. Refuge, $700 and $100 for upkeep of
Henderson asked about the salaries his car; matron of House of Refuge,
paid the different -officers of .the SheL- $700; assistant matron, $400; inspec-
ter. It was stated that the secretary tor of House of Refuge, $250; physi-
or inspector, Mr. Elliott, got $600 clan of House of Refuge, $40ete chap -
from the 'Government and $1200 from lain; $150; school inspectors for =-
elle Children's Aid Society,. and ex -
cents a mile one way; auditors' cows- schools,
wtth hoard.
p e‘n,ssehse,r iafild thateynotllides ma na dt r own 'Mr.
got 1$1i600tOt
ty accOunta, $Y); 'caretaker of court tiuttation schools be paid when vele.
Aid Society work Considerable cri- ty councillors $5 a'" day and 10 cents eiessrs, evIcKibbon mid Henderson to
fied by Ct°11elleacialeterki.nsRtietutema:tidonCoon-f
addressed the council as to Children's house and registry office, $900; coun-
deism was made by dome members a mile one way, put schools, in centres the size of
of the council as to conditions at the _IR
Shelter atilt it was expleinecl that the Report o Crood oads Commission. Wingham on a eer with the smaller
feeling behind tlse motion to grant egarding mint.ilt:ns referred tothe that ttik 13° done'
places as US grants; we recommend
Wc, roommend that Mr. 'Geo. Hoe
:nail lie appointed as representative
of the county cm the Senate of Lon-
don University in place of Mr, Wm
Lane. Regarding the communicatioa
of the OnMrio School Trustee§ Ats
sociation that no action be taken.
only $500 to the society in the meane
tiine was that a change tnust be made
in the office of matron of the Home
before further grants will be -made. '
Op the call for motions the follow-
ing 'were presented.
By Mr. Milne and Mr..Baeker that
the matter of the resolution regard -
ng the paement of additional grants
to continuation schools adopted at
last meeting of the council, this coun-
cil directs that the saitie be made to
appy to last year's payments as well
as in the. [attire mid that the rate be
the eame at that used in paying High
Schools and Collegiate Institutes.—
By Messrs, Adams end Cox that
Mr. Peter 'Gardiner of 113lyth and
Mr. A. E. Erwin of Hayfield, be ap-
pointed auditors and that a bylaw be
arepared eenfirming their appoint-
Goinmission rouesting that certain
works be carried out on the county
t•oads this year, we recommend that
consideration of 'these matters be de -
forted, and reported on in June, when
your Commission will have had an
opportunity to give them doe consid-
Re metion of earner and Adams
that the County assume the mainten-
ance of Cambria !Road in the Town
of .Ctoderiele we recommend that th'e
attitude of the Departmetit of High-
ways on the situation be secered so
that we ffiay be assured of the Gov-
ernmeet subsidy on any expenditure
that inasebe- made.
Re motion of Messrs, Hill end
Stalker that the Department of
Highways else petitioned to reconsider
Bylew, No. 13, 1927, making ad -
Report of Finance Conunittee.
The finance committee recommend.
ed payment of a number of accounts,
$229.50 to the Muskoka Ilespital re
Wilfrid Etue; payment of $60 to Hos-
pital for .Sick Children, Torontore
Gmbh Williams, "Ilie committee
recommends that anyone needing hos-
pital attendance be placed in a cotin-
ty hospital, ,We recommend that the
auditor's report dor 1927 be adopted
and that the auditors be paid $50 each
for their servtees,