The Seaforth News, 1928-02-02, Page 2Company, Limited, is the owner of`1�" ,2"„jd"aliT -Plane
♦ -resident ITee 1'arloore' Sett, No member et 1ta �+y� From
t g eey
l��r Farmer Bo..rtl pf Directors to a member of 4«dl +"t R il"e" a to 3d,R Air ' til
% o i d cif Trade 'Member ►
Wide Experience Well Fits New Head of the United Farmers
Co -Operation Company to Fill His Post
A >study of the loaders in Canada's
farmer 'organizattona and companies
always has been very interesting.
Leaders of commerce and fluence of
course are Said to appraise all or moat
of 'them as beteg. always below par
from the standpoint of busleeas ea-
gacity and�^ oflicionoy. In fact it it said
that niapy of tato so-called business
fraternity still cherish the hope that
a weak),eadersttip sooner or later will
so Jeopardize even the present sound
strength established by the farmer
concerns through years of adversity'
and handicaps that this menage to
their own peaceful Aperations will be
Perhaps not a few who have read
the uewsitaper reports of the big
farmers' convention week in Toronto.
last December came to the conclusion
that political action had developed
such a divielop among those who are
looked to for a lead in true co•opera• Jamcs Ross
tion, that another year or two wold.' President of Ontario Forme"rs 00 -
end the whole agrarian movementoperative Company, Limited. He is
tioin the final Standpoint of assocHoweva-
er, also a member of, the Toronto Board
Hous and business effort. However,
those who attended the sessions, and of Trade,
followed them through, realize that
out of the controversy has come re work to the general advantage of On-
tario farmers.
No Politics In Company.
"How about politics?" 114r. Ross was
"Tho Company," he replied, "never
filo );oatrd of either of rho other cone
ptna om't1t, Mr, J, J, n7,orrieon is the z , «” co ,zGcall Airways Pilot, Flies s td` Croydon Entirely'
�, 'sen ,�'Captain,
Secretary it y J With Five Passengers
Wireless C 9 Bearing � i l
tat' of each of the flt'at two
companies, and he is a nteuiber of 'the ^-^--»..• _= ^ • y ompas .g,
Board o£ 'l'he Farmers' Publishing February 5, 4esson VI—Jesus Alla= on Ire ' lar Channel Trip
Company, Limited, understood and opposed, fel lc,,„
i" 'Fifth, The United F ermer•s Co- 10b•27; 6t 1.6: Qeicien ' Text—He Laudon --The degree to which the the journey and these ,-brought flim
operative Company, Limited, Provides came -unto his own,. and his ,own standard wireless: apparatus used off hi opt a dlroct 'Meath- to' the Croydon
aerpd•, , TI .• me one break in
'the other two companies with a home
and receives ' therefor an, 4mple and
newed strength, vigor and energy.
President James Ross
A few words with James Ross, of
Woodbridge, the noir president of The
United Farmers. Co•oporatfve Com-
pany, Limited, ie all that is required tools any part in politics. I have al-
to show whore he stands on the quer- ways been opposed to allowing any
tion of organization and co-operation. political controversy to interfere with
The company is in safe' bands with the company's business. I think every
him as: directing head over n capable . mamber.ol the Board agrees with me
management. I on •this point. In fact, they have gone.
His rugged Scotch frame first tack- on record In confirming the attitude
led heavy work in the Woodbridge dis- always taken since I first was elected,
Wet some forty years ago. He used and I believe siuce the company lues
his brain as well as his brawn, and for , organized. Two resolutions Passed
malty years has been rated among his by the Board at their regular meeting
neighbors as a successful farmer. lot Last December cover a few points
In 1026 iter. Roes suffered. serious that have been torted to the front clur-
pbysical injury when he inadvertentt ing recent months. They do not indi-
ly tackled a railway train with au or- tate any change of heart or right
dinary automobile, and of course gat about-face on the part of the direct -
the worst of its He retired from ue-' ors, but simply re -affirm what has el-
. lave farming last year and moved into ways been true. •
a comfortable home in Woodbridge i ' ,'Here le a copy of a resolution
where he now enjoys hie days, and I :moved by R. H. halbert and seconded
sometimes much of the eight, conditions by H. A. Gilroy:
ing for an improvement in condi t 'Whereas The United Farmers Co -
under which farmers of Ontario buy operative Co., Limited, was organized
and sell. (for the purpose of assisting the farm -
"Although I always found enough i ers of Ontario in their problems of
work on the farm to keep me busy," ( buying and 'selling, regardless of creed
remarked Mr. Ross to the editor re- i or polities:
cently, "I took time to attend farmers' 1 <" 'And whereas this farmers' come
meetings. When the TJ.F.O. was first pony is definitely and distinctly non -
started I joined one of the pinusee political:.
clubs—at Clairrillo, It was later 1 .. 'And whereas the controversies
amalgamated with the Woodbridge that have developed from time to time
local. It always seemed to me that regarding political action hamper the
the business phase of farming called work of the company and make it dif-
fer most attention, but I realized that ficult to increase the volume of bust -
it might be well to spend some time nese;
on local organization before a Pro- And whereas there is room for
vince-wide business organization could honest difference of opinion as to the
succeed." proper course to take in an effort to
In this connection it might be well effect desirable legislation M the Pro -
to point out that seven years ago a vjncial- Legislature or House of Com-
loeal co-operative company was or- mons;.
gareeed at Woodbridge with the ob- "" 'Therefore be it resolved, that in
Jett cif obtaining economies for the the interests of the. shareholders of
farmers of that neighborhood. Mr the,. Co-operative Company, and the
Roo was chairman of the Provisional farmers of. the Province, the Board of
Board which took mit the necessary Directors disapprove of any further
charter, .and he was also the first and controversies as to the proper course
to take in regard to political action.
received him not, .i?ut,as rna0Y as Itnperhtl A1,•tl'aYs 'maoirines ,.jiying
th fo about, ten miles .from Qroy-
,recelved him, to them 9;,vo he between. Crovtlou and the.CentinMt e 9
G d don, welch enabled the palet lo •re.
o(l'tahle' rental conaidoratipn, power to become the 50141 of oig is relied upon' is shown by the. experi 'cogniao the --ground ' and`. •eOrrpbtate
"'Sixth, The Farmers` Sun is deem ovp to #Hem that Uelletie on h enee of Captain A. S, Wilcocicson, an tlie•teet that lie wile op. the' tight
e4 b, the directors Of the United name, -,ices 1, 11, 12. .AIrwaYs' pilot,N•l:o ort Saturday,'NO' i
Farmers o•operative`Company; Liratt^ SLiI$JECT, bear n9. the tog then closed in
vsmher 23, 1927, itevr a Ilaiiciloy ]?ale agalrt'tind iniths own words he "drop•
ad, its bolt, means of advertising 1n INTERNRE4 t'rIONs or tJN1112 iFF;-wHI4EO Rolls'Royoe aeroplane, from Plyris ;t)o pod rli ht pn to the aerodrome;"
Ontario, az)cl the clireptora of Tb,e A1Vrij W11Y 1}1.11 SON OF Goo vWAS Croydon'above a .reg be}uk wb•ich ob,- I.n an eiterview Captale. Wilooclison
United Farmers Co-oporativo Cont. HEJES'rOb, soured tile ground practically the
pany,..Limited, justify-all'payments to' said, that this was quo of the`worat
ertl in or otherwise INTuont7cTr0w—we have already whole of the way fogs he had ever experienced, bet !ie
The Sun for adv a g , t lz o tl
as w s'ei and soundly made, seen that;Jueus tivas,�+'ejec,te,d t. r• ro•• 70 spite of tho•densaness of the fog had eel doubt 'clurittg the Wigle jour:-
i Y elax of `dps, 'The instances u'lii;clz fol-
" The director f the Captain 4Vllcookson oonvpletod 'his nay that he would -get through' in
'Seventh, s o 'or
tee wr 1 1 e to expl'azn the causes ed
United Farmers Co-operative 'Cont- this unbelief:. journey In two hours twenty-six min- oonrtort, as his past experience with
an Limited 'brand as a lie tri@ stato-e,..37_,,,,z nu E o? utes, which is a good average time his wireless apparatus had, given etre
pany, , 113 SVOUTiDE1 IN TI3E I. 9
meat that, a Political machine is runrlls MENDS,19h-21. for the trip from Perls to Lontlati,oanfldeneo that he could uavgate on
under the wing of The Cul rarut ,fn ue _ When he started frets" Lo Bourget bearings through` the fog, however
• 191 20. The e
tion was one ellen-
where, as in eh. 1-12, P e it might be.
ors Cooperative Company, Limited.2, at 8, a.m. visibility' :ah ut 1,000 dens
'! 'Eighth, These statements 'are Josns ,was teaching and healing in Yards, arra the weather report ,gave I had'no difficulty at all in keeping
roads b the directors to correct mice eine cit o vi'11a 'e which 10 ndtnam- fog over most of the route, except 1n conununieation" with Croydon at
statements and to save'the conlpaIly 1 ed, SO p asked •tt*as the -audience, and /or patetea of clear•werthen near the any tree.,WIether 1 was in the" : fog; ;
in uilous misrepresentati s' to incessant tlteedeniaud for heeling, French coast and tt.Biggiu Hill. Five above it, or when. oo lig down to t
(Signed)—Jas.Ross Pres.; le J. Me- that Jesus and his disciples had nominutes after leaving Paris Captain aerodrome, but it would have been im-
Millan, V. Pres.; G:"A, Bothwell, H. leisure even to take nage:ys'ary food, Vrrticockspmfound himself In dense fog Possible to have made the joumteY
AE. C Dr fry R. • H. Hal- . We are made' to feel here' at what a and bad to rite 2,000 Root to get above without wireless," Captain w.ilcoole
b Gilroy, east tlae.wovk of J•esns,was being clone•
" bert,-Neil Mackay, Carl Jones, w. ',The strewn upon his strength must it. At this 11018111 the aeroplane wan 'son said. The apparatus I was 418-
A. Antos. terrific flying in bright sunnshinie and cantle- ing ;was the ordinary A:, D. 6 apPera-
" ested" reiterated Mr. have been term 11 nod to •do so far the greater part of tus,• and not any new or epeoiad ap
As I sugg 1 V. 21. This fact •explains the we
Ross, "these resolutions were uncalled (leant, but i e ee/ten°,, interference the Mamma'. It was; however•, Pewee- paretus,. as has been reported."
hos who have been
la ret 7 Who these were isnot eery to fly entrely by eombpao bear- ' There were five passengers in the
t among those r his friends'
close toouch with the Company and stated The Gyeek means -pimply ing maahiine. They -hada very 110091 and
Many who do not follow these. things' Doubtless, they were tnsptred,by eon and positions 'from Croydon daring thrilled with their hovel• experience,
spread nuito readily:
ire ressions s 1 energy at which Jesuv work woe b I
did not believe on him. They tried ta'texpected at Nazaa-eth. Eat over
bring>him horse forcibly on the a11eg against t✓ his good the fact of his'
ed ground, that he was `fbeside him- humble loeal origin. He had werleod
self,' in other words, that he was out at the car'penter's bench inNaza'ieth.
of his -mini. How deeply tine out- His mother and brothers 't wore still
rageous misamderstending wounded' there, Joseph -being lipparmnly (load.
His sisters were married in the neigh-
borhood. The Jewe believed' that the
Messiah would appear s'ud'denly from
Its activities. There are, however, ,"persons b41ot1'ging to his house," The pilot coiled for several bearings cointortable journey. andwere butte
only president up to thdecloso of 1927,
when be retlgned on account of the
extra duties falling on him, on his ere -
'ration to the presidency of the Pro-
vincial company.
In spite of the fact that this local
concern deer not handle live stock.
the turnover last year amounted to
some 9272,000.00. Grain, feed, coal
and fencing make up this volume.
This eepenieaco with the Wood-
bridge local schooled Mr. Rosa well
for taking a place on the Board of the
Provincial Company to which he was
first elected in 1023. He was vice-
president for 1925, 1926, and 1927, and
last December was elevated to the
presidency. Being one of those who
changes his ideas and his action to
meet new conditions or new light on
the problem In hand, he can be de
bended upon to carry on the good
as closely as they might; end false I cern for the ter. rib -10 expenditu
re of
e- -
"However," coutiuued Mr. Mee, 7 ,]ng carried on , but it is clear that they tion of his message might have been
am more interested in improving mar-
keting conditions than I am .in any
controversy in regard to what should
or should not be done in Political ac-
tion, In my opinion co-operative mar-
keting is the proper system. for all Jesus we are `left to infer.
Earm products, Why should not farm' II. JESUS TRADUCED 51 THE x011131.9,
ere keep control over the selling of 27, some unknown quarter. Therefore,
the crops, and the live stock, theyVAvery much more serious they _refused to accept the. authority
work hard to Produce? The Company change now follows. Certain scribes of Jesus,
had. done muck already through the from Jerusalem, offended and ,3n er, d. - Vs. 4-9. Jeans ivas forced* confess
Live Sto&k Commission Department, by Jesus' outspoken words regardingsorrowfully that ot prophet is acs,a ted.
the Creamery, the Ilgg Pool, and the the Fal•ba1th, fasting, etc:, 110,,' 'rrcu everywhere except in his own
Ontario Grain Pool, to give the pro- late the defamatory libel that Jesus and 'hone. Moreover, the general un-
ducers a proper lead. I'am firmly con- is in league with Satan and wit- cell belief created conditionsin which it
winced that in order for farmers' to get spirits. In particular they .declare was impossible to show the Power -of
all they should get on their cattle, that his sticcess in expelling demons is coo. All that Jesnae was to
sheep and hogs, they must arrange Co the result. of this alliance. This„Seco- heal a few infirm folk, wile were not
cell them on the contract system, sation was not so incredible as it prejudiced against hie claims. For the
should band themselves to might appea • It.was commonlyls p- rest, the prevailing unbelief acted as
gether to:retain control as far as an angel of light, and Jesus' violation
means and organization will allow. nt' the Sabbath law lent color in the
emse d' d h' a hopeless barrier against success.
posed that Stan isguise imse as
We have been working on this phase minds of the scribes to the -idea that Not to say it with ink,
of the farmers' business for some Jesus wad a receiver. ° ` "Wherever you bide in the world sae
time, and hope to present Something The "object .'of this terrible charge' wide,
concrete for the consideration of WAS obvious.. "It was -to destroy Jesus' I wish you a nook -on the sunny side,
growers before very long. Some influence over religious people, and so WV muckle o' love and little o' eare,
counties in the Province want to go to
elo-seh'the synagogue a est st hit s- A wee bit purge wi' sitter to spare;
ahead with organization on a contract f ins d of .Ekren. But the word' Your ain fires de when day ie spent
basis, even if- the Coihpany does not Weis scribe's used, aceordlrug to, In a wee bit- housie w!' hearts con-
organize all over Ontario. This, I lontr best: manuscripts, was "Beelze- tent.”
think, would not be wise. Success der r> award of doubtful origin, used t
pends largely .on volume. as an equivalent for Satan. , Helping. Husband.
"One thing I would like to warn ' Vs. 22-27. Jesus' answer, given in Clerk—"Something, in the way of
is thegeneral adoption of ,"parables," was to point out the in- golf apparel ,madam?" 1512
pooling against N connection
Nrtt, ,nnr1rartnr consistency of supposing that, Satan Lady— Yes, Wan tne my husband' says his \, SLENDERIZINtu, LINES.
foes that cannot be
could possibly " associated handicap in. tdo small. Could I get. a Thecharming princess.mess shown 07 the Old Glory, Who attemptarl a
t d enc cen ty d
. C' '1 wars are des ucti ee to a'
E hogsthe confeuds 0---- Le niltable for dgytimo ani owning Philip A. Payne, anadian-born news.
- Perhaps.
"The other resolution moved by R.
J, McMillan and seconded by 17. 0.
Drury rends:
" 'That the .directors of The United
Farmers Co-operative Company, Limit-
ed, assert the following facts:
" 'First, The United Farmers Co-
operative Company, Limited, is a pure-
ly trading company and does not take
and never has taken, any part in
" 'Second, The 'United Farmers of
Ontario Is an incorporated non -share
company organized Years ago for edu-
catioual and propagandist purposes,.
and is ruled by a board of one hun-
dred persons drawn from all political
parties who have made all resolutions
of; which :there is any question as be-
ing of a political character,
`Third, The Farmers' Publishing'
of arm commodities
beneficent t ort witch 105008 was o- -
pooled successfully. It if possible • nig ivi w r ,larger ono?"
here is a Most slenderizing style and flight -to to Rome.
that in the handling o kingdom v 24. Househo eu a ate
tract system might develop into a destructive to a family, v. 25. There. wear. Tho skirt is 'shown with a paper titan, who was with the OTd
form of pooling—Perhaps a three, 6r fore, if Satan is the power lay which
a four, Electricity is being used_ to produce straight or pointed lower. edge, round Glory.
or a Six menthe' pool. For the Jesus heals and brings peace to ,tor -
most part, however, I cannot yet see mente'd and terror-hauntedflowers: Starting, we suppose, cora- neck or square neck with a V -front, the Lieut, Torrance B, 'Pulley and Capt.
- mind's,. menta London Opinion, from and with or without lone; dart -fitted James V. Metcalfe, co-pilots et the
how. the Pool can be applied' to the then Satan. is warring against him- bulbs. Sleeves. No. 1652 is In sizes 30, 38,.4{t, plane Sir John Carling.
marketing of cattle and sheep. There '.self. It is a very different conclusion -------0---e— . 42 and 44 inches bust. Sinn 40 r°- Princess Lowenstein - Wertheim.
too many and olassiflca• that Jesus himself draws from these Aunt Jane—"When I was your age, quires 3',t yards 80 -inch, or 2% yards who was nu the St. Raphael un its ate
are grades, !cures. He, sees God working mightily
tions I 'th h• for the downfall of Satan Betty, I could name all the Sedge of 54 -inch material; %yard less 89 -inch tempted westward crossing o", ilio At•'
to o kingdom in thin is confidence on the can onlybe over wered F. F. I stns an :;s e Ilamillan,
the ma g Gild. Satan p°
part of the co=operators toward those . by one wholis neightier,than Satan, v. • 1 pilots of the St. Raphael.
who undertake the organization work. 27. And Jesus attributes his own A lake also was named for the plane
Ontario have very reason ' ower to God.: The blasphemy of the St. Raphael ` and another was stoned
Farmers0sw of
confidence in the - ability of scribes is blasp!1temY against the holy ' y, tl i b 1 14 th 'Eur Geoffrey Fitchie, Ontario:Ciovoru•
to show
directors 'and the management of .Spirit. of God and an unforgivable sin: meu.t pilot, who fell near; Sault ,S c.
Covent -
Marto last year.
S� • Per Cent. ,111. crease in Autos
'T1'Q� for 'Every 'Family in
California -- One Per
Family in New
Tl?ero were 23$79,002 motor vehloletl.
registered .in tiie .Ultted States :dor+
ing 1927, Thin is .a 3`afn aE 6 per
cent. over 1026.
,A +survey of this eubjeot, publlshe9
in the "Boston x7ews Bureau", a line,jt.
cirri newspaper, brings out the. follow,
ing ,poihts:-
"Motor vehiele .produotlon ter /1927
!e estiznets4 at '8,080,600 ineioating a
heavy replacement business. Thii
figure added to the registration fig•
orgy 2or 1926 give a total of 25,803,-. •
648.' Since 1927 registration returns
!show hilly 23,579,002 motor vehicles ie
nee' the difference of. 2,224641 would
indieatc the number of motor care
tora�ppod •or discarded.. Replacements
dttrin'g'the year were 9.4 per cent. of
the total rogietration,
"New York States still holds first
place in number of motor vehielea
but California is' running a very oleo
second. California' possesses ae mo•
torvehicle for every' two inhabitanes
or an average of two 'per $amity,
which is figured at 4,6 persons, while
New York' •possesses!, one Eat for
even are2 person@, or not quite one
car pet• Eami)y,
Taking hie registration total and
dividing it into the estifeeted papule -
ton of the United Status shows ono
oar for every 4.9 persons, or spproxl-
mately one oar per family. The 1927
registration total also .provides 7.9
Motor cars for every square mile of
area in the United States..
"Gasoline . consumed by mater
vehicles in 1027 amounted to 9,697,-
000,000 gallons. 84 per cent• of all a'.
the -crude tubber imparted was :used
in making tire's and accessories for
time motor car industry."
Canadian figures are not available
Canada Honors
Fliers Who Failed
Newly Discovered Lakc;s • in
Ontario Named fax Them
Ottawa.—The memory of Canadian,
British and American man and worsen
who failed in the transatlantic flight
attempts' has been hororod by the
Canadian Government iu the naming
of several newly discovered iakes iu
northwestern Ontario for the Mere.
A large lake in the territory north
of the Red Lake district bas been
named Doran Lake in memory of Mass
Mildred Doran, who failed' in an at-
tempted flight frons the Pacific. coast
to Hawaii. Othere ,for whom lakes
have been Hamed, as announced by -
the Department of the Interior, were: .
Lloyd. W, Bertaud, "American pilot
"In cooperative endeavor, of course, `and for he coming f thek gdo of England Little Betty—"Yes; aerate material fel sleeveless dress. Price lands.
Ri 1 dL�1!
but -there weren't nanny of. them
20e the pattern.
Our Fashion Book, illustrating the
newest and most practical style, will
be of interest to every home dress-
maker, Pelee ofthe book c • e copy.
Write your name and 'address plain-
ly, gi ring number and size' of such
patterns as you want, Enclose 20e in
atampe'or- coin •(eoin'p*eferred; wrap
ft1 cafe filly) for each .idmber and
address lour order to Pattern Dept.,
Wilson Publishing Co.. 73 West Ada -
the farmers' own company to so or-
ganize for the live stock marketing
contract that in operation the growers.
will derive- benefits that . cannot be
Board of Trade Member.
The new president of the farmers'
company as of a type thatmeasizres
up' to, the standard set by those who
interest themselves in a co-operative
enterprise. He is a man of, few words
-but strong in action. His brain
works best while he goes about his
regular duties. He believes ih keep-
ing in touch wiht the leaders of busi-
ness and finance. In short, ho "looks
wider than the farm." For several
Years he has been a member of the
Toronto Board of Trade.
Sacha' Gnatry's• curiosity was arous-
ed recently, so the story rune, by ole
serving a man who was walking;
ahead of him stretching: out hie Sam
whenever he turned down a street.
The actor ventured •to stop him and
inquire why he did this. The man
made no secret of it, "It's all I have
loft 'of` my motor -car," he replied.—
Boston Transcript.
.Giving advice to a young subaltern-
who was at, mess for the first time,
the senior officer' said: "Now, take
my advice, my lad, Beep your eyes
on those two candlesticks, and when
they appear as fdur you'll know you've
had enough, and that's the time to
slip ;quietly away "Thank you
very much, sit•," replied the young of-
ficer; "but I can only see one candle-
stick at present." -
Artist: "See that picture: over
there? Well, I painted it, and a rail-
lion wo
tt uldn't buy ti" Friend:
"Well, San cue sof the million!"
-Browa• (grandly): "I'm smoking a
terrible lot of cigars latedy." 'Friend
(with conviction); 'You're right, if
that's one of .,tbemi"
MUfr AND JEFF—By Bud Fisher:
Atb• its -me C -'c cc-NTt21c cLuP`S
BAh to A CLOGk• wale ONLY
Tltso vtGtJRd9. ons tT: •Tweiue
AND TouVe! .Yeti SC -6, TNrc -
IT'S A GreGAT cwl3: NC -A2 .
TU. CNTRANca t•S pt 1§tG
LAtb I1Y 111 4Gl2.94ANS IN'
V. 1. The third instance of unbelief
was supplied by the Nazareth folk.
The visit of Jesus to Nazareth occur-
red probably at an early stage in his
ministry, though not at the beginning.
V: 2. Jesus used the oppoitunity
which the synagogue service provided
in order to announce his message. The
grace and wisdom of his teaching, here
as elsewhere, produced surprise. Peo-
ple coulld not unde�r�stand holy he, who
had had no special theological train-
ing, possessed so marvelous a knowl-
edge of God. On the other hand, the
report of his miracles was tiro strong
to bo gainsaid, and they h'ad the evi-
dence of their 'own ears as to.his di-
vine wisdom..
V. 3. A great and believing recap -
11D : '1C TItINt< (T S A 'FA
Mi1J LtSTEI.) `(ou l2UN
ovG(i AND Loot< AT tT ANS
'tttet4 COME BAs« ANT>
A Couple of Fast Workers.
A i.041-1:5 PARTY
L TAPPC:D TNG^ mime watt
M n V AMb MAkE
A LONG, Stony stow
you wC.(2E WI2ONGt
-sou X
bP g e ° l tieee
, e �i
r' as4lf21
oi311+>'• Lor.boN"
'2 ---
J >!
Motor Car Chan .es
Recent Motor Shows irldi.cata
Profussion of Colors;
Shorter Wheel Base and
Grpater Use of Steel
in Body'
A conetee review of ' the chef
changes in method at trio big motor
shows indicates that all new modehi
throughout' the whoto price range
show a tendency to a lower swung
chassis, naerower and higher 'radiat•
ors, and shortened wheel base. 111-
deed, shorter cars, without sacrlflcing
leg room and drie rig comfort, seem
to be the vogue ads year, and More
15 an appearance of narrowness to the
modele in •keeping with a pertoct
stream line, without affecting seating
Due to recent development in the
manufacture of durable la equate.
paints and{{.process finishes, there is
a profusion of now colors, until a
Meaning toward the pastel shades fur
the more expensive models, with in-
teriors to harmonize,
no greater nse of stool In bods
building t,° , .,,, .P.•nt of permit-
ting an apparent decrease In ",size Hien
an actual increase. in 'Mofull/OOS. Steel construction 'also -permlls the use of
a greater glass area, minimizing Itis
Size of supparlhag posts itnd elf£ording
ria" " vl«teat an(el
3ttallOW, 'Orottrt-b0'PO fenders feud four-
wrioei calces 60011 to be general in
rho industry, One tuMlol, tine neW
C1lairdlet; mattes etc b`)`v ,with air
brakOs, similar in moeh, 0!ca t0 thos9
used on heavy motor Loses °111(1 tall'
road coaches.