HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-01-19, Page 8ASS
The Mission Band of the 'United
Church held their meeting' in the
basement of the church on Sunday af-
ternoon with a good attendance pres-
ent, The meeting was ' ope3 z the d by
singing a hymn and repeating
23rd psalm, The minutes were read
by Ray Patterson, and the Scripture
lesson by Gladys, Passmore and Lula
Lindenfield, ,Aldan Appleton. Balled
the roll. A reading was given by
Maiden atifeKay and the offering was
taken by Mary 'Hemphill, A reading
was given by (Catherine Drysdale and,
a chorus by the Mission BandGirls,
after which three girls sang "Let the
Lower Lights be •burmatg." An instru-
mental by ,Florence McDonald, a
reading by, Vera Sauudercock, a solo
by Katherine !Drysdale, reading by
Olive Brock, were, all well' rendered,
after. which 'Miss 'Morrison read the
Miss Christina McKay, of Toron-
to, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs.
John McKay.
The Old 'Time• (Dance held by the
Firemen on Friday evening last was
a great success,
Miss E. Morrison visited far a few
days with friends in 'Brucefield..
Mrs, E. Jackson visited on Friday
with relatives in Clinton.
Miss G. Marks, of Brucefield, is
visiting friends in town,
Mrs. Thos. Berry, who has been
visiting for some time with relatives
in 'Windsor, has returned home.
'Mrs. Jas. Coseworth, of ,Strathroy,
is visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
Alf. Scruton.
The mee
uing of the Young People's
League of the United Church was
held on Monday evening with a good
attendance present, The meeting was
presided over by Miss Mildred Mc-
Donell. The minutes of the last
meeting were read by the -Secretary,
Miss Flora Higgins, after which the
Scripture lesson was read by Miss
Alma Scruton, and Miss Ethel Mur-
doch gave a very interesting reading.
The topic was given by Miss Marg-
aret Hopkirk oil "John the Baptist of
the African Coast.' Miss Avis Linden-
' field favored the League with an in-
strumental, after which Harry Cook
took up the collection. The meeting
closed with the Mizpah benedic ion.
..Mr. Gerald Farquhar left on Tues-
day morning for Chicago, where he
intends ,to get a position. •
The services in the United Church
on Sunday last were largely attended.
Mr. Sam Rennie rendered a pleasing
solo at the .morning service. The
pastor, Rev, Mr. Sinclair, is speak-
ing on special series of subjects for
the Sunday evening services till Eas-
ter Sunday, which are as follows:
Jan. 22nd, "Five Little Foxes"; Jan.
29, Aden's day with a men's choir; tate
subject will be Men's Winners, or
1.1fe on Top of the World." Every-
one is cordially invited to attend these
?':;e many friends of Mrs. George
Thompson will be sorry to learn that
she is lying at her home seriously ill
On Thursday evening last she suf-
fered a stroke and has failed to rally.
Her daughter, Mrs. Barnett, of To-
ronto, and granddaughter, Miss Ger-
trude Barnett, are at her bedside.
Mrs, Frank Mousseau visited with
relatives in Clinton during the past
Mrs. Wm. Coleman, who has been
visiting at Seaforth with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. M. Stewart, has returned to
the home of her son, Mr. Wesley
Coleman, where she intends spending
a few weeks. •
Mr. Lloyd Davis, of Toronto, Visit-
ed over the week -end with his moth-
er, 1vlrs. 1Vm, Davis and sister, Mrs.
A. Hemphill.
The British" Consols Social Club
met at the home of Mr. Alex. Mous-
seau on Thursday evening, Cards
were played, after which Et dainty
lunch was served.
The services in Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church on Sunday were largely
attended. A communion service was
held in the morning, Rev, Mr. Mcll-
roy preaching. At the evening ser-
vice Mrs, Wm. McLaren and Mrs.
Andrew McDougall sang a very pleas-
ing duet.
Mrs. D. Shirray has returned from
Toronto, where she' has been spending
a few weeks with her mother who is
Miss Anna 'Deeman, of Dashwood,
visited over the week -end with Miss
Mildred McDoneil.
Mr, and Mrs. John Passmore visit-
ed over the week -end with relatives
in London.
Mrs. Charles McDoneil is visiting
relatives this week in Forest,
Mrs. J. Wilson, of Stratford, visit-
ed over the week -end with herpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown,
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Moffatt and
daughter Lois, of Brucefield, visited
over the weep -end with Mrs, P. Fish-
er and Miss Eleanor Fisher,
The Horticultural Society met in
the:'Town Hall on Friday afternoon
to elect new officers for the year 1928
as follows: Hon, Pres., Mr, Nathan
Peck; President, Mrs. C, A. Mc-
Donnell; 1st Vice President, Dr.
Moi.; and Vice President, Mr, Hess;
Sec Treasurer Mrs. John Eider;
Asst t. Sc,eTreasurer,Miss M. John-
sen. Mrs, Merner and Mrs, John
Eider were appointed delegates to at -
teed the annual convention in Toron-
tOon Feb, 9th.
The Mollard Mission Circle of the
Hensnll'United Church *net on •Wed-
nesriay evening last with Miss Elva
Shaddock presiding. The meeting
was opened by the singing of a hymn,
after which, Miss Consitt led in pray-
er. The 23rd Psalm was -repeated in
unison, The minutes of the last meet-
ing were read and, adopted, followed
by a very iuferesting; readitig by' Miss
Alma Scruton. An instrumental duet
by Marion Sinclair and Joyce Scruton
and an instrumental solo by Miss
Gladys Leiter were much enjoyed by
all, Election of officers then took
place as follows: Hon. President,
Miss Censitt; President, Miss Alva
Shaddoek;. 1st Vied President, Mary
McKaig; rec, Secty„ Gladys Luker;
Treasurer, Alma Scruton; Cor. Secty.,
Grace Stone; Pianist, Marion Sine
ciair; systematic giving, Mrs, Red-
den; mite box stiperintendent, Mary
IsacKaig pros am committee, Gladys
Luker, Mrs Trodden, Evelyn Hefter-
slalt..:Prnm c.-. „b'.v,tlxtealleffeesten.
The meetingcioeed with" the Lord's
Council Meeting --The regular meet-
ing of the Pillage Council for Janu-
ary was held oil Monday evening, All
the . members present with peeve
Higgins in the chair, The minutes of
the last meeting were read and-
ndadopted on motion of Petty and
Cameron. A number of eo untunicaM
tions were read and ordered to be
filed, The Reeve stated that the col-
lector, Mr, Hemphill, who was in To-
ronto,. had left statement with h
regarding the 1927 tales, an that
all the taxes were paid in with •the ex»
ception of two properties, which were
several years behind, A number of
accounts were presented and ordered
Paid. ,Bylew No. 1 appointing the .dif-
ferent officials for the town for 1928,1
was then read and adopted. It, was
moved by Councillor Priest, seconded
by Councillor Cameron, that the mat- 1
ter of appointing officials be leftover
until the nextregular meeting, and
for applicationsto be received for the
positions up till the tithe of the next
meeting. The Reeve asked , for any!
amendment to the motion, and there
being none, he put the inotion to the
Council, which was carried, Several
other bylaws were read, but were re-
ferred to the next meeting. 'Bylaw
No 2 was to set the date of the an-
nual nomination to the first Monday
in December, polling to be one week
later and the poll to open at eight o'-
clock instead of nine. As there was
some doubt as to the authority of the
Council in setting the hour of the
opening of the poll,- it was decided to
leave Bylaw No. 2 to be taken up at
the next meeting. ting, b
The members
the Council thought this would •be a
good move, as it is one which is' being
adopted in other places, to do away
with the elections an the holiday time,
Bylaw No, 3, which was also referred
to the next meeting, and which is
finding favor in a great many places,
is to collect the taxes twice a' year
instead of once, and to give a` discount
of five per cent on. the first half col-
lected. We believe this would be
quite a help to the average ratepayer
to not have to pay the full amount at
once, especially, as at present, at a
time of the year when there is a
greater demand on the purses of the
average ratepayer, and by paying half
in the month of June when money and
work are more plentiful. The Reeve
asked that the work of the Council be
divided up into committees, and ask -
,ed tor a fire and light committee, and
a street committee to be formed, said
committees to be composed of two
members of the Council and the
Reeve. The Reeve stated that he
was not very well satisfied with the
way the busihess of the town was
conducted, teams being put on haul-
ing gravel, and men being put to
work without any check on their
time, and their bills are put in and
paid. He suggested that the different
committees keep a check on the dif-
ferent accounts and o,k. them before
presenting them to the Council.
Councillors Petty' and Sangster were
appointed to the fire and light com-
mittee and Councillors Priest and
Cameron to the street committee, the
Reeve to be a member of each com-
mittee, Mr. George Follick was ap-
pointed a member of the Library
Board for another term and Rev. Mr.
Jones was appointed to fill out the
term of the Rev. Mr. Naylor on the
Library Board. Before the meeting
adjourned the Reeve brought up the
matter of the light in the front of the
residence of Miss Jessie Bell en King
street east. He explained to the
Ceencil the reason the Light was plac-
ed there and that Miss Bell had ag-
reed to pay far it. He stated that it
titan setting a bad precedent, and es-
pecially on our back streets where
anyone could demand a light, if they
would pay for it, and in case the pro-
perty was sold, the next owner might
possibly refuse to pay for it, so he
thought it would be better for the
Council to keep full control of the
lighting system of the streets. As the
light in front of Miss 'Bell's was plac-
ed there in the first layout of the
lighting system of the town, and was
afterwards moved, and as the ditches
are somewhat dangerous there, the
Reeve asked the Council to put that
light on the town lighting system, and
relieve Miss Bell of any further lia-
bility. The Council then adourned to
meet again on Monday, Feb. Gth.
Mr, A. Hemphill is in Toronto this
week on business.
Mr. Robert 'Higgins is in Goderich
this week on business.
Mr. Roy McLaren is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin on the
Thames Road.
The annual vestry meeting was held
in St. Paul's Church at 8 p.m. on
Monday evening, January 16th. The
officers of the church were elected as
follows; Rector, Rev. T. W, Jones;
Minister's Warden, Mr, A, L, Case;
People's Warden, Mr. Alf. Clark;
Select Vestry, Messrs. G. C. Petty,
Wm. Fee, W. A, Houston, J. Ald-
ridge, D. Sherry, G, Armstrong, T.
Simpson, G. F Case; Auditors, Mrs,
Maulkinson, Miss Mary Fee; Treas
erer, G, M , -Case; Organist, Mrs.
F. Drummond; Assist. Organist, Miss
Margaret Drummond; Choir Leader,
W. A. Houston; Delegates to Synod,
Mr. G. C. Petty; Vestry Clerk, A. L,
W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid—The W.
M.S. and Ladies' Aid .Societies of St,
Andrew's Church met on Thursday
afternoon of last, week at the manse.
As it was the first meeting of the year
members fees were received, some fif-
teen paying their dues to ,the W.M.S.
and twenty-one to the Ladies' Aid.
.it the close of the meetiegs ten -cent
tea was served to some thirty or for-
ty ladies present, A bale of second
hand clothing was recently packed to
be sent with others front the Presby-
terial to Northern Ontario. The f-
0 0
ficers of the W.M.S. for 1928 are as
follows; Mrs. (Rev.) Gale, president
Mrs, Wm, Reid and Mrs. Mary Mc-
Kenzie, vice, presidents; ,Mrs, D. De-
war, treasurer; Mrs; ,, Seotdhmer,
secretary. The Ladies'Aid Society
officers are Mrs, L. Clark, Pres.; Mrs.
'4V, Wallis, vice pres., Mrs, A. Bran-
don, Treas.; Mrs, R. Scotchmer, sec,
The annual meetutg of the Bayfield
eerneterY: Company was held in „tliv
'Bull Do. r
l � Overalls , , , , , , $1.40
Flannelette Blankets . , .. . $12.09
'Regular 50c Moil's All Wool So e.
� Socks .. . 89e
Beg. $2.25 men's heavy all wool Underwear $1.89
'We will sell you Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at the low-
est Prices in Huron, County
10 Bars P, and G. Soap .. 39e
l0. Bars Sonnxae Soa
p , ., doe
2 ; pounds Seedless Raisins . , . 20c
2 'Tins Peas 24e
2 Pounds Icing Sugar 19c
It Pays to Buy in. Egmondville
WJ.i ni
n _i an
ary 16th, when the following officers TUCIIERSMITH. •
ditwined for , Mrs, Thos. Richardson, Mill road,
, ojohns McDonald;ereappot
has been confined to bed for a time.
ones H.
Reid;'sec -tr a s
lfred E
r. Robert 'Charters tersa
a visitor
Erwin; directos, Edward'Johnston,
on the Mill road last week.
Charles B. Middleton, Thomas H. El-( Mrs, Broadfoot is at present'ver
liott, George Hudie, D. H. McNaugh-poorly and confined. to. bed, y
ton, William Stewart; sexton,. Rich-; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke and Miss
ard Elliott. The grounds -and plots Carrie Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pep-
"per end 1Vfr. and Mrs. A. Nicholson
and Miss 'M, McKenzie all visited
Mr. and Mrs, N. Sillery last Friday
Messrs. 'Bert and Ed. Walters, who
have been hone from near Saskatoon,
were visiting at the home of their
brother, Mr. Elliott Walters, :'last
have been hutch unproved duringthe
past year. The system of permanent
upkeep was adopted a year or so ago
and is proving a success.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sander, Betty
and Bobby Sander and Mr, and Mrs.
W. Erwin motored from Kitchener
on Sunday and visited with Mr. and
Mrs. F. A, Edwards.
Mr, and 'Mrs. 'G,Koehibr .01 Zurich Mr: Aitcheson of Gorrie, has been
spent Sunday with, the lady's parents, visiting at the home of Mr..and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Fowlie. - Geo. McCartneyfor a: week. -
Mrs. W. J. Elliott, Goderich road,
Mrs. John Turnerand Master Tom'
is visiting friends in London.''e lity-Turner_were visitors at the home
The annual-nteeting of the Bayfield of Mr. and Mrs. Ed: ABen' Sunday
Library was held at the library room last.
on Monday afternoon to receive re- Mrs. Bert Horton"and little daugh
ports of the past year and elect offi- ter Shirley are visiting at the home
cers and directors for 1928. The lib- of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sproat now.
rary was well patronized during the Miss Mary McBurney of Wingham
past year. The members are pleased is"a guest at the home of Mr, and
with work of the assistant librarian, -Mrs, A. Nicholson.
Miss Fowlie, who has proved herself Mr, Win. Cameron is at present on
most capable. F. A. Edwards was re- the sick list.
elected president. Sec, -tress., George Mr. Thomas• Hodgert spent the
E. Greenslade; librarian, E.H. Johns; week -end visiting friends in Exeter.
assistant librarian, Miss . F. Fowlie; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston en -
directors, directors, E. H. Johns, F, A. Edwards tertained a few friends on Friday ev-
G. E. Greenslade, E. F. Merner, Rev. ening to a euchre party.
F, H. Paull, Mrs Robert Scotchmer, Mr. George 'Bell visited in 'Osborne
Mrs. H. R. McKay, Mrs. Seed, Miss on Thursday. •
Josephine Sterling Mrs. F. H. Paull, ' ,Mr. and Mrs. Janes Love visited
Auditors,, E. H. Johns and F, H. Mr, and Mrs. John Love, of Egmond-
Paull. balance of $41.86,is on hand, vine, on Friday afternoon
Congregational Meeting„- The an Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgio and
nual congregational meeting of St, .daughter Edna visited at the home of
Andrew's United Church was held on Mr. and Mrs;' John McLachlan, on
Tuesday last, the pastor, Rev. R. M. Sunday afternoon,
Gale, presiding. Representatives were Mr. Edward Andrews visited at
present from the different organza- lite home of Mr,, and Mrs, visited
tions in the congregation and gave Hodgen on Sunday evening:
their reports of the year's work. The Mrs. D. Rouatt, of Brucefield, is
session report spoke of the high spir- visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
final privileges the congregation had James Gemmell; of Tuckersmith.
enjoyed during the special services Mrs. Clark,'referred to below,- will
conducted by Dr. Crossley and Mr, be remembered bas aetatives and
Leonard and also in the-everySunday many of the older residents who
messages of Mr. Gale. There had knew her as a friend. In her girl
been an increase in membership of hood she lived on the farm now oc-
17 during the year, making a total of cupied by Mrs. A. Broadfoot on the
142 on the communion roll. The fie Gore, After her marriage she lived
gures presented were necessarily for several years on the farm now oc-
smaller than usual as the church year cupied by Mr: Sinclair, Kippen Road,.
this time has only been of nine, months and later on the 7th of -Tuckersmith,
duration. This due to a change being before moving to Algoma. The fol-
made in the church year, it in future lowing is from the Daily Sault Star,
to run concurrently with the calendar of Sault Ste, Marie, Ont.: Death re -
year and ending with it, December 31, moved from our midst an old and
while formerly the United Church highly respected. Algoma' resident in,
closed its books on March 31st, Not- the person of Mrs. Robert Clark, who
withstanding the fact that this year died at the me of ghter,
was only three, quarters of its usual Mrs. RichardhoSharpe, Korai"twherdauo.,, on
length, the financial reports were most December 31, sat thesage of 84. years
encouraging. The report of the church and 11 months, Mrs. Clark, whose
treasurer was especially encouraging maiden name was Catherine Munroe,
although the congregation had begun came to Canada with her parents
the year Bi debt and the minister's from Scotland at the age of 5 years,
salary had been raised during the year and settled,on the Mill Road in Tuck
the debt had been wiped off, the min- ersmith two., --in Huron County. In
ister's salary paid, and all other ob- 1867 she was married to the late Rob -
ligations met, leaving a small balance. ert Clark, who predeceased her 16
Almost all officers of church andor- years ago, In 1881 they moved to
ganizations were
re -appointed and Algoma, where they have since re -
the -work of the congregation started sided. There' are left to mourn her
on another year under very favorable loss five dauehters, and four .sons:
circumstances, spirit of harmony and Mrs, I. Telford, of ' Los Angeles,
co-operation being very marked, The California; Mrs. F. 'E, Bryans, of
following officers were r-eappointed Fort Frances; Mrs. A. R. Dodds,
for 1928; Elders, William Reid, L. Mrs. D. W. Fraser and . George M.
Clarke, S. Cleave, ,E. F, Merner, W. Clark, of Winnipeg Mrs.. Richard
Wallis, Colin Campbell.' Board of Sharpe, H. W. Clark, J. A. Clark of
Stewards, R. G. Reid, Wm. Stewart, Korah twp., and Robert D. Clark, of
T McDonald,. Robert Scotchmer, Ino. Sault Ste. Merle, Ont. Mrs, Clark
Sentchmer, William Sparks, Samuel was a life-long, member of the Pres-
Ilohner, Donald McKenzie, David hyterian Church and was always •a
Dewar, Paul Cleave, Trsliers, tt'm: kind and hasp , e
Reid, Albert Dunn, Walter Wallis, service was conducteabled byneighborthe R.Thev.
Paul Cleave. Sec: treas., al F. Mer- W. M. MacKay, of St. Paul's Presby
nen Treas. Maintenance and Exten- terian Church,,at the home of her
sion Fund, H, Drehwan. Organists, daughter, Mrs. Richard Sharpe, The
Mrs. Wni. Stewart, Mrs, Robt Scotch- pallbearers were Messrs, H. Meggin-
mer, , son, R. M. Jordon, Hy. Rogerson,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith of Lon- \Vtu. Marshall;; Wm. J. McKie and
don are visiting Mr, and Mzs Rich. C' W, Hill. Interment'took place ie
Miss Olive Pollock of Stanley
Smith, the Gmeenwood m
cemetery. Among the
many floral tributes were a pillow
township is visiting her aunt, Miss M. from the family; sprays from Mrs.
Campbell. Telford and children, Las'. Angeles,
Miss -gaud sterling, who was visit- from Bob and George Brown (grand -
ills; her mother, Mrs
.+ Wm, Sterling, children), from Grandchildren d
returned to. Owen Sound on Wednes Winnipeg, a heart from Mae, Marg-
uerite and Kathleen 'Clark of Sault
Miss Jessie Tough of Stanley town- Ste, Marie; wreath from Victoria
ship is visiting y P Clusters Korah t
p g
f• L Chief L b
Mrs. Robt, Scotch- Presbyterian eurci, oral twee
mer.. crescent from the and members
Miss Lucinda Reid who was visit -of Fire Dept, of the City; prays from
in her '
g t sister, returned to Exeter on
Ide. and Mrs. Wan. R, Elliott, who
have spent the past .three months at
etratford, returned home on 'Friday
Mrs: H. Wallis and sons of D'Arcy,
Sisk., left on Wednesday last to visit
the formers.sister, Mrs, H. McLaren
at Port Elgin,
Mr: and Mgrs, W. D, Snith, from the
West Korah Institute, from Mr. and
Mrs. Megginson, from Mr. Hubert
M4.onteomery, from Mr, and Mrs. Vic-
tor Mann, from teacher and pupils of
5,S. No. 4, Korah, Much'sympathy
is extenrleil' to the family in their sad
bereaYentent by their many friends,
Mother Graves' Worm Extet•mina-
for will drive worms teem the sys-
tens withnul•injury„tp the,, child bei•
113uby's stroller, with hood, almost
new, Phone 168, Seaforth. tf
'Building 15 ft by 18 ft., suitable for
either stable 01' gerage, For 'iitither
particulars apply to Mrs. Roella
Martin, West William St., or , P.O.
Box 192. - 3
VinletaRay machine for sale, ,Apply
at the •Commercial Hotel Barber
Shop. 4
Our accounts are all due, and some
past that time. We would ask you
courteously for a prompt settlement.
Respectfully yours, G'EO.. A. SILLS
& SONS, Hardware Merchants, ,Sea -
forth. 3.
'The annual meeting of the Seaforth
Horticultural Society will be held in
Carnegie Library on Ft'iday evening,
Jan. 20th, at 8 o'clock.
Lost or left, it Mack fur muff.
Please phone Mrs, .• Wm_ Mc'Gavin,
phone 242 r 15. 3
'Reddish-yeliow Collie dog with
white ! collar and breast, Anyone
knowing the whereabonts of this dog
kindly notify. WESLEY 'BEATT IE
Any information will be .gratefully
received. 3
Of Farm Stock and 'Implements
at Lot 30, Con, 6, 9Ittllett Township,
about 4 miles north of 'Clinton, on
Tuesday, January .24th, at 1 o'clock
sharp, consisting of the following:
,Horses -Grey mare, rising 4 years;
bay mare' rising 5 years; bay marc
rising 7 years; bay mare 'rising 9
years; filly colt rising 1 year.'
Cattle—Red cow, rising 3 years,
freshened 2 months ago; roan cow ris-
in ..6 years, .due to freshen -January
Beth; red cow rising;a years, due Jan-
uary 29th; roan cow,' rising 7' years,
due Feb. 20th; red cow rising 5 .years,
due Jam. 29th; Jersey • cow- rising 6
years, .due in 'September; Guernsey
cow rising 4' years, due Feb. 26th;
spotted heifer rising.3 years,' due Jan.
30th; red' heifer rising 2 years; due
April 1st; roan heifer, 4 years, farrow;
red steer, 1 year old; Guernsey heifer
rising 2 years, due to freshen in Sep-
tember; 5 calves, 1 'year. old; calf
about 2 months old..
Pigs—Sow with 11 pigs- 7 weeks
ofd; young sow due middle of 'Feb.
About 100 hens, 2 geese and a
Implements—MasseyaHarris binder
6 ft. cut with sheaf carrier and truck;
Massey -Harris. mower 6 ft. cut; No.
21 Deering hay rake; seed drill; Mas-
sey 'Harris cultivator in good repair;
set of 3esection harrows; Fleury
walking plough 21, :land roller, farm
wagon, McTaggart fanning tnili, scuf-
fler, Poetland cutter, rubber tired top,.
buggy, set of sleighs, double set bf.
team harness, set of single harness,
Wartman & Ward hay car.
A quantity of hayand grain.
Everything to be sold as proprietor
is giving up farming.
Terms.—Hay, grain and . poultry
and, all sums of $10 and under, cash;
over that amount 10 months' credit
will be given on furnishing bankable
paper, or a discount of 5 p. c. allowed
for cash on credit amounts.
Wallace Powell, prop.; George H.
Elliott, auctioneer.
Mrs. Wesley Horne is on the sick
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wright sang a
beautiful -duet at the evening service
last Sunday.
Miss Gladys Weber was visited by
her sister over the week -end.
Over thirty attended the singing
school last Tuesday night. Mr. Roy
Goulding, of Exeter, is in charge,
•Reeve R. •Kennedy and Mrs. Ken-
nedy and daughter, Miss Hilda, of
Tuckersmith, spent Sunday afternoon
at the homeofthe former's daughter,
Mr, and Mrs. August Ducharme, Hib-
Mrs. Wm. -Nigh and her brother,
Mr. Detinis Barry,, of Tuckersmith,
were visitors on Monday last at the
home of the iormer's daughter, Mr.'
and Mrs, John Walsh, Mchillop.
Mr, Thomas Cleary, . of Dakota, is
spending a couple `of weeksat the
home of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs,
James Nolan, Egmondville.
Mr. Jack Walsh, of McKillop, is
visiting- at •the home of his grand-
parents, Mr, aryl Mrs. William Nigh,
Mr. and Mrs. August Ducharine
aucl little daughter Catherine, of Hib-
bert, spent Tuesday evening at the
Mrs. Michael home of Mr, and s chael Mur-
ray, Tuckersmith. •
The first meeting of the Council of
the Township of IIlbbert, as required
by Statute, was 'held on '- Monday,
Jou, 9th at 11 o'clock a.m. The usual
declarations of office were trade and
filed with the Clerk, The following
officers were then appointed: Clerk,
James Jordan; Treasurer, Win,, Rills;.
Assessor, P. 'Feeney; auditors; J. J•
Holland and Roy Burchill; 'Board .of
Health, Dr. A. V. Traynor, M. 0.
99., James Scott, member of Board
and Sanitary Inspector;- <Wm. ' P.
Morris, chairman, and Jas, Jordan,
Sec, of the Board; Township Engin
eer; John Roger; Sheep Valners, A.
D McKellar and A. McLellan;'
School Attendance Officer, Thos. 'J,
Molyneatix; Road Superintendent,
'Wei. Rills; Caretaker, henry Gold-
ing, William Jeffery was appoint -
ad a delegate to attend Goods Roads
Convention at Toronto Feb. 22-23-24.
by-law No. 301 confirming the ap-
pointment of Municipal�officers '• was
passed and signed. Orders were ie. -
stied on the Treasurer amounting to
744 Council their adJ ouroed to
meet again on Monday the 20th 'lay
na r,• heior t,.. # 1 ,',.t„,.0 .n:sr
Applications will,be received by the
Corporation of the Town'of Seaforth
at the Cleric's Office, Town klall, Sea,
forth, up to 12 o'clocld' noon1, Monday,
January.23rd 1928, for the. position of
Chief Constai le,
Particulars may be obtained .at the
Clerk's office,' ' •
Seaforth, Jany 10, 1928. Mayor:
: The • Council of the Corporation of.
the County-of•Ilttron will meet in the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 0'
clop& in the afternoon of Tuesday, the
24th day.of January, 1928. All ac-
counts against the County mast be in
the hands of the 'Clerk not later than
Monday preceding the meeting of
County Clerk,
:Goderich, Jan. 5th, 1928, 3.
Six rooms over D. H. Stewart's
store. Well ventilated, electric lights,
town water, inside toilet. Reasonable
rent, Apply to E. L. BOX, Seaforth.
On hand at the warehouse at the
station. Also a .small Massey -Harris
cutting machine, power or hand-pow-
andpow-er. Phone 44-W, Seaforth; ANDREW
In the Town of Seaforth in the
Conntj of Huron..:
Notice is hereby given that the list
of lands for sale for arrears of taxes
has been. prepared and that copies
thereof may be had• in my office, and Seaforth. Phone 151.
that the list is being published in the
DR. H. HUCr11 .ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon, Late of London Hail•
pital, . London,, England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose sand. throat. Office and reaid-
eoee, behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 196.
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth,
Office and residence, Gode tch st
east of the Methodist !Church. Cor-
oner for tate'County of Huron. Tel's-
phone.No, 40.
DR. C. MACKAY„--C. Mack,
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trint�'y
Medical College; member .of the
lege of Physicians and Surgeons 'ot
OR. F. J. R. FORSTER—'Eye, .Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi
eine, University of Toronto 1897. Late
Assistant New York Ophthalmic sad.
Aural Institute, Moorefield''s Rye, and:
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lou-
don, England. At Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each month..
from 11 a.m. to 3 p,m.
Dlt, W. C..SPROAT.-Graduate of
Faculty of Medicine, 'University of
Western Ontario, London. 'Member
of .College of Physicians and Sur,
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhares•
Drug Store, Main St., Seaford.
Phone 90.
Dental, '.
:Succassior to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate of Northwestern University, Uhl-
cago, I11. Licentiate' -Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, -Toronto. Office
r ver Sills' hardware, Main street;
Ontario Gazette, October' 29, Novem-
ber 5, 12 and 19, A.D. 1927, and that
in default of payment of the taxes,,the
lands will be sold for taxes on Tues-
day, February 14th, A. D. 1928, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon at the Town
Hall, Seaforth.
JNO:.A, WILSON, -Treasurer,
4-. ;,: Town .of: Seaforth:
Mutual Fire Insurance Ca,
Officers—James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. Janes Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. ,McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec.-Tiasurer,
Directors=Wm. Rion, No. 2 Sea -
forth, -John Bennewies, Brodhagen;
James Evans, +Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No, 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris,•. Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, 'No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield., -
Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r, 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, 'Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, .Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,:
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth; auditors. Parties
DR. F. J. BEOi•IELY, graduate
Royal 'Col'lege of'Dental Surgeons
Toronto. Office over W. R Smithiia
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth.
Phones, .office 185W, residence 185J.
Auotioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can .be made for.Sala
Date at The Seaforth News. Charge
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed ' at lowest rates in First-Cleffe
Wednesday, Jan. 18th.
Wheat, per bus,. $1 3
Barley, per bus.
Oats, per bus.: • 55c
per bus. ...... ..05c
Shorts, per cwt. $
Bran per cwt: $1.65
desirous to effect insusance or trans- '
act other business will he promptly EggsButter,, per
attended to by application to any of Potatoes, per bag , . $1 $1
the above' named officers addressed Hogs, per cwt.
to their respective postoffices.
Have your next
Suit or Overcoat
made by
Practical Tailor '
Main St.
Prices, from $25,00 up.
Your own materials made up
at reasonable rates _
us for Prompt pt Service
Style and Satisfaction
Thursday, Friday, and .Sa'turdaay,,.tt4•.
spl ,en4L -
cl-add"y e 9
swr. 19 �
The story of the Irish hod -carrier and- the. S00tch wad -
carrier with
The screen's funniest Irishman, . and
as the pawky Scotch barber -financier.
supported by a Bast of established favorites including
Get ' Out To See This!
Opens with 'THURSDAY MATINEE 4 pur.
Also ee ati
Saturday y n 3.m.)
p• • •
Evenings 15e and 25c Afternoons '10c'and 15c