HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-01-19, Page 4,; r' k�'fisses al, and Arum tvfcGratli, of Ai s,, i`iJ WS, t � �'�' � aliatforilt,attandct,. tlao silver Wedding' ttowdan 'Bros,, ??ubltslrers. of them brother John; on Saturday, Mr, Patrick Morris spent. a few. WALTON. 1 Ss it Diea,-•-lLast PridhY af- eua t while Mr, Alex. 1,2uescll, o£ t vi oat i4 Mr. Bert Wat- els, a as t on Ow :'5`h lino of :,Morris, he stuldetily ill, and died in a few atee after being taken into the A, doctor was called but life tsone before he got there, the se of death bitingdue .ki hemorr-, of the brain, Mr, ',Russell had lateen over the impkemeirt agency the late Mr, J'. Long of Brussels amenity. Ile leaves a wife and five ,all children, Mrs. Russell was ;formerly Miss Florence Storey of Mc - am*. mTkop. Mr, Joseph ,Bolger, from Eirose, 'Sleek., is visiting his brothers, Messrs, ;tenni and Thos. Bolger and other re - actives. Mr. Bolger is eegaged in the .: tnvastock shipment and butcher busi east es in Elrose. It is eight years esib ece he.was last `East, Miss. Effie Balfour visited. at Mr. :,;lied Mrs, Nelson Fulton's for a few tt'eve last week. e i hol was a visit ?wTr, Andrew M N c tai: at T. M.;Wklliainson's fore a few days at •the hame,his 'sell Thomas, Mr. and Mrs, 1i. 13. 'reet"s and Mrs, P. Feeney visited < with friends in Stratford 00 15 nrday, f our local ssortsieen have Many o t for the big Jack jouted _the:: Mintg l.abbtts, Some big ones have aeon bagged and somelarger• apes have gotten away, Mary .spent a few Miss May days with her parents, Mr; and Mss. Daniel O'Connor, of Hibbert, Ruth Evelyn Dillon Misses and. Y have returned home alter spending a week ittt Toeonto. m1 - Bruner. •- St, Patrick's Gormley Church: Dublin, at 9 a, na,, January 17th, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding which was solemnized by ;Rev. Father Bricklin, when Miss Hannah Bruxer was married to Mr. Lines Gormley, son of the late Chas, mint Mr`s. Gormley The bride, who was given -in marriage by her father, Mr, Jacob Timer, was charmingly dressed in sand' crepe de'chene and also wore a mink scarf with hat and shoes to thatch, and carried Premier roses and lily -of -the -valley, Miss Mary Delaney, the bridesmaid, wore navy blue taffeta with hat to match and carried a bouquet of Pernet roses and maidenhair fern. Mr, Dan, Mat- thews was best' man. Miss Beale, the organist of the church, played' the wedding music, A dainty, wedding breakfast was served at the home of her father, just immediate friends be- ing present, Mr, and Mrs. Gormley left on a short honeymoon trip to Detroit, Niagara Falls and other tri theywill re- side On their return side en the groom's fine home 10 Tuckersmith, We, wish them a long and happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. P. Benin entertained to few to a progressive euchre and all report having a good time, The Altar Society is having a pro gressive euchre party and an old time .lance all Thursday• the 19th, There will be four good prizes and a lucky door number for the lucky one. Come all ,and have a good tittle. An orches- tra has been engaged to supply the music from 11 to 2. Mr. and Mrs. George Holland ent- ertained a few of their friends to a card party on Tuesday last: All re- port having a good time. Mrs. Ed. Litt, of Stratford,'is vis- iting her friends and family here, be- fore she troves to Windsor,' where Mr. Litt has employment. • The progressive euchre and dance held in Dublin on Friday, Jan. 13th was aetlecided success. Prizes Weft, awarded to- Mrs. ` Joieph Carpenter, Harry l3 uxer, ; Tom Murray and Mrs: Peter Krauskopf. Mies. Hugh Fulton has been spend= µg the past week with friends in and i,'ittnd. Walton. Miss Edith Innes is able to be out sgtiu after having 'totisilitis. The regular monthly tweeting of she Women's Missionary Society was old in the school room of the church to Wednesday afternoon, Jan. llth, Miss Simpson presided. Mrs. Mc- Call= read 'the Scripture lesson Rom I?4-ov, 16 chap. The topic, from• our study book, "New Paths for Old Pur- poses," was given by Mrs, 11.- Camp- liell. • Current Events was in charge na Mrs: Rid and Mrs. Davidson read t leaflet explaining the Strangers: Secretary's work, Mrs, Berry, Miss Simpson, Mrs, 13ryans and Miss f+lroatlfoot were. appointed to look af- tier Home Helper's work. There were "cavo Life Membership certificates pre- sented by Miss Annie Ferguson: one tto Miss Annie Johnston and the other Ito Mrs. W..Davidson. Meeting closed with prayer. by Mrs, Berry. There mere 23 ladies present, On Monday evening, Jan. 9th, a meeting of the patrons of the Public Library was held in the U.F.O. hail, Mr. and 'Mrs, Frank Johnston, of MoKillop, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger. Walton, when various matters of bus- • Mess itt connection with. the Library :sere discussed,. The `Board of Maa- 'avers were re-elected._ _Miss Lila Lawson 'took charge of rite Endeavor meeting on Sunday ev- •.:ring. Quite a good. attendance of H,3e young people were present. ?1r. J. J. NIeGavin, local U.F.O. tipper, was id Toronto over the week -.end with two carloads of catle.. Roy and Mrs. Bennett. 17th conces- son,�Grey. entertained their friends to party ail Monday evening. Miss Grace Somerville'visited her friend, Mrs. Harold Wheatley, Strat- "eerd, over the week -end, Miss Rose Simpson is holidaying ,with friends and relatives in London. r- left Tuesday Miss Winnie Drage If this week for London, where • she has secured a position. Mr. Harry Jackson has returned -:ram Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs, George Sholdice re- tn ned from London and is at pres- ent with his father, Mr. B. Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs. D. Stiess had a small gee heriag Friday evening. all report-, ing a good time, Mr. W. Clark, of Stratford, spent' :Sunday with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs T. Clark. frs. G, Clark went to Stratford on unday to attend the wedding of her eionsin, Edna Deitz, which takes place •-•n Wednesday. DUSI>IN. Mrs J. V. Ryan vi'sitod her mother, efrs, Nora Maloney on Saturday. • Mrs. Walter Carpenter and her can Walter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey. :lisp \tante Flannery, of St. Coluen- au, spent the week with her uncle end aunt. Mr. and. Mrs. John Me- irath, Miss Marie Krauskopf entertained s `•�;v of her friends Sunday evening. Celebrate Silver Wedding.—On Sat- arday, January 44th, .lir. and Mrs. joint McGrath celebrated the twenty- fifth anniversary of their wedding, :about forty relatives and friends • gathered ,' the home of Mr. and Iles. McGrath in the evening to ex - eerie congratulations. Following a .;rmaptuous dinner, the toast to the bride and, groom was proposed by Rev. Fr..Bricklin. The evening .was pleasantly spent in games and :mus - .c. The bridemaid of twenty-five years ago was present in. the person of the groom'. sister, Miss Annie 'Mc- Grath. The groomsman, Mr. Dan. Williams, of Chicago, brother of the 'bride, was not able -.to be present, Many and costly' gifts were presented t .Mr. and Mt s. McGrath by the guests, who'all left for their homes ffxith best wishes far many mare :ears of 'happy wedded life. Miss Annie McGrath returned to 'iter school at 'Chatham Monday af- ternoon, after attending the silver wedding of her parents, Mr, and 3frs, John 'McGrath, Miss Marie Krauskopf has returned home Rom Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, James Shea, Mr, and Ars. P. F. Bente, and Mr. Frank• Mc- c;unitell attended the silver weddding ,anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. John McGrath. A large sum was realized for the St. lelary's Anglican Church Guild at the tea given by Mrs. Alex, Darl- ing at her' home on Thursday last, Ivies. John Flanagan was called'to Detroit oil Saturday last, owing to the illness of her father, Mr, Michael Shea. Word has been received that Mr. Shea is improving, ;Miss Vera Feeney has taken a po- sition in 'Toronto. Mr. Joseph Hickey is wearing a aroad smile. It's a'boy. Miss Dorothy Molyneanx visited with her sister Anita in Kitchener. 'ate Lorne Cronin, of Detroit, is • visiting with ltis parents here, 1 a it Stam. John .and Clarence IL Steinhotl 1 eat dneetois, .Mrs, eveningt f a number winch are. to b ler eitehtt ,acid datum oil liiesday Vernon 7 • McCallualt Miss YGillespie, Mrs, Chet-' held the trtvete housee on Fridge eeeitiu o£ last week, ^t Johnston grid 3 yinand and Wtkhalit new, Mrs,' Watt, Mr•, W.W;itsioiti 2, evening at the home of Me :and • ee :tvle,•Dune. -MacDonald, of 'Pravost, 13l1tot., year directors, Mr; Stcang Nfr§, SU- Thos, Colson. There were, a'lipttt 4$ Alberta, visited his brother, Mr, Peter tool's, Dr, Ross, Mr. 1 Williams, ler. or mate present, The ' evening was MadDoneld, part of last week. i • rich and „ I3: 1t, Elliett; The meeting was spent, first parkin a•short p Argrinptne ;1[r, and Mrs. Isaa Rapsnn iee VARNA. „tjoureed to Friday evening, Jenuarry' end later they .'had games,r About Marie visited at Wnr, Murphys 1'r - ewe, 11.30 a' delicious lueeh was served day even416. Noss j, 13aintott, who has been 11ll,. A real Jolly time was had by all, Miss Marie Rapson entertained is recovering; • Further image will be given later c in= ' \fi•s, IV. J,ici sap is *ending }� a fen when the next one of its kind will he holidays with Toronto friends, held and where. We are sorry to report Mrs, E. Mr, and Mrs, ChaL. Parsons and Watson is. not so well again. Amy spent '1 ttesday evening at the Me, and Mrs. Clarence Johnatott home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lytidialt, and daughter Iona were guests at the Miss .Stella efer it spent the week home of Mr, John Yeo on Sunday. end a't the home ofy her uncle Mr. Mr, S. Leslie visited tiis.parents et 'Choanal Little, near'Londesboro, Frcelton last week, Mr.•Bert 'Beaepfn'helped Ur, Robt, 'The "'Week of Prayer,: which Was Watsdir prepare Wood for a bee one held' last week, were union ieeetings day last week. ' and held in the different: churches. A number of the t,irls. attended ;the Monday evening the service was held meeti - the Woitien's 'Tit. `trite.' in TrinityChurch the address being esbot-. t 1 • t � a Londesbora and enjoyed' •e splend`id' given by Rev, Mr, Goodwill; Teesd Y afternoon and lunch. evening in the Presbyterian Chdni h, 'Tire W,M:S. of Burns and. Loltdes-. the address tieing' by Rev. ilfr,, X3aty- boyo held their. January meeting at kips; Wednesday evening itt St AIt the home of ,Ales, Thomas Neilans• drew s, the address being by They reported a goad time aitd a J3arnby; lhursday evening' in Queett.. large gathering, street United Church, the address be- ,Some of the yonng people gathered ing by Rev, Mr,. Weir; Friday even- at the, home of Mr. Ernest Knox ing the serviced were under the nus- .Monday evening,, They had a splen- pines of the Youn-'g People of tee vii - la• e, and was held in St. Andrew's slid time. g r wasgiven by(Toonlate for last week,) Church:. The addess , Mr, and Mrs..Dave Reid and _fam- MIr,' Bisbee. All the meeting were ily visited Mr: and Nis, Cliff .Hol, well attended and found very helpful land Friday evening. to all, ;Mr. and Mrs, Alex, MCEwing and United Y.P.$, _After the holiday family entertained Mr, and Mrs, season and week of prayer, the Unit- Sheppard and Wilma, Mr. and Mrs, cd Y,P.S, resumed their regular week- Angus Reid and -Lydia, also Mr. and ly meetings. Miss Helen Grasby,, pre- Mr, Allen and Marjorie Bicicell on siding,; opened the meeting with Saturday evening. hymns 376 and 447, Sentence prayers Mr, and Mrs. Peter. MacD'ouald, were given by the mencbers,followed. and Vera, entertained Mr. and Mrs. by a 'Bible passage from Isiah, read by ?Ms's Grasby. A discussion on the -Scripture readfirg was given by .Miss Stackhouse. This being a missionary evening, Miss Cowan chose as her icpie the life of the first - Canadian missionary, Wallace Kerry, being de- livered in a very interesting manner. The bttsiitess period was conducted by the President, Mrs. G, Leith, in which it was decided to hold the annual skating party next week. A mission- ary offering was asked for and the meeting was brought to a close with use of hymn 666 and the Mizpah.bene- diction, BLYTH, The annual meeting of the Queen St. congregation of the United Church of . Canada will be held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 25. Tables will be served, commencing at 6:30, after which reports will be presented of the work of the various organiza- tions of the church. A large attend- ance will be welcomed by the pastor and officials of the church. The many friends of Mr. W. H. McElroy will be glad to know that he has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness as to be able to attend divine worship on Sunday evening. The meetings in the different churches last week in connection with the Week of Prayer were very well attended and were full of interest, 'flte closing nieeting in St. Andrew's was conducted by the young people .of the community and reflected great credit upon those in charge. Rev. George Weir, who is in charge of St. Andrew's Church, is receiving a great Beal of encouragement from the members of that congregation' and is quite popular in the com- munity. (Too late for last week.) 11r. and. Mrs. Chas. Snelling, al il'alton, were the guests of Chas. and Mrs, Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston and Iona spent Sunday with Jiro. and Mrs bic_N ichol. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Roger - ',Oil spent a day in Wingham. Miss Mary Brown returned last Friday to Brampton after &pending a week with her parents, Ince and Mrs, Ileown. Messrs. John McNichol and Chas. Nicholson attended the funeral of Me, Alex. Russel at Brussels on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Grasby spent Wednesday with, Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Nesbit, of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs, Russel Bradshaw, of Jamestown, spent the week -end with Mr. and, Mrs• Chas. Nicholson. Messrs. Joseph and Frank McCaug- itey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nicholson Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnston, Mr,' and Mrs. John Johnston'and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Johnston, also Mrs. Colin Fingland, Walton, attended the funeral of Miss Verna Elliot, of Blue - vale on Friday. Brother Passes. --The many friends of Mrs, Joseph Stothers,regretted to learn of the death of her brother, Me Robert Mallough in Toronto after an 't' ness of nearly a year on Friday, January 43th. Mr, Mallough was ov- er seventy years of age, havingbeen born at Dungannon• He was prede- ceased by his wife, formerly 'Miss Is- abelle Cameron, Kinloss township, two years ago. ,Of six brothers,z`ot,ly , ne survives, William Mallough of Teeswater, and also five sisters, Mrs, Greer of Glamis; Mrs, Andrew Stew- art, Dungannon; Mrs. Jos, Stothers, Blyth; 'Mrs. B. McClure, Lucknaw; Mrs. Stephen Stothers, Dungannon, Two children in Toronto survive, The. funeral was held on Monday to Dun- gannon .cemetery, The horticultural Society held their annual meeting in .the Oeldfeliow's hall on Friday evening, Jan, 13th. There was a rather 'small' but enthus- iastic meeting. The secretary gave financial- report: Receipts, 518.83; Expenditures, $428.46; On hand, $90.- 37. Officers were appointed as fol - !ow : l -Inn. President, Mr. 3. T. Huck - step, Dr, W. J. Milne Mr, E. Bender; preaideet, Mrs. A. Taylor; vice pees! dents,•Mi•s, G. D. Leith and. Mrs, G. M. Chambers; secty: treasurer, Miss LONDESBORO. • Women's Institute.— The motithly meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the community hall on Thurs- day, January 12th with, the president -in, the chair....The; meeting was open- .ed by singing the opening Ode, Mrs: 'Bell. led in prayer. Mrs: J, Manning led' hi the Lord's prayer. The bust nesS was tlien'transected after wince elle—girls, took charge' of the meeting. Miss Alberta Snell, president and Pearl Moon, secretary. Instrumen- tals were given, by Misses Gladys Mountaiit,and Edna Govier; duets by the Misses Brown and by the Misses Alberta Snell and Verde Watson; so- les by Misses Lillie ;Garrett and Katie Brawn; two mouth organ selections by Miss Medd of •Constance, who also sang a solo, and a reading by Miss .Jean Holtzhauer. The meeting was closed by singing God Save the King. There were 85 in attendance and all repaired to the basement where a 10c tea was served by the girls, the sum of $9.00 being realized, . Mrs, Tom Adams spent,Saturday. in Wingham. Mrs. Brown and children and Miss Cowan of Toronto are visiting at the home of their brother, Mr. George Cowan of the 13th. Miss Myrtle Emmerton of Ripley is visiting friends here. Miss Violist Fairservice of Clinton spent the week end at her home in the village. ' The football club held, a dance in Comratunity hall on Friday night last with a good attendance.' Mr. Sant Appleby has leased Mr, Fred- Gibbs house and lot just south of ttte village and gets possession 1st of February: Miss. Julia Brown spent Saturday with Clinton -friends: Mr. 'Robt. Townsend resigned as secretary -treasurer of the former Me- thodist Sunday school, and Miss Brown takes the position. Miss Yeah Lawson of Constance is ,the guest of tier friend, Miss Mamie Ross. • ' The lrtz M.S. of the former Method- ist Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. FI. Snell. Group Three" served a ten -cent tea at the Gose of .the Meeting. ' Mr, Tont Moon and Miss' Alberta Moon spent part of last week visiting at the home of Mrs. Bert Allen of Harlock, - Miss Vina Rogerson of Constance spent the weekend the guest of Mrs. Armstrong. Miss Flelen •Cooper of :Clinton spent the week end the 'guest of the Misses Fairservice. Miss Katie Brown spen't Sunday. with her ,friend, Miss Holtzhauer, The Summerhill dance Club held their weekly party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mac McCool with about ninety in attendance. A splendid time was enjoyed by all. The next party will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T, Mason. Miss Palema Hun'king of Clinton spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs, C. Ruddell. The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo, McCall, where they quilted a quilt and a ten -cent tea was served, This society docs splendid work and is a; great help to the church' to which it belongs. Mr. Wes, Vodden is visiting with friends at Dublin this week, HARLOCK. Miss_ Verde Watson of Londesboro visited part of this week with her friend, Miss Helen McEwittg, Mr, Harold .Beacom was busy. helping Mr. Leo, 'Watt to cut wood last week, returning home on Friday night, The Girls' Club itt connection wile the Slime Course met at the home of :Mss Marie Rapson, Wednesday evert- ing. The next meeting is to be at the' home of Miss Irene Ferris to quilt a quilt Which the girls have been patch- ing. atch- g in . IBtu'ns.Church held their first social some of her friends Wednesday even- ing of last week. Mrs. Joaeph Bewley visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ferris, on Saturday, Mrs. ec , lls e Allen of Northern Ontario, visited Mr, and Mrs; 'Bert Allen, and also at the home of her brother, Wan. Bell, part of last week. The Ladies' Aid of Burns'. Church inet "at the home of Mrs. Alex, Me- Ewing Thursday eftet'noon, . The. ladies' weie busy quilting the first of theafternoon, and held their 'business meeting later, after which . a dainty lunch wan served by the hostess, Mrs, Norman Sheppard and Miss Wilma have returned home'; after spending part of last week with Mr. Sheppard's sister and family, Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Farquhar, of near Clinton, Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Lear enter- tained company on. Monday night to a dainty tea and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Mr, Wm. Reid, of Flint, Mich,,, is spending a few days with friends here, Mr, M.Elliotts �'shipped live stock h pile Toronto Saturday. Mr, Win. Taylor shipped live stock to Buffalo Friday, Mr. Geenge Coleman shipped live stock to Toronto Saturday, The many friends cat Millard Rob- inson will be sorry to know heis confined to the house through a severe attack of tonsilitis. We hope to see him about soon: BLUEVALE Miss Verna Elliot passed away at her horse near Bluevale on Tuesday night She was 26 years old and was a great favorite among her many friends. She leaves to 'mourn her mother and one brother Earl. Mr. Elliot died some years, and also a brother, Irvine. The funeral was held Friday afternoon to Wingham ceme- tery.- The floral tributes were most T, Colson and Marjorie. and Arthur, beautiful, -the flower -bearers being 4 Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Bell, Mr, and cousins, the Misses Keys, Mary Els Mrs. Geo. McCall, Miss Estella Mar- not, Mrs. Colin Fingland and. Mrs. phy, Miss Macy and Messrs.. Wm; Clarence Johnson, The pallbearers s Wells and John Wells, to a fowl sup- were six cousins, Messrs. Milton and STANLEY. ins, Walter Stevens, of Brncefield, M s Melvin is visthng w�h Mr, and Mr eSeT 'i;1'ftl 19, d Talbot this week. Vernier Teacher Died,—'The death occurred. at Lentbttrg, Saste,, of Mrs.. George Gillespie, a former teacher of 5, S. No, 13, Stanley, on Thursday, December Stir, Mrs. Gillespie waa formerly Miss 144 JCy44, daugktter of Mr, and Mrs, Williaiu Kydd of 3J - borne, at present of the Thames Road near Exeter,' Her bereaved husband and -Mr. Moody of Usborrie have just come East. Mr.Gillespie is at pres- ent visiting Itis brother, Mr. Neil Gil- lespie itt ,Seaforth. Mrs, Gillespie had taught for three years in Stanley and during that time wan a great many friotids, She was married twenty- seven years ago in the West. She leaves four sons, Murray, Melvin, Crawford and Gordon and also both her parents and a brother 'Robert, Thames ,Road, and a sister, Nies. Wm. Moody of Us'borne. She died in the Regina .hospital from heart trouble. tnterment.Was tnade at Regina. HOG SITUATION IN HURON CO UNTY, Report of Hog Shipments for 1926.27, - The ftgores-denoting the marketing of hogs from Huron County have just been completed for 1927. They are given herewith' and would indicate an absence of any general panic due to the price situation as has been re- ported from other counties, The percentage of selects ,has increased slightly. over 1926 and it is remarkable fee note that fewer sows were marketed in 1927 than in 1926; Stations: Seafanh Brncefield" Walton (Dublin• Huron'Co, 11926) 1027 1926 .192711 1926! 11924 ,1927 '.19261 , 1927' Total ITa s ..,,, 3349 4169 '1369 1643 4703 507'3 , 113' 72791 8016 g 723163 1351 4� 'Select. Bacon . , , 1020 364 384 Thick Smooth . , , 2194 -2606 `759 '894 .27745 2904 Heavies . , , :130 192 +107 ''114 3'61' 195 Extra Heavies 114 5 8 44 25. 17 Shop Hogs ' e11 422-62 42 225 191 Lights & Feeders 29 450 19 25 4 24 Roughs „ 5 4 1 ' 2' t5 Sows No. 1 ..,.;. 6, '3 1 3 ' 12 32 Sows No., 2 , 101 64 19 10 70 69 Stags ., .,..,:, 6 3 3 8 29 60 7 1 Ll. 5 2191e 41847 3745 366 2554 700 52 222 1301 142 2 45578 3628 234 3284 3126 72 312 904 95 YOTI•ctnn be rich. Don't wait for your ship — grasp this op - 1 portunity to make your pile, .Own your own home — have in ffnc antoynobile -•- send your children to college —'have cont• tort, luxury; social position! 50Hpu $1 With 81,1100 you can build up a fortune. And you can win this grand sutra. .St won't cost you a penny. You don't have to be clever L--- it's easy. Don't waste a minute -- send. the coupon now. You'll get your cash prize before March 15, Be a whiner* Find the two airplanes that are exactly alike, IFS SI 2LE•,.READ THIS • At first glance all the airplanes look alike. But upon ex- amination you will see that almost eiery one differs in some way from alt the others. In some the difference may be in the black stripes on the tail of the planes, and some have black 'radiators, ' while others are white: Or some have two black stars on the wings and', some white and black stars. Only two are exactly alike. No, it's not as tmsy as it 1oolta. Just look closet; — iataket,sure that you have found the TWO airplane. that are exact duplicates, then send in your answer. Someone who finds the right airplanes is going to win a tot of money. • Make that "someone" be YOU. 25 GREAT OPPORTUNITIES TO WIN Here's a great nt'rtty of splendid Cash Prizes offered by The London Free Press. 'That's what .it is, folks — and yon can be a wince:. The prizes range from 22.00 to $35.00, and front $20.00 to $1,500, and if you make up your mind to go into this thing heart anti soul, you can ruin as much as $1,500. Think of it!' You can have $1,500 in .cash. In all, 63,000 In' cash prizes may be Iron in . this interesting Puzzle Contest. The Contest closes on.Mat•ch.3, and all prizes will reach the win, tiers on or about March 10., There will be 25 . winners, and the First Prize, The Golden Opportunity, is $1,500— and you can win this if you act quickly. In the event of ties for any prize, the fall amount .3f the prize will be awarded to each of the contestants so tied, hiro" hundred' • points .gains first prize. We are giving yon 475 points for finding TWO airplanes that are exactly alike. .Promptly upon receipt of your answer we will send you particulars of a Magic Word Gatue, hi which, if successful; you win the final 25 points required to gain a $1.,500 First Prize or one of the '24 other big Cash ,Prizer. $3,000 IN CASH PRIZES Listed below are the Maximum Prizes you call win: let Prize , , , ., , . $1,500.00 7th Prize .. , , , , 2nd Prize , , , , . , , 500,00 8th Prize , , , , , , , 3rd Prize .. , . , , . 200,00 9th Prize , , , • , , 4th Prize .. 100.00 10th Prize ::: . , , . 5th Prize , , ; . , , 100.00 • llth to 25th in- 8th Prize _, .. , 100.00 elusive . 50.00 50.00•. 50.00 50,00 20.00 ("SE THIS COUPON : GOOD FOR 475 POINTS -= uzzle Manager, Room 47, " r P The London Free Press London Ont Numbers and . • . , aro the TWO air. Iplanes that are exactly alike. If these are correct, please give Inc 475 points and tell pie how to gain the final 20 points to win First Prize, Nance , Full Address ' • , Mail your answer promptly to PUZZLE 114ANA0bl1Z Room' 1 47, The London Free Press, London, Ont.