HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-01-12, Page 8AFOR I NENM
A YY Pretty hut quiet wedding
a3 soletneieed at the United Church
anse ou Thursday efternoon, Jan.
le, at 3 oiclocet, when Rev, Arthur
uniteci in marriage, Mies Es-
theyn Marie Mete, eldesl daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R Dick, near Hen -
sail, to Cordon Daley Cudinorc, 2nd
son of Mr. Cuelmere, of Usborne, The
young- couple were anattencled, The
bride was tastefally ettired el a gown
of blue satin, with hose and shoes to
matele Her travelling costume was
of a blue pin -point coat, with for trim-
ming and hat to ixiatch. Tee happy
young cottple left on the evening train
for London, where they will make
their future home, the groom holding
a very good position M the city. Haste
of good wishes are extended to the
young couple in their married life,
from their numerous relatives •and
The W.M,S. of the United Church
held their monthly meeting M the
basement of the church oa Thursday
afternoon, Jan. 5th, with the president
M the chair, Prayer by Mrs. Lammie
and Scripture 'lesson bythe presid-
ent. Aleaflet ent"Respect 'Respect for
Other Folks," was read. by Mrs. S,
Steacy, followed by the minutes by
the secretary, Mrs. Drysdale. Offer -
lug was taken, whieh amounted to
$7. A letter was read by Mrs. Mc-
Donald, which was received frone the
St Christopher House, Toronto,
thanking the W.M.S, for their splen-
did donations, which were sent to
them for Christmas, also a letter from
the Deaconess Training Home in To-
ronto, thanking them for the fruit
and quilts donated. The committee
reported calling on several sick inern-
• bers and delivering flowers. The topic,
"Paths for old Purposes," was taken
by Mrs. McDonald, and leaflets deal-
ing with the sebject were read by
Mrs. :Kerner, entitled Seery of China;
Stories from Japan, Mrs. Hemphill;
A Woman from India, Mrs. j. Elder.
Election of officers took place, Rev,
Mr, Sinclair having charge, resulting
as follows: President, Mrs. C. A. Me-
Denelh vice ores., Mrs A. Sinclair;
Treasurer, Mrs. A. W, E. Hemphill;
Secretary, Mrs, M. 0, Drysdale; Cor,
Sec., Mrs. j, W. Skinner; Flower sec.,
Mrs, S. Steacy; Strangers' sec., Mrs.
Dougall; Missionary Monthly, Mrs.
Agnes McDonald; Press sec., Mrs.
Lee Redden; Mission Band leader,
Miss Entity Morrison; Home Helpers'
•eece Mrs. Merner and Mrs. Sher-
ritt; pianist, Mrs, C. Cook; supply
com., Mrs. Hobe:irk, Mrs. Steamy,
Mrs. Bonthron, Mrs. Welsh, Mrs.
:Scruton, Mrs. Buchanan. Folloveing
Tthis Mrs, Hemphill read the report of
the year's work, which is one of the
,best Yet. Sixteen members were pre-
sent. Following this meeting the
Ladies' Aid met and elected the fol-
lowing officers: President, Mrs. S.
Merner; vice president, Mrs. John
Elder; sect., Mrs. C. Cook; treasurer,
Mrs. 3. Zuefle; organist, Mrs. M.
Drysdale. Following this the busi-
ness part of the meeting took place,
after which the meeting was closed
with prayer.
Mrs. Reid and daughter Miss Mine
ole epent the past few days with rela-
tives and friends in London,
. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins and
son Harold visited over the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins of
'Mr. and lire, Wm. Drummond and
Mrs. Herbert Doig of °riffle, visited
for a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos, 'Drummond.
• Alex. Taylor of Saskatoon visited
for a few days with Mr. and 'Mrs. W.
Dr. George Blatchford of Clinton,
Mich., is visiting his brother, Mr.
Richard Blatchford.
Mr. Ernest Nutt of St. Marys visit-
• ed for a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Hyde.
The annual meeting of the Agricul-
tural Society will be held in the town
hall on Friday evening, Jan. l3t.
The Mission Band of the nsall
United Church was held in the base-
• ment of the Church on Sunday after-
noon. Minutes were read by the sec,
Miss Gladys Passmore, roll call by
Eleanor Slcuaver, a recitation by Har-
old Sherritt, after which Eleanor
Skinner gave a pleasing instrementel.
Readiugs were given byeetenttle. etenecreeee
field and Aldon,..epereton and Miss
Morrison g -file study. The election
of affiseereeresulted: President, Marion
eeeece-Seinelalr; vice president, Lula Linden-
• 'frelel; Set” Raye Patterson; Roll Call,
Alcion Appleton;Treasurer, Gladys
Passmore; pianist, Pearl Elder; as-
sistant pianist, Florence McDoeald;
collection, Mary Hemphill; program
committee, Gladys Passmore, Grace
Brock, Emma Wurrn, Alice Higgins,
Marian McKay, Eleanor Skinner,
Harold Sherritt, Roy Brock, Norman
• Sinclair, Lorne Elder, Lloyd Linden-,
field. Vera Sundereock, Rolla Smale.
The new village council niet on
Monday at noon for their first meet -
Mg. Reeve Higgins, Councillors
Priest, Cameron, Petty else Sangster
took the neth of office. The Reeve
suggested that the first regular meet-
ing of the council be held on Monday
evening, Jan. 16th, and that the first
Monday in each month be the night
• for •the Council meeting-. It was
moved by Colincillor Patter, seconded
by Cot/heeler Priest, that the sug-
gestion of the Reeve be accepted, The
r'ouneil then adjourned to meet again
Monday evening, Jan, 16th.
Misses Margaret and Lizzie Slavin,
oho have been visiting with Weeds in
• Londore have returned hotne.
( A dainte will be held in the Town
Hall on Friday •evening, under the
aespices of the I-Tensell Firemen,
Good music is being furnished Inc thel
The meeting ef the Young People's
League of the 'United Church was
held on Monday everting with a large
attendance present. The meeting was
in charge of Miss 5. Johnson and was
opened by singing a hymn, after
.which Mr. Sinclair led in prayer, The
Stripture lesson was read responsive-
ly, after which the Secretary read the
temates of the •last meeting. Mist 3.
Buchanan geed' an interesting topic on
"A New Year's Message." Short
readings were given by Mary Hemp-
hill, Pearl Elder mei Mildred McDem
• ell. Scott Weleh favored the league
with a -violin eelectlore accompanied
by Mite Dorothy' Welsh on the piano,
The officere were then elected for the
eerniag year, as folbeurs: President, cluee, for they have to use their sleighs
Miss Jessie Joeneon; First Vice Pres, till they get to the highway and thee
miss Nora Folliek; Second Vice ohey will have to borrow a wagon and
relocel their products in order to get
to to vni. It is to be hoped that the
feredtmers will be given some coneid-
eration, for I have learned that 99
per cent, of the produeers done ap-
preeiate the service in this SlIONV belt.
Prase Miss • Jessie Buchanen; 1 hind
Vice' Free., • Mess Gladys Luker;
-Fourth Vise Prose Mrs, Alf, Smith;
Beeretary, Miss Elora Higgias; Treas-
urer, Mr. Harry Cook; pianist, Miss
Lillian Steaey; assist. pianist, Mise
Avie Lindenfield. • Mr, Harry Cook
read the treasurer's report for the
year, after which the meeting wee
closed by sioging hymn 61 and re-
Pcating the Mizpah benedietion.
Tense Dorothy Welsh, who bee been
visiting for the past week with friends
in Detroit, has returned home.
Misses Evelye and Dorothy Heffer-
nan, who have been visiting relatives
at Centralia for the past two weeks,
•reterned home on Monday.
On Sunday, Jan. a, will be men's
day in Carmel Presbyterian Church.
A elect's choir wili furnish the music,
and 'special sermons will be delivered
by .the pastor, Rev, Mr, Meleroy, A
communion service will be held in the
Presbyterian Church -on Sunday
morning, Jan. 15 and the preparatory
service will be held on'Friday even
Mg of this week. The young people's
meeting of Cantle/ Preebyteelan'
Church was held on Monday even-
ing with an attendance of 37 present.
The meeting was opened bY a IlYmn
and the scripture lesson was read -by
Miss Dorothy Little. The roll was
called by Miss Rena Hudson. Rev.
Malroy gave an interesting ad-
dress on Young People's Problems,
followed by the singing of a hymn,
after which the meeting was elosed by
the benediction,
Mrs. Lorne McNaughton and chil-
dren, of the Thames Road, are visit-
ing for a week with relatives in town.
tHensall School Report for Deem:a-
ber.-'Sr. IV. --Bob Houston, Grace
Brock, Mabel Workman, Howard
Hemphill, Mae Kenning, Irene Det-
ers, Ed. Little, Eleanor Skinner, Beryl
jr, IV. --Gladys Passmore, Alice
Higgins, Hazel Hudson, Marion Mc-
Kay, Irene Hoggarth, Will Drum-
mond, Florence McDonald, Mavis
Sr. :Foster, Eleanor
Bell, Ray Patterson, Aldon Appleton,
Nornme McKay, John McKay, Har-
old Sherritt, Lorne Elder, Isobelle
Smale, Helen Glenn, Roy Brock,
Emma Wenn, Will Nichol, Harold
Appleton, Viola Hildebrandt.
Mies Florence McDonald entertain-
ed it number af her friends to a birth-
day party on Monday evening.
Mr. A. Bolton has installed a fine
new radio in his home.
Mrs. S. Peppier visied 10 Clinton
on Tuesday.
The many friends of Mrs. English
are pleased to learn that she is im-
proving nicely after her recent fall.
Mrs, M. Brown and John returned
last week from Owen Sound where
they spent the aistmas vacation with
the formes's daughter,
Miss Susie Westlake, who was visit-
ing Mrs. W. Westlake for a fe* days,
reheated home on Tuesday.
Mr. W. L. Cameron, who has spent
several months at his home, returned
to Detroit on Friday.
The Agricultural Society will hold
their annual meeting in the Town
Hall on Wednesday, January 18th, at
2 o'clock to elect officers and direct-
ors for the ensuing year. •
Miss Jean Harrison, who has been
visiting friends in this vicinity, return-
ed to her home at Goderieh on Tties-'
Mrs. L. B. Smith and babe, who
have been visiting the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, re-
turned home to London on Friday
The annual meeting of the members
of the Bayfield Public Library will be
held on Monday, January 1611, at 2
o'clock in the Library Room. Mem-
bers are invited to attend.
Mrs. F. W. Baker isvisiting her
daughter, Mrs. V. Burt, at London,
Miss Maud Stirling, of Owen
Sound, and Mrs. Herbert Wallismnd
sous Donaltt and Lawrence, of Dor-
sey, Sask., arrived on Saturday to
visit their rnother, Mrs. Wm. Stirling.
The annual meeting of the Bayfield
Cemetery Co. will be held on Mon-
day, January 16th in the Town Hall,
at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of elect-
ing officers and directors for the en-
suing year and receiving the annual
report. '
Miss Mary Stirling returned on Fri -
(ley to resume her studies.
Mr. Harry Baker underwent an op-
eration in London for appendicitis
last week. We are pleased to report
that he is getting alortg nicely. •
Mr. and Mrs. James Sturgeon re-
turned on Tuesday from London
where they were visiting Mrs. A.
Mee.: Ida Reid left on Thureday to
vie't fr ends in Detroit.
We are sorry to learn that Mr, Mar-
tin Pureeel, is still in a precarious
Mr, and Mrs. john Connolly and
Mr. Peter and Miss Ellie Connally
epant Sunday with friends iri our
Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley were visi-
tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C,
Eckert, where 'Mrs, Manley's sister,
Mrs. Thomas McKay, is still under
the doctor's care, but is improving
'Votor correspondent has been take
Mg^ note of the great work the snow
plough Inc been doing on the Pro-
vitleiel highway, 5 -Te followed the
plough a few hours after it passed
through one of those stormy days and
by all appearance no one could _me
where it had passed through, ,onfer
that the channel was filled higher.
There was not much of the snow
thrown against the tences that day.
A great many of the farmers along
the highway had their gate -ways
blocked, so that they had to shovel
their way out, and eveft thee there
wee too much snow to get through
with a car. It seems that the of-
ficials shotfitt use judgmerit and not
waste time and money to run the
nlnugh when the storm is on. For isa
this slime belt 90 per cent, of the rate -
layers are not getting the benefit of
this costly operation and its a handle
cap 10 farrnere to market their pro-
Minutesol meeting of McKillop
Council held io Seaforth, 'Monday,
Jure 9th, 1928. Memberseeleet ell
present awl subseribted to the oath
of office. The minutes of last meet-
ing Were read and adopted, Mo -
Con by McKay -Campbell, that the
p bitten of the Corporetion of Mc-
illop be submitted to the Minister of
Public Works, showing that during,
the year 1927 there _had been . ex,
?ended on Tp. route' and bridgethe
stun of $12,928.37, and requesting the
statutory grant on said amount as
Provided for by Ilighways_Irnprovee
ment Act, 4926. The following of-
eciels were aPpoietedefor 1928: Clerk
-John McNay; Treasurer -IF, Bruce
Medd; 'Assessor -Donald Calder; Col-
lector -George IdeKee; Auditors -A.
A Cuthill•and Thomas Moylan; Mum
Drain Inspector-qno. C, L,eonhardt;
School Attendance Officer -4n°. Mc-
Nay; Med. 0, Health -F, J. Bur-
rows, MD.; Sanitary Inspector -
'Charles Little' . Mem. of Board, John
Murray; F. j, McQuaid and John •Mc-.
Nay, Eckert -Campbell, that this'
Council is opposed to the Department
of Public Highways endeavoring, to
keep Provincial Highway No. 8 open
during the winter season,being too
expensive for benefit received and de-
trimental to the interests of residents
of the:Municipality who use the high-
way as a snow road and that a copy
of this resolutien be sent to Highways
Department, also to the County Coen-
ciCCarried. Campbell -McKay, that
it grant of .$30 be made to the Sea -
forth Agricultural Society, McKay-
Regele, that it grant of $20.00 be made
lc Children's Aid Society, 'Huron Co.
Carried, Eckert e McKay, that the
township printing contract Inc 1928
be given to Snowdon Bros. at their
tender, $73. Accounts to the amount
of $279.64 were paid. Commit ad-
journed W meet at the Qeeen'e
hotel, Seaforth, on Thursday-, Feb.
915, at 1 p.m
John MeNay, Clerk.
Mr, George •Selheim, of the village,
who has been sick for a few weeks,
died last week at the age of nearly 67
years. He was very obliging and it
very good neighbor, always ready to
help in case of need. The funeral was
held to the Lutheran cemetery east
of the village on Satueday afteenoon,
followed by it large concourse of
friends and neighbors, showing the es-
teem in which Mr. Selheim was held.
He leaves to mourn his loss his part-
ner in life and one daughter, Mrs A.
Pfeifer, of the 12th concession of
Logan; two brothers and one sister
in 'South Dakota and his aged mother,
also in Dakom. 'Rev. Mr__Alberti of-
ficiated at the house and the church,
and took for his text Matt. 24:21,
'We have very mild -weather at pre-
sent and it looks as if we are going
to lose our sleighing, which would be
too bad as there are a lot of pine
roots. cutin the swamp that the far-
mers would like to get fee firewood,
hut the swamp is very soft yet.
It is rumored around the village
that Mr. Jack Kipping, of Stratford,
has rented the blacksmith shop and
will take possession on the 1st of
February. We wish him success in
his undertaking. •
A party of our ,hunters went • out
rabbit hunting last Wednesday even-
ing and soon bagged 5 big . bucks.
George shot 2 with one crack. They
Sound one field of wheat where they
Saw about 15 rabbits busy at the
Mr. Joseph Moylan returned to St.
:Michael's College on Monday to re-
eume his studies.
Miss Annie McQuaid returned to
Stratford to resume her studies at the
Central Business College.
Miss Gertrude McGrath went to
Guelph on Saturday to resume her
Mr. and Mrs. Henry lecIvor were
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
M. J. Lynch, McKillop.
Reeve Frank McQuaid, McKillop,
was in Seaforth on Monday attending
the inaugural meeting of McKillop
council. This was his first time out in
over three weeks being confined to
his home mid under the doctor's care
with, severe attacks of bronchitis and
laryngitis. He is improving hut still
weak from those attacks.
Mrs' Rosey Murphey of St. Marys
was a visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Owen Hart during the week.
•Messrs. James and Basil Lane, who
were in Toronto, have returned home.
• Mr. James Sloan wears a happy
look and broad smile at present; The
cause of it is a bright baby girl'as an
additioe to the family,
Miss Agnes Lynch of Detroit is a
visitor at the home of her mother,
Mrs. M. Lynch, McKillop
Mr, Carl Stapleton, who has been
visiting hie pareets, Mr. and Mrs. J,
Stapleton, returned • to Detroit, the
latter part of last vveek,
Mews. Thos. Illeknell and Alonzo
Matthews, Seaforth, have a wood cut-
ting contract from Mr. John L, Ma-
lone, McKillop.
EIELYA47.-At Se efichael's hosOi-
tal, Toronto, on Friday, Jan, 6, Je-
mima Cecil Helyar, Interment • at
Its Qttality Sells It. -The fact tha
So many thousancle of intelligent pep
Ole continue to ttsc Dr, Thomas' En
lectric Oil speaks volumes for it
healing efficiency. Ever eince it wa
first introduced it has geown steadile
in public favor, owirig 'entirely to it
:mit:Hold usefulness lia relieving an
',patine sicknees As a specifit fo
cute, bores, ecalds, avid variotte hi
flammatory pains its* reeord is beyon
s.11.4‘hoe. f4ollfitieliLteeert4s tihlieeeerlOaQuIls Afarl; mr:4,12a'alkIlkii;iso.nNtiiisdoa SG` 0 visited
Miss' Isabel Eaton spent e few days
with friends in VValtoe. .
Mr, John Campbell, who was'elect-
eetteeillor, gave a. clapee in 'the
Winthrop hall lag Friday night.
jr, iv ,,.,..iciare,rmQ colermin 78, jean About 30.9 were present All reported
order of merit, Those marked with
were absent from one. examivation.
Fifth. ---Mabel McDonald 59.
Sr. IV.--*Jariet Petrick 62, Flossie
butson 4.
Sinale 65, Milton Lavery 52.
Sr. III, -.Norval Norris 70, Helen
N°Jrrr,181I6I7.---, Rhea Ross 61, RQY Raa$
48, Leslie Fawcett 42.
He -Thomas Bingham 86, Willie
Betson 78, Verna Fawcett 45, First,
Pearl Ross 71, Arthur Scenic 68: Clif-
ford 17eweett 60. The highern m the
following aubiecis were; Art, In Sr.
IV., Flossie 13utson 80, Jr, IV., Jean
Senale 91; $r. 141,, Helen Norris $1;
Jr, III„ Rhea Ross 64. Hygiene, In,
Fifth Mabel McDonald 70; Sr. IV,,
JanetPatrick 98, Jr. IV., Clarence
Coleman 94; Sr. III., Norval Norris
93. Reading -1n Sr, /V., Janet Pat-
rick 76; Jr. IV., Clatenee Coleman 70,
Sr. ILL, Norval Norris 75. II., Willie
Hutson 76; First Pearl Ross 80. Spel-
ling-ISr. IV. Janet Patrick 52; Jr. IV.
Clarence Coleman 73; Sr. III., Norval
Norris 92; Jr, Rhea Ross 54, Ar-
ithmetic -Sr. IV,, Janet Patrick 68,
• Jr. IV., Clarence Coleman 190; Sr, 111,
Helen Norris 88, Jr, Rhea Ross
49, In II, Willie Butson and Thomas
Bingham 94; First, Arthur Smale 76,
Literature- V., Mabel McDonald 65,
Sr. IV„ Flossie livitson 61; Jr. IV.,
Clareace Coleman 82; Sr. III., Norval
Norris 80; Jr, ILm
, Thomas Bingham
95. IGramtnar, Sr. IV„ Janet Patrick
60, Jr, 1)7., Clarence Coleman 76; Sr„
III., Helen Norris 66, jr, Rhea
Ross 65. Geography -Jr, IV., Clar-
ence Coleman 82r Sr. ILL, Norval
Norris and Helen Noreis 45; jr.
Rhea Ross 51. In fifth form Mabel
McDonald 55. History -Sr, IV,--Jan-
etPatrick 68; Jr, IV., Jean Smale 69,
Sr. III„ Norval Norris 24;, Jr.
Leslie Fawcett 68. • No. On roil 17,
average attendance 16,
A. P. Thompson, Teacher.
Death of Mrs. James O'Connor. -.-
A lifelong resident and a highly ree-
petted lady paseed away on Thursday
evening, Deeember 23rd, after a very
sudden illness at the repe age of 80
Years. Twenty-four years ago she
came to St. Columban where she was
married to Mr. James O'Connor, who
survives, together with three daugb-
ters,, Mrs. Urehart and Mrs, Johns-
ton of Strathroy and Mrs. COleman
of Paris, tAteether daughter, Mrs,
John Holland, predeceased her twen-
ty years ago. The funeral was on
December 14th to the St. Columban
Church where Rev. Father Dantzer
PP., sang High Mass. Interment
was made in the St. Columban cern-
etery in the 'family plot. The pall- • 'Girl to do general housework. State
bearers were Dan, Cronin, James 0'- wages. Apply at The News Office,
Sullieao, Frank 'Malady, Owen' Hart,
John Downey and Patrick McGrath.
Deceased was a woman of many good
qualities and she was ,well known
throughout the township. She was a
kind and loving mother, and a good
Jleighbor, beloved by all who knew
her. She was it faithful attendant of
the Roman Catbolle Church. The
family have the sympathy of all in
their sad bereavetnent.
aleger,°Isea°.letelinreeLy. Little ePent few daxa
Mullett last week and m
purchased soe
There will be a 'dance'. held in Win-
throp Hall, Friday, Jan. the 20th. Lud-
wig orchestra will supply the mimic.
Lunch served.
Quite a number froni LOX,. 813
attended the district meetipg in Clin-
ton Tueeday night.
To the Electors of 4vIcKillop,
ffeedies and Gentlemen: 1 extend to
you my sincere thanks for your s40-
:art in the election of January 2n4 in
electing Inc Reeve of McKillop 'fee the
iinth time in succession. 'Service will
be my motto during the year 1928,
Yours trulY,
.Applications will be received by .the
Corporation of the Town of Seaford.'
at the Clerk's Office, Town Hall, Sea -
forth, up to 12 p'olock noon, Monday,
January 25th, 1928, for the position Di
Chief Constable. '
- .Particulars may he obtained at the
Clerk's office: '
Seaforth, janOr 10e 1928, Mayor.
• Annual Meeting.
The annualemeeting of the Seaforth
Agricultural Society will be held in
the Carnegie Library on
• 'SATURDAY JAN'Y 14th, 192s
At 2.00 O'Clock
Business-Receiving_iFinancial Re-
port for 1927, election of officers and
directors for 1928 and other business,
Our accounts are all due, and some
past that .titne, 'We .would ask you
courteously for a prompt settlement.
Respectfully yours, GEO. A. SILLS
Se SONS, fliardWare Merchants, Sea -
forth. 3,
The following is the result of the
Christmas examinations held at S.'S.
No. 7, Hibbert.
Sr. IV. --Grace Couch 84.5 p.c.,
Janet Chappel 66, Maude Bolton and
Clayton' Hortore (equal) 65, Mildred
Robbins 63, Orval Cooper 01.
Jr, Sararas 73, Bernice
Harris 66. Sr, III.-Beetrice Drover
69. Jr. III. -Ross Hoggarth- 78,
William Chambers 50. Jr. IL -Earl
Drover 76, Benson Stoneman 73, John
Chappel 70, Lorne Chambers 64. Sr.
Pr. Rae Chambers, Erla Treffry. No.
on roll 17. Average attendance for
November and Deceinber 15.5.
01..Farin Stock arid Implements'
at Lot 30, Con. 6, Millet Township,
aimed' 4 miles north of Clinton, on
Tuesday, January 2411, at 1 o'clock
sharp, consisting of the following:
Horses -Grey mere, rising 4 years;
bay mare rising 5 years; bay mare
risieg 7 years; bay mare rising 9
years; filly colt rising 1 year.
Cattle -Red oow, rising 3 years,
•freshened 2 _months ago; roan cow ris-
ing 6 years, due to freshen January
266; red cow rising 5 years, due Jan-
uary 2911; roan cow, rising 7 years,
clue Feb. 2011; red cow rising 5 years,
due Ja,n. 2911; Jersey • cow rising 6
Years, due in Septeinber; Guernsey,
cow rising 4 years, due -Feb. 26th;
spotted heifer rising3 years, doe Jan.
3015; red heifer .rising 2 years, due
April lst; roan heifer, 4 years, farrow;
red steer, 1 year old; Guernsey heifer
rising 2 years, due to freshen in Sep-
tember; 5 calves, 1 year old; calf
about 2 months old._
Victoria E. Bolton, Teather. Pigs -Sow with 11 pigs 7 weeks
'old; young sow due middle of -Feb.
Rev. Father Nigh returned_ to To- 'About 100 hens, 2. geese and e-
rten° on Monday laet after spending gander •
three weeks at the home of his par-
ents, Mrand. lairs. Wen. Nigh, of
Tockersrnith, and other relatives and
friends in this yicinity. Best wishes
went with him from all for gocid
health and evety success in - his new
and serenuous geld 'of labor. -
Miss Margaret Cleary, R.N., re-
turned .on Sattfrday to Rochester, N.
Y., aftec. spending three -weeks at the
home of her mother, Mr's. Margaret
Cleary, Sectforth, and other friends in
this district, •
Miss Margaret Walsh, of Seaforth,
returned to Toronto on Saturday last
to resume herduties as school teach -
in that city.' She was accompanied
by her niece, Miss Catherine Flan-
nery, Egmopdville,
Mr. Joseph Nigh returned to De-
troit on Saterday last after spendifig
two wee'les at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nigh, Sea -
forth. -
Mrs. Patrick Williams, of 'Hibbert,
spent last week at the home of her
brother, eire and Mrs. John Walsh,
Mr. and Mrs, Michael Doyle, Rib-
bert, spent` Sunday last at the home
of their clattgleter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Jordan, and also the hoine of the for-
mer's brother,' Mr, and Mrs. James
Doyle, Hibbert, •
IVIessrs. Leohard Strong, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wre. Stroug; Wm, Arche,
bald:son of MS. and Mrs, Wm. Archi-
'bald; Robert Tyndall, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Tyndall, and Arthur Wal-
lace, of Tnekersmith, are benefiting,by
the short winter courses in agriettl-
tere in Seaforth,
Moriday being council day and the
'first ineetieg of the year, 1928, the
milel businees was confracted, The
old clime retain their offices,
Mrs J. E, Harnwell spent a few
clays of last week with friends in Go-
Mr. and Mrs Reid aed little Jean
alt toed week for Flint, Mich, where
they will epencl 'some tiree,
Navigatiott has beeti rather difficult
for it few days, for what suite autos
and frocks is not desireble for cut-
ters and sleighe.
Want and For Sale .a.ds, 1 week 25c
Impleinents-Massey-Harris binder
6 ft. eut with sheaf carrier and truck;
Massey-Earris mower 6 It. cut; No,
21 Deering hay rake; seed drill; Mas-
sey Harris cultivator in good repair;
set of 3 -section harrows; Fleury
walking plough 21, Sand roller, faren
wagon, McTaggart fanning mile scuf-
fler, Portland cutter, rubber tired top
buggy, set of sleighs, double set of
team harness, set of single harness,
Wartman 8c Ward hay car, .
A quantity of hay and grain.
Everything to be sold as proprietor
is giving up farming.
Terms. -Hay, grain and poultry
and all sums of $10 and under, cash;
over that amount 10 months' credit
will be given on furnishing bankable
paper, or a discount of 5 p. e. allowed
for cash on credit amounts.
Wallace Povvell, prop.; George H.
Elliott, aliCtioneer.
In loving memory of William Al-
bert Dundee, who passed away two
years ago to -clay, January 16th, 1926,
Two years has passed since that sad
When oneenve loved was celled away,
A bittergrief, A shock severe,
To part With oee wreloverl so dear,
He little thought when leaving home
• that he would ne'er return,
That death so soon would part us
and leave us here to mount:
• Could' he but raise his dying heed to
bid a last farewell,
The blow would not have been so
hard on those he loved so well.
-Stmt remembered by his Wife
and Family.
COLOLOUGH.-In loving memory
of our dearly beloved daughter and
sister Vera, who passed away two
years ago today, January llth, 1926,
Ite Maitland Bank softly sleeping,
Where the trees their branches wave,
Lies a tree and lovieg datighter,
In a lorie and silent grave.
Often. do Der footstep e wander
To a grave itotefer away
Where • they • laid our deateet
daughter -
Jhat two years ago to -day.
-Ever rereernbered by Mothers
and Brothers.
The Commit of the Corporation of
the Comity of Huron will meet in the
Coleeil Cbamber, Gaderielb at 2 lee-
eloek in the aftereoon of Tuesday, the
24th day of January, 1928, All 41C-
cquats against the County must be in
the hancls,of the Clerk not later time
Moinlay preeeaing the • meeting of
• GEO. W. nol..,,mAN,
County Clerk,
Goderich, Jan. 511, 1928, 3,
Violet-Ileey machine fer sale, Apply
at the CoMmereiel Hotel Barber
Shop. 4 ,
Earu $25 weekly .up At home ad-
dressing envelopes, No canvassiag.
Everything furnished. Spare or full
time. Send stamped addressed en-
velope- for partioulars. Galles Mail-
ing Service, II3ox 9, Sydney, Nova
Scotia. ,
rochns over D. H. Stewart's
store, Well...ventilated, electric lights,
Mew.% water, inside toilet Reasonable
rent, Apply to E. L. BOX, Seaforth.
On hand it the warehouse • at the
station. Also a small Massey -Harris
cutting machine, power or hand pow-
er. Phone 44-W, Seaforth. ANDREW
In the Town of Seaforth in the
County of Huroq.
Notice is hereby given that the list
of lands for sale for arrears of taxes
has been prepared and that copies
thereof may be had in my office, and
that the list is, being published in the
Ontario Gazette, October 29, Novem-
ber 5, 12 and 19, A.D. 1927, and that
in default of payment of the taxes, the
lands will be sold for taxes on Tues-
day, February 14th, A. D. 1928, at 3
o'clock in the afternoon at the Town
JNO, A. WILSON, Treasurer,
4 Town of Seaforth
Mutual fire Insurance Co,
Officers -James Connolly, Goder-
ioll, Alex, James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm, Rinn, No. 2 Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, 13rodhagen;
James Evans, Beachwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, NO. 3, Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferrii, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. .3, ,Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
• Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insusance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by applitiation to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
DR. HUGH AOSS, rilYSiciao
and Surgeon, Late of London flop -
pita!, Loedort, England. • Speclee
attention to diseaseof the CYO, ear. .'
nose and throat, Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Plione106
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seafortli,
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist iChurch. Cor-
bner. for the 'County of HUIVII. Tele-
phone No, 49.
DR, C, MAOKAY,-C. Mackay,
honor graduate of 'Trinity 1Joivers-
ity and gold medallist of Triulty
Medical College; member of the Gel.
Lege of Physicians and Surgeons et
Ontario, .
DR. F. J, R. FORSTER-Eye, Ear,
Nose And 'Throat Graduate, in Medi,
eine, University of Toronto 1897. LOA
Assistant New York OPhtliallnic arra
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon-
don, England, At Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd eMonda,y lo esth month.
from 11 a.m. to 3'15a1, „„-
DR, W. C. SPROAT:,..,Graduate oi
Faculty of 'Medicine, University el
Weetern Ontario, London. ;Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhare*
Drug Store, +Main St,, Seaforth.
Phone 90.
Successor to Dr. R. R. Rosp,.gradai-
ate of 'Northwestern University, Chi-
eago, Ill, Licentiate Royal 'College al ,
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, •
e ver Sills' hardware,, 1vfain street.
Seafortle. 'Phone 151.
DR. F. j. BECHELY, graduatis
Royal 'College of Dental Surgeonl,
Toronto.' Office over W. R. Smirks
Grocery, Main • 'street,. Seafortb.
Phones 'office...185Ni/, residence 18g -
Auctioneer for the County -of Murcia
Arnangemente can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charilw
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
• (Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect.
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Wednesday, January llth.
Wheat, per bus. •$1.23
Barley, per bus.
Oats, per bus 55c
Buckwheat, per bus. - 75c
Shorts, per cwt.
Bran, per cwt
Butter, per lb. ..., .......... ,.35e
Eggs, per doz. 35e -42e
Potatoes; per bag •025
Flogs, per cwt. ..... ....... .. . ..
• Have your next
• Suit or Overcoat
• made- by
Practical Tailor
Main St.
Prices from $25,00 up.
'four own materials made up
• at reasonable rates
Try us for Prompt Service
Style and Satisfaction
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
DOW 11 " The .strewitht
and -
The eall of Speed in "The Spo.rt of Kings" ,Beautiful •
,woreen, prancing thorenglibreds—and a race, that will
make you grip your chair in sheer'exciternent.
OTIS HARLAN the little fat man with the funny feet
and fldgety features, as the coltiped valet,looks after the
-eotnedy end, -
Produced at the faraous 13oluiont Park race tracks.
a Etio,t on the stage foviienittiorre,withestlithirty years no in
• the screen's fnuniest Irishinan, arid
eftESTgf e-xemact,IN
• as the Scotch -barber