HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-01-12, Page 7rtApr t ng Coll Regains Throne fin Austria Railroads A»nounce They Ina 'tend to At�baizdon All Plans 'Or Electrification 'Stearn Power is Cheaper Ytenua,—e1, King has been restoreq. to his throue in Austria --Icing Coa1- While other' crowned hada, Hans - barge Or HohenzoBerne, have lost a manner that it ie often well devei- which our map was to be drawn, we thou thrones, perhaps forever, King oped before the amebas to recognized, could readily draw it by copying the Coal, who lost his throne during the reolutionary ,times of the post-war days, has regained his rule. At least the recent announcement of the Aus- trian Federal Railroads, in whiclt,they declared .their- intention to abandon the planned electrification of the rail. road stretches frpm flalzburg to Vien- ' is and frpm. Graz to Vienna, mud be considered a victory for His MaieetY Icing Coal. The figures concerning the differ- once of Dreeent prices between elec- tric and steam haulage on railroad—. figures reoeivecl.)From a leading maw ager of the Federal. Railroads—clearly It. -&how that"electllc traction, even with the "cheap" hydroelectric power, is an expensive- method of locomation compared.with steam power. r Looked to Electricity.. In the clays when, after the war, ,crowns woe shaking in Central Eur. •ope, doom was lurking for King• Coal; too, ; Those Central, European coun- tries'ivltiolt did not possess their own coal deposits', such as Austria, Italy, Switzerland and klungary, ' daringly challenged the rule of black coal In those days white coal, that is, hydro.' electric power, was regarded as the panacea for tato economic difficulties caused partly by the lack of coal sup- plies and partly by the high coal pricep. Switzerland began during the.. war to undo the rule of black coal. Un- able to obtain her necessory coal sup - lies either front England or Germany, sho decided to electrify all her im- portant railroad lines, utilizing the abunclaat water power of the torrents and' rivers in that mountainous coup• .try. Austria, ivhich' soon attersthe war was obliged to import 80 per cent. of hor requirements in coal, regarded the 'establishment of hydro -electric stations as th only means to save her trade. balance deficit of the moment- ous item "coal imports." IV.A l Erla 4 );,LOOD' Whit)! is a Map Grid? ALWAYS�i G 'Q A New Depa;Et re in Line with +Modern Science in TApo- 0 Not Corrected Scrums Results -graphic Mapping Sure to Follow when •we were at eehool and Our In no trouble is delay or neglect lesson in geography was to copy a Moro dangerous than in anaemia— map from the school text book we thin, watgly blood, It fs very common Would very often start cite by mark• in Young girls and in 'persons who are ing a net of aquaree on the map 1n the overworked or° conilad within doors. book. Then by piecing a similar eat It makes its approach in sa stealthy of squares ea the sheet el. -Palley 071 Great Expansion, Begun. Thus, an electrification era began, whicli. only increased in size and im- portance during the 'Inflation days when, the Austrian currency was rapidly sinking to a value bordering on nothing. By the end of 1922 there were 770 hydro -electric• plants under construction with an aggregate power of 2,500,00o horsepower.. - It was during this period that the Austrian Federal Railroads started to carry : trough their eiectriilcatiop, schemes., The most important line they .intended to electrify was the Bludenz-Vienna stretch of the main line leading from West to East,' on which the Orint and Arlberg express. es are keeping .up the continuous touch between Occident and Orient, this line leading from Calais via Paris- - Zurich • Vienna -Budapest•Bel- • grade down to Constantinople. Got Loan From League. Tho Finance Committee of the League of Nations granted a consider- able part of the League's loan for the purposes of furtherelectrification plans, and with this- financial aid the above-mentioned main line was elec- trified from the Swint frontier to Salz- burg. According to the electrification program of the Austrian Federal Rail- roads, the Salzburg -Vienna stretch was ;the next to be electrified. This stretch ie 200 miles long, approxi- mately corresponding to the distance betwen New York and Washington. The Austrian Federal- Railroads to make this computation would be to now have definitely given up' the idea ars at Portsmouth penitentiary, This to ,electrify this stretch. The reason story illustrates the trials and temp- j know the grid square reference num- But takers in time the tonin treat-' outlines of the printed map scatlare Of To Senn ment through the use of br, Williams' bY -square, The system of using •i,"F air"u"�l'•1tr• ...,.. ..,.:•,.,�>.,w .,...>..: , .. Pink Pills, eo enriches the blood that squares on maps was thus Well re- KEEPING A WEATHER EYE ON CHINAgood health and. °strength is ,speedily cognized by cormanm usage in school A 'Mere takes -off via the catapult or "cut" route from a 'warship in the regained. .The correction of anaemia life, and although it was not thought Yangtze river to sea what !a going on between the- warring factions ashore, conditions by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills of partlesilarly 1n that: connection it is as certain as anything call: be- 'Miss was really a system of malt r•eferenc- reea 2leafey, Dunraven, Que., is one Ing. rtl pV ti$i lS�d Te APE`° MEDICINE of the .many, 'anaemic Sufferers who .The 'same system 02 .squares has for, map re Gold Crusher to Fl: to has found new health through the use been used for many yearsy of this medicine. She says:—"I can- femme purposes " by publishers of Mines, not express too warmlythanksAccordin' to New FOR _LI O - my for guide beetle and general maps. 1]aeh g_ what Dr, Williams' Pink Pins -have square, for convenience, would be Guinea Plans, Canberra, Ali t -The first coma re Bab 'Sin s , p y Own Tablets Should be done for mo. I was Buffering from a designated by a number or by a num- badly run-down condition. I was V017 ber in combination with a letter of Pensive official report mining nervous, had• little. desire for food, and the alphabet This Combination would pot of the e n g Every Rome Where There would feel . tired out at the least exer- activities in New Guinea was brought Are Children. bo obtained by marking lite strips of to Australia recently by.J: D. McLean, tion. In this condition I begin taking squares !n one direction with a letter anofficer Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and: before o cer of the Queensland Mines • The perfect medicine for little ones and those in the other direction with Department, whose services were lent using them very long found my health a number, the squares having auGh de -is found in Baby's Own 7abiets. They gradually improving, and under their signations to the Commonwealth in order that area gentle brit thorough laxative continued " use was completely re- as"A7' D9, etth This'he might serve as warden of the gold which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stored: For this reason I earnestly method, owing to its simplicity, noon field. New Guinea is controlled un- stomach; drive out constipation and became very popular, and resulted adriae' all weak -girls to take 'these der mandate from the League of Na- indigestion; break up colds and sine pills, feeling aura that they Will dp fop tis by the Australian Common- ple foyer and in great convenience to the map user. promote healthful re - others what they dld•for me" used for In order th reference purposes,t they might e tbe asily wealth Government,' and the admin- freslting sleep: It la impossible for , Send your name and address to Thoistration of the mining operations is Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- came a -common practice for tope - in the hands of the Department of new-born babe, as thy are absolutely vibe, Ont„ an& they will mail you free graphical map 'sheets to be. squared Home anti Territories: guaranteed free from opiates or any a• useful little book on "Building` Up off in like manner. For purposes of Yield of 20 Ounces to Ton Estimated other injurious drug. the Blood." The pills can be obtained administration and for other Pur- through ut- Since Mr. McLean arrived on.: the Concerning fire Tabiete, Mra, Alex. through."any druggist or by mail at Poses, it is most desirable to have a'. field t the ,end of 1926,the miners J, Perry, .Atlantic, N,S:, writes:—'7 50 dente a box from The Dr. Williams' Y working there had . won more than always keep Baby's Own Tablets in Mediolne Co., Brockville, Ont. given there can be no' mistaking the 300,000 worth' of alluvial the house for the children, as I have 2 place or feature that is: referred to; gold; al_ though they had only touched the our- found them a perfect medicine for If you have a map.which is squared; little ones," • y W 7face of their claims. No under - Baby's ar®Y�� tl '�+ man's and wish to write to someone who has i p Bab s �,yy T,.........---,,,..0....._ a similar map, there: can be little pos- ground work had yet been attempted, y' Own Tablets are sold by !`VFW � llassimilar of, a mistake .iP you quote the but a re of reef 80 feet in width had medicine dealers or by mail at 25' been raced by the outcrop for five cents a box from The Dr. Williams' name of the map sheet and then, in miles. .At a conservative estimate Medicine Co.,Brockville,:Ont6•,' Synthetic Rubber referring to the feature in question, Fellow Prisoner Offers to Pro -according to Mr. 11IcLean's report, the state it is'a certain square. reef would pay 20 dunces to the ton vide for Breach of One difficulty, system however, with the at a value of 224s. an ounce, Some '.Parole urinal squaring is that the of the miners had expressed the numbers of the squares are only good opinion, with, which hecould not of - Toronto --A 'special dispatch• from for one particular map. If° you have floiall identifyhimself, Peterboro to a Toronto paper says: Y ef, that there several different maps of the same was 212,000,000 worth of gold to. be "In the Christmas :releases at Icings area at different scales; then it would obtained. ton penitentiary when Dunlop, Toren be quite possible that the same place The'deet, however,runsOthrou h to ex -inspector of prisons, was par -would be in differently . numberedg oled,:was a young woman from Bob -squares on, the different maps, very difficult and inaccessible coun- caygeon, who six years ago was given :The so-called "Grid" system, as try, rugged, mountainous end cover - a long term, and a man who had corn -Worked out by the Topographical Bur- ed with dense timber mosses and fal- pleted the necessary part of a twenty -vet; Department of the Interior, is len trees. It is `a seven days' lour- year term for burglary. The man on reallynothing more than a national - his way west got off at Belleville and ized system of squares, so arranged was .supplied from unknown sources that if any place is reterred to by its with a big roll of bilisand a bottle of two grid' numbers (letters of the whiskey. On Saturday afternoon the alphabet not being used) there can Montreal -Toronto express of the Cana- be no mistake : as to its .'location— dian National Railway carried from whether or not the name of any parts Kingston the Bobeaygeon paroled wo- cular map sheet is mentioned, Thus, man, She was met at Belleville, by if there are several map sheets of the the released 20 -year term ex -convict,.' same area at different scales, then who shared a seat with her as far as Port Hope. It is not known how he was acuainted with her, but the_pre- sumption is that the ever-present grapevine penitentiary telegraphic had put him wise about the woman's release. "Every now and then the man re under Videnational grid system, the passengers and stores, and for trans - two referncnumbers of; any grid r f thegold from fl Ef- square would always refer precisely po inggo the old. to the same location on the ground.forts are being made to, extend the 1i'or all ordinary purposes., to say use of airplanes by using them to con= that a point dies in square, 22-112 or vey'machinery to the mines. in the northwest.. quarter of such a Almost Every Mlnesal There tired to the ear lavatory with his bot- square is sufficient. .But if greater One company -is reported to be ob- tle and on his return became more precision is required, decimals can be taining from England an' airplane and more careless in his talk -with the added to the reference numbers—to capable of carrying one ton dead paroled girl He showed her his big tate ultimate practical limit, so as to weight and when this isavailable.It bank roll and tried to persuade her identify _the point exactly. Moreover, to accompany him to Chicago, often- if one wishes to go further than this, ing to provide expenses. The WO - the system of grid squares provides man, reluctant for feat, of ,cense- an accurate means of obtaining the qunees on account of her parole, de- distance and direction (or . bearing) c 1ned to consent but took the matter from one point to another, And this under consideration. Leaving the last mentioned possibility is not con- opinion that. New Guinea is a country Th Minister f T d C i .train at -Port Hope,' en route to Bob- fined to two points shown upon one of great mineral wealth.' Almost pointed out that the organization of caygeon, she took the man's Chicago i map sheet but may also be used to every mineral has. been found there, the German chemical manufactu ars address and promised to write later. l'tonnect up points which may be platinum having been one of the lat- in be credited to America, since The whole conversation between the shown shown upon adjacent sheets or upon est minerals. to be discovered, while visiting producers at the Philadelphia two was heard by people in the 'car sheets even far . removed from nue there are many indications that the Exnoeftiou in 1870 got the idea of or - seat immediately behind the ex -board -,;another. All that would be necessary ountry is oil bearing, ganizing, and two years later formed seat The nearest port to the present the present association, gold field is Salamoa, about 60 miles Another dispatch, by the Associated away, and since the mining opera- Press, front Frankfort, announces that of the abandonment of the scheme tions were begun inland on a cam• the German dye syndicate has suf- was the careful calculation of -costs of partitively Iargn scale, !t has leen the ficiently progressed with experimen• electric and steam haulage. These A bl j d t ' I scene of much. activity. Reports of tation in producing synthetic rubber figures have revealed an amazing to apply for world patents, and that [act: Ele} triflreveai in these parts I progress are awaited with great inter- est in Austrialia, synthetic rubber will Boon appear on. was an expensive. luxury'compared th world markets as a commercial With steam power. '- proved „ commodity. we read: beautiful g The young woman' cap just of the hood The careful calculations have '' The synthetic product ds declared proved that electrified haulage in this to be .the equal. of the natural rubber stretch would cost $1,aomo0 more per h? l and cheaper in cost of production, year than.steam traction. There were # ; (, thus permitting its active competition two "developments 'in recent years Y g pour f a": , r� with the natural product, r which hastened the,defeatof white r � Dr. 'Weinberg explained that the eo"al, the two factors being, first, the g r synthetic. rubber was obtained by 1 second, the chnical improvements w has besot a process which gradual deer se of coal prices; and, contact synthesis," under experimentation ever In steam hau ge.. I since the war. He declared that the progress, chemistry was an inter. Waterton Lakes Park is national affair, and that nothing was } more of calling than to fall intocotry Poptylar 4r error i calling Germany "gar country Although for over a quarter of a i e { of chemical industry,” regardless of 'century Waterston Lakes • national the achievements of others. park has formed a holiday paradise Negotiations are proceeding, he for residents pass southern Alberta, said, Ito? reestablish international =- until recent yearPit has been almost tat etween the chemical interests qq of different countries, but au idea of unknown to the travelling world. ub) m trees in British Columbia in regard to lite worirl that is entirely hasoless, he With the advent of the motor and the hoth available supply an praduetlon. i saki, was the impression which ap' building s: good roads connecting the la a 'survey of the forest resources of park with main, provincial highwa'ye, ra+c 1p., ;r , that province the quantity, of standing i "Unitedo lutve thatired ground a chemical i front 1 n the 1 tins beautiful. reservation luta come „; •' timber of this species was estimated .,a-” its OW11 and each year a,. lamas- v — .,. a : ,,u be ,y, 00;0,,,,,",, is being' States combined in hmpe against b•,. L==. - .,:, filar dt5 �� r, �L •� rnc0 beard 'Meas. America, German hidustry, he de - tug number of visitors enjoy its many age " tire; of this some a",000,000,000 feet eared, ,would never lend itself to l attractions,,' is located w the coast region. The. ucli a 111)01110 a Excess acid is the cM1,mmo:r cause of times its volume in acid. It; is. harm- original virgin supply 's almost intact, "After the oil agreements we are . I less and tasteless and i action l 1 . 1f past having incligostfotr. It insults !n, rain, and is r is only a s n pa^t been cut, Load t0"eo-o crate -with Mho branch- Calgary, Alberta—Calgary will take'I . Y p v sotunrso,,)tout two hours after „ding, (mirk. lou will never rely on outdo. Thi, cut cry xtes-era hemlock lumber os`ot Ainsricaa industry, hoping that n vigorous part :in the extension'oP. methods never eontinue to suffer, f some years averaged 1 The t,unr,12 O01 Yee iy an n111011 has or o y e aced about tlteday :roan will dawn when German fire aviation Program for Cainula. Awhen You learn how quickly, how 92,000,000 feet' annually, totntina, t• flying$el,', SO ,acrsa. of Municipal neutralizes aelIl, The bosh car -n= chem -cal untlustrialisls :may expect. pleasantly this premier method a.ets,ttbotrt 15 bat cent, of the total hem fairer treatment at the hantls at property, was first proposed, but now rective is l?hiililxs Milk of lllagusla, Please let it show you—novo, lock lumber cut in Canada. Americans," he said. it -is planned to have 160 acres .130 the I1,haa remained standard with-phYsi- , :Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' --<_- -.. soutacast ratter of Calgary. It is ex- • clan 'h the t n r t- I - Tito Kin of Pain—•N.inard' Liniment : Dr. Cortins, Federal alinistcr al a i b G0 yenta. ai ick its i v en Milk of Magnesia yla aincr iorr cti p- y x 0 Economy, said the German rheminal' peeled that the kcal aviation league tion, Iofans for 80 yearn ill cOOriceiin„ ex.' industry hod padsed ihra1g11 tt bard will have a:' E'eet of Nair airplane to . One spoonful .of Phillias' 5111111 a cess acids. Email bottle eontaine full Count only on ludic .and you 11 bo •n I_ t Want \Voll, ' tMagnesia neutralizes .instantly many directions anny drug atone, Ic0,uuted out, Again Synthetic tubber, already produc- ible in the laboratory by more than one method, but hitherto kept from the world's Markets by inferiority of quality or excessive cost; is now again reported to be on the point of becoming an article of commerce. Dr. ney on foot from the coast, although A.von Weinberg, a German privy the distance is not very great. rel. councilor and a director of the Dye this reason there is an entre at. Syndicate, stated recently at a.meet- of machinery at the field, and this has ing of the 'German Chemical Manufae- increased the difficulties of the min- tuners' Association at Frankfort -on ars and only the most primitive meth- the -Main', that it will soon be manu- ods have been pmosIe. factured in Germany and enter, the TPA long, wearisome journey from world's markets in competition with. the natural product. It was announced the coast to the field is now, however, that a new' catalyzer lead been found, being overcome to some extent by the simplifying the union of the elements use of airplanes for the carriage of of rubber in coal tar. Says the' Ber- lin correspondent of the New York Times,, in a dispatch. Dr. Weinberg stressed the part syn- thetic production is playing in the present chemical industry, especially in the fields of artificial' silks, leath- er, horn, shellac, wood: alcohol, oils, and glycerin. While before the war Germany's oheniical industry never combined expected flat !t will be possliSle to with foreign interests and - preferred land at the scene or he operations to maintain monopolies , in many parts for the erection of a crusher, blanches, mew trade developments are along vastly different' lines, as'evi- denced by the various mergers with English, French, and American firms. The o Trade, Herr urt s, In this way the absence of roads will be overcome, it is anticipated;, Mr. McLean has expressed the tations of a woman released on `berg, decimals and all,' of the initial parole." point and also of the final point, the rest being a matter of. simple. venerable judge sat m apace ofmathematics. honor at a reception: As, a young ` --- — __ lady of dazzling charms "walked past,, The new Ford is • a muzzzle loader, he exclaimed involuntarily, "What a inspection reveals. The gas is poured back overheard- the compliment, tuned;' for what appears to ye no good tea - gave him a radiant smile and said, "What an excellent judge!" son, Most of the hot arguments in America during 1928 will be between gasoline station attendants andFord Out of indifferent external natter, owners trying to make them inn thinking makes the • world in which the as without removingall the we live. 'varnish from the hood. .., pg.HuiNf ..,, PHILLIPS" Fordue sou cid ,1 br0e5,'P]N AH uM HEADA wsES NAUSEA FRESHMAN NO LONGER "Isn't he a freshman at college?" "Yes; but he's been in that class so long he's gotten stale." Western Hemlock in Canada The western hemlock (Tsuga hetet• ophylla) is one of the most important 15SLIE No, 1—'20 • Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the best tea you can buy t1 Ira clean, bright Aluminum s1. school because :other 'countries, since the war, had erected: almost impass- able trade barriers in the form of tariffs' and important prohibitions. in his opinion it would' be a long time before equilibrium was: restored Carl Duisberg, of .the Farbenindus-`l trio; who presided at the session, said the German chen:noel industry was now producing products annually valued at 8,000,000,000' marks (about 5700,Q00,000), constituting one-seventh of the whole of German industrial pro- duction, Trade circles generally regard the announcement as of the highest IMP portance because they consider it as offsetting one of the postwar econo- mic handicaps resulting from the loss of the German colonies and with them raw:product sources. The rubber trade in New York, ac- cording to the Associated Press, is in- clined to view with skepticism the German report, More than a dozen times in the past decade, we are re- minded, the trade has heard similar reports, but always the, product either has failed to equal virgin rubber in quality or the cost of production has been so high as to render its mann- , facture impractical: Minard's-Liniment for rheumatism. Classified Advertisements '� (*00 AND POU1.,TRY 'WANTED. Y�.d We pay highest market Drlges and guarantee complete eatie?aottton with each transacton. C. A. Mann as Co., Icing St, London, Ont, • ATENTS List of "Wanted Inventtone" and Full Information Sent Free on Request. TWO W.SSLT 00.. ,Dept. W, 273 Hank M.. Ottawa. Oat. Canadian Hay for Britain Fredericton, New Brunswick Hay from the farms of the Province of New Brunswick is in demand by Brit- ish -buyers and it is expected sub- stantial shipments will be made to Great Britain this winter. An order for 5,000 tons is being shipped this month to England and an inquiry has been received by a New Brunswick hay buyer for prices on an additional 6,000 tons of good quality hay for the British market. Tee ;hay is being shipped in uniform bales from St. John, N.B. To -Morrow Where art thou, beloved, to•norrow? When. young and old, ,and strong and weak, Rich and poor, through joy and sor- • row, . Thy sweet smiles we ever seek,— In thy place—ahs well -a -day! We find the thing vre fled—To-day! —Shelley. Agatha: What makes Bettie want a divorce? Is it that husband of hers? Harriett: No, it's that busband that isn't hers. Beauty Of Hair and Skin Preserved By etaitietgra $crap to Cleanse Olntr•ierte to .I-Ical FOR. LDS Hoarse? Rub throat and cheat thor- oughly with Minard's Llnl- merit, Quick relief assured, WRINGOMEN t r. SUFFER most r f These Two Found Relief by' Taking LydiaE. Pirikhar 's Vegetable Conapoand Ayer's Clif?,' Quebec. — "i have been teaching for three years, and at the end of the year 2 always' feel tired andnhaveIeachwas n appetite. ick awful montlotoo.havingg pains in my back until somet,,mes I was oblged to stop working. A friend recommended Lydia E.Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound to mo and. I heard many women telling how' good it was so I thought it would help me. And it did. Now I take six bottles every year and recommend it to others.' DONALDA FANTEttxx Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia,—••1 had ir- regular periods and great suffering at those times, the pains causing vomiting and famting. I was teach- ing school and often for some hours I would be unable to attend to my work. Through an advertisement in the papers.I knew of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and it has been of great benefittome, the troubles being completely relieved." —L,tuttAJ. LA'rot*, Canning, King's County, Nova Scotia. ' o To breast a cold' harmlessly and lac a hurry' try an Aspirin:. tablet, And for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient, too, inn. cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago .And there's no after effect; doctors give Aspirin to children—often infants, Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin. The genuine. Aspirin has Bayer on the box and 011 every tablet. Ail druggists, ,with proven directions. Physicians tis - prescribe y>i .spiriny it does NOT affect the heart 13tr1sIn 1s the brides road: (regletnrel In Cnnaate) la*lcnting Barer Menai et'-- W1,11e It i� 33011 know❑ that Arpin) 8,00,10 nom mas,l)e0.ure, to assert the public a.;; hat rmltS- tiona, the Tablets ell/ be stnmyc.' 3,30, bele 'Barer arose" trademark.