HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-01-12, Page 6PREMIERS GREET NEW Y i Citizens Voice Significant Opinions On The Canada's Leading Turning of the Calendar VISCOUNT Premier King Ottawa, -•- Premier King issued the following New Year message: "The dawn of 192$ has a special. significance for Canada. It marks the close of one period in our history and the beginning of another. Be'00 rs of united short we In this Covenant might be supplemented with r �. n viein to the settlement of nonleg�al disputes,' "excluding, eeturelly; Bias decision" of interne' (Metiers. "`1•'hat is a 'i+ionderfill lend to liar) given the empire, incl ,it is very heart, ening to those who like to believe that the empire stands perntanentlY ,I war is allowed to mean the breaking up of oivilizat on• ,Nations' odes, ancl'Jesus responds at mice. Its,•^ •, A Ivan out Unheard -et thing for, a reit- • I� M �� !• l.1laa‘� Sunday school s tad nth pion to art �I �> • ><tn� down t his tvtth su4 t�znpau Lessen 1 t t Lour'a board gi4nis Nadel' to enter a tax ' • ga eyes e It Y down nl A . as .are tow piece l a , 1�7' Judaism forbade the religious fn fie• Pia t0. Promote Insurrection anent such mixed giittering's: ,but t0' Give Als ice Autononx� -- Jesuit, the purest saint whom the CECIL TOO TOO with. ons for peace. 14 p Jesus at ltropean Ca Sa r 1 4 us and 6lnnere Marc world has ever seen, loins thenz Government In., nuary a.. .es a 1.17• "Leiden Te;ct---I °time not out hesitation. , climates l Opo p00, If another greet v to nail the righteous, but sinners to Vs, 16,' ntQ again, Unrest is he most m rk, came it can only tion offends and outrages the' conven- 'Tho most remarkable progress,'has � p^owere repentance.—Mark 2i i7, tonal itiety. o the time, • The Phar• GERMANS f IN IT characterjxed the meeting of the gen. electric .ver T • eseea rotest o the dirctples against Perls --•An autonomist 'plot to start Union en• been in the dominion of^ of recovering froth sue devastations S,UBJBC p, sial• council of the Trade C ! in industry. io its ,• T .oil;;. resumers the lenity of Jesus: What right 'has an insurioetioii tit Alsace leas been Haid in be m n g of uelimores they have t. vie SON OF QOl) A et t n guess representingInce 4,000,000 workers " uvelous hydro -electric de- are n i wets, AND 111sPktt AZINc, h9 to break down the barriers tiv1lich discovered, told twelve loaders titles This ma ls- exhaustible stores of such po t Aset u which has dectded to accept an inva eat constitutes . an me>gliat, got within o D U C T I o N^The amazing strict Piety has p? is here t U. Among thorn is a priest, Abbe velaptn But ,one thing they brava I N t R • n tation,fram a group of 40 employers, wealth, ieventin r. "authority" of Josus naw comet out c°mpromisrng religion by fi'eq table source of • . reach: the means of p beo immoral societies? Jesus' eft. aver, and ale woman, Agnes >06* centro]ling 159 concerns with 1i1,00p,• "Ourre Vons have revealed their sea settle -in certain. statements regarding for- g mining gt ars b tire, peacefulis ver. remarkable. Ifo comperes answer geulann• Ono roan, Honti Reisaeher, 000,000 capital to discuss. industrial Surpassing our re ,086 hopes. future wars Yredaction of giveness and the necessity of 'saving y Be- hind us lie yeavs sur g g disputes and the re self to it pitysaciaii whose dtkty is to- Treasurer of IIointatbund, or tt a ponce It was the finest debate T l p 6 claims wont of P sinners. The religious teachers of the i 1 ankle resisted In eine last ten months 12,G8 upon the time le have built steadily cr has corn- Llama by international agree time admitted that those was £eight h siren Foi rho sale° 1 brtngi a at st upon the foundations lard at Confer been Staked and wok thet task which t e g 4 a c �z Isla Labor To Join Capital In Peace Effort t, Employers and Workers, to, Meet Together to Solve. Industrial Problems London. — Remarkable enthusiasm dairies of the Dominion from sea to sea. Forty years hence many n0W living will join in the commemora- tion of the' 100th anniversary of Con- federation. The happiness of that day will depend in largo measure upon our labors in the new year and in succeeding years. - "As a result of the celebrations of the past year, ' we understand . more clearly than' before the greatness of the task of building a Caiiadian na- tion. t the s of the „rest. wards the sick rather' than towards rest. mist League, v o en yres .have heard in my long industrial life," Ma •bed^ o sa en , e a said B Turner chairman of the gen Oration and have extended the boon- menoad m several mores merit League has to £ace in 1928, and . d ti ns Ca this forgiveness ht t n tl t oral council have . en s'a t That is gree a i they 4n of focal- men , Hess with God, bA Y stnnero to God and to spiritual health .lie authors included several 'lour . ! tits ouolusioo the ag man eon t o ion atone can enable lie tad 110 conifoi,t lie deems bt rig ° go nino g 't°n n. peltate engaged 'lu publication of I +tThore is going to be peace all culahle value. hick public spin that in tactics t Y 1support +' 1927 our population has i P to offer to the repentant, He has hot come to the tor,. p round;' said John Bromley, general "During l'D it .to achieve."'I'hv i sageventtoual ns€lges o£ reltg ori but to autouomlet nowspa ers, a bank 01011 . maintained those noble,traditionsThe insisted on all kinds of legal d to redeem lost souls, it furniture maker; a shoemaker anti a secretary of the Amalgamated Society mainseek met and which secure for it the admire ion of f y b observed before a sinner contractor, o; Locomotive Engineers, with 58,000 n economists everywhere, Former Prussian Captain members, and one of the organizers foreign ' 11 is then, with all confidence that ' ' quo man, Doctor hoose, oifloial of last year's general 'strike. The de- ive setae the New, Year and it is in- ,, :s chief of the party, to a former `Gap olden, was reached by a. large orae, us to thank Provi- Icj pro who at led b An (bent � upon � while the re i cum P 1��, oraaver, wh n :..fn► ss. �� Ar - assured. •ed M 1 onto dents.,, i that wherever there was soreow .for nog . g ooa Mooted ns t 1tato in the Prussian Y,jority. The minority was e y ; gious teachers of the day waited fon U. F. Co., Organizing" to Con- their sad of aiti organization o thus ,Cook, secretary of the &liners' sinners to come to Go d of themselves, trol the Ontario Hog omiat troops, managed to 500508 and Federation (700,000 nt�embers), - who Jesus went out in search of them, He Business avoid arrest. I declared that a oonferonce with lit- awaken mingled with them,,' and strove to awaken in them the stirrings M a, arms being o s could hope, in God's mefey, Jesus! ----es,----- • brushed these aside, for he taught God's forgiveness was at once, Nova Scotia's hilessage Halifax N.S. -Lieutenant-Gover- tion, We know t a ie ream ' th .rs of Confederation was not nor J. C. Tory gave out a New Year YaUrei. re c realized without courage and perse-message in which he lister verance. We know, too, that natioa;011 reasons Scw y heshould hev ddthe retvR ale andle in a countryist oa h ide-vcd nt faces- a roe arcus New rear. Among them Wild creeds is not achieve 1 without i p P charity and forbearance. The, true weTe the following: gtepoit of the Dun - wealth• of Canada consists less in the' caCommission. "the iubnndaice of our material posses n °'The sympathetic attitude of other stone than in these moral qualities and habits of thought which have came down to us as an inheritance from the past. In the new "period of which'. lies before us, it is recommendations of the Duncan Com- ourexpansion the Federal , highest ofor duty, a conserve othis in- mission buickened interestoftwo Manor for the benefit of those, who railway systems in Nova Seo-: will scrne d=ry stand in our places. great So may it be said of us as it was said tia, affairs. e - to stimulate tourbsts' of those who created the Dominion, trade and to accommodate visitors 'Providence being their guide, they builder' better, than they knew:'- and the spirit of courage and buoy- (Sgi1,) "W. L. M ACICENZIE KING" army whichthe permeates to aiir ver cone sides ab o extent inter - Premier Ferguson eats of the country." parts of Canada toward the Mat times, "The practical application of the Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Premier Viscount Cecil of Ontario, issued the following greeting: London, Dec. 30 Viscount Cecil, "Assh . As head or the Government of this former GhanceiT"or of the Duchy of province, T congratulate the people of Lancaster and a member of the Bald- Ontario Ontnrio on the splendid crop and on win cabinet, who resigned the chap - the increase in general business activ celiotship following the recent tri- ity which has been evidenced during gave out the following New Year's the past year. From every side there , message: doubtless embark upon is, the indication that the year 1928 Canada will will be one of universal progress }the year 1928 with a greatly inereas- and prosperity for the province. The; ed interest in the .activities of thee increased interest in the development, League of Nations. As a .member of the nitb.iral resources and the re- the Council of the League she has markable expansion of the great in- undertaken a great and honorable po- dustries of Northern Ontario assures sition. She sits as one of the 14 coun- to the people there a rapid develop- tries specially charged to advance rreait and greater production of new the peace of the world. Her repre wealth which will add to the general sentatives on ,the Council and at the business prosperity of the whole pro- assembly of the League, however'ad- virce and of the whole Dominion. minable, can only be the nioutpieees On "The people of all Canada and par- f her people. ticularly those of our owls province may lookforward with confidence to a banner year. in 1928. I desire to wish everybody great happiness and a full mermen of comfort and pros- perity during the year that is open- ing." Prelnier Taschereau Quebec, Que.—Premier Taschereau issued the following New Year's message: "The year 1927 has marked a new Crit of prosperity for the Province of Quebec. The Federal Bureau of Sta- tistics reveals that the figure of our population has grown to 2,604,0.00. The nomb of stndents attending our schoc l new exceeds 600,090 and the fend reserved for public instruc- tion by the Cievernment has practic- all,, ^.tt t o^d this year the -nem— - i$4,000,,v0. - m'ag`ri- u+_ oo e'atihiiited, at $275,- 0o0,000. "The Min:stcr • of Highways has built 1,300 miles of new roads, and has repaired and maintained 7,800 miles. `The year has rot been prosperous for our fishing industry, although the Though Lie number of those invol• divides,' employers would not help in., ved in the .autonomist movement is dustry. better life. He compared himself to FIVE YEAR CONTRACTS small, it ap a physician whose work lay among pears the organization Capital's Offer Appreciated, g the strong. It is. now•anneunced that plans to which the arrested men were build - os Tho ital's era whose Invitation the sick, not amonb ging up was well planned. Lista feint a livestock •pool tit Ontario by 1, THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS, 3-12. Jesus is reachin ? in a house the United Farmers' Co-operative adherents and, are names possession $uential• Tige chief orEanlzer is Sir. V. 3. r pp isupplying funds inf those s cr bed takesk the incident now Company are under way. fin the of the authorities. Alfred Mond, chairman of Imperi:ti described •place. The room, time being the pool will be confined to made: re' I Chemical Industries, who recently iu- e dDiscovery of the Plot was which is,oned the firsttalanding,.is hags. The hog business in Ontariotroduced the far-reaching scheme for crowded, and the entrance and stair- is estimated to bring $20,000;000 a '°chile, when the houses . of some taking the way also,are so blocked that no ono year to the producer. another trial one pass either in of out. At this These plans are still in the initial .'ea in connection, • Wdth n mdment four mar appear carrying he ata but a conference sof a represen- which was In progress. a stretcher a paralyzed man. For the �' h to h been , For Armed Conflict was accepted 1s ccrspondingly in - workers of thea large un- Lwenty 'suapeeted Persons were dertaking into the corporation's coun- cils. Most Industries Represented.. two past presidciets, six vice -press - moment they. are nonplussed, as there' .tntive from sac eau y as is. no access to Jesus by the ordinary called for Jan. 24 in Toronto. Before'' What.is o most -aetaous Is nhatnthis dents, four other:directors of ,the ways. I that date it is planned to hold "Meet- time the • V. 4. Determined- not to lose their , ings in each.of the fifty counties, ly engaged alt developing v1 °p their thgare e Federation •of andrs vice-chairman nsurelso opportunity, they resort to the extra-' when the representatives will be. se- da, but were actually organizing of ordinary. expedient of.getting up on lected. • The first of 'these meetings followers into battalions for armed the National Confederation sof Em - the roof, probably from the rear, and Was held recentiyin'Petrdlia• pelisse O g lowering the paralytic though : an' The hog pool is expected to be on aperture made in the tiles. The plan the Ontario a much target scale than is no sooner devised. than carried out. g :Pile' paralytic on his pallet -bed is let wheat pool. It is hoped to net only down right at Jesus' flet. I control 'the marketing on the ex-' V. 6. The extraordinary boldness of change but the export of live hogs act impressed Jesus• as . a great' as well. under a rigid •contract eye - the illustration of faith. Had he not been' tem. Producers will be asked to sign preaching about God's immediate will u to market their entire hog produe- to establish: his kingdom in human on for the next five years through lives, and about the necessity of faith . as the means of obtaining divine for- the pool. giveness and power? And here, right SUCCESSFUL IN WEST.' , r anizatio1}s are included. The industries they represent em- brace coal, iron,. steel, clemi'eals, rail, and snot of Alsatian origin. The ways and transport, banking gas, rule Abbe Fashauer has been an active ber, ngineering, insurance Eli pains, worker against French interests for Ml, cotton, wool, silk and milli:ie. It some. years. All of -the arrested Poo- Ple' have been transferred to Mul- house. ^_ before them, is an example of what faith means. What difficulties the men have overcome in order to get their friend into Jesus' prosencel Jesus .accordingly turns to the para- lytic: and says, "Child, your -sins are. forgiven you." Ile doubtless saw in the man's wasted form and expres- sion the traces of a past life of sin. The Jews were familiar with the say- PARIS INSPIRED. I. "There There is no man healed of his One is immediately intrigued by sickness, till his sins have been for - its exquisite femininity. This stun -;given him." But Jesus always sought fully in; the West. for nearly a year, Parisian model No. 1702 fash- I to get down to the roots of human l and similar principles will be follow pang toned of Creme de Menthe chiffon,' need, He saw.beneath the physical ed here, Mr. Morrison stated. ar l J. J. Morrison, secretary of the U. F. Co-operative 'Company, stated that, the system now employed by . the Wheat peed could not be applied to livestock selling in view of the season- able nature of the stock and the var- lance of grades.' Definite plans would be made at the gathering on Jan. 24, he said. ` The pool has been working success - derives distinction from its detail in ravageslof sic lrness, o£ the opinion o cut. Tho bodice fits sleeklyover the damage wrougght by sin., and his first them rests the.ultimate responslbil- c task is to 'minister to the evil con- therefore,I shall be hips, adding a loose, flat bolero at ; science. sty, and I trustback to vary its smartness, and silver pardoned if I venture to remind them l Vs. 6, 7. But his declaration of for- dmetal shoulder straps extend around of what the League of Nations really' P gi, problems with the deep open neckline at the back. -legal conditions, shocked a number of stands for, and the p The skirt is made in three tiers with scribes who were presentveness, without insistenceon any resent in the room. which it is faced. :ands: for the selvage used ,for the edge of each These critics' had come early, and 'Briefly, the League s tier, and loose hanging circular pan- were occupying seats. In their eyes world peace, social improvement and 1 wit h pivoted edges furnish the the word of Jesus was sheer blas justice, Those are tremendous ideals e s hemi. God 'alone could forgive. and can onlybe achieved by placing new side fulness to flutter to dance P Vs. 8 9, Jesus, on the- other hand them above the sphere of party pol- ities, and going 'all out' for then:. That is a point to be morn in mind by all League of Nations societies. Their aims must be entirely non-pol- itical, as is that of the British .League of Nations Union. BUILDING UP PUBLIC OPINION. "It is a great encouragement to know that there is an active League of Nation= es'-' in Canada which ;p a public opin- believes in the actually willing' e of the surest ation. M. Raoul _..;ban .representa- -uo the -League Assembly in 1927, reminded the delegates that back in 1025 the Canadian Government in- formed the secretariat of the League that Canada was `still firmly convinc- ed that it was essential to submit international disputes to arbitration.' Ile stated that Canada was 'prepared to consider the compulsory jurisdic- tion of the Permanent Court of In - latter represented a revenue of "e3, ternational Justice in legal disputes re already worshipping it and of- but still more Iertraordtnary is the 000,400.. subjectferia !t gifts to secure s aver. sequel: Levi tunes. No. 1702 is in sizes 16 years, knows it to be the will of Goch to for- would be removed, by the new plan, 36, 38, 4'0 and, 42 inches bust. Size give this stricken sinner., He cannot they state. conflict.' The most of those arrested are na- turalized French men and Germans, Backers of the pool claim that bene- fits of the Government grading now in force will: go directly to the farmers. They also state that it will be pos- sible to prevent a glut on the To- ionto market, and consequent drop in price, while, a,; scarcity exists on' other markets. They expect also te do their own exporting to the States and, Great Britain. Unsatisfactory conditions which have prevailed during the past year 36 requires 6%'s yards 36 -inch, or 5% allow that: where there is remorse for yards 40 -inch material, and 3 yard sin any other condtion of divine for - 1% -inch lace banding. Price 20e the giveness is necessary. And he knows pattern. that this right to declare forgiveness HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS, is supported by his consciousness nese of God's ower being with him to Beal. Write your name and address plain- ly, girine number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ades A Really Bonny Baby! Irrigation in, Alberta Irrigation on modern lines •In Al- berta dates back to 1891 when consid- This. is the point of v. 9t If Jesus erable tracts of land were reclaimed has power to heal, they may sure by the use of waters from Sheep also that he is commissioned to for- give. Vs. 10, 12. Jesus' puts the matter to the test He commands the 'paralytic creek. In the following year more extensive developments ' were 'under- taken and since then there has' been to rise- At' his .word the mental and .a gradual increase in then umber of spiritual forces which have crushed lh'rigated farms, so. that iu 1926 the ir- the man's life are overcome, and he, rigable area under the schemes in rises from his couch. This amazing operation totalled 1,181,000 acres. communication of power to 'a helpless - Patriots t Great Britain Gets. Gift of £1.00,000 Toward Reduce• tion of National Debt Great Britain is wondering about the identity of the mysterious' indi- vidual who has made to the Nation a large and welcome gift, said to amount to £100,000, which isto.,aa- cumulate at compound interest over a long period to reduce the national debt. The' fact of the gift, though not the donor's • name. nor the exact amoiint cripple. produces a profound impres- A monster' baby that weighs as Sion. But Jesusedraws from it the much as a man is being worshipped in conclusion • .that he is 'authorized, Jolo, in the Philippine Islands. Al though man, to declare sins forgiven. though only seven months old, it II. Tin R1GNT 'TO REDEEM THE. LOST, lest 10 lb and eats ten 15-17. weighs V. 16. After the above incident, pounds of rice at a meal. It has to' be carried to the table by two men. The natives of the islands, have de- cided that so great a person must be a Messiah in infant form, and they Jesuscalls Levi, the tax -gatherer, to join his' company as a disciple, and area of Northwestern Ontario. Avia- Levi-obeys. It was an extraordinary tion companies have already been ap- act for a .business -man to leave hos proached by . the postal authorities, desk and papers -without further ado, and itis expected that: tenders, will be let shortly. Ottawa, Ontario—Plans : are under way in the post office department for the substitution this winter of a weekly air -mail service for the pres- ent ten-day dog team mall, to serve Red Lake, Woman Lake,' Woman }'fiver and Narrow Lake inthe mining' concerned, has home to light, owing is also explained that the Federation of .Britisi> Inclustries.and tlto National Confederation of Employers' 'Organa•', zattons have only been prevented from participation in the conference in 'their corporate capacity because their constitutions do not\.empower this. This ,conference, which will be held next month, is regarded with hopeful expectation as a real attempt' to get away from optimictis generali- ties and down to concrete proposals applicable to -individual business. Sir Josiah Stamp, chairman of the London, Midland are Scottish Railway, says:. "If the conference means that Labor will go back to their separate industries to' deal with "cooperation individually it will be well. worth while." Sir Herbert Austin, chairman of the Austin Motor Company, says: "No 0 one can fail now to recognize the cif -- a clause having been inserted by the floulties barring the way to. prosperity Government in an obscure' corner of a recently enacted law. i The clause removes a hitherto•existing prohibl tion, of such bequests accumulating more than 21 years, and Is understood to have been especially designed' to enable the present gift to bo accept- ed. The Treasury has received many donations, amounting in' al since the war to dyer £1,000,000, for reducing the debt. Stanley Baldwin, it will be recalled, set an example in this , re- spect by surrendering a largo portion of his own personal fortune for ` this purpose. Most of the gifts hitherto have been in the -•form of cancelled war bonds. With the law as it is now changed, others aro expected to follow the un- named donor's example. td certain reservations, and a it Y 1 invites Jesus to his "Revenue from the Land and For- also 'to study the means whereby the g MUTT AND JEFF -By Bud Fisher. iimisr Kase 1(00 TM0T2e, JC -FF Ceti DeAHr 1 FOyN'D Some VNITED se !Aron COINS IN n+.Y ' u8tr Pocs5 Gr,. S12 SibNGY. C'M outs A 0C --2R" R%C11ER nAAN t TFt OVGHT I wort bC-12RY? i 11.1ovGur YOU sA1D TAose ( dee. v.% tows' So Yov'ree Nor I='a nLUAR wrn-t ova MON<Y '. e%PLA110 OvR VARIOUS CotNS tO IOW! I' SHALL Jolty toeL. APPReettice YoUR 'Rovt3c-Gt Tile "SMA .s. cone i t A JIT" AND Tye t.ARG0 Coity S TWO-BfTS: TWO MT'S,•aS FAUG T1MES - Rs,. JVIUCI4 AS A A. photograph so small that it is just on the verge of invisibility is be- ing exhibited in London. The ideal camera for newspaper men, is per- haps the 'thought of many who dislike publicity. It would be natural for those who favor Mr. hoover for the Presidency to point out that the complex govern- mental macbiuery of to -day needs an engineer. It lies been said that there are two sides to the prohibition question, but in the:slang"of the youth of to -day, one side "et all wet." And Now It's as Clear as Mud to Sir Sidney. AND THIS IS P CART witeet.l • ALSo ttnlowN As A BERRY,+ oft AN (RON MAN! IN FACT IT IS At,S0. C.Athet -A BC.A1J. 0R A WAStt22 C.R A' $1,,A0 .C-oNt Much SIMPaCef 'Watt Nettle Siellee nNGS AND POVNDS, 04 r. •' A�, • 41. 1 FBI 11111 1111llirl mat 11 1111110011 (dIIlU11L' � x +•4 Lest>s'rk so the cards wil be laid on the table.' The Finaneaal Times 'advises that t1ieasdellberations should be 'confined to "the discovery and exploration of avenues which shall induce a sustain- ed drive after efficiency by both p ties," adding, "the devotion of their energies energies by representatives of thous- ands^ of millions of capital and the vast body of employed labor to the task of evolving a basis 1dr willing co• operation promises, under proper guidance, to be a notable contribution to the cause of British prosperity." DON'T 1,1(09 THIS,.. Be (introducing) This young lady has just been elected to the lower house of Conprees. a -o: Ah, a Miss representative, 1 aoo CANADA TO FC) TER ITS SHIPP • Q'TRADE Viotoria, B.C.—To increase the ship- ment of lumber and" fish from Van- couver Island in a 'big tette‘, the Cana - dean Government will proceed-iin mediately with the .establishment of a_ large assembly plant ate A.lbcrne on the island's west coast 11.7: : lumber and fish will bes assembled for ship• Ment to all parts of the world, ' Th purpose of the scheme ie 'to re- duce the movement and to enable small lumber iiiills to take advantage Of the overseas lumber trade, This, pteo &Aim sti•olli retiresa+ :N urrs by island business' men, who ware alarmed at the movement of tleb °aught in Canadian waters to fife` • 'United States for 'distribution. • 1 iiiev611011 14.15 4 Yoko onjdy0d fit common blads friends, lhiglaild and Atnerica should be thankful for Big Slims—iifagera•town Herald. ' The effort to take the wood out of pt?#itloaa platforms might give amnia l#Lght,1 A j1100 to the lvpitldZ. iss I h 1