HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1928-01-12, Page 5TBURSIIA', JANUARY 12, 1928
Our Prices for One Week only
1'and Gr Na tht Soap 10 bars for, ...48o
Star Ammonia 4 packagos .for.: , `. . , ,25c
Bird Seed . Servus 2 , packagers for.. , ...250
Canned Spinach 2s 2 tins for
Lemon Oil for polishing '12 oz, bolt ie
Pimentos Imported 3 tins for, .. ,
Coin on Cob, great stuff Tin -
Coffee, Red and White fresh ground lb, ..58c
FreshFreshFrozen Salmon half or whole fish Ib , ,14e
J. Sproat J Phone .8
Phone 77
We pay the highest prices for goocl cream.
Our services to our patrons are the best that can be given
Do not send your cream to other Creameries, we want
it hero.
To operate a Creamery we need your co-operation.
In return for your co -'operation we will give you of our.
best in service and .prices.
Separators. Oome
We are agent for the Mellotte Cream Se p
in and see the new Models.
Seaforth Creamery IIS
C. A, BARBER, Prop.
W, J, Walker 86 Son
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Fiirniished.
Night or 'clay phone 67.
D, H.
Of Wingham,; will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of, all kinds success
fully treated.
Electricity used.
We ,beg .to announce we have been
appointed local representative for Ri-
chardson's, Limited, Toronto, Ont.,
manufacturers • of Ladies' Stylish
Dresses. Our line - comprises Flan-
eels, San Toy, Charnneen, Botany
Serge, Flat Crepes and Crepe ,back
Satins, made U. measure, and ,fit guar-
anteed at prices as low as ready
modes. We are now showing Advance
Styles. Spring 1928. Write and repre-
sentative will call with samples and
styles. -
Seaforth; Ont
Reducd Prices
Ladies' and Gentlemen's
haircuts now.
Ail the latest bobs` now ,•35c
at the
Dennison so & Pullman'
n .
Barber e
r Sho
Phone 125.
A Power of its Own 'Dr., Thomas'
Eclectric Oil has a* subtle power of its
own, Alt who have used it know this
and keep it by them as; the most valu-
able liniment available. Its uses are
Innumerable and for many years it
has been prized as the leading -lini-
ment for
eading lini-
mentfor man and beast,
Pianos Tuned
Cleaned and
Cliasa A, Howey
Residence -James St.
Special Optical Offer.
High grade gold -'filled spectacles
and eye glasses with best flat spheri-
aai lenses for only. $4,00 All other
style of frames attd lenses at lowest
prices, Eyes examined by onr well
known and painstaking specialist, Mr.
Hughson, with 27 years experience,
18 years corning to Seaforth. Yott.
are assured -of the best optical work
to be obtained and at very moderate
cost: Two clays only, Tuesday and
Wednesday, January 17, 18. iCorne
early, Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 2
The annual business meeting of the
Y.P:S. of Egmondville United Church
took place in the basement_: of the
church on Monday evening last. The
following officers were elected for the.
ensuing year Hon. pies., Rev. W. D.
McDonald; president; Miss Billy C.
Chesney (re-elected); vice presidents,
J. Wilkinson, Sadie Howatt, Ruby
Young, Jean Smith; secretary, Laura
McMillan; corr. sec., E. Nott; rec.
sec., W. J. Chesney; treas., Bertha
Beatty; social committee, Alice Thom-
pson; ildred Wallace, J, Wilkinson,
and Earle Webster; lookout -commit-
tee, Erma Broadfoot, Ronald Reinke
and Russel .Wallace; floral convener,
Rena Patrick; pianist Violet Tyndall,
asst., Sadie Howatt. The .'meeting
was brought to a close by repeating
the Mizpah benediction.
The many friends of Miss Opal
.Foster will he pleased to hear she is
recovering afterher recent illness.
Mr. FrancisColeman had a radio
installed in his home during the past
Miss Grace (Coleman is spending a
few days in 'Toron'to.
Mr,"R'oss' Riclnards'on is visiting his
sister, Mrs. Coleman, in St. Thomas,
Mr, Wilson Carlile spent a day an
Lttcan Iast week, 'bringing back a car
with hint for J. E. McDonald.
Mr, and Mrs, Robert. +Green and
daughter Wilma; Mr, and Mrs. Gar-
net Ford and Idaugh.ters Alberta May
and Shirley, of Flint, Mich., visited' at
the hotne of Mr, Carlile, 'last 'week.
Mr. atnct Mrs, John McBride and
Tamil spent NewYear's cars at the. home
�df-Mr. John Love.
(Intended for last week.)
Miss Evelyn 'Wilkinson, of 'Lon-
don, spent. Monday at her home here
with tier parents,
Mr, George Parker and sister Liz-
zie entertained a large number of
their. friends 'last week,
Mrs. Lorne 11f'dNaughton and 'faui-
ily are visiting . at the home M her
sister, Mrs, Wesley Veneer. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephec;atnd
son Laurie, of Elimville, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hawkins, this A public meeting of all in -
week, terested plot -holders in Eaird's
Mr, and Mrs.,Eluter'Reid and Mas- cemetery will be held in Walk.
ter Bat, of Stratford, were visitors er's, Hall,, Brucefield, -on Satur-
with her parent's, Mr, and Mrs, John day afternoon, Jan. 21st, 1928,
iGrimoldby, at 2 o clock, when the matter of
Mr, Hiram f-Ianna, of Maskado, perpetual maintenance will be
Man., is the guest of his cousin, Mr, thoroughly •discussed, Every -
and Mrs, Samuel Hanna. one interested kindly be present
Mr. J. V, Smith, of Vancouver, who as this will be a very important
represents the. J. A. ,Haugh Mfg. Co„ meeting and decisions arrived at
Ltd.,' in British Columbia and is tit at. will be considered final.
tenclanee at the annual convention of T. B, BAIRD,
the firth in Toronto, Paid a short visit Secretary -Treasurer.
to his aunt and cousin, Mrs, Robert
Smith and Mr, Marshall Smith,
Huron street, over the week -end.
Mrs. Ralph -Stephenson, of Stanley,
who was the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Fred: Kerslake, last week, returned to
her home on Friday last •,
Mr, Dan Barry, West street, had
the misfortune tfell
from a step' -
ladder while cleaning snow off ;the.
kitchen roof oe his residence, seriously
injuring his back. He will have to
remain in bed for some time.
The many friends of Mrs. Sarah Music
Twiss regret to learn of her illness
and wish her a speedy recovery. LUDWIG SERENADERS
Mr. Isaac Hudson, who has previ-' Of Ill th
misty been conducting a branch here ,Y '
for Silverwood's Ltd„ of London, is c
now conducting a branch for Gunn•.&e Friday, eianuary 20th
Langlois Co„ Ltd., of Clinton, All the Admission $1..00
produce; eggs, cream and poultry, is
included, Lunch Served.
Miss Jeanette and Mr. Harold Fin-
nigan returned last week after holi-
daying with friends in Goderich.
Miss Guerra Brown leaves Thurs-
day for a visit in Montreal. Mr. Wes, Hackwell, who spent itis
Mrs, .Eric McKay, who spent sev- holidays with his brother, Dr. D.
era! weeks with friends in Hensall, Hackwetl, of Holland, N.Y., has re -
has returned home. turned to his home here,
Mr, E. W. Edae, of the Dominion Mr. Harry Jackson has gone on a
Bank staff, leaves. Friday to take his business trip to Saskatchewan,
position in Brampton, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bolger, of El-
We are pleased to report that Miss rose, Sask., are visiting Mrs. Bol-
Margaret Ferguson is around again ger's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Bruce,
after a recent illness. eand other friends.
Mr, James Scott, Thornton Hall, -Miss Mary McDonald, nurse in
returned to his home on Monday, training of Detroit, who has been vis -
from the hospital. iting her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr, Will Sinith left Wednesday to McDonald, returned to Detroit on
visit his sisters in Detroit. He was Saturday.
accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Smith Mrs. D..Sohier, who has been stay-
who intends, making an extensive lug with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
tour. , Thomas Clark, since her operation,
Miss Margaret Anderson, of Hen- Inas returned to her rooms over the
sail, who underwent an operation in Bank.
Seaforth hospital; is 'making splendid Mrs. A. Clark was called by tele -
_progress towards recovery. phpne to come to Detroit owing to
On Tuesday evening, Jan, 25th, a the serious 'illness of her daughter,
euchre and dance' under the auspices Mrs. A. Dundas. The many friends
of the Bowling Park Committee, will of Mrs. Dundas, hope she will soon be
be held in the G.W.V.A. room,. Fur- all right.
thee partictilars will be given next Miss Marie Long, of Cranbrook, is
weelr, al present visiting her sister," Mrs.
M. James Sleeth, 'of Sarnia, sang Roy Bennett.
two beautiful solos, morning and• ev- Mr. John Hieksted is spending the
ening in the Presbyterian Church, on winter with Silas and Mrs.. Johnston,
Sunday. Mr. Sleeth is visiting his Dicic Drager has returned to Pres -
aunt, Mrs, Marshall Stewart. ton after spending the Christmas
Mr, W. M.: Stewart is laid up at pre- vacation with his mother, Mrs.
sent with an attack of lumbago, Charles Drager•
Mr. Matthew Bates, of Goderich, The dance in the UF.0. hall, Wal-
visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys ton, was welt attended,
an Tuesday. 'Tine many friends of Miss Annie
Miss. Cleary, R,N., of Rochester, N. Ferguson are sorry to learn that she
seturneil•'3vlonday, after' visiting' in ha's, at present:"no't been enjoying the
town the past few weeks. best of health.
Mrs. Irving Sutherland, of Owen Mr, Alex. Bucianan' has returned
Sound, and Miss Jessie Wilson,,of home after undergoing a suecesful
kitchener, are visiting their father, operation in St. Joseph's Hospital.
Maj. M, Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull en-
tertained a few of their friends to a
progressive euchre party on Monday
evening. The lady winning the most
games wes Miss Flora Harris, who
won a beautiful_ hand painted bonbon
dish. The gentleman winning the
most games was Mr, Gordon Mc-
Gavin, the prize being a beautiful gold
rimmed pencil, The consolation . for
the ladies was awarded to Mrs. Oliver
Turnbull and the gentlemen's consol-
ation went to Mr:' Harvey Johnston.
The party broke up in the wee small
hours of the meriting. Everyone re-
ported a good .time.
Will Pipe and family spent New
Year's with his sister, Mrs. Pearl
Public Meeting Coiled
asmemeseetesise, uremd
Fingland-Brown—Old St. Andrew's
Church, Toronto, at 7 p.m., Jan. 3,
was the scene, of a pretty wedding
When K. Elizabeth Brown was mar-
ried to Murray Alexander, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Fingland, Landes
boro. The bride, who was given in
marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr.
William Johnston, was charmingly
gowned in rosewood beige georgette,
with gold hat, and carried Premier
roses and stevia. • Miss Mary Craw-
ford, the bridesmaid, wore a torquoise
blue taffeta frock, black hat and shoes
arfd her bouquet was Pernet roses and
maidenhair fern. Mr. Fred Gracey
was the best man. Rev, Dr. Sclater. KIPPLN•
assisted by Rev. \V. Fingland, broth- The annual meeting of the Kippen
er o:f the groom, officiated. During, Horticultural ;Society will be held at
the signing of the register Miss Flor- the home of Mr, and 'Mrs, Wesley
ence Paterson played a violin solo French on Friday evening, January
and Miss jean Kennedy sang. Follow- 13th. As the election of officers and
ingthe ceremony a reception andother important business will come
buffet supper was served at'116 Edge- before the meeting, every officer and
wood avenue, the .home of the bride's member is urged to be present.,.
sister, Mrs. W. Johneton. fir the im- Mrs, Abe Forsythe has returned
mediate relatives of the twn taru,ties. hone after spending two weeks with
After the honeymoon trip the happy f, iends in .Detroit.
couple will reside in Cochrane. Mr, Edward Taylor, of Filntore,
Mr. John Harvey returned to his Sask., a former resident of the vit-
home on 'Tuesday after spending' a sage, is spending the winter with his
few days in London, the, guest of his many friends in these parts.
son Norman, Mr. R. J. Cooper has returned al,.
Mrs. Wallace Allen is the guest of ter a ten-day visit with friends in Mi -
her mother, Mrs. Bell, of the village, ebigau.
Miss Phemie Little,!s a guest of tine Mrs. W. M. Doig has ;:one to Port
home of Mr. Norman Radford. Huron to spend the w•nter.
The monthly meeting of the W.I. A very pretty wedding took place
will meet in the Community' Hall on at the manse, Kippen, on Saturday,
Thursday next, the' 12th. The young Jan. -7th, when Rev, R, R, Conner
ladies have charge of themeeting. united in marriage Miss Edna Rae
Mrs. and 'Miss MdCool spent Mon- McGregor and Mr. Joseph McLel!an,
day iii Blyth. both of Tuckerstnith, The bride was
'Mr. Frank Longman, spent Monday a•tired in a gown of peach georgette
the guest of his sister, Mrs,. Gen. Ste- richly embroidered, and looked very
Letts, of Clinton. sweet. A few of the intimate friends
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beacons spent of the bride and, groom assembled at
last Friday •the guests ,of thefornner's the home of M.r and Mrs. Hugh'lvlc-
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chris. Bea- Gregor where a sumptuous nveddieg
cam, of Clinton, dinner was served, after which all es -
Mr, Jim. Robetiton came.Itonie oil torted them to the evening express
Friday last, Jim has been wonting at lienal!, where they left for Toron-
for the CN.IR, at Warroad, Minn„ for to and 'other points. Their many
the last four months, and may return friends join in wishing then( long and
there in the spring. continued happiness on the groom's
Mr, Tom, Oliver, of Clinton, spent fine farm in Tuckersmith,
the week -end in the village, Mrs, W. Tray, who has bean visit -
Mr. John Nott is renewing Auburn ing here for the past couple of
acquaintances this week. months, returnod:to her home -in Nia-
The Hydro mein are stili busy win-- gara Falls on (Saturday. f.
ing The YAPS, was held in the Sun -
Mr. Wallace Powell is holdin "an day School Room on Friday evening
auction sale of farm stock and Miele- Harvel McClymont the president,
uients on Tuesday, Jan, 2401, presided. Clarence. Mclean led in
the devotional part and Mies' Mary
'W'hen a mother` detects ,from' the Thompson took. the discussion .of the
writhings and fretting of a child that first chapter of'Jesus'' Teachings for
worms are troubling It, she can pro- Young People:" The topic was
cure a reliable remedy in Miller's "Counting • the Cost," The Kippen So -
Worm Powders which will expel all ciety had invited the 1'iillsgreen So -
worms frornr the system, They'may eicty to combine with them for the
cause vomiting, but this need cause no meeting and a number were present.
anxiety, because itis but a manifesla- ,\ debate. was given, "Resolved that
tion of their thorough work. No 'good books are better for young peo-
vorms- can long exist where these -tie than movies." The affirmative wa'
Powders arc used; taken by James McAllister nd Rus-
sell Love of ],dillsgrcen, and the peg-.
alive by 5. Ivisan and II. 1�insdale, of
,Kippen. The jn.Un$ were T. N. For
Meth sides. did t their utmost , Miss an d lthe
'affirmative ....won by a very narrow
margin, After the meeting a couple
of contests were taken up and lunch
was served by the young women. The
attendance was Cil. Everybody is re-
quested to come to "these meetings.
The next meeting will be an January
...Mrs. 13, D. Field spent. the- week-
end in Princeton.
Miss Durham, who has been .visit-
ing- at tlie.home of Mr. and Mrs. It D.
Field, has returned to her home in
Mr, W. W. Cooper is spending
three days in Guelphs at the Agricul-
tural College,
Mr. Robert Cooper has- returned
home after spending a week in Dee
Mr. .A, McKenzie has returned
home from Toronto
A Lawyer Again Becomes a Peda-
gogue.—Fifty years ago, on the 2nd
day of •January, a stripling eighteen
years of 'age, left his home on the
farm in Tuckersmith township, and.
~vent 09 to tHowick to begin his career
as a public school teacher. He had
never attended any school except S.
S. No. 2, Tuckersmith, except for
eight weelcs' attendance at the Clin-
ton Model 'School just prior to this
time, On the 3rd day of January,
1878, he opened school in Union P. S,
No, 16, Howidk and Grey, and found
a large attendance present, quite a
number of the pupils, 'both boys and
girls, being older than their teacher,
and during the first three months one
hundred and twenty-five pupils were
enrolled and the daily attendance was
nearly one hundred. The school house
was an old frame ramshackle. and
poorly equipped, and hunch crowded
during the first whiter, bet the pres-
ent school house was built that sum-
mer and the new school was opened
after the midsummer holidays. Dur-
ing the past half century many pupils
have been taught by different teach-
ers. On January 3rd this year, or
just fifty years since this teacher op-
ened school, he again appeared at the
same school with a fete of his pupils
who were present with hinr when he
opened school half a century ago. He
rang the bell, opened school by read-
ing the same Scripture and using the
same prayer he had used fifty years
ago. He then called the roll of fifty
years ago, and of the one hundred and
ttventy-;fivepupils who then attended
school, only about a dozen now re-
main in that locality. A number of
them are sleeping their last sleep in
the cemetery adjoining the school'
which they attended during childhood,
others have gone to different parts
of Canada and United States, and
some of these have also gone to their
reward, Some of those pupils of 50
years ago have distinguished them-
selves m various walks of life, Dr.
George F. Belden is practising his
profession in Toronto; Dr. Thomas
Ball is practising in Harriston, and
Graham .McDonald is Principal of
Listowel Public school; .Peter F. Doig,
another old boy and a former Reeve
of.Flowicic, and ex -Warden of Huron
County, was present on this occasion
and was sent to the blackboard by
his old teacher to solve a problem
in arithmetic. The teacher began the
exercises by going -to the board, took
the chalk and taught his old pupils a
lesson in fractions, after -which he
gave then some old tune brain twist-
ers to solve. He then took up
Geography and 'History, after which
addresses were made by the old
pupils and others. Miss Sperling, the
present teacher, and her pupils were
present, and despite the inclemency
of the weather and the bad roads, the
people of the Section turned out and
furnished an abundance of refresh-
tnents, for both young and old. The
teacher, whose name . is William M.
Doig, in closing, thanked his old
pupils for coming out to meet and
greet hint after so many years, and
was very much pleased also to meet
the school' officers and others who
were present on this occasion, and
hoped that this old school section,
where he taught his first lesson and
earned his first dollar, would still con-
tinue to prosper and send out to the
world men and women who would be
a credit to the good old school where.
they received their education, Mr.
Doig in commenting on the changes
in this section, pointed out that one
hundred and twenty-five were enroll-
ed fifty years ago; now there are but
thirteen, and in the matter of teach-
ers' salaries, 'he received $375 per year,
and the present teacher receives $1,-
000, but livingwas very much cheap-
er in those days than it is now. At
the -Conclusion of the exercises, all
joined in singing the National An-
them, and dispersed to their homes
well pleased with the afternoon spent
in the old school.
Mr. Stewart Young, of Toronto
University, who has been -spending itis
holidays with his mother and' broth-
ers, John and Archie, returned to his
studies last week.
Mr. Charles Cunningham, of Manor,
Saslc., vvho is visiting his parents in
Morris, wits renewing acquaintances
in Hul1ett the past week,
Miss Elva Richmond, who has been
laid up with the "flu," is able to be
around again,
'Miss Clara MoG'ovvain is on the sick
'Mr, Jack Tasker• is visiting his
mother, Mrs, W. (Sins.
For week ending Jan. 5th.
Seaforth—Total 84, select baron.12,
thick smooth 416, light's and feeders 21.
Walton—Total 69, select bacon 20,
thick smooth 41, heavies 1, shop
hogs'' 1, light's and 'feeders 4,
:Huron County—Total 1347, select
baron 365, thick smooth 796, heavies
39.. strop hogs 32, lights and feeders
!Why suffer from corns when they
can be painlessly rooted' out by using
Holloway's Corn Remover.
Messrs. Thomas Scott and Ernest
Allen are attending a tractor 551100i
In Toronto this week. '
Mr. jack Aldia�gtan is working in
the grist mill et Statfa this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gardiner, of
Clearwater, Manitoba, are visiting
friends in this vicinity,
Miss Pearl Thompson, school teach-
er of S. S. No. 4,, spent the week -end
with her. aunt, Miss Hoggarth.
Quite a number of cases of scarlet
fever are..reported in this vicinity.
Born,—'At their residence, Crom-
arty, on Jan, 6th,, to Mr. and Mrs,
William „Houghton, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave McConnell en -
Whined a ',few of their friends to a
progressive euchre, All had splen-
did time. The prizes were won by
Mrs, O'Rourke and Mr. James Red-.
mond; a Mr. and, MrsTt
Krauskapf won the consolation prizes..
Mr, and Mrs. McConnell are fine, so-
ciable hosts and it a pleasure to go,
to their home, After a dainty lunch
was served, all left for their homes,
wishing them both good luck and'
health for the year 1928.
'As this is leap year it is a good
chance for the ladies if they are not
too ehy. But however, as it is, the
hells are ringing in our little burg
just now. Let a lot more of the boys
and girls follow suit.
Mrs, George Diegel-spernt a - week'
with friends in New Hamburg.
Mr. add Mrs, Gar. Smith and Mrs.
Frank Smith spent a day in Stratfor.'d
on Monday.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Guild will be held at the
home of Mrs. Alex. Darling on.
Thursday, Jan, 112th, at 2:30. 411
ladies are welcome to come and have
a good time.
Miss Mary Purcelit of Seaforth,
spent the week -end with her. cousin,
Miss Mary Kenny,
Miss Helen Kenny is visiting Mrs.
John McGrath, of Hibbert,
Mr, Leo, Krauskopf has installed a
-Mr. and Mrs, John McGrath are
celebrating their silver wedding on
Saturday, Jan. 14th.
(Too late for 'last week.)
Miss Annie Ryan, of Seaforth, spent
title week -end at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Patrick Ryan, of I3ib
The following teachers returned to
their schools: Lila Feeney to Thor-
old; Mary O'Rourke; Annie McGrath;
:Mary Dei psey;.and Florence Coyne,
to Chatham; Jean McConnell and
Theresa Judge, to Detroit; Evelyn
Delaney, to Windsor.
Messrs. Joseph Feeney and John -
McConnell returned -to London to re-
sume their studies at the university
Miss Anna Molyneaux returned to
Kitchener on Tuesday after spending
New Year's at the home of her father,
Mr. T. 5, IVtolyneaux.
Mr. John Williams returned to De-
troit on Monday last after spending
Christmas at the home of Itis parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick •Williams, Elbe
kfr. and Mrs. Alma 'Gray spent
New Year's -at the home of Mr, 'and
Mrs. Fred Sadler,
Mr, and Mrs. John Maloney, -of
Buffalo, spent Christina's and New
Year's with his mother, Mrs. T. Mal-
oney; also Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan
and family, and Mrs, Leo Holland;
and Fermis Maloney.
The Misses Ruth and Evelyn Dil-
lon, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Dillon left for Toronto on Thursday
last to take positions.
There will be a euchre and dance in
the Dublin parish hall on -Friday
evening. Jan. 13th.
Mrs. Patrick Bonn spent Saturday
with friends in Stratford.
Mr. Joseph Looby, son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. Looby, left for Detroit on
Mrs. Mary Ma y Bricklin recently enter-
tained the ladies of the village to a
progressive euchre, luncheon and mus -
icale..The prizes were won by'
D. T, Castello and Miss Annie,'
only, Consolations were press*
to Mrs, Garfield Smith and Mrs.
011551 J, Nagle.
Mrs, Annie Mulligan gave a
colo, luncheon and progressive en
on Monday evening. The luoky
players' were Mr, George Holland
rs, Louis Krauskopf. Consolatt
fell to the tot of Mr, L. T. Lobby;
Mr's, Joseph Me'Grath.
Mr. E. B. Tiers and Mr. But
are unusually busy, Farmers are.
ling better rare of winter. feeding
cans It pays to keep tip a high s1
The C. W. L, are having a dant
luncheon and a progressive euchre]
Friday night.
Mr, Thos, 'McMichael has b
spending a few days in this yiein
visiting old friends. Mr, Mc Mt 'cl
is living ac Stra l
tPY Present.
Mr. Thos. McMillan M,P., is
present on the sick list:
Mr, and M•rs. Leo Stephenson sp,
the week -end at Blyth,
Mr, and Mrs. Henry' Taylor hr
returned to Seaforth after spendi
the holiday at the home of their s
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Canner
Messrs, James and Pete Cameron a
Miss Mabel Cameron spent Mond
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ch
Wasman on the London Road.
Mr: J, Mc'Gavin is still very poor
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Brown and lit
son were visitors at the home of t1
and Mrs. A, Brown, Monday last,
Miss "Mabel 'Cameron was a Sund
visitor at the home of Mr. and M
George Cameron.
The majority of the young peol
of Tuckersmith are attending t
short course in town.
No job toobig to handle or too sit
to do. Phone 303 J and I will c
for your work.
Work shop at rear of BARLOW'
Real Estate, Conveyancing, Bon
and Investments
Phone 152
Seaforth, Ontario.
is an appetizing dish, even for
those who arenot hungry. There
is one essential, however, in
making an ideal dish of it. The
pork must give it the right
flavor and:we pride ourselves
a know' how to supply.
just the right cut for the purpose.
Try it once. You'll want it often:
Your Butcher.
ne 58 Seaforth,
The vecia iNek oni..:
\\re have it—Give it -a Trial, Also
Grain Screenings
C5 e
Chop of AU kinds
Your Auto o N ee
Repairs•and charging. makes,
A good line of New and Usei?.�rts.
Chevrolet Touring, 1921 $75,00 with License
Ford Touring 1918. ... , . , .$75.00 with License
Ford Coupe 1925, balloon tires,'7jkc new ..$375 with License
e'ti It n