The Seaforth News, 1928-01-12, Page 1ii lti WHOLE SERIES, VOL .$o, No. •2. SEA.PORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, f G and SUPPERS Regularly I-IOT LUNCHES at all hours 0tR HOME MADE .SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable and Restaurant n f �>«>a U CHISON” tire: 600d Thing* cgs White IC -nig et snag, .a....,•1°`3 } a T cake at 0 far 25e 'Wool -Soap, , •a 10e soap for toilet bath ar`fi'ne fabrics for 5c Blue Rose.IZicle, regular 12e' Ib, at 'a lbs.' for 25c Glauber Salts, a splendid con ditioner for atdek, 6 lbs. 25c I ptsom Salts" 6 'lbs for 25'e S ulp'kt htt6 'lbs. for 25c. Amapoiimmiewormsolea CHURGH CARD.. North Side United-Church—Pastor, Rev. W.'P."'Lane, B,A. (Sunday,, Jan., 15.-1'1 a^ m.public w;,orsitip, subject, "On the Watch.";. `2:30 p.m,, S. S. and Bible classes, 7 p.m.,_ public worship, subject, "Con ten•tn'ieli't." THE RID CROSS SOCIETY. The- annual meeting of the Seaforth branch of.fhe Red Cross Society will` be held at 3:30 pen., Friday.'Jan. 13, at the home of the President, , Mrs, H. J. Gibson, Broken ..Soda Biibcuits, •`special 3 lbs. for 25e Sugar Syrup, reg. 35c'for 250 Baking Syrup, - lb. 10c t`. e ..ho 1 T Bent' Moiassos 'ii,. b atlg - ,. _ t4 e .are the bestunlitY 'plocur able :and are much cheaper dial'` what scones in cans, be- sides being of higher quality .b . Seedless itaastns, .2'`lbs. for 27e crocks; 'r lls' DairyButter, Q to and 'l? a prints Of ` guaranteed quality and abundant quantity. : n ppo' ori Clover Honey, from two 'tef the pa e best a iaries in Canada o Sohn Murdock of Brucefield, Bros. of Listowel, , 10 lbs. • for $-1 25 Detroit Blend Coffee, is a ere quality rice. P a d wonder n q Y n , N, F. D N u cT.N1S0 Phone Phor:Phood 166 HURON OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO. The members of; the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto will at- tend Divine Service - at St. Barnabas Church,"'corner Danforth and Hatnp ton avenues, on Sunday -evening, January 15eh, at 7 o'clock. • The service will be conducted by the Rector, Rev. F. E. Powell, a Ttirnberry ,Old Boy, and all Huron- ites residing .: in the city are requested to be present, A FRIENDLY ROBIN. Ree- T. 1-1..Brown Bro: robin. n reports' ' a p s zlee,flte Rectory lawn on ;Wednesday, pitsrhiisg d£,'tiits w eft jaienary 11,. 'feeding on'crumbs thrown to it. A reader also'. writes: "A robin has been freaking its home in Seaforth during the winter,: It is :a friendly creature and laughs at wintry blasts. It was ' hopping - on lawns.and g._ trees near John street some weeks ago and. on 'Saturday last it turned up on Sperling street, to pick up food. andlook for'its companion, the blue- bird, It hasone wing a little 'defec- tive, which may account for its tardy meandering's. The boys and girls treat Robin Redbreast kindly, which bids fair tobecome a pet. Birds like crumbs -of bread and pieces of fat meat." LIONS MEAT. The first Meeting of the Lions Club for the yeer 1928 was held in the din- ing room .of the Commercial Hotel Monday evening and, was largely at- tended. ',Lion Rev 'Brown occupied the chair and, after luncheon, gave an able address • based' on what should be the aim and aspirations of Lion' members for the ensuing year. ,A let- -ter of kindly remembrance was re, ceived and read, from ex-1Lion F: -G. hleelin in Florida and a sample of the celebrated Spanish moss which ,festoons the tiecs•in that country, was presented to` the Lions Club. With the attendance record, as read: by the Secretary, showing, with few exceptions, that all the members were present at seventy.five per cent. of the meetings, the work of the Lions . in this, the new . year, should surpass chat of the past and prove to all citi- zens their ,.real worth in the coin- enmity, Nearly all children are subject to worms, and many are .born,' with them.: Spare them suffering by using; Mother Graves' 'Worm Exterminator, an ex- cellent,remedy. • $I1QRT CO JRSE-NEWS. The members of the classes in Agri- culture and Home Economies proved themselves ilve wires when :they Plan- ned and"ca'rried out a succegsfui,aftep- neon's entertainment hi Carnegie Li- brary last Friday. Edwin' 4heshey; president of the "Sod Busters", acted as chairman and a splendid programme was carried: ottt, ,Speeches of an impromptu nature were given by Meears. H. Blanchard, Edwin Johns and Gordon Reynolds, Rollert Tyndal'1 operated oe the saxa- phone fora couple of numbers, Miss D. Robinson, president of the "Home Makers," sang" •two numbers. Miss Eva Scarlett rendered two piano solos and Miss M. Rands two violin num- hers. The;,afternoon concluded with. an old-time spelling match in which Repaid Rpinke's team overcame Wil- liam Hart's after a fine contest. 30' members composed each team. The Sod Busters and 'Heine Makers Club is planning to ihold a big dance in the G.W.V.A. Chub -on Friday the 13th. Next Friday afternoon will also find the classes assembled to hear a debate staged by: six of their mem bets: The regular,classes in Agriculture. this week had the pleasure of listening' to Dr. John Spencer, of Bowmanville, lecturer on )Horses and' Veterinary Science.,Mr, 'tire, of Roseland, had some usful inform tibn to. give on Bees and Beekeeping. .Next'Thurs- day afternoon, Jan. 19th, Mr, Clark Young, Milliken, will be present to talk on Plows and,. 'Plowing. Mr, Young is a Provincial champion plowman and should have some inter-, esting, material to give those at-_ tending, °'* -• Miss Seabrooke winds up her lec- tures and demonstrations in Sewing this week^.,Her classes have been well attended and all speak highly of the ideas presented, Miss Houston con - Hues with her Cookery and .House- hold Science demonstrations during mornings next week, with Miss Rob- ert, of Toronto, instructing in the science of Home Nursing and First =Aid during the afternoons. The class attendance has increased somewhat and the boys and girls are just beginning to ask questions, so the instructors anticipate a busy time ahead, • l1 E UCTI NS Having decided to mate ohas .es which will require room. o g we find We must reduce our stock by at least half.' 'With this end in view wo oro offering big reductions in ail limesof-Leather and Felt Footwear, Hockey Shoes etc Ladies' Ptd. Leather $ reg. Slipper 1.75 for $2.49 � Hockey Shoes, Professional up to .$5„,50 for- $3.95 Men's Lightning Hitch -Type for-.$2P119- Men''s 1:Iouse Slippers up ' to $1.75 for Ladies' 1i'elt Slippers up, to $1,35 for 75c _Ladies' -Satin Boudoirs up to $1,75 for 99e Every Leather Shoo in store reduced 99c BOOTS and SiIOES SEAFOP'1'I1 COUNCIL MEETING, The statutory meeting of the ;Sea- forth town council was held in. the, Council Chamber. at 11 a.m.; Monday,' The following members made the re- quired declarations Of office and took -:heti sgats xW wIi: Golding, Mayor; , ; e e Ge >3'2;:e�'rTrt v ,:<]3eattte Tie , J� `W .. F.•D,'aHutchison;•'W. A. ;Crich,. Wm. J. Bickell, R. G. Parke, H, C. Box, Councillors..lrlinutes of last regular and statutory meetings were read and confirmed and the continittee appoint- ed to strike the standing committees for theyear. The council then ad- journed' to djourned'to meet again at 8 o'clock in: the evening, when the strilting com- mittee reported as- follows: '(Com: mittees all the same as last year). Streets—Beattie,' Crich and Box. 'Fire' and. Water --Parke, Bickell and Beattie. Property --Hutchison, Parke, Box. Charity—Golding, Cardno, 2'ickell, 'Finance-'Cardno, Hutchison, Crich. Court of Revision—Mayor, Reeve, Cardno, Hutchison and Parke. The following accounts were pass- ed: Wm. Gillespie, salary, $60; Jno. A: Wilson, salary, $75; John Knight, salary, $05 Thompson's Bookstore, $2.75; W. E. Kerslake, $51,75; Bell Tel. Co., $2,45; Geo. Lowery, hay, 7.75; W. Ament & Co., acct. charity, 12.06; Can. 'Nat. Rys., crossing prot- ection, $+14.75; A. Barton, .acct $3.10; Geo. A. Sills &:Sons, $2.75 J. W. Beattie, chy., $1.90; S. Cuddy, inspec- tor scales,$4.50 Jas. V. Ryan, wages Jan,:9,'$7.50; Wilson.Hawkins, acct., $100. Bylaws' 302 and 303, to borrow money' for current expenses and SC100is and appointing ng • officials Is for r 1928, were given their several readings and passed. ''T'he usual grant of $300 was made to the Fire .Brigade and,;the assessed members of the ,Fire Brigade given a rebate' of five dollars on their taxes. A grant of $25.00 was made the Chit, dren's Aid Society of Huron coun:v. The balance due the Godson Con- tracting Co., $400.54, was ordered paid. A motion was passed that applicae t+ons be received at the Clerk's office up to Monday, Jan. 25th, for position of Chief 'of Police. For particulars apply. at Clerk's office.' fAl\TUARY 12, 1925. Y Al ROBERT SCOTT MA'18K1 _ ,The members hold office for one year, Thecoritmt#nity deetaly,regret d the during which time they. are expected Passing of one of its most es peed ,. gve assistance to eo-operative residents, Robert Scott Habkr be, sap",boys work. 'Che Ontario Boys' 1Slork Monday, January 9 Mr H:'leitte ;Board has the power' to veto, bul. it ltad returned to Seaforth'"froin ='raise. Should be said to the credit of'.the boys Isle, Mich.„at the end of July wing fotndtnecesshat such SCtlalt lags never' been to his luaus, Since thatgime t pegh. i;heion of his condition did ntit iirlpravil b°re' the factParliathatment theis a importantrecognittiring it with great patience and far }da, aborti our work with older boys: is $Igniwas born his estimable chi Ater: not what we do for them, but tither tae was d Mre,_ eorgago, son .kirk what we share' with them. Through. lake Uvea ' miles north Hlt irlh the Parliament adult life has gone Who lived 2/ north of Se�forth' , near Grieve's Bridge On May •20, fr,to partnership with youth 1879, he was united in marriage 'to, , INSTALLATION, Miss Elizabeth Palterncan- of McKil-, „,.. lop. Vol- many years he was treasure' Qn. Monday evening the following er and also an elder of Duff's "Clieirehvafficers were installed by District 'De-, As secretary of SS. No. 4, Moliillop ttty President, Mrs, Abel of (leder- for years, he td'ok an active intet•;est itt-',ai&h:atld suite of Seaforth, N.G„ Miss the welfare• of 'the young: folk ytf the Belle C'alnpbell; V.G., Miss` B. Seip; district.' His sad •loss is mourned:' by chap, Miss lIa..Johnston; rec. sec., his widow anti children; . I haatt'4`s o$ Miss Edith MacKay; fin. sec,, Jean. Seaforth; Mrs, Harold -Dale, .H Ilett, Smifh; areas:, Mrs,,A. Westcott; coir., Miss. Minnie Habkirk, Seaforth and Mrs, Haigh; war,, Miss Grace Peth- N•orman of Grosse isle, : Mich; else ick; •I.G,, Mrs McKellar; O.G., Mrs. one sister, Mrs, 'G M cGonigief•pp `See T. Scott; Jr. PNG, Mrs Adams; R , forth, and two brothers,, •-ohn iSeaSN,G. Mre, Crich; LS,N,G Mrs. and atthew, McT{alio Plant; RS'V:G. Miss lilac Cain�pbell forthM , p '� The funeral was held from the res L S:V.G, Miss Irene Patterson; pian idence of his sister, Mrs. 'McGonigle, ist, Miss Ella Elder. After installa- NOrtfr Main street on .Wednes4aiy :at 'kiwi 'a social hour was spent in euchre; 2 pen.' to the place of in'terment..ntthe and 'refreshments were served, ` Maiilandbatik cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev, F. H. Larkin,, ANGLICAN W.A. D,:D., assisted by Rev. W. D> - 'ic:-- The Woman's Auxiliary of St, Tho-, D'on'ald and Rev. W., P.-`Latae,'.The mac' Anglican Church met at the .Rec- pallbearers were,...Earl Ha'bktrk.,Rob- tory on Tuesday afternoon. 'A large: err McGonigle, Jahn Habkirlc, •'<j... number were present; The hostess; Gordon, John Henderson Andrew Mrs. Broom, served a delightful tea'' Henderson. at the close of the meeting. The lad les . will ,hoid their annual supper on: • T17XIS NEWS. 'Shrove Tuesday, Feb, 21. - ' The Seaforth 'Taxis 1Boys aidifraif HURON PRESBYTERIAL. - Rangers held a meeting in the Tuxes "*.Che annual meeting of the_ Huron:' 'Hall -on Thursday, Jan. 5, The.rrmeet- Presbyterial Society was held in Wile ing was opened andbrought to ;Order lis Presbyterian Church, Clinton, .oil: VY the Praetor,- -Mr:, A. W. Slllerys' Tuesday, January. Kith, commereeing "I c i tor- � r; , 12:30,thevarious Auxiliaries be- following which the - S r p M J atA R. Frost read -the minutes,: of the last Mg welrepresented. The President, meeting, .which ;were adopted as cor-Mrs, II. Larkin, of Seaforth, occu- rect 'anti the meeting was open' forpied the chair and conducted the de - business. The: chief business brought votional`:exercises. In a short but in before the meeting was'. the question '-spiring address, she spoke on the of a tobogganing party ,'for the ',Pexis power of true love, what it can do boys and C.'G.I.T girls, It wasde- and what it has done.' The fninutes cided that the 'said party would be were read by the Secretary, Miss H. held at Malawi's Ravine on :Wed- Isabel Graham, of Seaforth, after nesday, Jan. 11, if weather conditions which reports from the Secretaries of Proved . suitable. After all busineeps the different departments were receiv- brought up had'been discussed, Mr, eeland adopted. The Treasurer, Mrs; W C. W. Barber, boy "member' .al T. Swan Smith, reported a very pros - Parliament for 'South Huron, gave a perous year, $3,134.70' having : been very efficient summary of the bustttess sent •to the General fund, which is of the'.. seventh annual boys Parlia $?55.90 more than the objective. The ment. : Presbyterial comprises 8 Senior J;'liea•E1;' T, . u_.xes'' gro s. fi,i kcd' !' t1ke cr ro'txf;s'rao sznadrlltll -sbaa l'etx. 2 w1: a1y' 'ACletai>xGfi•':ltioAaI ,r u ite xhTse- iiiaiies, 2 YoungWomeu's .tlks et,Ro boio home„cf,Mr. and Mrs.JoseprScott, e Aker .11=e in- PrinceAlbert, Ro"xb'oro, on Monday evening to,hold 'Sask. Consignments of Jaoolcs' held.. their first regular meeting of the new magazines` were also seat . to lumber year. The best part of .the whole camps and isolated Sunday schools. evening was in finding their value A pleasing, feature of the meeting f Scriptor, 'btr;'Sani; Scott,' again at his was,-thepresentation of a gold' Vt . M. 'd of Post after having undergone an opera- S. pin by Mrs. R. C. hlcDermt , tion for appendicitis recently. They -Goderich, on behalf of the Presbyter- all agreed that you can't keep a good Ttixian down. The usual order of. ceremonies was .carried out until the business part of the program, when the election of officers took place by ballot,: which resulted as follows: Mentor, M. Ross ,Savauge;'-Praetor, Gerald Snowdon; iDep: Praetor, James Pinder; Scriptor, Jack Arnold; Comp - tor, Tom Cluff; representative to Work' Board, Sam ',Scott.- The remainder of the evening was greatly enjoyed, by every, member, in games, even to the occasional argu- ment between Tom, 'Cluff and Bill. Stevens The 'hostess, . Mrs. Scott, as- sisted by Miss Vera !Hoist, served a very delicious lunch. The Group feel as if they could not sufficiently thank Mr. and Mrs, 'Scott for, the splendid evening' they h'ad. HOM l AND: SCHOOL' CLUB. On Wednesday, Jan. 4th, at 3;30 pin. • the mortthly • meeting of the ','Home and School Association, ltelel in the kindergarten, was well attend- ed and • anafiy non-members joined. Mr, G. R.. Paterson and . Miss M Houston kindly gave of their valuable time to tell of the winter ,course in agriculture and home economics being held .in Seaforth. Mrs, Ben. John- son gave an interesting report of the. singing committee, The beat meeting of the Home and School Association Will be held on IWedntesday, Feb, :tet, at 8 'o'clock in the evening in the attdatoriunt of the 'Collegiate Institute. A. E: Berry, M. A. Sc„ C.E., the director of the div- ision of sanitary engineering of the Dept, of Health of Ontario will give a talk on unlit, illustrated ;by moving pictures and lantern slides, liter1-1 & 5, would like to remind 'Seaforth residents that they will col- lect early in the spring old trews - papers, magazines and books, The Ontario Boys'' Work Board, which is giving leadership to co- operative work throughout Ontario, is the medium through which the churches and Y,M.C. A. work in the field of co-operative boys' work, -.Its corporate life is made up of the repre- sentatives of the Protestant 'forces. It exercises no control over 'local groups: The Board provide the ser- vicce of two•secretaries and an office staff. As the 'representative of the Churches and the YWCA. it gives icaderehip to: 1064 C.S.E.T. Groups operating in 250 different centres. 24 Distract Camps strategically situ- -A Provincial" Training• Camp -for Leaders. 12 Annual Older Boys' and. Leaders' Conferences_ The.Ontario Older Boys' Parlia- ment, , ' 72 Local, Boards operating. in the townsand cities. Field work involving a mileage of 37,000 miles. Literature' that is specially prepared to meet the needs of local leaders. The budget z+f the Board is raised through •a Bond Selling campaign held' inFebruary, whets' the boys of the Province, acting under the lead- ership of the Boys' Parliament, sell bonds to those who are interested. The Ontario Older Boys' Parlia rnettt is made up of boys from sixteen to 20' years of age, who go to To- ronto to discover what part they can play in all that bat to do with the welfare of boys. It is a real parlia- iatent aid one that grapples with prob- icn s that are vital in the lives of boys. Its legislation is more or less limited to those matters ,fn which they are deeply interested and con, earning which they desire to take at - Each member represents a given' constituency and is elected by ballot, ial to the retiring President, Mrs.. F. H. Larkin, as a token of apprecia- tion and remembrance,` Miss Tay- lor, of ,Blyth, was appointed a dele- gate's to the provincial meeting in Guelph. A vote of thanks was tender- ed the' Clinton ladies by Mrs. H. Arn- old, of Hensail. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. J. C, Greig, Seaforth; Vice - P1 esidents, .Mrs. R. C. McDermid, Goderich; Mrs. J. Foote, Exeter; Mrls, G. D. McTaggart, Clinton; Miss Tay- lor, 'Blyth; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. G. McDonald, Goderich; ,Record- ing Secretary, , Miss H. Isabel Gra- ham, Seaforth; Treasurer, Mrs. T, Swan Smith, Seaforth; Financial Secretary, H. C. Dunlop, Gode- rich; Home Helpers, Mrs. J. Fraser, Bayfield; Y, W. A. Mrs, 3. Me- Murchy, Clinton; Mission Band, Mrs. H. J. Gibson, Seaforth; Library and Literature, Miss Isabel McEwen, •Goderich; *Welcome and - Welfare, Mrs. H. Arnold, Hensall; l; S`upply, , MrsW. D. Fair, Clinton Glad Tide ings, s ecicYll, Exeter;Press Mrs. Redditt,Goderich' Life Membership, MisscFarlane, Clin- ton, ,',The following is the annual report of the Huron 'Presbyterial W, M. S. for year ending 31st December, 1927, ' Generral Fund—.Receipts.' Aubur11 W.MS.:Aux. ..., ,$ 93;00 Bayfield W.M.S. Aux. . 251.85 Blyth W.M.S. Aux _, 150.00 Clinton W.M.S.Ad'.:.. 153.48 Exeter W.MS. All; 227.00' Goderich W,M.S. Aux. 348.30 Hensall W.M:S, Aux, 190.00 Seaforth W.M.S. Aux. . „ 527.55 � till IiW � i i i WWI � � leo � "Unless someone tells her about her eyes- shell need an extension on her arm The woman is far-sighted,but ilus doesn't know it. "Howrtd1cu o she makes herself look, in her at- tempt to read the menu!' Too many women, and men too, go, through this same futile perfor mance; , Be sure that your own sight is normal! 3Ygliswo'r;a rill Loo set .,mre,aal 8C. ,t , ,aol01 ;to opaicot 46,71(A Have your eyes .examined/' Fred. S. Sava e,; Jeweler and Optometrist. M. Ross Savattge,l3..0. Eyesight Specialist STANLEY. Dies in Michigan, --A former girl of Stanley township passed ,away in Yale, Mich., on Tuesday. morning, Jan. 10th, in the person of Mrs. Ro- bert Turner, who was Miss Margaret Campbell prior to her marriage. Mrs. Turner was born 76 years ago, ;daugh- ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Camp- bell, of the Bayfield road, near Var- na, Nearly fifty' years ago she was married to Mr, Robert Turner, who lived: on the adjoining farm. They resided, on the Parr line about a mile south. of Varna. For thirty years now they. have ave resided at Yale, Mich. Sur- viving dr,e�.lter. husband„ .3 daughters eattal Sons/ :!wr•?{ 1xt1'Ce•,lllenare'r5 Dee, ,tr'oib i ivlrs•: Albtrt.Weekes, .California; 1VIrs-•at3.'ndrew eForlitele, Detroit; John, of Yale, Mich., Isaac, "Minneapolis} Sam and Wilmer, Detroit and Bert at lionie. The funeral takes place on Thursday in Yale, -where interment will be made. Mrs. Robert Stephenson --:A life- - N£ long resident of Stanley township passed away on Sunday, January 8th in jute person of Mrs. Robert Steph- enson, formerly Mary Jane McClin- chey, in her 76th year. Mrs. Stephen- son had not been well for some time but her last illness was of only one week's duration, She was born on the 11,h concession of Stanley, daugh- ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Henry McClinchey, Forty-six years ago her marriage took place to Robert Steph- enson. She had been a faithful mem- ber of Goshen Church all her life. Mr, Stephenson predeceased her 9 years • $1,941,18, Young Women's -Auxiliaries. Arthur' Circle, Goderich $ 633,52 Barbara Kirkman, Seaforth:282.00 $ 915;52 Mission Bands,, Busy Bees, Exeter $ 26.10 MacGillivray Mission :Band, Goderich , : , .193.75 Sunbeam Mission Band, Hen- salf. 47,00 Sunshine Miss:on'li trod Sea - - a as o next March. There are 3 sons d 2 daughter remaining to mourn eir great loss. George H. Stephen- ti,'Seaforth; Norman Stephenson, of 4tanley and David J. Stephenson at tome: Mrs, John Dawson, Babylon. Lee; Mrs. Michael Kennedy, Gode- isch; also 4 sisters, Misses Ellen and Elizabeth McClinchey at home; Mrs. ill Hart and Mrs, Jdhn Stephenson, l �V riley; and 4 brothers,. Albert rt and Stn Arthur McClinchey,'at home, George, natanley,eandtawes,,Strathroy. The a funeral to3Tc- place 'Tucsd y to •the Bayfield cemetery where ,interment was made, Rev. Mr. Penrose of Varna officiating. The pallbearers were six cousins, Robert McClinchey, Robt, 'McKinley, James McClinchey, David Stephenson, James Stephenson. and Ralph Metcalf (Turnberry). The New Year was usheredwith a raging blizzard, and as a result al- most all traffic upon the concession lines was tied up. Those invited out for their New Year's dinner perforce must slay at home; the rural routes were not served until. Wednesday, while high school students and teach- ers had to remain wherever they hap- pened to be until pair Th Miiddie"of the week, Mr. anti Mrs. J. A, Manson and daughter Beatrice, of, the. Goshen line, and Mr. at el Mrs. Gordon 'Van-. son of Dundas, visited at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. 3. A. Carne •during Christmas week, ' 'lvtr. and Mrs•„Milton ,Steep and son Kenneth of Goderich Tp. were the guests of bit. and Mrs, W. J; Tough on New Ye'ar's Day. Miss Jessie' Tough returned with them in fid evening for a few days', visit. Miss .Hazel' Sparks of Harrietsville ' 278.00 stent a few days during the :holiday? $ 1 Total .. . , , , ..: 3 134,70 at the home oE her parents; M.r•, atftt r. Disbursements," Mrs, 7ohn,Sparlcs, of the Bronson line. lir. Hilbert Mnsseintari of Elmira Atnoua t,settt to 'General find $3,134,70 192f3, the: New Year with his sisters; 1.•,.%I, Smith, Treasurer, Mrs, Peter Gingerich and Mrs. Men. BIRTHS'. Steckle, Jr, - .Mrs. Madge, who has been sojottr- SL OAN. I>5 McKillop,. on Jinn; 8tlt, attic;' at (lode -rich, is at present with, 1928, to Mr, and Mrs. tonics ,Sloan, tier niece; Mrs, Gat), Campbell. • M . ;t daughter, s isMargaret'Toil t, who spent 'SEAFEDRTtI Friday, fan; �66� 'YPpG t ltb oom` �Ce��6Al�i O1' G t a ti ".;: auspiunderces' , .. ' a� pices• of the ksho course classes • in Agrisultwn , and Horne Economic''s (Sod Busters and Uoanemiaker4' A Hearty Welconie Lunch 'will be served: Commencos: at 8.30 , $1.00 per couple: Extra lady' ':rtr. • (Tax included) the Christmas holiday at her how on the Bronson line, was unable to ta-- turn to her duties as school teaches- until Thursday last on account of the storm.. On Monday afternoon of, this weclk, all hands on the Bronson line turnwd, out and'°cleared. the snow off 'the hat, to make' theta passable for ' wheeled' traffic. The snow was ten feet deter. insome of the. cuts. Mr: and Mrs. Jas.' Love and fantibt and. Mr. and Mrs. John McBride and family anki Mr. and Mrs. Roy `T3fic- Bride ' and family spent New Years,,, Jan. 2nd,at the home of Mr. and MM.. Love, Parr. line 'We are glad to hear that Miss OFac Foster is getting better after her re- cent illness. A very enjoyable time was spent: the home of. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Bride when their relations were fan,•- vited to a birthday party, held Jan- i in honor of their. daughter, Miss Eolith May.- The evening was spent in cards and music -after which a dainty lunch was served. BRUCEFIE'LD. The annual Horticultural' Society' meeting will be held on Friday even- ing of this week instead of Thursday,, "dg` had been advertised: MI Hugh Berry had the misfortune to cut,his arm quite 'badly on Mean day. The knife slipped when he was cutting cheese, and stitches Were re- quired to close the gash. Mrs., J. Ketcltein ie spendan$-'n ffew,days in Woodstock, The annual meeting of the- '-V'.FlS.: was held on Mtxtday,evenistg; The II. F. O. rind t.1, F, W.'0, dohs. . met at the home of Mr, and Mrs:: Tough on Tuesday. The Brueefield Y. P. S. rrtet rite Monday, Jan. 9th. fosse Freeman ton - ducted 'the .opening exercises and led, „in prayer, The election ofioflcer's'iitr ' 1928 resulted as follows: Pres., Leen-- and Boyce; Dcv. 'Con., 'Jecsc Free- man; Missionary, Leila. Stackhouse; 'Citizenship, Kathleen Snider; Social Jatiet "Aikenhead; , Pianist, Peart `Brock; Treasurer, Elwood Stack, boast;. corresnaticiiug SHazel,Hnzt Haugh; Ree Scc, T George 'oiig i t After the bus mess per'iotl,,.the meeting - closed wirh''tlir 141zpa'i benediction-;