HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-12-27, Page 81 1 -Clinton News -Record December OM, lo►I Zurich Mr, Jerry Kaoreher of Michigan has been visiting relatives hereabouts. Mr,' 1C, J, and Mise Flora 'Bess aro home from, the Toronto University for the Christmas vacation, Miss Vera Siebert of London is spending a few weeks at her home in town, Mr. Thos, Densmore has purchased the farm belonging to the estate of his father, the late James Densmore, 11 rs, (cWatters of Detroit is :visit- ine at the huonlo 01.lier parents, Mr. and Ml's. IL Well. 'On Wednesday 01 last week, Mabel 11.;lizabetlh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Jaoobe of the fourteenth of Hay, was united in marriage with 11Ir, W. Snider of the Suable Lino. The eeremony was performed by the Rev. F. B. Meyer nod was witnessed only by DaModiato relatives and friends. Mit, and Mrs, ,Snider have taken up; their residence on the Baub- le and have the best wishes .of a largo circle of friends, 111111111111 Every Shoe Requirement This house of Good Shoes asks the consideration of people who care for Shoes of Special Merit and the best of Shoe Value at any stated price. FRED. JACKSON Satisfactory Shoes Quick Repairs Four Specials ! ! No. No. 2 A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all and hoping the great war will soon cease. A grand discovery—Brown's Electric Clothes Stick removes all kinds of spots and stains such as grease, oil, varnish, paint; ink etc. from cloth suits. panama hats, silk and straw hats etc. easily applied quick and sure and only twenty-five cents. No. 3 No. 4 A. few of the new up-to-date carpet sweep- ersregular $3.50 for $2,25 this week only. O Cedar Mops at 75 cents. Something nice for New Year's gifts. Harland Bros. HARDWARE, STOVES AND NOVELTIES New'Year Greetings Plumsteei Bros. TEE STORE 'PH AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 25 I AGENTS--SEMI-READY CLOTHING. NEW IDEA PATTERNS: 1 Simple:but Elegant are many of the rockers, easy Chairs, Ilivans, etc,, shown in our display. Some are of period design, others are the product of modern thought and skill. Of course we have the more mas- sive pieces if you prefer them. Come see the exhibit and make your choice, JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone '?• 28 ninaiiiiiiiseantenteaternie 1 New Methodist • Hymn • Books Words Only Editions from 41)c to $2.50 Music Editions from $1.50 to $3.50 The W. D. Fair Co. "Often the Cheapest Always the Best." ieaueunaemau lune uuunll iii Miss Tillie Tebbutt of Toronto was home for the„holidays, Pte. A. and Mrs. Doherty and chil- dren.leave today for Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. M. McCartney were in Toronto over the Christmas haif- day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sweet, and Miss Myrtle spent Christians with Exet- er f riends. Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Brown of Pet- rolea spent the Christmastide with friends in town. Mr. J. N. King, teller in the Mol - sons Bank spent Christmas at his home at St. Thomas. Mr. and Nlrs, G. P. 'Hall are in Sim- coe this week attending the funer- al of a sister of the latter. 1'iisses Bessie lrwin of Montreal and Ruby Irwin of 'Toronto spent Christmas at their home fn, town. Mr. and Mrs. harry, Twitchell of De- troit are spending the holiday week as the guests of relatives in town, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Chowen and lit- tle Miss Bettie of Hamilton are visiting in town for the holiday period. Mr. Ernest hall left on Friday last to spend the Christmas vacation with friends at Simcoe and Port Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Miller and fam- ily of Toronto were the guests on C'hristrnas of 1lr• and Mrs. L. G. Courtice. Mr. 1Iarry hunt and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ifunt of Galt were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamblyn for the Christmastide. astide. Mr. and Mrs. Veitch of Aylmer were the guests of their son, Mr. Veitch of the Molsons Bank staff, over the week -end and holiday. Mr. Chas. Chowen, who has been in Winnipeg for the past eight years, is expected today and will spend 'a vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mra. Dean Courtice of Ham- ilton were Christmas visitors at the home ot the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Courtice. Mr. and Mrs:. W. M. Aiken of Allen - ford were Christmas guests at the home,_ of the latter's brother, Mr. Geo. Crooks of the Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. Lashbrook of Mitchell were in town this week on their way to Holmesvilie where they spent the festive -holiday as the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Pickard. Mrs. Meloy and babe, who have been visiting the past couple of months with the lady's mother, Mrs. James 'Twitchell, left this morning for their home in Cal- gary. Mr. Harry. Twitchell accom- panied them as far as Toronto. Mr. and NIrs. Alf. Torrance and lit- tle daughter of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. M. Torrance and children of Toronto and Miss Margaret Tor- rance of Port Arthur all spent the Chgisttnastide at the parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance of town. Mr. and Mrs. James Pinch of Strat- ford spent the holiday with the par- ents of tb former, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Finch of town. On their re- turn yesterday they were accom- panied by their daughter, Miss Thelma, who has been visiting Clin- ton and Auburn friends. Mr. Elbert C. Hoare of Winnipeg spent Christmas with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Hoare. Mr. Hoare had joined the Aviation. Corps in Toronto but was discharged as medically unfit. 'Phis was his second' attempt to enter some part of the service but each time he has been turned clown. Mr, Hoare intends. returning to Winni- peg at once. Miss Mabel Lanxon, for tine pant nine yeare has been an efficient member of the Jackson Mfg. Co's start', leaves this Week for the west. On her arrival. in Winnipeg Miss Lanxon Will be married to Mr. Richard Noble, son of Mrs. Noble of Joseph street, and they will pro- ceed to tlrir home at Wilkie, Sask. The friends of both families extend good wishes. Mr. W. E. N. Chamberlain of the Molsons Rank staff spent C.nristanas at, his home in Forest. On his re- turn to town he found a letter call- ing him to report for militery ser- vice .fan, 3rd and immediately left for forest again. Mr. ('lnanmberiain during his short residence in town has rude many friends and they send good wishes after him all 1 hope for his safe return. WE V V S H YOU to make 1918 .A►. HAPPY YEAR BY BUYING WHAT YOU REQUIRE i 11 DRY GOODS and HOUSE FURNISHINGS CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS WOMEN'S STORE Dry Goods, Ilouse Furnishings phone 07 Next to Royal Bank 0 MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) , Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library Seaforth. Messrs. Edith ,Spott • and Ethel Beattie are home Iran' the Univer- sity, Toronto, for the vacation per- iod. Mr. W. Brodie is here from the Mich., last week attending the funer- al of his brothrr-in-law. i1ir. W. Brodie is here ream the west visiting his brother, bir. Chas. Brodie. Mrs. John Warwick is spending the Christmastide in Weston with friends. Miss Sparks of Stewart Bros.' millinery department, was called to Stratford last week owing to the death oh her mother. Miss Madge Stewart ot Wallace - burg is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, A, Stew -art. Mr, H. K. McLean of Toronto has been home for the holidays season. Col. and Mrs. Wilson left last week to spend the Christmas season with their daughter, Mrs. W. Holt of New York. Mr. George Holman was in Goder- ich last week acting in his capacitlh as county auditor. Corp. Clarence Scott, who was on his way back to Franco from the west, called on friends in town last week. irs, W. G. Willis has returned from a visit with relatives in De- troit. The Presbyterians have issued a booklet to commemorate the jubilee of their church. The celebration was held on Sunday and Monday, Dec. 10th and 17th, and was very success- ful. The preacher for the day was the Rev. Dr. W. J. Clark of In"on- treal, who thirty years ago wtrk-ed as assistant of the late Rev. Dr, Macdonald, Dr• ('lark preached two profound and impressive sermons and addressed the Sunday school in the afternoon. On Monday evening n supper and program was given. Mrs. James McGee is visiting her daughters in Toronto, Mrs. Snell and ;Mss Margaret of Toronto are visiting relatives here. Misses Mary and Kate Cowan of Toronto 'University are spending the Christmas vacation 10 town. Rev, Dr. Clark was the guest while in town of Mrs. M. Y. McLean. Mrs. (J. L. Williams and little son have returned from a visit with Tor- onto ii'iends. 1• W inghawn Rev. 'lloraec Snell was in hondon last week attcndleg a meeting of the executive committee of the Synod. Mr. Chas, Donaldson of Montreal is spending his Christmas vacation at his home bete. Mr, W. II, itintoul end Miss Eva are visiting in Toronto. Mr. Arthur Maines has received word from his sons, Nes. Robert and Walter Maines !Haines, who were both recently reported wounded, to the effect that they are both doing welt. Kippen The Presbyterian Sunday school en- tertainment was held on Christmas Eve. The scholars gave a short programme then Rev. Dr. Aitken gave an illustrated lecture on "Egypt," which were very interest- ing. As Dr. Aitken had gone over the ground and visited the places shown his description of them seem- ed all the more real, Mr. Thos. Mellis left on Monday to spend Christmas in Detroit with his eldest son and family and expects to be away until after the New Year, Mr. Geo. Taylor had a number of his family with him on Christmas day -bis son Albert and his wife of London and his daughters, Mrs. Geo, Troyer and Mrs. S. Thompson, with their families. Miss Dora Howie or: Toronto spent the' holidays with cher sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Aitken, at the manse. Mr. Albert Johnston, M'.A.,' is in the village on a visit to his par- ents, Mr..and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. Mr, Johnston is employed in the of- fice of the Excelsior Life Assurance Co. of the "queen City. A large case of bedding, clothing, etc., was shipped during the past week to the sufferers of Halifax. Tho ladies of the Patriotic Society look- ed after the packing and shipping. Mr. Jas. i17cClymont of this village has received some very interesting souvenirs of the war sent by This son, Pte. Melville McClymont, who went overseas with the 161st ('Hurons). They consist of the spike of the top of a German helmet and the orna- ment oil the front of helmet with a bullet hole through it. Tho bullet, no doubt, causing the owners death. He also enclosed a safety razor and a German pipe. Pte, McClymont has been in several engagements int so far came through untouched,. Mrs. A. McKenzie has received word of the death of her cousin, Lieut. -Col. Young of Cochrane, New Ontario, who at one time had thw command of the 33rd IHuron Regi- ' meat at Goderich. • He was in his fifty-eighth year. Wishing our patrons and friends A Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year V r & Sutter Plumbers and Electricians Phone '7 l3lgth Messrs. P. D. Reavie and It• Wil- son of Ripley visited recently with Dire. Archie Bell, The Methodist church will intro- duce the new hyena book the first Sunday in the new year. Mrs. W. D. Boyd and little daugh- ter, Betty, of Chicago are spending the holiday season as the guests of the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Adams. The marriage takes place today of Ella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Taylor., to Mr. J., J. Campbell of Vienna, Ont., son of bir. and Mrs, Chas. Campbell of Belgrave. Mr. Frank Metcalf, Dominion Fruit Inspector, has returned from Moose. Jaw, Sask. ,liter. and Mrs. Roland Taylor of London have been visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. M. Spafford. NOTICE ! ! Cour Boys are Thirsty They Need Thirst -Quenchers That Will Not Hurt Then: The Ontario W.C.T.U. is endeavouring to raise a fund of $25,300 for free Tea, Cocoa, Coffee and Lemonade. .y The National Y.M.C.A. whom the Ontario W.C.T.U. is aiding, will need $50,000. to cover their free drinkables. The W.C.T.U. has already. sent to France, mainly for this purpose. about $11,000—but the need grows more insistent. In addition to the free drinkab les, the Ontario W•C.T.U. has be- come responsible for the cost of printing a weekly leaflet of cheer and spiritual help, which is being sent through the mails to all the soldiers in the forward trenches, who express a desire to receive it. The ap- preciation of the men for this bit of comfort can be judged by the fact that, in one division alone, and within one month after the issue began, 15,000 soldiers asked that their names be entered on the!"Pay book Leaflet" list—tlie leaflets being so named from the fact that they Pro designed to fit into the soldiers' pay hook, To aid in raising the necessary funds the W.C.T.IY, of this tow„ will shortly hold a Silver Thimble and Trinket Day \Vhen they will ask every citizen to look through their possessions fon broken, useless, unwanted bits of gold and silver trinkets ; discarded jewelry or table silver, solid or trip le -plated. Any of the following articles will be thankfully received and flu• proceeds of their sale, used for the above purposes, Old gold or silver thimbles, Bracelets, l Brooches, Rings, - Chains or links of chains, Silver match boxes, Scarf pints, , old gold or silver watches, Odd cuff Links, Studs, Gold or silver tops of canes or umbrellas, Watch charms, Broken spoons, forks, or toilet articles in sterling silver or. triple -plate. Coins In gold, or silver, which have been monogrammed or punched. All tifese articles will be melted down and the proceeds used to flood' the forward trenches with the harm less drinks our boys so need, Articles that lool,ld bring more money If sold, than as "scrap" will be sold, Fuller particulars will be given later, a �,