HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-12-27, Page 5a ecomber r"%til, 101 Clinton News -Record • Shipley $2, N. J, Labeau $5, Geo, R, Manley $5, John J, niggles .$5, Miss L L, Kennedy $2, Ms. W. Jer- vis $2, Mrs, Argent $1, Arthur WU... tee $2, k1, Livermore $2, Fvnwiek Stewart $5, Robert limiter $2, John Innes $5, William •Taylor• $5, Edward O. Olen $2, Arthur Chairman $2, Reid and McGregor $28.80, Appleton I9leoat $2'1.50, Pupils No, it school, Stanley $5, total $501.30. The Food Problem it is inconceivable to us tliat any lover of his country can refuse to co-operate with the Government in every attempt to economize in those articles of food wo should most care- fully conserve. TIow, little the sae- ri0ce for us to reduce our indul- gence in meats, fats, and other food products so greatly needed for our soldiers and allies 1 And yet mer- chants report hundreds of their cus- tomers who seem only Intent on Lay- ing by in store for their own self- ish ends the largest possible supply of the very things wo should bo most anxious to send abroad. He is a traitor to his country whofaifs her t in this respect as well as the man who deliberat4y betrays her to her Foos. -Exchange, Brucetield, Contx'ibutxoas to 13ritish Ilett Cross -fNm north east division of Stanley township and Brucolield and vicinity 1 13, 13. Higgins. . $20, Charles held .$10, Thomas Fraser $10, Edward (Ilene $15, Hugh Mc(iroger, ,Sr,, $40, Malcolm Mehlwen $19, John McCow- an $10, Arab. McCowan $1d), George Baird $10, Josopll 1Vic(tilly $10, A. Scutt $10, H. P. Madden $1.0, James ,Petrie $100, John McNaughton $10, John T. 'Graham $10, Goldie Gra- ham, $1,0, John A, Moliat $10, J. A. Melwan $10, Neil McGregor $Ito, James Jackson $10, John Johnston 110, Julia Butebart $5, John 1I. Mc- Ewen $5, Alex, McEwan $5, N. Sun- fle'rcoek $5,. John Pierson $5, John Jervis $5, Mex. Mustard $10, John Mustard $10, J. and S. Johnston $15, Fred 'l'otnlinsou $5, Thomas 13aird 110, Thomas B. Baird $10, John Pop- per $5, James Rogers, M,D., $5, <,eorge 7'.. Baird $5, W. Potter $5, Adam Stewart $10, Henry Diehl $5, John V, Diehl $5, Valentino M. Diehl 1.5, Duncan Mckenzie $5, Frank Lane 15, Johi Kaiser $1, Jos, Addison $3, Neil Smith $4, Thomas Carr $2, Bes- sieAcGregor Thomas Campbell l :$3 le, C.alciro$5,W. . A'. Stan- burp t W n u 3,ury1 $5, Win, J, Falconer $2, J. The Truly Brave Tbet inan Is brave, who at 1310- nod • Of fate, Will lay his- life a „willing mitering down; net they who loved him may, Jtrtow length of days ; MAY stay awhile upon this pleasant earth Drinking its gladness and its vigor in, Though he himself lie silent evermore, Dead to the gentle trailing of the spring, Dead to the warmth of summer, wept in dream so deep, So far that never dreamer yet Has waked to tell his dream Mien there map he Who, careless of its worth, toss life away:. A counted; in 501110 feverish game of chance, Or, stronger yet will sell it day by day for toys to plays with ; But a elan who knows the love of life and holds it dear and good, , Prizing each; moment yet will let it go Tliat others still may koop the prec- ious in o s th- g Ile is the truly brave. -Tsahel Eeclostone Mackay, tkt i5:•415tlid ,V r,. Farmers Like he Toronto Daily Star They like it, because it is a real up- to-the-minute newspaper. And they like it even more, because it helps them to make money, by giving them the market quotations while prices are still "hot." You get the live stock, grain, and produce market reports from Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and Winni- peg from twelve hours to one full day ahead of your re- ceiving the same quotations in the next morning's papers. And you know how often you have said to yourself, "If I had known earlier just how the market was going, I could have made money." In addition to its splendid market service, the Toronto "Daily Star" gives you the most comprehensive war and general news service obtainable through any daily paper in Canada. Then, too, there are pages to interest the women and the children, and a good comic- cartoon series. In fact the Toronto "Daily Star" is just such a newspaper as a farmer who is interested in the world news likes to read, and he eventually comes to regard it as the insep- arable companion of his leisure hours. Subscribe for it To -dad We guarantee that you will thoroughly enjoy it. Send your subscription direct to this office, or through the pub. usher of your local newspaper. The price is $8,00 a year in advance. You may send this to the publisher of your local paper, to your postmaster or direct to The Toronto Daily Start Letters to the Baiter ('1'lre editor of '1'lte News -Record doe not necessarily agree with alto views expressed by oorresliondents la. this Column.) C")inton, Dec, 22, 1.01.7 To the Editor of The News -Record Dear .Sic, -As a ratepayer and a leader of your paper will you allow t osuggest 'rest t, theratepayers n to t g6 0 i t} of Clinton, that they take greater in - West on.Monday next at the nom- ination ineetieg, when representatives of our town are nominated. for an- other. }rear.. 1, ant sure you will agree with me that there 15 need for improvement, a prominent citizen said that "this year's council was the worst wo have ever had and each year it is getting worse." 'I believe lie was not lar astray, Why cannot we have Fulness Dien who' have bus- iness capabilities to represent us, who can see things to do, and, do them 7 How many of the council know about the financial affairs of the town 7 1 dot,bt 11 any can tell you, There is need of a better coun- cil-Iet us .have it. On looking ug over the voters' list I find such names as W. Jackson, D. A. Forrester, 13, J, Gibbings, J'as. Dunfurd, Nelson Ball, T. Jackson, Harry BnrtlilT, J. A. Ir- win, T. Cooper, J. E. v tv u, A. P , Hovey, , 1I, 11'iltse, IL- E. Hunniford, - J, Ford, A. J. Holloway, T. A. Greig, C4eo. McLennan, Out of this list 1 am sure a good council could be got and let us hope that citizens will come out on Monday evening next and select a better class of men to rep- resent us than we have had in the past. A business men's council for me, • -RATEPAYER, Marriages ROZE1;L-RAT'IIWELL-At Lincoln St. Methodist church, Walkervtllc, on Dec. 20th, by Rev,, Mr. Gra- ham, Sadie A., daughter of Mr. Thos. Rathwell of Clinton, to C. Fr. Rozoll of Clinton, WATTS-FREMLIN-At St, Paul's church, Stratford, on Dee.. 15th, by Rov. S. A. NJacdoaneIl, Mil- dred, daughter of Ills, Henry Fremlin of Clinton, to Thomas R. Watts of Stratford, son of Mr, W. 1I. Watts of Clinton, Births LOBB-In Goderie t township, on Dec. 23rd, to Nrr, and Mrs. Bert Lobb, a son.. JOHNSON -In Clinton, on Dec. 5th, to Mr, and Mrs. W. L.. Johnson, a son. Auburn There will be a special service in the Baptist church this (Thursday) evening under the auspices of the Sunday school. A picture of the Baptist Colleges will be unveiled and an address on the educational work of the Church will be given b}r the Pastor. An offering will be taken for the educational work, - b Stanley Township Mr. Robert Poster and daughter, Mass Lena, and Miss Eva Carter of Strathclair, elan„ are visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Harry Diehl, Mr. Foster has not Visited the old home for over thirty years and finds many changes. Report for S. S. No. 4, Stanley (North) for the month of Dotpmber : 5th -Margaret Tough 71 percent. Sr, 4th -Bessie Watson 74, Freida Talbot 69, Jr. 4th -Charlie Scotcltmer 68. Sr. 2nd -Jean Nlossop 65, Dorothy Seotefimer (*), Pt, 2nd -Hervey Hehner, Clarence 1Johner, Orval Greer (*). Those marked 0) were absent. McMain, Teacher, TIIE NEWS -RECORD LEADS FOR TOWN, TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY, NEWS. 1 School of Commerce CLINTON, NTARIO Courses in Bookkeeping Stenography Penmanship Secretarial Work Etc, " EFFICIENCY " Is the motto of this School and it is the aim to fit students for, positions in which they will do credit to themselves and, com- mand good salaries, Girls may room in the school, Winter term begins, Jan, 7, 1918 Students may eater any time 'For particulars write to B, P. Ward, B,A,, M,Accts., Phone 208, principal .5 This Means Youu! . "Hirst loss wheat,'gleat, sugar and Cats, to' save ler tbo Army and _our MUNI'''. says the nod controller., "Eat more earn, oats and:rye pre - (Nets, 11511 and poultry, fruits, 'step -.tables and potatoes, baked• belled and brolled foods," This Merle you 1 To a61c tiro Can- adian poolge to eat less of certain foods in order that the soldiers' at 'h. oet maynotsl ort i the ft go t s a matter of intense seriousness, FOR ,SALE--A,p'SW GOOD COLLIE Pups Apply to the undersigned - N. J. Laboau, No, 5, Clinton, Phone 0 on 1140, 21-..2 FOUND -A BLA.('K PURSE CON tainin.g a sum of Money, Owner can have same by applying at Can- telotl Bros, store and paying for this advertisemotib. 21-1 LOST -A BLACK AND TAN HOUND medium size,. long pointed tail, small slit in ft ear. Ias leatherCher strap on neck( Reward for re- covery. -Frank McGregor, R.R. No. 1, Loadesboro: -21 MEN WANTED EVERYWI-ILRE 1'O show sample or • mail circulars for large Mail Order House. Perman- ent position will pay •$20 weekly, - 'rhe Consumers' Association, Wind- sor, Ontario. 21-1 STRAYED -ONTO THE PREMISES of the undersigned, Lot 35, Mait- land Con., Goderich township, on or about August, 4 yearling steers. Owner may have same by Proving property and payiing expenses, -J, R, Holmes. 21-3 POR SALE. -BABY'S SLEIGI•I, IN good condition, -Apply R. 11, Man- ning, 20-3 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25, HUR- on Road, Tuckersnrith, containing 98 acres, with buildings, For par- ticulars apply to R. W. Gibbings, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. -07 LOST. -LARGE TOPAZ A N D pearl brooch. Finder suitably, re- warded by leaving at News -Record Office. b9-2 COTTAGE FOR SALE OR TO Rent -On Cutler street, Clinton, cottage containing 7 rooms, good cellar, situation central. For par- ticulars apply to C, B. Hale or Mrs. Butler, Clinton. -06 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to Preach Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's Jewelry Store, -Wm, J. Jago. -00 HAPPY NEW YEAR We take this op- portunity of ex- pressing to our friends and pat- rons our thanks for past favors and respectfully, solicit your pat- ronage for 1918. Wishing you all A Happy, New Year, May 1,81,8 bring Peace., Happi- ness and Pros- perity to you HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & Co. The:Store of Quality. Phone order's promptly cared tor. PRONE 111, WE EXTEND TO YOU OUR BEST WISHES OF THE, SEASON, R. H. JOHNSON tastier of Marriage Licenses, (Next to Xlov4y's Drug Store) RAW 13:URS WANTI1D,-k03c4?IiP5'1' privies lxaiti,.Tll, A. Hovey, Clin- ton. , ,--147 l.+'Olt a4141% -ON ALBERSTREET a seven roomed. cottage, Electric lights ; Soft and town water in kitchen. P'or particularsapply to T. A, Greig. -18 GIIILS WANTED ! 11'1 WE CAN GIVE , EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORD KNIT-, T1RS, ETO, APPLY AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. LIVE -P E 0U ITDY MINTED Highest market price every, week, paid. W. MARQUIS Phone 14-166 R. R. No. 1 Selected Potatoes Wanted ! for immediate delivery, We take them, any day. Highest market price paid. We want them before cold spell comes., JAS. STEEP 8r CO. Box 192 Phone 126 THE COMNEB STORE Live and Let Live '1'o our friends and customers we wish one and all A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Thanking y o 11 for your liberal support for the past year add, would, solicit a eontinuatice 0 f Salvo. Butter and eggs wanted --highest prices cash or trade, E. E. HUNNIFORD ,t LET US LOAD some of our baled hap and feed on our truck the next time it ,is going in your direction, which will be very, soon. Just as an experiment we ask you to, try tltent en your horse for a while, If it doesn't result in your becoming a steady customer for our hay and iced we miss our guess. Once used always a user has been our experience, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND 1181ED. Phone 199. Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool. Elevstol. Residence phone 9-144 WE WANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Huron county to sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental trees during fall and winter months. Good pay, exclusive territory, free selling equipment,, Over 600 acres of the choicrat nursery stook, including now varieties controlled by us. Handsome up -to- date selling equipment and a splen- did Canadian -grown sleek to 'offer customers, We are not ioblier's. Waite top for agency terms to PELTIAI& NURSERY Cf);, • Toronto, Ont. N,B, CA(00 tto sent on rogues"$ to applicants Car agfinoles or putaitasers Of ntitsety stook, A Happy New Year to all our customers and friends, I W. To HMI The Hub Grocery CREAM WANTED! We will buy your cream and guar-, auto you- HIG4IEST PRICES ACCURATE RECORD, PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE. SATISFACTION Write us for cans. We suppl}! them. Pay express charges. Pay, you for the cream you ship twice each month. Carefully weigh,, sam- ple and test each can and send you a statement, Write today, prices aro high, Agents : Walton -W, G, Neal KinburnHall &.. Co, Varna -Beatty Bros, Seaforth Creamery Co. Box 486 SEAFOR1rII, ONT, COCI{ERELS FOR SALE -I HAVE a number of pure bred Ancona cock- erels for sale, (hatched, from eggs from Rev. E. G. Powell's famous pens). Price $1,50 if taken ,before Nov. 1st, $2.00 after that date. - Chas. Williams, Jr,, R.. R, No, 2,, Clinton,, Phone 11-143.. .•-l1i LOGS WANTED ! ' It ri We are again prepared to Payr the highest spot cash prices 10.)1al$ kinds of timber, either in bulk or by) the thousand, and either iq the bush or delivered in our, yard, If yore have anything to offer call up the old reliable market (11-145)., We are getting out some on, crura home grown Hemlock which is better and cheaper, than the freighted, stuP, so if contemplating any new built(+ Inge, or repairing,, let us help yotp plan your work, Our services aro free. • Wo also have in Stock all kinds of Dressed Lumber, McNair Brandi Shingles, Canada Cement, and Bu(' foto Fertiliser,, J. B. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. Poultry {gaoled Our Feeding Plant Has opened for the season, and from now pa we will be in the market for all the poultry, that you have for sale. Poultry will be takes* im every Wednesday; morning at Holmesville and every, day, at Clin- ton.. Special prices will lie paid for properly, fin- ished milk -fed chickens over 5 lbs. each, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. W. Trowartlia, Phone 190 Manager or f.Ioimesvillo 4 on 142 We extend to all A Happy New Year, ) THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecht Furnaces swop over Rowland's ITordware. PHONE 53,