HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-12-27, Page 1intoe N 2021-381th Year NewsRecord. CLANTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1917 THE HOME PAPER WISHES ALL YTS READERS We NewswRecord• ry,A "�Iay 1918 Bring Good to �►11--�,,anada, the Empire; the World" Happy NewYear ghe Vdmplimentd 4f the 6eason to All LW. it. YeIlqcsr I The Royal OF CANADA. Incorporated 1860, Capital Authorized Capital Paid-up Reserve and Undivided Profits Total Assets Bank $25,000,000 12,911,700 14,324,000 300,000,000 420 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted. R, E, MANNING. Manager - tImmllelawaramometk Linton Branch INCORPORATED 1855 THE MQLSONS BAN Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada, A General Banking 13usinecs Transacted, Circular Lalte.rs of Credit Bank Money Orders, Savings Bank Department: Interest allowed at highest current rate. H. R. Sharp, Acting Manager, Clinton Branch 1 READY -To -WEAR OLoTHINO 2 he Morrish Clothing Co. ORDERED CLOTHING We Extend to all our Customers a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year THE motto ORRISH CLOTHING CO, "A Square Deal for Every Man," Agent C. P. R. Phone 18 For Sunday or night calls. ENGAOJl1MENT ANNOUNCED. . 112r. and Nits. Cleorge Cook of 0oft' •eriob township announce the e ngage - ment of their daughter, Sarah to Mr. Joseph. 17. Riley of Constance, the marriage 'to take place early in January, A SISTER 171.AD, Mrs, 0. E. Hall received word- on Monday of the death of }ler sister, Mrs. L. LaFortune of 4imcoe, wlio died after but a few Clays' illness, 18r. and Mrs, hall left Tuesday morn- ing for Simcoe. CLINTON COUPLE MARRIED. The wedding took place. in Strat- ford on Dee. 15th of two former Clinton young people when Lev, S. A. Slacdonnell of St.. Paul's Much united in marriage Mr. Thos. R. Watts, sou of Mr. W'. 1•I. Watts, and Miss Mildred ramlin daughter of Mr, Henry Fremlitt of town. The bride had been ;for some time fore- woman at The R. M.. Ballantyne manufacturing establishment and the groom has a good positiou in that city. They will reside in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Watts spent the week- end and holiday with Clinton friends. HONORED BY ASSOCIATES. Mr. Chas. Tebbutt, who has had the supervision of Vocational ']'rain- ing of returned soldiers in Sir' Sand- ford Fieming's Military Convalescent Hospital, Ottawa, was agreeably sur- prised on Friday last when his asso- ciate male instructors on the staff called him to one of the class rooms and presented him with a handsome pair of engraved gold etlti links, as a token of esteem and good will. Mr. Tebbutt, though taken by. surprise, expressed his strong appreciation of this token and also 00 the oontinued good feeling that has always prevail- ed amongst the workers. LONDON TRAIN OFF AGAIN. It is announced that the "London" trains, as they are locally called, that: is the morning train corning up from London and arriving here at 10.30, and the same train returning from \Ving hang and due here.. at 9. 0 in the afternoon, will i 11e taken off the first week of the New Year. It will be remembered that this was done last winter and that the cur- tailment of service caused no little inconvenience. The council and boards of trade in London and other towns effected are protesting. What will Clinton's council and board • of trade do about it ? Tbe London bus- iness men argue that there are a number of other trains which could be spared much better than this par- ticular one. Probably it is because there is no other railway line ser- ving this section and. consequently the Company will not thereby lose trade, that this train is °being dis- continued. if it is a necessity ow- ing to war conditions we ought to submit as gracefully as we can but those interested ought to look into the matter and see that all the sac- rifice is not being asked of a small portion of the people. MODELITES 'HONOR TEACHER, On Thursday evening the Model, class, which finished its work on Friday, took the opportunity of gath- ering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bouck to express to the former their appreciation, of his work in their be- half during the term and their sor- row at the thought of separation, The following address was read by the president of the Literary Society, Miss Woods, and the presentation of a parting souvenir was made by Mr. Beaton. Mr, .Bouck, in a few well chosen words, expressed ,bis apprecia- tion of the work done during 'liie Model term, of the friendships formed, and. for the token of friendship given M.r. Bolick has always proved hi11-' self an exceptionally fine trainer of teachers, This is no doubt clue in a large pleasure to the keen personal interest he takes in each member of the class wider his direction and the fine enthusiasm which ire brings to his work. He never fails to win the personal regard of' the Modelitcs, who recognize In him a true friend and guide. The following is the ad- dress read on Thursday evening : "Dear Mr, Boucle,—The Model class of 1017 feel they would fail to avail themselves of a privilege if in some way we did not express to you our appreciation of our experiences of the term, 'When we carne together last August we were strangers to each other and to you, but during these months friendships have been forin- ed between us as students in which you have had a. directing hand. And we feel that these friendships will be the nobler and truer beeause of }1)ulr influence. But even above the friend- ship for eaoh other, we prize tli,t friendship established between your- self and ns. As a teacher we have appreciated your+ faithful and pains- taking effort. And.. as we . go . at.t new from your class, qualified for r. e lif s dot we the! that >oll will t 1 Y.a S al- ways take.a, kindiy interest in Cls tvhe:ever 0111' lot may be cast. Now upotl the eve of our separation as an expression of our appreciation of the great and, abiding Value of the service you have rendered 1114 we nifk you to accept this small 101144n . or friendship, Signed on behalf of the Model class ,S, Nelson, 8. Butler, G. Campbell." THE LOCAL MARKET, Wheat 42.10. Buckwheat 41.85 to 41,40. Barley 41,10 to 41.20, Oats 70e to 72e. Butter 84c to 85e, Eggs (new laid) 4:4c. Live Hogs 417,25. N, -R. W'ELOOMIr) EVERYWHERE. A subscriber writing from the west says : "Enclosed find renewal of sub. for another lyear to your paper, which is a very welcome visitor to our home .every week, Wishing you continued success." Another, living but a few utiles from !Clinton, writes : "I have only taken Tho News-Rocord for a year but I certainly', would not like to he without It now," MARRIED AT WALKER VILLE. A quiet wedding took place at Lincoln street Methodist church, Wal- kerville, ou Thursday last when Mliss Sadie A. Rathwell, daughter. of Mr, Thos, Rathwell of town, was united In marriage with NIr. C. E. Bozell of the Rozell Dairy Farm, Huron Road. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, Mr, Graham, pastor of the church, and, was witnessed by a few immediate friends. The bride wore her travelling shit of toupe cloth with hat and shoes to match. The couple were unattended. - After the ceremony Mr, acid Mrs. Rozell left on a short honeymoon trip, visiting several points in Mich- igan, and on Monday returned to their home on the Huron Road just east of town, Congratulations and good wishes for happiness and prosperity are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs, Rozell, THE COUNTY COURT, Two slander cases carne up at the county court at Goderich last week, One, that of Pollard vs. Mcitlichael, where the plaintiff, a Iiullett town- ship farmer, charged that the defen- dant, a farmer in McKillop, had ac- cused him of stealing oat sheaves from his field, was thrown out, . the defendant disclaiming any intention of charging the plaintiff with theft. In the other case the plaintiff was Mss Anna Isabella Stewart of Col- borne township, who surd by Percy Stewart, her fattier, Cha defendants being Alexander Sterling and his wife, neighbors of the plaintiff. The plain- tiff charged that at various times within the last two or three years the defendants had made statements reflecting seriously upon her ch'lract- er. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for 4500, and in its find- ing asked His Honor to "pronounce in 1110 most emphatic words at your command against the sin of slander of this particular nature," His Hon- or added costs to the jury's verdict. AMONG- 'ME CHURCHES. The pastor's subjects at the Bun. List church on Sunday will be as follows : Morning—"Bacliward and Forward Glances." }evening—"A New Year Question." The Christ- mas. services 011 Sunday last were 1111011 enjoyed. *** Very impressive and enjoyable Christmas services ,were held in Wil- lis church on Sunday last, The Christmas music was especially goof] and was highly appreciated, * • * The Ontario street church choir had au especially good program of Christmas eosin on Sunday last and rendered especially well. The new hymn book was used for the first time on Sunday. * « * The Sunday school of Wesley chur- ch had their usual Christmas service on Sunday afternoon whim the chil- dren took part in the program, The. annual offering in aid of the Hospital for Sick Children was taken. The pastor also gave a short address. 'rhe morning service was appropriate to the season and the choir tad pre- pared special Christmas music, GRAND UNION S.S, RALLY. A union meeting of the several Sun- day schools will he held in Wesley church on Sunday afternoon at the usual ti,14, hour, two -thirty, ']'his meeting has been arranged by the Women's Yatriotic Society with the object of raising funds for the Bel- gium Relief. It is really an offering from the children of Canada to the children of Belgium, and it IS hoped there will be a generous response from old and young. All the schools are being, represent- ed 00 the program which will be given mad all resident ministers will be present. The committee in charge are doping that every available seat 1u the church will be occopted, Following is the program ; Doxology ; Invocation ; Ifymn, "Joy to the World" ; Scripture reading ; Prayer; Chairman's Re- marks Chorus—six little girls Wes- leY,;S Solo, Nr. Lowe Rtcit a - ton, Donna Cochrane ; Belo, Kath- leen Dowser; instrumental, Dorothy Rothe , Chorus, tilr'ee little girls Baptist 5.5, ; Recitation, Elsie Idatiward ; Hymn, "Marie 1 The Her. ald .Angels Sing" ; Solo, Mrs. May Rance MCKinuon , Chorus, tteelve.lit- tle girls Presbyterian ; .5, ; Reading, Miss 1.. Grant; Solo, 181r. Holmnes; God ,'Save the King ; Bnnedietlail, MAI GIJ211TIll CLARK COMING:, tic Auxil- • iary Val- entine town nary four, !rave• seen t'ure play ill sexing, riled in week, of Miss al seasons millinery be re- membered funer- al at Ottawa subscribers to o the Jan- uary e the when the exchanged which the Bunk meetings Wesley Jan, 7th following out and. Humil- iation." Universal." Wednesday—"Nations and , Their Rulers," Thursdap—"Moslems, Jews a n d Heathen." Friday—"Families." • rA collection will be taken. on (Vetl- nesday and Friday evenings to de- fray expenses. Everyone should par- ticipate in these meetings, - Note -At a , largely representative meeting It was decided, int order to conserve fuel, to ]sold all these meet- ings in Wesley church, W.P.S. NOTES. '1'1•re contest for the grand drive in socks is now on and the Women's Patriotic Society hopes that every lady will get to work with a will and determination to attain the aim, 10111011 is five hundred pairs. The lad- ies who have charge of the wool in the different wards are as follows : St. James'—Mrs. 0. 1). McTaggart. St. .John's—Mcsdautes McMath and Cooper. The color for these two wards is green. St. Andrew's—Mrs. W. D. Fair. St. George's—Mesdam- es Saville and Wise, Rod is the col- or for the north wards. Wool will be distributed and any further supply nut}' be had from Mrs. Shaw. Would the knitters please mark all soeks and return to the captains of the wards in which they live. "ft is Forward 2105011" and. "No Retreat" until the objective is reached. THEY WORKED TOGETHER. "The result in Goderich may be at- tributed almost solely to the women's organization. The lesson should not be lost in future campaigns. There will doubtless be a general enfran- chisement of women for the next el- ection, and the Liberal women must organize and work as the Conserva- tive women did in this election." —Goderich Signal, One would imagine that it was on- ly the Conservative women who did any work in the late election cam- paign. We do not know about con- ditions in Goderich, loft we do know that in the Unionist League, organ- ized in Clinton a few weeks before the election and which did good service, some of the most entimsiastie and efficient workers were Liberals. The Signal seems to mance the mis- take of thinking that all Liberals were opposed to Union Government. People You Know Mt', ,and Mks. J. A. Sutter were with friends in Stratford for Christmas. Mr, sad Mrs.' Thos. Mason spent Christmas with friends in Scaforth. Mrs. Hemp Stewart of Brantford is visiting her niece, Mrs• 1), Steep of Stapleton, Mr. and Aies, Cardwell and children spent the festive holidty with Stratford friends, Misses Wroxie and Susie Powell spelt the week -end and holiday with their sister in 'Toronto. Mr, Ernest Reynolds of P1terboro is spending *he Christmas holidays at Itis hone near Clinton. Mr J I Wylie or Toronto was the Christmas guest of his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) J. 11. Hogg, nt the manse. 11tss Della O'Neil, who has been spending the past few months in California, is home for the holiday smarm, Mrs. Geo. Levis and Misses Emma and. Hattie attended the funeral of the .lato 2.1.1:s.'Spark of Stratford an Friday, Mt•. and ,l•Irs, TT. Wilson and family m IVed- rn d Stratford were in tot P rat n nesda}' on their. way bonze after spending Christmas at the home of Mr, Jas, Connell of Gdderlcll town- ship. Airs, Stsep of Toronto, wife of Pte. A.W. Steep of the ('auadian Ex- peditionary Forces, Arid her little daughter silent Christmas As 1.hc guest of i41r. and Mrs, 1). Stiep of Stapleton. The Young Ladies' Patric has arranged to have Girl" presented In hall on the evenings o1 Jan teetth and fifteenth. Many Margurite Clark in this pie and they say 11 is well Ivor A MOTHER CALLED, Mrs, Spark of Stratford that city on 'Tuesday of last Mrs Spark. was the mother bl, J, Spark, who for sever had charge of Couch & Co's department, .and who will membered by many here. a1 took place on Friday las VICTORY LOAN PAYMENTS, '}'be Finance Department has announced that the Victory Loan may mak L'' payment n, time u, a 1 t bat ti 3 1 Y a, first and tenth of January, Serip Certificate will be for the provisional receipt must be surrendered to when payment is. made, UNION MEETINGS. The annual week of union for prayer will be held in church each evening from to llth, inclusive. The programme will be carried Monday "Thanksgiving a Tuesday—'The Church Uh People You Know„ Mr, and Mrs. W. rioutbcouibe of C'ol- lingwood were' week -end guests with the Misses Southcombe of town. Mrs, 0, •A, .Bradshaw and Baster freest w5111 over to Detroit and Wyandotte for the holiday season. Mr. and. Mrs. W. S Elliott or 'Por - onto spent the holiday season with the lady's parents, 1810. and - Mrs. ,J, 13. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix and little sou of Hamilton are spending th„ Christ- mas' season its the guests of Mrs. R. J. and the Nfisses (lug, M.r. Ernest 1\arring of Winnipeg and Miss House of 'Tilsonhurg are the guests of the fortner's sister, Mrs. Cleo, Crooks, of the Base Line. Mrs. James McCool of Crossfield, Alta., was with Miss hic(',lul of town over Christmas and will spend a couple.of months with rel t[s s hereabouts. M.r. and Mrs. Nixon Welsh of ?pron- to are spending\ the holiday season at the former's parental home fn town and! the ; latter's girlhood }tone in Goderich township, Bajj1 end James Ferguson is spending his holidays with fHends at Windsor and Detroit, The Young Ladies' Guild of Trin- ity church gave a miscellaneous show- er to Miss Minnie Tippet at the home of her aunt, Mrs, John 'Tippet, on Friday evening of last week previous to her marriage to Mr. W, Hayter of Stanley township. Mr. H. W. Erwin and son, _Frank Erwin, spent Xmas week with his daughter, :Mrs, E. A. Sander of Kit- chener. ' Fl: Liout, Victor Evans of Toronto is spending Xmas week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Evans of the vil- lagee' Mr. and Mrs, David Sturgeon and NIT, and Mrs. Edward Sturgeon and family are spending Xmas week with friends at Hanover. Mrs. John Parkes and child are spending the holidays with her par- ents, 11 an o of U and firs. Brown, wen Sound, 5 .firs. E. A. Sander and child, who have been visiting he: parents, Alr. and Mrs. II. W. Erwin, returned home to Kitchener on Saturday. Icer mother accompanied her and will spend a month. Mr. George E. CJreenslade has clos- ed up 11111 business for the winter months and lie and 31'rs. CIreenslade expect to spend the winter away from the village. Mrs, James Ferguson is spending Xmas holidays with friends at Bei - grave, Misses Mary and Irene Currie of London are spending the Xmas holi- days with their mother, Mrs. Currie, in the village. Miss )Annie Elliott, who teaches at lienmillcr, is home on her holidays this week. Nlrs. A. Catlin and daughter, Lily Catlin of Port Stanley, are spending the holidays at their home in t1Ws village. Mr, Michael Dupe of Egmondville spent the past week with friends in the village. iVliss Lula Icing, who is teaching at Gadsbill, is spending Xmas' holidays under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. James Spackman spent Xmas week with their daughter at London. Mr, and Mrs, Edward Eagleson of Morse, Sask„ MIr. William Eagleson of Aberdeen, N.1)., and Mrs, 11 r, 0. Johnston of Milestone, Sask., are the guests of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Eagleson. Mr. John Pollock returned hone Saturday after spending the summer at Selkirk, Man. Miss Dolly. Ross, who is teaching near Woodstock, returned home to spend the holidays. Mr. Jobe Sturgeon and wife of Port Stanley moved into ti10 village last week. A dance will he field in tine hall on New'Year's night under the auspices of the Patriotic kociety. The pro- ceeds will be used for patrlotic pur- poses. Sumimerhill The Red Cross Society will meet, at the home of Mrs, John (libbilgs on January 3r11,. This being the first meeting' of the New Year a full at:tendaec0 is r'eguestecl as special business is to he discussed. Miss Margaret !McLaughlin of 1,011- (1011 visited .he: aunt, Mrs, George Tyner, the past week, Misses Amyx anti Mary McBrie1 and brothel: visited their sister, Mrs, T. Mason, last week, Miss Margaret Mair of. Detroit. t•in- ited under tine parental roof. Mr. ,James Lobb or Galt visited his Mere, firs, C. L. Tyner, during the holiday season. The L.O.L. No, 028 held their an- nual sleeting and the following of- fificers : cots were t W.M., T. Mason, 11.111„ 11. Ileacotn, ('•hapiain, C. 0, Tyner. Rec,-lleeretary, it. Watkins. 1,11).-S'eetotary, 1'". Johnston. Treasurer, (1, Beaten. D. or 0„ J. Johnston. Committer, S, La115111g, J. Rap- son, 0. Rapson, ,1, ilius', John Watkins, A, McLaughlin. Londesborn. Miss Jist4er Jamieson, who is teaching hl ']'croute), is home for the holiday season. The regular monthly 1 eeting of the Woman's Institute will be bald in the Foresters' hall .on 'Thursday, ,Jatt, 3r1. A full attendance of the mem- hers is requested, 11r, Rribert Gibbs of Winnipeg is Speeding the Clcristtuastide et !tis home here. Mrs, Bert Brown and little babe of Brantford are visiting with Mrs. T. hillier. The Christmas tree held on Mott - day night under the auspices of the P'resbyterian church was well attend- ed. Christmas trees are. the order of (t Thursday int the day. h nig last the school children of school sections Nos. 8 and 5 held a concert and Christnras tree in ('artwright's hall and. the children took their parts well. 011 'Tuesday night of thus week the Methodists had one which was a good success, Miss Bertlxa Brogden spent Christ- mas at her home here. ivliss Alice Fingland of 'Toronto is visiting under the parental roof. Holmesville Miss Mobiles spent Christmas in Goderich, Rev. A. and Mrs. Sinclair and tit- tle daughter went to 'Toronto for this hoiidayt, Mrs. Geo, '.Tebbutt had the regular Christmas family re -union. Mr, and Mrs, 81'. 13, Forster went to Mnrkhanl for the holiday. Mr, and Mr's. Lashbrook of relit- ellen itelle}] are visiting at Mr, and Mrs. E. Pickard's. The Christmas tree held in the school room of the Methodist church on 'Friday evening last was a fine success. Recitations, dialogues, etc„ by the children and young people were well rendered and greeted, wi.til ap- plause which showed .the appreciation ion of the large audience. The day school teacher, Miss Fchncston, took o great interest in practicing as then as procuring the program and to her much credit is clue for the success of the evening. She was well assisted by the )Young people of the commun- ity. illy. and Liz's. D. 13. Calbicic of Wia' ono came tip 011 Monday evening to spend tine holiday with Airs, R, Acheson, Mr, and Mrs, Jolty Crooks of Van- couver, 13,('., also spent Christmas day with his aunt, Mrs. Acheson. Mr. Shaddick and family of Len- deshoro spent Christmas with Mr. and 1VIrs. Cudmore. Mr, J. Mulholland and family of Clinton were present at the Christ- mas family gathering at Wtn, Mul- holland's, the parental home. Mr. J. Iludio visited with his daughter, ;Mrs, Frank McDonald, News-Reeord means News -Leader. Goderich Township The Young Ladies' Patriotic Society, will meet next week, Jan. 2nd, at the home of Miss Irene Miller anti members are requested to bring to this meeting all good chicken, duck and goose feathers which they can spare as an appeal las been made for feathers for pillows for the hos- pitals, The following is the report of S,S. No. 11 for December : Sr. 4t11—Bruce Holland, Clifford Castle, Glenn Ferguson, Howard Cur- rie, Sr. 3rd—Amy L. Stewart, Ebner ','rick. Sr. :Ind—Laura Currie, Oliver Fee, g11Son. Sr, Pt. Sud—kelvin Elliott, .Ada Biggin. ]'rimer, Class (a)—Viola Holland. Class (b) ]Mervyn Batkin, Laurie Biggin, Willie Batkin. Class (0—Clarence Perdue Luella. Powell. 191e best spellers for the mouth are : Sr. •lids Bruce holland, Sr. 3rd—Amp 0. Stewart. Sr. 2nd—Laura Currie. Pi•. 2ntl—Ada Biggin, Melvin El- liott (equal). Primer—Viola Holland. —.ilrinu 1)iebl, Teacher. Report for S.S. No. 10 'for the 1001111) of December, l.xamittations in arithmetic mld spelling Were giv- 011: 1Jntranec-410111 Hutchings 81 per. cent, Jr. 4th --Bert North 78, Mary Stewart 70, Stewart Middleton (fa, Edward Lindsay O1, Jr. 3N1. -Charles Groves 85, Shir- ley Beacons 31, George Groves 30, Sr, 2nd}—Randal ('ole 82, William Hutchings fig, Marion Lindsay 02. ,Tr. 2nd—Flossie Lindsay 93, Ma r- 11t1llddleten 30r John Groves 70„ Lewis Ellwood 08, Kent10(1) Whit- more (15, Promoted to 1st. ('lass—Edith Mid- dleton 89, Muriel Rathwell 711, Rota, Beacom 49, Dorothy Rathwell .11. Jr, Peinte1._Alek. ,Austin, Elmer Lindsay, Number on roll 22. Average 01ttendtulee Ls, —141, It, Culbert, 'Teacher,