HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-12-20, Page 7fiCIF I dlj7,;1,(: ll 7iAti;�n. - , ra t � ] ECAUSE it is a gift that's of real, every -day service : because it adds to his comfort, yet subtracts from his expense and because it looks ---aid is -.-- the best of its kind, the Gillette Safety Raz©r is the one sure -to - please Chritmas Gift for a man. 292 illy�Im�1. a i33lgitL 3?wglpv73mF1G:ttr,'mum 'u7r i�a' c9E arEtiiitt..�i S,hN5S-nv.rES�dsa sl f to' , i t Pig EUROPE FACES DIRE SHORTAGE BOP 1FI FOOD AND FUEL SCABC.P 't'r,(.IS WINTER. , Inadequate Supplies in All C:oiuttries )1111 Fantail Much Suffering. , Europe is going to lead the simple life this winter and for a long time thereafter. `.1;11ere is not a country that does net now realize the real danger of e;ctrouno food shortage, says a Lon- don correspondent, But feed shortage is not the only or in most cases the worst of the men- aces, The stations face anct realize as nevor before the exhaustion of all ne- ceseary supplies. Although food will be stucco in all countries whether bel - "Herr Morley Troia, bias"—They get more veXe atiOUS as the cost of foods clii',obs skyward. Meat, eggs and vegetables are almost. beyond the farzily,. altrse, Happy Is the housewife who knows Shredded Wheat, its low cost and its high food value, A better balanced ration than meat or eggs and costs much less. Two Shred- ded Wheat Biscuits with hill or cream make a com- plete, perfect meal, supply- ing all the nutriment needed for a half day's Work at a cost of a few cents. Delicious L ' O 1'igr lus' Mis( risen, Currier pigeons have extensive lube ~ 7 v i ` 97 In the -present wax, definite the 9.918- ' jt' ` V Petition of the wirelees, the telephone, l " r the heliograph and the "wig -wagger,": " But the old euperltit!on that the birds TIlEAT[ ies elAliti.'1'AB,B'11) .By Tim have aur infallible sense of (Mention 19 pretty well upset, "We frequently I1l1111111I GOYI:;I Nitiil:N'1. , have birlis launder' back to us with 1 their messages irit:tet," remarked it French eflioor. "The noise and conl'u- Are Novna Feature of 11'lilitarY Cauups' 51011 of brhttle or the tr•einendotis in b:egland and Are Greatly snick<> pall'thilt' overlh9l7rs the battle in. 1ar days Seem to merlin them Appreciated. �ln sone Cashion. Frequeld.ly they T ;tr tis a va s n lets of Will circle around for five or ten min - In a w 1 on amp t l cp s Utes before' determining their tont almost incessant drf)Js, ronpied with Prone'. 'r ditec.tunn Abr'ut 80 per rcent. the polishing one's btht'tonie mei learning to birds achieve 113th objectiveoThe salute smartly, and is about the dead- Best form of dnl.lness ever invented.,lo t are Ilstec1 tis `mbmiiIg,' Thee; are IIonre the Blitirh Govm'nment has 7011 171 olaahl,y f)roy, to the hawks that have Beiegland, and five companies have Neon' up theatres in eight of iia ramps ' t e pa t i,'ai ptttpo.:e of their victims.' naL ceneed their derolation1,_(Mimi to 1(1 engaged, echeareed, and sent on the - road. There are two shows a night on for any meal with milk or waelc-days, anLl•"man visit?nl; the sec-,d11N was curet of Rheumatic Gout by ligerertt or nedtral, it is doubtful wine- creams, or with frwsll or stew- and h0080 roeefve late pus' ee back to r, the'r that will impose as much hard- their linea at tine of purchase oN, Halle . ANDREW KING. ship on people as the shortage of fuel. ed fruits. Made in Canada. ' tickets," On Sunday there are eon- 1 was cured of Acute Bronchitis by A. Grave Menace. tette, In Europe's climate food is fuel to ing to subsidize the production of Away From Tetnptntion, the body 'quite as much as it is nour- butter so as to reduce prices; that is, There sure soldier orclno liras, usual- ishment Sharply restricted 'supplies to apply tp butter practically MINA IID'S LINIMENT, LT . -001.. C. ('Itl9\i'11 READ, Sussex, 1 was cured of _Acute Rhelunallsnl by of food and that of a doubtful uality same rule that was applied to bread j ly of about a dozen players. Thera MINAlr1)'S !-fNdi41L\T, q are soldier stage hands, and soldier Markham, Ont, ee S. BILLING, and poor variety, might be endured if in England. The English Govern -;mash crli with reit bands on their there were plentyof £vel. 11 is when ment is subsidizing bread to Nue ex- g' ' Lnlcetield, Glue., Oct, J, 1907. loft atrms Dearing the black letters the supply of fuel, both outside and tent of about $40,000,000 a year, thus�r`G.H.," which stasul For Garrison inside, falls below the necessities of making it possible to sell the English ' Theatre, and the "houses" are all sol lonf o£ war bread for 4 cents physical effort that people begin todyers. For some of the- companiee suffer, In Norway the Government and the hostels have been arranged and fitted Europe has neither carbon for Be Local food authorities and working to till outside the camps, food nor carbon for its fireplaces, and Perfecta rationing system in time to These theatres are not only self - in some respects the northern neutrals save the country from disaster this supporting, but are also the metals of are even worse off than the belliger- winter. At Christiania a big scheme 1-eepmg men in the camp and away ents, Rations of important food ne_ for storing reserves of food has been : from all the evils of garrison towns. cessaries have been reduced by some worked out and some twenty-fiveware- ofthem even below the amounts al- houses in various parts of the city 1 Stich man as Sir Thomas Beecham, lowed in Germany. England is byfar are being stocked, Under a law pass- Oeear Asehe, Captain T. A E, Ma - ed lone, and Robert Evett sure a few the best supplied country in the mat- ed last May the Government has among many of the important London ter of food, and the authorities are established a monopoly of the import producers who are helping to keep the making -desperate efforts to bring the of wheat, barley, oats, rye, beads, men in the garrison camps 'from get population to realize that rationing peas, and lentils and other grains and ting tired of the wtu•. A number of t rice and potatoes. will soon be compulsory unless food moat used for human food ex cep consumption is considerably reduced. The food authorities have announced a policy of accumulating sufficient re - 1 country r soave to feed the con t Y fo three months even if no imports shall be re- ceived during this time. Question of Shipping. WANTED tla�D MN equivalent to the three old categories Di the case of England it is entire - A. D. and Cl) are required for ser- ly a question of shipping. Big stocks of food have been gathered in Anstra- vice, unless they are definitely em - and, New Zealand, Canada and else - re are not ships to e. England is probably in the matter of coal any other country, but th its allies, France and Italy, and so far as possible some of the neutrals hope to be taken care of from the English mines. The Gelman food situation is puz- zling. Apparently the authorities are not nearly so confident about it as they would like the public to believe. The ANDANDWOMEN! ployed un comlection with the produc- where, but the [qq �J . tion of munitions of war or with the maintenance of the fabric of the State. bring them her • The only men physically fit for high- better situated CONDITIONS AS THEY EXIST IN er grades we cannot take for the supplies than forces are the men fully engaged in mint divide wi BRITAIN. agriculture (with a few exceptions) or the output of munitions and engines lllinister of National Service Declares of warfare, such as ships, or on the manufacture of clothing and • equip - That "Comb -Out" of Civilians ment. Coal so far as it is required Is Necessary. for war manufacturers and iron and Sir Auckland Geddes, British Mini- ster of National Service, speaking of the need of men and women for the army, declares that they must be ob- tained by a drastic "comb -out" of civ- � pians. The following are points from his recent speech at Plymouth: steel, I include in munitions work; the , railways and canals also are in a spe- cial class. factory than seemed probable dur- ing the period of droughts and hail- fhand reserves were heavily drawn storms in midsummer, but on the other heavy, and for weight of the strain is heavy to come on almost at once. o Every district has its n needs, upon before the harvest of 1917 was gathered. Reserves, indee0,, may and I believe that by far the best way The time has come for us to pull of coping with problems of this na- ourselves together for the sprint to tune is for localities to help themselves victory—you aslc, "How long is this I all they can, and then, if they stick, last effort to endure?" Ido not know. for us to help them. The ordeal has I do not imagine that it will be a day been long and the end is not yet. less than one year it may well be •-----•- ,-- snore. It is physically impossible for the war to end next year unless our effort BACA TO SIX-SHOOTERS. this autumn, this winter, and next To Form Part of the Equipment of gpring is unprecedented, U. S. Overseas Army. Our Duty As Citizens. A thrill of excitement has run What is our duty as simple citizens? through the United States army at First we have,to maintain our armies the announcement of the restoration in the field. Next we have to main- of the "six-shooter" to the complement tain and to expand our Air Service. of the overseas force. The revolver, Next we have to maintain and expand supplanting in many instances the our Fleet. Then we have to build automatic, delights the regulars, who more ships, to make more munitions, take a sort of dramatic pride in the to grow more food, wicked -looking shooting iron made The first duty which rests on everyimmortal in the days of the wild West, man, woman, and child in this coup- 1 They say the blue -barreled weapon is much more formidable c! in a r ear - 1P tryto-da is so to -order their i ten^lives tht theyvmalce the least possiblede-ante than the automatic; that there mane] at all times upon the energy of is mare satisfaction using it on ac- count of the reser display makes t a it others. g p Y v as swung in the handand brandished Uranc s red Ladles clothing is the grave of an gi " enormous amount of human energy, ohrerhead. Economy and saving together con- The type made famous in fiction is stituto the first degree of National best remembered as the "Colt," a Service. The second degree ofNation-long-barreled, heavy shooting "irn" ial Service is to work for the State. that terrorized its opponents into sur- What I do want at present is a render by the impressiveness. of its steady supply of labor to build aero- mouth. No automatic pistol ever dromtas. . , . No civil building is looked so "businesslike," and the army really of any importance ill compari- feels more Confidence of cleaning out son with aerodrome construction at the trenches with thislonger, strong - the present time. er-seeming weapon, ra--.-- ✓ Work For 20,000. A GRAND MEDICINE There are to -day ,vacancies for roughly 10,000 men on really urgent Government work. Aeroplane factories also want hands, male anti female. Baby's Own Tablets are n grand I want immediately a further 10,000 ones, 4They are a for the Women's Army Auxiliary 11111(Cbut thorough laxative; Bre ab- Corps—clerks, typists, cooks, wait- solutely safe; easy to give and never resses, women of all sorts.. I ap- fail to cure any of. the minor ills of peal to all mistresses of large house- little ones. Concerning them Mrs. Jas. holds to do their utmost to make it 8, Hasley, Gleason Road, N,B,, writes: easy for their maids to join the W.A, ,..-"I have used Baby's Own Tablets A.C. FOR LITTLE ONES I want the ,young women of that and have found them perfectly satis- factorymass of middle -glass ]tomes who are for my little one." The Tab - doing no real wit work—full time I lets are sold by medibine dealers or by mean --to conte along and join up. The mall at 25 cents a box from Tho Dr, third degree of National Service, a Willlaalns Medicine Co., Brockville, degree which more than 5,000,000 of Ont. our fellow -countrymen have qualified Save old metal about the farm and for, is service in the armed force of the country. To secure the defeat of turn into cash. There are tons of Prussian militarism, we shall hiiive to old metal on the farms and the coup- . make further heavy calls on 1115 man- try needs it, so turn it into cash, hood of the country, One of the ways will be by combing Miharnta Liniment 00109 colas, &a, e,, out mot from civil life wherever they can be Spared. To help to make some of there sparable we have at present a gigantic bit of work actually pro- ceeding, We are card -indexing the whole of the Army at home, and soon wo hopo to begin to got back into civil life men HIGHEST RICES PAID For RAW FURS and GINSENG N. SILVER $20 St rash St W. Montreal 1� f3 Who are permanently unlit 101' aetivo y- DeferenceAvh doll 131c o Canada service but are still of practically full industrial value i hope to raise tons of thollOnnds, nay, hundreds of thousands of men in this way for the. caned forces of the Crovii. Heavy Cali For Men. The time, has come when all sten o1 tirades T, and II, (which are generally HIGHEST PRICES PIVD Per POULTRY, GAME 8,308 do FEATHERS Please write for partieulan•s, tae t9! X12T iia tltl.; 130 oaoge:ant itilarltot, Montreal fairly be said to have disappeared. Less Food in Germnny. The carefully cultivated ofilcial un- derstanding in Germany is that there will be a better food supply this win- ter than last. The specific statements justifying this expectation are highly unsatisfactory. The Munich Medical Union has declared that there will be anter than last. white for a few conte. Squeeze the hysician who is quoted has recently discussed juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, od situation as regards then put in the orchard white and nts and supplies of shake well. This makes a quarter f consumers, He ftnds y s less food this w A Dresden p as en authority the German fo the requireme various classes o The Highlanders. Above the rolling drums is heard The tune of Bonny Doan, And Annie Laurie keeps her tryst Beneath the misty moon. The Flowers of the Forest fall, And rocky road and glen Are ringing to the tramping feet Of Cameron's marching men. The Campbells they are coming, too, By gloomy lochs and braes, And Afton Water gently flows Through Summer's golden haze. The melancholy pibrochs call The scattered clans again From miles of heather wild and wet, And sheep -folds gray with rain. F lo! the11 1 well-known actors, too, are tepking their own companies around the camps. Some artistes in these com- panies, who formerly got their 1100 a week for playing tears, are now under six months' contract with the "Sol- diers' Companies" for £10 a week, and are remaining decently anonymous about it. And all the first-class Press agents are wiping dishes in the mess - halls. Which is as it should bee Official Show Bills. The "G.T." manager at a Canadians' camp remarked the other day that 11e could advertise in to -day's department- al orders for a first-class Press agent She Was Willing. "If such a thing occurs again, Nora," said the mistress of the house severely, "I shall have to get another servant." "I wish you would, "tum," said the unabashed Nora; "there's easily en- ough work for two of us." OUll A11Vice. hip to ue at mice and Net Benefits of High Prioe0 now prevailing, Pence Clot and uhlppine Tads "RP I fe and iii Jtide MPINiPi u Canada ail le t ii a ;�$1tiJrxt��;t$',�; i e.L�<i ll The Soul of a Pin.no is the Actiozi.,, Insist on the© "oT" O Ht's :".aAs, i NANO ACTION The Jordan Valley 1u SEM/U=40o Oregon le a hnaatltal, 10'1(1, dlalrrat Pmt you npi,1 to 1n• V'41813. h,uly aln•o+vd ar keen nra ore hums =hcru, 200au0, limb ed hal. 11001 bcr•91.f:,t to ILO them 31,01 Inaat- n ut will nay hie thet value Ir,et the l nature] Inman) In 1110 valva 01 Ma roue Omni, to say nathiue of the eta tuba 'hat 11or ,,n produce. Prim law; tame oafs,. AOL ma /or nulitnnfie Information. ah,ohuary frra. Yen aro UNDO Invited t0 0011 at Room 112. Unlm1 d oxl Guibdin pIl to ego our ndsfexcellent and he Unio aol,leit or amends Grown in (110 Union Pna•Id, Uuuntry. R.A.6illyn, 0oloolwila, 9iedastrlrtl.tdt. neon * Pacific 3y,1ee, 1000,1146 11 0.11!10. 0,,,oLn,11,0 1 ^S4r,7<T:YR,PeF ,n12rlatL}�31'. Vee,ZZSLS v,r.'mvCM r........„.............." 1-A Kidney Reedy 1 0 Kidney troubles arc frequently a 11 caused by badly digested food g which overtakes these organs to _ 0 eliminate the irritant acids 0 w �/ formed. Help your stomach to 11II ayt t Granislatefl Eyelids, 6 properly digest the food by a < ' Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by taking 15;to 30 drops of Extract San Ouotand Windquickly 'g relieved by Marine. Try It in 6 of Roots, sold as Mother 5ei9ei's , 6��++,, ail vourIyesandinBaby's Eyes. Curative Syrup, and your kidney 311 'BY NoSmarting,JuatEyeComfart disorder will promptly din - MUMS EYs in- MU SEyo llemetly ,nolI (0 i, boula'Marluo appear. Get the genuine. 1 0 Ey. SAP/O. In TOMS 20c. For !'ooh. of the Aro - Fraa. p ® Ask Wtmrlae F9e Ilteimedy Co., 61111 ego a Yom cssevwcxlroasscvo v,varce„-mwut. 1%2.,sae O 1 the lower side of.thc stens of u t9 new pipe is oe , vs ate bi for match P ] Pia a ITIP lcovered tv th rou �hened metal tare ag P C[11CLAA on which they can be scratched. SITE 9.KSnard'e n11n1atent Ctu•ea 9istelupor,r Tw -thiL' 7 �O o ds of the ro nlatl n of population A6 a� Denmark aro erlgagecl in agricultural. That itch burn, crack, chap,and production or in handling agricultural products, bleed, in a wonderfully short t inn• in rem SALE most cases. Soak the hands on re - from among the soldiers at the camp, �j titin In 11 hat and to -morrow morning he would have Bt's tU"'1'111. '0 til'1U;t1'ND SITE IN le----' g Oahutva, home iVicl.uughitn l-"h„1•rn- $tl(it; of ClrticLi- a "'lob of four hundred Press agents in het ears, tvullams r'tanu , 55 Iinsy rac- khaki clamoring at the theatre doors! tortes. 40-1't, Lot, fertlJe, level, heo,lth}•• ra Soap, using But the "official” shows are billed splendid invest,rla'tlt. Box sex, Oshawa. l g thus simply: xaxsapnzt�xrz o regT. plenty of the For pipes area awake "First visit of the N.A.C•,B. Melo- _.t� Soap. Dry and And playing as of yore drama Company in `Seven Days' They played before the Highland Leave' (from the .Lyceum Theatre, chiefs Loxton)," On Scotia's ancient shore, "Return visit of the N.A.C.B. Vaude- The flash of tartan plaid is seen ' vine Party in their own entertainment, Along the front in France etc," Wherever hearts beat high and strong, Then there 808 the poor little show ' And dauntless troops advance. , girls! Dear, dear, what they have to con - GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN 'tend with now that they're working WITH LEMON JOtCE for the soldiers! Chaperoned by a „sergeant of mill - Make a beauty lotion fora few cents tary police, a timid visitor saw two of to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. these little ladies of the lipi tick in a dressing -room at the back of the Your grocee bas the lemons and any ',stage. From the litter on their wall drug stare or toilet counter will supply peeped a bold red sign: "Artistes are You with three ounces of orchard not permitted to address the audience except for the purposes of the play; gags, interpolations, speeches, and ,; • - "..222 5,,"1�.� 21f2lse comments upon matters affecting ;� earee ele , u eeetdriwei military discipline, with any referenceto pint of the ver best lemon itis to military personalities, are absolute- NS Many ,o whitener and complexion beautifier ly prohibited; no alteration is to be known. Massage this fragrant, made in the text of the productions creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, , without special written authority." 1 arms and hands and just see bow I Tame Tar the Ladies. ' freckles, tau, sallowness, redness and I The stage ladies didn't like the -toughness disappear' and how sntootlf, ! camps very well. Nothing ever hap - salt and clear the skin ba beaus. Yes!' pened at the camps. They were talc - It is harmless, and the beautiful re• 1 en from their, hostels outside the l t L ri on. talc - sults is w 11 su t se P Y canes in a motor -lorry to the theat ^a and back the same way. They really didn't care for the camjasl Whether the camps cared for them' (1ANCEIR. TUMORS. LU1P5• 8'l((. 4J internal and external. cured with- out Data by our home treatment. Write es before too Into. Dr. Reitman Medical Co, Limited, Colllnawood. Ont RAW FURS Red Fox, Mink, Leavers, Martens, Muskrats are now wanted and are in good demand. Write for our price list, Calendar, and shipping stationery, HOERNGR WILLIAMSON ,0 Co, 376 St, Paul St. W. T MONTREAL that children up to eight years of age are receiving a reasonably satisfac- tory ration, but that the amount al- lowed to those from eight to eighteen is utterly insufficient anti that the shortage seriously threatens the physical vitality of the next genera- tion. Milk famine confronts all Europe, The situation has long been bad and grows steadily worse everywhere, There is constant and increasing -con- flict between the various State and municipal authorities dealing with the food question throughout Germany. In this regard the German situation is much more complicated and difficult P L to handle than the English. Disaffection in Austria. German speaking Austria has long been jealous of the comparatively fa- vorable food situation in Hungary, and recently the disaffection has become acute. It is charged that Hungary 18 feeding herself bountifully and leaving the rest of the empire to shift as it con. For whatever Hungary is will- ing to send into the German speaking regions outrageous prices are charged, and the subject has been discussed with painful frankness in the legisla- tive bodies of both states, The Hungarians complain with equal rancor that they are charged excessive prices for all manufactured articles produced in Austria. The two Gov- ernments have been trying to agree upon a general policy of levelling down the prices of both. But at this point they are confronted by the sane difficulty which has been so many times experienced in Germany; no system of price control will stretch inadequate supplies to the point of adequacy, In Holland the States control is behig extended to almost all food sup- plies, There are indications that the rationing system is going to be estah- 115110(1 before winter shall have far ad- vanced, The use of fat and merger- int by bakers and confectioners and by hotels, restaurants and clubs in preparing food has been prohibited. The Governtnent bas guaranteed prices :for wheat, rye, oats, barley, Ste, Suffering of Neutrals. Although Denmark is, in proportion to area altl Population, one of the greatest agricultural peocluemg artd exporting countries in the world, it is now confronted with shortage of al- most everything, The country's but- ter production 13210 docreesed alarm- ingly, and utero is a demand for rue tioning, The (iovertlntout is undortelc- eyeel t:tt'b Lln.ittoat vamp Gavot in yews The Queen's Mistake. To a hospital for wounded soldiers the Queen of England recently sent an however, was a question that roar exceptionally beautiful bouquet that upon roar of applause from the crowd - had been presented to her, The in- ed house answered. mates received the gift with much - :• pleasure, saysan English periodical, and to show their appreciation of Her Jap Aviators. Majesty's kindness, and to prove that The Japanese are the greatest mas- the flowers had arrived safely, they tors of human equilibrium in the commissioned one of their number to world. Watching them balance light - stand at the hospital gate the follow- ly on slack wires or stand on their ing morning when the Queen passed. hinds on slender poles, one would as - The result was a tremendous sur- Burne that aviation has few terrors prise. Queen Mary, seated in ]ler for them. As a matter of fact, how - car, saw the soldier standing at the ever, their peculiar sense of equili- gate, bouquet in hand, and, assuming brium does not seem to aid them in that he wished to present it to her, the flying of airplanes. A noted in - she had the car stopped. As the sol- Streeter who has drilled many allied diet exhibited tho bougbet, the Queen airmen says the Japanese make the took it in her hand, remarked upon its least satisfactory aviators in the beauty, calmly appropriated it, and world, Eskimos excepted. gave word for the car to go on. The soldier stared in amazement, Then, recovering iris speech, he said, Mivard's Liniment cures Diplttlsorin, "Well, she's pinched 'em!" Merely a Man. Sugar to Soldiers The Food Controller's Office an- nounced on Wednesday that the Com- missioner of Customs had issued, the following memorandum to Collectors of Customs and others:— "I1 is now ordered that sugar, re- fined and unrefined, including maple sugar, may bo exported by parcel post up to regulation weight when consign- ed to and intended for Military and Naval Forces Overseas, the limit of weight to the United Kingdom being 11 pounds and for furtherance to France 7 pounds." TPIE ANTIDOTE. (Psalm xxxvil., 4.) When troubles cheat to thee appear, And thy weals faith is trial, And sore distrest, thou, seeking rest, Art stili unsatisfied, Do not despair. Each 'corking care To silence will be awed, When this great word thy soul has 1)5810: "Delight thyself in God." Alexander Louis Fraser, Little Lrelm marched into the roost breathless. "0 mother," she said, "don't scold me for being late for supper, because I've had such a disappointment. A horse fell down 9110 they said they were going to sold for a hose doc- tor, so I waited and waited, and what do you think? It wasn't a horse doctor at all, ` It was only a man," ISSUE No. 51.--•.'l:7„ People II 6-----8 Make a I1 Toronto's Famous Hotel B -Line N for the Walker House (The House of Plenty) as soon as they arrive in '. IToronto. The meals, the service l� and the home -like appointments @) constitute the magnet that draws 1,11 nl tltomh tare. Noon Dinner 6Oc. Evening Dinner 75c, TxIJA 't� LKEHOUSE Toronto's Fan,o Hotel , ! TORONTO, CANADA t Rates Reasonable t l S Geo, Wright t 31Co,, Proie, ' ) cl — rub Cuticura Ointment gently but freely into the hands for sonic time. Wear old gloves or softer bandages during night or remove, surplus Ointment with soft tissue paper as preferred. Free Sample Each by Mail For free sample each address pont-card• "Cuticula,, Dept, N, Gaston, U.A." 801(1 by dealers throughout the world,8. _tf Neuralgia Hca dache'"u After shopping or after a hard day quickly ' 1 l q y rehewed with Sloan Liniment. So easy to apply, no rub- bing, and so promptly efrective. Cleaner and more convenient than mussy plasters and ointments. It does not slain the skin or clogthe pores. Every home should hve a bottle handy for sprains, strains. lame back, rheumatic pains and ff soremuscles andjoints. sti m s Ice i o1 nts. Generous sized bottles at all drug- gists, 25c., 50c., $1.00. formal Coronado Beach, California Near San Diego POLO, MOTORING, TENNIS, ' BAY AND SURF BATHING, FISHING AND BOATING. 18 -Hole Golf Course Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinkler System. AMERICAN PLAN JOHN J. HERNAN, Manager ..,. ,...“.er•,wr,:,aiTor...r1S,'.aLu' 'i iaztal ezime1 rata zeeaaY,35d}e maraeanatermatmara a t, r, . t? a .nor S le 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 12102, New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust piping, flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for immediate sale, 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 I{.W., 110-120 Volts D.O~ Will accept 5426 cash for Immediate sale. 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Doable, tininess. 24 inch x 70 ft, Will accept $300 for immediate sale, although belt Is In exoeilont 0003. (Mien and new ono would cost about $600, PULLEYS, Large size. 26x66—$3t? ; 12x60—$20 12l/145—$1Z ; 12x33-•-$$4 2 I3LOWBRS OR FANS, B3uii'nlo make. One 10 mole, other 14 inch diechorge—$30 eaolhe REAL ESTATES CORPORATIONN, LTD,. 60 Front Sri,: 'Wesi, Toroittl