HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-12-20, Page 5`tpeeemher 2•01h, X917
Clinton News -Record 5
cr Intereslta Yeu
anti NW
gismo avec the election returns
.v 1, 'the � hilt only'in -reveals tie feet t
neve �titueuetos' tshoro the I xeric h ur Get
titan vote predominatedt were Laurier,
;eandidaise eeturned, Tenglish- c.
ing Canada was for ttnlott, for speedy
reinforeomonts for Oen:Minn soldiere.
and for all aggressive
war policy. Th
„CdlDrum at has tceojv d clear Mee,
-date from the people, lot the Got-
,cirement act accordingly„
Before another issue of The Nows-
Record goes to Press Christmas, the
cgroat• Christian ]holiday, will havo
Done and gone. Christmas, with
011 its preofous memories, its sweae
and sacred Memories of ionto and
;family re -unions, its good cheep: and
tel lowship.
Many people are not feeling much
like celebrating Christmas this year.
This. is the fourth since the war
started and: there are many bereaved
homes, many sad and lonely hearts,
many anxiotes and troubled spirits.
Who could think of an hiliarious cel-
ebration of Christmas this year ?
But there can • be, and who knows
but this may he the real spirit of
the e day, a not unhappy celebration
of the natal dap of the Prince of
Peace, The -true spirit of Christmas
is sacrifice, .giving up for others.
Christ gave his life, not only upon
teref.aross, .but for thirty-three years
-es he walked about upon this earth.
'It was all spent for others, to ease
;pain, to give comfort, to -impart
.cheer, All the wealth of that beau-
tiful life was poured out without
•stint for:others. • Thus we, can fol-
low in his steps and if we do that,
lifting a burden here, lightening a
load there, easing a sorrow, not
•stopping to think whether we our-
-selves are happyi or not, • that is
'showing the true Christ spirit. Sure-
ly that is the best way to celebrate
the birthday of ITim. who "went
•about doing good." We may not be
able to be merry in the. old light-
_ 'hearted, care -free mariner but never-
theless The News -Record wishes all
its readers a "Happy Christmas,"
* • *
- The elections. are over and we
:should endeavor to as speedily as
possible forget anything disturbing
•or distracting which happened in the
heat of the contest.
As far as The News -Record was
•concerned we think it will be conced-
ed that the campaign was cogitated
'without rancor..or ill -will. We fought
dor what we believed to be for the
good of the country and for the men
who are defending our liberties in the
tsar -oft battle. line. We are Bled of
the way things turned out and we
deet no resentment at all against.
thhttc who did not agree with us.
If we could have put the ease strong-
ly enaugh so that those who did
not see eye to eye should have chang-
cd their views we should have been
pleased, hut this would ,be a dull
world if everybody thought , along
the same lines.
But now that the conflict is over
our work has but hegnn. We must
turn in together and work harder
than ever for our country and for
our fighting Hien. We are in this
war. That is Canada's chief interest
at the present time and until the
Allies Have secured from au unsrsup-
ulous foe a satisfactory peace. Our
young men will go forward to rem -
force the brave fellows who have for
so long held the lines for us but it
must not be supposed that they alone
have a duty to perform. Every mail
and every woman worthy of Cana-
dian citizenship should feel that he
and. she are in duty bound to take a
share in the self-sacrifice which tbis
war imposes. Is our country and
the cause we are fighting for worth
our self-sacrifice ? Yes, w'o cut .Lar
more than we ,can possibly. g'
ttb,then be ready to serve gladly and
in whatever way
we are called upon
to serve, so that when victory comes
and they return again we shall not
be ashamed to meet and greet the
men who have stood, iu the breach.
for us and have kept the foe from
our own shores.
4 '--
How it Went in Huron
and Brtice,
1u youth heron Mr, Mother, • the
'oli ' • .cn -
' EtrOn 1 tlh lb. t
S t t i
winner,110 1
ie A )onent N' r,
an'st ll 1
crl ti i ,
s pl ,
Thee' 1V1eM llhn, was opposed to com-
pulsion. In both Huirotn sidings there
is a lunge ( tcntna vote- end this' wee
counted upon by the Laurier candi-
Iu the two Limo, North and
South, there was no doubt aS to the
r test. Inthe No'tn
u. inthe Gon v r 1
issue t,
the winner, IVir, .Runes L3ownlan,
stood lirm for conscription, while his
pppoleut, Mr, Archie Hislop, ex -M.
P. P., was opposed, elerly th the
campaign an attempt was made, at
the instance of the Conservative Un-
ionisls, to avoid to election by means
of an agreement as to a candidate,
The Conservative unionists stipulat-
ed that such a candidate must he a
supporter of tate Union Government's
will -the -war measures. The Liberals
responded by proposing Mr, Hislop. •
As Mr. Metope:: attitude on military
service was eat satisfactoryto the
Unionists they refused and.nominatocl
Mr. Bowman. 11zr, Hislop continued
i i light as Lauriorito.
the t
nr ga
Le North Bruce, Col. H;,gh (`lark
of Kincardine, parliamentary under-
secretary of internal affairs, who rep-
resented the ridingf the last House
and who is again returned, was op-
posed by Mr. John Macaulay of Wiar-
ton. Col. Clark, a conscriptionist,
held the Unionist indorsation, His
opponent was indorsed by Sir Wil-
frid. Both candidates are personally,
very popular in the riding.
In South Bruce, Mr. A. E, Me ab
of Walkerton, aLiberal conscription-
ist, was opposed by Mr, Reuben E,
Truax, also of -Walkerton. Mr. Truax
is returned by a small majority!
which `will probably he changed who
the overseas vote is acicled. Mr. Mc -
Nab, a barrister, was nominated by
a Unionist convention of both Cole
servatives and Liberals who were not
satisfied with Mt. Truax's stand or
the Military Service Act. Mr. Mc•
Nab was indorsed by the Govern-
ment, while Sir .Wilfrid placed his o.
k, on Mr. Truax. In this riding there
is a considerable German vote.
The Methodist Sunday school is
holding a Xntas tree entertainment
in the basement of the Church on
Friday evening next.
Messrs. John M. and Charles Toms,
who leave been engaged .in fishing at
Port Stanley, returned hotne the past
We are glad to learn that the stall
of nurses of whom Miss Frances Ev-
ans of this village was one, has ar-
rived safely in France.
Mass. 3'. W. Tippet returned home
Monday after .spending two weeks
with her daughter at Detroit.
Mrs. E. A. Sander acct daughter of
Kitchener are the guests of the lady's
parents, Mr. and hers. II. W. Erwin.
Messrs. William and, Albert Lectelt
of Swift Current, Sask., arrived
home last week to spend the winter.
Election. returns or Bayfield were
as follows :
Spoiled ballots
This is the largest majority Bap
field fins over given to any candidate
in a parliamentary, election. It prow
es our loyalty to the British cause
and to tee boys across the seas. 000 in Seutlanth Messrs, McMichael
no',v have four of the best brad
lions 1,0 t0 be found in Canada. The
Kippen. horse breeders of Huron owe seme-
tlning to Messrs..McMichael S Son
for their enterprise rat secur,iug such
grand horses.
Mr. Albert Ilunkiug has purchased
the farm of Mr. Richard Shaddick,
part of lot 26 ,on the 121.13 con.,, and
will get possession in the spring. Mr.
Hunlcing has secured. a good farts,
well improved, and: is to be congrat-
ulated upon his purchase. The farm
is nearly all int grass at present: but
o ' bl
Mr. Ilmprobably will i l ba y break it
up and sow it to grain, thus adding
sometlxng to the sum total of the
country's food stuffs.
Nursing Sister Gertrude Petty,
daughter of Reeve Pctt3! of this vie
lage, returned home from overseas as
one of the nurses in charge of a Hunt•
ber of convalescent soldiers, and on
return was macried to Lieut.
Donaldson of Brandon, Man„ at elt
Paul's church, Toronto, leaving ice
Lieut. Donaldson's home in the west
NILes Petty took ber nursing .course
in the Stratford hospital, and wens
overseas nearly .two years ago.
W. M. Harburn, while engaged in
operating machinery, at the 'Sensed
planing mills, hall his hand drawn
into the machinery, lle had several
fingers badly cut and mangled, re-
quiring ten stitches.
When his home in the town-
ship of Teckersmitll, two miles from
Hensall, took fire or 'Tuesday morn-
ing,John Wilson„ a man of efghty-
fiee yeaes, was burned to death, leo'
some time Mr. Wilson, who Was a
widower and who insisted on I(ecphtg
itis own home, had found it difficult
to obtain fuel with which to heat bio
house. CotsediUenLly he clepeaded
largely on the use ul quantities of
kerosene. Tuesday morning, between
6 and 7 o'clock, neighbors saw the
place int Hames, and though they
eeshed immediately to the place the
Tire batted the entrances and they
could not rescue the aged occupant.
lee could not be brant and nothil g
was Icemenof his location that would
permit of an attempted rescue, Lat-
er his corpse, Memel; incinerated,
With his head bt,rfted•from his hotly,
Wee found le the chills.
Doesn't Forget Wbat He
Learned in the Old
Home Town,
Many C l tto
people to willbe inter
POW l t reading to following tg la
received the otllor day by Air, 9',
eaaksot, by a former Clinton boy,
brother of 'Mr, J, W. Moore of town:
i9'innipeg, lice. 11, 1017
'i'ltontas Jackson, 1';sq,,
Clinton, Ontario
Dear 'Tem I was somewhat intot
Dated to notice in the Met isstle of
the "Record" that you wore "at it
again," I thought it ,would be more
appropriate to say "at it yet," be-
cause I havo a' very clear recollec-
tion of sitting on one of those bele
dyes which we at that time errors•
eously designated, as. seats in the
Model school in Clinton. some thirty-
two years age, and 'I assure you
that I can still hear the ring of your
tuning fork which interested me very
much at that time, and since that
time I havo .never forgotten "Rule
Britannia" or "The Maple Leaf For-
ever.." "Rude Brit -an -yah," each
syllable brought out quickly and,
t nc le With a long pause at the
r "yah." Whileme of us
end f so
e 3
probably failed to catch the pitch,
yet we succeeded- in catching the
spirit of it which after all is the
more important. I coegratulhte you
on still being able and willing to de-
vote your time and talents in the in-
terest of the community, and when
I think of you still carrying on the
work which you were engaged in
thirty-two years ago I feel quite
Can artp man who has been taught
"Rule Britannia" and '"The Maple
Leaf Forever," have any doubt as to
what his proper course is in the
approaching election ? II there is,
there is something wrong with tris
mental anatomy.
I atm pleased to enclose herewith a
small donation of $3.00 for the fund
which you are raising and if any per-
son is not able to attend you can
give him a ticket and charge it up
against this amount. I would like
very much to make it larger but at
the present time there are so many
demands that it is impossible to give
as much as we would like to.
Wishing you every success and hop-
ing that you will longi be spared to
continue your good work, I am,
Yours very sincerely,
A. E.• Moore (Abbie).
Hallett Township
'rhos. McMichael R Soli of this
township won the following prizes at
the Guelph Stock Show : 1st and,
championship (with Colonel Bowers)
in aged Clyde class ; 4th for Lord
Ronald in the same class, Lord
Ronald was the first prize winner
last year. First with Glenrae'sfam-
ily of colts, any age ; second with
International's family of colts in the
sante class; second and fourth with
a pair of two-year-old geldings sired
by Olenrae ; third with three -pear -old
filly also sired by Glenne.
T. McMichael & Son bought a very
fine yearling stallion at the fair. His
dam is Royelette, said to be the best
mare ever imported from, Scotland.
She has won first anti champion at
some of the best fairs in Scotland
and has also been first and champion
in Canada for several pears. His sire
is by the great Baron Redeye
which was sold by auction for $45;
NIr. and Nits. Ed. Drake aid c;auglt-
ter, who went to Alberta in the
spring have returned ler a visit with
their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Anderson of this village. ]lir. Drake
had the misfortune to have his large
crop destroyed by a hail ste. m.
Mrs, Andrew Pennington of Veter-
an, Sask., and her three children
have arrived in Kippen for a three
months' visit with .iter relatives, NIr.
and 'au, Tiros. Richardson, :rid oth-
et friends. It is seven year's since
they went west. Mr. Perutington's
many friends are pleased to meet
her again,
Our Methodist people intend ha' ing
their annual Christmas tree entcr-
taionneut .this (Thursday) evening.
rho' Presbyterians intend to have
their entertainment on Christmas
Eve. We hope to hear of large num-
bers attending both to encoaregct the
teachers and children.
A sal fatality occurred on Motdap
night a short distance east of 1'-Jen-
sall. alt. Wm, Wilson, an Lid gen-
tleman tvho resided alone, was earn-
ed to death when kis house wits des-
troyed by fire. It seemed none of
the neighbors sew the fire thud were
shocked on rising to see his house
iiatl been burned. He hal a fancily
or five children living chiefly ie the
States, Mr. Wilson *as a quiet, in-
offensive man and his sad death Is
the cause of mu,clt regret,
The, election returns were very
gratifying to a number in this vicin-
Mgrs. David Workman of 2Iensall
was calling an a number of her oltl
friends in Kippeth on Monday, Al-
though we were sorry to lose Mrs.
Workman from our netghhnrhood, we
arc pleased she has gotten so cotn-
fortably settled so near tis as Hen-
'rhe proceeds or the conceit giver
by the Woln:n's Patriotic Society
recently amounted to about seventy
Air, and Mrs. Thos, Elliott of the
west arrived last week and arc
itfug the letter's sisters, the Misses
'Mt, andMute MeAlt h St.,
of God-
are the guests of Mir. land 'hers.
11, 3, '1'rewartha,
There isn't any need for people
around here being cold for a while as
Mr, Thos. Millar received three car-
loads or hard coal this week.
The bazaar held ou Saturday after-
noon last under the auspices of the
Red Cross Society and concluded bit
three or four girls of the village was
a Pleasingng success,
iris also
served lunch,
Thursday, and Friday of last week
were busy days in Londosboro as all
the nten were paying taxes.
The school otttertainmerst will be
given in the Foresters,' laid on Fri-
day evening.
v ,
LG Ot h at present
I Co l is
Ir. lar 6
N t
severe c
lela t) with a bt b cold.
311 , up will
The Women's 'Nissan:ere Soctiety
ere sending a box anti largo bale of
clothing to the lire sal eters at l tali-
Mr, Wtn, Fear of the .Graved Road
visited at Air. 'II; •C'olclough's on
r 'da'
l l
Alm, J. POW and sou have bone
to Seaforth after spending a week or
so visiting old frienes and neighbors,
Mr, Fred Kennedy of the west is
spending a few weeks with his wife
at the home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, John Stolle,
Mr, filched. Clark has returned af-
ter spending the summer in the west.
Miss Margaret Fisher spent a few
days in Paisley last week,
Nirs. W. J. Fluety of Oakville wtts
a visitor in town for few days
Isd ward Smit! and Chas,
Ste:ton were in Cioder.ich last week
acting as jurymen.
The infant son of Rev, It. li'. and.
Mrs. Arnsoou6
died on Friday v
ai}cl the remains were taken to Ciod-
ericlt for interment in the family plot
on Saturday.
Mr, James Stacey, who had his leg
broken on the 12th al July lest
when the Wingham grand stand cot-
lapsed, died at his Homo in Toronto
recently. Be had never recovered
from the injury.
fiEXS-TIPLADY-In Ontario street
church, Clinton, on Dee, 18th, by
the Rev. J. A. Agnew, Myrtle
Wade Burns, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Tiplad3•, to Clif-
ford H. Keys, son of , Mr. and
Mrs. Johns T. Keys of Stanley
RU'I'LEDGE-SEARS-At Newcastle,
Ind., on Dec. 15th, Goldlc Sears
to William Rutledge, youngest sou
of NIr. and Mrs. Win. Rutledge of
WELSII-Ia Godericb township, on
Dec. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Olivet
R. 'Welsh, a Son.
JACK8OiN-In Clinton, on December
10th, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Sr.,
aged 80 years.
HOBKIRK-In Hensall, on Dee. 0th,
George •Hobkirk, aged 13 years
and 2 months.
ARMSTRONG -In Wingham, on De-
cember 70, henry Davies Arm-
strong, infant son of Rev. E. F.
and Mrs. Armstrong, aged 3
IRVINE -In McKillop, on December
10th, Sarah Menarey, wife of
Mr. .I. J. Irvine, aged 73 years.
Armstrong, who departed this life
Dee. 22nd, 1010.
"Gone but not forgotten."
-Wife and Family.
The December shipment of the
Varna Patriotic. Society consisted or
four pairs of pyjamas, etre trench
cap, nineteen day shirts, twenty !lairs -
of socks, a quantity of old. ,linea,
Besides this the Society shipped to
the boys from the community over-
set tour pairs of soolds and four
The Methodist S. S. will have their
annual Christmas tree entertainment
in. the township hall on Friday v-
eiling of this week.
urs, J', J, McDonald of. Calgary is
visiting her parents, 'Capt. and, Mere
Maicolm. McDonald,
Mrs, Donley Jolinstnn of Preston.
recently visited Iter leather, Mrs, S.
A. Webster, who injured bet wrist by
a fail not long ago,
Miss Mabel McRae, who was on het
wtay borne from Regina to Perth itis
been visiting Mrs, Waiter Naftcl,
To The Electors of
South Huron
I wish to thank the elec-
tors of South Huron for their
generous support at tiro polls
011 Monday last. Especially
to the women of the riding,
who the first time they ever
exercised the franchise sup-
ported me so warmly, I wish
to express my grateful thanks.
In the past I have given
my support to all measures
calculated to aid in the win -
Wag of the war and I promise
to continue to do so in the
Extending to all my con-
stituents the compliments of
tate season,
School of Commerce
Courses in
Book keepiug
Secretarial Work
Is the motto of this School and
it is the aim to lit students for
positions in which they will do
credit to themselves and com-
mand good salaries.
Git'ls may maul in the Reboot,
Winter term begins,
Jan, 7, 1918
33,tndonis may outer any time
For particulars write to
B. P. Ward, B,A„ IN,fccfs.t
Phone 208, Principal
A C'hrlstmee tree entertainment
will he held in the hall on Friday
evening of this week gni tis every'.ef-
p made 1 (. tomake '.
fort Is )e 1 ] e 1 t a eve
1 nu t
C 1 it enjoyable.
vsa i' twill l n do ]t be
4 1
Proceeds in ale of patriotic work,
FOR SALhe-13A131'S SLEIGH, 15
good condition. Apply Il, E. Man -
ping. 20-2
ALIu teas n ohtainuont
]v will
t 1
given ht {.Ito Forrester's Hall, Con-
stance, Dec. 21st, at 8 p.m. A
Program consisting of a two ]lour
play "'Popsy 'rttrve," tgilii other
drills, dialogues, recitations and
songs by focal talent will be given,
All are welcome. Admission 25
cents. 19-2
00 Road, 'ruolcersmith, containing
98 acres, with buildings, [For par-
ticulars apply to R. W. Gibbings,
R, R. No. 4, Clinton, -07
Pearl brooch, Finder suitably re-
warded byleaving at News-Recordecoid
Office. 10-2
theibiiu• A ricultute th
r tater of e
postponed meeting of the members
of the Clinton I3orticultural So-
ciety will be held at T. Cottle's
residence on 'Thursday evening, Dec.
27th, at 8 o'clock for the pr,rpose
of electing officers and the tran-
saction of other business for the
coming year. -Thos. Cottle,, See. -
Treasurer. 10-2
a seven roomed cottage. Electric
lights ; soft and town water in
kitchen. For particulars apply to
T. A. Greig. -18
Prices paid. -H. A. Hovey, Clin-
ton. -117
on Station street, is best of re-
pair, good cellar, hard and soft wat-
er. Best of location. -Apply, to W.
G. Pickett. -10
paired and Pressed and at the
sliortest possible notice. Both Lad-
ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We
guarantee to do good work. I am
prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies
Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds
of Woolen clothing including Sweat-
ers, etc. All orders promptly at-
tended to. Rooms over Johnson's
jewelry Stote.-Wm. J. Jago. -00
Rent -On Cutler street, Clinton,
cottage containing 7 rooms, good
cellar, situation central, For par-
ticulars apply to C. 13, Hale or
Mrs. Butler, Clinton. -06
Xmas is tt time of year that we
must not forget the little folks.
Santa Claus has left at our store
a choice assortment of Xmas Candy,
Oranges, Nuts, Etc., which will . ap-
peal to the poring or older members
of the family. Popular prices :
Xmas Candy -
20e, 25c, 30c, 35e, 'tOc per lb.
Oranges -
80c, 40c, 50e, 70e per doz.
Choice Eating Apples -
25c and 40c per dos,
Mixed Nuts, ; Boxed Chocolates,
Xmas Stockings, Eating Raisins,
Eating Figs, Etc.
With your Xmas order of groceries
ask for one of our beautiful calendars
as as
longthey, last.
An ideal Xmas gift to any of your
friends or relatives is alt order of
groceries. They will appreciate it.
Johnson & Co.
The Store of Quality.
Phone orders promptly cared for.
PHONE 111.
A13QU'r EIGHTY goes Cie ktAiL
Ioltee suitable. fox flip wools, for
sale,. -Apply to >)d, Welsb, It, I't,
No, it, 'Phone 118 on 106, 10--2
I�hF ['(1i SALIJ,-
u 1.
and s ntutvr lcitGi en, water,
' works, Bend cellar, very comfort-
able, .ventral, Appiy' to Jas, S,
Mille: or W. 13rydona, 10-2
Clinton Knitting Co.
every, week. Highest market price
1Ierr� CUrlslffias
Now is the time to do yot,r Xmas
buying but before doing so come in
and see my display of Diamond Rings,
the largest and best ht tosvu,
Necklets and Levellers, Rings,
Brooches and Phis, Cuff Links, Tie
Pins, Fancy Waldemar Chains, Fobs
and Chains, Cut Glass and Silver-
ware, French Ivory and Ebony Goods,
also a viae display of Brass Jardia-
eers and 'Fern Pots.
Watches and [docks unsurpassed
in town,
Agent for Pitonolas.
Issuer i)t Marriage
(Next bm flovey's Drug Stele)
Phone 14-166 R. R. No. 1
Selected . Potatoes
Wanted !
for immediate delivery,,
We take them, any day..
Highest market price
paid. We want them
before cold spell comes.
Box 192 Phone 126
Live and Let Live
Wishing one and all
A Merry Christmas
Headquarters for
Butter and eggs wanted-ehigliesdi
prices cash or trade.
some of our haled hap and feed on
our truck the next time it is going
in your direction, which will betvory,
s experiment rim nt ave ask
Ju, t as a
C. C C
soon. [r
you to. try them on your forsefor a
while. If it doesn't result in your
becoming a steady customer for our
hay and feed we miss our guess.
Once used always a user Has been
our experience.
W. Jenkins Si Son.
Phone 199, Highest prime paid los
Grain and Wool. Elevator.
Residence phone 9-142,
ISauia Claus
Wants to 'meet all
the boys and girls
Saturday and Mon-
day afternoons at
W. T. O'Neil
The Hub Grocery
We will buy your cream and guar
antee you -
Write us for cans. We supply;
them. Pay express charges. Pay
you for the cream you side twice
each month. Carefully weigh,, sam-
ple and test each can and send you
a statement. 'Write today, prices are
Agents :
Walton -W. G. Neal
Kieburn--Ha1L 8e Co,
Varna -Beatty Bros.
Tile Seaforth Creamery Co.
Box 486 ,, • SEAFOR/TH, 0NP,
a number of pure bred Ancona cock-
erels for sale, (hatched, from eggs
from Rev. E. G. Powell's, famous
pens), Price $1.50 if taken before
Nov. 1st, $2.00 after that date. -
Chas. Williams, Jr., R. R. No, 2,
Clinton, Phone 11-143. each
0 Reliable Agent in Huron county
to sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit and
Ornamental trees during fall and
winter months. Good pay, exclusive
territory, free selling equipment.,
Over 600 acres of the choicnet
nursery stock, including new varieties
controlled by tis. Handsome up-to-
date selling equipment and a splen-
did Cnnacliatt-grown stock to, offet
customers. We are not jobbers.
Write now for, agency terms to
Toronto, Ont.
11,B. -Catalogue, sent on request] to
applicants for agencies ler purehaeets
of nursery stock.:
.We are again prepared to Feel
the highest spot cash prices fon alk
kinds of timber, either in bulk er Try)
the thousand, and either in the bust;
or delivered in our. yard., It yore
havo anything to oiler call ug the
old reliable market (11-i45),
We are getting out some of, our
hone grown Hemlock which is batten
and cheaper, than the freighted stuffy
so if contemplating any new build,
ings, or repairing„ let us liefp you
plan your work., Our services are
We also Have fir stock all ' ]-in32
of Dressed Lumber, McNair Brandi
Shingles, Canada Cement,, Anil_' Bufe
halo Fertilizer, !, !
Our Feeding Plant Has
opened for the season,
and from now on we
will 3m in the market
for )110 the poultry,
that you ;eevc for
Poultry wilt be takess
in everyWedoe
• morning at Holmeavil10 I,
and every, day, at Clin-
ton.. i
Special prices will lse
paid for properly, fin-
ished milk -ted chickens
over 5 lbs. each.
N. W. Trowartha, Phone 190
Manager or Ilofinesvilie 4 on 1431
We extend to all
A Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Veal,
Agent for Hecla Furnaces
Seipp over Rowland'e Hardware.
PRONE 53. 1