The Clinton News Record, 1917-12-20, Page 3A CAVALRY CHARGE
iyhowirhj Theet iefnetimer Wibhh(:s Ah'e t•IorSe S,
P . 7)y i'. Roney Weir": ,
., the lanes Groglul, "that was when l: was near-
l' I l'' rad not been for B•
Gro gun who liver, next door, I Tying my second wife ----the one 1 have
Denny 6haven't had Aymptams
I. it
ZanG!nra migitt nava eoitsidered het new -and
-self since.°
lot a bard one, being, as she her
(M lfalned a perfect orphan w'itianot $o "But if yea do --if you do-"
much tie a great -great-grandmother warned etrathee Cassidy -and the
ltd a walked away together towur t th oar,
left ken ie the sick, epmot 1i leaving the fifty -cent piece on the
drunken Father, a sick stepninthet;, a loav I b
ut root and eix grass in plain sight,
half -brother -about a Zandra skipped down and picked it
inches long --two step gran p-cous ns u resolving that Denny, for onto,
and oft', step, stop, and step.cqusins p
till yen couldn't count 'em; and yet
Zandra was as sorry for Denny as she
She was so sorry for ]rim that she
was in the habit of telling him long
sto ee all about writing to Saute
Claus for what you wanted for Christ-
mas and being sure of getting it, She
wouldtell him how little boys, who
had been good allthe year, used to
get pencil and paper and tell old Santa
just what they wanied, then their big
sisters would help them address the in?dgmerit in the matter: it was as
envelope and find a stamp, Last of clear as mud that Providence had en -
thebig sister would take little tip tangled that half -dollar in Grogan's
they out to the p mail -box, lift t?up dirty handkerchief and then.seen to it
and let h atm diiop the precious letter that it dropped noiselessly on the
in, t that homeit would re surely reachthatthatof
mysterious where Santa lived, grass, in place nattering on the
cement walk with a ringing warning
Once Donny had asked her just to Grogan of his lose.
where Santa Claus lived, and for a The great questionslosnow was what
minute Zandratold was livedfrustrated, but to buy for Denny. She wished heart -
now -tiro told him he lived i1 in a ilythat she had never urged Denny to
suds ihis that leeks just like the write to Santa Claus; then he would
suds in his when: washog Always have been satisfied, even delighted,
w►�wasr that,gwhen' d t. G gran' was with the handkerchiefs, the mug, or
washing, Denny Smake-believe the air -gun o any one of a hundred
that he was visiting Santa Claus i
his snow -suds home.
:These tales chirked Denny up won-
derfully. Be talked them over a great
deal. And although, Zandra had told
should have the Christmas gift
which ail children are entitled -he
ehould, for once, have something love-
ly bought witly'his own father's money
and passed off as a gift from, Santa
Claus, as other children have, Not
for a fortune would she have spent the
money for herself, that° would have
been dishonest- but if Mr. Grogan
was selfish enough to drink the
clothes off the family's hack, and
careless enough to sow money on the
street, Zanchia decided to use her own.
Peens diecovertng her phiianthi'spfc Ise drove away anti '2andra 11417lod SUSPECTED D SPY T
�p g,
• They woe41d demand to. know whe'ee
she got the money for the advertise-
ment. If alto refused ate , tell, they
might think elle nasi token it out of
the Saturday market money; if elle
a •k was met a retiring one -pyre
white with flowing inane tend tail, Up
Pine Avenue she heard boys''yoiees
elaeiting along, and an aroused 'irttni-
tion told her that they were bearing a
toe tit -horse, Dein eaten of the ',lino, Whish Collided With Munition Ship Mont
told them of seeing Mr, Grogee lose She gone white tech halt' the . at, "i' l Stories Afloat.
the money they would think s110 should length of the alley where she left him lane, Detained by .Authorities Wi. d S. ori s
Grog en )10 and wen4, bac d :o e t The
n outer things which fifty cents would
buy. But "a harse," as Denny called'
it -oh, sugar? They cost as much as
fifteen dollars apiece!
Zandra thought about it all through
them in July so that Denny might' echool' hours, and after school as she
have time, to. forget :them before .hew about doing:the work of a thirty-
Ghristmas, he had not done so on the dollars -a -month. -maid.. Indeed, one
day she went so far as to stop in
Smith's department store and inquire
the price of horses, both great and
sinal]. She foiled that one big enough
evenfor Denny's scrawny little legs
would'be -at least ten dollars, It looked
quite hopeless, for all she had was the
fifty -cent piece. '
"Aw, quit talking such nonsense!" She: was in the basement hanging up
snapped the step -mother, slapping the the week's wash when the great idea
shirt she Was washing' ddmvn upon the carte to her:
board so bard that a• gout,: of white Shur stood stock-still for as much as
suds flew out and came down spat of two minutes -letting' the wet sleeve
the bald crown of the baby. of Mr, Pratt's pyjamas dangle in the.
Denny slowly wopsed it off with dust on the basement floor.
iris sleeve, the baby wobbling and A rocking -horse was a thing to be
blinking at the performance. ' -
"VV ll he?" persisted Denny, pinning
• his neighbor with yearnhmg eyes.
"Yes," hesitated Zandra, "if you
ask for,ehe right thing"
"I want a harse," declared Denny
"He wouldn't get the head of a pin
have roturped it to ( ] t the entl'tnee
have kept an sl d pent it on such .fool- boys were eere'S'ally depositing their A despatch from Halifax says:
lehmise, little ofFering, John Johtmsen, helmsman on the Nor
t' • tblel et -the risls she "Good evening," she 'greeted, "this wegiee steamer Into, the Belgian re-
ahe fairly' trembled
was taking, and, yetther4 was a vivid Is awful good of you --•to give your lief ship whose collision with the am-
'o i h er trembling. It was MO an little horse away, Perhaps --••perhaps membon steamer Mont Blanc led to
1Y r h a
the disaster of last Thursday was de•
Mined s a German spy el
d IY susea p
Thursday.. He was turned over to -the
military euthoritcc by officials of the
Massachusetts Relief Hospital, where
he has been under treatment,
One of the nurses at the hospital, a
young woman from Now York whose
name was not revealed, is said to have
Mrs, Pratt quarreling in the. cun}ng- "Same to yon," called the Attention of the hospital
room; or Mr, and Mrs. Day would „Oh, yes, I'm sore 10 have a full staff to- Johansen on Wednesday. She
conic over, perhaps, to quarrel with stocking," And then to the maple- had noticed' that the patient was ad -
them Then suddctily, a dans figure - tree after the boys hail gone --"Those ing queerly, anti that he diel not seem
;exciting mystery stony with herself
as the heroine. She pictured it all to
hundred titres; the evening of the
tvfeuty-fourth would be dark and
keenly; it would bo blowy weather;
the baro boughs of the Attie maple -
tree by the alley would whine in the
bitter wind. She, washing dishes by
the kitchen sink would hear Mr. and
you forte to give it up,
"Naw!" answered the bigger boy,
"We don't want it no more. We're
grow up. We're glad to give it to
the little lame feller," 1
"Well, thank you ever 00 tnutch.
"O1, that's all right,"
."Good night, raid a Merry Christ=
mat and 0 full stocking to you,"
dragging something bulky back where old brogans that Mr. Pratt always
the alley reaehed fine Avenue, and a brings ono wilt•fill'em up ,ail right."
moment late!' a .smaller darker figure ,Tt was a shabby overworked little
(that was herself) dragging the same old horse which the boys loft. Blind as
something along the alley and up over
Grogan's back yard to the door. And
the Grogan dog bow -wowing in the i It tamly
basement, and she gliding mysterious- was an object for the tender mtmstr'a- arcaastuffs
ly back. and plunging into the dish- tions of the Society for the Prevention Nu `a n'„i,hT e 'x218 -Manitoba w.t$'e Li �;
washing again without the 'Pratte of of Cruelty to Animals. No 3 do, $2,'17a No. 4 wheat, $:.l05.
nineteenth .of December, which caused
'Landry some uneasiness.
"Will he railly and -truly give' me
what I welted him fur?" drawled Den-
ny in that-slow.way•of his, shifting
the,weight of the baby to ease his
game knee from the sharp corner of
the wooden bench where he sat.
a bat, with no tail to speak of, and one
lone ear pricking toward heaven alert-
ly for further service. certainly
to be wounded. Her report on the
etiso led to n second examination of
the •�pationt by the physioiame and the
conclusion was reached that the man
WAS shamming illness.
In commotion with the arrest the
liveliest lot of spy rumors heard here
since the war began wee spread
broadcast. These culminated. in a re-
port that eight Germans had been
shot at auntise,
. Military -end naval authorities,
while. acknowledging that file Johan-
sen case Was being thoroughly.inves
tigated, declared that the shooting
story ,was absurd. •
Another persistent story was that a
secret code )n German bad been
found on Johansen; and that a wire-
less station had been unearthed in
the district destroyed by fire by the
Markets of the WorI FRESH A T TACKS
the Days being a thought the wiser. But of all the steeds which champ- In
Manitoba Fo e William' anii1itdllag Zit, n
It was gioriou's! ed their bits under the staple -tree that 3 11•11'„ 7030; No. 5 extra C.W.
704x: No,
Ansi then Christmas mo'ninge.
-and night (there were twelve of them) 1 Time76 un'e. rn i-iOIr )'el o«l,lnioininat.
Denny with the card in his hand, slow- Zandra regarded this one with the Ontario outs --No. 2 white, 77 to 780,
ly spelling out "From Santa. Claus to most favor. The gift had, so much nominal; No. ;1, do., 70 to 130 nominal,
ac0o•cnng to freigh10-outalde,
Denny Grogan for being a good boy meaning. The boys bad not merely Ontario wheat -'New, No, 2 Mittel.,
Merry Christmas" driver of their car to "take 52.22; basis, in ,;tore Moutrenl.
uud minding baby, f told, the i lens -N0. 2, 53.10 to 53,80,, aeeoiding
-and hispop-eyes fairly hanging out that old hobby -horse to so-and-so." 10 weights outside.
on his cheeks like black apples; and They had been obliged to tug it them- Ha.rley--lifeallillIS $1.25 to $1.20, ac-
freights oul•sld0.
he so completely dumfounded that he selves, talking as they did so of the 13nek,rhe;lt-$1 45 t0 $1.50, according
couldn't utter a word -end she saying,;• "little lame feller."
"Ah ha! What did I tell you?" The horses were all safely snorting
When Zandra got to this part of the in a row at Grogans' back door and
picture, if it was after !she had gone Z l •stttmg' wa•
to bed at night, she would sit up' and
hug her knees and have hard work to
keep. from squealing right out with
excitement. It was pure - Christmas
happiness undisturbed by any thought
of what Santa Claus might 'bring to
She knew what she would get -a
Pair of coarse shoes, reailyanade slcirt,
and blouse. The Pratte always' gave
her her year's outfit of. clothing,- on
Christmas, thus killing the clothing
bird anti the Christmas bird with one
motiot•of the atm.
outgrown. For instance, say, a fam-
ily has a little boy; buys him a rock-
ing -horse; :little boy uses it three
years; little boy's legs grew so long
that he has to kink #hon when he
rides; say, his little sister rides it
a yea!•; it gets a little rough, but
rocking -horses are a sturdy breed-
if he'd be asking for it -not this say, the boy's little sister rides it for
'Christmas!" declared Mrs. Grogan. a year; horse gets thin in the matter
"Wid the rine three months behind, of mace and tail; younger sister rides
and the doctor bill not paid, and his it a year or so; -gets so big is ashamed
father dleririkin' the clothes all our to be seen on it; say, evert, that Um-
' backs!" ily gives it to a young cousin; cousin
"If I were you I'd ask Santa Claus outgrows it and still, aside from hay -
for something -something small," cat- ing lost its mane, tail, and one eye,
Honed Zain ra. "How would two new it is a nice, strong, fierce -looking
handkerchiefs do?" steed yet, with enough beauty and use.
Denny' drew his sleeve across his fulness to drive poo' lame little Den -
turned -up nose, "I don't nacle thins," ny Grogan, who never had any kind
• he drawled, "I want a harse," He
'shifted the baby back up on the bad
leg again to rest the good one.
"Wouldn't it be fine to have a love -
of a horse, wild with delight.
Somewhere in this g.,reat city, stow-
ed away in a dusty garret, taking up
room needed for the trunks and the
le, mug to drink your mills out of 2" broken sewing -machine, there must be
coaled Zandra. "You could` get -I such a horse, if only one kisew where!
mean you could write for one with the If only one had time enough to go
picture of a horse painted on it-- -" around and knock at doors until one
Denny shook his head. "Or an air- found the right house, and then go in
rifle--", and tell the family all about how poor
"A harse wid rockers to It," Per- lame Denny Grogan !tad written Santa
silted Denny, and Zandra went away Claus for "a harse".-and because of
home much disturbed. the stories told him away back on the
Zandra had been christened Alexan- First of July by a wicked girl who
curia, but that name was found to be thought he would forget before Christ -
a misfit for a little kitchen girl who mas-because of them, really- expect -
worked for cheep families. The ing to get "a harse" in his stocking-
Pratts boarded and clothed her after And then it was that the inspiration
a fashion and -because the law com- struck Zandra. Market -day to-mor-
pelled-sent her to school. In return row! She would take a chance and
for this she made beds; swept chem-, use the fifty cents in advertising in
hers, did the plain cooking, washed on the Sunday paper for a horse!
Saturday forenoons, and went to mar_ She wrote the notice up in her
ket afternoons. While she was rest room before she went to bed that
4W ing, she patched and -darned stockings -right:
in the Winter and kept the lawn mow- •
ed in Summer. She was fourteen and Poor little lame boy wants second -
it was right and proper that she hand rocking -horse. If you have
shgpld do something toward earning
her keep,
Zandra had a secret. She was the
possessor of a sum of money. No
matter how she came by it -or, well --
perhaps it haci better be explained
here and now; she had seen Grogan
rake it out of his pocket one morning
together with his jack-knife, car tick-
ets, dirty bandanna handkerchief, and
pipe, tis he stook talking with Father
Cassidy on the walk in front of Pratt's
steps. He was telling Father Cassidy
how aic1C be had been. How he had
been "scats' things." Zandra had
heard these stories so many times that
she did not need to listen to them, but
Father Cassidy still !roped to do some-
thing with Grogan.
"First it was fleas; then' bumble-
bees; then it was little cats,"'i-rogan
explained, drawing hard on iris pipe.
"You see," admonished Father Cas-
sidy, "tire things kept getting larger
-more dangerous. If you keep on
seeing things larger. and larger, your
$lay- are numbered!"
Leavy Losses I?orced Teutons
to Abandon Drive.
A. desphtch from Rome says: • At-
tacks -in force were renewed on Wed-
nesday by the enemy upon. the Italian
lines east of the Brenta, the War Of-
fice announced on Thursday The at-
tacks continued the. entire afternoon,
but because of his heavy losses the et-
tefyeit;h.Ir4Nrooutscle.$1,17, according to emy at night abandoned his effort,
freights outside. Finding that the efforts of the Aus-
OIanttoha frour'-t,'II'st patents. 10 lute trians to break through and debouch
i,ngs,d$lys5t� 5 i n, do., t� li; strong bale- Out 'epee the -plain of Venetia were
futile, the German troops under Gen-
eral Von Buelow, reinforced their al-
lqutreed-czarlues-llel ve,r ou Pru lies, and with them delivered the new,
freights, bugs included --Brun, Per ton powerful assault. At only one point
$48; shorts, do., n were the combined Teutonic forces
to $44; good feed flour, Per bag, 53.25.
slay --N", 1• now, Per ton, $1.5,50 to able to dent the line of the defenders
515.5"; mixed, do., 525 10 515, truck TO- 011 Mont Spinoncia, where they se-
C rishinas C'arwI L1
'No room' within the dwelling
For Eliflitit Whose love excelling' •
'Toward those wile never sought firm,
To will feohn heaven brought lute,
Who counted not the Post
To seek the lost.
'No room'; so to the manger'
They bore the kindly Stranger;
But angel hosts attended,
And angel voice blended,
Whilst, of His nsother's breast
Fie lay at rest,
Zandra was innocently" t- ens, o.. . ,
u " when the Prattegot back £rout °marl° Flour -winter, aeeurdh,g to
ing p t sample, 59.95, In ha s, AConlscal: 59.75.
the movies. She listened in a sort of. Toronto; 50.70 buljo, seabou,•d, pronmt
happy daze while Mrs. Pratt describ- shipment. 1 d rr t t
ed the different murders slit had seen 5d4. ldRratt do $4s
at the show, but her thoughts were
all on CLrogans' and the next lemm-
ing. •
She was sorry not to be able to get
to. Grogans' in time to see time stag-
gering surprise of Denny when he first ];utter-count-ry Produce -'wholesale and mist are hampering the opera -
Per I1 , 423
sighted the drove; but -breakfast was to 1130; mint- per Ib., 43 to 4341; dairy, tions in this Parlor,
4 t 1"0
But, of course, things didn't work
out exactly as Zandra imagined they
would, They never • do. One may
think, and think, of every possible con-
tingency; and yet something wholly targe 110111,
L'utler._._10resh dairy. choice, 40 to •420;
unforeseen happens. of�a\ved whisper. creamery prints, 43 to 450; solids, 44
The evening of the twentty-twenty"Harses!" breathed Denny. "I wrote to��u:.a.,tltne-32c ro•
was dark, all right, and stormy enough , for thio, and then I prayed for thio, ' lOggs-Nue• 2,3F lu Ourwus, r,o 0 92c;
to suit the most romantic plotter. The' "You prayed too hard!" said Mrs, ,, .si`;'1,' 42 i„ tete eerect 1 11160
wind did whip the boughs of the alley' Grogan. 46ltrrssed pmlc.
u>-Apring <,l0icens, 27
maple, and Mr. and Mrs. Day not only Mr. Grogan, tahe 11111 celebrated lt, 2Kr; u,nk-few el,) 1 u5, 1t .. 30r; Poul,
me bless their hearts) but carried Christmas 'Eve downtown somewhere, 22 to 231'; squabs, per dos., $4 to 54.50;
Ca turkey 33 to trio; ducks, Spring, 25 to
Mr, and Mrs. Pratt off with them to came yawningand. buttoning on his
the. movies, leaving Zandra, as they
supposed, alone and wistful, to Steep
house until their return.
In reality it was an excited and ex-
pectant Zandra whom they left be -
h ind• 't Zandra who had they invited
S to.
Su•uw---Cur fats Per ton $9 to $4.5", cured a temporary foothold after hav-
ing - .sustained severe casualties. Snow
late at the Prates, it being a holiday, t1ei.��'H "7rr°si, g•athered eggs, 47 to 450 - -
And she lost that pleasure What she
did see was Mrs. Geogat9, with the
baby ie her arms and an unbelieving
stare on her face just turning from
the window.
` "Mother of St. Patrick, look at the
back yard!" she ejaculated in 0 sort
Paull t•F-Tut•keYs, d11,A ,tl, 1b..
300; geese, lb., 33 to zee.
L'atut0es--\-hal csnl ers are paling t
growers and country shippers 51.75 for
first Flu 010011, 5.0,1., mltside points,
Wholesalers are selling to Ole retail
t1•a11e'nl. the following prices: -
Cheese -New,
Cheese -New, large,23 to 2380; twins,
231 to 832»• Party cheese, 25a to :Oe:
s9 t" 201'•
2s tri 3 ' a 5
1 y y y
• o CIlb@,sr ��
LAUNCHES 1!�j� S A�tW ���l ��t�l�
S 5 iii b�* A Wlf V
`No room': 0 Babe So tender
To Thee our hearts we render,
Not meet for Thy possessing,
Yet make them by Thy blessing
A home wherein to dwell,
Come to the manger in Bethlehem,
A swept Child lies therein,
A Holy Child come down to earth
To save the world from sin;
A little Child with a heart so large
It takes the whole world in.
But the heart of the world is fru' too
To take its that little Child;
It sends Him away; there is no 1'001n
For His face so sweet. and mild;
They would turn Elim out, if they only
To the storm 80 rude and wild.
Come to the manger in Bethlehem,
Never mind the frost and snow,
We will think of the Child, and the
thought of Hint
Shall wartn us AS we go;
We will kiss His holy hands and feet,
And tell Him we love Elim so,
And the more the cold world turns
Him out
The more we will take Him in;
When our hearts are full of the Holy
They will have no room for sin,
Come to the manger in Bethlehem,
For a sweet Child Pies therein.
We three kings of Orient are,
Bearing gifts we traverse afar,
Field and fountain, moor and moun-
Following yonder star.
0 star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright;
Westward leading, still proceed.
Guide us to thy perfect. light.
First King.
Born a icing on l'iethlehem'a plain,
Gold I bring to crown Him again,
Met With the Customary Ile- Ring for ever, ceasing never,
Over us all to reign.
pulse by British Troops. 0 star, tic.
A despatch from London says: The Second King.
British lines are still holding firmly
against onslaughts of the Teutonic al- Frankincense to offer have I,
lies, delivered with heavy reinforce- Incense owns a Deity nigh,
meets that have been drawn front the Prayer and praising, all men raising,
Worship Him, God most high.
0 star, &c.
Third King.
Myrrh is "tine, its bitter perfume
Breathes a life of gathering gloom;
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,
270; K•"•se, 's2 t" Loc. B Russian front since the cessation of
clothes,, He Eools one look out of the ting 20 to 2•--'rueese.. •-'Sc': P1 C,g
cbletcenn. 11,., 2oc; hilts, u; to 2110; ducks, hostilities there under the armistice.
kitchen window, that trade a wild! Spring, 211 to -''-. 5.111. tae' The latest attack of the Germans,
dash for his int. troury--Can 3.00;:x No, one. 10 oz..
$2.b'b 12 ,��.. 53,o0i :co, 2, 52.•10 to 52.59. made in the C%ambrai region between
"Where are you going?" demanded Strained --Tins, eve and 5's, 1" to telae Bullecourt and Queant, was a com-
his wife. Per Ib: lu'.s, Inca -ti, la,; r,u's, 10 to is3tr.
deans --c nnndhul, luuul-plclted, bush., plete failure when the Teuton losses
`7.5u tr, SxuO; Inu,Oea puna --ticked. in men killed and made prisoner, are
one to give him, please leave -it at
1420, corner of Pine Avenue and
Seventeenth Street, on sear of lot,
after dark, December 24.
This prodluction took Zandra such a
long time to perfect that she overslept
in the morning, and was soundly
scolded by the irate Mn. Pratt,
"What makes you so late?" he de-
manded angrily, gulping down the hot
"I didn't sleep well first part of
the night," apologized Zandra humbly,
"i guess I had the nightmare."
"You eat too much!" snarled bio,
Pratt, as Ise heaved into his overcoat
and clashed for the car'. He was floor-
walker in a ten -cent store and Matt
some excuse for his unpleasant dis-
The advertiiteneltt was too late for
the Sunday issue and Zandra decided
it wee just as well, :for although the
charitable owners of the desired horse
might not be as liable to run across it,
why neither would tine Pratte; and
"To Father Cassidy to teke the
her to go with them to the show pledge! 'I'm ball again! I'm worse
(something not likely to happen even than I've Iver been! Pin seein' juni-
ott Christmas Eve) would, because of corns!" -
other and more engaging affairs, have 11r112CARiNL RELEASED
gently but firmly declined.
It was barely eight o'clock when the x012 EXPOItT TO CANADA.
two flaring eyes of a motor came to a -
standstill down opposite the alley. A despatch from Ottawa says: Time
Zandra's heart almost jumped out of Food Controller has received telegra-
Iter throat, She eves peering froth time pltic advice from a representative of
pantry window, the presentation card his office, who has been in Washington,
clasped in her trembling fingers ready stating that ise delivered personally to
for use. Presently the eyes shot for- the War Trade Board Mr, Hoover's
ward, glared an instant into her own order releasing' 75,000 pounds of oleo -
as they passed the house,- and were margarine for exportation to Canada.
gone, Other licenses will be issued by the
Down she flew to the -alley, the back United States authorities so that there
door key in one hand and the card in should be no further difilcultmevith re -
the other. There it was, standing stiff gard to the supply from across the
and warlike and snorting upright un- international boundary.
der the maple -tree. The corner street- -'-•`'-
light clict not disclose the slightest WORK ACCOMPLISHED
damage. It must have been brand- BY CANADIAN 'l.'ROO.1'S.
new -right out of the store. ---
Zandra attached her Card, grasped A despatch from Ottawa says: Col.
the bar which connected the rockers P. P. Blotdin, Postmaster -General, has
in front, and skidded Denny's `'harse" received the following message from
through the alley and up to the Gro- Lieut. -Gen. A. W. Currie, commanding
gars' back dens) with the strength and the Causadian Corps at the front:
dexterity of any Santa Claus on earth. "Your message of congratulation to
The Grogans' dog barked like "mad as the divisions will be no inspiration for
Zandra went jumping and skipping all 1:a continue to do their best. We
down the lenrth of the yard to the al-
ley. Sounds -like that wore unusual
in the back yard of Grogans' hone,
and the dog knew that: it was not the
unceri:ain stens of old man Grogan
reeling home. Visitors were few and
far between, but Zandra quieted him
with a pat on the hack, and he crawl-
ed back into his shed.
It was wotderfel! The charitable
!bpi, WHY DOV01) V4 AIZ
NI MTV you i
to 57 par bush; 1.,111;15. 110- lb., 17 put in the balance with their small Sealed in the stone-cold tomb.
r'"tnt1 ,::, ou a„Ic---unturio, bag, pain of ground against the British; 0 star, &c.'
51 sn, Delawares, bug. 52.10.
have successfully accomplished the
work for which Me were sent -to
the salient. The operations in which
the corps have been engaged have de-
monstrated to great advantage the
discipline, tTalning, leadership and
other fine fighting qualities of our
officers and men."
Provisions -wholesale i Prince in the Caurieres Woolf, on
sleeked 111111ts•--Dans. 110dhln,. 30 In' the Verdun sector, which was de -
31.0; do., heavy, 20 to 270: rotated. 41 to '.,livered with•large effectives, has met
420: rolls, 2, fo 21r: lire:1010st hacoit .
9s tt 42c: backs, plain. •10 to •nc; bone- ; with the customary repulse.
less, 43 to 440. i a
t•t' red meats --hong ,'leer 1,41.011. 27y -
r attack by the German .Crown
„3u Ib: clear brutes, neo to °7c.•
artl--Pure Inrd. tlrrc0s, 214 t5 200:
tubs. 23;; to 2950; palls_ 25 to •20ye;'
compound. tierces, 274 to sat:; tubs, 242
to 21510: pall, 20 to 255e.
,family had sees her appeal, hadowned KILLED 21? GERMAN AIR BOMBS.
the horse, had brought it, and it was
safe at Denny's door, all tagged and A despatch from the American
everythingl Wh-what was that? jA.rmy in•France says: A number of
There under the maple stood the !tors° :American railway engineers have been
just as 1f site had not ,just deposited itmemby German aerial bombs in a
safe at the Gro''' 'town somewhere behind the -British
bonsback door! �'
Then she realized that there had front.
been two charitable families in the ` -- -
each awning an outrrromvn rock- BRITAIN DONATES $5,000,000
Montreal Markets "ACHES 19226
Bout real. !toe. 18-Outs.-Caand 1 an
110°; Na 2 fetid whit°, e3ac, ha. 3 Cliiclal figures Include Four
Western, No. 7 '1 ': extra No. t reed.
lot'e1 white, 3240. Flow --Ml,nit0ba ,
Spying wheel Patents, • e: Hundred Reported Missing
l 1 t nus nruty $tl 0 Hunc Pec ep
se0rimly, 511.10; strung bake,,,, 510,110. •
sta',tlght rollers. hags, $5.21 to $5.35' A despatch from Halifax says: 0111
Halted oats --..flogs, 90 lbs., h4.\0. lira td -
$;Is to $37. Shorts -$4o to $42, \lid- tial figures of the death toll exacted
dung's --$40 to $50, ,,faunae -$50 to $5s. b tiro ex loslot of the nnmition ship
0I,ee_.N°. 2. Per' lou, nor loth, $1.0.50. Y P
cheese--ieinest „estern5. 21ic; flues! liant Blare were issued on Wednesday
easteres, 215e, 1:utter---Cliol0.est (Team- • night. The total dead is put at 1,,.�6,
cry, 424 to 430; seconds, 1, 414 to 42c.
14'gs---1• t-esh, 54 to 550: selected. 440; which takes in the Bend, identified and
No. 1 stent-„ es to 400; No. 2 slues, $1 to unidentified, and the missing.
330.. TOtotues..-I'er hag, Par lots, $LSG The figures, which were issued by
to 52.9e. _
A. S. Barnsteadl, Chairman nr the
win,tineg Grath Mortuary Committee, follow:
'100,'; No,•n-N0..1 feed, 70,3K No, l rend, Dead who eau be identified 225
51.22 Nu. :: feed. •72111, 13,0(1 endNo. 3, 125
51.32: No. 4. 51.27: ulcered and frecl, film eeognizable rentaius 225
51.11.-l+'1ax•••,No. 1tti1`\.t@., 52.05; No..1 Hissing .
ing-h"Pse. Well, well! Denny should 1'0 HALIFAX RELIEF FUND.
peeve a span•
se and started fol' 1 atr.h from London says: The
She 'seized the ho I A deep ,
Gr'ogutrs' 014 'a pair of glaring eyes ' I3r'itish Government has donated
panned at the alley eetrnnce. Some- t 1;1,000,000 :for the relief' of Halifax, it
body grunted turd exclaimed under his was announced in the House of ('om-
breutlm as iso lifted out a bulky object mors by Andrew Boner Lew, Chalt-
nvinnipeg. Der. 23_ lash prices:-- 450
outs -NO,' r W. s51P• No.3 c'.W, 'Identified in various mortuaries..
'United States Markets•d6
lderrt.itiml .
Al lunrapnlls, I,er. 's .-Torn--Na. 3 ----
yellow, 51.70 10 $1.7, 11101.8-,No.a all
111 Le, 7•I to 15,50. 1 lout un, t g
li114a1--$40 to 545.50. •...•k, -.• .-. -...- Only the invention of the telegraph
Duluth. Dec. -- , t the pigeon news ca
11111 roll r g
duly, 5•iJ li, n<1
'fetal. 1,2`20
Glorious now behold Hint rise,
Ring, and God, and Sacrifice,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Earth Co the heavens replies.
Carried On By the Aid Of Carrier -
Pigeons and Horses.
When we open our news/taper and
learn what is going forward in the ut-
termost parte of the earth, we seldom
stop to consider the wonderful devel-
opment there has been in the collection
and distribution of news.
A news agency is an accepted fact
to -clay, but it was considered a nine -
days' wonder in the old days, when a
certain young English bank -clerk was
struck with the idea of sending news
from one place to another by means of
mail -coaches, His chief idea was Co
supply information as to the state of
the financial markets, and was much
patronized by private individuals, a
especially stockbrokers.
He then extended his range, and by
means of carrier -pigeons, who carried
little silk bags round their necks, con-
taining news items written on thin pa-
per, he gleaned news from the Con-
k I t 1 4 1 1 .0 1 "11 U n'carry-
5 „ COLLECT SALVOR EGGS put a stop .o, 1 n}on was
uecv'mhn,,, $3.27; Ain v. Sa..1 ! ,tske'i' ' iSlf IIAT('I•IERU's5• ing, althougY't, when the invert
3.:17 10 $3.37: n.rrlre. Drr0u14i' 5,1.30, ,
in its infancy, it wee supplemented by
A despatch fro" Ottawa says: both 1 g
Live Stock Markets
Toronto. I�-•.•. 1t---1)0105 choice Leavy
steers. 511.30 to $12.20; do., 5004 11,005',
l'J to $1$11; do., g, od.•$9,75 to
d5o, medium, o $11;
tlo., $S.,10;$tt to rs• 11 d, olve, 5
$3 to $0.487 bulrben• 1111110, choice, $0
to $10; die, gnud bills, 59 to $$,25; do.,
medium bulls, $7,10 to 57.35; do., rough
hulls. 55,20 to $6.25; bntohers' rows,
choke, 50.00 to $10; du.. good, $0.50 10
$0; do., medium, $7.75 to $3; stockers,
$7,25 to 58.75; feeders, 54.25 'to 510;
esmiers and cutlers.710 t0 $5.50;
minters, 50011 to (l,Oter. 545 to $135; rlo.,
con. rind mer!. $75 10 590; springers,
d0 In $120; light ewes, $12 l0 $14;
sbr„p heavy. $0 to $7.70, yearlings,
$12,25 to $11.25; Iamb 517.25 to $17,775;
,'wives, gnud In etnr r $13.50 in 510.
hogs, yeti 811,1 w5teiod 513.5111 to $13.75:
do., my eir.hotl or t, 111T, 515,70 to $15;., do.,
r.o,b., $1750 to $1775. .
yield of 1t ntilch cow
The average
is about. 600 P;allone yearly.
A mi eoms and relays of horses.
t t , f 30 10:5 500 'atlantic salmon
eggs ons collected tor ,the fish hatch- NO BRAN OR SHORTS > D
.encs of Quebec and the Maritime Pro- ALLOWED 12XI ORTE
vinces hist season, according to a bel -
loin 'issued from the Naval Depart- A despatch from Ottawa says: In
meat. The season which has ,lust coma order to assist in the campaign for
to a clow has been a most successful
greater production of food aminate,
one, and all the hatcheries are filled the Feed Controller announced on
to capacity. Thursday night not a ton of bran and
e shorts Will be allowed to be exported
until the Canadian requirements are
Mere Relief For Halifax.
:1 despatch (mei Halifax says: A 'fully met. The Food Controller is
le from London states that the also considering the question of fixing
cal Prices for such feed. but in any case
British Ilea} Cross has donated ll••i1,'
it will he made available to the farm-
000to the Halifax sufferers, end nn- ere at the lowest possible cost, and the
"oounces that the London -Mansion
nd has reached $175,000, pr1 of hdearmay be fixeel
house fu soot) 1cii0t, infortematiolens from Che severansl
Provinces 1s recurred ie response Ln in-
quiries which have been emit out.,
A deerttt,15 from Van,'"u,'s1• 0aye:
Ten tots fres the home of lir, and
Mrs. 14. O. Bull, t nneouver, have been;
killed in action (hiring .the great war.
Mrs, Ball, a widow with five sone, six.
years afro Married her present has';
hand with cloven .eons, Sieve the wart
Megan site mei t:f their combined fast.i
fly enlieted in lir 7101011" br•an0110s of;
• the ecrvl,•,' and tett 10 01' boon killed,
Ml's. Pall horoelf u'as tvonnded iI1
the hoer war while serving es Ai
quit eff for six months," owned!' Zandrahad a wholesome fent of the and married it to the maple -tree, Then .211 1 0l the I htnller•
WIi f�7v TNe
'ailosAAnl 1( `I'eR, ►Nry,DER�- �ctWI>,r i lir,;, MG TvLi IA
aqul.r•els aren't the only Aninsals:
!lilt are layitn, by a store of nuts this{
f',11, We know many patriotic Perm;
boys who are going is eat !hem tris'
whiter instead of candy.