HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-12-13, Page 7r 04111 Worth Protecti , A good pi'tie1e is worthy of a good package.. A rich, stl•ori ,, delicious to§..like Red Rose is worth putting into a scaled package to _keep it 15esh and good—, A cheap, ypintnon "LL tela is hardly, Worth taking Cate of and is usually sold in bulk, Red Rose is always sold in the sealed package which keeps it good. reseeSsIsPertrove 639 THE a I tae, and the horrors of discomfort, �a� which these men went courageously • through, Tie bad passed a you eol- E Off` V AR dior, crouching in a tunnel sledg'ier From Erin's Gree' Isle NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE. LAND'S SICORES. frppenh ge to the Emerald tele u1 interest to lrloh. men. Sir Edward Carson has; been on a visit to the western front, and was the guest of Sir Douglas Haig. Mary McNainaea, was fined forty shillings at the Limerick Petty Ses- sions for having light weights in her shop. . 'The Cootehill "Urban Council have decided to allow more light for public use this' winter, and are relaying gas mains.- At a meeting of the citizens of Castierea, it was deckled to take steps, at once to have the town lighted by electricity. •;and muddier,. than any creek, writing a Alaige number of laborers have left letter home to his mother by the light the South of Ireland for England, where they have engagedfor inland cf a flickering candle.le. The young trans art: AS SHOWN 1N THESE SKETCHES soldier had l000ted'u"p as he passed and p lied ma a joke about his oozy rest- The death took place recently at ing place, Other soldiers were in even Mayville, of Edward Egan, principal worse condition. of the firm of John Egan and Son, of "The Frenula army is a smiling Waterford. host," said he; '`their courage is amaz- ing." tractor demonstration was given ing: by a young lady from Dublin on the E .erywhere in the French army premises of The O'Connor Don, Clon- thereis high appreciation of the Brit- alis, Caetlerea. The plot -holders of Tootnovara have presented D. O'Shea, secretary of the Allotment Committee, with an address and a cheque. Mrs. Walsh was awarded 5300 at the Dungarvan Sessions against the OF THE WAR ZONE. ". Never Knew Iiow Good a World It Ie Till I Went To Fight," Says, Wounded Man, In the wards of a big London hos-; lah soldiers, and "also of the Ameal. .pital I stood at the bedside of a frail cans. Men of both armies are looked • shadow of a man. He had a gentle, upon as the Frenchmen's worthy corn- ----J• timid air, and looked mildly through rales, and any day you will hear•, the gold spectacles. He had a cruel `Tommies' and the `Sammies' applaud- wouitd in his back and bad struggled ed in the French trenches. Lux Navigation Company, for the loss painfully back to life after a period of The other day I `net a man just re - great suffering and danger, following turned from Rheims, "the city of Ger- of her husband. rdians re - a memorable battle on the fields of man's damnation," as it has been call- ortedlae iheiy Bi last meeting oard of u�that there France, writes Ellen' Adair. ed. In spite of the fact that it ,has Pere twenty-one cases of scarlatina n He was an American—and a school- been a scene of desolation, he hacl en- 1 master. He told me he had joined the .loyad the most delightful lunch of. his th'DWIe workhouse. Canadians eighteen months ago, be -, life there, and told me he considered fined r.2lodging-at oAuse koepersh Petty vSoce eachcause hia conscience had prompted the French women the most competent signs for not supplying their lodgers him. With every disability and na- on earth. with registration cards. ttu'al shrinking that can be imagined, The. streets of Rheims are grass- It is stated that German is the only he had thrown himself into the infer- grown, lie said. The gardens are neg- language taught in a Hamper of pub - it chancel leered. The cathedral has s no called war lie schools in Oklahoma. While, for be had destroyed l enc its altars We talked a little tvroof it smashed no friends in - London, and he was to bits. Its facade, which has fre- glad of a casual visitor.quently been described as the most 'It's a queer, mad sort of world,' beautiful thing'in the world, is broken, isn't it?" I said. , marred, desecrated. He `looked' at me protestingly "But Joan of Arc still rides trium- avoided by the prompt use Of Dr. Wil. • through the gold -rimmed spectacles. .parrot before the cathedral, he added. hamsPink Pills, These pills actually "No, no," he said; "don't say that-, "Her statue has hardly been touched erica and purify the blood, and in please don't say that! I have thought by German shells.' this way build u i the system, tone and There are still some thousands of1 y a great deal about it while I have been' , strengthen the nerves and invigorate lying in bed rind it is a very good inhabitants left in Rheims. Little world, and. T never knew howgood a children still play fearlessly In 'the the vital organs. empty streets. But cellar dwellers Serious diseases generally come world it was till I went to fight in from some simple disorder that has Frame!" are the rule. been neglected. Therefore any thin - There is a certain amount -of trade, Mud and IIigh�Spirits. too. Pommery and Grano are still ning of the blood should be 1"ooked up- Iie told me in an almost awe-struck on as a warning sign, and more serious there, and even. though there are no illness should bo avoided by the use voice, of the wonderful kindness, corn- railroads and very little petrol (gaso- radeship, courage, dutifulness and un- line) export is still contrived. of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In the ending patience and endurance of the For the courage and the resource of ease of young girls and women the men with whom he had been thrown. ""man live on in spite of war. blood is peculiarly liable to get out of orders to becceme thin and watery— and to lead lo a general breakdown in health. nits. can be avoided by the occasional use of Dr: Williams' Pink or two later I happened to be in a big Butter Substitute Fleet Invented_ at 'Pills, which are suitable for the most Londoii"raiload terminus as a coliyoy Order of Napoleon HL delicate constitution. These pills will of wounded arrived in a Red Cross give you a new appetite, improve your train. The scene revealed splendid It is interesting to note that wart digestion tone and strengthen weak - stoicism and self-discipline. It would which has been the, deciding factor oned nerves, banish depression and be idle to say there Vas. never.a groan in inducing the -.Canadian authorities lack of energy, clear the complexion and no tribute to human weaknesses , to allow the manufacture and sale of pimples and blotches, cure pain in the back and general weakness, cause the disappearance of headaches, dizzi- ness and heart fluttering: Give these pills a fair trial and you will soon note a wonderful change in your condition. Your spirits will brighten, good health and strength will return and you will g feel like a new 'Person. You can con- firm these statements by enquiring among your friends almost anywhere, as thousands and thousands of hope- less sufferers have been restored to new • health and energy by using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 'You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The. Di'. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- vi11e, Ont. .Activities of Women. Forty thousand women are working in the mines of Germany. Several Holyoke College girls are working as drivers of milk wagons. Kimura Komaka was the first wo- man to make suffrage speeches in Japan. There are 80,000 registered women nurses in the United States. Princess Eudoxia, of. Bulgaria,' is said to be the real ruler in that coun- try. Girls are employed as messengers in all the municipal offices in Portland, Ore. SERIOUSiLLNESSAVOiDED Many a serious Illness has been "I never knew that men could be as good as that," he kept repeating'. The words of that American school- -4- master came back to me when a. day ORIGIN OF OLEOMARGARINE. among this mass of suffering and dy- of oloomargarnle in this country, ing men. Yet there was such cheer -I should have -also been largely instru- fnlness, such bravery; so much mental in establishing it firmly as thought for others, such courtesy and all article of diet in Paris, and , in gratitude toward those who minister-' general throughout Plante. The facts ed to them; that I was amazed:: • The other day I. was discussing a courage with group g g o p of,soldiers. One of them said, "I wasafraid before I are these: EmperorNapoleon III. was anxious furnish the working g classes of France with a substance which would. went in, and 1 blas afraid afterward, serve the purpose of butter, have much but I wasn't afraid while I was In it." , the same properties of butter, yet be more cheaply produced. He therefore .And thats the view .of the ma'orit P y where courage is concerned. There's offered a prize for the discovery of the apprehensive- fear beforehand, and such a substance. Chemists at once the awful fear in retrospect,•but al- ' started experimenting, and at length ways strong courage within the act- a chemist working on the Imperial ual sphere of action. - Farm' at. Vincennes produced a sub - "What did you find particularly in f stance which s0 far met the require- therl+rencia trenche's?" I asked, for he ments that he was awarded the cov- was but newly returned from that part eted prize. of the line. • The inventor followed mechanically "Two things only," came the quick what ire believed was the physiological answer; 'Mud and confident, high' Process which took place when under- spirits! I gossiped with'ofiicers 'and fed cows produced the butterfat in men of the territorial regiments in :their milk from»the fat stored in their Champagne, men long past their' own bodies. He first reduced beef youth, but stalwart and .admirably, fat to small particles and placed ' it soldierlike. I talked, too, with artil- under heavy pressure, and then ap- lerymen in the Argonne, and with bat- ! plied heat to it, of low temperature, talions 'd'elite' who have batte}ed the i This separated the stearin from the Germans on the battlefields of Ver- olein, through crystalization, the re - dun. Everywhere I saw smiles and suit being a fat free from taste and cheerfulness." Hardships Cheerfully Borne. He described some of the scenes to 11 9 3? 4 Grj 6 5 �sr• 511 Mime dd d n 1!„,!111. Here's a new one—a most delicious desert that can be made in a•hurry. To one and one-half ' cups of milk add one cup of ' Clrape+'Nuts and one level table- spoonful of sugar, boil six minutes, cool and serve with milk or cream..padd rut, sins if desibe'l. . Get a package 'orGrape- Nutt from your grocer and try this pleasing recipe, I1i111I n, na311111p bane,,,, sour on , mhUillllli�i�nnul I III�t� iF IIIIIIIilferionneunrinn,arml',ilho odor, and which melted readily in the mouth; Experiments proved that it was as nutritious as butter, and was capable of being kept for a, longer period without becoming rancid. . Shortly after this discovery, in 1870, the Franco-Prussian war broke out, and ultimately Paris was besieged. Butter was soon at a premien, and later the supply cruised., altogether. In its place, large quantities of the new substitute, "oleomargarine" were manufactured, and' it gained such a' strong hold on the, public that' Paris alone consumes immense quantities every year. It required the great war to result in the introduction of this food into Canada. FIRE AFFECTS ANIMALS. Some Go Mad With Fear While Others Remain Cool in Danger. Most animals are afraid of fire, and will fly fr.0in it in terror. To others there is a fascination about a flame, and they will walk into it, -even though tortured by the heat. A horse in a burning stable goes mad with fear, but a dog is as cool in a fire as at any time. He keeps his nose down to tate floor, where the air is purest, and sets himselflealmly to finding his way out, Cats in fire cry piteously, They hide their tacos front the light and crouch in corners, When thole. rescuer lifts them they are as a rule quite docile and subdued, never biting or scratching,' Birds seem to Ise 'hypnotized by fire, and keep perfectly still; even the lo- quacious parrot Ott a lire has nothing to say. Cows, like dogs, do not show alarm, They are easy to load :forth and often find their Way' out thein- eelves. Saloonkeepers in Hartlepool, -Eng- land, refuse to sell intoxicating liquors to women. Eighty per cent. of the women eligible to vote in the United States are married. Madame Curie, discoverer of polon- ium and co -discoverer of radium, is an ardent suffragist. In New York State 1,086,000 women over, twenty-one years of age are un- married or widowed, ' The Elderly Safety -Pin. The safety -pin and the hook and eye ate generally supposed to be mod- ern inventions. The former, in fact, has been credited to Queen Victoria, She may have improved upon it, but certainly she is not entitled to the distinction of having invented it. Nu- merous specimens of the useful con- trivance have been found in the ruins of Crete. Some of them are in the museum of the University of Pennsyl- vania, and the museum has alsb - a hook and eye from the sante place, Both the safety -pins and the hook and eye now in the museum were made at least 900 years before Christ. Some are made of bronze, but amber: or somo other material Was often used on the „more elaborate pins. Some were even made of finely wrought golds eatnitrt's Tdulmont Cared [,mage: in Cows The Ii)•itish Empire produces one- third of the weiid's coal, one-tiintll of its' eopjrer, One-eighth of Het iron, one-fifth of its lead, one -ninth of its silvery and ono -half of its gold, • In These War Times -you want •• real food that contains the greatest amount of body - building material at lowest cost. ' The whole wheat grain' is all food. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the whole wheat in a digestible forma, Two or three of these little loaves of baked whole wheat with Milk and a litt.e fruit make a nour ' ishing, strengthening meal. Made in Canada. r For the Chin y Days a • M D b ICE• FOR illi TROPICS, Pencils In Japalt, Practically Unknown in rlr}'ppicill America Until Ib.eceiit Years, Tec which 11 few years ago '1x00 Practically unlliown to the people of tropical Amor'iea, is now .a necessity, Panama started the ball n -rolling building ice -plants, Until recently tltmro were no 'ice plants in the Puerto Plata consular district, which comprises the northern half of the Dominican Republic, Atm, every town of 2,500 inhabitants or more has its ice plant. Santiago de los Caballeros, with 15,- 000 inhabitants, the largest town in this region, has a ten ton plant which sells ice at $1 per hundred pounds at .the factory and j�wcnty-five cents ad- ditional delivered. The other towns, which range in population from 2,500 to 7,500, have ice plants of from one to three tons capacity, 'Phe mine, of ice at these plants vary from $2 to $4 per hundred pounds and about 10 per cent. additional If delivered, The principal consumers of ice are the cafes, clubs and hoeels, but there is beginning to be a•rmalj.clemand for: ice from private families. In view of the high price of ice and the growing prosperity of the country, it is sug- gested that it might be possible to in- duce i e somo of thelargest g cafes go.t clubs, and hotels to install their' own plants and refrigerators. An nntltough-t of result of the win has been the creation of a load pencil Wintry In Japan, In 19x1. Japan Im- Iporltred 65,000,000 peticild, most of which .came' from Azneriett and Ger- many Cut with the opening of the European conflict German sources of supply wore cut, off and mites ntann- i'acturors, who had been pyoclucing only in comparatively small quantl- ties, seized their opportunity and inade the moat of it. In 1014 Japan export- ed over 9,000,000 Iced pencils and 19, 1916 the number had increased' to 168,000,000, There is strong• indica•• tion that many of the markets won by'tho orientals will bo held by them after rho war, for they have the ad- vantage of very cheap labor, Moot of the lead which they use is imported from India and the United Staten. reinaeere Zttittuent Otuea Coilla, 00, tes- e•J-.O—a—O—o—o--n--o—o-0-0=0--0 YES! LIFT A CORN FF 1✓ fH 0 I bU , PAIN Law,. 1) v 26 Cents ale, Tw I3 i aw; 4SOD Euelld Avenue T `onto. Cincinnati man tells how to dry r ANCER, Til 610 KM Lunt t s ETC... ° tlj up a corn or callus so it lifts Internal and external.ea eat. write ° est painet'r by our home tlollman c off with finders. 45 as ba.lmt inn earn Or. d, Ont. Medical Limited. C.ollln,tvood, Ont. comae :wood, soapstone griddle iia an economy, as it regniv'es, no greasing, It is at its best after it has been used a good while. _ P01037tTO0 '�,T1.Ow f AID T.GGS, 1'ow.'i'InT, r'tc.ts, let hes. ns honey, mrions tvtutted, high- est prices given, .. O. Arsenault, 1195 St, ce.tharine least, Montreal. r o s ]OAR Blr:(Lr,11 t) -- \t'ON I+IOinrttf, T'a`m 1'argai nv exceptional 0np01" Utilities awaiting Immediate eurphaseeel descriptive catalogue free, Buffalo Perm lCColt .nge, 13rls1aano building, Fiuffalo, New Yolk, 4 a 111.1.V.16.11 AND 1i1iL, "—Sweden. burgs great work on a `col 4n. wpageobes and Ilnd rho lire Postpaid.01101' death ; You corn -pestered men and women need suffer no longer. .'. ear the shoos that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops,. soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be pain. lifted off, root and all without e t tP 1 of -reezone costs A small Nott e f very little at any drug store, but will posi- tively take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irri- tate the surrounding skin, If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug ]rouse. It is fine stuff and acts lilco magic every time, The Egyptian goose is a small Black -and -white checked worsted is brightly colored goose kept for orna- mental purposes and rarely seen in sed for this stunning street dress. this country. It resembles the wild cCall Pattern No. 8100, Ladies' goose in shape and weighs two pounds ress. Pattern in 6 sizes; 34 to 44 less in each class. use. Price, 20 cents. Note the many smart features of this simple dress; the box -pleated tunic, surplice waist, long tight sleeves and the wide loose' belt. McCall Pat- tern No. 8079, Ladies' Dress. In 5 sizes, 34 to 42 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may- be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall ,Co,, 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. LEMON JUiCE IS FRECKLE Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion tp clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice or two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- fier, at yery, very small cost, Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet countott,.wlll supply three ounces et orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion" into the face, neck, arms and bands each day and see, how freckles an blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin be' comes. Yes! 1t Is hltrmless, REMOVER r Pat Found a Way. „ A Scotchmari and an Irishman once set out together on a holiday, and Sandy intrusted all of his money to his friend with the strict injunction not to give hien mare than a stated sum for expenses gaclt day. After a few days Sandy pleaded for an increase, but in vain. Afterwards he confessed to Pat that, on the lat- teb's refusal to comply with his wish, he got out of bed every night when tlto Irishman was asleep. and searched for the cash, but could never' succeed in finding it. "Where did you keep it?" he asked. "Wall," said Pat, "I let you go to bed first every night, and every night When you 'vercn't looking I put ray purse' into one of your pockets. I was always first up in the morning, and tools it out again," w Ittirttv14't x,1n310bitt Our'oa Itlulitli lar MONEY ORDERS Dominion Express Foreign Cheques are accepted by Field Cashiers and Paymasters in France for their full face value. There is no better way to send money to the boys in the trenches. If you are not fortunate enough to possess a yarn winder, use two flat- irons. You can set tltean upon a tr,ble or bench, as far apart as neces- sary, and adjust the yarn over the handles and proceed to wind. I was cured of painful Goitre by MINARD'S LINIMENT. I3AaAitD McMULIN. 'Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. :IRS. W. A, JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY. Cornmeal Bread. -2 cups lukewarm water, 1 yeast cake, ez tablespoon salt, he cup molasses, 1 cup rye flour, 1 cup corn meal, 3 cups white flour. Dissolve yeast cake In water, acrd re- maining ingredients, and mix thor- oughly: Let rise to double its bulk, knead and shape into loaves; let rise again to double in bulk and bake. IIRTNE Granulated nyreiicis; ry;y s 'Sore Eyes, Byes Inhered by aSon,st and Wind quickly FOR j ; 3relieved ed by Murine. Try It In �,,�; U iijj tWsO ve„l d yourEyesandlaBaby'sEyes. KAJI N0Smartias,JustSysComfort Murine layeRemedy ,nto,pseluarine Ey. Satv, in Tubas Ho., Fur gook ojtkaEFres. Ask Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago a We citri't expect our neighbors to 1 say pleasant th ",2s about us if we are all the time g' :,wling about them. Every living thing likes to have the fur stroked the right wayeven editors like it. minaret's Liniment entree Distemper. Tomato and Cheese.—Take equal quantities of bread crumbs and toma- toes. Melt a little dripping in a sauce- pan and pour over the bread crumbs. Put it layer of cooked tomatoes in a 'baker, sprinkle over with bread crumbs, then with a layer of grated cheese. .,,Then repeat end put enough bread crumbs to cover tine cheese. Add a little salt and cayenne pepper. Put in the oven and heat until the cheese is melted. ' 41 4 11 or 0011141111011o•ercome rest[ v1oy. Our 1• natural i,_ -..lode permanently restore 1'taaturt.ls eec'a. Crnduatepupils every- where f"^o advice and literature. $Elk« .fireetIO.'"d' .ter-'.'B'-J•CT'E Sg Box Sawyers mea a erS .0 Sox � �i 1:+0 A F1,114703 drr5A 8011110 °IRST lIIOOK EROS,, LTD, ! 283 King Street East, Toronto I The Jo dan Valley In Soataonolorn Orogen la e I,oan5101 rartllo dWlrlui teal you 01gh1 to In• vesugoato. roue shrewd formers aro nese"tornmelt Utoileotheml that Invent, natittral llil0iraso Io BLo .vnlnn from the la II nlono, to 0111 nothing of tae bed (pops tint they oan produoo. Pritoo I0'W t1rinO 0005, , Aik ma for nnthlnpo udorntuliet, rhselotoly iron, Yen aro raalialiv Invltad 10 Dari .10 ao01,, IIT., lloJA0 d est asst, O. ,n ono our 0x0110,01 nod oxlonaive rl111(11 nr unl ry. to srowu In eft Onion Prone Onunlry. it, A.SunG fnlnnizollon0lsdloieoi1dl, f on I'nciflo Sista, Itooml 11 tl F', p)ddn Otnpbn. '4rh. Exposure A,ch Cold rain. windo, ari'd damproas bring out the rheumatic aches. Art application of Sloan's Liniment will soon have the blood circulating and the pain will disappear. For neu- ralgia, lame back, stiff neck, sprains, o muscle soreness. strains, and 11 o noes. Sloan's Liniment can't helmet. No rubbing: it quietly ponetra tea and doea its work with- out 0to,nor elogy, 10 of the pone. Batter thea itnotera or orntrneote. For cold feet or hands try an opplivalion of Sloon ul-inimont. Gonnroua aired bottles, at all dentists, 25c.. 500..111.50. ICITCIIEI4ER, - v CANADA When buying your Pisno insist on having an gs O g O iii I G' PIANO Aaa,.,Ti'F ION , Many People a Fye Maize a Toronw's Pana -r Rotel B --Line for the Walker L -rouse (The House o" Plenty) as soon as they arrive in Toronto, The meals, the service rad the home -like appointments •oastitnte the magnet that draws theta there. Noon Dinner e0c, Evening Dinner 75c. THE WALKER HOUSE Toronto's Parnaus,1Jotel TORONTO, CANADA Rates Reasonable Ren. Wi'l^,rrt r Co., Props, J 1.1190 PI Cure for Bad Breath "Bad breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowel." If your teeth are good, look to your digestive organa at once. Get'Scigel's Carative Syrup at druggists. 15 drops s after meals, dean up your food peasage and stop the bad'breatlt odor. 50c. and 31.00 Bottles. ' Do not buy substitutes. Gat the genuine.- 6 kat Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles, Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Ilisttligt Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE AiTISEPTIC AND GERII1J00E Does .not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2:008. bottle, delivered, Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 hl free. ABSO31I1INE, JR., antiseptic linimea for mankind, re- duces Strains, rninful. Knotted, Swollen Veins. Concen- ttated-0tdy a few drops required at an application. Price 11 per bottle at dcolera or delivered, W. F. ?5555, P, 0, F., 615 Lymsns 31dg,,:MOntreal, Can, 8hsorbine and Absorhlne .10. era mado la Casale. e see esesees l,J WEBSTEVS NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARIES are in use by business ren, engineers, bankers, judges, archi- tects, physicians, farmers, teachers, li- brarians, clergymen, by successful men and W001en tine world over. ARE YOLT EQUIPPED TO WIN? The New International is an all-knowing teacher, a universal question answerer. 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illoetratb,ne. Colored Plates, 00,000 Geograph- ical Subjects. 12,000 glograpidcal Entries. Regular and India -Paper Editions. Write for.prr- imen Pngea, 11- luau/atone. ere. Free, a net of Pocket Maps if you name thin paper. i F dI' G.&G. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mess. 8 X 1 G 8 5 e.s rx11x1t• tpttot■x■ .. O'flCJA VEAS ECZEMA ON BABY Spread Covering Body. Awful Disfigurement. itched 'and Burned. Had to Scratch. "My baby was troubled with eczema which began on her face and spread 1111 over her body. 11 was in a rash and was very sore and inflamed, causing aw- ful disfigurement. The rash itched and burned making her scratch terri- bly and she was MSS. r'Then I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Baby was healed with six cakes . of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of ' Cuticura Ointment.' (Signed) Mrs, Henry Richard, Murray Harbor, P. E. I., April 2, 1917. You may rely on Cuticura to care for your skin, scalp, hair and hands. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A,• Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. aiozzr Ery d. s a se ivy : czn.d� r Hold ci 3ronado • -Coronado Beach, California Near San Diogo POLO, MOTORING, - TENNIS, BAY AND SURF BATHING, 'FISHING AND BOATING! E8.Hz}le Gob. Course Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic ,Sprinkler System. AMERICAN PLAN • JOHN J. HERNAN, Manager .."T'='..r::_ . _... ;:z.-,..•..tav;;rats'sin:s:l:.aaac�sss,'rr�'.Nt�,r�.:rt 1 WiEl„ IaLOCK ENGINE, 11ix'12. New Automatic Valve Type. Castrpiete with supply and exhaust piping, flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 Dash for Immediate sale. I ELECTRIC GENRRATOI1, 30 I.W., 110-120 Volts D.C. Will accept 345 cash for Immediate sale. 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. R'ou'ble, Endless, 24 inch g 70 ft. Will accept 3300 for Immediate sale, although bolt Is in excellent con. dItion and now one would cost about 3600. PULLEYS, Large size. 26x66—$30 ; 12x60--$20 ; 12;'„x48--$12 ; 12x86—$8. 2 .BLOWERS OR FANS, Buffalo make. Ono 10 Inch, other 14 inch discharge—$30 each, REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. GO Front ,$t. West, Toronto