HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-12-13, Page 5ecember 13Th, t9I7 •
Clinton News-Recnrd
Of Interest to You
and Me
A. vote for McMilian moans a vote
for the Natiottaliets and reactionaries
•.;1 Quebee olid toe the peeping or re-
inforeelneiits from the Carnelian Sol-
r * "
A vote for Merner means a vete
:for Unjoal Government,• representing_
the best elements of the Liberal and
Conseryative parties and eight of the
mine a
of the Dominion.
also neais speedy reinforcements fur
.our soldiers,
The Laurier Party says the "131g
Interests" want the return of the
'Union Goverannent, It is true, The
big interests and the 1lttle'intei'osts,
in fleet every interest in Canada,
•putsido of Quebec, will breathe a lit -
tie easier when the Union •Govern-
mcnt is returned. Cast your vote
for Morner and the 'Union Govern
,•meet on Monday.
* * *
Under the caption "t1 Question of
• 'Leadership," the newspapers still
supporting Sir Wilfrid Laurier ' pub-
lish a machine -made, election-litera-
•tore article, abusing Sir Robert Bor-
den, making sweeping general charges
,of corruption aiid mismanagement
:against the: -late government. The
tirade of pointless abuse concludes
•with these words : "Under which
leader ? Let the people cjioose,"
This is the question whiet eon-
.eiennts the people of Canada today.,
the question of which leader they
will choose to guide the ship of
state during the next four or five
It makes, a good deal of diderenee
'where a men is lieading for when
sone is choosing him as a leader.
In this case there is Sir Robert
Borden, with his following of Con-
servatives and Liberals who have
,agreed to lay aside for the time all
party disagreements and work to-
gether for the common good. Sir
'Robert is headed the way of hon-
our, the way of victory, the way
wf sending speedy and steady aid of
'every. sort to the Canadians who
have stood oft the enemy for the
-rest a •us, beileving that:their corn-
-try. was 'back of them. He leads
the way of •self-sacrifice, it is true,
•and he calls upon those who are
'strongehearted, those who love' hon-
our more than ease, triose who wish
to see Canada live up to the ideals
- created 'ler her by the splendid valor
sof the brave boys who are holding
Canada's banner high on the bloody
'fields .of France or Flanders, or who
;already sleep beneath the sods'. The
men and the women who would share
-in some degree the sacrifice of our
:soldier heroes will follow; hint.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier is the other
deader. He is headed the way of
•ease. He has a following of French-
"' Canadians, wlio, for whatever peas-
:^--- can and for whatever cause, there is
aro time now to remedy, are not in
spirit with' the English-speaking. Can-
adians in the present struggle for
the freedom of the world. With him
also are, (this is so evident that argu-
ment to the contrary is useless) ev-
ery pro -German and anti-British sen-
timent in the countrp. This leader
says in' effect : "The war must be
neon. Everybody should help, but
those .of you who do not wish to
help need not worry. I'll see that
you are not put to. any, inconven-
nconvenience in the matter. Just' trust
me." Surely this Is leading in the
way of dishonour, i in ,,the way • of
cheating the men who have already
"left all" of the reinforcements
which they have every reason to ex-
t :pent Canada will send them.
Which way is Canada going, the
way of honour or the way of selfish
ease ? "Under which leader ?" The
people must choose,
'r' Miss Tovell of Guelph has been the
'guest of Major and Mrs. R,.S. Halts.
Mrs. James, Scott of Harriston,
Mrs. John Wilson .and Mr, Hugh Wil-
son have: been visiting Mrs. 112oNab.
Mr. 13. Hoylc, who has been -in-
spector in the munition works for
• some time, has. been transferred to
Toronto. •
Mrs, John Dorsey of Duluth . and
Miss Ethel Williams of Detroit were
in,tewu attending the funeral of their
father, the late Mr. Williams,
Rev. W, J. Clark of • Wcstmount,
islbntreal, a former assistant pastor
-during the terns of the late Rev. Dr,
Macdonald, will be present at the
'.Jubilee services to be held on 1 Sun-
Presbyterian n
clay next in the tesbyterla church.
;Mrs. 0, R. Somerville of London
recently visited with her brother,
Mr, J. A. •Wilson, and with other
friends hereabouts.
Mrs, W, 1+. Willis is visiting rela-
tives in Detroit,
Mr Whitehead of Townsend, Mon-
tana, bar been a guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. R. I., Clark.
Corp, W. Brine had the first finger
of his right Baud broken and badly
cut while at work in the munition
works one dap last wook,
,..Mr. Newton Mactavish aiid daugln-
eseter of Toronto visited e
-'brother, Mr, J, Naotavishof town
' recently.
Mr. Alex. Campbell of Cromarty
Imo pirehased the Sutherland proper-
ty on High •street and, intends tak-
ing up his residence In town in the
-early spring,
Mrs. R. Davis is visiting her son
in Detroit.' .
- Miss Te, Downing of Brussels' and
Mr. E. Downing of the staff of the
i,ethbeidgo Herald, Lethbridge, were
rdcent visitors in town, hahg the
:poets of Mrs. John Murray,
10It, and, Miss, Wm, ebc)attr have
heels visiting their daughter in GAO,
'The Presbyterians have installed an
oleetrie orgain blower in their elated!,
Mrs, Wey and 'laughter wore called
to Clotlerieli on Monday owing to the
death of the former's niece, Miss 1,
lIallfulay, witieb occurred at I1iina11-
ton on. Stinday, Interment at Ced-
Our' teachers, Misses Jariot and
Mollis, were not able tp get to their
respective schools on Monday owing
to the severe storm, Mr, Johnston
made the journey to his school and
found" only one scholar there and our
rural mall carriers (lid .not t vo
out owing to the condition of tine
There • were no sorviees in the
Methodist church last Sunday on ac-
count of the anniversary, services at
Our two Sabbath schools aro busy
preparing for their Christmas enter-
tainment which will take place be-
fore Christmas, although so stormy
a number were out last Satuvclayi,
The following is the November
monthly report for S,S, No, 114,
Stanley, names in order of merit :
5th -G,-0, McLean'.
Or. 4th -R. V. MoClyiiont, is, V.
Fisher, E. L. Hyde.
Jr. 4th -W. L..Workman, W. M,
Sr, 3rd -E 0, Hervey, F, 'R, Par-
Jr. 3rd --W, A. Ross, L. 0. Work-
Sr. 2nd -E. F. Anderson, 0, M,
Pt, end -J. A. Mustard, 11. A.
Dinsdale, J. E, McKenzie,
Pt, lst-H. W. Mcelymont, J. A.
Anderson, W. D. McLachlan.
The best spellers were'
5th -G, C. McLean.
Sr. 4th -G, H. Fairbairn.
Jr. 4th -W. L. Workman.
S'r. 3rd -E. C. Harvey.
Jr. 3rd -W. A. Ross.
Sr. 2nd -E. Anderson,
Sr. Pt.-FIelen Dinsdale, a
The Varna Patriotic Society will
not hold another meeting pistil Jan.
8th. But those wishing ..to obtain
sewing may do so by calling at any
of tine stores,
Mr, and Mrs, John Popper acid son
of ',Moraines Man., are visiting with
Mrs, I'Id, Britton and other friends,
Mr, Wm,• A'foon ob Loedesboro gath-
ored: in the tares about bore on Moe -
Mie Joe Cooper from Cleveland,
011ie, was calling on' chi friends last
week and algid spout a few dills with
his mother, Kern Cooper, in Sea-
Miss Sadie Cook of Goclerieh
ship has 'been spending a wept .with
Mrs'. Cleo. Riley and IS'ire, C•,. I3ag-
Mr, John Barr had some cattle at
the stock show at Guelph last week;
Mr. John 1)iis was a visitor at
the Guelph Pair last week,
Blyth Lodge No, 393 A:F. & A,M.
elected the following officers at their
recent meeting : W.M,, Thos, Samp-
son ; 5,117,, Robt. Pate ; J.W„ James
Smith ; Secretary, J. M. Hamilton
Treasurer, J. G. Ernigh ; . Tyler,
Amos Spuhl.
The digestive organs absolutely
need. the influence of pure blood for
the proper performance of their func-
tions. Persons that sleep in small,
'ill -ventilated rooms complain of lit-
tle or no aPPetite. in the horning and
ot disagreeable dryness 01 the mouth
and throat. Why ? Because, as a
result of breathing air that is int-
puee, their blood is impure and fails
to give their digestive organs the
stimulus they must have for perfect
ywork. It is necessary that we should,
have pure blood it we want to get
all the good out of what we eat that
there is in it and to get it comfort-
ably, Flood's Sarsaparilla is,distin-
quished for making pure, rich, vital-
ized blood, perfecting, the digestion
and building up the whole system.
Get it today.
Final Appeal Judge
Gives • Ruling on
Exemption of Farmers
Mr. Justice Duff Jthe Final Court of Appeal) De-
clares it is Essential that there shall be No
Diminution in Agricultural Production.
(Published by authority of Director of Public Information,
Hon. Mr. Justice Duff gave judgment on December
8th, in the first test case brought before him, as Central
Appeal Judge (the final court of appeal), for the exemp-
tion of a farmer. The appeal was made by W. H. Rown-
tree in respect of his son, W. J. Rowntree, from the
decision of Local Tribunal; Ontario,No. 421, which
refused a claim for exemption. The son was stated to
be an experienced farm hand, who had been working
on the farm continuously for the past seven years, and
ever since leaving school. He lives and works with his
father, who owns a farm of 150 acres near Weston,
Ontario. With the exception of a younger brother, he
is the only male help of the father on the farm. The
father is a man of advanced years.
In granting the man exemption "until he ceases to
be employed in ,agricultural labor," Mr. Justice Duff
"The Military Service Act does not deal with the
subject of the exemption of persons engaged in the agri-
cultural industry; and the question which it is myduty
to decide is whether the applicant being and having
been, as above mentioned, habitually and effectively en-
gaged in agriculture and in labor essential to the carry-
ing on of agricultural production, ought to be exempted
under the provisions of .the Military Service Act:
"These two propositions are indisputable :
(1 In. order that the
militarypower p war of the allies
may be adequately sustained, it is essential that in this
. country and under the present . conditions, there
should be no diminution in agricultural production.
"(2) The supply of competent labor available for
the purpose of agricultural production is not abundant,
but actually is deficient.
"The proper conclusion appears to be that the ap-
plicant, a competent person, who had been habitually
and effectively engaged in labor essential to such pro-
duction, ought not to be withdrawn from it.
"It is perhaps unnecessary to say that"such exemp-
tions are not granted as concessions on account of per-
sonal hardship, still less as a favor to a class. The sole
ground of them is that the national interest is the better
served by keeping these men at home. The supreme
necessity (upon the existence of which, as its preamble
shows, this policy of the Military Service Act is found-
ed) that leads the State to take omen by compulsion and
put them in the fighting line requires that men shall be
kept at home who are engaged in work essential to en-
able the State to maintain the full efficiency of the corn-
batatit forces, and whose plates cannot be taken by
others not within the class called out." ,
w.• (ffhtui, DeA 5r .1917,
As NIr. Ferest was moving itis
threshing outfit from the bcuiiclary
to the 16th of iitullett recently^, and
while going clown soutsof
$h 11.111 at rho cemetery,the 001)t0 ofcle ilio
steering chains broke allowing the one,
gine to plume into the ditch, 111'r.
Carter and AMM. Moss who were on the
onglne, jumped and escaped injury,
Smell.utamage was done and with a
gang oL men filo following day the
machine was righted.
AniasoiarS services
ill be held
In the Baptist albutein on Sunday
noxa, services afternoon and, evening.
The pastor, the Rev, le, 0, Fordo,
will preach, The officials are asking
for a special eliding as no enter-
tainment is being given this pear,
Dee, 5th, Lyntord R. Francis
Meyrl G., youngest daughter
1115r, and Mrs. William Snell,
of Exeter,
JOHNS -I!1 Toronto, on Dee, 10th,
to Mr. and Mrs, Addison Johns,
a daughtec. •
TFIORNELOE-At Coderich, on Dec,
and, to Rev. Herbert E. aeul leIps,
lhorneloo, a •dacgintor;
RUTLEDGE-In West Wawanosli, on
Dec. 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Ropt,
H. RUtiedge, a son',
ELLIOTT-Tn Bayfield, on. Dec. 9th,
to Mr; and Mrs.' Thomas • i:•1. El-
liott, a son.
BALICWELL-In Bayfield, oir Dec.
lath, to Mr, and Mrs;. William
-- -Balkwell, a son,
POTTER -In Goderich township, on
Dec. 8th,, Charles P. Potter, soh
of NIr. and Mrs. P. Potter of
the Huron Road, aged 13 years.
BLAC1CWELL-In Woodstock, on Dee,
8th, Norma T., eldest daughter of
Iilr. and Mrs, A. E. Blackwell,
formerly of Clinton, aged 10
ROSE -In Goderich, on Dec. 4th,
James Rose, agar 81 years and 6
IN MEMO'RIUM-In loving memory
of Robert E. Snowden, who de-
parted this life Dee. 15th, 1915,
"Gone but nIlt• forgotten," -
Mother, sisters and brother,
pearl brooclt. Finder suitably re-
warded by leaving at News -Record
Mice. 19-2
fence suitable for lire wood, for
sale. -Apply to Ed. Welsh, 11. 11,
No, L. Phone 1+8 on 166. 19-2
and summer kitchen; _.water-
wortcs, good cellar, very comfort-
able, central. Apply to Jas. 5,
Miller or W. Brydone. ' 19-2
gage on farm, $3000 three years, 6
percent, 84000, five years, G1• per-
cent, -Apply W. Brydone, Clinton.
A Christmas Entertainment will be
given in the Forrester's Hail, Con-
stance, Dec. 21st, at 8 p.m. A
program consisting of a two hour
play "Topsy Turvy,,' witi9 other
drills, dialogues, recitation and
songs by local talent will be given.
All are welcome. Admission 21'1
cents, • 10-2
the Minister of Agriculture the
postponed Meeting. of the members
of the Clinton . Horticultural So-
ciety will be held at T, Cottle's
residence on, Thursday evening, Dec.
27th, at 8 o'clock for the p9,rpose
of electing- officers aiid the tran-
saction of other business for the
coming year. -Thos. Cottle, Sec:
Treasurer. 19-2
a seven roomed cottage, Electric
lights ; soft and town water in
kitchen. For particulars apply to
T, A. Greig, -18
prices paid, -1-T, A. Hovey, Clin-
ton. -h7
on Road, Tuckersmith, contenting
98 acres, with buildings. For par-
ticul rs apply to W.Gib in s
a R. h
11, R No. 1,, Clinton, -07
that payment of the second instal-
ment of taxes should he made as
early as possible. The lash day
for payment is Dec, '14th, after
which five percent, will be added.
No notice other than this adver-
tisement will be given . Bring your
tax statement when making pay -
dent -Joe. Wheatley, Tax Celiac-,
tor.. Clinton, Nov. list, 1917. 113-7
a number of pito bred Ancona cock-
erels fob sale, (hatched front eggs
troth Rev, E. G. Powell's famous
pens). Price 81.50 if taken before
Nov, 1st, $2.00 atter, that date. --
Chas. Williams, Jr,, IT„ R. No, 9,
Clinton, Phone 11-14.3. -lit
paired and Pressed and at the'
shortest possible notice. Both Lad-
ies' and Gentlemen s olntlres. We
guarantee to do good work, I am
prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies
'Suits, Clout's Suits aiid all kinds
of Woolen elotlting including Sweat-
ers, eta. All orders promptly iit-
tendcd to, Ileome over. Johnson's
joirelty Store, -Wilt, vJ. siege. -00
von 5ALI-GQ0D FRAME 31017;410
on Station AMA, in; best of re-
pair, good cellar, hard and soft wat-
er, 'Best' el location, -Apply to W.
G', Pickett, -10
Rent -On Cutler street, Clinton,
cottage ecnta:ning 7 rooms, good
cellar, situation central, For Par-
ticulars apply to 0. 13, Hale or
Mrs. Butler, Clinton, -06
Ii , L 9 ACR1.S S1T-
uated one mile i
1 Eor,thva
the f "1
p t la6o
of Londesboro, being north half of
Lot 20, Con. .12, Zlullott. Bank
barn 30x50, straw shed, driving'
shed 20x90, cement silo 12x27,
frame house with kitchen. Build-
ings in good reppir and ' 4'611• in
good shape, mostly. all in grass.
No. 8'school stands on corder of
farce, occupying the fiftieth . acre.
For further particulars apply to
Richard Shaddick, Loudesboro, 10-7
having cream to sell write to us
for cans.. We supply two cans free.
Fix all express charges and 1550
cheques twice each month, cheques
payable at par. We pay the high-
est market prices consistent with
an honest test. Testing done by a
competent' man. Each can careful-
ly, weighed, sampled and tested on
arrival d
a al an statement returned.'
Those in the vicinity of ICinburn
may leave their cream with Mr.
Hall who will deliver it here.
Write for cans and give -us .a trial.
Patrons in the vicinity of Varna
may deliver their cream to Beatty
Bros, Store and it will be taken
care of there -The Seaforth Cream-
ery., Box 480. Seaforth, Ont, -00
T -he Edison
Dia monde Am
berola, the • world's greatest
value in phonographs, will
be increased in price on January 1st,
You of course will want to buy
your Diamond Amberola before Jan-
uary 1st, Let us give you a word
of advice about the freight situation.
Freight is moving very slowly. There
may, be freight embargoes, Order
your Diamond Amberola now and
make• sure of getting it before Jan-
uary 1st.. -
Newcombe Pianos, Superior Litter
Carriers, Stalls amt Staunsions, Wat-
er Boxes, De Laval Separators, pe
Laval Engines and Sharpless Milking
Christmas Soon Here
The festive time is fist approach-
ing and it is one time of year when
every housewife, especially the house-
wife, desires to have an appetizing
table for her family, especially in
line of a Xmas cake.
You will do well to purchase the
ingredients for your 'Xmas cake at
our store, our new fruits are of the
highest quality.
Choice Valencia, 'Raisins, 2
lbs. for 05e
Seeded and Seedless Raisins,
Per package 15c
Seedless Raisins, loose, .per
lb. 145c
(Use in place of currants)
Our new stock of nuts, currants
and peels have aeriYed and they are
what the busp housewife desires.
For butter use Easifirst 01 Crisco
-it's better.
For pies eve have sonic extra nice
mince meat at 18c per lb, or 2 lbs.
for 35e,
Special -Pure laundry soap, 5 for
25c, 21 bars for 81.00.
Good supply of vegetables on hand,
Oleomargerine in -stock.
Johnson & Co. -
The Store of Quality.
Phone orders promptly cared for.
PHONE 111.
Every family can afford a Phouola.
The best and clieapest on the market
today, by from 85 to 815 cheaper than
any other, being an all Canadian
made machine. It has a quiet
smooth running doted() spring motor.
it has a surprising volume of tone,
playing all makes of disc records and
will play two or three ten inch re-
.lords with one winding, Cabinets
aro in inahoganj', early English,
weathered, or golden oak, all parts
being made and assembled in Canada,
hence it is the lowest priced machine
on the market, prices ranging from
$18 up to 8250, Come in and have a
look before purchasing.
Dr f in and have pour eyes tested
if they botilor y+oue--1t wont cost any-
thing, Lost eight or the light that
failed. The eyes aro the bread win -
hers -not the hands. 't'rulce care of
thein, have diem oxamfncd. T0new
that they Etre right. We are experts,
5atisfaetloe. guaranteed.
InotaiiilsvtGrA- Pt,TI'lio1;I,.L1 Sp.
cioty intends giving a . cotic.ert
the Methodist church. oe, Friday cv-
piling, Deo...7th, Good program,
Quartette of Ont. St. churc)l, onus
ton, .Mrs, Madden of Brasfield,
(formerly Mise Ilart) elocutionist,
and otbee talent will • tiiiro Part.
Admission 25e, Concert at 8
o'clock. 17-9
AT ON,C17.
Clinton Knitting Co.
every week. Highest market price
Phone 14-166 R. R. No. 1
Selected Potatoes
Wanted !
for immediate delivery,
We take therm any day.
Highest market price
paid. We, want them
before cold spell comes.
13ox 192 - Phone 126
Live and Let Live
Ingredients for Your
Christmas Cake
If you have not alreadp made your
Xmas cake it is time for you to get
busy, We have all the ingredients -
high quality and right prices :
Choise raisins, carefully seeded,
California seedless raisins,,
Valencia raisins,
Choice cleaned currants ,
Mixed peels, ,
Xmas dates and figs,
Pure lard, '
Shortening and Crisco.
We will have oleomargarine for sale
the first of December.
Butter and eggs wanted highest
prices cash or trade,
some of our baled hap and feed on
our truck the next bine it is going
in your direction, which'will be 'very,
soon. Just as an experiment we ask
henyourbone r a
u to r them on i o to
you try
while, It it doesn't result in your
becoming a steady customer for our
hay and 150(1- WO miss our guess,
Once, used always a user has been
our experience.
W. Jenkins & Son.
Phone 199. Highest prime paid for
Grain and Wool. Eievatoi.
Residence phone 8-142,
A Reliable Agent in Huron county
to sell Pelhain's Peerless Fruit and
Ornamental trees during fall and
winter. months.. Good pay, exclusive
territory, free selling oquipmenb.,
Over 600 acres ot the eheiceet
wirsery stock, including new varieties
.controlled by us, I3andsomo up'fo-
dato selling equipment and a splen'
(lid Cah t g our rice adit n- ,r n is
to; crier
customers. We are not joblicrii.
Write now for agency terms tui
I RLHAM NII+h' 1t0IvY i';O„
R. H JOHNSON1'oi:onto, out,
N.--41aialogne sent on request to
(Next to Ilovey's Drug Store) • applicants for agencies •an putieSers
Issuer of Marriage l tecn1se, of nursery stock,
How About Your
Pudding ?
2 lbs Valencia raisins 2Gc
2 lbs Seeded raisins . _25c
2 lbs Seedless raising 30c
New Peels, Nuts,
Figs and Dates
W. T. O'Neil
The Hub Grocery
WANTED' `':• -
We are again prepared to pay;,
the highest spot cash prices for alt
kinds of timber, either in bulk or by;
the, thousand, and either is the bush
or delivered' in our, yard, If your
have anything to offer call up the
old reliable market (11-115).
' We are getting: out some of our
home grown Hemlock which is better
and, cheaper, than the freighted stuff,
so if contemplating any new build
Ings, or repairing„ let us Help your
plan your work. Our services are
We also have in stock all Iffnds
of Dressed Lumber, McNair Brand
Shingles, Canada Cement, and Bute
faro Fertilizer.
Our Feeding Plant rias '
opened for the season,; ; ; 4
and from now on. we . 1 ,
will be in the market • 9
for all tate poultry;
that you fiave fon 1
sale, i. 1 1! +
Pouitryf wilt be taken , ; •, 1
in every Wednesdays
morning at 'Holmesville
and every, day, at Coin
ton. • 11.1 11
Special prices will lie i
paid for properlyfin-
ished milk -fed chickens
over 9 ihs,, each,;
N. W. Prewarth:ay Phone 190
Manager or Holmesville 4 on 1431
Leave Your Order Early
Eavetroughing, l'
Heating 'or Plumbing
you're going to have done
;this year
Agent for Hecla Furnaces
Sinop over Rowland's Hardware,
PHONE) 58.
Clinton Carriage Shop
Mogul Gasoline Engines
29 h,p.
Mowers - Binders - Rakes
Hay Loadors - Side -delivery Rakea
Bean Cultivators - Scooters
Oliver Plows --- Peerless Gates,
Mel.aughtin and Boyne Buggies
and Carriages
~Same good second-hand Goggles foe
Sale cheap.
Buggy, tires channeled aid
All kinds of hard and soft; oils,
greases, etc., kept in stock,
'Cops and side rurtatiis of all kfi'idg
Aft work neatly and promptly 'dams,
Phone 73 r derv» street;