The Clinton News Record, 1917-12-06, Page 44
Clintoiol News-ftecorn
December OA
Now is the time to renew your sub
seri .tion before the price
Toront and Winnipeg
Westbound, Dec. 3rd to Jan. 2nd.' Eastbound, Dec. ist too -Jan; 5th
Note—Triweekly service wilt be roeumed thereafter. t
Winnipeg and Edmonton- Edmonton and Vancouver
For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and-tnfortnatlon, apply to
Or write R. L. Falrbalrn, G.P.A., 6B King St. E,, Toronto.
Our Own Country
C ,A,N A.D
ViaO'1J will find no other magazine more entertaining and none oth-
er so satisfying—so much -worth while to you .as a Canadian in
love with your Men country. Among its regular and frequent con-
tributors are these distinguish ed authors :
Sir Gilbert Parker Robert W. Service L. 13. Tates
Stephen Leacock Agnes C. Lout Alan Sullivan
Phillips Oppenheim Nellie McClung " Peter McArthur.
Arthur Stringer Lord Northcliffe H. P. Gadsby
Mrs. L. M. Montgomery Arthur- E. McFarlane
These contributors are a pledge to you of the 'quality of
MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE and of the C''anedian. savor which
is distinctive of MACLEAN'S,.
Some of the Department fen tures of every issue of MAC-
LEAN'S are :
REVIEW Ole REVIEWS—a condensation of the best biographical,
scientific, literary and des criptive articles appearing in current
periodical literature.
THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK—an informative article dealing with
commerce, finance, investments annl insurance—for the man in the
WOMEN AND THEIR WORK --a department of special interest to •
Canadian women.
AS a good Canadian, desirous of knowing your Canada better and
well, subscribe to MACL1])AN'5 MAGAZINE for yourself, home
and .friends whom you wish to favor with some exhibit of your
good -will. Subscription price is $2.00 per par after -Dec. 15th. Or-
der from your bookseller, or di rect from -the publishers...-. .
The MacLean Publishing Co,, Ltd„ 153 University AVe., Toronto
Dry Goods
Palen ishi ug
Ooneh & Co.
Winter Suits
at Exactly Half Price
As we want to cleat out
every suit in stock, we put
every suit on sale Saturday at
exactly Half price. These are
all new suits this season, the
latest styles, colors navy and
black only. 12 suits left to
clear, tiizes 36 to 44,
Come early fur best choice
rima"' ','`
Smart, comfortable and becoming styles, in beaver,
velours, tweeds and chinchillas, possessing all the new
style touches in belts, pockets, collars and trimmings,
All sizes from 16 to 44,
25 per cent discount oil' all coats.
Come while the assortment is good
Your choice of any ladies' hat up to et o
$7.00, for y
Tag Day Dec. 15th
A tag purchased on Dec, 15th will admit
you to a good show, for a good cause,
Buy a tag on Dec. 15th for the show on
Dec, 18th—only 500 will be sold,
The Girls will call on you.
Tho Sfethadlsts purpose hdldleg•
their anniversary on ,Sunday next,
1l0Y. J. ;A„ Agnew of Clinton will
cen(luet the services. On the follow-
ing Monday a convert wilt be given
by llnv. Mr, 11444. et Ilensall as-
sisted by ibirs. Knight and Mrs. Mil-
ts*. Lovo.
The patrioiric bazaar Held in Verna
on Nov,, 23rd wee well attended. A
good sale ni
home-made- cooking g a
sewing' was realized, The ladies of
the Society wish to thane their
neighbors who so willingly • and gen-
erously assisted in the work of the
afternoon lend evening, On Monday,
a ten cent social. was held, Altogeth-
er the proceeds einountedt to $108,
or the proceeds amounted to $109.75,
The ladies request that anyone hav-
ing good feathers or old linen which
they aro willing to donate to the So-
ciety! lea3'e it at any of the stores,
In the Commit;
Mrs. (Dr.) Arthur Bean and little
babe are now tit the home of the
lady's parents, Rev, J. 15. and Mrs.
Ford of Uodcrieh. It will ho re-
membered that Mrs. Bean and her
child nearly lost their lives in a flre
in which her husband- perished and
their home at Consecon was 4estroy
ed in August last, Mrs. Bean is
still very ill but the babe has re-
covered from its %burns,
Mr. William rlomuth, Winghafn,
Was born in Germany eighty years
ago, but he is as loyal to Canada
and the British Empire as any Brit-
ish born. Ile left the land of his
birth when about' nineteen years of
age and ]las never gone back. He oc-
cupies his true IOW knitting for the
Canadian soldiers, having knitted
eighty-seven pairs of socks.
At the investigate!, lield in
Goderieh into the recent fire
there Deputy Fire -Marshall Lew-
is condemned the inadequate
and antiquated fire apparatus!
and told the officials that it' evould
Pa}t them to see that the town had
up-to-date and sufficient fire protec-
--Mrs. W. R. Elliott of Exeter died.
suddenly on Wednesday of last week
in Toronto, where she had gone a
few days previously for medical treat-
ment. Site is survived by her hus-
band and a family of three daughters
and one son,
Sacrifice of Personal
Inion Government undoubtedly, calls
for some slight sacrifices of personal
preference by those Unionist support-
ers who will be called. to vote for
accepted Unionist candidates whom
they have been accustomed to look
upon as political opponents. Is this
slight sacrifice of personal inclina-
tion deserving even of mention in
comparison with the sacrifices and
the service which the young manhood.
of Canada has been called upon from
every recruiting platform to make, or
that -which we are now compelling
out young manhood to make under
"Tho Military Service Act ?"
It is idle to say that "Nothing
matters but the war" and immediat-
ely to act; as if our old political pre-
ference Hurst be preserved at all
costs. It is not as if either. Liberal
or Conservative were called upon to
make the sligbtest • sacrifice of
principle. Matters tiros which
the parties differed in prin-
ciple will and must stand aver
until after the war. The Union Gov-
ernment can "carry on" only with a
strong public • support. Belief in its
success is vital. Doubts about Its
stttcoss, if widely or loudly uttered,
would foredoom it to failure. This
would be a national catastrophe joy-
fully .welcomed by our enemies. The
expression of personal preference has
made Russia powerless. 7'liis •coun-
trp has called upon our uolitical•
leaders to "get together'." They
have got together, ' The rank and
file must follow suit.
A New Privilege
Finance Minister Announces that All
Victory Bonds may be
The following announcement has
been made from Ottawa :—The Fin-
ance Minister of Canada has issued a
new instruction in connection with
the Victory Bonds, which will be of
much benefit and importance to ninny
squall investors. He has decided to
grant the privilege of the registra-
tion of all bonds, that is to say,
that bonds of all denominations, in-
cluding the $50 band, may be regis-
tered as to principal• and interest.
In previous loans the privilege of
registration was necessarily confined
to bonds of the larger denomination,
such as $1,000 bonds or more, Bonds
of lower denominations were issued
as bearer bonds, with coupons at-
tached, and while carrying equal
benefits as to principal a n ci
interest were liable to being lost by
the owners. 'Under the privilege
now given by tine Finance Minister,
the buyer of any bond (whatever the
denomination), may have it register-
ed, in which case the interest will be
padil by cheque, and the bond, itil'ost,
may be replaced after proper evidence
has been shown.
It is believed that this privilege
will be greatly appreciated by many
thousands of small investors, who
will thus be assured of the absolute
safety et their investment evert
against lire or carelessness or any.
other noeidental cause of loss. This
imitrovement in the issue will in-
volve extra: work nem' the Depart-
meet of Finance, but Sir Thomas
White, considers that its benefits will
more than offset ihe•labor involved,
Distribution of See:sl
Grain and potatoes
;3y instruetions of the IIo11, 1171n-
istar of Agriculture a free .distribu-
tion of superior sorts of grain and
potatoes will be made during the
cototng winter and spring to Cana-
dia11 fanners.. The samples of gruff
for distribution' wilt consist of spring
wheat (about S lits,), white oats
1s. barley about 5
albs peas o
>� and field (about 5 lbs.)
'these will be sent out from rite
Central Experimental Parol,, Ottawa,
by the Dominion Ceroalist, w11 will
furnish the necessary( application
forms. A distribution of potatoes
in samples of about 3 lbs. will be
carried -ion from most of 'the lilaperi-
7noiital Farms, Ake Central Farm.
supplying only the Province of On-
tario. 411 sale le : t will he sen
i S. t
free by mail. Only one saMele of
grain (and one of potatoes) call be
sent to each applicant. As the sup-
ply of seed is limited., farmers are
advised to apply very early.—J, }1,
C,risclalo, Director, Dominion Belied -
meatal Farms,
The Family herald and Weekly
Star of Montreal, is a most unique
paper and very popular in every
0 o in Canada. It is surprising
what great value to the reader is
contained in every! issue. Few 1S IIICS
are without it, and they are the
losers in net having' it. The sub-
scription price Is $1.25 a year, and
includes a colored war map of the
fighting area in Europe. It is a
splendid map and of great assist-
ance to understand the war. We
uaderstancl the map . offer fs •Shortly
to be withdrawn. Tho year's sub-
scription and war map are certainly
big value at $1,25.
Don't Forget!
Don't forget that your horse works
much harder than you do, and treat
him accordingly.
Don't forget on the cold stormy
days that he is doing his very best
to pull your heavy loads over the
snowy, icy streets. Make it as
easy for him as your crib.
Don't forget that he's a .loyal, will-
ing friend, who is helping you earn
your weekly. wage 1 Treat him as
Don't overload your team 1 Take
allthe short cuts you can—see that
your horse is properly shod and
warmly. covered !
Be good to your horse—lie deserves
it l
Travel between Eastern and West-
ern Canada is always heavy in the
winter months, particularly during
December with its holiday- eeas,on.
To meet the requirements of the pub-
lic, therefore, a special daily, service
between Toronto and Winnipeg is
announced by: the Canadian Northern
Railway ; Westbound, Dec. 3rd to
Jan. 2nd 1918 only; Eastbound,
Dee. 1st to Jan. 5th, 1918 only.
Thereafter regular tri -weekly ser-
vice will be resumed. A through
tourist sleeping car will also be
operated daily between Toronto and
Calgary as part oft the above special
service, and connection • will be
made with regular daily trains be-
tween Winnipeg and Edmonton. Ser-
vice between Toronto and Vancouver
remains tri -weekly leaving Toronto.
Mondays, 'Wednesdays and_Fridays,
as at present. For further particu-
lars see local time table folders, or
apply to town agent, A. 9'. ,Cooper.
—Dec. 1.5.
Seldom has a more tragic tale been
told than that of this young woman,
whose parents, brothers and sisters
have all died of consumption, leaving
her alone to make a living' as best she
Never robust, hard work and worry
soon undermined her health, when she
too, become a victim of this dreaded
disease, ShUhned by friends who
feared contagion, -'without funds, for
she had been unable to save from her
small earnings, she seemed doomed,
like the others of her family, to an
untimely grave. Fortunately, she was
discovered and sent to the Muskoka
Free Hospital, before it was too late,
where she is now doing well, with
every chance of ultimate recovery.
Appeals are now being made for the
Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump-
tives to enable it to continue the great
work of caring for just such cases se
this. No matter hew small the gift,
it will be welcome.
Contributions. may be sent to W. J.
Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue,
Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid, Secretary -
Treasurer, Gage Institute, Toronto.
M O N T R 55 A L
T 0 R 0 N '1' 0
() IT I.0 A 0 0 •
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
Sleeping ears on night trains and
Parlor Cars on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent! or C. 79. tTorti-
11;g, Distrtrt Passenger Agent, Tor-
onto, Ont.
JOIN It.ANSY.oftf <Cs SON,
Phone 57 tip -town Agents, Mitten
Do Your liens Pay?
- A eanveuiei t and s'Irliple farm (to
help tell whether the fleet( is paying
or nut), has heel' ,worited omit by the
Poultry J)iviealon, Experimental Farie,
Ottawa, This form, which' luny be
bung up in the poultry house or the
kftaheu, provides Settee for marking
down• each day, the lumber of oggs
laid. It also indicates space for
rding ,the immlier of
poultrymolt oz eaten, alsos7aGo to
note the feed bought or taken from
the farm, and colinens for entering
cash receipts, expenditures and bal-
anoes. The form is a convenient
place to beep yatlr` Poultry account
each month, and may be had on ap-
plication to the Poultry! Division, Ex-
perimental Farm, Ottawa, free of
cost, providing a duplicate• copy is
sent to the Poultry Division each
month, If you want to know what
your hefts are doing, write for them.
' War Service Badges
'5'1te m8dical boards sitting at the
following places have been instructed
to examine applicants for Class "D"
War Service Badge : London, Wind-
sor, Stratford, Sarnia, Guelph, Hare
riston, Wier ton, C'hatisam, Wood-
stock, 'Goderich, let. Thomas, Kitch-
ener, • Those who have been rejected
as medically unfit • or had enlisted
prier to August 10th, 19147, and had
been discharged under Paragraph 393
(3) IC. li. & 0. for the 'Army, or un-
der Paragraph 322 (3) K. R. & 0. for
the Canadian Militia, are entitled to
(lass "D" Badge, provided they! aro
at present medically unfit. They.
will bring proof by a medical certi-
ficate of rejection if such has• been
given them, or by a statutory de-
claration or otherwise, that they.
have been rejected. If discharged
they will bring their discharge cer-
tificate. Application forms 'may be
had at the medical boards or on ap-
plication to Assistant Adjutant -Gen- b
era], M. D. No. 1, (War Service
Badge), London, Ontario.
The New Methodist
Hymn Book
Cloth binding 40c to 8,00
Leather " 1.00 to 6 00
A Hymn Hook will
make a very suitable
Christmas present
A. T. ooper
Telegraph and Ticket Agent.
Clinton, Ontario
Jo Flanders Field
P'wq men were arguing. One delta-
ed he had heard in Calgary tile Mod
stirring appeal for the Victory War
Loan, The other sand he had heard
a better—in Sherbrooke, 5',Q, 4 third
man, taking tris edger front his mouth,
said "No, the best appeal for Vic
torp Bonds doesn't once Mention'
their name: Listen :" and he read
from 7
ro clipping rite Deux by ,John
nh t
McRae, of Montreal
Iu Flanders fields the poppies• blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place, and iu the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly,
Scarce hoard amid the guns below.
Wo are the dead ; short- days ago
We lived., felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and wore loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields,
Take 'up our quarrel with the foe 1
To you from failing -hands we' throw
The torch; be yours to hold it higlil
If ye break faith withus who -die
Weshallnotsleep, thonglz poppies grow
In Flanders herds."
Of particltlar interest is the Deca71i
ber issue:.a( itod and Gee to Oariada,
which is already 011 the sie;vs stand.
Amongst the good things wllioli,irl
timelier ,o9ore are 'A 'Naturailet's
Chriei !nee" by l3onnypaM,tlo Dale ;
"In The $1(y Pastures," a story of
1t10nntein gents 0)1(1 cougars in the
Selkirk!, by H. C. Haddon 1 easy
Bob roallslftc slot � of a dog's ., ex-
a l 6
'nes h 1's master on the'
e to o with 11 1 t h' -
Pr az
ing line, by Vincent Perry ; 1'hu
,11imper," a New 13rteiswielc guide's
story of the French river drivers of
that Province, by Leslie Marvin Hay-
ward, etc., etc. Tile iloiiiiel depart.
meet this month contains the list of
awards given at the 13restern Dog
Show at London and the New theme -
wick ICennel Club S1tow. at St John,
The other deptlrtments, notably, Fish.
ing Notes, Guns and Ammunition,
and Aloitg the Trap Line are up to
standard and the whole number one
WO any! Canadian sportsman will
(Ind of special interest. Rod and Gun.
is published at Woodstock,: Ont., by
W. J, Taylor,'
if iiles}perF�G,a , on~ Mss"t Mil`estonei vi
-/,•. .. '• \4,•x'1.
Ordinary Common Sense
Sensible a
Thriftr nd
Maxwell Motor Cars
Common sense says to you, "Buy a
Maxwell Car and use it."
The American people are going forward
—not backward.
That is the purpose of the great war in
which we are now engaged.
The success of the Nation depends on
healthy business activity over the country
—and sensible thrift.
Healthy business depends on the utiliza-
tion of every possible labor-saving, time -sav-
ing, money -saving device known.
The light -weight, economical Maxwell—
in passenger service—taking you where you
have to go on business, helping you relieve
delivery congestion—is one of the greatest
known labor-saving, time -saving, money.
saving devices.
Touring Car $1045; Roadster $1045; Coupe $1540
Beeline. $1540; Sedan $1540. F. 0.13. Windsor.
Seeley & Bartliff
Union Government
is concentrating its efforts to win the War. It has
gone about raising reinforcements in the only prac-
tical way; under the Military Service Act, 1917.
Laurier, Bourassa and their adherents admit their
intention of holding up reinforcements so urgently
needed in the trenches.
Where do YOU stand ?
To Back up the Boys—
To Hasten Victory—
To Win the War—
To Women Every woman may vote who is a British subject 21 years of age,
Voters • resident in Canada one year, and in the constituency 30 days, who
• is the mother, wife, widow, daughter, sister or half-sister of any
person male or female living or dead who is serving or has served without Canada
in any of the Military forces, or within or without Canada in any of the Naval forces
of Canada or of Great Britain in the present war, or who has been honorably dis'
charged from such services and the date of whose enlistment Was prior to September
20t1t, 1917.
Unionist Party Publicity Cot mettee.