HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-11-15, Page 71.1 N',...ArAYSta ' Seems a very large number of cups to get from a pound of tea, But traommilius.metm that proves the fine„ quality. of Red Rose Tea, which goes further and tastes better because it consists chiefly of rich, strong teas grown in 'the famous district of ASSSITI:in Northern India. , A pound of Red Rose gives 250 cups. Kept Good by the Sealed Package .0010.000,01IMM) The King's Bread. During his recent tour in the North the King very nearly became the vic- tim of the early closing order, An official of his suite visited a local bak- er's shop atter closing hours and ask- ed for bread. The baker's with re- fused it, pointing out the reason. "But it is for the Ring," said the official, "and there ien't a bit of bread on the train." "I don't care if it is for the Queen,'t was the reply. "I dare not serve you." „ "But I demand it." • "I Mil sorry," persisted the woman, "but I meet refuse to serve you." "What can I do?" asked the official. ,"You might see the ponce," was the . suggestien. This was done and -the King got his bread, though even so the conscience of the baker's wife still obviously troubled her, GIRLS I WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to 4 remove ten, freckles, sallowness. YOur grocer has the lemons and any drug store, or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard ' white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bot- tle, then put In the orchard white wed shake well. This makes a quarter Pint of the very best lemon skin Whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, .arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and rough- ness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes ! It in harmless, and the beautiful re- . sults will surprise you. Antlitax. The disease of anthrax occurs Among sheep, horses, cattle and other herbivore or grain eating animals. No animal of any of these classes is cap- able of resisting anthrax infection providing suitable conditions obtain. The disease is also liable to attack hu- man beings although it does not ap- pear, epidemically in man. Many cases .have been *reported where men have died as a result of contracting anthrax from the skinning of an in- fected animal or from handling the _wool or skins of animals that have died from the disease. This informa- tion is brought out in Bulletin No. 23, of The Health of Animals Branch of the- Dominion Department of Agricul- ture entitled "AnthraX." The .bulletin is written by Dr. Chas, H. Higgins, pathologist, and deals with the sub- - ,jects of eceurrence, methods pf infee- Man; soil infection, diagnosie, etc. It is pointed out that the carcass of the animal that has had the disease should • be destroyed by fire, care being taken that all discharges and litter about the animal be burned with it, even to the halter that it has been wearing. Uncles no circumstances . should the animal be skinned-, as this is a most dangerous procedure. Neither should it be dragged over -the farm. Deep burial is sometimes resorted to, .but it is not nearly so satisfactory as burning. Veterinarians, farmers and others who have reason to suspectthe existence of anthrax are compelled, under the Animal Con- tagious Diseases Act, to promptly no- tifYlhe Minister of Agriculture, the Veterinary Director -General --or the nearest Veterinary Inspector. - South American ants sometimes ,ponstruct tunnels three miles in length. 'Tea and Ca fee Interfere with Diges- tion"— says a well known authority. Many who use -tea or coffe' e not know - Mg thatit aggra- vates stomach trou- bles , could still enjoy a delicious hot table beverage and es- cape harmful effects by a change to the • whblesome, pure cereal Pe STUN "There'S a Reason" liViM0c04.4404" 10,,re:2 %MD MAGNETIC NORTH POLE. Why the Needle of the Compass Points North.. Why does the compass needle point north? Because the earth is a mag net, not differing essentially in its magnetic 'properties from a bar of magnetized steel. It has two poke of greatest inten sity, and, like most large steel mag nets, there are several supplemental poles of lesser intensity. Just as the pole of one bar magnet attracts the end of another, so the magnet poles of the earth behave toward poles o the compass needle, unlike poles . at tracting, and like poles repelling each other. But it is not correct to say that the needle always points north; there are few localities where it does so, and these are constantly changing. An irregular line drawn from the mouth of the Oronoco River through the east coast of Hayti, Charleston, S.C., and Detroit, Mich., represents very nearly the line in which there is no variation to -day, In -all places east of this line the north end of the needle swings slight- ly to the westward; in al/ places west of it to the eastward. At the mouth of the Columbia River the variation of the 'compass is about 22 degrees east; in Alaska it is from 40 to 60 degrees east; midway between New York and Liverpool it is about 35 de- grees west. The magnetic north pole is at pre- sent on or near the northwestern hore of Boothia-Peninsnla, in the torthern part of ort America. Its position is constantly changing, and n 600 years it has moved half way round the geographical pole. Britiph Food Economy, 4. Sir Arthur Yapp, rood Economy oupery14Qr for Britain, appeals to the oritleh people to observe the follow - 1i food Toles; Economise In the use of all eerealin. Don't eirve bread at ii1-dey meal unless it Is Specially Wilted for, No one should have mote than one egg at a Meal; 'to have Mere Is un- fair to other people. There is tremendous need of econ- omy in butter, Butter and jam should not be eat-- en together. Give up the early morning cue ef tea. a Don't make tea too strong. Economize eug'ar by dispensing with the open bm owl frowhich supplies can be drawn unchecked. Have only one fresh meat meal a day. It would be a great help if the Voluntary rationed amount Were serv- ed at table. The meat position may become serious unless economy is ex,- ereitied. And do not forget to have a week-. ly potato day, without bread, 4 4— le STUDY AND EXERCISE Overstudy and lack Of exercise make thin bloodless children, Study does not usually ,hurt a child at school undoes the studies encroach 00 trine that should be spent in out-of-doors exer- cise. But lack of exercise and over, study is a combination that brings on St. laitus Dance. It your boy or girl at school is thin and pale, listless and inattentive, has a fickle appetite, is unable to stand still or sit still, you must remember that health is much more imp.ortant than education, and more Untie should be given to exercise and recreation. See to it at once that the child does, not overetudy, gets plenty of out-of- door exercise, sleeps ton out of every twenty-four hours, and takes a safe, reliable- tonic like 13r. Williams Pink Pills until the color returns to the cheeks and lips and the appetite be- comes normal. For growihg children who become pale and thin Dr, Wil- liams Plak Pills are not only safe but in most cases are the -very best tonic that can be taken. These pills build up the blood, strengthen the nerves and assist nature in keeping pace with rapid growth. You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' edicine Co., Brookville, Ont, FIFTEEN YEARS USE OF BABY:S OWN TABLETS Thousands of mothers keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house as king as there are little ones about. Among them is Mrs. Marcel D. Le- Blanc, Memramcook West N., who says :-"For the past fifteen years I in have hever been without Baby's Own a Tablets. Whenever any of my chi!, rn dren .are ailing the Tablets promptly relieve them. I have such faith in them that I never hesitate in recom- mending them to any of my friends who have little ones in the home." The Tablets are sold by Medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr..Wililame Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. IN ORCHARD AND FIELD. • • • — • : We'd all be healthier 'if, instead of so many pork barrels down in the cel- lar, we had more apple barrels. , The wrapper you use does not sell your apples. It is the apple inside the wrapper. A clean barrel or box Makes apples look better to the buyer and may lead to a better sale. In cold climates the ideal time to prune fruit trees it not in the fall -or whiter; -wait till the severe weather is over. - • An agile that bas been well cured in an open outhouse will last longer than one put down cellar as soon as gathered, It's .all right to label young trees, but be careful not to have the wire -so tight that it will girdle the wood and kill the tree. • Newly planted trees in exposed .windy locations may heed staking; but watch out that the ties do . not chafe the bark and thus ruin the trees. The fall orchard work will not be done until you have picked up all thelnAl decayed apples and put them out of an w The Origin of Passports. Passports, -which are so much in evi- dence at present, began as sea -letters, guaranteeing a safe passage for ships. A form of sea -letter was appended to the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659. The more familiar passport is simply a permit authorizing a person to pass into or out of a country. As such it would seem well within the province of any Governient to f to dividu1 who proposes to undertake journey for an object that Govern- snt does not approve. In fact, "per- mission to circulate," as our Gaelic friends express it, is a favor and not a right. THE MIGHTY PEN That an army of 25,000,000 people is armed with fountain pens is the amaz- ing fact brought out in a reeent issue Of The Pen Prophet that gives a pre- sent day emphasis to Lytten's "Tice pen is,mighder than the sword." And this great army is growing at a tre- mendous rate. 2,000,000 recruits were added last" year by the 'Waterman Ideal alone. Th-cs growth Is all the more striking when it is considered that -just 34 years ago Lewis Edson Waterman, a native of Decatur, N.Y., began making fountain peas by hand in a little shop behind a cigar store in New. York City. His output was 200 pens a year, The Royal House. A Very common error is to assume that it is the house of Guelph which rules over the British Empire. The royal family were Guelphs from the accession of George I. to the accession of Edward VII., who was the first King of the house of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha. Ill informed jersons are rather apt to dwell on the German connections of the royal house of Britain, to the exclusion of all eon-- sideratiens of its British elements. The Ring, for instance, is a descend - of Alfred the Great, of Edgar ieling, of William the Conqueror d of Robert Bruce, to mention but a of his illustrious ancestors. the way. No man who loves his or- chard will leave them to multiply worm pests. A tilt in the fruit cellar is fully as bad as a bull in a China shop. Make it a business to capture the pest and stop up the hole where he came in. It may be that some suckers have started around the base of your trees since the last trimming. Cut everyr one of these out before snow comes. 'Late in the fail plow a furrow down through the orchard between every two rows of trees if the ground is apt to be wet. The trees will do a great deal better for this surface deainage. Alen, perhaps some. tile drains are needed underground, Ideal mulching, materials -clean straw and marsh hay. The right them to mulch the straw- berry bed is immediately -,after the grbund freezes. Pall plowing Le all right on some soils, and in some places, but hillsides or sloping, washy fields should be kept in grass or in cover crops through the winter. Add to the acre yield of next year's crop, by letting the plow clevie now eo that it Will draw a very little deep- er, Sortie good earth clean there that has not been worn out! /t has boo wafting a good while (Or You to bribe it tip to theAigbl: v., But if yoU hthig up too Much all at once, tOu'll hurt the atop itistead a itorovihe it. Dough slietild be kept covered While rielng 1 pfeVent 11 cillat front fariii- ifigy interfellet With expeneloh4 itifirted/a Mehemet dinar Garget MOO . I LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS • How to loosen a tender' corn or callus so it lifts out without pain. Let folks step on your feet here- after; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for eorns will never again send electric Sparks of pain through you, according to this 013)0bn-tatl authority. --- • He says that a few drops of a drug calledfreezane, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re- lieves soreness, and soon the entire eorn, root and all, lifts right out, This drug dries at myth and simply shrivels up the cont oe callus without even Irritating theisurrounding tissue. A smell bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store Will east very little but will positively remove every hard or soft COM Or callus from One's foot. If ran druggist hasn't stocked tilts new drag yet, toll him to get a email bottle of freezone for you from his wholeetale ding Imago. A critter's a critter and you can't beat batten setae into its head with a elnla Vinfkkaqi Cat Cures Distemper. 1,164 hays all einptY %%sawing lar 101 your ncighbaltdocI this fall. The it ea I "Wile' Bread" mast contain the entire wheat grain—not the white flour center — but every particle of gluten and mineral salts ---also the outer bran coat•that is so useful In keeping the bowels healthy and active.- Shredded Wheat, Biscuit is the real "war bread" because it is 100 per cent. whole wheat prepared in a digestible form. Contains no yeast, baking powder, seasoning, or chemi- cals of any kind. Food con- servation begins with Shred- ded Wheat Biscuit for break- fast and ends with Shredded Wheat Biscuit for supper. ' Deliciouswith sliced bananas. berries, or other fruits. Made in _Canada. Prose Verse.,. It was a pitiful mistake, an error sad and grim. waited for the rail- way train; the light was low and dim. It came at last, andhfrom a car there stepped a dainty dame, and, looking up and down the place, she straight unto me came. - "Oh, Jack!" she cried, "oh, dear old Jacki" and kissed me as she spake, then looked again and, frightened, cried: - "Oh, what a bad mistake!" I said, "Forgive me, madam fair, for I am not your Jack; and as rb- gards the kiss you gave, I'll &insight - way give it back." And since that night I've often stood upon that platform, dim, but only once in a man's . whole life do such things come to him. ir,..<77trecace.Att Granulated Eyelids, Sore Eyes, Eycs Inflamed by NUNS ' Fo li4'.?:fre'yot-gtv,,,Tdr(14.'fikk; Y---,vearc your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. OIJRLi PI.II4egalarting,Just Eye Comfort MnriieeEYeneinedY:.1.f.7,grlg1701rtovn as.Solo, in TO. 25,. For of the Sya—Proe. Ask Illairkee Eye Remedy Co., chleago 4 Whooping cough is due to a specific germ. The duration of the disease is somewhat indefinite. It usually lasts four to six weeks. It may become chronic and last much longer. ' It is very contagious. A child suffering from whooping cough should drink large quantities of water daily and should be in the open air day and night. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gen•tlemen,--In July, 1915; I was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was ob- liged to use n crutch for 14 months. In September, 1916, Mr, Wm. Outridge of Laohute urged me to try MIN- , ARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with the most satisfactory results -and to- day I am as well as ever in my 1100. . ',Yours sincerely, his MATTHEW x BAINES. mark When new soil is broken up for gardening purposes cut the sod in squares a foot wide and about two feet long. Pile the sods up, upside down, in a square pile. Layers of Leaves ean be placed between the layers of sod. This will make fine potting soil when it has rotted, ',mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, MONEY ORDERS 1 Swollen Veins and Ulcers. $1 and $2 a bogie at Send a Dominion Express Money dealers or delivered. Book (+Evidence" free. Order. rive -dollars costs three cents. 10. af. sY.OrbUtnN,0. 0 eSandAt, Fs.a,616rh10Ly e.aman.gne if' cloan trcsaa511,55.0es -- The man who says he loves his home won't - bank' it up with horse manure to keep out frost, -if he means what he says. 'Tits time to light the evening Are, To read good hooks, to sing The low mut lovely eonse thaii breathe Of the eternal The grops are in; the weed all don't care how the wind may ram Its winter threat. By cozy„aro laugh or doze, nor ask for more Than just to hear the good wife say, "The table's set, opine all you follt/1 Ildinarclie Liniment cum Dionthorla. inche The large tons, akin of a whale is from two to two feet Welt, that of epecimen often weighing. IPPVIOAPAIR709TI. 1'1 AlvolDit TUMOUR, r..,upri,u, nrc,. .404 Fictepwii, oprqd. ion). out moo by ma 1202r10 treatment...IVAN,. tnfore tot late. Dr. liallnian Alealeal 14/14tede PoilltutWootl• Ont. AOUS$ WANTELD TO 130 • and light sewing 44 home, whole or spar° time, good pay, work 8001 any din. tam% ohntRelt Pall% 'fiend stamp for Part' culars. ComilanY, Xfoil treat. SHOEI , IN HEALTH 30 Woman Tells How $5 Worth Valaaar241214220:421"ratam. Many People' a—is Make a Toroalo's Mum, L'obti B—Line for the Walker House (The House of,Plenty) as aeon as they arrive In Toronto. The meals, the service and the home-liko appointments constitute the magnet that draws them there. Noon Dinner 60o. Evening Linner '7So. THE WALKER. HOUSE Toronto's Famous Morel TORONTO, CANADA Rates Reasonable Geo. Wright ar Co., artolls WhrliSIST113211tigha= Piano QTTO HIGEL” PIANp ACTION A druggist says : "For nearly thirty years 1 have commended the Extract of Roots, known as Mother Seisers Curative Syrup, for the radical cure of constipation and -indigestion. It ,is an oid reliable remedy that never fails to do the work." 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine, at druggiste. • _ ThdlkitjaillTiVilleY. , ' • • w ' in Saathotattim Orem isibeautifnClarfitti 'L1 distrietthat you Alia toInvostigab, Many shrewd formers aro bight there. because, • e link keen beams 120021g10 0035 1)011*021 Investment sal pap Ng roturas from Viol 'Mul increase in the mem of the tater ,. :alone, tom nothing of the big craps that' -• / ,}they can produce., Prices low; terms easp.,, Yile me for authontfc itiformatlan, sts4. lately fres. , .. . 61 11.A.StaiTH,ColonbelleattledusteklAdo . Union recipe System ' "Ilainu13.10, U. P. 01,04., Omaha, NA.' Tr{5 SWOLLENLMHS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have Thick Wind or Choke -down, can be reduced with also other Btmelies or Swellings. No blister nb hair gone, and horse kept at vvork. Eco.. nominal -only a few drops required at an ap- plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 IN free. ABSORB/NB, JR„ the antiseptic liniment for Millard's Liniment Cures Colas, Seo. The African, 11 gray goose with a distinct brown shade, about the size of the Embden, is a geed layer and makes a good market goose, although it has the objectionable dark pin- feathers. It is a rapid grower and matures early. of Flidcham's Compound Made Her Well. FIELD '4A.SIIIERS MW PAYMASTERS IN FRANC1Z CASA DONHNION EXPRESS FOREIGN CHEQUES THE BEST WAY TO SEND MONEY TO THE, BOYS 114 T) -IE TRENCHES in health from a displacement. Osie of my Lima, Ohio. -" I was all broken 10)111wATERy BusTERsfflfflffllI • lady friends came to see me and she ad- vised me to com- mence taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound and to uso Lydia E. Pink/mires Sanative Wash. I began tak- ing your remedies and took$5.00worth and in two months was a well woman after three doctors said I never would stand up straight again. I was a mid- viefe for seven years and I recommended the Vegetable Compound to every wo- man to take before birth and after- wards, and they all got along so- nicely that it surely is a godsend to suffering women. If women wish to write to me I will be delighted -to answer them.'' -Mrs.JuNntEl MOYER, 842 E,North St., Lima, Ohio. Women who suitor from displace- ments, weakness, irregularities, ner- vousneis, baekache, or bearing -down pains, need the tonic properties of the • Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. FOPMED ERUPTIONS On Hands, Caused Disfigure- - .ment, Itching and Burning., Cutinbra Healed. • "The trouble whicla had affected m; hands only, It first came in watery blisters under the skin, and theywerescratthed they broke, causin g a mass of sore eruptions that caused disfigurement, itching, burning and loss of sleep. The trouble lasted about one year and after using the Cuticura Soap and Ointment for about three months I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Aileen Sweet, Main St., Eastman, Que. Keep your skin clear by daily use of Cuticura Soap and Ointmeet. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad. •diess.post-card: "Cu -license, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. Machinery For ale 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x12. New Automatic Valve Type. CoMplete with supply and exhaust piping, flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for immediate sale, 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C. Will accept 5425 cash for Immediate sale, 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Double, Endless. 24 inch x 70 ft. W'li accept $300 for 'Iminedlate sale, although belt is In excellent con- dItIon and new one would cost aboirt $600. PULLEYS, Large size. 26x66—$30 ; 12x60--$20 ; 121/2x48—$12 ; 12a36—$8, 2 BLOWERS OR FANS, Buffalo make. One 10 Inch, other 14 Inch discharge—$30 each, REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. 60 ' Front St. West, Toronto _ . 4NLIF=MMSE2W-513s7iSTII4W4,,,-4,4.4414,1,-.=44,4,4-4-4.,s, {Al Dcl Corn 5'11 10 Coronado Beach, California Near San Diego POLO, MOTORING, TENNIS, BAY AND SURF'I3ATHING, FISHING AND BOATING. 18 -Hole Golf Course Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinkler System. AMERICAN PLAN JOHN J. HERNAN, Manager 11='...!.7.=:.-::!:-.27,===a2252=0MParztagm==zsrmszmmim..,.• LaCaMoms..st ct*rs Tell Why They *reseribe Bo , Expl ii !otiv It Strengthens Eyesight ernarkably I Week's Tim In any Insta- ces. Dr. Beck, en eye specialist of nearly twenty years practice, says: Two promi- nent eye specialists, after a thorough exam- ination of a young girl aged twelve, de- ckled that to save the sight of her right eye the left meet be removed. A friend ad - Acted her father to try Ben-Opto before per; milting the operation. within three days O decided improgement was notieeable, within a weolc ole inflammation had almost disappeared, and nt the end of nix weeks all danger was pest and the eye saved, 11 saw the ease errant to -day. The eye ball 115 perfect 'notien. When she began to nee Bon-Opto it tuns in a fixed position. The conjunetivel inflareleatien has dieap- peered. Her vision is liONV 20/10 (20/20 is normal as you Iniew) as against 20/2000 when she began the use of Bon.Opto. An- ther patient came to me sintering from Blepharitis Marginalia with 011 the usual symptoms etch as morning agglutination of the lids, chronic conjunctivitis and ephiphora. Her eyes had the Cull, suffueed expression common to Mich meg. She used 000-01to and not only overcame ber tressing condition but ao strengthened bar eyesight that she was awe to dispense With her alstanee glasses and her headache and neuralgia left her. In this instance I 013001d stay her nyeeight was improved 100 per cent." Dr. Juntas Heys; "While house surgeon nt a New England Eye and Ear Infirmary end during ninny yeast' in general eispen- sitry practice, I fonnd °enlists too prone to operate and opticinne too wi/ling to pre - vine glasses, and both inclined to neglect tboo strengthening and developing of the eyesight. The success of Bon-Opto strengthening the eyesight will soon make also used Wand WO aro agreed as 10 110 re - eyeglasses okl-flulhioned. The Director ef Sults. In a few clays, under my observa• Medical Inspection cif Poston Schools in a tion, the 044 00 001 astigmatic case were 0> published Pebruney 20, 1017, states improved that glasses have 11050 r een discarded Met only 14,010 pupils out of 80475 exam- by the patent." teed need to wear Mimes now, a marked Dye troubles of many deseriptions rimy be deerente over the previous report. Ben- wonderfully benefited by the use of Ben- Opto is hastening the. eyeglinslesa age in Opto 00101 it you Want to strengthen your bespectacled Boston." eyes, go to any drug Store and get a bottle Dr. Smith, an oculist td Mete experience, oe Don•Opto teblete. Drop ono Ben-Opto says: "X have treated 010 private practice 01 tablet in a fourth of n glees of wider and member ef aerloatl opthalrale diseases With lot it diSSOlVe. with this liquid bathe the rton..0StO004 airi 00 >10 to report intimate eyes Inc to four times daily, Ton 0be1211 recovery in betli ciente, and ohronie em% notice yeiir eyon clear Pereeptibly right Mr. 11. mune to my (Alive frafferiug with im from the start, rind inflammailon 4714 red - Infected eae. The condition was so Berlone nese will quickly disappear. It your sync that an operation for enneleation amine bottler you oven a little 11 05 your duty to Imperative. Before resorting to the taper- take stp tosave them now Wore it is 1021etiVe mod ethI prescribed BonaOrtto end In late, nay hopmeeely blMd might have twenty -font hears the secretion • had len- Saved t ton eight if they had eared for their zoned, inflammatory Symptornol began to eyed in time, Subside, and itt sorrel MIA tho eye wee eloTrae,A. One zgeeo e,trelmaienp to . hooimnottanthorchred 0000 retained ite normal 11)010)), yletya4fitiaattte,wlirhos MO Of otroino oonverent etrabimu atir:;I.ee;o:y, (tseroseeyee) ecaped the attilatln burp byglibu;010maiI:ki110g e timely 'me 01 )5000 tratmntTheor1Zrn' iY0lirrdi,p;ltbdbyth,tiaiwvtightened external mseleS yilded tthe rmade sonyes ften 1cta:Mr. I'S Seething and anodyne effects of Bon-opte work or mieet gnosso. 0 000 erefe,1hiqltly r 553500000(, ecommendBycleansing the us ascoelss lac ct 17000A1T1b1"prMes e tonifor the eyeball Itsalf thv,,,0,4I, 14,daor Oa Inflamrftn oFo0MtrtiSOKOin 6WSJoil in renderd mote acute, hence the 0,005so wine, iteMI6 the mu,reps- 1 numbof 0a000 of ellatalriled glasses." Pationfi X feel 01101110 000 bonol 00 mca tor taaaata Dr. Connor narn: "My eyes Were in bad 100 02001n001 eVial noti-Optl ,3t 6111'1416h elti" te the "Vete etrefe "lel" ent4di'lentunarcregteikitoiits from protracted mieroscopten1 research svork. lien.OPto used according 10 (MOO- Ito 1051 '0511, IftOtnIfitotttrora itaaraatOP +I. 1 irongthort eyetileht 00p>' rune in eat 'week t ttous rendered a surprialeg serviee. 3 bind oo,ouy10000004% or refund the mama 10(10(105' 50 31.1t la my eyes eetnarkably steengternea, Ineell ga4ex,,,eetettal aset,46101;e0arise. dbrytiguivatruggitiwiln4g ditiemefora Several of aay colleagues Itlivit Ota. Toronto. 1 Railroad Men 'These men know from experience that Sloan's Liniment will take the stiffness out of joints and the soro. ness out Of musclas-And it's so convenient! No rubbing required. It quickly penetrates and brings re- lief. Easy to apply and cleaner than mussy plasters OP ointments. Always have a bottle in the house for rheumatic achoe; lame back, sprains and strain. Canerbustized bottles at ali drog- giete, 25e., 50c., $1,00. la' I vete -r, '411 t'l! 1,140 ISSUE. No. 46-'17. 0 Ras Seen Eyesight Improve from 75 to 100 % in a nemaambly snort Time. Boston, Miss. -Victims Of eye ntratn and other eye weaknoeses, and time. whw o ear glasses, will be glad to know Oust Met:tors and Eye Specialists noW agree there ho real hope and help for them, Many Wbio0o 03510 were falling say they have had their eyes restored nod ninny who once wore glasses eey they have thrown them away. One Inan says, after using Bon-Opto "I was almost b1uod, (leek/ Ant see to read at all, Now X one rend everything withelit my glosses, end 1510 eyee do not hurt any more, At night, they weuld anti' dreadfully, Now they feel fine n11 the time, It was like a layette to me," A lady who used 'it says: "The nt- meephere seemed hazy with oe without &acmes, but after using 010 prescription for fifteen days everYthing 050215 *leer, 10 ean rend even fine print without glasnect." other who used it says: "I WO bothered with eyestrain caused by oveovorked, drool (Wes Which hulneed florae heatteehos. I have wein glasses for 'Enteral yeays, both for dist:men anti Work, and Without them X could not rend My own 'Mine on col en - 701095 OP the tYneirriting on the machine Wore ma 3 tan de both now, find liceve diteerded lohg diorama ensiles alto- gether, 2 enn count tho fillthertag 100,00 on OM trees seress the street now, widen for eeverttl /Nate have looked like a dim green blur to me. X rennet 0190.000 my joy et whet it hart done for lne," It Is beIleVed flint thennailds Who weer elesses can new dierneethom 10 n reason- eble time, wed multitum des ore will bo ebie In Wren/031On their cym /10 ita to be spored the trouble and expense of evell getting las "Bon-Opto Is Rastening the Eyeglass - less Age in Bespectacled Boston." •