HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-11-15, Page 5November 10111, 1917 QUInter00 to You adMe 0'0 fight:Mah. FlantierS, theee's lighting kr Preitee, Acid the haliting drifts near to. the rereparta 1101ao ; iLet vs give the grieve boy e the trenthea a chance • Alla abstain front political fightina tit * * eI soy to the onfrauchieed women •of this Province—thia Unfelt Govern, meet M formed for the, Purpose of aladag sere that those on and bus- banda are at all hazards and at any -secrifice supported by the nation at Marne, Let the first woman vete in °Allude be a•vote for Union, far hone .or, for fidelity„, for real and torious war."—Hon, Arthur Meighen at Winnipeg, welie Government thoroughly real- dzes that.in this national emergeney there is imperatith necessity ter • fillmente of its policies with the least possible delay, It pledges itself to prosecute the war with daseless vig- mr,• to strive for national unity, to administer the public departments with economy, and effieiency, to ;de- • vise measures ot taxation which will regard social justice and to neglect nothing that may be required, to sus- tain the soldiers on service or to comfort those of their households 'whom they have left behind. Firmly. •.convinced that these objects mut best be achieved by a Government ree sting all parties, classes, ereeds :and interests, I appeal with confid- •-enee on its behalf for the sympathy and support of the Canadian people." R. L. Bordenin the recent 'manifesto of the. Union Government. This, is the way The Toronto ,Star .puts it and it might. be as well for a good many to put their feelings to • the testi; "Some, people who insist that they" are jut as much in favor of • ..winning the war as anybody else - 'ought to cross-examine themselves .a little. If they end: thae*their fer- vor only mmints to this, that they are willing that others' should do the eghting while they and theirs be exempted from taking Fisk or part in it, and it they find that they do eeot • want business dis- turbed orinconveniences imposed; on them here at hoince:-•then they. are tar from being. as,mucja. in favor of winning the war' as anybody else." A recent newspaper writer put it in a nutshell by saying that "Cana- dians were divided into two classes, those who wanted to win the war and those who wanted 1 -gee the war won." There's as vast difference too. Those who• really want to have a hand in helping to win the war, in addition to other things, will use -'"'•••"-ejra, influence, to ensure that the Tin; .4,Woverainient, fortued for this pia- POse and pledged to, carry it .-for-- 'ward, is returned with a, sweeping majority on Dec. 17th next. ICU:men. Messrs, MeEwen of Goderich, ac- mompanied by their mother and sis- ' ter,•made a visit with Mr. Geo, Mc- Kay, Theyecame in their motor ear. 'Rev. J. E, Hogg, pastor of Willis church, Clinton, is preaching pre -an- niversary sermons every night this week in St. Andrew's church. The congregation were moat fortunate in securing the services of such an able and earnest speaker:71-1%e Jubilee Will' be held next Sabbath when. the Rev. Prof.'llobt. LAY of Toronto will preach both morning and evening. On Monday' evening a fowl supper will be served followed by a splendid pro- gramme, The Methodist people here held their quarterly meeting last•Ssibbtith and a goodly; number were in atten- dove. Geo: McKay is. stull quite weak, but we hope Ito will...soon boits his, usual good health again.. :114..slater, Miss Ilairiare ais stayidg 'With hitn. Mks, J. 0, McLean lies been •con - teed to the house for the past three weeks with an attack of teuritis. The, following is the' school report S, S. No. 14, Octgber, names in order of merit : 50---Glackis McLean, Sr. 4th—G. J. Cooper, R. Neely- mont, E. Fisher. ' Jr. 4161--W, L, Worlionte W, M. Ross. Sr. ,3rd—F, R. Parsons,' . J. Harvey, L, S. Near. Jr. -3rd—L, 0. Workman, W. A. Rose. and—E. F. Anderson, 0, M. Ander- son. and P4—), E. McKenzie, H. A. Dinsdalo'J. A. Mustard, lst Pt.—J, A. Anderton, W, 1). hicLaeblan, H, W. MoOlyrnotit., The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were ; 5th—Gladys McLean. Sr. 4th—Walter Workman. Sr. and Jr, 3rd—Wallaec Ross. 2nd-131va 'Anderson, 2nd Pt.—John McKenzie, —W, H. Joliestan, Teacher. e• use Aitken of Com:bright is visit- ing at the manse the guest of her. son, Dr. eaftkeu, and family. IVIr. 1Vfickle of Ridgetown has been looking after business at the grain house along with Mr. J. Moffat Mr, Milton 'truce of Lindsay gave Mr. ATV, Mckenzie a call ,en pea- s day of loot week, Mr. Alex, McKenzie visited With his Mother at Hayfield over the weeksend. " .1 ; ' very successful Men's Day and aciPpet was given by the Brethethood. -of .Blyth Methodist church on Stet- • day Week, Tl, procteda ot the slip - Ter aleottriteri, to about 8215. rassiog of the Pioneers • John Marshall, who departed this lire on Thursday ol taw week, was 000 01 the oldest, reeldentS Or Grltn- lelt thsenahies Ile Were bore ntIVInr- Market Whealma, Yorkshire, Eng,' but came to (JO'neeleeildle 0 Wittig nun. Ne Mat sottle04 Streetsville,j where he rerimined tivoeyears, then came up to Huron, Clinton- being then a oross- goad containing a, couple, of log buildings, .and took up teed on the Hayfield Lille, where he .resided until the ted, He elicenied and logged liis farrn cual, . did mica useful pioneer' work. Ilia lease of life lasted out' nearly the century, he hang ninety.' eight years of age.,, He had lived in the reign oa four sovereigns and' could very well •remember when Queen Victoria was orOvvned. Ho re- tained his faculties 40 a remarkable degree right ta the end. He also lived to see his greatgreat-grand- Children, five generations, lie is sur vived by three, sous and three daugh- :ters ; Edward, John and Jacob, all of this township, Mrs, W, Johnston of Holinesville, Mrs. James John- ston of Asbleld and Miss Jane Max - shall at home. All his family wore about, him when he passed away. His wife, who was Mary Miner, predec easee hini by twenty years. The fun eral took place from the family: home 011.Saturday afternoon to Clinton cemetery. The/eervices at house and graveside were conducted by the Rev. J. A. Robinson, rector of St. Paul's church, Clinton, in the ab- sence of the Rev. W. 13, Moulton. The pallbearers were ; Messrs, Peter Cole, Hanley Oantelon, James Miller, Prdnk Whitmore, Thos. Elvvood and Obas. Middleton, Amongst the floral offerings were wreaths from St. ;Jain - es'. thumb, from tbe faniily -and friends and from Mrs, John Middle. - ton. In John Marshall was laid away one of the men who first settled this good township of Goderich . and who did bis allure to make it what ie is, today. On Tuesday morning, after a couple of months' illness, Rachel Cook, wfa- ow of the late John 0. Elliott, was called to her long home. The late Mrs,- Elliott was born in Tipperary, Ireland, and came to this country with her family when a young wom- en, The family first settled at Georgetown where they, remained but a short time and later came on up to Huron. ,Mrs.-Elliett. was Mar- ried here and here she remalned un- til the end. Slie was a cheery, kludlye warm- hearted Irishwoman and • as long as her health permitted she liked .to get. out among her old friends in whom her interest never waned. Four years ago Mr. Elliott passed away and since that site basmade her home with her son, Aleiander, or her daughter, Mrs. 13'. H. Powell, the only two members of lib t' family who suevive. She died. at the beam . of her son. Mrs, T. Webster •of Luckaow is a sister, the only sur- viving member of a family of- tea. Mrs. Webster was with her sister when 'the end came. In religion Mrs. Elliott was a .Methodist, being a member of Ontario street church, Clinton. The funeral takes place this afternoon from the home of. Mt. Alex. Elliott of the Hayfield Road, at two o'clock to Clinton cemetery. .i•••••.•••••••.0.:6,...m.••••• • Constance aliss Edna Love and Miss Fulton of Walton spent Sunday as the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Ed. Beit - ton, Mrs. Win. McIntosh and Mrs. Ern- est Adams and daughter spent Sun- day and Monday as tlie.guests of the latter's patents, Mr. and Mts. -Mc- Donald of Stella. Mr. and Mrs. J. Riley of Tooker- smitbi spent Sunday with - eirr. and Mrs. Geo. Riley.. Mr. and Mrs.. Burnett are moving this week to Seaforth. They have been spending some time with their sista, Mrs. W. Clark. Mr. Irwin, the school teacher), ,is •getting up a Mims entertainment' to lie held near the close of the school for the holiday season. , Clinton News -Record A Range You Can Trust ,T,.h. "Pandora" doesn't reqUire .aon. &nun watching. You can trust' it to • 4o its work while you rest 'or: attend to other duties. The Pandora 'has fea- tures that insure far ireater effIcieney and economy than can be found in ether ranges. Write far free booklet. MCCIarlA PANDORA. RANGE ISONDertTolson° =MEALMILWINCALGARYNIPSG 'VANCOUVER ST. JORk N.B. HATON SAMEATOON EDMONTON' FOR SALE BY HARLAND BROS. County News Chicken thieves -have been operat- ing in Brussels. All thieving is wrong, of course, but somehow a, chickea thief seems to be a particu- larly low-down sort of a cuss. Mies MaCall of Goderich, who bas been in charge of the Myth Presby- terian choir for some time, has re- signed and is being succeeded, by Miss Janet Steinhoff.' Mr. J. FL Marshall, for the past four years U.P.R. agent at Gcrdericia has been removed to Wiftdsor, - Marriages HOW—GLEN—In Clinton, on Nov. 13th, by the Rev. J. B. Hogg, Francis 'Watkins Now at Edmon- ton, Alberta, to Beasie, daughter mf the late William Olen, and of Mrs. Glen of Clinton. SNIDER—TRUEMNER—In Clinton, an Nov. .14111, by the Rev. J. A. : Agnew, Ida May Trueanner, daughter of Mr. Wm. Truemnot of • Henson, to William John Snider of Colborne township, son of Mr. Levi Snider, Births PICKETT—In Goderich township, on • Nov. lath, to Mr. land Mrs. Wil - Hem Pickett, a daughter. •BISSET—At Saltford- 'Heights, on ' 'October 22nd, to 1Vrr. and Mks. Gordon A. Bisset, a daughter. , STEWART—In Tuckersinith, on Nov. .2nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stewart, a daughter. Deaths MeCONNELL—In Clinton, on Nov. 1144, David McConnell, aged 85 years and 0 months. ELLIOTT—In Goderioh township, on Novr,13th, Rachel Cook, widow of the late John O. Elliott; aged 87 years MARSH/ILL—In Goderieh township, on Nov. 8th, John Marshall,, aged 08 years. BEDFORD—At Hillside, C'01., on Nov, 5th, George Bedford, form- erly ot Mullett township, aged 57 years and 5 months. JONES—In Colborne township, on Nov, 8th, Lennie Almenie Long, Wife of James Jones, aged 58 years. HALL—In G-oderich, on Nov. 1th, Thomas Hall, aged 79 years. SCOTT—In Winghatn, on November Ist, ;Jennie Taylor Scott, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mts. Alex. Scott, aged 17 years, 8 months and 25 days. • LOST.—BETWEEN Drt, AXON'S residence, Clinton, and Blyth, a blue and red automobile rug. Find- er kindly communicate with Dr. 'Axon, Clinton. —145 AUCTION SALE OF 30 HEAD OF coves and young cattle will be held .at Lot 47, Maitland C'on:, Goder- tch township, on Fridays Nov. 23rd. Fall particulars _next week. --W.71. Lobb, -Prop. ; T. Glittery, Auct.15-1 Our Own Countrg CANADA YOU CAN KNOW CANADA BETTER AND. WELL. HY 'READING EACH MONTE MaeLEAN'S MAGAZINE. . y011 will find no other magazine more entertaining and none eth. er so satisfying—'So much' ,worth while to you as a Canadian in love with your own country. Among its regular and frequent con- tributors aro these distinguished authors : Sir Gilbert Parker Robert W. Service le 13. Yates Stephen Leaeock Agnes 0 Lent Alan Sullivan Phillips Oppenheim Nellie McClung Peter McArthur Arthur Stringer Lord Northcliffe II, P. Gadsby Mrs, L. ale Montgomery Arthur E, MelPadano These contributora are a p ledge, to you of the quality of MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE and of the Canadian savor Web . is distinctive of MACLEAN'S, Some of the Department lea tures of every issue of MAC- LEAN'S are ; • 'REVIEW OF ItE.VIEWS—a condensation of the best biographical, eticritific, literary and descriptive articles appearing itt curreet periodical literature, THE IRTSINESS OUTLOOK—an informative article dealing with commerce, finance, InVestments and insurance—for the man -in the. street. WOMEN ANI) TEEM WORK—a. deportment of special interest to Canadian wolnen. SO YOU SITM HOW COMPLETE IS MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE e, good Canadian, desirous of knowing your Canada better and well, subscribe to MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE —tor yourself, home awl friends whom yett wish to favor with 80010 exhibit of your good -will, Subscription mice is OA per plar alter Dec. 15th. Ot- der from your boolcsallnr, or direct from the publishets The !helm) Publighltig Co,Ltd,, 153 liokrsity AVc4 Toroto mosox.uw.g.mommo,rnocomiewmsqoxwi.,wmimmoowuonnm*,,moa,,kowmAomA;wAtz.t,io NOTICE, --ANY PERSON TRES- Passing for the purpose of trapping or hunting upon the preleises of the undersigned, Lot 35, Con, 13, Goderich townshipoewill he prose- cuted according to law.—Joshiia Sherman. 15-3 PROTESTANI"1219ACHER WANTED —For S. S. No. 9, Goderich Tp„ Normalite preferred. • Duties to commence Jan. 3rd, 1918. State salary, qualificetions and exper- ience. Annlleations received to Nov, 30th. --Jesse Gray, See,, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, • 15-3 AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK and Implements.—The undersigned has instructed Mr. Thos. Brown to sell by publics auction, at Lot 38, Con. 1, Tuckersmith, on. Thursday, Nov, 29th at one o'eloeit p.m., the following ; Stock—Mare 8 years Gild, aged mare, cow due Dee, 1st, 2 cows due last of March. 3 two- year-old steers, 2 one -year-old heif- ers, 5 one -year-old steers, 3 spring calves, 50 hens, about 25 pultets. Implements -0 -ft. binder, 0 -ft. Mc- Cormick mower, hay rake, Massey - Harris OM with cutter teeth, disc harrow, set harrows, plow, root paper, fanning mill, hay fotk, car, rope, pulley and slings„ wagon, set bob sleighs, 2 water troughs, bug- gy, sniffer, gravel box, set double harneas, set single harness, bay rack, sugar kettle, De Laval cream separator, grindstone, ladder, some seed oats and other articles too numerous to mention. •Terms—All sums ot 610 and under, cash. On over that amount 12 months credit will be given on Burnishing approv- ed joint notes, 5 percent. straight oft for cash on credit ainounte. Grain to be cash. Everything to be satisfactorily settled for before being removed from ,the premises.— George Watts, Proprietor ; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 15-2 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The undersigned have decid- ell, owing to the high cash prices they have to pay and the difficulty of borrowing money under the present cir- cumstances, to put their bus- iness on a strictly cash basis. Therefore, on and after the day of December, 1917, terms will be strictly cash and all outstanding accounts owing to the firm must be paid, either by note or cash, by 1st day of January, 1018. FORD Sr. McLEOD • I 15-3 Selected Potatoes Wanted! for inuneeiate rferivery. We take them. any day. Highest market price paid. We want thetn before cold spell comes. JAS. STEEP 8 CO. Box 102 • . Phone 126 HORSE FOR SALE—GOOD WORK horse, works double or single—Ap- ply W. Kennedy, Clinton —11 FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 26, NUR - on Road, Turikersinith, containing 98 actes, with buildings. For par - tenders apply to R. W. Gibbings, _ R. R. No. 4, Clinton, --07 AvorioN sAtan—OF 40 HEAD Cies young cattle and; 3 mares will be held at Weaker's Hotel, 13rucefteld, on Fridays Nov. Itith.—W. 14, Rosa, Brucefield; proprietor ; T. Brown, auctioneer. 111-2 RATEPAYERS ARE REMINDED that payment of the second instal- ment of taxes should be• made as early as possible, The lasb clay for payment is Dee. 14th, after which flee percent. Will be added. No aotiee other anti this adver- tisement will be given. Bring your tax statement when making . pay- • Menti—Jos. Wheatley, Tax Collec- tor, , Clinton, Nov, list, 1017,.13-7 COCICERELS FOR SALE—I 1-TAVE a number ot pure bred Ancona cock- etels tar Salt, (118.tall0d. ftom eggs from Hee. E. (1. Powell'a famous pens)'. • Price 81,50 it taken before Nov. 45, '42.00 atter that date.— Chas, Williams, Jr., It. It, No, 2, Clieten, Phone 11-143. —'lit °Arra) FOR SALE -1 COWS SUles potted to be at Pala 1 1/tree-year- Old heifer, J. two-year-old boiler, 3 elie.yeaesold, heifers, 14 steer ten months old, 3 ealvee, one. !terse eight peers ,old goo4. to work 01 titive.For partleutors ;Seely .at • NOWS”ReCOrd. , • —13 HORSE 110B, SALII.—ROOD YAM work horse for sale.—Apply M. (e Ransford, • —10, 00'TTAGE FOR SALE Olt TO Ront—On •Cutler street, Clinton, cottage containing 7 rooms, good 001157, satiation central. Fer, Pat - Reuters apply to Ca 13. Hale or Mrs, Butler, Clinton. - —00 FOR SALE—GOOD PRAIVIE HOUSE on Station street, lit best of re- pair, good cellar, hard and soft wat- er. Bost of loeation.—Apply'. to W. G. Marotta • —10 NOUSE FOR SALE, —BRICK house with all modem conveniences, also good stable, corner Rattenbury and William streets, Per particu- lars apply to Mrs. James Twitchell on premises: •-14 YOUR CLOTHES CL1514NED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible ;notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guaraateo to do good work, I am prepared to French Dry Cleaa Ladies Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers,....etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelry Store.—Wm. J. Jago. —00 LIVE POULTRY INNTtO every week. Highest market price paid. W. MARQUIS Phone 14-166 It, R. No. 1 CATCH THE BOAT la time to reach your friends before Xmas with that box that they are Looking for and expect, , We have gatliered i11 our store goods that they appreciate and look for. Below we give a, partial list; Prepared Cocoa Prepared Coffee George Washington Coffee Honey Salmon Loaf Sugar Sardines Cocoa Pork and Beans ' Olives Water lee IA''afers Gum Chocolates Etc., Etc. Home cooking time is now on. What shortening 'are you using ? We carry the three popular lines sad if you are not using them you will appreciate the advantages offered you in these lines of— CRISCO. DOMESTIC EASIFIRST HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PIIONE 111. GLASSES! There is no remedy except 'glasses for errors or refraction of the eye, Do not delay in getting the proper glasses. Misty vision comes with advancing years, but can be cleared with properly fitted glasses. Spec- tacles are our specialty. Wei test tree and guarantee satisfaction. Our guarantee means something—we are not hero today and away tomorrow. You know just where to find us. No guess work. Accurate scientific meas- urements and tests. Now that the long evenings are here come in and get a Plionola and ..enjoy the grand opera and the hand. Have your own entertainer and keep the family entertained at • home as well as enjoying it yourself. This is an all Canadian machine, the best on the market for the money, Records and needles always on hand. The price is lower than any other as we do not, have any duty to pay. Drop in and hear it and be convinced. tbere is a watch or clock in your house that refuses to go bring it In the first time you are coining to town,. A. few minutes time or a few cents cost may make it as good as new, and you wont have to wait weeks on it as you will Clad it ready when promised. R. H. JOHNSON (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Agent for Phonolas. WE WANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Huron county to sell Pelhain's Reerless Fruit and Ornamental trees derieg fall and wieter months. Good pay, exclusive tetritory, free selling equipment) Over COO acres of the ehoiretat nursery stock,ineluding new varieties controlled by Ms. Handsome up -to. dote selling 00de/tient and a splen- did Clanadian-grown stook to offer customers, We are not iobbere. Write now for ageney terms to • PELITAria NURSERY CO, 'permit°, Out 134./3.--Catalope sent 011 requeat to applicants for egencies iter ittirahaaers of ntirsery atoele amemswevesassetaarecom Weleelesastessolwateariew . „ Giois,INANTED WO OAN GIVE • EMPLOYMENT TO al FEW MORE KNIT- , ,rnitS; Lt1TO, APPLY • AT ONCE, • Clinton Knitting Co. LnarEo, ::=4:11OrdOOMAMItiatatIMIIMAAIllacatiAA0001000 Do you know what this label means ? 11 is your assurauce of perfect satisfaction in all • your concrete work. Insist on getting Canada Cement. We also have all kinds of Dressed Lumber and IVIeNair Brand Shingles, so if you are figuring on any new buildings or repairing, let us help you plan your work. Our services are free. J. B. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. Clinton Carriage Shop MOGUL ENGINES WE LEA lj Atw Froils ANOTHER CONSIGNMENT raisins 115' 2 lbs. For 25e gee/king 'Pigs •es 8 the for 26e Stickle:is Retsina, per lb, 16c Seedless Raisins, per package• 15e New Peels, Currants, Nuts and ,everything to make your Christmas cake. Mogul Gasoline Engines from 1 to • 25 h.p. McCORMIOK MACHINERY Mowers se. Binders — Rakes Hay Loaders — Side -delivery Rakes Bean Cultivators — Sounders Oliver Pliorvs — Peerless Gates. McLaughlin and Boyne Buggies -and Carriages Some good Second-hand buggies for sale cheap. Buggy, tires channeled and • re-rubbered. All kinds of hard and soft oils, greases, etc, 'IAA in sthek.. - Tops and, side curtains of all kinds : repaired. All work neatly and promptly done. WILSON ELLIOTT Phone 73 , — Huron street THE' CORNER STORE Live and Let Live BUY CANNED GOODS NOW Once more we are permitt- ed by the. Food Carrixoller to sell canned ,goods. 9uantities are limited. Perhaps ' we ought not to bd" encouraging you to stock up now. How- ' ever, we put it up to you to be foreeighted. FISH Finnenerladdie eriseoes Fillets Cod FMK Nipperines. NM. 13 R 0 1) 11 CI V: W A.N T 111 I) E. E. HUNNIFORD LET US LOAD some ot our baled, hay and feed on our truck the next time it is going ie your direction, which will be vera soon. Just as an experiment :we ask you to try them OTI your horse for a wilile. 11 11 docent result in your becoming a Steady customer for our hay and teed we miss our guess, ()nee used always a user has been out experience, W. Jenkins &'Son. • FLOUR AND FEED, Phone 1900 Highest prlees paid lot Orafn and Wool. Elevators Residence phone 0-142,, V. TN 'Neil The Flub Grocery Fl CREAM WANTED. -- DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans, We supply two cans free. 13"•ay all express charges and issue cheques twice each. month, cliegues payable at par. We pay the high- est • market prices 'consistent with On honest test. Teeth% dono. by a competeut man. Each can careful- ly, ,weighed, sampled and tested on arrival, and statement retina Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may • leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it ,will be taken care of there—The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 485, Seaforth, Ont. e--000 • Poultry Wanted • Our Feeding Plant has, opened for the season, , and from now on we, will be in the market • tor all the • epoeltry, that you have for sale, Poultry will be taken in every, Wednesday morning at Holmessille and every day at Clin- ton. Special prices will lie paid for properly fin- ished milk -fed chickens over 5 lbs. each. GUNN, LANGLOIS CLINTON N. W. Trewartha, • Phone 190 Manager or Holmesville 4 ora 142 Leave Your Order Early for Eavetrougbing, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Ueda Furnaces Slibp over Rowland's Hardware, PHONE 53„ The BigStore STANFIELD'S UNSEIRINKABLE UNDERWEAR, The heaviest underwear made The warmest underwear made The longest wearing underwear made. "Red Label" . Shirts from ,• 3 to' 41 Drawers from 82 to 44 Regular price is 42.25 per garment, this week 0111Y each . "Blue Label" Shirts from 31 to 40 Drawers frOm, 52 to 42 • Regular price is 42.50 per • garmeet, this week on- ly J. O. Lounsbery LONDESBORO THE 131G STORE WITH TATTLE PRICES,