HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-11-15, Page 4Clinton INewowRecard November 1$1b 1912 Free War Maps A good war map liolps: oilo to fol, tow mid unders't'and the war news, The .Family Herald ani] Weekly Star of Montreal oilers a fine war Map in fair colors about 2 1-8 feet x 8i• .feet din a neat cover free of ()barge to au who sehaeribc to that great paper at *1,25 a 'year, Ti'e map alone weal() cost as rnuoh as the whole charge in Inest stores, The Faay'i.y x'feriJtl is greatly Improved thin y'e,lr ad is wonderful value, It is a orodit to Canadian .lournahlsna. It should 1)e in every ()Mediae home at the plaice offered, $1.25 a year, with thio' great war 'nap free. Hap the children a Victory ]Bond, •T 01; tttt II WO 00 /1111 4171ThatIllat. We Announce the New Winter Maxwell The cal' that makes winter motoring in . . Canada practical -economical -comfort- able. And motoring, to -day, is an all - the -year-round passenger -transportation NECESSITY. The Maxwell "all weather top" meets this vital modern transportation need in the most practical way. The cars are the famous Maxwell tour- ing car and roadster -economical, effi- cient, durable. - The new thing -the big, progressive '' thing -is the enclosed top, which gives snappy appearance and closed car court - fort at much less than closed car prices. This is just what you have- wanted!;: Come to our salesrooms and see the cars, Touring ear with all-weather top $1200 Roadster with ail -weather top . - $1165 Seeley. & Bartliff CLINTON Dry Goods anti. House Furnishing Conch & Co. PHONE 78. Millinery and Ready to - Wear Garments THREE REASONS WHY WE CONSIDER EVERY MAN SHOULD BUY A VICTORY' BOND Patriotism. Everyone wishes to do his duty to country and tc).._his fellow kinsmen. If you cannot lend your physical as- sistance -lend your money, Business. The money y o u lend t h e Govern- ment in return for a 'Victory' Bond is all spent in this country to pay Canadian workmen, If the work- ing man prospers, all business pros- per Personal Interest. Your 2 11 vestment in a'Victory' Bond will" be a remarkable one because it will fill both the above obligations and yet remain to return you a handsome cash profit. Subscriptions for the loan solicited by-••- HULLETT and CLINTON William Brydone. Clinton Jobe "Torrance, Clinton D. L. Macpherson, Clinton Sarrnitl McDool,,Lcnadesbolw John hingland, I,oudesboro Will be , Mc1 ILLOP earl TVOItJiItSMTTH and SEAFORTI,I John Rankin Seaforth J. 111. Govenlook Seaforth D, JiP, McGregor, Reafotth. Goo, N. Turner, 'Clinton GOJSIOIU'OTI TOWNSHIP dam Yeo, Goderich Joseph Whitely, Goderich Goderich Township Mr, and Airs, Ort er Wold, and ditughtor, *las "Norma, aro holiday- lag Loon s wook :Au)ni4'pwortllndLtilloagne was. organized ion Tuesday. evening .of last week itt c00119 tan with the ldbeilo8or alma when the followir1'g Mears were ap- pointee ; `'resident, Mrs., W, 1.1.. 1'00 ; Vice, Mrs, John Tel)butt ; Secretary,_ Miss Olive Stoddart Treasurer, Morgan Jones Organist, Miss Grace `l'elrhutt, Tuesday even ing will be the ;right of meeting, The,.eouncll nlet in '$].eburs' hall, Tlolanesville,. on Nov, .51)i, with all members 'present, • Minutes of last Meeting as,' leach were continued, ' A comminlication front, Secretary. Abbott of the Organization of Re- sources Committee was road 'urging all municipal officers to make the Canada Victory War Loan a. success met with approval of the council, The following secoouuts received the sanction of the council and orders wore drawn on the treasurer for the payment of the , same : Geo, W. Sturdy, valuating sheep, 14 ; S. An- drews, sheep killed, by dogs, $10; Jas, Blair, sheep killed by, dogs, $12 ; .Joidi Swantz, •use of grader and outfit for drain, $10 ; Albert Seeley, repairing grader, $19 ; R. Rowland, spikes, $1.10 ; Geo, I'Iolland, ' over- seeing wort;, $1.;.. Weston Bros,, building cement bridges and culverts in different parts of the township, $480.50 ; H. Powell, draping gravel, $111.50 ; S. Halstead, cedar posts and rails, $5 ;• Isaac Erwin, work on'side- road, $4 ; H. Tebbutt, use of team on side -road, $2. On motion of Councillors Ginn and Lindsay council adjourned to meet 1st Monday of December at 10 a.m. -Adam Cantelou, Clerk. 'rhe following is the report of S. S. No, 11 for. October : Sr, 4th -Glenn Ferguson, Bruce Holland, Clifford Castle, Howard Currie. Sr, 3rd-Shner Trick, Amy Stew- art, Sr. 2nd -Oliver Ferguson, Laura Currie. Sr. Pt, 2nd --Verne Colelough, Ada Biggin, Melvin Elliott (equal), Primer Class (a) -Viola Holland, Mervyn. Batkin, . Class (b) --Laurie Biggin, Willie llatltin, Clarence Perdue. The best spellers for the month are: Sr. 4th -Glenn Ferguson. Sr. 3rd -Amy Stewart. Sr. 2nd -Laura Currie, Pt. Zed -Verna Colclough. Primer -Viola Holland. A. E. Diehl, Teacher. Report for S. S. -No. 10 for Octob- er, The entrance class was examined in arithmetic, Jr. 4th, 3rd, and Ind were examined ih arithmetic and spelling, and the printer class in general proficiency : Entrance --Viola Hutchings 54 p.c a Jr, 4th -pert North 81, Stewart Middleton 77, Mary'Stewart 04, Ed- ward Lindsay 37. Jr, 3rd-Charlps Groves 71, Shir- ley Beacom 65, George Groves 44. Sr. 2nd -Randle Cole 74, William Hutchings 60, Marion Lindsay 46, Jr. 2nd -Flossie Lindsay 86, Mar- ion Middleton 74, Joan Groves 48, ILetineth Whitmore 45, Lewis Ell- wood 85. Printer.-Edilth Middleton, Muriel. Rat'hwell, Rota Beacom, Dorothy Rothwell. Glass (a)--F.l•mer Lindsay,. Number on roll, 21. Average at- tendance, 18. -M. Culbert,. Teacher. Miss Flossie Cole recently returned from a visit with her brother, Mr. Percy Cole of near Iiippen, and her cousin, Dr, Peck of I'Ieimall. The 'Young Ladies' Patriotic So- ciety at a recent meeting packed Christmas boxes for t'11"1oderich township boys who are overseas. Following is the financial report of the Society from Mar. 15th to Nov. 1st , Mar 1,5, balance $08,02 Tea fees 40,50 Garden party proceeds, dona- tions, other entertainmonts361,39 Total profits $400,91 Expenses Overseas, postage, materia1.7-:$d9,29 Garden party and entertain - went expenses 09,77 Yarn n ` 147,18 Donations• made by Society : Frcncli Tag Day. 25.00 Can, Field Comforts Com, Eng, 75,00 British Red Cross 15.00 Total expenditures $381.24 Nov, ist balance 88.67 8469.91 The Young Ladies' Patriotic So- ciety will .meet next week at the home of Miss Althrew Steep. A special car eoutaining a number of guests from Wi)idsor came up last week and spent a few days with ILIr, 0.111. Flemming at their summer cottage at Ridgewood Park, Goderich, prior to closing it for the season. BRAIN BLOOD -SUPPLY MUST BE GOOD. 'The importance of 'laving pure blob(' is perhaps never more deeply impressed 011 its IAMB whe11 we are told by physiologists that' if the brain is, supplied, with inlpliro blond, herVOlia and bilious headache, con- fusion of ideas, loss of inemory, im- paired intellect, dimness of vision, and dullness of, hearing, are exper- iebeed, and in titin, the brain becom- es disorganised. and the 111'itlle thread of life is broken. The mote we learn of the useful - mess of the great Mood purifier, Head's Sillrsaparilla, flee mo1•o grate - The New Methodist Hyoll Book. • . NOW ON SA1 oiststssustsis Cloth binding 40c to 3.00 Leather " 1,00 to 0 00 A. Hymn Book will make a very suitable A. T. Coop Christmas present Cooper Telegraph and Ticket Agent. Clinton, Ontario Varna. The Varna Patriotic Society in- tend holding a bazaar on Friday of next week in the town hall. The sale of homemade baking, fancy work, etc., will commence at hall past two. 'Afternoon tea will be served and supper from six to eight. Anyone wishing to i assist in this good work bydonating articles for sale ;are asked to leave same at any of the stores on or before 'Phurs- days. If, it is impossible to do this bring or send to the town hall as early as possible Friday. GRAND TRUN(SYEM TI -PI} DOUBLE TRACK IIAUTP --between-- M - O N T R E A_ L T 0 it 0 N' T 0 1) E T R 0 IT and C H I C A G 0 --7- unexcelled Dining Car Service. 1 Sleeping ears ears on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Jyassangor Agent, Tor- onto, Ont, ' JOIN RAN'SFORD & SON, Phone 57 Up=town Agents, Clinton Mani cc aper!" A When Ambassador Gerard left Berlin, the only correspondent who traveled with him, and the lastAmericanNewspaper man to, leave .Berlin, was Carl Ackerman of the United Press Service, ,o Mr. Ackerman's dispatches appear exclu- sively in The Toronto "Daily Star." About once a month we "Scoop" every other paper in the Province with the aid of Mr. Ackerman and other United Press corre- spondents, The only Canadian Woman Correspondent in the War Zone -Miss Rosamond Boult- Ambassador Gerard bee -sends us dispatches exclusively. In London the veteran War Correspondent, Mr, F. A. McKenzie, assisted by The Star's own Staff, cables the big news of each day. Thomas Geggie, late Sergt.-Major K.O. S.B., writes regularly upon, Imperial and Military ]natters. The big news from the United States comes to us through the Chicago Daily News' special correspon- dents, as well as their War cable service, We also carry the cable service of Windermere of the "Montreal Daily Star." , We maintain our own staff in Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec and Winnipeg, and our local. News Service is Carl Ackerman. right up to. the minute. Our special articles are contributed by foremost writers on each subject. Our regular news service consists of all Canadian Press, American Associated Press and Canadian Associated Press dispatches. We also have exclusive rights to the pictures of the London Daily Mirror, Underwoods, Daily Mail, Topical Press Services, as well as Canadian Official War Records, Sports, etc, In brief, The "Toronto Daily Star" is one of the great broad -gauged newspapers of the World. By reading it you will be kept well informed upon every subject that a good citizen and man of the World should know about. Read The "Toronto Daily Star" each day. You will thoroughly enjoy it, and be glad to acclaim it in all sincerity as "MY PAPER ! " Order it to -day. "Windermere." Florence Boultboe Sergt,-Major Gaggle F. A. McKenzie. The Toronto Daily Star gs. se.awa rail; The M7\tsTliii or FINANCE offers for Public Subscription Canada's Victory Loan $150,000,000 51,% Gold Bonds Rearing interest from December let, 1017, and offered in three maturities,, the choice of which le optional with the euWtrlbar, as foliveret 6 year Bonds due December Sat, 1927 10 year Donde due December 1st, 1027 • , 20 year Ronda due December let, 1037 This Loan is authorized muter Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and Interest are a charge upon the Com,ollAated Revenue Fund, The amount of this issue is 9130,000,f100, exclusive of the amount Of any) paid by the surrender of bonds of previous tares, The Minister of Finance however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any pert of the amount eubseribed in creme of 9160,000,000. The Proceeds of this Loan will be need for War purposes only, and will be spent wholly fa Canada. Principal and interest payable in Gold Denominations: 550, 5100, 9500 and 111,000 Subscriptions must be in auma of 550 or multiples thereof. Principal payable without charge at. the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the Office of the Militant Beccles, General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Victoria. . Interest payable, without charge, half -yearly, June let and December tat, at any bninch la Canada of any Chartered Bank, Bearer or Registered Bonds Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest. Strip certificates, non.negotiable, or ppyable to bearer, In nceorfiance with the choice of the applicant for reaisi red or bearerbonds, will be fared atter ahlotnrent in exchange for provisional receipts. When these scrip certificates have been paid in fun, and payment endorsed thereon 1»' the bank receiving the money 'they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, with caupone attached, payable to bearer, or registered no to principal, or for fully registered bonds when Prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application. Delivery of interim certificates and of definitive bonds will be made through the Chartered Baula. Bearer bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of 550., 8100., 9600., and 81,000. and may be registered ati to principal only. Fully reefs- teredbo^de, the interest 00 wheclt is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be issued in denominations of 91,000., 56,000. or any authorised multiple of 55,000, Subject to the payment of 25 cents for etch new bond issued holders of fully registered bonds without mesons. will have the right to convert into bonds of the denomination of 91,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denom- inations without 000pous, ut en), time, on application to the Minieter of Mamma, • • Sitlrreno er of Ions Holders Of Dominion of Canada Debenture Stock, due October 1st, 1019, and bonds of the three preceding Dominion of Canada War Loo Ammo; have elm privilege of surrendering their bonds iu part ',apnea for subscriptions to bonds of this issue, under the following conditionet- Debenture Stock, due October 1st, 1910, at Par and Accred Interest. War Loan Bonds, due December 1st 1928, at 07'(5 and Accrued Interest. (The above will be: accepted fa part payment for `lands of any of the three fnuturitles of thin fame) War Loan Bonds, due October let, 1931. at 07,5 and Accrued Interest. War Loan Bonds,' due March 1st, 1997, at 90 and Accrued Interest. (These will be accepted 1n part payment for bonds of the 1987 maturity ONLY of this Issue.) Ronda of the various maturities of this Waite will. in the event of future (mops of like Maturity, or �longer, matte by the 1ovrmment, other then Lente twit abroad, be accepted nt per and accrued luterest, ea the equivalent of 'cash Inc the purpose of ettbscnptlon to 11101, Wer, Issue Price Par Free front totes --including any 1Tcunne tar --imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the P rile staeot of thenda. Payment to be node as (°Bowe, 10" on December 1st, 1017 20% on Month 1st, 1016 10% on January 2,,d, 1018 20% on April lot, 1919 806$ on February 1st, 1918 20% rot MoY 1st, 1918 A full half year's interest wlil be paid on let June, 1955, . cl',,,t .• The Honda therefore give a not interest yield to the ittorbic` of attend 5.61 % on the 20 year 'Benda' 5.68% en the 10 year Benda _ 5.51% on the 5 year 110044 All O ymente are to be made to a Chartered Bank for the credit of the Minleler o llhianrr• 1ra11nri lO 5' MAY Iust,1htMtt. when due win feeder tlrevians paynuute liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to canrallatin,,, Subserfptlmte 00000l5'tall ed by pp deposit of 11105 et ma A595)1) antwctntud, Must. hM fetwnrded through the msduun of a Chartered Bank. Any branch In Cnitnda of nny Ohm -torus ltnn)0 will 1O 81,tk>l Ashman, las sea castle anndulmm1 veranda. In case of partial altottneets the surplus deposit will he ((polled toward lawman. of thh woman ilttn on the Iahhbty lustadmtutt. Subscriptions may be ')}alt hl 0011 nn Jamey and, 1918, or 00 any htataltnaltt t1110 titan tlleuiaftsr Ot(diO dtstintitt at OM rata of bbd% ocr aaawn. Under lhls provlaion payacato of the balance of anbatriptiotts nmy be mario art lellewiri If paid on JotteeryryryAnd, 1918, at lie rale Of 9970. )1)8 pet 11a), 11(,aid on Murttli1111, 1919, ht rlie rale of 1100.72074 nee 4Ia11. I1 ptdd al Aprlllo), 1019, at the 110)9 p 89.001)01) net sloe. Forms of np�4icatlen ,MAY be obinined from any Manch In Cmmdn of any t;)t0110'ts,t'Tank, of ta0l) ruts' Vlclaey Loant'Onernitte,•, nr melnbm0 thereof, The books n the Loan will be kept 05 the Department of Vienne, Oltotv0, Applich.tions will be made in dud comet foe the Haws of into Inane 0,f the Montes( And Toronto Stock itvetgMea, Subeuriptlon thin w)n Mose 00 ut• 1Potote fllcenaber 50) 1911. DRYAhTMatsr nl' Finesica, 07TA154., November 520, 10)7, Rd we Cl'e for this old and stfceesafulpu)n shed se 11Olf in teolovlbg scrofula; family ,1led111110, which has `leech- I ll101111tat191n atrd1 031,1121% and either VSSAMAstik blood diseases and cortecting run -you need a blood purifet, get UUoed'w down conditions of the system, If 1 Sat'saparilla..