HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-11-01, Page 1Prow Clinton NQws-Reeord. o. 2013 -38th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Isti 1917 THE HOME PAPER December lthe dateforfixed Canadian FarIiarnentrg Elections 5hM ti cal21G nth 'ever ears we livep $eeial fttenticn to k� 'October Gr l�eG *tied Work in` It is a Rest for Eyes to help them with or fine Glasses Nearly everybody who does a lot of reading or sewing work with the eyes, feels the effects, and most people know it is a rest their eyes need. But few can drop their work because their eyes or bead ache. Not enough people know that the right glasses will give the needed rest, Wear them while you work, they will (help you won- derfully. Satisfaction and Comfort with Glasses supplied by W. Ye11qar jeweler and Optidan - - Clinton The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Incorporated 1889. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,824,000 Total Assets 800,000,000 420 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed OD Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch fi LITTLE LOCALS, • '- The Women's Patriotic Soalety will until ;ha n OP 71 1 •- tori tete tb o.L i In u h day afternoon at three o'clock sharp. It has been cold in Clinton the last few days but cheer I tip 1 they. had two inches ofsnoW in Wingham -cur' TuebdaY WILL l%IELl I+ORTNIGHPLX Ctourt MaPlo Loaf p,,O.F, has decid- ed tq meet fortnnghtly Instead ofCURIOUS weekly as in the past. 'Phe. nights of meeting will bo the first and third Thursday of each. month. As most of the members are busy men this will bo a saving of time and It is thought that the necessary business of the organization can be managed'Y fix this way. Also it will save awl when coal is scarce. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. The following announcement copied from a recent issue of The D4aily, Gleaner, Fredericton, N, B., will prove of interest to malty "Clinton leaders, Murray's old friends here will be ready with hearty congrat Mations : Mrs. Mary A. Mayor announces the engagement of_ her daughter, Olga Catharine, to Mr. Murray Depew Jackson of Port Colborne, Ont., the marriaa to take laF, 1place early in Noy- ember. Y. L. P. A. NOTES. The sock shower and tea given lay the Y,L.P.A. on Thursday last was a huge success. The 'socks handed in ,were all carefuilp counted by Messrs. Fred ,Jackson and D. L. Macpherson, who reported that the "Blues" St. Andrew's and St. James wards, had won. Altogether two hundred and seventy-four pairs wero received. • Matorials for the Clxristlnas boxes to the Clinton boys overseas were git'en out at the last meeting and it is expected that all the boxes will be on their way this week. Thep will each contain a fruit cake anis trench cap, donated by the Women's Pat- riotic Society, 'and soaks, tobacco, chocolate, candles, sugar,package g ' ralens, box of biscuits and choco- latta all donated by the Y.L.P.A. WESLEY CHURCH. The pastor preached in the morning and after the preaching service the quarterly fellowship meeting was held. the evening the. service was with- drawn to allow the congregation to attend the anniversary service in Ontario street church, Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lords supper will be administered at the close of the morning service. On Monday evening the Social de- de- partment had charge of the League p g tam when a Bible studycon- test was arranged. Mr, Norman holland, the president, and Miss Marion Irwin were chosen as cap-spokeg tains and. the entire membershiptook part in the contest. The pastor pro- Pounded the questions and Mrs. Jon- es and Mr. H. la. , Rorke acted, as lodges. At the close of the contest it was found the sides had answered correctly the same a er . nes- 1 tun of t 71 i es iAfter tiosis. WILLIS CIiORCII1 ThSacrament of the Lords Sup -y per was. administered alter the 'preaciiing service on Sunday morn- n `h 1pastor preached thq i ec e at both g PJohnTorrance mprtiing, and evening service, At'tlie evening service Mrs. Saunders of Cloderich assisted the choir and also rendered a solo very sweetly. Beginning next Sunday morning the Ren. Mr, Hogg will pteaoh a series of sermons on the Lord's Prayer. l315 evening subieot will -be ( "Marti' Luthter and the Protestant Reformation." The members of the Senior and Jtm{or Girls' Club and, Ilio Buss' Club combined in a Hallowe'en coo- ial on Tuesday evening, which wasseveral held in the lecture room. The room was prettily and appropriately de- costed and the program was also appropriate, many of the younger members taking pert. There was a goad attendance and a very pleasant 'evening was spent. SAVE, 'EM BY RATING 'E5!, There seems to be touch dissatis- faction in some quarters• regarding the price or potatoes. Those who have a supply, in many cases, seem. unwilling to dispose of theist at the price .the market affords, So, many people grew potatoes during the Past season that ht is very unlikely that the price' will be any higher than it is, at present. indeed, if there should bo any scarcity, of pota- toes this year it will be because somebody has fixed the market by destroying or allowing to spoil a quantity oC this very accessary and useful article of toed,. Potatoes, which w i'i not keep over, .being plentiful they should bo placed upon the market in suet quantitie that everyone could use all they need or t". is t wit at yr that to 1 s: wish and so save r which 0011 be Iieliti fOr a. tine 01 greater need, A slight loss Oil a few b11She1S of potatoes cannot mean mucin to anyoe in this land of plea- ty put over against the ttllvantage of sometiling to Stave oft a world- wide food, sleortage, Potatoes 51100111 is; used in targe quant,{tics all tits ,winter but shotlltl 1,0 so saved, that ,lot 0110 bushel will go to waste, INCORPORATED 1855 ' riii' i MaSDNSBANIi Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 ' r 98 Branches,in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted. Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders. Savings Bank Deoartnent. Interest allowed at higbest current rate. H. R. Sharp, Acting Manager, Clinton Branch) • Hullett Township" 114r. Frank Reynolds was in fioron toover the two a cad, going downor Saturday with a canoed of tat cat Be. The Unity Club will have a Donation Social at the Bane of Mrs. Geo. M Farquhar of the 5th con. on Tees, day ¢ren{ug next. A program wit be given and a calf and some bow which have been donated and to which tickets are being sold will b awarded to the winners. Following is the report of S.S. No for the months of September and October. Any not obtaining 00 pea cent of the marks am not inserted : 4th Class—Gladys Grainger 75, Mr Lyon 60, Harold Adams 60, 3rd Class—Tillie Garrett 70, 14¢1 bourne Keine 68, Laura Garrett 6G'. and Class—Marjorie Lyon 90, fiat tie Gray 87, t Luella keine 8d, Mar} Woods 81, Lorne Johnson 67, Mar griota Hill 68 Jean Holtzhauer Gl I3arold Johnson 81, Harold Richard! 61, Annie Garrott 60. Primary Class (names in order o merit Bred Saw Bertha Web `Sampson,congregation ster, Arthur Lyon, Marp Little, 31u41 Armstrong, Ruth Shaddick, Per Armstrong, Cecil Griffith. S. Relines, 'Teacher A Ooderich Township The Young Ladies' Patriotic So ciety will be held next 'week at tit home of Mrs, A. "Welsh. Dr. and Mrs, MacLeod, who haw beet visiting the Corner's sister Mrs. Hobert Pearson for the pas fete (lays, having accompanied the re mains of another sister, the lateMis. Catharine MacLeod, returned yestor tray t; their home in Brooklyn, NtX, Mr. John Chaves of Bright recentl, called on Sr.and Mrs. Fred Leona:, of Goderich township, ,when he Itne1 thisa•t 0 + dale t o tx f re the ct h e; up l While liege. Mr, Glave ']t ODUntrV.� ix ll t e purchased from lir. Wt. le COnnel eighty-three head of Accra, throe ca loads ot as goon cattle as one wont, wisi{ to see. '.l'lle lot averagel abou 111110 hundred, ansi 1fty no, 1S e1Cli lids wtts not the first visit ;41i:• GIat es has made to this 1oca11t}'. Ile 118 dally 501m8S u11 every fall and es rine 1111yS g tat 1011 01' SO 0f Stour, i READY-TO-WEAR I 2 he c1( ortish C• LOTHINGI Clothing Co. • ORDERED OBOTHING NEW FALL CLOTHING How About a New Suit ? We are showing a splendid line of snappy new models in serges, wor- steds and tweeds. $12 to $23 See our Special at $13 How About a New Raincoat? These handy dependable garments tit,,•ttt are always ready when you tYbnt thele $5 to $24 See our Special at $7.50 How About a New Overcoat? Now is the time to make your se- lection while the assortment is at its best, See our New Models in Pinch, -back, Belted -back, Etc O MORRISH C�. TNING CO> TN� Motto a "A Square Deal for Every Man.' Agent C. Pb R. Phone*1 e For Sunday or night calls: THE LOCAL Wheat $ w a,1 Barley. $1 . Oats 550 t Butter 41c Eggs 89e t Live 'Hogs WAS' 'FORME Rev. T, W. hill, formerly church, Clinton purse prior to don, where h charge, THEY THAN Mr. and Mrs aro both now a rather sever to take the 01 their friends s many kindness their illness. to get down t wbo suffered a goingabout ti. ed both will s to..health, FINISHING The foliowin; tributed to th the list was p total amount T. W. McGarr er, being $124, Mrs. Janet ley $]n, Miss E Grant $2, Mrs Fred. Leonard Miss Archibalc Tyndall $2, D. 5, Mullett, $1. MARRIED IN A. 'quiet mar Westmoreland Toronto, on lV Miss .Eleanor Mir, and Mrs. ich, was unite John II. Cant Mrs. Peter C ceremony was Dr. Speer, in few relatives The bride wo navy blue, cro hat and a ,pre sweetheart ro given away. by. Toronto, sous' Mr. and t Clinton on Tu spending the t bride's people reside in Tor is a member o street branch Mr. and Mn Toronto on S at Ellsmout Many friend gratulations f perity. "TWILL BE A The annualb es of the, Yo will be given Saturdayaft¢ commencing* t ' a g If you want for the box yo boy; overseas Comforts" bo iety of goods diers' .use ill r rs w Plain kitcher aprons, fancy of every shape in 'the fancy t will also find ceilaneous arti max gifts. Candy for t tooth will be booth, and ho ways goes lilt cakes," will . pleasant suriir those who a,tt All will be Timers' " boo a number of former reside ed in the welt Tea will be afternoon in and at six o' hall will be where a busi be served for Mock duck, wi potatoes, jells bread and mu and coffee. 1: this supper. At seven o' any goods lei will be held. Many may is' to be a r tion ,with tit in Clinton nn elephants" of gladly be rid could make us tip: all old c1 dfsearded fu necks, etc,, Ranee MaeKi O'Neil of yo 'Illle salt conn in the old I3 up with an o'clock on S This under, the biggest s the auxiliary are eotattfltg tlid Citizens about M'ARKI T, 0 r Ov. 0 600. to 42e. o 40e. $15.26. s RCLTNTON PASTOR Jharleswortli of Park- pastor pf rho Baptist was presented with a bis removal to Lon- t undertakes a new C YOU., . Wm. T.3amblyn, who nicely recovering from a attack of fever, wish !per tunity of thanking nd neighbors Por. the es shown them' during Mr. Hantblyn is able two and Mrs. Hamblyn, severer attack, is now e house and it is hop can be full restored In fP THE LIST, g amounts were con- Red Cross fund Since ublished last week, the remitted to the Hon. y, Provincial Treasur- 75. Smith $1; Jos. Wheat- tta Wheatley $1, Wm, Geo. Crooks $1, Mrs, $2, Alex. Innes $.50, $10, Mrs. J. C. Mc- 1t?. Prior $1, S.5. No. 55, ridge took place at Ave. Methodist ahuxch, Iondap afternoon when' Hartleib, dau,ghtet of Chas. Hartleib of Zur- d in marriage to Mr. elon, sot of Mr. and antelon of Clinton, The perforated by the Rev, the'presenea of only a and friends. re her travelling suit ofD. 15 fax furs and French tty corsage bouquet of les and ferns. She was 14Ir. W. F. Cantelon oft m of the_.groom, Mrs. Cantelon came to .Inn esday morning and are week here and with the at Zurich. They will onto, where the groom f the staff or the Bay of the Molsons Bank, a Cantelon return to aturda and will reside yIn Opts., Roncesvalles Ave. s in Clinton extend con- or happiness and phos- BIG EV.EN'I', a azaar under the auspio- ung in the town -hall Auxiliary on :noon or next- week, ! t two o• -clock, something attractive u are sending to your visit c the f'Soldiers' var-e otexclusirely great where a forsol- be shown. allover t aprons, bigido p tea aprons, and aprons and form will be founst work booth, where you a good supply of mis- cies suitable for Christ hose having a sweet supplied 1n the candy. ne baking, which al- e the proverbai "hit also be on sale. Other ises are in store for end. interested in the "Old th, where will be found articles donated by and people interest- are of the old town, served during the whole • the !'Allied Tea Room" clock a portion of the converted into a cafe, Less men's supper will fifty cents as follows : til- dressing, scalloped es, salads, whole wheat 'Gins pumpkin to tea pie, ;ver}tone is invited to ;look an auction sale ot- t over from the bazaar not be award that there manage sale lit conned e bazaar, l;very house lst have some "'ivliite tvhich the owners 550u1d and which the Auxiliary ¢ of for their sale. Hunt tithing, ill gond roltair, imitate, books, nick- and notify Mrs. may noon or Miss Winnifred ur wish to entente, names Friday afternoon pilgene b1gik and winds a11Cti(11 sale at two aturday, alt,1zr+ is eri'cated t be mutts ever pa011iem a bydoing olid the 0005 tome 1 on 00 etl Operation Of a bring this suerafis LITTLE LOCALS, • '- The Women's Patriotic Soalety will until ;ha n OP 71 1 •- tori tete tb o.L i In u h day afternoon at three o'clock sharp. It has been cold in Clinton the last few days but cheer I tip 1 they. had two inches ofsnoW in Wingham -cur' TuebdaY WILL l%IELl I+ORTNIGHPLX Ctourt MaPlo Loaf p,,O.F, has decid- ed tq meet fortnnghtly Instead ofCURIOUS weekly as in the past. 'Phe. nights of meeting will bo the first and third Thursday of each. month. As most of the members are busy men this will bo a saving of time and It is thought that the necessary business of the organization can be managed'Y fix this way. Also it will save awl when coal is scarce. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. The following announcement copied from a recent issue of The D4aily, Gleaner, Fredericton, N, B., will prove of interest to malty "Clinton leaders, Murray's old friends here will be ready with hearty congrat Mations : Mrs. Mary A. Mayor announces the engagement of_ her daughter, Olga Catharine, to Mr. Murray Depew Jackson of Port Colborne, Ont., the marriaa to take laF, 1place early in Noy- ember. Y. L. P. A. NOTES. The sock shower and tea given lay the Y,L.P.A. on Thursday last was a huge success. The 'socks handed in ,were all carefuilp counted by Messrs. Fred ,Jackson and D. L. Macpherson, who reported that the "Blues" St. Andrew's and St. James wards, had won. Altogether two hundred and seventy-four pairs wero received. • Matorials for the Clxristlnas boxes to the Clinton boys overseas were git'en out at the last meeting and it is expected that all the boxes will be on their way this week. Thep will each contain a fruit cake anis trench cap, donated by the Women's Pat- riotic Society, 'and soaks, tobacco, chocolate, candles, sugar,package g ' ralens, box of biscuits and choco- latta all donated by the Y.L.P.A. WESLEY CHURCH. The pastor preached in the morning and after the preaching service the quarterly fellowship meeting was held. the evening the. service was with- drawn to allow the congregation to attend the anniversary service in Ontario street church, Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lords supper will be administered at the close of the morning service. On Monday evening the Social de- de- partment had charge of the League p g tam when a Bible studycon- test was arranged. Mr, Norman holland, the president, and Miss Marion Irwin were chosen as cap-spokeg tains and. the entire membershiptook part in the contest. The pastor pro- Pounded the questions and Mrs. Jon- es and Mr. H. la. , Rorke acted, as lodges. At the close of the contest it was found the sides had answered correctly the same a er . nes- 1 tun of t 71 i es iAfter tiosis. WILLIS CIiORCII1 ThSacrament of the Lords Sup -y per was. administered alter the 'preaciiing service on Sunday morn- n `h 1pastor preached thq i ec e at both g PJohnTorrance mprtiing, and evening service, At'tlie evening service Mrs. Saunders of Cloderich assisted the choir and also rendered a solo very sweetly. Beginning next Sunday morning the Ren. Mr, Hogg will pteaoh a series of sermons on the Lord's Prayer. l315 evening subieot will -be ( "Marti' Luthter and the Protestant Reformation." The members of the Senior and Jtm{or Girls' Club and, Ilio Buss' Club combined in a Hallowe'en coo- ial on Tuesday evening, which wasseveral held in the lecture room. The room was prettily and appropriately de- costed and the program was also appropriate, many of the younger members taking pert. There was a goad attendance and a very pleasant 'evening was spent. SAVE, 'EM BY RATING 'E5!, There seems to be touch dissatis- faction in some quarters• regarding the price or potatoes. Those who have a supply, in many cases, seem. unwilling to dispose of theist at the price .the market affords, So, many people grew potatoes during the Past season that ht is very unlikely that the price' will be any higher than it is, at present. indeed, if there should bo any scarcity, of pota- toes this year it will be because somebody has fixed the market by destroying or allowing to spoil a quantity oC this very accessary and useful article of toed,. Potatoes, which w i'i not keep over, .being plentiful they should bo placed upon the market in suet quantitie that everyone could use all they need or t". is t wit at yr that to 1 s: wish and so save r which 0011 be Iieliti fOr a. tine 01 greater need, A slight loss Oil a few b11She1S of potatoes cannot mean mucin to anyoe in this land of plea- ty put over against the ttllvantage of sometiling to Stave oft a world- wide food, sleortage, Potatoes 51100111 is; used in targe quant,{tics all tits ,winter but shotlltl 1,0 so saved, that ,lot 0110 bushel will go to waste, WI1DS TODAY. Invitations havo been issued to tate wedding t d o0 Mice Marguerite - V 1 ss ' M r Cour g b sells Jones to the Rev. Gerald Potts; of St. Thomas' church, limn street, Toronto, formerlyi rector • of' St, Paul's church, Clinton, on Thursday, Nov. 1st at St. Thomas' thumb. A reception will be hold afterwards at 600 Huron street. SUNDAY MORNING'S' FIRE. A Are' occurred in Brown's dry- goods store early on Sunday morn- Ing, doing a considerable amount of damage amongst clothing, blankets, etc,, before being brought under con- trol. Considerable damage was also done bysmoke and water, The tiro originated in the basement and 'teas oofifined pretty well to a small see- tion. tion. A .quantityi of wood which had been !put in on Saturday was al- so bunned. SENT FROM CLINTO'N CEN'PRE. The amount collected at this centre for the British Red Cross was : Clinton $1174.70 Clinton Girls' Auxiliary 40,00 Bayfield 385.00 Varna 258.09 Stanley Maple Leaf ' 30,00 Summerhill 21.00 Turner's Church Society 15.25 Y. L. of S, E. of Cr. T 15,00 Bethany Society ].0,00 Unity Club 5.50 -- Total $1054.54 A HURON OFFICER FALLS, Word has been received that Lieut. Charles Macpherson, youngest son of the late D. F. Macpherson Of Clin- ton and al Mrs. Macpherson, had been killed in action. He was twenty- },ears old. Before theThe sever, war broke out he was engaged as a n.in- ing engineer hi New Ontario, the en- listed in the LGlst Huron Battalion, in which unit he received leis tom mission. When the battalion ,vent to England he got a transfer to the Royal Highlanders of Montreal and had only been in France about two months. He was the nephew of air. p L. Macpherson of Clinton,and was horn and educated here. ONT. ST. CHURCH. On Mlond:ay evening despite the un- favorable weather a number of the League members went out to the House of Refuge and gave a program for the benefit of the Inmates. Anima; those taking part were : Mr, and Mrs, 13. J. Gibbings, Miss Wittso end Dr. Holloway, wbo sang a quartette, Mrs. Gibbings'and 'al'ias Wiltse con- tributed solos, the Misses Wiltse a 'duett and Miss Vern Holland a read- mg. The choir of the Nouse, also contributed a musical number, The pastor and 1'ir. 0, 13. liol- feud each enjoy , Phe ora rata was was very much enjoyed by the in - mates and the masacrs •and those, taking part in it felt well repaid for their efforts. icl ext Snnsay the pastor, the Rev, J. A. Agnea, will preach both morn- h mem- venin t the ingand [3 g• Ing sermon the Sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered. Fellowship meeting at ten o'clock. A CLINTON SOLDIER HUbiE. Lieut. Edgar 'Torrance, youngest 1� d Mrs. P to ceNot son of Mx, n .lr amust of town, arrived home last uigitt at- ter over a year overseas. Lieut. Tor- ranee enlisted with.,the 161st batta- lion but wli�rt a draft of union of- 1 fivers Was called for itt' • August of last year, before the Hurons went overseas, he volunteered, with a: num- her of others and after spending a short time in England was sent to France tot join the nth battalion, Ile was wounded' in May last, one eye being so badly injured that it hast to he removed. After spending ,weeks in hospital in England he was engaged for some Haire in the drill camps lit,, he has now been al lowed to return hence. Aside from the permanent in,iury la: sustained he is in very good health, It was Only late in the afternoon that it was known that he'wascoming home but1— the Pipers Band and a 'number of citizens met him at the depot and gave him a hearty welcome, WAIN AUXILIARY H4EP:.TING. The local War Auxiliary held a meeting in the board room yesterdan evening wren various matters came up for dlscussiom, among them '.:ltr matter Of greeting returned sold{ens. It was decided that eaoli returning swlditr was to br• given a public re- ceptian and the following committee Was appointed to get in 101,011 with • Such matters and arrange for snit recti?tions : The Mayo, Pol. Rance, W, ilrydore, A. T. Cooper and 'P, Jackson. i.f rclativet of rotu,:ulug soldiers will notify any one of these gentlemen they will appCeciIto it as otherwise they might not be able to obtain accurate information, armage t and ,virile this committee will a a g tr tor the meeting of the soldier bt.yS it is hoped the citizens will enter Into the spirit Of 11)0 idea and Pratt- fly co-operate so, that every boy who returns home may 1151 that his °;,n1- ing is noted aid rejoiced, Over", The pipers' nand Inas vary 1.ilelly offered its services for these rcca- liens and 1(11 being 11Otitie1 will be pit Baba 111 untrottm. - AN ACCIDENT. Master Russel Murphy, while re- turning r n t r from lel col L :ay last g one y s week was struck in the eye by 'a chestnut {lung by another boy . and was rather severely hurt, his glasses being broken and his eye nd e ct a bruised.ItishoPedthat the sight Will not be 'Injured but he has had to keep the injured member baindagr. ed ever since. - AND HANDSOME W04Zi{, There has been on exhibition in M. Munroe'swindow this week a very handsome piece of workmanship in the shape of a carved panel. it is. the figure of a piper in full. F1igh- land uniform carved entire] in wood, It is the work of Mr, John Storey of CO•oderielo, brother-in-law of Mr. Munroe, It was done as a pastime for leisure hours by Mr. Storey and it is certainly a very line pioc4, of work TALENT RECOGNIZED. The mane friends in Clinton and y surrounding district of Miss Beatrice Greene will be interested to know that she has been given a place on the Mendelsohn Choir, Toronto. Miss Greene has been studying in Toronto for the past year or more and the fact that she has been given a place in this choir must bo very. gratifying to hen, as signifying her talent as a singer, and it .is pleasing to leer friends. Congratulations are here- with extended. BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev. R. C. Rolph of Toronto preached In this church on Sunday, last at both services. Next Bimulay Rev, 1L B. Catalans, B.A., of *NigRosetownt, onto, Superintendent of H.M.O. will teach both meeting and evening, P'g `" board of. McMaster University has presented to the Sunday school ag fine picture of the Education build- ings and the founders of the Baptist denomination, AIcMlaster University, Moulton Ladies' College, and Wool- g'' stock College for. boys. The unveil- ing takes place on Sunday afternoon and, the Superintendent,. Mr. D. K. Prior, will give a short address. A CAPABLE"CONSTABLE. The ;Board of Police Commissioners, Toronto, recentlygranted an entryter, in the Merit Book to P. C. Williams, a member of the force, ,for having by alert and clet'er observation recover- ed two stolen automobiles and ar- rested the thieves,. In arresting one of the melt Constable Williams jump- ed a fence and in doing so severely 'sprained his ankle but he nevertheless kept up the pursuit, found his 'man hiding in an alley,. caught him and held him until assistance arrived. Constable Williams is a son of Mr. Chas. Williams, Sr., of G'oderic}t township, ind a former Clinton Col- le late student: g WORK, NEXT TI3I`ItSDAX. The local exemption board, will tl enext, and meeIon that Thursday two follow ng days will consider those cases which Atter are presented verbally. Ater that they will consider the cases fortvard- ed to them by the Registrar General, They will meet in the office Lately occupied Block. All pomg 10021 1n Class 1 who have not yet reported l a .r. Otlt Call t ` ..t so bolo C 0 the local postotflce for a form, fill out and forward to the Registrar, If any young man thinks he has grounds for exemption he can put in his application, ONT. ST. CHURCH8, Anniversary services were held in this church on Sunday last and were ,yell attend;d, The Rev. J. E'..7. Millyard oft Lis- towel WASthe preacher and he de- livered two very eloquent and int- presslve sermons, The choir rendered excellent service during the *dap, singing an anthem at each service and in the evening the quartette rendered a 'selentiot very -acceptably. At the evening service tlie Wesley camel up to warship 1 with the sister church, the edifice be- ing taxed to capacity to accomnto- date the number which attended. The trustees had asleed for an oh—H. tering 010or1 wasree hundred dollarsedone the amount contributed at the two services. - DiI D IN BROOIiLTN, N.Y' The death occurred in r Brooklyn, N,Y„ on Friday last of Catharine A. 14facLcoci, daughter oC the late ltod crick MacLeod of near Brumfield. The deceased. lady was born of the old homestead near Brumfield and reside ed there until the death or her father some,• twenty -live years ago. Shortly- after that sirs ',vent to rtsido with her brother in Brooklyn and continu- ed to live there until her death. She was fifty-five pears of age. She is survived by one sister, Mrs, Rebt, and i Gn der{;h to/molt),t r t of I ea s; three brothers, Dr. Jobe MacLeod Of Broolilyu, N.Y., George of Haley, aYtd. William Of poise City , Idaho. The remains were brought tO Clinton aLd nn 111otday the Cnnnra al. took 'place from 1)nnl0rd's 1mi081- taking natters to Baird's. 'coveters, where they were laid in the Swap plot tvhci•e her brother and parents aro btlr1Cd,' CHANGE IN BUSINESS. Mr, A. J. Holloway'1as. hottght out •1 Mr,Chas. the coal business ot has. Twit - shell, taking possession ,.on Tuesday, Mr, .Holloway says he expects to he able to, sulaply lube needs of Clinton citizens in regard to coal right along, doRr ltg each car into small lois as it comes The price of coal has not been fixed ' here but Mr, Holloway assures The News -Record that ha will not advance prices but will the rath- er red,uce them, if conditions warrant it. . y Bagtie'Id $4r. Samuel Mem received word on Monday of' this week of the ser- loos illness of his eldest son, Iizr- land Moore, and left in company with his son Bruce for New York to att- tend him. Rev. Mr. Darling and wife spent a few days this Week ut Stella, Rev. Ms,. Darling will administer g the ,Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the Methodist church on Stmda morning next. Miss Eliza. Dupee of Toronto spent the past week with hor sister, hits, Rev. A. ardt. -- A. Macfarlane will Bold Sao - ratnent services in St. , Andrew's church on Sunday morning next at i1 a.m. Preparatory services will be held in the church on -Friday after - noon when Rev. Dr, Aitken. of kip, pen will give the address. Robert Peniiale reit, on Tuesday los Sask., where lie whit spend a month. Mrs. William Stirling is spendinga few weeks with her. dao hter Mrs. , Hugh McLaren o1 Port Elgin. Lawrence Fowlie of London .spent the week -end under the parental roof, Mrs, Joseph of Detroit is tits guest of 11Irs. Leetch this week, Messrs. Herbert Johnston aad William Williamson returned .home from the west last week. Mr, and Mrs, Hale of Stratford were the guests of Mrs. PPale's six Mrs. Thomas Kingover the week -end. Mr. John Ertvin, brother of Messrs, I3: W. aid A. 11. Erwin, of Ed:non- ton arrived on Saturday last and will spend the Winter in the east. Mrs. Catlin and son, James Cat - lin, of Port Stanley spent a few (lays last week with her 1'.arents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sturgeon. George Lloyd Armstrong, oldest sot of A o Robert Armstrong of Stanley township, died on' Monday aged twenty-eight years and foot months. The funeral took place to Bayfield cemetery on Wednesday at - ternws- News Retard means News -header. Hullett Township" 114r. Frank Reynolds was in fioron toover the two a cad, going downor Saturday with a canoed of tat cat Be. The Unity Club will have a Donation Social at the Bane of Mrs. Geo. M Farquhar of the 5th con. on Tees, day ¢ren{ug next. A program wit be given and a calf and some bow which have been donated and to which tickets are being sold will b awarded to the winners. Following is the report of S.S. No for the months of September and October. Any not obtaining 00 pea cent of the marks am not inserted : 4th Class—Gladys Grainger 75, Mr Lyon 60, Harold Adams 60, 3rd Class—Tillie Garrett 70, 14¢1 bourne Keine 68, Laura Garrett 6G'. and Class—Marjorie Lyon 90, fiat tie Gray 87, t Luella keine 8d, Mar} Woods 81, Lorne Johnson 67, Mar griota Hill 68 Jean Holtzhauer Gl I3arold Johnson 81, Harold Richard! 61, Annie Garrott 60. Primary Class (names in order o merit Bred Saw Bertha Web `Sampson,congregation ster, Arthur Lyon, Marp Little, 31u41 Armstrong, Ruth Shaddick, Per Armstrong, Cecil Griffith. S. Relines, 'Teacher A Ooderich Township The Young Ladies' Patriotic So ciety will be held next 'week at tit home of Mrs, A. "Welsh. Dr. and Mrs, MacLeod, who haw beet visiting the Corner's sister Mrs. Hobert Pearson for the pas fete (lays, having accompanied the re mains of another sister, the lateMis. Catharine MacLeod, returned yestor tray t; their home in Brooklyn, NtX, Mr. John Chaves of Bright recentl, called on Sr.and Mrs. Fred Leona:, of Goderich township, ,when he Itne1 thisa•t 0 + dale t o tx f re the ct h e; up l While liege. Mr, Glave ']t ODUntrV.� ix ll t e purchased from lir. Wt. le COnnel eighty-three head of Accra, throe ca loads ot as goon cattle as one wont, wisi{ to see. '.l'lle lot averagel abou 111110 hundred, ansi 1fty no, 1S e1Cli lids wtts not the first visit ;41i:• GIat es has made to this 1oca11t}'. Ile 118 dally 501m8S u11 every fall and es rine 1111yS g tat 1011 01' SO 0f Stour, r e