The Clinton News Record, 1917-10-25, Page 8SearOrth,
s lanot GalMillocis-of 'Victoria,
Ihp., bits been visiting at her irate
far town,
Mrs. R. 1'a. Wilson of New York is
la )(Miter at the parental liome, that
Pr Mr, and Mrs, W. IL, Southgate,
Miss Marys Gillespie ..has accepted a
position as teacher at Windsor,'
Mrs. 1): T. l'inknoy, of Stratford
was in town for a few dabs receut-
Robt. Laird and Nelson Govral-
'lock 'v'Jw Bayo been training at the
Aviation Camp, Caanp Borden, all
summers anent a week's leave a0
their laoines here before leaving for
Texgas, where they Will train tri 3ug
As winter,
Mss Preston of 13r44(01;d, fpr
Santo time a missionary" in 'Japan,
ryas the gust last weal at the homo
of Mr. J, M, Best,
Every Shoe Requirement
This house of Good Shoes
asks the consideration of people
who care for Shoes of. _ Special
Merit and the best of Shoe Value
at any stated price.
Satisfactos'y Shoes
Quick Repairs
We Have Seasonable Goods
The International Carbon Roofing Paint, will not crack, peel or blister.
-by the gallon or barrel
All kinds of Roofing -the celebrated Brantford and other grades
Beaver Board takes the place of lath and plastery more durable and
easier applied.
Window Glass -all sizes
The celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints, Varnishes and Stains
A good assortment of Ranges and Coal and Wood Heaters of the up-
to-date kind -Also a few second-hand
A few coils of Galvanized Coil Spring Wire at less than cost to clear
Potato Drags at 30c each
OARBO'LA IS PROVING A GREAT SUCCESS -it is a germ -killing
white paint for stables and chicken houses. Prevents contagious
diseases such as foot-and-mouth,' anthrax, glanders, mange,
cholera, roup, etc. -put on with brush or sprayer
Electric Toasters, regular $4.00 for $ 2.75
Second-hand Leather Sewing Machine, cheap at 20.00, for 4.00
Portable Rubber Bath, regular $8.50 for 3.00
Office Desk, cost $20,00 for 4.50
A Short Counter at a bargain
llarland Bras.
Keep Your Feet- Drg
by wearing a pair of our
"Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction" Rubbers
We carry a full line of "Consolidated" and "Miner"
Rubbers to fit any shoe.
Shoe Specials for Friday and Saturday
30 pairs of men's heavy split Blucher:, well made and
good solid stock. A shoe that will stand lots of
good hard ware, sizes 6 to 10, worth
$3.75, bpecial price 310
25 pairs men's heavy high top Bluchers; black or tan,
solid stock and a proper good shoe for the wet fall
weather sizes 6 to 10, worth $6,50,=�(ti
special price tt!!
Buy a pair and save the price of a pair of leggings.
We have also a lot of broken lines clearing at very
attractive prices. Let us fit you with a pair
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits - More Business
You discarded your old din-
ing -room set end replaced it
with the new style dining-
rooin furniture. One might
es well be dead as "ont of
style" these days. We are
showing seveal different de-
signs in both quartered oak
and mahogany and all are
priced exceedingly low.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone ifiCk.. 28
01114On Newa4eeord.
October $ h, fol p
ScVuol Supplies
wan cost You
the same price
any where yioti
buy. The price
is a fixed one,
It Is in the oth-
er supplies-
Soribblers, •Pencils, Slates, Etc.,
that we try to
give you a little
better value and
a more con-
plate assortment
or a little less
in price inireep;
ing with our
claim to be -
"Often the Cheapest
Always the Best,"
Tile W. D. Fair Co.
.n:"'u $!Im mnuunum�num't rou,
Rev,. W. 13, Moulton is in Btantford
this week.
tlir. Albert Palmer of Seaforth war
in town yesterday,
Miss Florence •Cuningliame was in
London last week.
Miss Norma Bentley is visiting with
London friends this week..
Mrs. H. Ross left last week to vis-
it her brothers in Leamington.
Mrs. Mitchell is in Wingham this
week visiting lier daughter, Mrs. -
Mrs. T. W. Hawkins spent a couple
of daps with her grandmother at
Mr, Carlisle of Montreal, Inspector
for the Molsons Bank, was in town
last week,
Misses Essie O'Brien and, Verna Jer-
vis have gone to Toronto to take.
Mrs. George Paulding of Buffalo vis-
ited Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Hawkins
last week.
Miss Margaret IKeane of Winnipeg is.
visiting her sister; Miss L. Keane,
and other friends in town.
Mrs. A. J.: Grigg and Miss Iielen
have returned after a lengthy visit
with friends in the west.
Mr. and M'Irs. W. St R. Holmes and
family. were in Goderich on Sunday
spending the day -with friends,
Mrs. 0. Sutter of Stratford spent a
couple of days in town this week
with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sutter.
Mr. and M'Irs, A, Walker of Browns-
ville, Texas, were the guests , last
week of Mr. and Mrs, T. W. Haw-
Mrs. Jack Macpherson and children
of Goderich visited the former's
cousin, Mts. W. S. Downs,' -over the
week -end.
Mr, G. A. Bradshaw is in Chatham
this week as a delegate from the
Ontario Sunday school at the Pro-
vincial Convention,
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper were in
Goderich on Sunday, the former as-
sisting at services in the 'forth
street church,
Mliss Leona Nediger is assisting in
the uptown G.T.R.' ticket office this
week during the absence of Miss
Bentley on vacation.
Mrs. M. D. M'IcTaggart and Mrs. H.
13. Combo are in 'Toronto this
weak, Mrs. McTaggart will go on
to Morrisburg, before returning.
Mr, Chas. Forbes and Miss L. Cald-
well of Waterford, were week -end
guests at the home of the foriner's
sister, that of Mr, and, Mrs. C.
Rev. W. 'I3, and Mirs. Colo, who have
been spending the past fortnight
with frkends fn town and vicinity,
returned this week ivjstheir home
in Flint, Min.
Mrs. W. E, Moody leaves on Mon-
day for her home in Ingersoll after
having spent several weeks at the
.parental hone, that of Mr. and
Mrs• H, 13. Chant.
Mrs. C. H. Chant, atvlio has been
spending a few weeks as the guest
• of her son, Mr, H. B. Chant of
towns, returned yesterday, to her
• home in Unionville.
Misses Florence Cunieghame and. Mar-
ion Irwin are in Chatham this
week attending the Provincial S.S.
convention as delegates from Wes-
ley Sunday school.
Miss Beatrice Greene returned to
Toronto on Saturday, to, repine
her studies in connection with the
Conservatory of Muses after having
spent several months an town.
Mrs. A J. llenderson who has been.
visiting her sisters at Ottawa and
also with friends in 'Toronto, spent
a few days this week with her mot-
her, Mrs, James Shepherd, Town -
Oland street, leaving for her home
in 'Lansing this Morning.
Miss iereConnell of Victoria, 13. C.,
is here on a visit to her aunt, ;airs.
J, 13. 'Taylor, and other. Montle.
Mr. Fred I-Iaggitt was awarded the
contract of constructing a $1200
drain in Hallett the other flay. Con-
tractor Ilaggitt has almost recover-
ed from the accident which betel hint
some Weeks ago.
Mr, and Mrs, Soler. of Ingersoll
were gusts of Mr, and firs. It, A.
Xing recently,
Hade and Worn by Two Generations
A quarter,ot a centuryago the late 0, E, Stanfield, a
pioneer underwear manufacturer of Truro, N.8., discov-
ered a way to prevent woollen underwear from shrinking
-by the radical but sensible plan of taking the shrink
out,of the wool before it went to the knitting machines,
His secret process at once overcame the one fault of
woollen underwear, and started a keen and steadily grow.
ing demand for the Stanfield's product, On it, by steady
development, his two sons, at the head of Stanfield's Lim-
ited, have built a thriving business employing nearly 600
operatives, and providing underwear for hundreds of
thousands of Canadians.
From the very first, the sterling quality of
Stanfield's Underwear, as proved by wear and
washing, has been its most prominent feature.
It actually DOES NOT SHRINK, "full up" or
mat -and on the basis of length of service it is
the'best&value®offered in underwear.
Sold . at
Men's Store
itm filtimfea6Pe- Strenuous
Not content with superior quality, Stanfield's give wearers all
the little niceties that make undergarments luxurious. Wonder-
fully soft in texture -tailored to perfect fit --with such special
features as Stanfield's Improved Elastic Closed Crotch (in com-
binations) and Stanfield's new Elastic Inset Shoulder. Stanfield's
Unshrinkable Underwear means the utmost in comfort as well
as in warmth and service.
' Dry, Goods, House Furnishings
phone 67
Next to Royal Bank .
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Subscriptions to British Red
Gross Fund.
Town of Clinton 7675, Girls" Pat-
riotic Auxiliary $40, Collegiate In-
stitute 764,45, Miss M. Clark 75, W.
Brydone 75, H. R. Sharp $15, Miss-
es 10. and L. Mountcastlo 72, J. C.
Veitch 78, Miss McLaren 75, R. 10.
Kenning 75, Mrs. R, Pearson 72,
Miss M. L. Walkinshaw 71, Miss V.
G. Chowan 711, 0. G. Middleton $5,
Cuningiiame's $3, J. W. Moore 71,.
A. 0. Pattison 74, Mrs. E, Herman
71, Miss R. Hernial' $1, A. T. Coop-
er $6, Miss NI, A, Stone 75, Miss 13.
1'. Ward 75, Mrs. Martha Livermore
7.25, H. Plumsteel 72, Miss M. Cr.
Rudd 71, Wm, Walker 71, Mrs, John
Derry 71, A. J. Holloway $1, Miss
M. Wiltsc 71, Miss E. Richardson 71,
H. Wpltse 72, A. Hooper $1, Miss
Nlaud Livermore 73, Mrs. Osborne 71,.
Mrs. Morgan Agnew $1, Miss B.
Thompson 01, W. L. Johnson $1, Dr.
C. W. Thompson $5, W. T. O'Neil
$5, Miss Winnie O'Neil 72,
R. Row-
land 75, Mrs. Clara Rumball 71, Mrs.
H. T. Rance 7110, Mrs. Ferran 710,
R. W. Reed 75, John Ransford 75,
John Torrance 75, Fred Jackson $2,
G. 1), McTaggart $26, Miss Kate
McTaggart 720, Mrs, J. C, Dandier
$10, Miss A. Cowing 72, Miss Jean
McTaggart 71, W. D. Fair 75, Rev.
J. I0. Hogg 72, Misses McFarlane
$10, Miss L, Bunter 75, E. H. Hun-
niford 75, Mrs. McGarva $6, Miss A.
Wallace 710, W. and T. Jackson 730,
Miss Florence Garrett 71, A. J, Mor-
risii 75, John G. Medd. 72, John
Stephenson $3, School Section Ne,
10, Shanley, 73, Mrs, W. S. Downs
71, H. W. Watts 71, Leonard Har-
land 71, Miss Minnie Cooper $8, H.
A. 'Bovey 71, Rev. J, A,. Robinson
$1, Mrs. M. D. McTaggart $25, Mrs.
Geo. M. Kiltp 71, Mrs. Wm, Graham
71, No name '$1, Clinton Model school
$80, Mrs. C. J. Wallis 75, Robb,
Jones 71, Chas. Lindsay $2, .I, 13.
Kerr 72, Robt. Welsh 72, J. 0. Mo -
Math 71, Misses Southcombe $0, D,
L. Macpherson $10, J. W. Elliott $5,
A friend 7.50, Miss S. Turner' $1, E.
G. Courtin 75, Miss' I.T. 13.
Courtice $2,,: Mfrs. R. Sweet
71, Douglas Wheeler $5, Mrs.
Elizabeth Sheppard $14 . Miss 14111
7.50, Mrs. A, M'cCartitey 71, 13, J.
Gibbiings 72, A. Stephenson 71, Mrs.
J. W. Shaw $5, Win. 13iggart 71,
Mrs, John Hunter 71, 1;. ilodaway
72, James Scott 75, H. Peacock 72,
Chas, 13aker 71, Mrs, Melver 711,
Miss 11.' McIver $1. Total 71.,212.70.
Subscriptions to Italian Red Cross:
Town of Clinton 775, Girls' Patriotic
Auxiliary $10, W, Brydone 71, 'Total
Seaffc rtb
Mrs. L. T. DeLacey, seca'et;,ry of
tine lied Crest; Society here has re,
ceived 'from France a handsome
'maze medal in 'token of the MOS -
l -' awe given by the Society last
,Tench Tag Day.
The regular monthly meeting, of the
Woman's Institute will he held in
the Foresters' hall, Thursday, Nov.
1st. "Country Life, Its-Advaatagos
and Possibilities," by Mrs. J. Man-
ning. Discussion on cake making.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Oakes Sundayed
with her mother, Mrs, Richard Car-
Miss Ida Ball spent a few days
with Londesboro friends.
• Miss Olive Cole and a friend of
Clinton spent Sunday. with Miss Etta
Miss Flossie Moon visited with
Woodstock friends over the week -end.
Mr. George Ruddell, we are glad to
say, is improving nicely.
Capt.. (Rev.) Wne, Caswell of Tor-
onto preached in the Methodist
church on Sunday morning last and
Rev. Jas. Abney. in the evening.
Misses Elsie Millar and Mildred
Gray attended the Sunday school
convention for Centre Huron held in
Auburn on Tuesday of last week, to
which they were sent as delegates.
Mr. Lavin of Toronto is visiting
his brother-in-law, Mr. G. Ruddell.
IRev, 0. C. Raine preeehed anniver-
sary sermons in Kintore on Sunday
Mrs. Lee, Sr.; is moving into Mr,
Millar's house in town for the win-
ter months. '
Miss Edith Sampson spent a few
days in Clinton this week.
The .Red Cross Society is giving
an old, -time concert on Oct. 31st in
Cartwriglit's hall. The entire pro-
ceeds go to Red Cross work. Every-
one come and dress in old, fashioned
•--to be held by -
-in the-
at 2.00 p.m.
Sale of -
Tommy Work -Aprons a Spec-
peclaity ; Bone Baking ; Candy;
Soldier's' Comforts.
010 'Timers' Booth,
Allied Tea Room -
Tea served ail afternoon.
Business Men's Slipper at 6.00
Auction sale of remnants from
Bazaar at 7.00 o'clock.
Rummage Sale!
4$0,ntod by the Young Ladies' Pat-
riotic .Aanxiliarp for their Rummage
Salo n Nov. lOtli, anything alit] ev-
crything, including old elolleas (in
good repair), furniture, books, eta
Those wishing to contribute kindly
notify Mrs, May Ranee MacKinnon,
or Miss Wihnifrcd O'Neil.
Capt.- (Rev.) ,W. 13. Caswell of Tori
onto paid Blyth a visit over Sunday
and Monday and his sermon and lec-
ture were greatly enjoyed, Mr. Cas-
well has been in England about a
year and a half as chaplain of the
203 Batt., He has recently been ap-
pointed Bursar of Victoria College,
and on Sunday be spoke on the Ed-
ucational Work of the church. On
Monday evening he lectured under the
auspices of the Women's Institute on
"How Britain Fights," to an awl;
fence which Well filled the house and
was listened with rapt interest.
"Men's Day" has been set for Sun-
day, Nov. 4th, This is a very, spec-
ial day for Blyth Methodism. A
chorus of fifty men will sing. Both
services will be in charge of the men.
On the following Monday evening the
brotherhood will serve .a fowl dinner.
They have secured the Harmonic
Olale Quartette of London for the
Rev. R, J. McCorinick takes an-
niversary] services on the Salem ap-
pointment next Sabbath.
Owing to lack of space we were bit-
able to publish a list of the Rett
'Cross coCmtributors at this centre, but.
will endeavor to use in nest issue.
The amount contributed was' 7258.11.
Call or Phone for Prices --
Wiring Your House
all kinds of up-to-date
Fixtures and Shades
ber of 2nd=hand stoves
in good repair.
Byann &L Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7
Are You Bale ?
Have you Thin
and Faded Hair?
Is your appearance not witel it
should be because of the lack of
hair ? Then come and see-
at the Ratienburh House
The latest productions in Ladies
Transformations. Pompadours,
Self -Dressing Waves, Etc.j
For Men who are Bald
PEE, which represents the
highest achievement in the
art of hair -constructing,
feather weight, lipgonio ani
so natural in appearance
that the closest observer
could not toll it from your
•own hair,
Flea c1o01cc-.405 YONG10 ST.