The Clinton News Record, 1917-10-11, Page 81
1,10te1E Cri)so Society will meet
ab the bogie of Mps. W, Muir on the
eirese ,i '''"ed, A. e,Peet' of.
Deadleid, Mir, and Mrs 0. °IMitnn o'f
13ruce91e1d lend Ma, and Mas, l+. Seam
lett and Miss Eva oe Walton were
guests of Ayre, Gee, Tenor, over Sup, -
DHnntol Nc*SRecor
Mrs J, Te Button was 911 Detroit
last` week,
It is annonpeeci that the Rev. Dr,
Seeger, of St. Merk's Collelaa; i'iai
eoan'er, soil of Clown Attorney Seeg-
er of C?aderieli, ;has accepted the Ball
ns Teeter at s't, Matthew's oiitlleb,
Riverdale, to take we his duties
O'etolier 21st,
11 I Satisfied 43
This house of Good Shoes
asks the consideration of people
who care for Shoes of , Special
Merit and the best of Shoe Value
at any stated .price.
Satisfactory Shoes
Quick Repairs II
We Have Seasonable Goods
The International Carbon Roofing Paint, will not crack, peel or blister
• —by the gallon or barrel ,
A1I kinds of Roofing—the celebrated Brantford and other grades
Beaver Board takes the place of lath and plaster, more durable and
easier applied.
Window Glass—all sizes
The celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints, Varnishes and Stains
A good assortment of Ranges and Coal and Wood Heaters of the up-
to-date kind—Also a few second-hand
A few coils of Galvanized Coil Spring Wire at less than cost to clear
Potato Drags at 30e each
white paint for stables and chicken horses. Prevents contagious
diseases such as foot -wild -mouth, anthrax, glanders, mange,
cholera, roup, etc.—put on with brush or sprayer
Electric Toasters, regular $4.00 for $ 2.75
Second-hand Leather Sewing Machine, cheap at 20.00, for 4.00
Portable Rubber Bath, regular $6.50 for 3,00
Office Desk, cost $20,00 for 4,50
A Short Counter at a bargain
Harland Bros.
Keep Your Feet Dry
by wearing a pair of our
"Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction" Rubbers
We carry a full line o2 "Consolidated" and "Miner"
Rubbers to fit any shoe.
Shoe Specials for Friday and Saturday
30 pairs of men's heavy split Bluchers, well made and
good solid stock. A shoe that will stand lots of
good hard ware, sizes 6 to 10, worth
$3.75, bpecial price 3 • lU
25 pairs men's heavy high top Bluchers; black or tan,
• solid stock and a proper good shoe for the wet fall
weather sizes 6 to 10, worth $6,50, C r O
special price v
Buy a pair and save the price of a pair of leggings
We have also a lot of broken lines clearing at very
attractive prices. Let us fit you with a pair
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits — More Business
You discarded your old din-
ing -room set and replaced it
with the new style dieing -
room furniture. One might
as well be dead as "out of
style" these days, We are
showing seveal different de-
signs in both quartered oak
and mahogany and all are
priced exeeedingly low.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 •Phone is 28
dlioul Snppiies
i : , A, CIE00u3.Ap2IY
will . Cosi you
the panic price
any where you
buy. The price
is a fixed one,
12 Is In the oth-
or supplies=
Ccrlbblo1e, Pencils, Slates, Etc,,,
that wo try to
give you a little
better value and
a more com-.
, plate assortment
i i le p ice' in keep- !
ing .with our
claim to be—,. ,
"Often the Cheapest
Always the Best."
me W. D. Fair Co.
r m; uu
, uuwuemu
g . • ,m.... mnwunil,,.
Mr. W. R, Counter .was in Simeoo
over the holiday period.
Mr. Weltington Cook was up From
Hamilton for Thanksgiving.
Mrs. I, Rattenbura spent Th'anksgiv-
fng with her husband at Peterboro.
Mrs, John Twiss o1; Seaforth was
the' guest 1aet:week of Mrs. Martin.
Mrs. J. B. Lindsay, returned last
week from an; extended, visit in the
Miss Dorothy Rattenbury spent the
week -end and holiday with Toronto
Mr• 11. R. Sharp, manager of the
Molsons Bank, is in Alvinston this
Miss Jennie Robertson spent Thanks-
giving as the guest of Brantford
Dr. and Mrs. Axon motored over to
Detroit and spent the week -end and
Miss Lily Lindsay, oil Toronto is vis-
iting her mother, Mrs, J. Lindsay
of princess' street.
Mr. Lorne Deeves of Peterleoro is
visiting his parents, Mr. and'
Mrs. John Delves.
Mrs. A. T. Cooper and Miss Lucile
Grant were judges of ladies' work
and art at the Bayfield• Fair,..
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney. Johns of Sea -
forth spent a couple of days this
week with Miss Johns of town.
Mrs. Wm, Tiplady was the guest
over the' week -end of her sister,
Mrs. Smallacombe of St Cathar-
Mr. and Mrs. ,John Wacker and their
son, George, and Mr, Will Miller
spent Thanksgiving with Kitchener
011r. and NIrs. Janes Mallalty and•
family spent Thanksgiving with
their daughter,. Mrs. ',Sparks of near
Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Downs and chil-
dren spent Thanksgiving as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Mat-
thews of Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMath and Mr,
and Mrs. Field of Mitchell motor-
ed up to Dungannon, and Lucknow
last week to visit friends:
Mrs. M. D. Fair and Miss Kate Mc-
Taggart were guests over the
week -end with the former's sister,
Mrs.,j(Rev,) J. patcrson of Sarnia,
Messrs. J. N. King and W. C., Cham-
berlain of the Molsons Bank siaff
spent the holiday at the* homes at
St. Thomas and Forest respective-
Bliss K'athl'een' Livermore spent the
Thanksgiving holidays as the
guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Shepherd of Lon-
NIr. 1Y:, Torrance came up from
Toronto and spent the week -end
with his wife and children, who
have been visiting his parents, Mr,
and Mss. J. Torrance,
Mr, Sebert G. Henry, son of Mr. and
Mrs, J. 01, Henry, of London, form-
erly of Clinton, who is, attending
the Western Medical College, spent
the holidap with friends in town.
Mr. and Mas. Percy Cole of near
Kippen have been visiting Mrs.
Cole's parents, Mr, and Mrs, C. H.
Holland of town, and with . Mr,
Cole's people in Goderielr- township,
Mr. and 1V/es. James Finch and. Mrs,
J. 'I: MacDonald and daughter
Lour Ieft on Friday for a , visit
Liu Stratford, London and Flint,
Mich, Tiiey will be absent for two
or three weeks. The former will
visit their sons in Stratford and
Mr. Chas, T,ebbutt, who since Jan -
teary last has had the supervision
of Vocational • Training at the
Sanford Fleming Military Conval-
escent Hospital, Ottawa, is speed-
ing a short holiday with his sit-
ters in town and his brothers and
sisters at the 'old home on the
Mb of Godericll .township,
3rr. Robert Holmes, who came up
to attend the Sutter -Chant wedding
last week, returned glome to Toron-
to au Friday. Mr. ITolmes had in-
tended spending a few clays toager
hereabouts and would Iiave visited
the Dungannon Fair on Friday Mut
for the wet weather, wlrleh made
,it disagreeable gottiuig around ainl
resulted In his decision to return
Otto erth, 19 17
Ii Our Priees
Do Not Urge You to Boy
The Clerks Will Not.
It is Against Our Rules
Dry Goods, House Furnishings
phone 0?. B 0 IWN2
Next to Royal Bank
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) , Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
The anniversary services in the
Methodist cliurch on Sunday last
were most successful. Rev. Mr.
Clarke of Sarnia, whose church was
holding anniversary services an the
same day, exchanged pulpits wlih
Rev. A. Sinclairewho, went to Sarnia
on invitation from lits former pas-
torate, Rev. Mr, Claj'ke preached
twice to delighted audiences„his ser-
mons been full of practical and in-
structive ideas, delivered with spir-
itual fervor and power, his discourse
in the evening being! especially ap-
propriate and timely, from the theme,
"Gather up the! fragments; that noth-
ing be lost," emp`hasing especially
the fragments of hospitality and ser-
vice over others,
,::Ordinarily this community has in -
the past been favored with an abun-
dant apple supply but this season a
good apple is a rare sight, and but
very few farmers have sufficient ap-
ple crop for their own needs.
It is always a pleasure to note the
advancement of 13olmesvelle . .boys,
particularly when this takes place in
the neighboring republic, '()n his re -
cont reappointment to a pastorate at
Gil City, Pa., the Rev. T, R. Cour-
tice, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J,
Courtice, had his salary increased to
.8,000 a year, tangible evidence that
his services are appreciated,
On Monday of last week ,the Mc-
Laren Imperial. Cheese Co. took, pos-
session of the Victory formerly own-
ed and operated by the Holmesville
Cheese and Butter Co, Previous to
taking possession a meeting of the
patrons was caned by the new com-
pany to discuss matters of 'mutual
ihterest. NIr, Wright of Toronto,
sales manager, and Mr. Johnston of
Woodstock, purchasing manager, were
present; and addressed the meeting.
Considerable discussion arose among
tlfe patrons in regard to payment by
the pool system orethe testing sys-
tem, and when Mr, Johnston asked
for a vote on the gpostioe the test-
ing system carried by a -very large
majority, Mr., Johnston has prom-
ised the patrotls 02;00 per cwt. on a
8.8 percent butterfat standard. Pat-
rons having cows testing over the
standard will receive three cents per
hundred extra for each point over
the standard, and for cows . testing
less the patrons will receive three
cents per cwt, loss for each point,
Payments will be made monthly on
the 101t11 of each month, jtiichael
Stock of Wellesley is the new cheese -
maker in charge and is now com-
fortably settled with *his family in
the house folpnerly owned bp Mr.
Hayes- Ib is the intention of the
new compltny to keep the factory
running all the year round and to
make a special line of cheese lnuowu
as brick cheese which is coining into
great favor in the city markets. At
presepit there are some fifty patrons
and the new company expects to
more than double this number be-
fore next spring,
Goderich Township
Misses Lola:Medic and Edith Ster-
ling spent the holiday with Seaforth
Harvest Thanksgiving services will
be held in St. James' church, Mid-
dleton, on Sunday moriring next at
eleven o'clock, •
Mans unusual 'occurrences have
happened during the past season,
none perhaps, more unusual than the
picking of sufficient green ,peas for a
coulee of meals on the farm of 1Ur.
H. Tebbutt of the 14th concession
on Thursday last, October the fourth.
If our farms can be made to pro-
duce two' crops per season the prob-
lem of sullicient production willhe
much simplified,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Moore and Miss
Helen Moore of London were the
guests of Mr. and NIrs, Arthur Welsh
over Thanksgiving.
The Patriotic Society will meet at
the home of Miss Daisy Middleton
on Wednesday of next week.
The following is the report of S,S,
No, 11, for September :
Sr, 4th—Clifford Castle, , Bruce
Holland, Howard. Currie, Glenn Fere
Sr. 3rd—Amy Stewart,
Jr: 3rd—Elmer Trick.,
Sr. 2nd—Oliver Ferguson, Laura
Pt. 2nd—Verna Colelougli, Melvin
Elliott, Ada Biggie.
Primer—Viola Holland, Mervyn
Batten, Laurie Biggin, Willie 13atkin,
Clarence Perdue,,
The best spellers for the month
Sr. 4th—Glenn Ferguson,
Sr. 3rd—.Amy Stewart,,
lr. 8rd,--Elmer Trick,
Sr. 2nd—Laura Currie.
Pt, 2nd-letelvin Elliott,
Prinwr—Viola Holland.
A. E. Diehl, Teacher.
HelmesvI to
Farmers are saying the recent
rains have greatly helped the pas-
tures, plowing, etc., although hard
on the Means.
Silo filling will soon be fin order
and a large cropod corn is , to be
gathered in. ,
Our village school teacher, Mies.
Echneston, spent the holiday with
her mother in Blyth and is Again on
duty, until the convention meets this
'I-larvest Thanksgiving services will
be held 1n 5t. John's church on Sun-
day next at theca o'clock in the ae•
ternoen. The incumbent, Rev, W.
B. Moulton, will preach,,
Tuekersmith Township
Mr. and Mrs, C;, O'Brien • spout
Monday. and Tuesday With relatives
In Stratford.
Hullett Township
11r, Lawrence Morrison, who has
been living in this vicinity for the
past five years or so, left today. for
Chicago where he intends to reside
in future,
.,A quiet wedding was solemnized at
"F'airbank," the home of bir. and
Mrs, Hugh Dunlop me ,Wedne,sday,
September 20th, et six o'clock when
their daughter Natalie Louisa, be-
came the bride, of Mr, Orville Regin-
ald Dale, a; prosperous young farmer
of Mullett township. Promptly, at
six o'clock' to the strains of the
wedding march, played bpi Miss'Vera,
sister of the bride,, the young couple,
who were unattended, save by Miss
Either Ross, niece of the groom, who
ivade a charming little, flower girl,
took their places beneath an arch
artistically decorated in shell pink
and white. The ceremony was per-
formed by' Rev. Mr. McKinley of
Seaforth in the presence of the im-
mediate relatives and friends of the
contracting parties, The bride, who
was given away by her. father, was
becomingly attired in a frock of
white satin trimmed with georgette,
pearls and sequins. She also wore
the conventional wedding veil with
orange blossoms,;, and carried a sheaf
of white orchids and enaid'enhair
fern, Tlie groom's gift to the bride
was a pearl pendant, to the pianist
a pearl brooch, and to the flower
gild a ruby pendant. After con-
gratulations the guests repaired to
the dining room where a sumptuous
wedding dinner was partaken of.
The rest of the evening was spent in
social chat, music and games.. The
bride's travelling suit was of nigger
brown with pink silk crepe -de -diene
blouse and white picture hit trim-
med with white dove and satin
bands, The good wishes of a host
of friends follow the young couple
to their new home on the second
concession of Hallett,
The following is a report for S. S.
No, 5 for September, naives in or-
der of merit;
Sr. 4th --Lilian Cartwright, Well-
ington NinCooi, Percy Gibbdngs.
Jr. 4th -Rosalie ' Crawford, Dora
Sr. 8rd—Margaret Brown,
Sr, 2nd—Laura Snell,' Elvelyn Gib -
binge, Alvei Cartwright, Edith Cor-
Jr, 2nd—Warren Gibbings, Gerfie
CQuinney, Ilerbie Snell, Charlie
Brown, Charlie Weymouth, Ilugliie
Primer—Ivan Carter, Eddie Rad-
ford, Willie Stevens, Freddie Vedden.
—Olitic il, Cole, 'teacher,
John TOMS and Willard Sturgeon,
who have been ilshing',at Port Stan-
ley, rottn•ned home last week, •
miss E. Mains of Toronto and Miss
Jean of London spent Thanksgiving,
with their mother.
Mr, and Mrs, Thos. 'Atchison of
Gowanstown are visiting the form-
er's daughter, Mrs. C. Rudelell.
Miss Bertha Brogden of • London
spent the holiday,under the parental
Miss Alice Fingland of Toronto vis-
ited at her home here.
Mr. and Airs, Stalker visited their
sister, .Mrs, D, Geddes.
Rev, J. A. Agnew of Ontario St.
church, Clinbon, took anniversary ser-
vices in the Methodist church on
Sunday fast, and on Monday night
the annual supper was held.
Miss Lillie Brunsdon spent a few
days last week with her friend, Miss
Jean Mains, in London.
Miss Clara Young is visiting her
sister, NIrs. Brown, in',Brantford.
The regullar meeting of the Red.
Cross Society will be held at the
home of Mrs. Hiles on Friday, Oct,
W inghanl
Mrs. Kennedy and Nliss Kate and
NIrs. Arohie Kennedy and children
have gone to Kamloops, B, C., where -
they intend to reside,
Mr, Gordon Ranson of Stratford
has been visiting friends in town,
Mrs. J. W, Scott visited her sister
in Gnelent recently.
The Rev, J.. P. Dingman was in
Belleville last week attending the fu-
n •neral of his sister,
Miss Rhoda Mae Barrett was
married last week to ,Mr, Thos. M.
Brandon. After a honeymoon trtp
the young couple have taken up their
residence in town.
Mr. and Mrs. L, C. White have re-
moved to Cornwgll where Me. White
will engage in the tailoring .business.
Mr, and Mrs. Robe. Johnston left
last week ler-Toronto; where they
intend to reside,
Mr. Simon Mitchell was elected by
acclannation to 0111 the vacancy on the
municipal council caused by the, re-
signation of Mr. A, IT. Wilford,
Call or Phone for Pricer.
Wiring Your House
all kinds of alp=to-date
Fixtures and Shades
TO G0 CHEAP—A num-
ber of and�hand stoves
hi good repair.
Byam &Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
?hello 7