HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-10-11, Page 5if tobei• lltia, WIT Of t ;< rto Yon and ICe 'TIM; , Ridgetowe ` Domilsion has •lihanged hands, Mr; 1', I1, I3owy.er selling out to Mr. E. V. 13ineIlam.. • %i.r, Bowyer has been at the ' holm :since the establishment of the paper :lu 1880 and has- proved himself to he ,an able newspaper man, Commencing on Monda}t last, ;Thanksgiving 'Da'y, the bells of St. :James' Cathedral, Termite, chime out at noon the National 'Anthem. :and the tune .of eonme well-known hymn I such as "0 God Our 1-fe1p 9n. Ages Past," and It is hoped that •as the sound reaches the?ears of the 'People they will be inclined to lift 'thei'r Hearts .n prayer for the Allies and for the Canadians who aro at the front. The rector says that this practise will be continued . until 'the end of the war, Few: subjects axe of sueli vital in- terest at present as the Military S'errice Act -and its application, 'There seems to be in some quarters a sort of a feeling that to apppy for exempt* would brand a youngman as a slacker. This a is a t z entirely -wrong. impression. This is the method by which selections are to be made and_ any young man who coir :siders h just has cause for exemp- tion. should not hesitate about mak- :Mg such -application. Selections, will 'b0 made with a view to the good of the country, and every young man in Class 1 will be in the service of his •country, those who are selected• to .stay even as those who are selected to go. There diced be no fear but -that each case will receive careful .and ;just consideration, The men -serving on these boards ,should, and no doubt do, realize that they are 'aierilorming,an important patriotic 'duty. That at least can be said of the members of the exemption, board .at this centre. Application for ex- •omption may be spade on 'any one of the following grounds (1) Importance of continuing em- •ploymeet in habitual occupation, (2) Importance of continuing em- ployment for which applicant for ex- •emption is specially 'qualified. (3) Importance of continuing ed- ucation or training. (4) Serious hardship owing to ex- •oeptional financial obligations. (5) Serious hardship owing -to ex- •ceptional business obligations. (6) Serious hardship owing to ex- •optional domestic position. (7) Ill health or infirsnitp, (8) Adherence to religious denom- ination of which the articles forbid •combatant service." spiv Well -Expanded Lungs Not Enough Pure blood is indispensable to the health and strength of tee lungs. `The delicate structure of these or- gans makes. it necessary, When the blood is impure the lungs -lose their is tone, and even if .they are. permitted to expand freely, they: have not the power fully to i perform their impor- tant work. The fact is, there is nothing more necessary in our phys- ical economy than pure blood—the kind- of :cod that hood's Sarsapar- illa makes. This medicine is the good old reliable family remedy for diseases of the blood, scrofula, rheu- matism, catarrh, and low or run- down conditions of the system. At this time, when coughs and colds are -so prevalent, Flood's Sarsaparilla is an invaluable tonic. Get it today, and begin to,take it at once. Accept '210 substitute. Kippen Mrs, Frank Taylor of Adair, Melt, spent a w0018 with her huebgtnd's par eats, Mr• and Mrs. Geo, Taylor. Sib was aecolilpSniod by her younges dkoghter, They left on Thursday o last week to visit frlosule at Bruce field, Tho Mothodistallioro are bevies a series of apeolal meetings every ev- ening for some length:tof time, Rev, J, F, Knight of Ilensai! is assisting the paster', this week,`•• We lope en - dor God's blessing it' inay bo the means of snuck spiritual good being done i11 the community, Kippen has had its usual quota of visitors during the Thanksgiving season, Antong others we night mention Mr, Fane Mrs. Wm, Winder or Whulsor, who has been visiting the lady's mother, Mrs, Johns, Henderson, and other relatives, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Taylo, and child. of London, who are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Tailor ; 1Viisses Pearl and Ruby+ McKay and Kpte McDonald' of London with Mr. Janet's family and other friends, and .Mr, Norman Thomas of Kent County at the home of Mr. Thomas Mellis and family. Annie rear r services o se zees ar e to 3 .he conducted at Hillsgreen church next Sunday, consequently;, as on past cc si ns o a o theca wtil be no sersloes in. the Presbyterian ohureh"in Kippen -the two congregations will worship together on thatadate, Now that the fall fairs are al out over the; farmers will be turuuag their attention to the bean harvest. We trust the weat"her,'will get wards to assist the beans in ripening. The Patriotic Society held their annual meeting on Wednesday of this week. There died at 1;lmville,, Usborne w to � nshi on, c • 4 h - O t, t anold reel P, d 'dentf the toWnshiP f Stanley o in the person of Mr. John Jones. Mr. Jones suffered a • paralytic stroke about a year ago and it was a sec- ond attack alongwith his advanced years that hastened his death. Mr. Jones was eiglity-six years of age and helbre coming to Stanley ha'd lived in the neighborhood of Belle- ville. FIe had made his home, for the past three ,years, with his adopt- ed-daughter, dopt-ed daughter, Mrs, Flenry.J'ohns, Elim - vide. Prior be that ho lived on his - own farm on the third concession of Stanley and o t' a y n addona f, he finest. farms in the, township rano ' a, most attractive home, now occupied by his grandson, Mr, Norman Jones. The deceased was greatly beloved •by ilhe large circle or friends who • had the pleasure of his acquaintance and we. will not soon forget his- kindly manner and hearty handshake. Tltc retrains were-' brought to- Kippen Methodist church, •on Saturday after- noon last, where the dectaased had worshipped for so , many years, and was -a member of;the official board. Being . a man of sound judgment and of good business abilftp his advice was much sought after. Rev. Jolie Hart of Brucdf}eld`coltducted the ser- vices at the church and at the grave. In his remarks be made mention of the fact that lie had been acquainted fsvith the decehsed for the past thirty years, three of which he was his pas- tor at Kippen, and he spoke of Itis high regard tot his late brother), both' as a man and a Christian and urged on the young sten present to step in and flit the places In the activities of the Church left vacant bji the departure of those who had been called away. TIe was burled fn Baird's cemetery. I•Iis wife pre- deceased hits about twelve years ago. He is survived by four sons and an adopted daughter already mentioned. Clinton News -Record , Mrs, 1 tr add her daughter, Fiore T - elioe, have returned from the Wegt, e 'where 'they Omit the summer slid t repert a pleasant time, f 11i'r. J. E. Iiaraaveil Inas purchased tllo Ward firm west of the vi ,fconl Kr, ligwnsesld for the liths Si4,400, The M'aAsh lzoznestead. east of • vl turat 11 b on the Bmt)^IIe1d� Rcani Varna. village Of the l has been sold to Mr, Nelson Keys for the suis of $0,300. I Mr. C, Ward la busy these days building a garage. Mr. T. Dennison is sintering with a sprained ankle as the result of an accident while assisting Mr. A. Aus- tin, the new mail carrier, to bitch lei itis colt, Marriages DALE-DUNLOP—In I•Iullett Tp., on Sept. 26th, Maude,Louisa, daughter of 1VIr. Hugh Dnlop, to Orville Reginald Dale, BRANDON—BARRETT—At Wingiiam on October 2nd, Thomas Brandon to Mae Barrett, daughter ,of Mr, and1 Mrs. Tires. t Barco t otic of h , Wingham. OKE HICK—At Chestnut Farm, Goderioli township, on Oct, 3rd, Clarice Irene, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs, W. P. Hick, to Albert R. Oke, of Toronto. MncALLISTER — DePEIYDRY - Qn Sept. 27th, at Detroit, Mich., Blanche, Leonie, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. Margaret de Peudry of Goderieh, to Wm, N. MacAl- lister of Detroit. MILLION—BEGLEY—On Oct. 3rd, Martha Melinda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, ,Thos. Bosley of Goder- iah, to Mr. Edwin W. B. Million, of Goderich, Births MORRISON—In Hullott, on Oot. 1 7th, to Mr. and Mrs, William Morrison,, a' daughter. 0 EI Y— k R LL In Tuo ersmith on Sept. t 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert O'Reilly, a, daughter. Deaths TAYLOR—In Stanley township, on Oct, 6th, Jane Smillie, wife of Mr. Wm. Taylor, aged 56 years. YATES=In Colborne township, on September 20th, Mary "ifircOaslin, widow of the late Stephen Yates, • aged 87 years.. and 11 months. GUNDRY—In Goderich, on October 3rd, Christena McKellar, widow of the late Edwin Gundry, in her 83rd year. HORSE FOR SALE.—GOOD FARM work horse for sale,—Apply M. G. Ransford, —10 AUCTION SALE -0F HOUSEHOLD effects will be,heId at the residence of the late Mrs. R. Miller, Queen street, on, Saturday, Oct. 13th, at 1.30. 10-1 FOR SALE—GOOD FRAME HOUSE on Station street, in) hest of re- pair, good cellar, hard and soft wat- er and all modern conveniences. Best :of location.—Apply to W. G. Pickett. —10 HOUSE TO LET—THE Ri1NSFORD cottage on Huron street is offered for rent. All modern conveniences. Hot water heating, Furnace fuel can be purchased from late tenant. —Apply to W. Brydone,, 10-2 FOR SALE—MRS. BRISTOWE'S property on Frederick street. For particulars apply to W. Brydoete, Clinton. 08-4 Fay Will Be 'Mt Same Men selected under the Military Service Ad will receive the same pay as those now on active service receive. Pay will Start from the time a man reports for duty. Money from the Patriotic Fund and Sepal,. ation Allowance will also be available for selected men. Canadian soldiers are well paid. The fact that wages in Canada are generally higher than those paid in Europe is recognized in the system of remuneration for men on active service. Clothing and all equipment in addition to food is also supplied to the Canadian soldier, leaving him with no expense except personal incidentals. The rate of pay for men in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, other than commissioned officers, is as follows: Field Pay Allowance Warrant Officers .82.00 30 cts, Regimental Sergt.•Maior, if not a Warrant Officer . 1,85 20 ' Quarterma.terSergeanta , 1,80 20 ' Orderly Room Clerks 1.50 20 ' Orderly Room Sergeants . • 1,50 20 " Pay Sergeants 1,50. 20 " Squid., Batt., or Co, Scrgt•Malor , 1.60. 20 " Colour•Sergeant or Sta6•Sergeant. 1.60 20 " Squad., Batt., or Co. Q.M.S. • 1.50 20 " Sergoante . . . , 1.35 15 " Lance•Sargernts . 1.16 15 " Corporals 1.10 10 " Lance•Corporals . 1.05 10 " Bombardiers, or Second Corporal . 1,05 10 " Trumpeters,Buglers, and Drummer 1.00 10 " Privates, Gunners. Drivers . . 1,00 10 " Sappers, Batmen, eta. 1.60 10 " As in the case of those already gone overseas, Separation Allowances 'will be available for those dependent for livelihood upon seledted men. The Separation Allowance is $20.00 per month for the rank and file, $25.00 for sergeants and Staff -sergeants and $30.00 for warrant officers. The experience is that many men can afford to assign half their pay to dependents, in addition. staftten- A considerable number of men who have enlisted in the Canadian forces have found themselves better off under the army rate of pay, which is granted in addition to board, lodging, clothing! equipment, transportation, eta., than they were while in civilian positrons, Their wants are provided for, and they receive a steady addition to the bank account each month. hated by The Mflittlry Service Connell. 132 sl i�t 1Y�11 , rfd 11OLM'LtVILLE CLIMES'S AND Butter MSuufaeturing Company,:— Notice to Creditors end Claimants —'Phe winding up of this Compastyl having been voluntarily decided alp- on by resolution of the sllarellold- ors for that purpose duly epnvoned, notice is hereby given by and on behalf of the directors that all persons having claims against the Oompanp as eretiitors or claiming to be entitled to patleipate ilzthe distribution of the assets of the Company are :hereby required to deliver to George 1'. Could, 'Sec- retary -Treasurer of the Company, a ittll statement of their elaime with the particulars thereof, And notice is farther given that on or after the twentieth day or October, 1017, the directors of the said Company' will proceed to distribute tiie assets of the Company amongst the persons entitled ,thereto, hav- ing regard only to those claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 20th day of September, 1017.—George 1'. Gould, Sec -- rotary -Treasurer ; W. Brydone, Sol- icitor for the Directors. ' 09.-3. LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE C0N- vention at Clinton. --The Liberal - Conservative era i - b 1 Conservative Association of South Hnron as constituted, ted forDominion purposes will hold an open conven- tion, in the town hall, Clinton, on Monday, October 15th, at one o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the House. of Commons, for the election of officers, and the transac- tion of general business. Mr, 1VIor- phy, North Perth', Mr. Merner, M, ' P., and Mr. Eilber, M.P.P., will address the sleeting. The execu- tive will meet at 10.30. Bp order of Executive,—H, Horton, Presi- dent; R. N. Creeeli, Secretary 00-h FARM FOR SALE—CONTAINING 5v r la cod ecce f loam o g o y to m suitable for agriculture or grass, being lot 77, Maitland Con., Goderich town- ship. ownship. Five acres of choice hard- wood bush ; never -failing spring creek running through. All under grass at present, Possession can be given at once. Apply to Wm. Bedour, R. R. No, 2, Clinton, Phone 12 on 142, - —08 WANTED -AN ENGINEER FOR the Clinton Flour Mill. Apply at once to J, Scboenhals, Box 08. Clinton. —08 FOR RENT — DES'.IRA3LE property on Albert street, Clinton, comprising residence and entail front shop. There is also a barn and large garden in conn,tion. Will be sold cheap or will rent at $5,00 per month. Apply to D. Cooly, Brussels, or Wm. i•;iliott', Clinton, —07 FOR SALE.—A GOOD 4 -YEAR-OLD Driver, broke single or double.— App1p at. Graham House. ' 08-1 COT'rAGE FOR • SALE . OR TO Rent—On Cutler street, Clinton, cottage containing 7;rooms, good cellar, situation central; .For par- ticulars apply to C.11. ' Ilale or Mrs, Butler, Clinton. . —06 WANTED.—ROOMERS OR BOARD- ers. Comfortable rooms and board if desired.—Mrs. Mogridge, Ontario street. —06 FOR SALE OR T0: RENT. -1 storey house on Huron street ; six rooms, waterworks, large garden.— Apply John Snyder, Huron St, -02 FOR SALE OR RENT—NICE, COM- fortable, brick house on Raglan street, townwater and , electric light, two acres of land and or- chard, also stable. All in good re- pair.—Apply D. Cantelon. —92 YOUR CLOTFIES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean 1114105 Suits, Gent's Suits and ail kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelry Store.—Wm. J, Jago. —00 Do you know what this label means ? It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in all your concrete work. Insist on getting Canada Cement, ,We also have all kinds of Dressed Lumber and McNair Brand Shingles, so if you are figuring on any new buildings or repairing, let us help yon plan your work. Our services are free. J. B. MUSTARD 13RUCEFIELD. WE WANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Huron county to sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental trees during fall acid winter months, Good pay, exclusive territory, free selling equipment., Over. 000 acres of the cholctst nursery stock, including now varieties controlled by us, Handsome up-to- date selling cquipmoltt and a splen- did Canadian -grown stock to offer customers, We are not jobbers. Write now for agency terms to PT LHA1'4 NURSERY, CO. Toronto, Ont. 5b,13,.....Catalogtle sent on request to • applicants for agcneies r plirellasers of nursery stook, FARM FUR ,SALE--i.OT 38 LON- eon Road ,Survey, Tneltereettth, oontainiug ono huiwlrud,otos, with good buildings; Por, partiv- Mars apply to G.epri;e Watts, 1;, lt, No. 1, 13ruocilcld, iPilone ,d 011 107, —07 FARM P011 SA,L1a,—LOT 25 ,I MR - en 11oad, Teelccrienith, . containing 98 acres, with buildings, ever Par- tieulars apply to R. W. Gibbings, R. R. No. 4, Clinton, '-07 PARD FOR SALE. — 100-AC1ir. farm for sale, 21• miles north of •dlinton on the Gravel Road, Hal- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 60x00 with stone stab- ling underneath and 1s• storey 8 - roomed frame house with good col- lar. Rural telephone, 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to—John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont, _Q2. LIVE POULTRY ViIANTEO every week. Highest market price paid. W. MARQUIS Phone 14-111 R. R. No. 1 ThriIiy Ties 1 This week we are endeavoring to displayin windows our w a line of nourishing foods that are of great food value and is what is called "Thrifty Window," and its purpose .is to conserve otner lines that are needed to win this great war, and also help to feed our boys- at the front. We give a partiallist of goods displayed : CORN MEAL OAT MEAL GRAHAM FLOUR RICE TAPIOCA INSTANT TAPIOCA SAGO POT BARLEY CORN FLAKES GRAPE NUTS ETC. Are you looking for something to make. pies ? If so, we have some nice cooking apples. As you know they are rather scarce, our supplies are limited, FIIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PHONE 111.• GLASSES! There is no remedy except 'glasses for errors or refraction of the eye, Do not delay. in ,getting the proper glasses; Misty vision comes with advancing years, but can be cleared tvith properly fitted glasses, Spec- tacles are our specialty. Wel test free and guarantee satisfaction. Our guarantee means something—we are not here today and away tomorrow. You know just where to find us. No guess work. Accurate scientific meas- urements and tests. Now that the long • evenings are here come in and get a Phonola and enjoy the grand opera and the band. FIave your own entertainer and keep the family entertained at home as well as enjoying it yourself. This is an all Canadian machine, the best on the market for the money. Records and needles always on hand. The price is lower than any other as we do not have ,any ditty to pay. Drop iu and hear it and be convinced. If there is a watch or Block in your house that refuses to go bring It in the first time you are coming to town,. A few minutes time or a few cents cost may make it as good as new, and you wont have to wait weeks on it as pots will Ilnd it readli when promised. R. H. JOHNSON (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Phonolas. Clinton Carriage Shop GUI% ENGIDIES hoomatosimaitsierwomif vimposl 1), W, HAM!. CON Agent for Goderich end GllsOon. DJ11 Tot.V' ,7. Cream Septra.. tors IDEAL Green, lead Silos ALPHA De Laval ;Engine, SUPERIOR Litter terle i Ol rs Stalls and been tions Water Bowie Neweem be Pianos Edison A mberola Gramophones Large stock o1' Edison Records MADE IN CANADA on hand • Always Home Saturdays for Repairing D. W.I-IAM[ L.T9N 11411111111111-1;14 11111#111111111111III1' 1 11341(;�f1''111 l(((rrrII1illlIIIiili11111111111 dlgl 1 '11 ,��ll X11 l• If 3 11411(111011111B 1 I Till 1 I 1 iia a12 i II I'i ; I ii)11111101111111111111, 1[' i lr�ll9iulf:�lr, 10 411111111111110/0 iii 111111II111111 IIID° RIMY I IIN I �illllilll PHONE 207 Huron St., Clinton siA�s INANTED! Y.•11, WE —CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO Al FEW MORE I{NIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. AutoLivery ver Phone 80 Clinton Gauge J. H. Paxman, Prop. A McLaughlin 5 passenger car for sale, also a Studebaker 7 passenger. Both are in first-class condition. Come here to have your car overhauled and put in winter storage. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES (New and second hand), DOMINION NOBBY TREAD TIRES, ACCESS- ORIES. OPEN ALL NIGHT THE CORNER STORE fr Live and Let Live - The Thanksgiving Dessert , How all eyes brighten when they see grandma's mince pie. It is a tempting sight, giving to the home -coming an appetlziug reminder 01 past Thanksgiving feasts. C'RISC'O For frying—•for shorting—for cake - snaking, Use Cisco for shorting if you wish the lightest, most dei; iefous pastry you ever ate. Cris- co is an all -vegetable product, having neither odor nor taste. It is the cream of edible oil, pure and delicate and gives only rich-. /less to foods. Heine grown peaches are at their hest now, Call and leave your order. - a®-4 E. E. IUNNIF®RD Mogul Gasoline Engines from 1 to 25 h,p, McCORMICK MACHINERY Mowers — Binders — Rakes Hay Loaders — Side-cleltvery Rakes Bean Cultivators — Sculilers Oliver Plows — Peerless Gates, • McLaughlin and Boyne Buggies and Carriages Some good second-hand buggies for sale cheap. ' Buggy titres channeled and re-rubherod. All kinds of hard and soft oils, greases, etc., kept in stock. 'reps and side curtains of all kinds repaired All work neatly and promptly done. WILSON ELLIOTT Phone 73 , - Huron street It Pays to Feed good feed to your horse or other live stock, Pays in better condition or In greater production. We earry the best feed we can obtain. In spite of that fact you'll not find our 511000 any higher than you now pay. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 199, Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool. llevatoli+ Residence phone 4-1404 rr i P210606201.11PuNissmoi4046........, CHOLE WHEAT FLOUR FOR SALE AT atammumeramemma ■ W. T. Mil The ti ub Grocery CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Fay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an hones t testTesting ng done h Ya competent man. Each can careful - le weighed, sampled and tested -sots arrival and statement returned. Those iu the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall whoill l3 w deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trials Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver theircream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there—The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 488, Seaforth, Ont. —00 Poultry Wanted Our Feeding Plant' lies opened for the season, and from now on we will be in the market for all the poultry, that you have for sale. Poultry will be taken iv every Wednesday morning at Holmesville and every day at Clin- ton, Special prices will Ile paid for properly fin- ished milk -fed chickens over 5 lbs, each.: GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. W. Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or Hoiniesville 4 on 142 Leave Your Order . Early for Eavetroughing, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRiCECS ARE ADVANCING FAST —a , THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Shipp over Rowland's Hardware. PHONE 50, The Big Store Men's all wool Sweater Coats in grey ails cardinal,, solid colors $5.00 MVI0n's heavy wool sweater coats in. oxford and purple 4,25 Men's dine wool sweater, ,coats in navy, solid colors 4.25 Ladies' sweater coats, Ane wool in, cardinal only 4.00 Same as above but ver heavy, 5.00 Ladles' all wool sweater coats in navy only 3.50 Also in ,navy but extra heavy, 5.00 All these sweaters ate right from the mill and aro splendid valtles. SPJICIAL FOR SATURDAY'S Children's all. wool sweaters, size 24, worth $1.25 for .75 Bays' all wood sweaters, sizes 28 to 82, worth $2.50 for.,. 1.50 J. O. Lounsbery LONDESBOflO TIM BII,! STORE WITH UP'I'ti (75101118. ,l