HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-10-04, Page 88
The lira:, Ir`, IL Larkin ;vont to
Montreal thie beginning of OP week
and had conferred lipoli him the des
gm Q. neater .of }livinity, It is
eighteen years since D.r, l,arkhi carie
to Seaforth and during that time the
'Presbytery of Huron. has almost
Completed)] changed, only Dr, Ce1111
Pletcher of the Thames Roca ro-
enaining of the Bien Melllbers of the
Mae ss llichelond oR Woo4stoelr1t-
oil last Week at the hemp 01 }IBC
emit, Mrs, J, A, Wilson,
Mr. Itiohard lallfott of Owen Sound,
wlro has been appointed to the peel -
tion of Government Inspector of
WOOL was in town Inst week reitow-
higing old friouds}ilps.
The' girls and boys of the Col-
legiate are spending their week -olds
sprcadlug flax,
This house of Good Shoes
asks the consideration of people
who care for Shoes of Special
Merit and the best of Shoe Value
at any stated price.
Satisfactory Shoes
Quick Repairs
We Have Seasonable Goods
The International Carbon Roofing Paint, will not creek, peel or blister
—by the gallon or barrel
All kinds of Roofing -the celebrated Brantford and other grades
Beaver Board takes the place of lath and plaster, more durable and
easier applied,
Window Glass—all sizes
The celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints, Varnishes and Stains
A gpod assortment of Ranges and Coal and Wood Heaters of the up-
to-date kind—Also a few second-hand
.A. few coils of Galvanized Coil Spring Wire at lees than cost to clear
Potato Drags at 30c each
white paint for stables and chicken houses. Prevents contagious
diseases such as foot=and-mouth, anthrax, glanders, mange,
cholera, roup, etc,—put on with brush or sprayer
Electric Toasters, regular 34.00 for $ 2.75
Second-hand Leather Sewing Machine, cheap at 20.00, for. 4.00
Portable Rubber Bath, regular $0.50 for 3.00
Mee Desk, cost $20.00 for 4.50
A Short Counter at a bargain
Harland Bros.
Now is the Time for
� Clean-up of Summer Goods
With prices steadily advancing. these lines willbe
found good buying. We must make MOM for the
New Fall -and Winter Goods'now coming into stork.
2 doz House Dresses size 34 and 30, worth 1,50 to 1.75 your choice $1.00
200 yds Gingham, plaids and stripes, worth 20c and 25c, for 15e
A few Wash Skirts left in White and Stripes. reg 1.50 for 1.1E
.1 11" reg 2,00 for 1.38
About 2 dos Children's Dresses, worth 1,00 for 63c
3 doz Ladies Gowns, long or short sleeves, nice fine cambric and
well trimmed, extra value 1.25
Odd lines of Shoes to dear at remarkably
attractive prices
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More Business
You disearded your old din-
ing•reoin set and replaced it
with the new style dining -
tom furniture, One might
as well be dead as 'rout of
style" these days. We are
showing seveal different de-
signs in both quarteeed oak
and mahogany and all are
priced exceedingly law.
er rind Funeral Director.
Phone Imo` 28
Sdiool Sulie&
""' 1 V 1 I , ,A, GEOGI{ 1PIIY
will cost yofi
the same price
' any where ;fou
buy. Tho price
is a hied one,
l't is in the oth-
ce suppllee—
Scribblers, Pencils; Slates, Etc.,
that we try t4
give you a little
better value and
a BION com-
plete assortment
or h little less
In price in keep-
ing with our
claim to be-�
"Often the Cheapest
Always .the Best."
Tile W. D. Fair Go.
Rev, W. B. Moulton was a Kirktgn
visitor on Monday.
Mr, J. C. Laithwaite of Goderich
was in town on Tuesday,
Miss Eileen Carbert has taken a posi-
tion in W. D. Fair & Co's book
Mrs. Mac. Aklnhead of London was
the guest last week of Mrs, Ct H.
Mrs. 11. W. Cook left this week for
Toronto where she will spend the
winter with her daughter.
Rev. W. Moulton conducts special
harvest thanksgiving services at
Kirkton on Sunday nest.
Rev. Canon and Mrs. Gunno of Lon-
don were guests over the week -end
at the home of Mrs. Ferran,
Mr. and Mrs. Griew of Clinton were
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Smithers,--Seaforth News,
Mr. A, T, Cooper is to be one of the
speakers at the London Conference
Epworth League convention opened
in Stratford today,
Miss Bessie Irwin, Deaeouness, of
Montreal is holidaying at the par-
ental borne in• town, that of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A, Irwin.
Mrs. J. T. Clark and Mrs. Gregory
Clark of Toronto were week -end
guests with the former's sister,
Mrs. T. Jackson, Jr.
Rev:, J. H. and Mrs. Colelough of
Lloydtown spent a few days last
week with the former's mother and
other friends in town.
Mrs. G. Atkinson returned to her
home in London on Monday after
spending a brief visit with Mr. and
NIrs. J. D. Atkinson of town. ..
Mr. 0, W. Nott, the well-known
Tuckersmith horse man, attended
the Lueknow Fair last week and
acted as judge of heavy horses.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Jackson and Mr.
and Mrs. J. Ranslord took in the
Ticket. Sellers' Association trip
down the St, Lawrence last week.
Mr. and Mrs, John Stephenson of
London were called home this week
on account of the illness and sub-
sequent death of the former's moth-
DIr. Robert Holmes of Toronto shook
hands with a number of old friends
in town yesterday, having-.ronme up
to. be- &zesent at the marriage of
his niece, Miss Gertrude Chant.
Mrs. McCloy, daughter of Mrs. Jas,
Twitchell, who has been living in
Edmonton for some time, has mov-
ed to Calgary, her husband being
traveller for a wholesale lirrn in
that citte,
Miss Anuice Bartlilf, who since her
graduation from Victoria Hospital,
London, hasbeen putting in lost
time at the institution, has now
finished her training and has re-
turned home.
alre. Fred Hayward arrived last week
from Vancouver, B.C., and is visit-
ing her mother, Mrs, Livermore,
Sr. Mr. Hayward enlisted with a
Medical Corps at Vancouver and is
now in England.
Mr, Adam Akam and his son, who
have been visiting friends in town
for the past couple of weeks, leave
today for Toronto where they will
spend, a short time before returning
to their home 10 the Western Stat-
MVleasl`s, John and Gordon Cuniug-
bame left the end of the week for
Toronto', going on from there to
Peterboro and, then to Kendra.
They will be absent a fortirfght and
limp have a hit of hoisting and fish-
ing while away.
Mr. Levi Stong has moved, his fam-
ily back to town /tom Sarnia,
where they have been making their
borne for the past four years, kir.
Stens has been with the Imperial
011 Company while they eenstruct-
cd a chain of refineries from Mon-
treal to Vancouver, This is Lot
the first time he has been with
this company, having spent Oxtail)
years of so at one time and an-
other with diem ou construction
work,. 'He has several hie con-
nection with the Company for the ,
One being, however., and will prod -
ably try his fortune in Northern
Ontatfo, where he spent several
Years prior to his residence ill
Clinton before, Citizens of this
town arse very glad to welcome Mr.
end Mrs. Stung back and hope they
haver 00010 to day this time,
Ciinfon, News„ Rccor4
Ookoher 4th, IA/7
If Our Prices
Do Not tJre You to Buy
The Clerks Will Not.
It is Against Our Rules
Dry, Goods, House Furnishings 33nowN,
phone 67
Next to Royal Bank
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) ,, Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
People You Know
Prof. Bristow° of Kincardine was in
town on Monday.
Mr. David Churchill was in Stratford
on Monday on business.
Mrs, Arthur Cantelon has returned
home atter spending a week in
Miss Ruby Wise returned hist week
after spending some weeks -with
Toronto friends,
Mr.. and, Mrs. Gillian and Crown
Attorney and Mrs, MaI(illop were
in town over tiro week -end.
Pte. H. D. lielstrop of the Overseas
Training Cansp, Toronto, was in
town over the week -end as the
guest of Mr.. Wilbur Ford,
Mrs. Coulter and babe of Lucknpn,
have been visiting Miss Jennie
Holmes of town and Miss Margar-
et ;Holmes of Tuckersmith,
Mr, and Mrs. Guy Routley have been
visiting the lady's home in town
since returning from their honey-
moon and before leaving for their
new home at Bright,
Mr. and 1Vlrs. W. E. Floody of In-
gersoll have been visiting in town
during the past week, having come
to attend the wedding of the lat-
ter's sister, Miss Gertrude Chant,
which took place yesterday.
Mrs. Robert Pearson, who visited
with her cousins, the Richardson
families of Stanley' township, and
Miss Webster, and also her niece,
Mrs, John Morgan of Godericb, the
last week or so, has returned to
her home in Grey township.
Huhlett Township
Mr. Edward Crawford and Mr, Jas,
Snell celebrated their sixty-second
birthday on Sunday last. '
Miss Etta Brown Sundayed with
Miss Olive Cole of Clinton,
Me, and Mrs, Dominic Flynn and
Miss Tena spent the week -end with
Stratford friends.
Miss Mail, Snell left for Hamilton
oar Monday to resume her work as a
Mr, and 1VIts, 'Thomas Heeling
spent Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. A. ]McLeod of Clinton.
Sir. and Mrs, Bort Glbbings spent
Sunday? with Mr, John' Cartwright,
The follbwing is the report of S.
S. No. 1.14, for the month of Sept.
5411 Class—Gertrude Roberton 85
percent, Anna. J. Hamilton 82, Al-
berta M. Moon 77.
Sr, 41,h» -Pearl L. Moon 73, Carmen
Moon 07, Gavin Leiper 51,
Sr, 3rd—Fanny 13. Lee 70, :nary I,
Ross i8,,Thomas Caldwell 77,
li, 8rd Mauy 11. Moon 83, James
.Roberton 40, Robert Leiper 4.1,
Jr. 2nd—Olive A. Moon 80, Annie.
Il, Fairservlce 74, Leonard reldwell
lst--William N. Ross 02, Gladys
ibtirservice 81, Henry G. t'aldwell
;test speller for month—Pearl Moon,
—Katherine Reid, Teacher.
Mrs. Wm. Ivison is quite ill with a
severe attack of brononitis. It is
not long since Mrs. Ivison was
tllrownout of an automobile and
severely injured, This with her
present attack will be hard on her
constitution considering her ad-
vanced age. 'We trust to hear short-
ly that she is recovering,
A very pretty: wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John
Moffat on Tuesday of last week when
their youngest daughter, Catherine
C., became the bride of Mr. Robert
McKay, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McKay, ex -reeve of Tucker-
smftle The ceremony: was witnessed,
by only the zm tietfiaatt rutak1 es,"the
nuptial knot being tied by R'ev,,- J.
E. Jones of Varna. The bride was
becomingly dressed in a gown of
white silk crepe-de-chene trimmed
with lace and pearls. The bride
was the recipient of many handsome
gifts. Mr. and Mrs. McKay left on
the 8.20 train from Seaforth for
Moose Jaw and other western points.
They are followed by the best wishes
OD many friends. -
We made brief mention last 'week
of the death of Mr, Goo. Alair.
Mr, Alair's sickness was of short
duration, being employed in his ar-
eustomed work until within five days
of his death. The funeral took
place on Thursday of last week to
Hansell Union cemetery, The fam-
ily were all able to be present which
was a comfort to their mother in
her sad bereavement.
Rally Day was observed last Sab-
bath in the Sunday schools here. It
was an auspicious clay for the chil-
hipdigin as they , were presented with
diplomas for good attendance and
also the memorizing of scripture
texts• and verses,
Mr, and Mrs. Sterling McPhail of
Porter's 'Hill spent Sunday and Mon-
day fu our village visiting with the
lady's 100413011, wiro is 111 at present,
Mrs, Mann of Cleveland, acumen -
led by her two children, were guests
of .Mrs, Jas, Miller of the village
(luring the, past week. ,
Stanley Township
The Following is the report of 5,
S. No, 3, For September, shelving the
marks obtained in °lass and examinee
leen wont :
,lr. 40—Hubert Bess 221, Clifford
Clarke 206, Arthur Peck 101,
Jr. 3rd—Alma Rathwell 201, 'UM-
W Taylor 48 (absent Item two ex-
Sr, 2nd—A.rdell (;ranger 430, Laura
Reid 885, t}orvlml Elliott 334,
Jr, 2nd—Sara Reid 429, Blanche
Taylor 410, Leigh McCleueighan 100
(absent from two examinations),
Sr, .Ist—Katlileen Elliott 278.
Primer, Sr;—Russell Ilolmer 1C8.
Jr, A -Murray Gralrger .180, Lours
Tkyior ii70,
Jr. 11. 1aliiati Meeks 54,
—Margaret Peek, 'Teacher._
The annual convention of the Stan-
ley and Tuckersmith Sunday School
Association will be field in the Meth-
odist church, Bayfield, on Tuesday,
Oct. 1611, with two sessions, at two
p.m. and eight p.m,
Mss, H. W. Erwin and Miss Floe,
Edwards, who have spent the past
month at Kitellener, returned home
on Monday.
Robert Penhale Ynotored to St.
Thomas this week and spent a, few
days with friends.
Don't 'Forget the Bayfield Pair on
Tuesday and Wednesday next, Get,
9th and 1Ath, and last but not least,
o.—Fairoa-Fair mgtlt-a-g'rakt-.eolac, err
be given in the town' hall when the
followinggentlemen g °men yviII furnish the
evening's entertainment : "Harry. M,
Bennett, singing character comedian
and entertainer (impersonator of
Barry Lauder, the Scotch comedian),
assisted by the Reid quartette of
We are called upon this Week to
record the death of Bayfield's oldest
resident in the person of Richard
McDool, Who departed this life on
Wednesday of iast week at the age
of ninety-one years. Tlie deceased
was born in the County, of Leitrim,
Ireland, and came to this country
in the year '1803, settling in the
township of Goderich, afterwards
moving into the village of Bayltield,
where he remained until his death,
He was twice inarried, his first
wife dying in the year 1876, In the
year 1853 ho was married again to
Miss Ann Eliza Reid, daughter of
the late William Reid, who survives
him. The Funeral took place from
his late residence to the Bayfield
cemetery on Friday afternoon at two
p.m. The services were ecnductod
by, the Rev, Mr, Everest, the Orange-
men, of which Order he was a mem-
ber for a, great number of years, as-
sisting at the graveside. Two sons
survive him, William and Richard,
Report of the Sr. department of
Bayfieid school for September 1
Sr. 50-0. Baker.
Jr. 50 —5. King, E, Drehmann, FI,
Weston, R. McDonald, H. Baker.
Sr. 4th—P. Jowett, p', Erwin, M,
Howard, J. Drehman, 13. Gemelu-
hardt, A, Copeland, J. Woods, R.
Harrison, N. Gemeinnardt.
Jr. 4th -1,. Elliott, N. Toms, 0,
Sr. 3rd -A, llrehniann, W, Brown,
L. McLeod, R. Davison, W. Heard,
0. Harrison, V. 1)owson, A. McKay,
11, Higgins, E. Darling, 1F, Parker,
Average attendance. 80,
--Dean Geddes, Teacher.
NV bighorn
miss d. E. Adalns . has gone to
epeind a few ,weeks in Winnipeg anal
Portage la Prairite Mrs, George
(lrogoty, who has been visiting Here
for some time, accompanied her.
They Went, by boat from Sarnia,
The 'regular monthly; meeting of
the Woman's Institute will be held
in the Forester's hall on Thursday,
Oat. llth. The single ladies enter-
tain the married ladies. Discussion
on cake making. This Society ha
completed three handsome quilts t(
be donated to the military hospital
at Byron.
llr. Wm. Govier is moving hie
family and hoese1101d effects to Vine-
land this week, where he has a posi-
tion as foreman on the Cr.T',R.
Miss Lizzie Johnston of Clinton
spent Sunday at her home here,
Dr. and Mrs, Clopper and tee
Children and Ma'. and Mrs. Muni,
and `latter 40 dittoed from Port Cot.
borne on Saturday to --Visit
Munt's aunt, Mrs. T, Millar.
Next Sunday is anniversary day in
the Methodist church,
A number from here took in Baal,
fair on Wednesday,
Mr, Wm. McFarlane of Chats(44
is visiting his sister, Mrs, John Lee.
.,Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Plaskett anti
Miss Winnie motored over from elark-
dale recently and visited for a felt'
days with the former's sister, ,lira:
Myles Young,
Mr, and Mrs. Arnstein of New
York City have been visiting the
lady's mother, Mrs. A. H. Tierney.
The marriage took place en Tues-
day of last week at the ' homeoi
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tall of their:
youngest daughter, Miss Mildred
Blanche, to Me. Wm,.Henry Granby:
of Morris township.
Mk, and Miss John Shipley '
Collingwaod recently, spent a re •
days with their cousins, ;1h
Mrs. R, B. McGowan,
Mr, and Mrs, J. 13, Tierney. jr
of Washago have been visiting r se
farmer's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
B. Tierney.
The raids of the last few days
were greatly needed for the pastures,
roots and fall wheat. It will el e
put the ground in shape for plowit.1.
Call or Phone for Prlcesf
Wiring Your House
all kinds of up-to-date
Fixtures and Shades
TO G0 CHEAP—A num.,
her of 2nd -hand stoves
in good repair.
Bam & Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7