HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-10-04, Page 7•
f •
Seems a very large number of cups
to get from a pound of tea. But
that proves the fine quality of
Red Rose Tea, which goes further and tastes
Vetter' bidause it consists chiefly of rich, strong
teas grown in the famous district of Assam in
Northern India.
A pound of 'Red Rose
gives 250 cups.'
Kept Good by the
Sealed Package
1. a nettelii.
Enormous Were the Sums Shared by
the Navy Some Hundred Odd
Years Ago.
Prize -money, the oldest of naval
perquisites, has dwindled woefully.
How uninspiring seem...ahe few hull -
altered course Captain Digby fell in
with a Spanish ship, from which he
took a huge booty,
Settled Out of Court.
• In the gallant West Country and in
the maritime 'counties generally, many
a family was founded and the nucleus
of many a snug estate acquired by
prize -money won at sea. The sea, in
fact, was the place whereon our fore-
fathers in these parts were for gener-
ations taught that they must look for
fortune. They did so, and found it so
often that every encouragement was
given for the quest to proceed.
Even then men who fought were
impatient of the ways of men who sat
in offices and procrastinated; also they
had small lilting for lawyers, and this
dreds now awarded to H. M. ships or resulted in some curious things being
destroying the enemy in comparison done. One bluff old captain having
with the great, big, glittering hauls captured a valuable Spanish shim, de -
which our sailors in the tough days of
cutlass and boarding -pike used to
wrest from the enemy! —
Vastly different was it some hun-
dred odd years ago when a successful
cruise made men rich and a fortune
could be won in a day. Not a mere
phrase this, but a thing that often
.A notable ease of the kind was that
of the Triton, frigate, which captured
the Spanish Santa Brigida on -October
17th, 1799, and thereby won for her
crow a million and a half dollars. As
a result of that one brief fight the Tri-
ton's captain pocketed $203,660, whilst
her seamen received $910 each. A
mere trifle contrasted with the cap-
tain's share, but a good day's earnings
Favored Officers.
The explanation of the rich yield
was that the Spaniard had a lot of
money aboard her. Because there
existed no such arrangements as our
foreign exchanges, every sort of valu-
able had to be conveyed from one
dared that he did not mean to waste
time fooling about with Admiralty de-
lays, he was too busy. So he took the
ship and cargo into Batavia and sold
them to the Dutch for over $4,500,000.
Then, standing by the capstan, he call-
ed his crew around him and shared out
the money amongst them,
The nerve system is the governing
system of the whole body, controlling
the heart, lungs, digestion and brain;
so it is not surprising that nervous
disturbances should cause acuis dis-
tress. The first stages of nervoas de-
bility are noted by irritability and
restlessness, in which the victims
seem to be oppressed by their ndives.
The matter requires immediate atten-
tion, for nothing but suitable treat-
ment will prevent a complete break-
down. The victim, however, need not
despair, for even severe nervous dis-
orders May be cured by improving the
country to another by ship if land condition of the blood. It is because
frontiers did not join. That gave our Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills actually make
tars their chance, and they were never new, rich blood thrut this medicine has
slow in taking it. Prize -money was: cured extreme nervous disorders after
one of the thingsthey went to,pea all other treatment had failed. The
after, and they piled it up in heaps. 1 nerves thrive on the new blood made
A mere $100,000, the Portland'sby these'pills; the appetite improves,
booty from a hard won fight, seems: digestion is better, .sleeplessness no
beggarly alongside the $300,000 ac- ' longer troubles the former nerve shat -
gulled by the Panther by the same tared victim, and life .generally takes
•means, and ridiculously inadequate on a cheerful aspect. Every sufferer
when placed by the Ethalion's $1,500,- from nerve troubles, no matter how
000 dollars wrenched from a Spaniard slight, should lose no time in giving
in a few blood -bespattered hours. I Dr. WilliamsPink Pills a fair
From the lower -deck point of view,' thus regaining their old-time health
the worst feature about these hauls: and comfort,
was the unfair system of sharing out. I Yon can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
For example, when our forces captur-' throughany•dealer in medicine, or by
ed Havana in 1162, out of the treas-I mail at 50, oents, •a box or six. boxes
ure there taken each admiral and gen- for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
eral present received $613,486, whilst' eine Co., Brookville, Ont,
poor Jack had to be content with $20,
not enough for a brief shore jollifica-
Remunerative Dream.
Much more fortunate were the sea-
men of the Favorite and the Active,
which in the same year captured a
tremendously valuable i
she was unlefikey fhe riielkhtdi-1:119n1:1•32,04earrnext winter”; *Lan they
were last winter, so those who Wahl
eggs had better put some down now
while they are comparatively cheap.
Do not use oats, bran, salt or such
mediums; moreover, the patent pre-
servatives usually advertised as be-
ing so simple and effective had better
be adopted with caution. Better use
something that has been tried and
found satisfactory.
According to Dr. Frank T. Shutt,
Dominion Chemist, lime water is one
of the best preservatives and we
quote the following from his Exhibi-
prize-money, not even the pleasure of
a light, had come her way, and the
crew were almost mutinous with dis-
appointment, when the captain began
nightly to dream that someone came
Best Method is Here Given by the
Dominion Chemist.
The indications are that eggs will
iefiS found in her holds filled twenty
wagons, which were sent in triumphal
procesSion to London, and the goods
there disposed of. Enough was real-
ized by the sale to pay each captain
$324,360, each commissioned officer
$64,870, and each seaman $2,420.
We have all heard of dreams that
led to fortune. Here is one of the
most curious, yet a will -authenticated
instance of such a happening. In 1799
the Alcemene was at sea, with her
luck dead out. Not a doubloon in
tion Circular No. 42.
The method of preparation is sim-
ply to slake one pound good quick
lime with a small quantity of water
and then stir the milk of lime so
into his cabin and. implored, "Go formed into 5 gallons of water. After
aorthward, Digby, go northward." So the mixture has been kept well stir -
Impressed did he become by this that
laat he decided he would "go north- red for a few hours It is allowed to
settle. The supernatant liquid, which
Ward," though his officers protested. is now "saturated" limewater, is
But on the evening of the first day he
drawn off and poured over the eggs,
previously placed in a mock or water-
tight barrel.
As exposure to gib air tends to
precipitate the lime (as carbonate),
and thus to weaken the solution, the
vessel containieg the eggs should be
kopt covered. The air may be ex-
cluded by a covering of sweet oil, or
by eackiug upon which a paste of lime
is emend. If, after a fame there is
any noticeable precipatien of the lime,
tho lime -water should be drawn or si-
phoned off and replaced with a further
quantity newly prepared.
It is essential that attention be paid
to the following points:
1, That perfeotly fresh eggs only
bo used.
2. That tho eggs should through -
oat the whole period of preservation
be completely irinnersed.
Although not necessary to the pre-
servation of the eggs in a sound con-
dition a teinperature of 40 dog, F. to
46 degi F. will no doubt matetially,o,s-
Met towards retaining good flavor or
rather in arresting that "stale" flavor
so often' characteristic of packed
egga. •
Respecting the addition of salt,it
lutist in stitted that our experiments
---conducted now throtighotit fifteen
Mations—do not show any benefit to
be derived therefrom; indeed, -salt
frequently linparte a Bliley flavor ,to
the egg, probably by lancing an.
teteliange of the fluids Within and
without the egg. Out adviee la, do net
add salt to trio littio,utater.—Dxpori.
mental lvnris NOW.
has been
adopted as
• bevel:Age
in rawlya
home .be-
cause of
its pleasing'
flavor and
For the
Ohilay Days
The seini-fitted dress with the
shaped tunic promises to be one of the
favorite styles for the coming season.
This one has an attractive tunic,
longer on one side than the other, and
is suitable for any of the fall ma-
terials. Note the long, tight sleeves,
which are one of the most noticeable
features of the present style. McCall
Pattern No. 7993, Ladies' Semi -Fitted
Dress. In 6 sizes; 34 to 44 bust.
Price, 20 cents.
Jojn the Horne Defence
movementIor the conserva.
'eon. of food. Help to pre-
vent waste by demanding the
whole wheat grain in break-,
fast foods and bread stuffs.
Substitute whole wheat for
meat, eggs and potatoes.
The whole wheat grain is the
most perfect food given
to man. In Shredded
Wheat Biscuit you have
the whole wheat grain made
digestible by steam -cooking,
shredding and baking.
Every particle Of the whole
wheat grain is used including
the outer bran coat which is
so useful in keeping the bow-
els healthy and active. For
any meal with milk, and fresh
Made in canada:
The Heavy Horse Will Continue to be
in Demand For Some Years.
As far as the light -legged horse is
eoncerned, he is practically doomed.
The motor car has taken his place.
Although still of some USG in court-
ship, he will go out of business as soon
as the self -guiding car comes on the
For a number of years the heavy
horse will be in demand, said Dr, J.
G. Rutherford, in an address before
the Western Canada Instigation As-
sociation. He is keenly in demand at
the present time. Prices were never
so high. After the wai-ls over, there
will be a great demand for them in
the countries now ravaged by war.
I have in my Possession an official
publication from the Belgian Govern-
ment giving many harrowing details
as to what happened to the Belgian
horses. The brood mares and foals
running in fields were slaughtered,
being often used as targets by the
German soldiers. One pure-bred stal-
lion, valued at $1!0.000, was burned up
in his box while the groom and his
wife and children were forced on their
knees to watch the agonizing death of
the noble animal. Then, the Germans
realized that4aly were making a mis-
take in destroking these valuable
horses, and began to ship them to
.Germany. They sent their experts 'to
select the best individuals, gliring to
the Belgians for payment orders on
the Republic of France, payable at
Paris. These orders were in German
and were often for the most trifling
have had interviews with repre-
sentatives of all the large cartage
companies in our cities and they say
that, so far as they have gone in try-
ing out the motor trucks, they have
found the horse much more satisfac-
tory and economical. Whether the de-
velopment of the motor truck, which,
until comparatively recent years, did
not receive as much attention as that
of the passenger car, be taken up
with energy enough to make it suf-
ficiently economical to supersede the
horse, I cannot say. The heavy farm
tractor is a thing of the past. The
light farm tractor has come in to stay.
So far as the horse business is con-
cerned, a man can continue to treed
heavy horses without any risk ' of
market failure for at least ten or fif-
teen years to come.
Of course, Tommy's little sister
must have her military coat. The
cape may be omitted and an equally
practical coat be obtained. McCall
Pattern No. 7902, Girl's Military Coat
In 7 sizes; 2 to 14 years. Price, 15,
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Toronto,
Dept. W.
Responsible for National Loss of Mil-
lions of Dolfars.
At least fifty Per cent. of the chick-
ens, young -ducks and turkeys and ten
per cent, of the adult birds die each
year from diseases, many of which are
preventable. This is an annual nat-
ional loss of probably millions of dol-
lars that could be avoided to a large
War taandiliona make it imperative
that farmers and peultrynien:eolae
possible, stop this leak, and in order
to assist in this connection Dr. Wick -
ware suggests that every breeder pay
strict attention to the general condi-
tions of his flock in order that any ail -
log birds may be immediately isolated.
When anything unusual l nqted in a
fowl, it is advisable to place the af-
fected individual in separate quarters.
If within a short time recovery !doee!
not take place, it is unwise to destroy
the fowl without first.ascertaining the
cause of the disorder. The prevalence
of diseases is more often the cause of
the • poultry -keeper's failure than is
the lack ot practical knowledge. The
extreme importance of keeping the
quarters clean; isolation of all ailing
-fowls and immediate action in regard
to finding out the cause cannot be too
strongly impressed upon the poultry-
When trouble occurs, forward to the
Biological Laboratory, Central Ex-
perimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont., a live
but sick fowl, or in the absence of
such, a dead bird. In the interval,
disinfect the quarters, runs, drinking
fountains and feed dishes to check the
spread of any infectious, disease.
Disinfect the poultry houses by
spraying the interior with a limewash
solution (50 lbs, atone lime slaked 1n
a barrel of water, plus one gallon of a
good commercial disinfectant). Fill
creeks and crevices to destroy mites;
lice, etc If a smaller amount is re'
quired it may be prepared by adding
two end' a half pounds of line to a
pail' of water phis half a teacupful of
Keep a crop growing in some part
of tiro yards and alternate poultry and
Grope. If the runs aro email cover
with a coating of air -slaked lime and
dig up, If the rens are too. large to
dig, plou.gli and cultivate before sow-
noao sown in the early part of
the runnier, after the breeding sea -
5o, or early in- September, makes a
good crop for this purpose. Rear all
chicks on fres% sail.
Although thee precautions May ap-
pear Minato/Mil it is the Only Way
of COultatting Many disease condi-
tions affecting poultry, which, if lett
to theMselveS, will undoubtedly prove
deeidtlly costly in the long tene--3x.
Frogs and teetie feed largely mi
'nets end slags,
aaleaten 011r68 Barna, itte.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sire3,—I can recommend MI-
NARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism
and Sprains, as I have used it for both
with excellent results.
Yours truly,
St. John,
„. •
Rules to Guide the Fernier to Obtain.
Best Value For His Money.
The Mast successful cattle feedere
pelisse pulag,e0d profitably a reason-
able supply of mill feeds and colleen -
troths, What feeds to Select end when
purchase are at present most diffi-
cult Prblenee.
The mien who. buys Meals in email
amounts as needed and buys the meal
cheapest per hundredweight is a poor
business mon and doe not appreciate
the real values of feeds.
The .feeder who has rich and euccu-
lent farm -grown roughttgee need pur-
chase and feed less grains and meals
and this meals purchased need ..be, cif a
lees concentrated nature. The intelli-
gent cattle feeder always raises on his
farm the best possible quality of feeds
and makes his purchases of grain and
meals to balaneo the rations properly.
There are but two correst methods
of choosing meals when purchasing.
Which method to folloyv depends alto
gother on the quantity, quality, and
variety of the farm -grown roughage&
Purchasehould be made on the ba -
MS of the protein contained in a di-
gestible form or the total digestible
nutrients (protein plus starch plus
fat x
For eiample, red clover hay con-
tains 152 pounds digestible protein.
and 1,018 pounds total digestible nu-
trients per ton, timothy hay has only
60 pounds digestible protein and 970
pounds total digestible nutrients per
ton, corn ensilage has 22 pounds di-
gestible protein and 354 pounds total,
digestible nutrients per ton, and man -
gels or swedes about half as much of
each. Clover, or better, alfalfa, hay
supplies the protein Of a ration in
about the correct proportion while
timothy hay must be supplemented
with a rich protein meat Again, corn
ensilage, although bulky, supplies the
cheapest total nutrients of any feed
but requires a protein meal to balance
it. Ensilage made from green clover,
oats, or oats, peas and vetches, is
worth almost as much as good corn
The same relationship . exists be-
tw.een all the'meals which aro pur-
chased for the feeding of stock. The
farmer who has grass hay (such as
timothy) and corn ensilage, must buy
meals on the basis of cheapness of
protein. At present prices these in
order of cheapness are: Cottonseed
meal, dried distillers' grains, linseed
oil meal, gluten feed, wheat bran,
shorts, middlings, and oats. If, on the
other hand, he has alfalfa or clover,
hay, corn or other good silage and
roots he need purchase less meal and
should select on the basis of cheapness
of total digestible nutrients. At pre-
sent prices these in order are: Dried
distillers' grains, beet pulp, wheat
middlings and bran, gluten feed, cot-
tonseed meal, linseed oil meal and
Every farmer can in a few minutes
with present feed prices and the
analysis of digestible nutrients, verify
the above and select his purchases ac-
Certainly if he wishes to get the
most value for his money he must f ol-
low those four rules: Italy has now 100,000 women in
1. Buy the highest quality feeds, munition factories, against only 1,760
gestible fibre.
not those containing dirt, filler and di-
Bin August, 1914.
"Gentleness and cheerfulness, these
come before all morality; they are the
perfect duties; if your morals make
you dreary, depend upon it they are
wrong. I do not say 'give them up,'
for they may be all you have; but
conceal them like a vice, lest they
should spoil the lives of better and
simpler people."---R.L.S.
The last hundred pounds of finish
on a beef steer is the most economical
gain and makes a steer grade prime
and get the top of the market, Buyers
come from all parts of the country
and pay highest prices for the good,
well-finiehed animals at the Auction
Sale of the Toronto Fat 'Stock Show,
The cost of silo filling is greatly re-
duced if several farmers use a silo
cutter co-operatively.
Minartra Liniment Charon Dandruff,
Get a small whiskbroom and soak
it until the straws are soft and pli-
able and you will find it very useful
when dusting a room,' for it sweeps
the dust out of the couch crevices,
cleane the dusty radiator and reaches
the tiny cobwebs in the room. A sof 13
paint, brush will answer the same pur-
pose, only the 'little broom' is bettee.
A childn toy broom is even better than
the small whiskbroom.
ISSUE No. 40---117
Henry Valareader, #1.9iiney,
writes: "I have used ebye Oiyil Tab-
lete for the Peet five years and prize
them very mu. They.have preved
of such value to me that 5 elwaye, keep
them in the house." Once a mother
has used Baby' e Own 'Tablets she
would use nothing eisee They are
thorough but mild in Wien and never
fail to make the sickly baby Well,
They are Sold by medicine dealers or
by moil at 25 eolith a box from The
Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Drookville,
Words and Music.
A new Irish porter was put to work
on a railway in the north of England.
The head porter directed the man to
imitate him closely, and thereby learn
his duties. When the first train came
into the station the head porter shut -
"Ferryhill": change f or Hartlepool,
Stockton, and Middlesborough; change
for Spennymoor, Coxhok and Trun-
don; keep your seats gding north."
Barney strode after him, and shout-
ed in a louder voice;
"Fareyhill; change for Daher°,
Diderham; change for Coxcomb,
Moorhen:, Findhazn, Coldham; kape
your sates where you are."
The station master afterward called
him aside and showed him the right
names on the time table. Barney re-
moved his cap, and said, politely:
"Thank you, sorr; I got hould of
the music, but I couldn't catch the
a 9
Sore COM, hard corns, soft corns or
any kind of a corn can shortly be lift-
ed right out with the lingers if you
will apply on the corn a' few drops of
freezone, says a Cincinnati authority,
At little cost one can get a small
bottle of freezone at any drug store,
which will positively rid one's feet of
every cern or callus without pain or
soreness or the danger of infection.
This new drug is an ether com-
pound, and dries the moment it is ap-
plied and does not inflame or even ir-
ritate the surrdunding tissue. Suet
think! You can lift off your corns and
calluses now without a bit of pain or
soreness. If your druggist hasn't
freezone he can easily get a small bot -
tie for you from his wholesale drug
Teacher --:"In parsing the senaence,
'The poem was long,' What do you'do
with poem?'" Pupil (editor's son)—
"Put it in the waste basket."
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
Illinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
2. Buy feeds containing the desir-
able 'elements in the cheapest form. 1 The population of the British Ern -
3. Buy co-operatively, in car -load pire is 410,000,000, and the population
freight charges and commissions. 1000,000, so that one-fifth of the entire
of the earth is believed to be 1,800,-
lots if possible, and thus save extra
4. Buy when markets are lowest, ' world's population owes allegiance to
usually in the summer and fall, and
the British flag.
save the storage, handling charges,'
and, usually, extra profits made by the
millers/ and dealers.—Experimental
Farms Note.
iffitiNe Granulated Eyelids;
IM Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by
Sun, Descend Wind quickly
10, LVES
r ileved by Merino. Try it In
our Eyes and in Baby's Eyes.
NoSmartine, Just Eys Comfort
Ravine Eye Remedy ,'',VgOr,,',?Maliet.I.,,,e,O3
Eye Salve, In Tubas 250. Foy !look "ef the Eve— Free.
Ask Merino Eye Remedy Cyr. Chicago
- ifexeur,cy,cle lamp goes out through
lack of oil when riding at night, a sleep
or two of oil from the lubricating cat'
will be found to burn fairly well if
squeezed on to the wick.
Mantra,' Liniment for sale everywhere.'
To remove coffee stains: Mix the
yolk of an egg with a little warm wa-
ter, and use it as a soap on the stain.
For stains that have been on the ma-
terial for some time add a few drops
of alcohol to the egg and water.
How better can we
1110163Se Productioo
than by putting that extra
100 lbs. of finish on a beef
steer 1
Finished animals will bring
big prices at the
Stock Yards
BEC1.1 and 81 1911
Premium List on Application.
nya'irtreig,9% 41;1 Lamb, Mink, Al,.
AOC, fleble. rum fietisrae-
/ion by mail ,guaraptqatd. Send foe il-
lustrated oatitiog, Mouomber's Limited,
Manufacturers, 400 D St. Peel West,
. ,
A' in ar quiet,. neighborhood, a family of
three adults woold ilre 11 girl or young
woman, Preebytorlan. Methodist or IM.P-
tlet Preferred, to make her home ,with
thfat and d88811110 part or the domeatio
responsibilities. Wa. houlu be .glad to
have you write fully concerning your
experience, if any, and the terms yOu
00nSider fair, in yOur first letter, winch
will be treated conndetitially, We can
than furnish You with further Pardon-
lars. Beferenoes exchanged. Box SO,
Wilson Publishing Co., Limited, TOrentO,
jlignVtr4it9=i41ttout uboihOnetteV..7ri
ta,beal.tVi.? baotAii 13ellman Medical
When huldna your, Piano
insist on having an
from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone,
Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar
trouble and gets horse going sound.
It acts mildly but quickly and good re-
sults are lasting. Does not blister
or remove the hair and horse can
be worked, Page 17 in pamphlet with
each bottle tells how. $2.00 a bottle
delivered. Horse Book 9 M free.
ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment
for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En-
larged Glands,Wens, Bruises,Varicose Veins;
heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you
more if you write. $1 and $2 a bottle at
dealer, ar deemed. Liberal trial bottle for 100 otampti
W. 1. YOUNG, P. 11. F., 61B Lyman Bldg., Montreal, Can
libsorbitie and Atm -bine. Jr.. ars made is Canada
Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and Interesting
of all businesses. Pull information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com
, -
paw., 78 Adelaide Street. Toronto.
Rash On This Little Baby
Over Face and Nadi
Quite Disfigured.
'Wben my baby was four months old
she had a rash all over her face and
head, and was quite dis-
figured. Her skin was in-
flamed and sore, and itched
and burned and the rash
later developed into large
red eruptions, making her
cross and fretful. The ba-
by could not get any sleep.
o' "My husband bought a
box of Cuticura Ointment and a cake of
Soap and I used two tins of Ointrnentwith
two cakes of Soap and she was healed.'
(Signed) Mrs, A. Down, 1040 Gertrude
St., Verdun, Montreal, Que., March 2.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment often
prevent pimples or other eruptions.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere.
Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Fulton, N. Y. — "Why will women
pay out their money for treatment and
receive no benefit,
when so many have
proved that Lydia
E. Pinkham 's Vege-
table Compound
will make them
well? For over a
year I suffered so
from female weak-
ness I could hardly
stand and was
afraid to go on the
street alone. Doc -
tore said medicines
were useless and only an operation
would help me, but Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has proved it
otherwise. I am now perfectly well
and can do anylcirdi ---Mrs.
NELLIE PHELPS, care of IL 1, Rider,
R.F.D..No. 5, Fulton, N. Y.
We wish every woman who suffers
from female troubles, nervousness,
backache or the blues could see the let-
ters written by women made well by
dm 10 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If you have bad symptoms and do not
understand the cause, write to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. Lynn,
Masa, for helpful advice given fres.
C' ay Ey Specialists' TeHotly To
Strengthen Eyesight 50
Week's M,,e In Ma
A rreeiaPreseription You Can Have
Filled and Use at Homo.
Boston, Mass.—VIctirtio of oye strain
and other eye weaknesses, .and those
who wear glasses, 10111 13ti 515010 know
that Doctors and Eye Specialists now
agree there is real hope and help for
therm Many whose oyes wore falling
say tho Y havec.had their eyes restored
and many who 01100 worn glasses saY
they have thrown them ;May. One
Mail says, after using it: 'I was al -
mut blind. Could not see to road at
all, Now I can road everything with-
out my glasses, and•rny oyes do not,
hurt any'3nore. At night they Would
pain dreadfully. Now they foo1 fine all
the time. It wan like a intracilo te me."
A lady who used it says: The atmos.
phalli seamed hazy with or without
glossae, but atter ng usithis presorip-
tion fifteen days avorYtiling neomS
clear. I can road even flue print with-
out glossas." Another who used It
says: "0 was bother tql with eye strain
caused bv, oVerworked, tired eyes 'which
indticed fierce headaches. I htwo worn
glailees for several years, both for ells.
tango and WOrk, and Without theta
could not road ony own naine on an
eirvothee or the typeWritIng on the
• *machine before me, I can 00 both noW,
and have discarded my long distend°
glasses altogether. I 0611 Count Om
autterieg leaves on the trees across the
ntreet now, which for several years
have looked like a dim green blur to
Me. I cannot express my, oY at what
it has done for me,"
It is belloved that thousands who
wear glasses can new discard them in
a reasonable time, and mnItiltdes more
Will be able to strengthen their. eyee
• eo as to be spared the trouble and ex.
Dall50 of ever getting glasses,
Br, Reck, an oyo Suet:Wig of nearly
two:1JY Years practice, says: A patient
earns 80 ,100 who woe suffering from
aimorhutifs with nil the
junctivitis and ephlphore.. Her eyes
when not congested had the dull, suf-
fused expression common to such cases.
Having run out of hor ntedleine a
friend euggested Bon-Opto. She used
this treatment and not only overcame
her distressing conclItionr but strange
and enlacing asi It may seem, so
strengthened her eyesight that she was
able to dispense with her distance
glosses and her headache and neuralgia
left her. In this instance / should say
her eyesight was improved 100%. I
have since verified the efficacy of thls
treatment In a number of 00555 and
have seen the eyesight improve from
25 to 75 per cent 175 a remarkably short
thno, 7 can say it works more quickly
than any other remedy I have pre-
scribed for tho eyes."
Dr. Smith, an °enlist of wide experi-
ence, says: an have treated In private
practice a number of sericite opthalmic
dlitonses with 230n-Opto and 08101 F010 to
report tiltimato recovery in both route
and chronic asses. idr, B. came to my
office suffering With an Infected eye,
Tho condition was so serieue that an
operation for ormoloation seemed im.-
poratiVe. Before resorting to the
dberative treatment 7 preSeribed Sone
Pete. and in zi home the sr:Oration 580
lessened, inflammatorY synInteins be-
gan to Subsideand la daye the
eYo was mired and retained its not.
11157 7181011, Another case Of extrento
conVergent strabismuii (cross e yea)
dammed tho inargeoti's knife by the
timely nee of your collYrium. The
tightened external muscles yielded to
the soothing- and anodyne effects of
Hon -Onto. I always instil Den..Outo
after removal of foreign bodies and
apply ft locally to an barna, Ulcers
rand Spots 011 the eYollitll Or the lids
tor its therspeutio effet, Ily cleans*
Ing the lids of accretions and acting
ha a tonici for Ma eyobeal itself the
vision is rond.:red more acute, lumen
lathe ntnah,*t of cases of cllse,trdoil
.coneomitant 8)0115110100,8)0115110100, 10 01101111150110111115rnssos "
vormer anyto "Hy vyso were hot
aggiutiaatioa tie the 114 /ampule 80*' baa toraufloa owing to tua urvero
iy Inst
attain arising from pretreated micro,
scopical research work. Bon-Opto used
aceording to directions rendered a sur-
prising service. I found my eyes re-
markably strengthened, so much so I
have put aside my glasses without dis-
comfort. Several of my colleagues have
also used it and we aro agreed as tor
its results. In a few days, tinder my
observation, the eyes of an astigmatic'
case were so improved that glassed
have been discarded by tho patient."
Dye troubles of many doseriptiona
may be wonderfully benoflted by the
use of Bon-Opto and if you want to
strengthen your oyes, go to any drug
store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto
tablets'. Drop ono Bon-Olito tablet in
a fourth of a glass of water and let it
dissolve. With this liquid bathe tho
eyes two to four times daily, 1011
should notice your eyes clear up pot,
coptibly right from the Mart, and Iry
Item -nation end redness will quickly
disappear. If your eyeil bother you
oven 08 little it is your duty to take
steps to save them now before it 10
tor their eyes in time.
Nate: A our phye1ol0 to he tba alma
articlo was subniltied, sad: "Zee, non.Opto Is
a remarkable eye remedy. tin oexiatItuent
gradients are 70001 koawn to eminent MT spto
eirtilals 0011 70140ly Inasatibod tv them. 2 have
used 11 veil atiasessfolly io ray own praatiee oot
patients hono aYati were etreined throagh Mr?
'work or lotion 0100008 I oan highly resomniall
It in on of week, watery, aching, martintoeing,
toeing, burning env, red 114 blurred Thin
far eyes Memel Wan Moms to paneige, pri
duet or Ivied 51 1. one 01 110* very fow Prepaid
,1,10%0 010 fitifieneolasti.otd, Ifie.4onat,.003,3honitn.odpfetorfirangoutl
patent swamis° Or secret remedy-, 11 fa
ethical amnesties, The forms% hese printed
the pnesago, +0116 InlatIlfilatatarn guarrtntod 15
otreestlics wesislit 20 500 wet lot ono wok's Mate
in many hiriatwes, or rattlint The swam His eis.,
renaeri 1, V rtll good druggists, including
general' mores) also by 84, l'amblyn and
T. klaton St Co, TerOlate.