HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-10-04, Page 6Fresh and Refreshin R 76 f otnp used -jai clean, whole young leaves.' Diel eel rightt,,blefded right and packed right. It brings the fragrance og' an Eastern garden to your table. wall, With the gens of the Apaches pointed at them, the detectives eon- eluded that compliance with the order was the most discreet thing to be done. When they had again seated them- selves at the table and their guns were 4 placed on the cloth, the voice from the wallcounted them aloud, ono by one, Then an entirely unexpected thing happened.` While the detectives were in the end of the room, near the door, a trap had been silently opened in the ceiling. In the dimly lighted room the policemen had failed to notice that four strong Wires had been let down and the loose ends hooked into each of the four cor- ners of the tablecloth. When a piercing whistle rang through the room, the cloth ori the ta- Mfg. Go. ", 4:: eareiimeme,aae, ble before them was suddenly' lifted, ani mo�..rsagen, and before the 'detectives realized it, their guns had been jerked up to the coiling and through the trapdoor. The time dragged slowly enough for the policemen. They cursed and ar- gued, bemoaned their, tough luck and amused themselves as best they could for quite a time. Suddenly the room was brightly lighted, and the grating at the door was raised. . 'This way out," commanded ono of a dozen Apaches who steed at the door. And between lines of masked and "tendants.reached the switchboard and long -cloaked men, the detectives were flashed them up again, Pat and her ushered from the House of Mystery. Apaches were retreating from • the cafe, still covering the crowd with their revolvers. The members of the "benevolent so- cie.ty" with their ladies undertook to follow, but every held at bay while Pat and her men,. gained automobile that stoodrendy, with engines running, to hurry them away. Kelly and his men rushed away in pursuit of the Apaches, but they soon realized that they were foolish to at- tempt, on foot, to catch the speeding machines. Glancing upward, by merest chance, Kelly saw a half-dozen men descend- ing from the roof by the fire -escape. The detedtive halted and watched the direction the Apaches took in running away from the scene of their adven- ture.. • They taw the first man as he dart- ed from an alley . into the . main road e=nd sped away: Kelly made a dash lair the entrance to the alley and in, tiircepted: three of- Pat's men before they could; escape. 't`he Apaches put up a-stif%fight, but Kelly and Ms men subdued two of them and marched them off to ,police headquarters.. The Sphing had. some- Farmers and Sportsmen Benefit by thing at last to show for his 'contest New International Measures. of wits with .the• Purple -Mask;, When Kellp,.the next 'morning, re- ported tee the 'police as -complainant against the men he had canned'd, the chief of detcetives had orders for the Sphinx to •go at once to the chief's office. "Brill" ' 1lfcQgail, the best head . the detective force had ever boasted, was on his metal. "I'm going to.show.you how easy it' ensuring not only a cessation of the is tocatch this Purple Mask girl," said decrease in the numbers oe our migra- McQuair with an am of superior self -I tory birds such as the insectivorous assurance, when Kelly had been birds, the wild -fowl, waders and sea brought before him. One of the men you caughtlast night has squealed, and I'm going after her myself." increase in their- numbers which have "Go to it, boss,", said Kelly with been ruthlessly depleted. It affects feigned self -resignation., "I'll, wait .over 1,000 species of our chief insect - here; if 'it's not goin.tlo take you"tbo• eating and 'genie birds. It guarantees i Anelilletenail, takinng:.fotir of to the farmer the continued existence f his men, departed for the House of of the ;ascot -coria birds the most Mysteryy g st As they entered the grounds sur- Powerful and active allies he has in f t rounding. Pat's headquarters, her watchman reported their presence over the telephone system' with which the place was equipped. Thus McQuail's men found the "runway" •that led through a door in the side of the house let down to decoy them into the place. McQuail walked cautiously into the trap. 'Leading' his men up the run- way, ho walked along the darkened hall that Icd directly • into a large room. - w-_. 1}1?,,fletec e3i1.i1'2 rt a .+- tvisih re- volvers .t-lrawn,: moved stealthily into the room, looking cautiousl about (Trace (j j ° Novelized from the Motion Picture Play oj' the Same Name by the Universal Film ELEVENTH EPISODE.—(Cont'd). "Drop your money in here. Give up what you have collected." And in the surprise of the threat, and under the menace of Pat's Apahees, the members of the "benevolent society" surrendered their spoils. "This all goes to the poor," said Pat when it came Kelly's turn to contrib- ute. And the Sphinx emptied the con- tents of his pockets•into the bag. There .was the sudden call of a shrill whistle. + The Lights again went out, and when one of the restaurant at - It will be best to keep on going,' one of the Apaches said to McQuail. And, followed by his men, the chief of detectives accepted the advice. On their way hack to headquarters McQail was sullen and crestfallen: He entered, his.ojftce'in •a.,quite: ylififerent frame` bf mmd"thaii when he'left, Kelly was there to greet him. "What luck'?" said the smiling Sphinx. "Quit your joshing," said McQuail. "I'm going to leave this girl for you to get yourself," the chief declared. And Phil Kelly, his face wreathed in smiles of satisfaction, started from police headquarters, determined to put an end to the Purple Mask's activi- ties. "She has made .me ridiculous long enough," Kelly said to his man as they started for another adventure in the House of Mystery. (To be continued). CANADA WILL PROTECT BIRDS The international Convention for the protection of migratory birds in Canada and the United States, ratified in December last, constitutes the most important and far-reaching measure ever taken in the history ;of bird pro- tection, It affords the best means of birds, but, in many oases, it assures an PRESENT-DAY , BATTLEPLANES UP-TO,DATE alit*FIGHTING 11A" CIIINI 'IS HIPLAn . Weighs 1.,400 Pounds and Has • a Speed of From 60 to 125 Mlles Per hour, Just as there are many speeies of birds, so before long' we shall have many different kinds of flying ma- chines. Already we have hydroplanes and flying boats corresponding to waterfowl. But the most highly dif- ferentiated type of aircraft thus far developed is the battleplane—the air- plane built for fighting, It is battleplanes that are chiefly needed, and unlimited "numbers of them, on the Allies' front in France.. Swift scout planes and bombing planes have important value; but the fighting aircraft must do the work of destroying or driving away the en- emy -machines. When the Allies have a sufficient number of them on the fighting line the Bodies will be at our mercy, because their artillery will be blinded.' it is worth while, then, to explain just what the typical battleplane is like, inasmuch as moat people have a rather hazy notion in regard to this kind of machine. They have an idea that it is armored in some fashion, and that one man operates a machine gun in a fight while another steers. Whether it is a monoplane or a bi- plane is not clearly understood. Sixty Miles an Hour. Now, the fact is that the up-to-date air -fighting machine is a one-seater— carrying, that is to say, only one man -and of relatively small size. It is a biplane, and, being very swift, needs comparatively small wings to support it. The upper of the two planes may be no more than thirty feet long, and the lower one ten feet shorter. On viewing it one marvels that so small a wing -spread can uphold the engine, the man and the body of the appara- tus, corresponding to that of a bird, in which Ise sits. The niacliine weighs 1,400 pounds, of which 500 pounds is the weight of the engine. It can travel sixty mites an hour, but this is its minimum speed for staying aloft in the air.. Its maxi- mum speed is 110 to 125 miles an hour• It carries thirty gallons of gaso- line and can stay up in the air three hours. At a pinch, it can travel 400 miles. ' Bigger machines, such as bombcarriers, are provided with much more gasoline and can .travel over far greater distances. But the battleplane is not designed for long journeys. Its business is fighting. The duels in the air that one reads about in the news- papers are not ordinarily fights be tween'air scouts or bomber's„though they are liable to be attacked, but combats in which battleplanes engage ane another. Are Not Armored. •No fighting airplane has ever worn armor except in the shape of a rec- tangular piece of sheet steel placed beneath the seat of the aviator. Such a protection is of very little use. The air -fighter to -day usually discards it to• get rid of its weight. Every extra pound he has .to carry interferes by just that much with 'maneuvering— in other words, with his chance for life in an air scrap. Flying machines of large size now- adays often are equipped with gyro- scope stabilizers. But the battleplane man wants nothing of that sort; he will not have it, because it interferes with maneuvering. Suppose, for in- stance, that he wishes to loop the loop n.such fashion as to drop from in rent of his adversary and come up from behind—the most advantageous aetical position, Oh, no; the skilled airfighter.prefers to be his own stabil- zer. Biplanes Are Safer. He carries no bombs; ho -is provM. d with no wireless. His only ei apon s a machine .gun eeteee sgh sometimes e brig tiro each guns. The gun is S, by the motor of the flying achine. All the mast has to do is to cess a button or put his hand on a mechanism 'that connects with the rigger. He must do the aiming, • of course; the gun, actuated by the mo- tor, does the rest, discharging a stream; of bullets. The bullets are fired through the propeller. But they do not strike the propeller's fans, because the action f. the motor is so "synchronized,' ith the discharge of the projectiles s to prevent this. One should under - tend that the propeller of a battle - lane is in front of the machine; it is tractor, pulling the machine through e itir. The old-fashioned flying machines carried their propellers behind. The victor (perhaps two of them) sat in out of the engiet. If the machine 11 and dropped, as was likely, nose- remost, the men wore liable to be plashed beneath the engine. But the iver of the biplane sits behind his ngine, and, if there is an accident or e is knocked down ib a duel he falls s top of it and the propeller takes p some of the shock. The principal reason why the typi- , I battleplane is a biplane and not a onoplane is that with the former, a ower landing speed can be used. It ,therefore, safer, the fight against the destroyers of his Crops; and it,guarantees to the sports- i 'nen a never-failiug supply of ducks, geese, and other game birds. In fplfillenent of its obligations nu- e der the Convention, the Canadian i Government Introduced the Migratory h Birds Convention Bill to carry opt flee provisions.of. the Convs116ii, and this m anrti uf•ii has recently Passed both p houses of Parliament. As soon as as- sent is given to the• bill, regulations will be promulgated fixing close sea - them as they proceeded. Wren they sons. • were all inside, tlso door through In the e00e of insectivorous birds, it which they had entered was suddenly will be unlawful' to kill them or to take barred behind them by an iron grat- their eggs at ally time of the year. ing that fell frpm above and complete - The close seasons on dunks and ease ly covered the opening. g hastily glancing around, McQuail discovered, the room had no windows, but was dimly lighted by artificial means. The ceiling was high and the walls were hung with numerous pic- tures, their frames set in the plaster. Suddenly one of the pictures on the wall slid back and created an .opening through which a head and shoulders, masked by a purple hood, appeared, and a voice commanded attention: "You'll find paper rind pencil on the table Mr, McQuail. Write an order to release the two men you hold pris- oners at headquarters. When it is written' and- signed, take it to the barred door,.nncl hand it to our mes- sengg�er., Megtaail•looked tower() the. grating that barred his passage and saw three figures standing in the hallway, One of the -men said: ham the messen'- ger. Give it to ine." The .detective...consulted with his men. • They moved to the table and seated themselves. For a longtime McQuail talked with his men in law tones, but made no move to write the note as,he.had been commanded. "'.the..longer you .delay, the longer yon stay,"said the. voice from the wall about • lteQuail's head. "Write the note and you will be out of here as soon as our man can go to headgear - tem and bring back our comrades.' McQuail evidently decided it was the better part of discretion to do as he Was told. ' He took the _pencil and 'Wrote upon a• pad of paper that was laying'enthe table. Taking' the, note to the grating, be It ndod it ±o thre masked messenger. 't' e Aphelia read, the note aloud; '' end the two men Kelly grabbed lest ' ht. n 1'Just add to that", said the voice that had been speking from the wall: "ssay In the note, 'Let them, tome back whit this messenger,'" 1ticQuail com- plied. "Go back to the. table and put rear gaits 0n' the cloth, was the ooninand that noW tame in the voice from the will not exceed three acid one-half 0 months, and the dates of opening and closing will be fixed in accordance' a with local conditions mid after consul- e tattoo with the proper authorities in p the different provinces. On a number, a of birds, such as the cranes, swans, tl curlew and most of the shore -birds, with the exception of woodcock, snipe, certain plover and yellow -legs, which are becoming greatly reduced in num- bers, a close season of tell years will fr be provided. The wood duels and fee eider duck will also be given special. fo protection, Where they are injurious dr to agricultural or other interests, pro- e vision will be made far the Miliug of h protected Birds under special permit, Regulations will also be made to pro- 01 hibit the shipment of migratory birds ' or their eggs during the close seasons and generally to ,govern the traffic in 00 thetas and their eggs, m Wbile the numbers:of the migratory si is birds In Cautecla and the United Micah have beet most seriously do• pieted by various causes, confidence is felt that, with itl.ertiatlo el co -op - oration, and, particularly, the prob.'. bitten of spring shooting, a gradual In- crease in the abundance of our wild bird life will take place, A Policy of Drift, 'Charitable organizations aro just like business concerns—they start with the proper degree of zeal and elf, thusiasm, but when a certain stand, arcf is reached they relax, The world keeps moving, and soon loaves thole behind, When people, charitable to-, cietics or business houses become self. satisfied, they automatically relegate themselves to the rear, i ARRAS: CITY OF DESOLATION MONUMENT TO THE BARBARITY O THR G1EEMANS, This Onee Beautiful French City, a Noted Centro of 'Culture, is Ruined Beyond Repair. It was raining and a chilly wind blew as we passed beneath a battered arch into the -tragic desolation of Arras, I have seen villages pounded by gunfire into hideous mounds of dust and rubble, their very semblance blasted utterly away; but Arras, shell torn, scarred, disfigured for all time, 10 a city still -a City of . Desolation, Her streets lie empty and silent, her once pleasant squares are a dreary de- solation, her noble buildings, mane- ments of her ancient splendor, are ruined beyond repair, Arras is a dead city, whose mournful silence is broken only by the intermittent thunder of guns, Thus, as I paced these deserted streets, where none moved, save my- self (for my companions had hastened on), as I gazed on, ruined buildings that echoed mournfully to y tread, what wonder that my thoughts were gloomy. as the day itself1 I paused in a street of fair, tall houses, from who broken windows curtains of lace, of plush and tapestry flapped mournfully. in the chill November wind like rage upon a corpse, while from solve .dim interior .came the hollow rattle of a door, while in every guet'a.swinging shutter groan- ed despairingly on rusty hinge. Relics of a Vanished Peotale. Wherever I looked were evidences of arrested life, of action suddenly stayed; in one bedroom ii' �ttrunk open with a pile of .articles beside it to be packed; in another, a great bed, its sheets and blankets tossed askew by hands wild with haste; while in a room lined with bookcases a deep armchair was drawn up to the hearth, with a small table whereon stood. a decanter and a half emptied glass and an open book whose damp leaves stirred in the wind now and then as if touched by unseen fingers. In deed, more than once I marvelled t see how, amid the awful wreckage o broken floors and tumbled ceilings delicate vases and chinaware ha miraculously escaped destruction. Upon one cracked wall a large mir- ror reflected the ruin of a massive carved sideboard, while in another house hard by a magnificent ivory and ebony crucifix yet hung above an awful twisted thing that had been a brass bedstead. Here• and there on either side this narrow street ugly gaps showed where houses .had once stood, com- fortable homes now only unsightly heaps of rubbish, a confusion of brok- en beams and rafters amid which divers familiar objects obtruded them- selves, broken chairs ,and tables, a grandfather clock and a shattered piano whose melody was silenced for- ever.._ Through all these gloomy relies of a vanished people I went slow -footed and heedless of direction until by chance I came out into the wide Place and saw before me all that remained of that stately building which for centuries had been the Hotel de Ville, the City Hall, now nothing but a crumbling ruin of noble arch and mas- sive tower; oven so, in shattered fa- cade and mullioned windows one might yet see something of that beauty which had made it famous. Oblivious of driving rain I stood bethinking me of this ancient city; how in the dark ages 'it had endured the horrors of battle and siege, had fronted the catapaults of Rome, heard the fierce shouts of barbarian assail- ants, known the merciless savagery of religious wars and remained, a city still only fpr the cu)jar,gf-llarbar- ian of "to -clay' SU-?treke' it a desolation. A `corn sE :IN HIOUSERCli l SCIENCE COlelf-ETE TWENTY-FIVE LESSONS. Lesson RI, Beverages' Water forms nearly tisree.-fifths of water to heart it thoroughly. Place the total weight of the human body, An adult needs from eight to ten glasses of pure water a day to main - health. Water regulates the body processes, and aids in the as- similation of food, When an insuf- ficient amount of water is taken into the system, the blood is overloaded with waste products -and the organs of elimination become torpid. Part of the water necessary may be obtained from fruits, and a certain' amount from beverages. Tea is a decoction of boiling wafter and the leaves of the tea plant. It has no food value. Coffee has like- wise no food value. Both these drinks act as a stimulator, .. Cocoa and chocolate are foods as they con- tain sugar', fat and starch. Milk is a valuable food, especially for children. It contains mineral salts, fat, and also protein in the form of casein. It supplies material for building muscle, bone and teeth struc- tures; it also gives energy. One-half pint of milk is equal in food value to three and one-half ounces of beef. Milk is especially rich in vitamins, which promote growth and health. Never "boil milk as this destroys. the vitamins . French Method of Making Coffee Fill a stone pitcher with boiling wa- ter and set in a vessel containing hot onelevel teaspoonful of ground 'coffee for eaeh'cup in a clean piece of eheese cloth and tie. ' Pour out the water from the pitcher, put in the cheese- cloth bag and pour over it enough freshly' boiled water to make um' the number of cups required, Cover closely for ton minutes and keep hot, This method retains the aroma and lessens the perdentage of caffeine, which is the active drug in; coffee, Best Metiseal of Making Coeoa Mix three tablespoonfuls cocoa, three tablespoonfuls sugar and ono - quarter -teaspoonful salt; add enough cold water to make smooth paste, then add half a cup of water, boil until thick, then add to four cups of scald- ed milk and cook for fifteen minutes. Beat with Dover Egg beater until frothy: Serve very hot. English Method of Making Tea Fill an earthenware pot with boiling water to heat it. Pour out the water, dry the pot and put into it a teaspoon- ful of tea for each sup desired. Pour on freshly boiled water of required amount. Cover, let stand five min- utes and serve. This method avoids drawing out the tannin which is pres- ent in the tea leaf. It is absolutely necessary that the water used has just reached the boiling point, otherwise much of the valuable gases are, de- stroyed. Preserving Perishable Foods. Quince Preserve.—Peel one-fourth peck of quinces. Cut them into quar- ters and then remove the seeds and cores. Slice into very thin sees. Place in a preserving kettle and cover with cold water. Place on the stove and cook very shwly until the quinces are very tender. Drain free from the liquid. Place the fruit in sterilized jars. Measure the liquid .and to each quart add one pint of •sugar. Bring to a boil and then cook :Cor five min- utes. Pour this syrup over the quinces ° in the jars. Adjust the rubbers and lids and then partially tighten them. Place in a hot water bath and process d for thirty minutes after the water starts boiling. Remove from the bath, fasten the lids. securely, then test for leaks and. finally store in a cool, dry place. The water should be at least two inches above • the • fruit in the preserving kettle, while cooking the quinces. Quince Jelly.—Place the peelings, cores and trimmings of the quinces left from the preserved quinces in the preserving kettle. Cover with cold water and cook very slowly until it is very soft. Pour this mixture into a jelly bag and drain. Measure the liquid and allow an equal measure of sugar. Place the juice in the pre- serving kettle and bring to a boil. Cook for five minutes. Add the su- gar and stir well until sugar is dis- solved, Bring to a boil and cook for eight minutes or cook to 222 de- grees Fahrenheit on candy thermo- meter. Pour into sterile- - glasses and seal in the manner usual for jellies. ' BREAKING A STRIKE. Incident of Gen. Funston's Trip to the Yukon. '. In 1890 Frederick Funston set out for Alaska on a commission to collect botanical specimens. Today the trail over Chilkoot Pass is familiar, but at that time .it was known only to Indian guides and a fete daring miners who had followed its devious ways. Pulle- t= with two companions went up tlto pass and over to the Yukon. One in- cident of the trip Ise describes in his own picturesque language as follows: The Indians carried the loads while we dragged the empty sleds. The snow fell incessantly for five days, and It lay along our route from five to fifty foot deep, Day after day we wallowed and struggled en as we worked our way gradually upward to the summit of the range. One cheerful little di- version occurred• on the second day. The low-browed chief packer, who seemed to have charge of the other Indians, threw his load into the snow and announced that .unless .their pay was materially increased he aucl the. I other packers would get themselves back to the village, and thus leave us in a pretty pickle. My temper had been at white heat all day, and witho�it thinking what might be tete consequences of such a move I shoved the muzzle of a cooked rifle into the face of the Advisory Committee of that sttiko, and the way the Most Serene GrandlMaster of the Amalgamated Order of: Chllkoot Sal. mob Miters reshouldered his sack of beans and trigged' along through the broad expanse of the beautiful snow Shows that it is semetimes a ,good thing for every well -regulated family to have a gun in the house, Not Always. "Talk 15 always cheap,” said the Wise One. " Except," returned the Mutt, "when you talk •on the 1onggdietaneo tele• phone," y; The Dace in the Periscope: Anyone who has used a periscope knows that unless you hold the in- strument n-stru ant properly you will see your own visage instead of the landscape reflected in the lower glass. The An- zac Book tells the story of one Bill, a soldier at Gallipoli, Who did not hold the periscope correctly. He saw in it a. dark, dirty face with a wild growth of black stubble, glaring straight back at him; whereupon he dropped the periscope, seized his rifle and scramb- led up the parapet, fully Intending to finish the Turk who had dared to look down the onset end of Isis periscope. But -lie fol nd uo one et the top, and returned to the trench amici the laugh- ter of his comrades, "Oft barb 'eve'5 a' whole pity reaped the evil fruii. s=f o bad 'than," Grape Catsup.—Four quarts f grapes, one pint of vinegar, one pant of water, one cupful of sugar, one tablespoonful of ginger, four table- spoonfulf of salt, two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, one teaspoonful 91 mace, one teaspoonful of black pepper. Place in a preserving kettle and bring to a boil. Cook slowly for two hours and than rub through a fine sieve. Pour into sterilized bottles. Place in a hot-water bath egd-prdii.oss fo-r ten vett-1.45 after the water starts boiling. Seal, cool and dip the tops of the bottles in melted • parowax. Store in a cool, dry place. Ideal Apple Sauce. Cut,the apples into quarters and then core and re- move any blemishes. Do trot remove the peel: Cook until soft with just enough water to cover. Rub •through a sieve or colander. This will hold' the skins. Sweeten to taste, adding cinnamon or nutmeg, if dosiced. Ap- ple sauce made in this way retains the full flavor of the apples. The mineral salts contained in the skin or the outer covering are valuable for flavoring and coloring. This method is also economical because time is -saved and no part of the apple is wasted•in the peeling. Now fill into sterilized jars and ,adjust the rubbers and lids; partially tighten, then process in a hot water bath for twenty=fl've min- utes after the --water starts boiling. Remove, seal securely and then test for leaks. Store in a cool, dry place. Sweet Spiced Cucumber Rings.— With an apple corer remove the seeds from the cucumbers. Pare and cut in three -quarter -inch slices. Cover with salt and place in a colander for two hours to drain. Rinse well in cold water, Place two quarts of vinegar in a porcelain preserving kettle and add two pounds of sem, one ounce of stick cinnamon, one-quarter ounce of whole cloves, one-quarter ounce of whole allspice, .one-quarter ounce of blade mace, 'one-half ounce of ginger root, one lemon cut in thin slices and parboiled until tender, fifteen tiny red peppers. Bring to a boil and then cook for ton minutes. . Add the pre. pared cucumbers and bring to 'a boil. Simmer -gently for -thirty minutes. Fill into 'sterilized all -glass jars. Add one tablespoonful of salad oil to each jar, Seal and store in a cool, dry place. Indian Pickle.—One small head of cabbage, eight green peppers, five red peppers, one pint of wax beans, one pint of lima beans, three large stalks of celery, six cucumbers, ten green tomatoes; ten, onions, one Isead' of tor proceeded to pry out the root, He cauliflower. Chop the cabbage, pep- jammed .and punched to no purpose pees, onions and tomatoes fine. Cover until nature could bear no`more, and I with two cupfuls of salt and place in a sank back almost unconscious. My colander to drain 100 three hours. Par- brother started up, nearly upsetting boil for fifteen minutes. Out the the scbooldmaeher in Isis eagerness, beans and celery into one -inch pieces and vehemently protesting against any and break the cauliflower into small further operation. Mrs. Poore thought branches, Cook until tender, drain' he was right, and the doctor, some - and add the cabbage, onions, cueum-what reluctantly, desisted: the tooth bets, peppers and tomateeSc ,Oover `would "loosen and come cut;' he iiiv'tJ .giveleeeff9Zii'ivater and vines i':-itnhvaght, bur lre-f rod-Leepe ld suffer Now add the following spices: two :for some time. • - ounces celery seed, two ounces of ons-+ The horse had to walk most of thn tard seed, one-half wvhole.blovea, two way home, as the least jar was. ex - ounces of mustard (ground), one-half„ oruciating. My face swelled fearfully, ounce of cinnamon, one-half ounce' and. my nock and shoulders were so coriander seed, one-half ounce of curry stiff that I could not lie down for three powder. Cook mixture gently for nights; all the nourishment I could forty' minutes, stirring- frequently. take was at the corner of nay mouth Seal in all -glass jars. One-fourth from an old-fashioned teaspoon. ounce of turmeric may be added if the weeks passed ere I could resume my regular yellow pickle is desired, wonted occupations. —.-- ... _ : --- - ... _.— _ ,._ Let any of our readers who are ex- . genteetions as the discretion of the peeiencing anticipatory qualms at the committee shall direct. near prospect of the dentist's chair It is urged that the widest possible toad, consider and take comfort. An publicity be given to this appeal and ache is nu acha, but they have mach the earnest co-operation ofall citizens to be thaiskful far. __ AUTUMN SILENCE How still the quiet fields this autumn day, The piled up sheaves no more retain their And ploughgold.men drive their horses o'er the mould, While up intc.the hills and far away The white road winds to where the sun's last ray Mantles the heavens in 0scarlet fold Of glorious color, of radiance untold, And than the twilight turns the rad to gray. How still the quiet fields this autumn eve, And yet we know that hero in other lands Red tear still causes others' hearts to grieve, And livres are spent as countless as 'the .sands. 0 Gocl, we ask that Thou wilt put to flight The shadows of this quiet autumn night. - . .Arthur S. Bcurinot, In beginning to teach some deaf mutes the art 01 speech they are first placed before a mirror and taught to form with their ,'ps the vowel sounds. OLD-TIME DENTISTRY, An Example of the Methods of Ono Hundred Years Ago. Toothache is no light affliction, even with modern alleviation and remedies available; in olir ancestors' day it was a serious matter indeed. A weekly magazine recently related Trow, in one instance, at least, it was regarded as owing to nothing less titan the machi- nations of the Devil, and the minister, rather than any secular practitioner was appealed to for help. Dental troubles do not come within the pro- vince of a doctor of divinity, perhaps, yet the.suffer•er for whom the minister prayed was fortunate in comparison with some who were treated mare practically in those ante -dentist days. An (example of the ancient method is given in The Reminiscences of a 14o- nogenarfan, by Miss Sarah Anna Emery. After an early breakfast, says the author, we set forth for Dr. Poore's residence on the main road. When we arrived the 'doctor seated me in an armchair in the centre of the room, and directed Mrs. Poore to hold -Pay head. A young lady school -teacher, who was a boarder In the family, took a stool at my side and sat down to watch the doctor. I should have liked to poke her over t At sight of the cruel -looking, old- fashioned instruments my little brother turned pale, and I could not repress, a shudder. Mrs. Poole gave Inc a sympathetic hug, and the doctor applied the cold steel; but he found the instrument too large, and proceed- ed to wind it with his bandanna. Again he' put it in my mouth. This time there was a screw,, a twist, a pull, and my molar flew across the room. The good doctor was triumphant'. "Such a splendid pull 1" he cried, "I never had better success 1" My brother heaved a sigh of relief, the school -mistress settled herself for another good look, kind Mrs. Poore handed a glass of water, then again pityingly took my hest; between her bands. More trouble with the instru- ment slipping, another jam, screw, and a crash that. I thought lifted my scalp and sent sparks -flying from my eyes; this second tooth was broken even with the gum ! ' After a few moments' rest, the doe - CONSERVE PERISHABLE FOODS An Appeal to the Citizens of Canada On a Matter of Vital Importance. The hood Controller is informed that a^sf•dable waste of valuable or- chard and garden products is taking place in many towns and villages ths'oughout Canada:- In anada;In order to prevent this waste, an appeal is made to the Elayors, Reeves and Officers of the respective muni• clpalities to take immediate steps to conserve such products as cannot be made use of by the producers or dis- posed'of through the usual channels. To accomplish this object the fol• lowing suggestions are made :- 1. Citizens are urged: (a) To use every means in their power to con- serve for their own use their full re- quirements of fruits and vegetables; (b) To dispose of any surlahis they may have through the usual channels of trade, or turn such surplus over to a local conservation cosnmittoe. 2. That the head of every Menlo!. pality organized from representatives of the various local societies, organi- sations and religious denominations, a civic conservation committee i.o take charge of the assembling of all surplus orchard and garden products that may bo donated by the individual citizens by enlisting the co-operation of the public and lsiglt school teachers, utilizing parties organized from amongst the pupils, aided by convey- ances donated Cor the purpose by the oft)zelts. 8. Tliat tite •various conservation committees make immediate and ado - (mate arrangements for the safo.stor- rag of all such surplus products until such time as they can be disposed of to the varlous charitable organizations or soldiers' homes or sold by such ecameittee to those unable to psireirase at regular prices, or disposes of through the r°ogstlar trade otsatrlilflls and the proeeeds of all snob sales do- nated to the Rod Cross or ainiilai' fir• enlisted in its behalf. Ilow the King Travels During their tour in the busiest parts of the industrial north of Eng- land the King and Queen elected to sleep and, for the most part, to eat on board the Royal train instead of ac- cepting the private hospitality which would have been so gladly offered. The King is the first British Sovereign who has employed his train as a head - (Matters or a hotel, but then, of course, he is the only Sovereign who has had to travel about on each an errand—, for the purpose of encouraging and in-! specting those who are helping for- ward the war. A greater mobility is 1 secured by living on board the train,' and it goes without saying that it is most comfortably appoiisted. It is not always possible to secure perfect ,quiet for the Royal sleepers, however, and when the train lays in the little riveride station at Liverpool, a place selected because the only traffic arises on the arrival and departure of At- lantic liners, the ISing foend that the eroding of the floating landing stage interfered with Isis slumbers not a lit- tle. • Aii oil tiled its the Manufacture of soap is obtained from grape seeds in Argentina, Repels Cods, Chills, and Influenza t.. �. a