HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-10-04, Page 5'Oclober 4th, 1917 Clinton Nevve. {eenvfl or interest to You and Me "Lot us fight the gainer ler the .kitclam," Hydro was tarred oir in While oil Thursday evening lath au art ph- tlwa1n4t1e demonstrationheld, A "Fireless Dayis Week" is the latest Idea In New Yorke. Now, why didat't somebod . tltlnk of this Y making snggeetiorr t'he last week, in July, It would have met with a hearty re• spolise then but we won't be re- •sponsible for its reception now;`' Dr, R. Lawlor, ;M, P, fer Hatch - !mend, otfbi:s his seat to Dr. Michas! Clark of Rod Deer, Alberta, promises his supporii in the canl.paien and ;guarantees his election If be will ao- dept, It will be a pity If 1'7r, Clark is not a member of Canada's War :Parliament, It is rumoured, but at time of writing the rumour.has not been coo - 'Armed, that Sir Wilfrid Laurier has resigned from the leadership of the Liberal Party and .that a new leader .will immediately bechosen by a -caucus. Mr, F. B. Carvell of New I3runswiek is spoken of for the lead- eirship; also Flon. Geo. P. Graham. Blyth A very pleasant evening was spent t the home of Miss Mildred Toll on the Saturday previous to her mar - rime, when the members of the Red Cross circle of S. S. No, 19, East AVawano.sb, "got on the line" and surprised her, their retiring presi- dent, with a kitchen shower, The ev- ening was spent in music and games after which the boys served a dainty lunch much enjoyed by all. Miss 'Toll was taken very muck by sur- prise yet responded in a suitable manner., The singing of Auld Lang Syne and wishing Miss Toll every happiness brought a most pleasant evening to a close, Glen Blackall had the misfortune to meet with a nasty accident where- by he broke the wrist bone of his :right arm in a couple of places and otherwise injured himself, He was repairing the roof of the fire hall when he lost his footing and fell about twelve feet. Children's day was observed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morn- ing. The Sunday school scholars oc- •cupied the centre pews of the church and a very interesting service was 'held. The church was beautifully 'decorated for the occasion. The anniversary services of the Methodist church o w re observer n Were t Sunday, when large congregations 'were present to hear Rev. S. W. Muxwortless, president of the London Conference, who delivered two able 'addresses. At the evening service the church was. packed on account of the two other churches not having per - Tice. . Wingham. Mr. Louie Weber, who has been re- lieving at the local branch of the Bards of.. Commerce, has gone to Belleville. Me. and MTs. H. 13, Elliott and Miss Grace C-reer were in Montreal •and Quebec last week, Mr. Elliott -went to attend the meeting of the 'Ticket'SGilers' Association: Grasblj-Toll Nuptials A quiet but very pretty wedding wee solemnized et "The White ;e klcuso," the hones 01 R4r, and Mrs, Fred Toll of hast Wawanosie at el- evett o'clock on 'Tuesday, or last week when their youngest daughter, Mil- dred Bienelle, was united In holy l'r. r matrimony li W. lI Cn abb.' toof 7 Morris. township, The couple were unattended, The bride, entering the 9o'1 arm of lar .I te an 1 a t on tl 1 father, nr, looked very Manning In gown 01 ivory dtstess satin trInemed with lace, her only ornament being a sun- burst of pearls, the gilt of the groom, and a plain gold band brace• let, an heirloom of her mother's., and she carried a beautiful shower bo - pet of pink and white rosebuds and rely-of-the;vallsy, The ceremony was performed by Rev, R, J. McOorinick in the presence of about thirty guests, Miss Pearl Toll, sister of the bride, played Loltengria's bridal chorus and Mr, E. W, Laughlin of Paris sang in splendid voiee, "0 Per- iod Day," while the register was be- ing signed, The house and table decorations were carried out in pink and white, esters being the predom dinner in at flower. .After di g er had been served the happy couple left Ibr ahort 1' s ioneymoon to Toronto, Nia- gara Falls, Chatham and London. The bride travelled in a tailored blue serge suit and chic black velvet hat trimmed with white dove and silver band. The many costly and L useful gifts testified to the bride's popular- ity. Best wishes of all follow Mr, and Mies. Grasby to their new home in Morris. London Road Mrs. Joseph Petrie of London vis- ited the McKnight family last week and also with friends in Clinton. Wil Levi Mr. tae has leased his farm and intends to to retire from active work this autumn. Mr. II, Livermore received word the other days that his son had been wounded in France. Mr. Albert Pepper of the 2nd con- cession of Tuckersmith has purchas- ed fifty acres adjoining his property from Mr. 5. Whitmore and has sold to Mr. Walter Layton twenty-five acres adjoining his, This rounds out both farms nicely. Anniversary' services will be held at Turner's church on Sunday next, when Rev. Mr. Armstrong of Wing - ham, who put in a year on the cir- cuit as a Probationer some years ago, will be the preacher. The con- gregation decided not to Have their annual fowl supper this fall but to open a subscription instead in order to raise some funds s for necessary im- provements. im- proveen s, Theofficialstials ask for a generous Thanksgiving offering, There will. he morning and evening service on Sunday. The Patriotic Society in connection with Turner's church, are preparing to send Christmas boxes to the ,boys from the commit -MIT wine -a're"oVer- seas. Wingham Mrs, Arthur Ifnight of Toronto spent a fortnight at her home in town. Miss Nellie Orr of Toronto has been visiting in town. Dr. R. L. Stewart, who has been quite 119, ie suiticientiy recovered to resume his practise. Marriages SUT'i'1ele-CNAN'1'-in Wesley church Clinton, on Oct. 3rd, by the Rev.. A, 11. Janos, Frances Gertrude, youngest daughter of lYlr, and Macs, 11, B. Grant, to John. A. • Sutter,4 > GGLI'7S1+IlpI.n-CU 1IA'1q-At God - ere' eti ll , on Sept.Soft. 2 .th, Mary Jane Grahm; to 'Robert James Dam - field of Tarontours, Algona, Cl ASB -•T0 � t Sept. i At .3v 26th, Mildred Blalielie'Toonll to Wil- liam Henry Cleasby of Mortis, DORSEYDEVs RPA'UY At Sea- forte, on Sept. 20th, Nellie, youngest daughter of Mrs. Japes Devereaux, to William Dorsey of St, Colurnban. MeI AY-MOI+PATI-.At Kippon, (en Sept. 25th, Catharine C. Motlatt to Robert 1vleKay, l{NOX-WHEi12LEY - in Huilett towltship, on Sept. 18th, Mee, both Wheatley to John Thomas !Knox: Births GEMINFIARDT - in Bayfield, on Sept. e t. 21st to 2r and Mee.. lred Geminhardt, a son. DROVER -In Tuckersmith, on Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, Drover, a daughter: Deaths STEPHENSON-In 'Clinton, on Oct. and, Martha Read, Wife of John Stephenson, in her both year. SANDERS -In Goderich, on Sept. 22rd, William Saunders, aged 87 years. YATES-In Colborne township, on Sept, 28th, Mary McCausland, widow of the late Stephen Yates, in her 881h year. CLUFF-In proud and ever loving memory of Pte. George Newman Clalf, 3rd Divisional Supply Col- umn C.A.S.C., only, and beloved son of Mr. and Mrs, ID, S. Cluff of Clinton, who died in France, Oct. (Ind, 1918, aged 20 years. "Gloater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends," -Father, Mother. and Sisters, MISS GLENN OF GLENN-OHARL- es, .Toronto, Canada's Hair Fash- ion ashion Store, will be jin Clinton, Thursday, Oct. llth, Rattenburyl Hotel, with a fail line of ladies' and gentlemen's Hair Goods. If you are not satisfied with the ap- pearance of your hair consult Miss Glenn, who is an authority on Hair Goods anit individual hair t' styles. Free demonstration. 09-1 LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE CON- ventiou at Clinton. -The Liberal- Consorn'ative Association of South Huron, as constituted for Dominion purposes will hold an open couven- tion• in the town hall, Clinton, on Monday, October 15th,, at one o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the House of Conunons, for the election of officers, and the transac- tion of general business. Mr. Mor- phy, North Perth, Mr. Kerner, M, P., apd Dir. Either, M,P.P.,, will addrebs the meeting. The execu- tive will tneet at 10.30. By order of Executive. -H, Horton, Presi- dent ; R. N, Ceeeeli, Secretary 09-11 eAr'SI bI IIII, Ir!" ,t �' d111A11'illll'IIP I,I x ,�� 1t, II Illi �I MJ t i l��fllll�l!! !III i lete Service to Ford Owivrs - vee yw ere OURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may ctravel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford owner you can get it. You are always "among friends". There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- GUI Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Runabout - .. $475 Touring - $495 Coupelet - $695 Sedan - - $i390 F, 0, 13. FORD, ONT. Bert Langford, Dealer, Clintori, IOLEDISVIL1411 C-blEffi,STii AND Butter Aislrlulactarring Company, -- Notice to Creditors and Cleimants "chic winding IIP of this Ooippaitp having been voluntarily ileeidod up. 00 by reef/Melon of the sharehold- ers for that purpose duly convened, not:iee is lieroby given by and on. of the t loll 1 of - is . ii •eo c ' ii r r t is t t all X persons Kati ine o1alms against the Company) as creditors .or claiming to be entitled to participate in the tistri u i h ass l b t on of the 'bots of .the Company are hereby required to (leliver to George P. Gould, Sec- retary -Treasurer of ,the Cowpony, a full statement of their claims with the particulars thereof, and eetiee is further given that on or after the twentieth day or Ootobor, 1917, the directors of the said Compeer will proceed to distribute the assets of the Company amongst the persons entitled thereto, hay, •ing regard only to those claims of which they shall then have notice, Dated this 29th day of September, A.A., 1017. -George P. Gould, Sec- retary -Treasurer ; W, Brydone, Sol- icitor for the Directors. 09.3 WANTED -BY THE MEMBERS OF the Clinton Young Ladies' Patrio- tic Auxiliary,, four young pigs, same to be fed by the four wards of town and proceeds of sale de- voted to funds of Auxiliary. Any- one wishing to donate a young pig kindly communicate with the presi- dent, Miss Winnie O'Neil. 08-2 SALVATION ARMY BAND, STRAT- ford will give concert in S. A. cit- adel on Saturday, Oct. 6th. Ad- mission 10e. 08-2 FARM FOR SALE -CONTAINING 55 acres of good clay loam suitable for agriculture or grass, being lot 77, Maitland Con,, Goderich town- ship. Five acres of choice hard- wood bush ; never -failing spring creek runningthrough. under cr kt . All n g grass at present. Possession cann be given at once: Apply to Wm. Bedour, R. R. No. 2, Clinton, Phone 12 on 142. -08 FOR SALE -MRS. BRISTOWE'S property on Frederick street. For particulars apply to W. Brytlone, Clinton. 08-4 WANTED AN ENGINEER FOR the Clinton Flour Mill. Apply at once to J,. Schoenhals, Box e8. Clinton, -08 FOR SALE 011RENT-DESIRABLE property oa Albert street, Cliaton, comprising residence and small front shop. There is also a barn and large garden in conneaiun. Will be sold cheap or will rent at $0.00 per month. Apply to P. Cook, Brussels, or \Vm, Elliott, Clinton. -07 FOR SALE. -A GOOD 4 -YEAR-OLD Driver, broke single or double.- Applp at Graham House. 08-1 COTTAGE FOR SALE OR TO Rent -On Cutler street, Clinton, cottage containing 7 rooms, good cellar, situation central. For par- ticulars apply to C, B. 'Hale or Mrs. Butler, Clinton, -06 WANTED. -ROOMERS OR BOARD- ers. Comfortable rooms and. board if desired. -Mrs. Mogridge, Ontario street. -96 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -14 storey house on Huron street ; six rooms, waterworks, large garden. - Apply John Snyder, Huron St. -02 FOR SALE OR RENT -NICE, COM- fortable, brick House on Raglan street, town water and electric light, two acres of land and or- chard, also stable. All in good re- pair —Apply D. Cantelon. -92 XOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shor`.w•t possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and crentletnen's guarantee to do good-tvork. I air prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly' at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelry Store. -Wm, J. Jago, -00 leo you know what this label moans 7 It is your assurance 01 perfect satisfaction in all your concrete work. Insist on getting Canada Cement• We also have all kinds of Dressed Lumber and McNair .Brand Shingles, so if you are figuring on any new buildings or repairing, let us help you plan your work, • Our services are free. J. B. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. WE WANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Huron county to sell Pennon's Peetless Fruit and Ornamental trees during fall and winter months, Good pay, exclusive territory, free selling equipment., OvIi1 600 acres of the choiceet nursery stock, including new varieties controlled by us. Iandsome up-to- date stilling equipment and a E,plen- did Canadian -grown stock to offer customers. We are not lobber1. Write now .tor Wiley.. terms ( 0 P1:LIIA.M NURSERY, CO. Toronto, Ont, Nee, -Catalogue sent on re7utst to SPplieanls far ageneles pr purauusers of nursery stoelr, FARM FOR SAL.,--L.OT 38, LON- ilorr head ,survey, Teokersmith, eontniaing one headeed acreo. with gond buildilegs, For parte- Mars apply to George Watts, It, I3. No, 1, lhrueelleld, Phone 1 pa 191. 417 FARM FOIL SAILe,-IAT 25 X1U13,. on Road, i uokorsinith, containing 08 acres, with buildings. 19'or Par- ticulars apply to R. W. Gibbings, E. No.4, Clinton,. R R lin t x-07 FARM FOR SALE, -100-ACRE farm for sale, 2i miles nprth of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hui - lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 5000 with stone stab- ling underneath and 1*• storey 8. roomed frame Reuse with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 6 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil, This farm isconvenient' to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 180 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -e2. LIYE POULTRY WANTED every week. Highest market price paid. - W. MARQUIS Phone 14-166 R. R. No. 1 TV�itl Tinies! This. week we are endeavoring to display in our windows a line of nourishing foods that are of great food value and is what is called "Thrifty Window," and its purpose ,is to conserve otner lines that are needed e to win�hi t srest war, and also help to feed our boys at the front. We give a partial list of goods displayed : CORN MEAL OAT MEAL GRAHAM FLOUR RICE TAPIOCA INSTANT TAPIOCA SAGO POT BARLEY, CORN FLAKES GRAPE NUTS ETC. Are you looking for something to make, pies . If so we have somee nice cooking apples. As you know they are rather scarce, our supplies are limited.. HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PHONE 111. • GLASSES! There is no remedy except `glasses for errors or refraction of the eye. Do not delay. in ,getting the proper glasses. Misty vision comes with advancing years, but can be cleared with properly fitted glasses, Spec- tacles are our specialty!. Wel test free and guarantee satisfaction. Our guarantee means something -we are not hore today and away tomorrow. You know just where to find us, No guess work. Accurate scientific meas- urements and tests. Now that the long evenings are here come in and get a Phonola and enjoy the grand opera and the band, Have you,: own entertainer and keep the family enteet Anted at home as well as enjoying it yourselt:• Thie is an all Canadian'machine, the best on the market for the money. Records and needles always on hated, The price is lower than any other as we do not have ,any duty to pay. Drop in and hear it and be convinced. If there is a watch or clock in your house that refuses to go bring it in the first time you are coming to town.. A few minutes time or a new cents cost may tnalro it as good as new, and you wont have to wait weeks on it as you will find it ready when promised. R. H. JOHNSON (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Agent for Phonolas, Clinton Carriage Shop i . W, HAMILTON ,Agent for (oderieb and Clinton, D10 LAVAL tireap11 Septet* tore IDEAL Green-. lend,Siios ALPHA Ile LavalLi ir En n V Ines � , S.U1x,RI O Libber I,, o 0€t1'vl . yrs Stalls arid Stauntions Water Bowie Newcombe Pianos Edison ..'Aniberola Gramophones Large stook of Edison Records MADE IN CANADA • on hand Always Holme Saturdays for Repairing D. WHAMILTON ! IIIillti !fiIIIIIIIII I l ., J II!lilllllll{ JHOMO it 1 !Il ii a I.!III III le IItiI 81II IIiIII Ill l Jl. Fi l�!1J [hil d I+! ' I Trill lil IIIA II ,ry !i l l IIfllI!III!! iIl Il ! IlIiII �lI11 II11I,1 1,.1111. !' 4101111111111111111101 1� �!IIIUIII181181111 MID 11111111111111 11 PITONP 207 Huron St., Clinton GIRLS WANTED ! "-tis WE CLAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO Al FEW MORE KNIT. '71111S, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. Auto Livery Phone 80 Clinton • p as G e J. H. Paxman, Prop. A FULL LINE O_F BICYCLES (Neve and second hand), DOMINION NOBBY TREAD TIRES, ACCESS- ORIES. OPEN ALL NIGHT THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live The Thanksgiving Dessert i How all eyes brighten when they see grandma's mince Me. It is a tempting sight, giving to the home -coming an appetizing reminder of past Thanksgiving feasts.. ••i01(C'O For fryng-tor ISshorting-ie'.--i ke- making, Use Crisco for shorting if you wish the lightest, most del- icious pastry you over ate, Cris- co is an all -vegetable product, having neither odor nor taste, It is the cream of edible oil, pure and delicate and gives only rich- ness to foods. Home grown peaches are at their best now. Call end leave pow order, E. E. HUNNIFORD Mogul Gasoline Engines from 1 to 25 h,p. McCORMICIC MACHINERY Mowers - ;Binders -- Rakes Flay Loaders -- Side -delivery Rakes Bean Cultivators - Scuttiers Oliver Plows .. Peerless Gates. McLaughlin and Boyne Buggies and Carriages Sonie good- second-hand buggies for sale cheap. Buggy tires • channeled and et-rubbered. All kinds of hard and soft oils, greases, etc., kept in stock. 'tops and, side curtains of all kinds repaieed. All work neatly and promptly done. WILSON ELLIOTT Phone 73 -• Huron street it Pays to Feed good feed to your 'Horse or other live stook. Pays in better condition or in greater production, We carry the best feed ,we.. can obtain. In spite of that fact you'll not find our prices ney higher than you bow Pay. W. Jenkins & SOD. FLOUR AND PEED, Phone 199,• Highest prices paid tot Grain and Wool. Elevmtera Resldenee phone 9-142, 11014E UEAT FLOUR FOR SALE AT W. T. O'Nei!' The Hub Grocery CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. I'Yay an express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by, a competent man, Each can careful-. areful- ly, weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hallwho will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial; Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 486. Seaforth, Ont. -00 Ponitry Wanted Our Feeding Plant has opened for the season, and from now on we will be in the market for alt the poultry) that you have for sale. Poultry will be taken in every Wednesdays morning at Holmesville and every day at Clio - ton, Special prices will Se paid for properly du- ished milk -fed chickens over 5 lbs. each. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. W. Trewartifa, i Phone 100 Manager: or Ilodmesvlllo 4 ore 14a Leave Your Order Early for ; Eavetroughing, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done „this year PRIZES ARE AD ANC>Na FA,St E'er—tel (e� THOS. HAWKINS• Agent for Hecla Furnaces Strop over Rowland's Hardware„ PHONE 53, The Big Store Men's sheepskin nits, unlined, one finger $ .511 Mien's sheepskin mitts, unlined, plain .50, !Ten's canvas gloves, good wear- ers ,20' Men's fleece -lined gloves .25 'Toys' canvas'gloves .15 Ladies' canvas gloves with cuff .18 lien's utuleekin gloves, unlined ,75 Men's horsehide gloves, unlined 1.25 Man's genuine buckskin gloves, Indian tau. - 1,25 Get A. package of Perrin's Sodas. They are without an ega(a.i-always fresh, crisp and tasty. We sell Coal 011, In 25 gallons or more at 19e. Bring yeour oil tank to us. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 1t gallon raw linseed nil............$.1,50 1 5-1b. tin mica axle grease .26 1 qt. separator all .15 J. 0. Lounsbery LONIDESBORO THE 1310 STORE WI't'0T LITTLE PRICES. •