HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-10-04, Page 2%=..steesseees-,,seeees--,-*-e
P, poTtkoo,vre
McTaggart Bros.
-- 8. T. DANCE
Office- Sloan Mock -CLINTON
Office en Albert Street °lumped bl
M r. iJooper.
In Clinton oo every Thursday.
, and on any day for which ap-
pointmente are made. Office
hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
A good vault in connection with
the office, Office open every
week -day. Mr. Hooper will
make any appointments for Mrs
Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Commisaioner, Et..
Issuer of ' Marriage Licenses
Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.,
Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B.
Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 p.m., 7.30
to 9.00 a.m. Sundays 12.80 to 1.30 p.m.
Other hours by appointment only.
Oft'jetr and Residence --Victoria St.
Special attention given to dime
limes of the Eye, Ear, Noes
and Throat.
Eyea carefully examined and suit-
able glasses prescribed.
Office and residence 2 doors west el
Colanesteial Hotel, Huron St.
easLicensed Auctioneer for the County
af Huron.
Correspoedence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangementa can be
made for Belt Data at The
News -Record, Clinton, er tea
galling "Phone 13 on 157.
Charges sioderate and satistactioe
We've made
If • 00 Would like
It hot for • to make
quite • ft hot
a few for you
We'vwrittcle 1 hot for a lot of folks
who were looking for satisfactory coal,
and if you will place .your spring order
with us, we would be pleased to give you
the good coal and two thousand pounds
to the ton.
A. J. Holloway,
A first-class bedroom suite foe -private
. sale, as well as other.artichis of furni-
ture at Residence on Ontario St.
The llieKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Head office, Seaforth, Ont. -
President, James Connolly, Goderich;
Vico,. James Evans, Beechwood;
Sec. -Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, Sea -
Directors: George gaCartney, Sea.
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J.
G. Grieve, Walton; Wm. Rine, Sea -
forth; M. Ilialeven, Clinton; Robert
Ferries, Harlock; :John Benneweir,
Brodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goderich,
Agents: Alex Leitch, Clinton; J. W,
Goderich; Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth;
W, Chesney, Egmondville; R. G. Jar-
. meth, Brodhagen.
Any money to be paid ln may he
paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton,
or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desirieg to effect insurance
or transact other business will be
promptly attended to on application to
any of the above officers addressed to
their respective post office. Losses
irspeeted by the director who lives
:,earest the scene.
Trains fl arrive et and depart
from Clinton Station as follows:
Going East, depart 7.83 a.m,
a ri 2,58 p.m.
Going Won tie, 11,10, die 11.17 a.m.
" ar. 5,58, dp. 6,45 p.m.
If " dope rt 11,18 p.m,
Going South, ea. 7.33, de, '7,60 p.m,
VI " depart 4,16 pais,
Going North, an 10.80 dp, 11,10 aan.
tieing North, depart 6.40 pan,
Women rho are unaccus.
touted to hard work, such as
Work 'in a Munition factory,
are subject to aches and pains
if the Ride eys are not working
properly, -
Hupdreds of women would
have had to give op their patri.
otic work had it not been for
aoRTHE.O falinNaseg,
Perhaps yon have had per-
sonal experience of these dis-
tressing symptoms -pains in
the sides and. back, Rheuma-
tism • or .Lumbago, constant
headaches, swollen joints or
urinary troubles. If se, profit
by the example of other
women war workers and take
din Pills, Your money re-
turned if you say you are not
are sold it 50e a
bar 07, 6 boxes for $2,50,
Sample free if you write to
National Drug and
Chemical Co. of Canada,
Limited, Toronto
202 Main Si., Buffalo, N.Y. 118
Selecting 'Seed Beans.
Bean growers should take steps -to
secure good seed for next year's plant-
ing from fields known to be free from
anthracnose and blight. Seed from
plants killed by front before the pods
are dry should not be used.
The use of good seed -properly.
ripened, plump, intact, and free from
disease -is essential for securing
large yields. It is crop insurance for
growers to lay in their seed while
there is still opportunity to inspect the
fields or they can pick from the cream
of commercial stocks instead of hav-
ing to take whatever may be available
Seed from carefully selected, clean
pods grown in one's own seed plant
are safe. Once the beans have been
threshed it is difficult to detect all
which have come from diseased pods.
It is possible, moreover, in the seed
plant by planting the seed in hills and
by spraying with Bordeaux mixture
to protect the plants from anthracnose,
even at an expense not warranted in
larger plantings. The grower should
see that no one moves among the seed
plants while y are wet with lain or
dew, when scores of the fungus caus-
ing anthracnose most readily are
After the seed is threshed the grow-
er should pick over his seed by hand
two or three times and throw out all
damaged or diseased beans and those
not uniform in size and color. Even
commercially hand picked seed often
contains many affected beans. While
a few discolored beans are not objec-
tionable for household use, every such
seed when planted may spread disease
to many neighboring plants. In pur-
chasing beans for planting a germina-
tion test should be made and only seed
of high quality accepted.
An envelope closed with the white
of an egg cannot be opened by the
steam of boiling water, as the steam
only adds to its firmness.
News - Record
Terms of subsoription-$1 per year,
in advance; $1.50 may be charged
if not so paid. No paper discon-
tinued until all arrears are paid
unless at the option of the pub.
Usher. The date to which every
subscription is paid is denoted on
the label.
Advertising Rates - Transient ad-
vertisements, 10 cents per non -
parfait line for first insertion and
cents per lino for each subse-
quent insertion. Small advertise.
ments not to exceed one inch,
such as "Lost,' " Strayed," or
" Stolen," eta., inserted once for
85 cents, • and each subsequent in-
sertion 10 cents. g
ComMunications intended for pub.
lioation must, as a guarantee of
good faith, be accompanied by the
name of the writer,
Car Manitoba Oats
To 'Hand
Bran and Shorts
Binder Twine
White Seal Flour
Ready to use dry on your potatoes.
Try it.
Grass and Clover seeds of all kinds
always on hand.
FORD & Clinton
You should alwaYs hasp s
bottle of chamberlain's
3k:intuit' end Livor Tablote
on the shelf. The little folk
oo often need a mild and
info oat:hurtle and they do
eaotetieto Chamberlain
ir,otead of natiaogiii oilseed
mixtures. Per etornedli
troubles and sonatrearsoisoveoneiestbefore
wane to, boe, ae ertereets, 26e, or cond to
• taambeetaie Nebulae co, TORONTO 10
Market Calendar
If not commenced previoutily, Crate
fattening should be started in October,
end all cockerels and pullete intended
for sale carefully and eystematically
Market in October roasters aerate
fed), bet 01d hens, roasting young
ducks, old geese, old turkdys.
In mixing a ration for orate feeds
Ing poultry, one of the firstelistegs to
coneider is the palatability of the feed.
If the birds do not like it, they will
not eat enough to put en the fleeli.
'Next to this comes the oompoeition of
the feeds and their cost. The ration'
must bc palatable and one that will
produce flesh without costing too
r. 0011.
Clean, fresh water lessens disease
among poultry. Filthy drinking was
ter is the source of much lineable.
• The question Lf floor space for hens,
like many other questions connected
with poultry -house construction, can-
not be answered definitely. The floor
space Which a hen requires depends on
several things: (1) The breed of the
hen; some hens require more space
than others. (2) The nature of the
food and how it is fed. Hens that
aro fed in a heavy litter during the
Winter where the getting of the feed
entails considerable effort will obtain
all the exercise necessary without too
much space. (3) Ventilation. -The
house poorly 'ventilated will not house
properly ventilated. A few years
ago when poultry houses were kept
whrm, instead of being ventilated, it
was thought that each hen should have
between to 12 square feet of floor,
and in all probability she did, but the
sembreed of.. . tines better now in
the house properly ventilated with 4
square feet than her ,ancestors dil
with 12, and where clod ventilation is
provided 4 to 5 square feet is enough
for the average he:,. .
The first half of the chicks hatched
in an incubator contain practically all
of the best laying hens in that batch.
They will grow more rapidly, lay fleet
and prove the best layers and will be
stronger than the others, The last
half of the hatch will be lower in
vitality and will be unprofitable to
keep; the broiler or frying age is the '
time to dispose of these. Mark the
last half of the hatch and dispose of
them in time to make a profit,
A good incubator should prove pro-
fitable on any place having sufficient
room to keep chickens.
The Country Girl's Creed
I believe that life in the country is
life at its highest, fullest and best. I
believe that there I have the greatest
chance to develop into the womanly
woman I desire to- be -fine, broad,
sweet, true, wholesome. I believe
that the broadness of the country, the
ruggedness of the landscape, the
beauty of God's growing things all
around me, will mold and temper my
character; will give me higher ideals,
a greater depth of thought and a.
truer perspective of life, than I could
ever gain between narrow walls in a
city with its shams, pretenses and
false standards. I want to try always
to keep myself sunny, sweet and sane;
to live up to the very best there is in
me; to make the moat uf every op-
portunity to grow bigger, broader and:
better; to reach out always for higher
and finer things. I believe in good
hard work and plenty of it. I glory;
in the brain and the muscle wit!. which
to accomplish my task of striving and
overcoming, that I may be ready for
the harder things which are to come.
Power is powerless unless its pos-
sessor is conscious of his ability:
For 01:Oro white
delicately flavored
preserved pears, use
.LANTIC Pure -Cine uai
-with itsfine gren' ulation-a
ig best Mr all preserving.
10,40 awl 100.1b. Ssoke
2 mid 41b. Cactone
87500 now Gook Books se r/G frau 00 receipt
of Itml Bed 'hoda.rnark.
"Pure and Uncolorecr
There is this great pointin favor
of dairying: It brings in revenue
every month of the year, and in every
mbhth the dairyman knows just what
his income from that source is going
to be, There is another important
point: Dairying is a safe line; there
are fewer ups and downs and fewer
exceptional losses in it than in any
other branch of farming.
•What does it cost to raise a dairy
heifn: to one year and to two years
Feed alone at inedium prices costs
about $33 for the first year and $28.
for the second. Cost accounts of
raising calves by the Ohio, Mas-
sachusetts and Connecticut Experi-
ment Stations arid the U. S. Depart -
Ment of Agriculture were used as the
basis for these figures.
Labor, interest and miscellaneous
overhead expenses must be added to
this feed cost. The two-year-old
heifer must be credited with a c f
and the manure produced during tern)
years. The net cost at medium prices
ii- then given in the bulletin as $44.77
for the first year and s29.os for the
second. piesen ig s prices the
net cost for two years rises above $100:
Economy in dairying and care in
breedingonyg00s, •
fore necessary. The heifer from a
low -producing dam and an inferior
sire will not return the •cost of her
production and maintenance.
Fast milking pays. The man who
can make the milk fairly boil in the
rail and eels° a lot of foam usually
is getting the maximum flow of milk
hem each cow; while the slower milk-
er, no matter' how particular and
faithful he may be, often fails to get
all that the cow would let down to the
fast -milking expert:
We may be certain that milk and
its products willecommand relatively
higher prices after the war than will
grain and millfeeds, which are now at
a premium.
Doll Dreams
I wonder what my dolly dreams
When she is fast asleep? I s'pose
She deeams she is a princess dol.
With, 'stead of her old clothes,
A golden crown and satln dress .
Ali edged with snowy fur.
Sometimes she dreams of me, geese -
3 often dream of herl
• , Dilly -Dally
Once upon a time there lived a little
girl 'named Dorothy Hart. She was a
dear little girl, but she had one great
failing: she never obeyed promptly.
She was never in any hurry and was
usually late everywhere she went.
Next door to where Dorothy lived
was a little girl named Evelyn Vail.
Evelyn had a large 'collie, but no one
liked the dog except herself .
One day Dorothy's uncle bought her
a little yellow chicken. It was so
round, fat and fluffy that she named it
Fluff. Her mother told her to keep
it in the little chicken coop that her
brother Jack had made for it. One
day Dorothy's mother told her to run
out on the lawn, because Fluff was out
of the coop and was running all
around. But Dilly -Dally -for this
was what every one called her because
she always was late -took her time
and when she got there she found that
Evelyn's dog had eaten her beloved
This taught Dorothy a severe les-
son, and now she has lost the title :f
Dilly -Dally by being always on time.
When her uncle hood ef this he
may hope that Dorothy will take bet-
ter caro of it than she did of Fluff.
nougat heranoth:)•:hicken; and we
Painters Used Them Long Before the
Birth of Christ.
Saints, in pictures, are usually rep-
resented with halos. Angels like-
Why? ,Aslc the next man you meet,
and you will find him guessing at the
Most people suppose that halos were
not worn until within the last 190Q
years or so. But that isn't true.
Roman emperors and even consuls
were pictured with halos long before
the birth of Christ. And, if history
tells of them truly, they were neither
saints nor angels.
The halo was originally a pagan
symbol of power. Thus it is not so
very surprising to find Satan repres-
ented, in medievalpaintings, with a
In that period it was customary to
depict living personages of great au-
thority with square halos.
Obviously, there would be no con-
ventional impropriety in painting a
portrait of Wilhelm the Wicked in a
square halo. His Plutonic prototype
would naturally wear a round one.
Where Father Was.
A certain kindly vicar one day
came across an immense load of hay
overturned in the middle of the road.
A little boy was busily engaged in
"forking" the hay back into the cart.
The vicar, taking pity on him, said:
"Come into the vicarage and have a
-After a while the boy got restless.
"I must go, sir," he said. "Father
will be angry with me."
"Oh, that's all right, my boyl
There's no great hurry. Where is
your father?"
"Please, sir," replied the child,
"father's under the hay."
Wasps prey on other insects which
they use as food for their larvae.
Conducted lord XeCenz Au) r
Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write to thls
department. Initials only will be published with each question and Its answer
as a means of identification, but full name and address must be given in each
letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers will be mailed direct if
stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed.
Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, 233
Woodbine Ave., Toronto,
Patriot: -1. Tha new Trench Cap is
not nearly as long or bulky as the old
"Balaclava." It reaches just to the
neck, and is designed for wear under
the tin helmet by day, and as a sleep-
ing cap by night, You will require
abbut a quarter of a pound of wool -
Canadian Khaki yarn at $1.76 a pound,
or five-ply Beehive at 28 cents a skein
would be suitable. Here are the
directions: Caston 96 stitches, 32 on
oach needle. Rib 2 and purl 2 for 25
rows. Knit 6 and purl 2 for 22 rows.
Narrow second stitch on each end of
needle until you have 4 stitches 011
each needle. Then thread the end of
the wool with large darning needle
and button -hole around the 8 left,
leaving a small opening on top of cap.
2. I offer the following suggestions f8t
the eleven -year-old brother's birthday
party which you wish to malie a
patriotic affair. Write •the invita-
tions to the party an Ode white
paper, with a small flag in 8110 corner.
Have your table set with red, white
and blue place cards, a white cloth
and a centerpiece of red, white and
blue flowers. The. birthday cake may:
be decorated with the flags of the'
Allies, For ono game you could have'
a sort c:f "history bee," like a spelling'
bee. The prize ehoult1 go to the child
who on tell the greatest member of
Historical events correctly --for in-
stance, who were the generals at the
Battle of the Plaine of Abraham, who
was Sir Isaac Broek, who made
Ottawa the capital of Canada, what
event. aro we celebrating thio year,
etc. The prize should be something
that has to do with the war -ti war
picture or a email silk flag. Tho
other genies ehould all have tromething
to do with the country or the war, and,
of course, the singing of "The Maple
Leaf," "Ittile Britannia" and
Canada" ought not to bo omitted, Be-
fore they Maim the children shade]
sing the National Anthem, all etentle
Mg at atteetien.
Sterat-1. Corrimeal thurspliege may.,
be made tie follow: Scald a quert
of milk, stir in three cupfuls of Indian
meal, or.enough to make a stiff dough.
Cook for five minutes, stirring often
from the bottom. Take -from the fire,
beat in one-half cupful of powdered
suet with a tablespoonful of salt and let
it get perfectly sold. Then add three
eggs, beaten light, with two table-
spoonful of sugar, and, lastly, a table-
spoonful of flour sifted three times
with half a tablespoonful 'of baking
powder. Mike out into balls thasize
of an egg, flour your hands, wrap in
clean cheesecloth sat:tares. The
dumplings will double their size In
boiling, so make all allowance' in tying
them up. Boil 0118 hour hard. Dip
into cold water for a second, tern out
and serve with hard sauce. 2. An ap-
plication of hydrogen peroxide will
take scorch stains out of silk. Potas-
sium permanganate followed by sul-
phurie acid Will ale° remove them. I
am sorry to say, however, that with
the removal of the scorch stains the
color of the waist is apt to be inured,
If yet: find that this is true, it will be
necessary to dye the blouse, 3. You
can remove match marks from white
paint by rubbing them with a piece of
t I mon.
Home -Maker: - A well-balanced
dietary supplies heat-
ancl-eneagyampplying and reguleting
substances in the right propertion and
in sufficient quantity. Simple thole
can fulfil ell reqvumments. It is
wilier to spited tho variety of food
over many days than to provide many
kinds of food in each meal every day.
Following are examinee of simple but
wollebalanced inealm-1. Veldts oat-
ineel and whole milk, 2. Egg, tweed,
butter, fruit or Vegetable. 3. Breed,
cheese, tart fruit. 4. Baked beans,
brown bread, apple eauco. 5. Mutton,
potatoes, second vegetable, fruit bat-
ter padding. 6. Milk.soup, corn bread
and Oren, 7. Whole wheat breede
Whole nolilo, prunee, Theo are -tot
idol frt all ages and conditione, but
they Meet the needs of healthy active
Use of Poultry Manure.
There is no natural manure pro-
duced on the farm as rich as poultry
manure, according to the College of
Agriculture, yet it receives from the'
farmer the least attention of any of
the animal excrements. Average mix-
ed horse and cattle manure carries 10
pounds of nitrogen, 5 pounds of
phosphoric acid and 12 pounds of
potash per ton. Poultry manure con-
tains in comparison 32 pounds of
nitrogen, 35 pounds of phosphoric acid
and 18 pounds of potash. Where
ordinary' farm manure has a fertilizer
value of $1.50 per ton, poultry manure
is worth $5 per ton. Even when pro-
duced in small amounts such material
is well worth careful preservation.
Poultry manure should be allowed
to dry as quickly as possible and be
kept dry. le this condition it will
lose but small amounts of its valuable
Like ordinary manure
rapidly when moist and
will lose thereby a large percentage
of its nitrogen, worth on the market
25 or 30 cents a pound. Since much
of its potash, phosphoric acid and
nitrogen is soluble this tnanure may
stiffer greatly from leaching.
j Caustic nine should notier be mixed
directly with poultry manure as it
; liberates nitrogen EIS ammonia,
Poultry manure is rich in nitrogen
and low in Tabor:theme. These two
conditions may be corrected by dilut-
ing and rosenforcing the manure as
fellows: To ten pounds of the manure
add is pounds of sawdust (or some
similar dry :nisi:oriel) and emir pounds
of acid phosphate. This gives a ferti-
lizer carrying 8 per cent. of nitrogen,
3.6 per cent, of phosphoric acid and.
.45 per cent. of poteeti, or about the
mime proportion of plant food elements
that are foiled in a 8-12-2 mixture but
only one-fouith as tonceetrated,
The tops of young Carrots and tur-
Mpg are es good es beet tope to cook
'for omens,
ylenco write for Paeqlotilara
Wartrietet a 00.,
39 ftourrecoure Market, Montreal
Ithetimatism dependon en acid
which flows in the blood, affecting the
.1:,essen I. Polies of Deliverauce-
Paellas 85 and 126. Golden
Missolee end Pate, predueilig sallara-
Motion, stiffness and pain, This acid
gots into the blood through fenne de*
feet in the digestive proeedsss,
remains there because the liver,ltido
rigs and skin are too torpid to Geary
it off,
Hood hi Sareeparilia, the old -lime
blood 'beide, is very euecessful in the
treatment of therunatism, Xt ;tete
directly, with pnrifying effeet, en the
blood, and through the bloodon the.
liver, kidneys cull skin, whieli it
stimulates, and at the same tine it
improves the digestion,
Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today.
Sold by ell druggists.
Text.-P0a, 120. 6.
Verses 1s8. jelivan's dovingekrial-
nen in the past. Brought beck the
eaptivity Better, "restored the
fortunes." In themselves the words
contain . no refereuce to restoration
from exile; but the psalmist may have
in mind the change in fortune due to
the restoration. Sln arouses the
divine wrath, the divine wrath prompts
the sending of calamity; hence the
withdrawal of calamity Provos that
the divine wrath is appeased, which,
in turn, proves that Jehovah has for-
given or removed the people's sin.
4-7. The transformation has been
marvelous; but much remains to be
done. If he only would complete his
wt rid Turn us -Betters "turn to us,"
again, as in the past. Ths present
distress shows that the divine wrath
has not entirely disappeared; henna
hthe isl-prile8eOwplieT)ehritelistdilo)8nasiist stands between
their God, He a w ts
elehovah's reply to his plea, and then
IsIdngs to the waiting people the as-
surance that their God has not for-
saken them; the manifeetation of his
loving -kindness in a complete deliver-
ance and restoratior. is at hand. Saints
-Synonymous with "his people;" per-
haps better "his favored cines;" that
is, those who are objects of special
consideration. Fear -Those who are
truly. pious. Turn to folly -The
clause gives sense only if translated
as above, "And to those who do not
,turn to folly." Glory -The glprious
manifestations of Jehovah. Mercy
. . truth . . righteousness
. . . peace -When the mercy,or
loving -kindness, of God and. the faith-
fulness of the people meet, then his
righteousness, that is, his fidelity to
the covenant relation between himself
and Israel, will become active. This
will result in the well-being of the
faithful among his people.
The thought expressed in the first
line of verse 10 is repeated in verse 11,
that of the second line in verse 12.
Verse 13 is obscure. A slight change
in the text makes possible the trans-
lation suggested above which gives ex-
cellent sense. Jehovah's righteous-
ness, as defined above, prompts him to
bless his people, who will enjoy peace
following his glorious manifestation.
Psalm 126 closely resembles 86.
Both express appreciation for past
favors, both recognize the incomplete -
nese of the deliverance, and both pray
earnestly for a renewal of the divine
favor. The historical situation reflect-
ed in Psalm 126 may ba the same as
that in Psalm 85.
Verses 1-3. Describe the joy felt
by those who had a share in the earlier
transformation. Brought back -See
comment on Psa. 85. 1-3. Zion -Re-
presents the Jewish community.
Dream -The experience seemed too
good to be true. Said they -The sub-
ject is indefinite; equivalent to "it was
said." Even outside nations re-
cognized the wonderful transforma-
tion. Verse 3 represents the com-
munity as appropriating the words of
the nations and as recalling the joy of
the earlier experience.
4. Disappoiritment has come;find
. there, is need elf a new manifestation
of the divine lovingelcinclness. Turn
again -The benefits .of the former in-
terfeeenee . are exhausted.Streams
in the South -The Smith is the arid
region to the south of Judah, called
Negeb or South -land, The :dreams
there, full of water during the rainy
' season, become dry during the sum-
mer; following the drought the life-
giving water returns, filling the people
with rejoicing and hope. For a similar
life-giving return of the divine favor
the psalmist prays.
5, 6, Tbese verses should be inter -
prated as a continuation of the mayor
in verse 4 ("May reap , . . may
come back"). The beginning may be
hard, but, if Jehovah responds to the
psalmist's plea, the end must be
Who shall say the road of Death
Falleth sheer or harroweth?
See how glad they march along,
All our manhood, full of song, ,
Chasing, as they pass away,
Fears and phantams of our day,
Sure in victory or defeat
Their inheritance to meet.
He who made them let them see
Far above their agony,
To the light that never dies '
Round the rest of Paradise.
Gladly do they march along,
Full of laughter and of song,
Finding none that sorroweth
Past the glorious road of Death.
• -E. E. Speight.
A Hay Building.
Farmers in the vicinity of Sunny-
side, Yakima County, Wash., did a dis-
tinctive thing when they erected a
"palace of -hay" in which to hold their
annual county fair. Some 600 tons
of alfalfa were used in building the
structure, whose walls were twenty-
five feet high. It not only housed
all the exhibits but a restroom, in-
formation bureau and a grand stand in
front of which a vaudeville program
was given daily. The hay was loaned
by the farmers, and at the end of the
fair was auctioned off at a very good
Stimulate crysanthemums with
liquid, manure.
arm (nn merles
fil laesestiniwos,....,sefne->e,
Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell
The object of this department is to.place at the ser-
vice of our farm readers the advice of an acknowledged
authority on all subjects pertaining to soils and crops. •
Address all questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, in
care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, Toronto,
and answers will appear In this column in the order. In
which they are received. As space Is limited It is advis-
able where Immediate reply is necessary_that a stamped
and addressed envelope be enclosed with the question,
when the answer will be mailed direct.
A.E.P.:-We ' are going to sow
wheat this year on a piece of muck
land. It has had timothy hay cut off
it for three years, a very good hay
crop each year. This summer it was
ploughed as soon as the hay was taken
off and has, been thoroughly disced
and cultivated since. It is a muck
with sand bottom. We had no ferti-
lizer to put on, and would like to know
if a basic slag -or a phosphate would
be suitable, either one or both.
Answer: -The soil on which you
are planning to grow your wheat is
relatively low in nitrogen and ivill un-
doubtedly give you a strong growth
of straw. I would advise you to add
at least 200 to 800 lbs, of fertilizer
carrying 10 to 12% acid phosphate
and 1% potash. You have handled
the soil correctly in preparing it. I
would impress upon you the import-
ance of giving the seed -bed thorough
preparation. If the soil tends to be
too open and light, follow the sowing
With rolling and then a light lumen's
ing. I have advised acid phosphate
since I believe you heed a readily
nvailable form of phosphoric acid.
A. MeE.:-1. have quite a number of
celery plants which began to go to
seed three weeks ago; I tried cutting
off the seed top ns scum as it appesys
ed but it merely grew up again.„ns- I
armed the seed of this in boxes the
last of February, 1917, and set the
plants out in the open ground about
the Middle of Jane 10 clay soil which
had been an old dg yard before. We
dug trenches ten inches deep putting
in the bottom live inches of rotted
manure mixed with a little earth and
Planted them in thie. Now they are
grown to a' good height, aro kept hilted
and look healthy plants but would like
to know the cause of it going to seed
and how to preveut IL
Answer: -The cause of the celery
plants going to soed is that the habit
of the plant bas been changed. In
its wild state the celery plant thuds to
be an menial. Thennirdener grows
it as a biennial, that is, ho trios to get
the full grown plant without the seeds,
You 000 the satire habit in wheat when
you plant winter Wheel: seed or winter
rye in the epring, Very now of the
plants seed up shoots the first year,
but some do, If .you select the seed
froze the plants which send up hearth
the fleet year, by the Second and third
generation you will have entirely
ehenged the Wit of the plant and
Henry G. Bell
it would be a one -season plant. The
only way to prevent celery from seed-
ing is to transplant it late, cause it to
make rapid growth by balancing
plantfood, and harvest it before it has
an opportunity to form seed shoots.
Possibly your groirnd is running
short of ammonia or nitrogen. This
is the kind of plantfood which causes
the celery stalk to grow. If the
plants are small and slow in growth
there is an indication of nitrogen be-
ing lacking. The addition of manure
or a fertilizer hlgh in ammonia will
tend to prevent this.
E.O.P.:-Would you advise sowing
both lime and acid phosphate on land
that is to be sown to wheat in the
spring? When would you advise serv-
ing the lime and how much per acre? '
Would it be better to sow the acid
phosphate shortly before sowing the
wheat, and how much per acre? Could
I mix the lime and acld phosphate and
sow both at one operation in a lime
Anewer:-Lime and acid phosphate
are both beneficial on land to be used
for wheat in the spring. The benefit
of the lime is not so directly traceable
in wheat yields but is clearly shown
if the grain is ;seeded with clover and
timothy or alfalfa. Lime may be
applied nny time this fall or through
5110 winter, or if the ground is to be
left for spring plowing it could be ap-
plied immediately after the ground is
plowed, just before it is disked and
harrowed. An application of 2 to 4
'tone of ground limestone or one ton
per acre of air -slaked lime will give
you good results.
Tho s sid phosphate can 138 drilled on
at the timethe wheat is sown. Modern
drills are provided with both the vied
and fertilizer dropping attachment.
Applications at tho rate of 200 to 800
Pounds to the acre give good resulte.
If yeti have not »lammed your hied
just before the wheat, I would advise
you to use a mixture of fertilizel"
analyzing 2 to 8% ammonia, which
will provide nitrogett to inert the
orly growth of the young crop, and
10 to 12% phosphoric acid, which will
greatly hasten its ripening vied the
plumping cf its kernele.
By no 11100.113 would 1 advise the
mixing of the Hine and tend pheephatia
Such a mixture would teed to 50511
hock the soluble phosphoric acid In tho
teed ale:eel/etc to a form whieh Is
11111.11 more slowly aveilable,