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The Clinton News Record, 1917-08-09, Page 7
ATTITUDE OF FOUR NEURAL POWERS WHAT 'rHE U, S. LMYTl3AR00 IiirlANS TO THIliM. Holland and the Three Seandinavian ICingdome Are Now ht a Grave Dilemma. The Allies control, DY means of their bloonding fleets, access to the the ports of Holland, Derimar1, Swe- den and Norway, and have only per- mitted seaborne produce and goods from the TJnited States, from the Brit- leh Empire, arid from other countries, anted and neutral, to reach Dutch end• Scandinavian ports in return for' a solemn pledge by the Seandihavian and Dutch Governments that the freight in question was deatined for exclusively home consumption,- and that none of *would under any cir- cumstances be resold to Germany. These promises' and agreenleuts have been violated with much the sante ef- frontery that Germany displayed in treating as a worthless scrap of paper the guarantee of Belgium's neutrality to which she had subscribed. Neutral Pledges Violated. Thanks to this, the blockade off the Guinan coast has lost much: of rte Vahle as Mader in the present war, which has been unduly prolonged thereby. For if the neutral powers concerned had lived up to their en- gagernents and to the obligations of strict neutrality Germany would long ago have been brought to her knees through economic stress, Great Britain and -"SPrance would' long ago have put an end to these --'breaches of faith and of neutrality on the part of the Scaudapivian and Dutch kingdoms and would have shut down on their seaborne trade, closing access to their ports, had it not been for their consideration for the United States and their desire to refrain from any oppressiy` interference with the maritime commerce of America. But since President Wilson took up as in national honor bound, the gauntlet so recklessly and insanely thrown at his feet by the Kaiser, the situation has changed. • The United States bas become one of the Powers of the Entente that are fighting for the emancipation of the civilized world from the military and ' economic terrorism of the Hohenzol- kerns, and has exchanged the role of a neutral for that of a belligerent. That which Great Britain and France re- frained from doing out of considera- tion for the United States while she was still neutral President Wilson has ;tow, with the full approval of the American nation, undertaken to ac- complish by means of his proclama- tion of embargo. Neutrals Must Choose. According to the terms of the latter none of the necessaries of life, in fact, no exports at all, will be allowed to reach the neutrals until first of all the requirements of the people of the United States and then those of her allies have been .adequately supplied. This Means that there will be very little left for the neutrals. And in dealing with them a preference will be shown for those neutrals, especially in Latin America, who have shown a dis- position to refrain from trading with the enemy of the United States, that is to say, Germany, while neutrals such as Holland, Denmark, and above all Sweden, who have aided and abetted the cause of Uncle Sam's foes by exporting their domestic produce and their imported goods, to Germany, will very rightly and justly be dis- criminated against by the board at Washington entrusted with the ad- ministration of the embargo, Few seem to realize' the full extent of the importance of this sensational proclamation of an embargo by Presi. dent Wilgon. It is not merely an eco- nomic measure, as might appear at first sight. It is something far more. than that. It is in fact a demand made upon -Holland and the Scandinavian kingdoms that they should finally de- clare themselves in the present war and should decide to throw in their lot either with the Central Powers or with those of the Entente. A little flour spread over the top of cakes before they are iced will prevent the icing from running off, Cultivate corn as soon after rains as the soil has dried sufficiently. Keep the soil surface well stirred and light. This lets rain soak in quickly, thus preventing waste, and it keeps the ha soil want. Keep all weeds dowli, as ho ,they rob the corn plants of moisture 100 'needed to make corn kernele instead of weed seed. cop A. Useful Model For summer outings, the thing you need is a linen frock. It may be pink, or blue, or green, as you please, but by all means you want it cut on very smart lines. The pretty model shown above is in one-piece style and slips on over the head like many of the latest designs. McCall Pattern No. 7884, Misses' One-piece Dress (suit- able for small women); in two lengths. In 4 sizes; 14 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. This pattern may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. MAKE YOURSELF STRONG People with strong constitutions escape most of the minor ills that matte life miserable for others. Dont you envy the friend who does not know what a headache is, whose di- gestion is perfect, and who sleeps soundly at night ?. How far do you come from this description 0 Have you ever made an earnest effort to strengthen your constitution, to build up your. system to ward off dis- comfort and .disease? Unless you have an organic disease itis general- Iy possible to so improve your physi- cal condition that perfect health will be yours. The first tiring to be done is. to build up your blood as poor blood is the source of physical weak- ness. To build up the blood Dr. Wil- liams' ,Pink Pills is just the medicine you need. Every dose helps to make new blood which reaches every nerve and every part of the body, bringing color to the cheeks, bright- ness to'the eyes, a steadiness to the hands, a good appetite and splendid energy. Thousands throughout the country whose condition once made then; despair, owe their present good health to this medicine. If you are one of the weak and ailing give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and note the daily gain in new health and abounding vitality. • You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 'Brockville, Ont. THE GREAT O AGE PROBLEM. One of the Most Vital Questions in the World To -Day. How.long can Allied shipping wit stand the hideous submarine sap its tonnage? This is the questi on the answer to which hinges very fate of world freedom. Let look at the facts. At the outset of the ruthless subm rine campaign, Vice -Admiral Capel announced that 1,000,000 tons month would bring England to he knees. It is generally coneded th in the. last ten weeks, the submarin has done its worst because the sub nrersible fleet has been increased b the addition of the supersubmarine Yet the average loss per month ha never exceeded 450,000 tons of . Bri tish shipping, and it was John Bull' boats the Germans have set out to eli urinate. Up to. the 1st of June Great Britai d lost approximately 9 per cent. o r ocean-going tonnage of Ships 0 0 tons and over. On May 1,. at ding' to Lord Oureon, she had more n 16,000,000 tons of shipping in sets of this unit and over. She Id afford to lose 1,000,000• tons per nth for the next six months and 1 have 9,000,000 tons left if she did build a single new ship in the ntime. • poking at it from another angle, if mamany persists in hor ruthless sub - rine warfare at the highest rate 'of ruction that hue been regieter:ed e February 1, it would take 7.06 ks, or mord than three years, to e out British shipping, again on assumption that her shipyards 1d bo idlo all that time. it England can easily build—and ilding-500,000 tons•a year. She gain a Million additional tons by ring the so -caned loadlille of her a. Likewise, she 0011 further lemelrt this tonnage by convert - her passenger liners into cargo Is, Is pr'ogr'am, it must be renfom1er. cos not Utica Into col'rsldeneiden Inge 1ne0clrant merino prefect, of - at on the us a- le a r at, e y s s n f tha ves con mo stil not mea L A Perfect Day, should end—as well as begin—with a perfect food, sgy— Grape-Nuts with cream. A crisp, delicious food, containing -the entire nutriment of whole wheat and barley, including the vital mineral elements, 0o richly provided by Nature in those grains, Every table should have its daily ration of Grape -Nuts, "There's a Reason, Ger deet sine wee wip the Wou is bu can alto: ship gsmith5 vesse] ed, d 'the 1 the tJn(tecl States which will event - daily add 8,000,000 tone of now step; elripliin and g',0001000 toile 9f woodelir Thus, if the U, S, yessele are ravaged by etibmarines at the 860)0 rate as the British, there will Still be illtitiuislty against a y pol'lllai1Ont nal air: ant, The feed lends of the Wood will re- main open, • Paper shirty have been issued to 'fapanese Soldiers as a protection against cold, LtuNESS*No VQir.darroEg, Natural Supply of Steam. Tappet' to stun Snllill Englno, ol being used to rune an eectr ie p wer pac heat is ant fu nieh- ing electricity to a number of tovir;s near Volterra, in dputh-western $'use+ any, according to an ]nterosting art. ole in the Annalist. In that region various volcanio firs sures exist, hot with escaping steam, From using this to operate a small horizontal engine came the idea of uss ing it on a Iarger scale. Boings were therefore made in the vicinity and a plentiful Supply of steam with good pressure tapped. 'homage of its Impregnation with boraol° acid It is not used diaieetly, but enapleyed to Vaporize mire water. This is used to run a plant which furnishes power to five near -by towns. Now that volcanic heat has actually been made commercially profitable we may look -to see efforts made to utilize this power source elsewhere, Aetna and Vesuvius may yet be yoked to a municipal lighting • plant. Italy's lack of coal renders e4 'eriments in this direction unusually valuable, HANDS ACROSS THE"TitYRoER The Physical Union of the Fighting Strength of Two Nations. You wouldn't exactly call it bands across the sea, because Canada is only across a lake; but Canada Is part of England, which is a long way front South State Street, says a Chicago writer. Anyway, what I'm driving at is' this : Lieutenant Colonel .1. S. Dennis, of- ficer commanding the western division of the British Recruiting Mission, recently clasped hands with Captain F. R. Kenney, officer com- manding the recruiting district of Nbrthern Illino#s for the United States army. - . When two behigerent parties shake hands there are only two things which the referee or third party can say— either "Tarte your corners" or "Bless you, my children." • I said neither. But I held my breath, for it was an impressive mo- ment, the formal enactment in Chi- cago of immortal history; the physi- cal union of the fighting strength of two great nations. And the spirit of patriotic co-operation in the common cause` of justice sanctified the alli- mice. • s Colonel Dennis and Captain Kenney joined in plans. What they want is men to send to the front. Neither has any choice as to whether the men go in Canadian kilts or American khakis, At every one of the dozens of scat- tered stations under Captain Kenney's command volunteers of Canadian citizenship were taken for the expedi- tionary forces of the Dominion; at every headquarters over which Colonel Dennis has control volunteers of American allegiance were taken for our own National Army. Captain Kenney is credited with be- ing a bit of a bearcat on the science of recruiting. But he was immensely impressed with,tbe policies and ideas expressed by the distinguished Cana- dian man of war. Colonel Dennis says that there are 157,000 Canadians. in Chicago. Cal- gary, witha total population of 60;000, sent 16,000 soldiers to the front. What then might Chicago yield ? There are about 350,000 British sub- jects here, and some sixty -flue St. George and Maple Leaf societies.. Thereis no shortage of material here- about for the British recruiting\mie- sion. A thrillingly interesting, man is Colonel Dennis. He is the most ver- satile individual T Kaye ever poet. If one were suddenly to inquire in Ot- 'tawn, "Who is Dennis 2" One: might get back the typically British answer, "Who is he not 2" For years he was assistant to the president of the, Canadian Pacific Rail- way, Lord Shaughnessy. Ile has fought Indians, is a veteran with honors of the South African expedi- tion,. has engineered road building where Indians had to be killed as re- gularly as ties had to be laid in the progress; but .he is more—he is a dilettante journalist, a devotee of art, a snappy after-dinner talker, an oc- casional enthusiastic 'Droadwayite, a raconteur of modest but fascinating personality. Robust and mighty of stature,,he rings with military melody ail over. • BABY'S GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHER Moro little ones die during the hot weather than at any other tifne of the year. Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera infantum and stomach troub- les come without warning, and when a medicine is not at hand to give promptly the short delay too fre- quently means that the child has passed beyond aid, Baby's Own Tab- lets should always be kept in homes Whore there, are young children. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will curd the babyThe Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box kohl The Dr. Williams' Medfclne, Co., Brookville, Ont. '1 What Ile Thought, Littre Roderick. was. rich. An ad - Miter bad presented hiln with a shill- ing. But the coin was too insignificant to represent his ideas of wealth and he determined to convert it into copper. llnpreesod wltli the magnitude of tho transaction, he boldly marched into a bank, "Six pennies and /Welt() 110'pennlee for g shilling" ho ea d, atlrlreeeing the cashier with tho air of ah suteertit, "YOU WO yew chilling and got out of t}}1�I3»oonlorod filo klloney-handler, Little RsC°l.eslolefl lino] ;feeiings Were hurt, F11 a turned towards the aw1111iY doer; then Ow llllnaolr up, had ANA j x93114, , 061 y@11eelt Ii i;'it li`ifr ran card ficONi„ goy, 6{Si f meal .S bank, aril sauna 8ilan9e it i lj illift). #glanaa'N Odaeintast -09g98 ?liHfrp)nRnex, Why 'Wait for'"' War. to learn real food values? Xt is what you digest, not what you eat, that furnishes strength for the day's work. Many foods tax the digestive powers to the utmost with. out supplying much real n+utrirllent. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is „all food and in a form that is easily digested. It is 100 per cent, whole wheat. For break- fast, )dinner or supper it takes the place of meat, eggs and potatoes. You don't know how easily you can do without meat or potatoes until you try it. Delicious with sliced bananas, berries, or other fruits, and milk. Made in Canada. NEW GERMAN DECEPTIONS. Which Increase the Difficulty of Fighting the Submarine. The whole campaign again German submarine is becomi 'creasingly difficult because characteristic succeseion of,decep now widely practiced by the e It has cost the British many ship lives to find out that the Hun sto nothing to ,make his undersea o tions ruthless amu successful. First of all is the new practic rigging up a submarine with sat as to give the vessel the look and acter of an innocent and respec craft. In more than one instan unarmed merchant vessel has en ered this trickery upon the seas Was on the point of giving a fri hail When a torpedo shot out from neath the canvas, bringing death destruction to the victim of the One of the latest German de calculated to lure ships to their d is to set lifeboats, manned by cies, adrift in the .open seas, course, the moment an Allied v sees these boats a course is ste for them. Humanity could not ate otherwise. It is then Ithat inhumanity of the submarine ass itself, for no sooner is the vi started on its mission of mercy the submarine arises from beneath water and.discharges its torpedo. A third device which ha¢ prove be successful is the sending ou fake 5 0 S messages. The captai a certain American passenger ve showed the writer the transcript such a radiogram which was of ward proved to have been sent out a German submarine. It read, " S. American vessel sinking. Latit —, longitude —." 'Under ordinary circumstances skipper would have turned his b about and rushed to the scene. II he done so in this instance he wo have gone to his death. By this cedure the Getman not only viola every tradition of the sea, but serio ly interferes with the rescue of sh in actual distress whose appeals help are legitimate. S 0 S sign cannot be safely heeded. A. further evidence of Germ treachery is the sending up of fa distress rockets at night. More th one ship has been lured to her gra by responding to these signals trouble.. Now you begin to see why the cru- sade against the submarine is attend- ed by hazard and hardship. 'Yet de- spite these handicaps the British navy is making headway against the post of the sea and accounting for more than is generally believed, et the ng in - of a tions nervy, s and ps at pera- e of Is s0 char- table ce an coun- and endly be - and rick, vices cath dunr- Of essei ered diet - the orte ctim than the d to t of n of ssel of ter - by SO ode this oat ad uld 7r1.0- tes US- ips for als an ke an ve of HARVESTERS READ THIS The best way to the Harvest Fields f Western Canada is by the Canadian orthern Railway, whose lines serve he newest and most productive dis- ricts of Alberta, Saskatchewan and anitoba, Those run for the most art to the northward, where experi- nee has shown that crops are least ariable, which means a consequently ready demand for laborand corres- ondingly high average wages. The C.N,R, has made exceptional rrangemonts for handling the Farm aborers traffic, and is introducing itch counter cars, which will permit xcursionists to be comfortably fed in ansit—a welcome relief from the jostling and vexatious delays, of sta tion -lunch countereervlee. 81lecial through trains will be run from Mont- real, Ottawa and Toronto to Winnipeg On excursion dates, to be announced, shortly, The equipment will consist of electric -lighted colonist cars and lunch -counter care, together with special accommodation for women,All particulars from nearest C.N.R. Agent, or General Passenger• Depts., Toronto, Ont., and Montreal, Que, Tho sustained production of milk is well known to depend largely 011 the comfort and contentment of the dairy cow. Flies not only cause direct loss of blood and poisoning from their bites, but also keep stook from feeding prope'iy, The loss of milk from this cause is ono of the serious problems that ;Cate the dairy :farmer, TO GARNER CROP WEST NEEDS F$ ti its 1'IMPERIQIJS URGENCY" OF OQNsaRVINQ GRAIN VIELD% ' Survey Conducted by Canedlan North- ern indlcates Need of 25,000 Molt - Along Ito Lines, The suooeesf ii harvesting ,of the crop in Western Canaan this season 10 What Ex --'Premier Aequith of Great Britain would. term "a matter of im- parlous urgency," Since ,non began to sow grain west of the Great Lakes, there has never been so mueli depending upon the yield of grain in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan and Alberta as there is this year, The Canadian Northern Railway, with lines gridironing ilia productive sections In the west, has already con- cluded a survey as to labour needs, and the pros -pacts of the wages to be paid, and has announced that 25,000 men•will be required to help the farm - ere garner the crops in the territory it serves. The indicatipne are that the avorage wages will be around three •dollars a day, .A further conference between the representatives of the Government, the railways and the farmers is to be held, when further details will be brought out. The farming situation in Ontario ;nay not permit of sending as much help ae in former seasons, but nothing should be left undone en the farms andIn the towns to give the western farmers the assistance of which they stand to -day in urgent need, W FOOD DISAGREES' DRINK HOT WATER When food lies like lead in the storrt- aeh and you have that uncomfortable, distended feeling, it is because of insuf- ficient blood supply to the stomach, corn - hinted with acid and food fermentation. In such cases'try the plan now followed in many hospitals and advised by many eminent physicians of taking a teaspoon- ful of pure bisurated magnesia in half a glass Of water, as hot as you can con- fortably drink it, The hot water draw the blood to the stomach and the blsura- ted magnesia, as any physician can tel you,'tnstantuy -neutralizes the acld and stops the food fermentation. Try this simple plan and you will be astonished at the immediate feeling of relief and comfort that always follows the restora- tion of the normal process of digestion. People who find it inconvenient at times to secure hot water' and travelers who are frequently obliged to Lake hasty meals poorly prepared, should always take. Live or three lite -grain tablets of .Hisurated Magnesia after meals to pre- vent fermentation and neutralize the acid in their stomach. GIRL GUIDES, NOT TROOPS. • Not a Single Soldier On Guard Out- side British War Office. Probably there is no other War Of- fice like the Imperial one in the'world, at least, in 'one respect—there is not a soldier on guard 'either outside or inside the whole building. • The task of keeping order is left en- tirely in the hands of the Metropolitan policemen. Every stranger who en- ters is asked his business by a con- stable, fills in an inquiry form under the guidance of a constable, and, when he leaves, delivers that form, which serves him as a- pass up to another constable. I he requires direction inside the building he is put in charge of a little girl apparently fresh from school, who takes him to the room he requires. Her only mark of official- dom is a brown overall with a small crown on each point of the collar. a—•t1*.,-o..,.q.�oTn--o•„-,n--o—o-^:4-4—•0-. 6lk'10 YOUR CORNS OFF WITi'f-. FINGERS Now to 109se15 a tender Dorn or Gallus so It .lifts out Without pain. tet folks step on your feet bare - Uteri, wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of Pain through you, according in this Cincinnati authority, He says that a few drops of. a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, stalling corn, Instantly re- lieves soreness, and soon the enure corn, boot and all, lifts right out. Tb1s drug civics at once and slam », shrivels u1) the corn or 0011115 without even irritating the surrounding tissue. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug stogie will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or 0allus from one's foot. If your druggist ha50't stacked this new drug yet; tell hila to get a small battle of freezone for. you from his wholesale drrug'louse, +'---- Salt scattered ovor the hay , when going into the maw adds to palata- bility at feeding time, - MONEY ORDERS Send a Dornipicn.Exprees Money Order•, They,_ are, payable ..evory- where. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture and destroying diseased • parts will check the spread of celery blight, llainard's Ltafineni cures unmet in cows A yellow warbler has been known to consumo 3,500 plant Iice in forty min- utes. Another proof of the industay and value of birds to farmers and gar- deners. ' ANT the Two Eyea lot n Llietime tins© Murine es— re Iv4s— 'tad .IDyos —fiuro IDves— al5 Civ IB u ranulated Mends. hosts c Ranisios—'gal os. mottnuisaes that dry moat for eyes that cloy leg and eas your rTe your Byes th mesh u Y you ]loving caro as your Tenth and wl th tho some rogu]nnty. Care far Them. You 'Cannot Buy New Eysst s Sold at Drug and Optlsal Sterns or by Mtn.. As.[ 19urine Eye Remedy Ca., eilfeaeo, ;Or Free Bout Montreal, May 29, '09 Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Yarmouth, N, 8, Gentlemen,—I beg to let you know that I have used MINARD'S LINI- M INT for some time, and I lied it the beet I have ever used far the jbints and muscles. Yours very truly, THOMAS J. HOGAN. The Champion Clog and Pedes- tal Dancer of Canada. Before frying bacon put the rashers into boiling water for two or three minutes. They plump out to twice their original thickness, and all chance is removed of their being too salt, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, ate, Adel a few bread crumbs to the scrambled eggs for breakfast; they irnp-Love the dish and make the eggs go further. FO[ H EELS 11 HOSPITAL L A10 Relief --Mrs. Jas -own Fin- ally Cured by Lydia E. Pinkhan.n'S Vegetable Compound. Cleveland, Ohio.—"For years I suf.; fered so sometimes it seemed as though I could not stand it any longer. It was all in my Iower ergane, At times 1 could hardly walk, for ie ./ stopped on little stone I would m almostIrHusband faint. 041.1: day I did faint an w sent for and the dea- ter e#lrrrre. I was to- , n"" °" k, en to the hospital and stayed four Wesksbet wwhen T came ome I would faint just the sante and: ad the salve Vallis, No, 82 tl w, js .4, Aloud wino is a nuns pelted me to try Lydia .1'fiiikiratn'syegetable Com- mies, I began taking it that very dalr r as suffering a great deal, Itll• s ready done Ins moreood than tl 0591101, To anyone who i$ eufl'ei'lnj B I was my advice is to Stop in til, fir t drug -store and get a bottle of •lr d1a Philkhani's'Vegetabie Coini54und lie. elite fo 11) a ----,.—t.---.2. yoti ;o I1ome,,, --Mrs. WI. err taowz`la 40 W. I2tb 511.1 Cievelalad, Qlifo, TSUTA Regularity in milking time is one of the most important elements in keeping up the flow. it21Ws1Arnys P023 pg7,,)s ry� 2hO11TT+3MJ1l'Nf-v 1''29W$ ANt.7 "JVIi to Oulcos` far ante in hoed 44n5µµri towns. The most Useful and intorestrn_ of all buei0 sa s, ,trail information o.. application to Wilson P5611511105 Qom- pnni, 73 Adelaide Street, Toronto. arssclLLaur ares IANCPJIi, it iJ ivlORk, Luivu'a, IdTda internal and external, ear d with= out pain 1r our /tome treatment. Write' us before too late, Dr, 11e1145a15 Modlea! Co, Limited, Coltingwood, Ont,_ When buying your Piano insist os having an 'OTTO I NIa u,;nL" PIANO ACTION Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles) Lymphangitis, roll Evil, I''istulre Boils, Swellings; Stops Lamene d and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cutsa Bruises, Boot Chafes, It is a SAFE ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE hair and horse canabeworked. Pleasant to the $2.005 bottle, delivered, Describe your case for special inetructi0ns and Book 5 M free, AOSOItBINE, JR., aade,ptie liniment ler mankind, re. duces 6Vab.a, Yalnhtl, Knotted, swollen Verne, Conten+ Crated• ba,or required nr an arpllenNon, Yrtcd SI mer sold, at rleal,re delivered. 1?. 3. ?000G, P, 0, 1,, 510 Lyman, GIdgdi Montreal, Cana �bsorbhle and Abeorbine, Jr., era made lo.,C,eaes., a as , Treasures of Hair and Skin Preserved by Cuticura If you use Cuticura Soap for every -day toilet purposes, with touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then as needed to soothe and heal the first pimples, red- ness roughness or scalp irritation, you will have as clear a complexion and as good hair as it is possible to leave. Sample Each Free by Mail Mtnard's Liniment Cures Dightheila.Address 3oet-card: "O tlegra, Det. N, nostogi W. S. A., Sold througltourthe world. iPA.W"st Ata o...+.. Iry B_ e _ - ed ron WM eI rte % in Ten Dam increase Stren R£th of People 1 In many instances—Persons have suffered untold agony for years doctor. ing for nervous weakness, stomach, liver or kidney disease or some other aliment when their real trouble was lack of Iron in the blood—How to tell, New York, N.Y—In a recent discourse I)r. B. Sauer, a 13oston physician who has studied widely both in this country and in great European medical Inatitu tions, said: If you were to make an actual blood test 00 oil people who ore 111 you would probably be greatly astonished at the ion anti wito ]tire ill far nohotherhleason than the lack of Iron. The moment iron Is supplied n11 their multitude of danger- ous symptoms disappear. Without iron the blood at once loses the power to change fond into living tissue and there- fore nothing you eat does you any good; you don't got the strength out of It. Your food merely passes through your rallerst sotn'iclo corn through hat the; mill[ can't grind. As a result of this continuous blood and nerve starvation, people be- come generally weakened. nervous and all run down end frequently develop all sorts of conditions. One 1s too thin; an- other is burdened with unhealthy fat; some are so weak they can hardly walk; some think they have dyspepsia, kidney or liver trouble; some can't sleep at night, others are sleepy and tired all clay; some fussy and irritable; some skinny and bloodless, but all lack physical power and endurance. In such cases it Ss worse than foolishness to take stimu- lating medicines or naracotfc drugs, which only whip up your fagging vital powers for the moment, maybe at the ex- pellee of your life later on. No matter what any one tells you. If you are not strong and well you owe It to yourself to maine the following test. See how long you can worst or how far you can 3 walk without becoming tired. Next take two five -grain tablets o1.' ordinary nuxated iron thtlepe times per clay after meals for two p1'eeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you hay. •- --- dozens of nervous, 'rtn�-do nx nave ssea were ailing all the time double people evert triple their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of their symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles In from ten- to fourteen days' time Situply by taking iron in the proper form, and thts, after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. Y011 can tall] as YOU p1 -e0.80 about all the wonders wrought by new remedies, but when you come down to hard facts there's nothing like good old Iron to put color in your Cheeks and good sound, healthy 11es1t on your bones. It Is !alo a greatnerve d oorielingener and betodbuldrthe world. The onto trouble was that the oft; Iron, iron of inorganic iron etc., often ruined • people's teeth, upset their stomachs and were not assimilated and for these reasons they frequently did more harm than good. But with the discovery of the newer forms of organic iron all this has been overcome. Nuxated Iron for Injurelehes teeth ando foal almoosts itmt mediately beneficial, NOTP1: The manufacturers of Nuxnted Iron have such unbounded confidence In its potency that they authorise the announce- ment that they will forfeit 0100.00 to any charitable Institution If they cannot u,ke any man or woman under sixty 10118 bloke Iron and Increase their strength 100 mer cont. or ovor In four weeks' time, provided they have no serious organic trouble. Also they *rill refund your money in 11ny e0.80 In ,rhlrh Nuxatod Iron does not at least double your strot5lh In ten (tittle' time. It Is dispensed by all good drugglnls. Is tho best way, and the best way is the I'atowax -way, Jollies and preserves that are seated with. .Y•ORE 3.11511NED PATSAL'IfINR keep their luscious flavor. They never scold or ferment they are as good when you want to eat; 'them as they were the day you sealed tho jars. ,rust pour melted Parown•lE over the tops of jelly tumblers. It keeps gerls, It keeps the lire err preserves alr-tlg hitt and ITOR T4E: LAUNDRY—Sen dill'oetions en Farowax Idols forts use in valuable servieo to weshhlg. AT f.luAL IItS 1'/irii'RYW.rrgdltB THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY V Lltnited 111tANt1IIES IN' ALL CITIIIIS rr